The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 17, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    P 5"
r; v''V -., 'MvnwAr, junk it, im
Prige Two
The Evening Herald
at JjR '''' 'jMMi
tFaMUkeJ daUv;aat aTsJadarJAht
Thr'HanU Mblhttnt" Company or
nmw fans, at ji Kigntn ureal.
Entered at tha postofflce at Klam
ath Falls, Ora., for transmission
(breath tka- malls -a wcaUtlaaa
mutter. v . ,
' i ' PRMa in . a ? t
Tbv Associated (Press la exclusive
ly entitled to thusa for, yaklloa
tloa 0f all awn dispatch.' credited
to It, or Mt otherwise) cradkad In
this paper, and atao tha local' news
published karela.
V 'mrtsQvjt'm n W L.N :
f - - . V' v
jinRstroth H al
Suit war filed thW morning by
Rebecca M. Wilson, Lorslne Lang-troth--and
l P. Porter against Ar
thur nnd Vera Vernon, Mary M.
Hansen and C. ll.j-Paaon, seeking
to collect a niortgagtJ'nMe orlKOO,'
$96 Inxca and' HUO-nitornryV-rcesj
' ' ' I
A L.nTTBR from H. C. Spink of
THk Chlloqiiln In another part of
thts page, calls intention to a state
of .iffalrs liiat needs airing.
The, 'correspondent htameo C. R
Ilowman, member of tho list ills
Irlcl board In control at Chlloqiiln,
and candidate for director on tho.
central county NChool board at next
Mcnday'n election, for the condi
tion of affairs at Chllnn.nln.
' Tho Herald li not trying to fix
tba responsibility, but Mr. Spink
ban long" resided In the Chlloqiiln
community and hU signed mate
hiei'.t mart carry weight.
flomn -ne In eTldently responsible
for wasto and mismanagement. That
mhch In clearly shown.
For two yearn Chllnquln ha been
trying to establish a school that
will servq the purpose! of a mod
ern growing community.
After two years all they hare to
show are two" sets of plans ,at
double the necessary cot; $15,000
tied up In a defunct bankand no
actual rtart made or material on,
'band to make a start toward con
ntruetlon. I
The warning that The Herald
fiei' In the whole woeful mess Is
plain: Our school must ho kept
nut of politics. '
Next Monday tho people of the.
county outside Klamath Falls will
vote for fire school directors. Let
I he electoral, see to It that hinl
nesi men and not polltlcann fill the
places. n
Wo can conceive of no more im
portant office to be tlttad by public
cholcn thin the office of school di
rector. Tho edifice of any com-
munlty'a future Is reared upon tba
pound Judgment of Its citizens, and
the elementary training received In
the public school Is Ike bash of
good citizenship.
Wisdom exercised by the voter
Monday will put the control of the
r.rbools In capable hands, and avoid
on a large scale such fiascos as has
mirked the attempt of Chlloqoln
people to secure a sultablo school
for their community.
An parj. of a general policy,
which Is .opposed to centralization
of noutrol lo all public affairs The
Herald bat never advocated th
county unit plan of school govern
Wo realize that the plan has ad
vantages. If the men chosen to ad
minister school affalra are of sound
Judgment and not bound by polit
ical ties. We neither -condemn, nor
upprnve, but w are deeply Inter-
Kited In peeing the theory applied.
Rut the fountain of education
mint be kept uncontamlnatrd. Par
ents and tax-payers cannot' afford
lo let the Bcbool system of the
county become a pawn In polities.
Tho only suggestion w desire to
make Is that the voters of the rural
dlfdrlrts view Monday's election In
Its true light and cast their ballots
conscientiously, eschewing personal
consideration! and weighing the
merits of' tbo candidates ag serious
ly as the Importancn of the office
For the success or failure of the
county unit plan depends upon the
flvo men who administer It. Kls
entitled to fair trial and fair
start. No office.'? within the choice
of fb peopln aro more linnorttot
than the flvo offices to be filled
Monday. Wo are certain that rot
ors generally sense the situation at
Its' true worth and will pass Judg
ment accordingly.
Formal f decree of divorce was
signed by Jndge I.elivltlMhlH morn
ing nranirnR' a wvnrce 10 .Marina
F Ward t from ".Tom 'Marila'dnln
Ward. 'The testimony In the Vase.
Va taken lastweek.
Tnspnyrr HalirU Needle Architect's Ken Paid and Itond Money Hunk In
Insolvent lUnkj tllnmo llnwmnii, Candidate for (iiiuty IHiWlor
for Allognl WnMc; Sii) SchnuM 'ot Will He l)oubt,il
IHrriew" riM,lflc. t.c Winters
"Ohler1 of default-' Judgment wa
signed by-Judge I.eavltt thl morh-
Jng In the case of Peerless Pacific!
company of' Portland -against H. J.
Winter and several other defend,
atnts, declaring (he v defendants,
M.. J.x -Waloh RleetrtC- company,
Chude Rtarr and O. C. Ixreni, 'to
le In default for want on an' answer
'or appearance- In 'the caser "The
cane Involve, the forecloilng of me
chanlcs'lUn aggregating npproxt
matetf $1,50. ')f -
v avawBHatavarak
J RAff t Roff
Pearl Raft In her complaint filed
thin. morning peek a divorce from
Art Roff, and asks tSe court to give!
her the custody or their ll-months-old
son, Arthur Lester. Cruet -and
Inhuman treatment ls the ground'
on,wblchtb divorce Is asked.
(Conlnt traaa lag J)
T.lio follow Idr slatoineiit from II, U. Spink, Chllonnln Inxpnyor, cnlls
'altentton to alleged waste In handling the fund., rained by bond lun Mr
thif bulldlntt of thti hew Chlloqiiln school, allege! that double architect
fees were' paid, nnd 'otherwise points t() condltloqK In hcIioo! nffulrs Hint
are anything" hut' creditable If the fnct ufo tis' outlined.
An election will be held on the
19th Inat. '(next Monday), for' the
ants? I'll tell you, you do nnd I
IhKm bunk (defunct) ir..t)0l ,o every taxpayer of this county.
rierfrlnir a four or the acre We nre Hit. Konts. 1 say, li't'H iimo
-..t 1 -ll ...1 .. ...!.. . . . . ..... ...
..... M,.ln. n ennnlv lw """' "" """ ,,,,,,"R '" "''"' '",l '"" R"l J""K"
.'-... "---; rtown'n well. etc. . . Ji.lWrt
which might cause us nnnlher milt
or loss of money,
I am ngnlnst nny more of (ho
funds now nvnllnhlu being squnn
tiered nnd thrown nwny, ns much
of fho money hAs been In tho piist,
I inn nmlnst the eleclliiii of uny
person or persons' who nrn now nu
nounrod cnnilhlnti's iih lionrd tneiu
hers who were nu the school board
In Chllnquln Dlnlrlrt No. r.S,
In Conclusion, fellow citizens nnd
taxpayers: Who has to pny tho
hill for mlOiinmiRemcnt of public
funds, Incompetency of nubile serv
. . --
' r.
: Kodak Finishing
.V T" .t .." ..-.. .i .
Iioar.t or UVO meniners i repreiu ...... , , , , , ,
know, only $1,lt)i) for nrchltecls'
'.. . i. . . . - ... ... ....... I
inn fccnnoi inieresin in nu in ixiaui
ihth county. Thli means a
deal to every taxpayer and men of
famllle. and It behooves every
voter of this class to go to their
polling' place,, and vote, and to pick
the very 'best man for the place,
one who will make a study of tho
fees. )
Wo haven't n stick of material
purchased of nny kind ftl.nuu
with which to build a $sr,l)0U
school building, nu advertisement
now running In our local paper
asking for bids upon same, said
incut, mill try and put officers on
this school bonrd who will nltnd
to tJielr duties, and who will art
only whiTo It Is to tho Immi Inter
ests or Kliiiiiullt county
Our prints nn tuudo mi Ylo
It Is now uotfiihiaslo'ii, mi
oilier safeguard fur Vclnt
jaaftjh -tJWw M H
Mntciiul.H that are UuHttiiuiwmiric and methods that
nro Knstinun-npni'ovi'd, plus the oxpuriuncw of our
oxpertt, aro guaranties of finost (piality finishing.
Films received Hbefore 9 a. m.
ready the same day at 5 p. m.
school -law and what Is required! bids to bo opened on tho 24th Inst
of him In thl., capacity. Are tho taxpayers going to, allow
As a voter and tax payer or thoa special school levy to build this
section now known as School DIk-i school house for the runds that
trlct No. C2. In which the town of i were, that aro not? They will have
rhiloniiln is located. I wish to sayltn mv ihn inr. onn immia nnv wnv
, --- -. -,.,. ,f ..... T .- , ...s n,
that 1 am against tho election orjthoy must stand ror Iho loss any-
Chas. R, Ilowman, wno Is a cantll- way. I, as one, protest against tho
date as a1' director. My reasons for whole affair until we know what
opposlnp this gentleman are not s, where .Is, nnd who Is respouillf
Teronal, hut strictly upon tho bio for the $lG,ono loss, so to
(rounds that he Is unfitted arid ' speak, that Is now tied up In the
rot competent t0 fill the place. defunct bank.
Mr. iRowman was a member of Tho buck seems to be passed
the school board up to tho change from one to the other. No one can
made recently by the people, where-, tell you anything; no onn can tell
Personal Mention
Mall our Films, or llrliu: Them In
k nth nnd Main Street
Nowheni I'arlrtc If fair aad
.kln tertM caa Jxi. agreed nana.
Rut It U a reek lag to buy the
iwto rMciric. ajM.K. ttMfaer
esaaor (ar ceaaalar wltk the.
decrco of the supicaa court that Ic
khouM.- All the I'afcm Partflc will
ak Is that ths Ctraa-nairk'J'aa
tauaaV T lwVawnim Mm. to bn
opermf 4 srt'aid that .It pr
focaa tn datle an the t'mlon Fa
titW U tteiftwasix Itsflutles taader
- thekKiaUiloB by which thry! were
both construdrd aad lliat. if. Ic n
to bn Mcnced Into anv rlem. wa
der bUm beta wnifced oulbjr'thss
intswtaate noaaaaritf coawalsseita,
t -be. aw mcJ .wkU J ho Vr.Um. I-
rtnc, wiin wriicn it rorsM a roa
llnuous traas-coatlaeatal line.
roiaatlac--vriUi iH Mher. It Is
taeaacelvaale taat thit coaaaaiskioBi
, f ver Waald. evca U It rpald. Matter
the' dedsMMM of the 'aarraM
rtasrt; aait It Itt tM aovrrr:of tba
Nnatnerm racinc, or ar r otnrr coat
way oaeratiac aad havjag alar
, er tatrrest la a rival and com
'aratag .Uae, to' rlaaa tkb -gateway
;la tho.' face. soctA.-aastk,,aC.-tlM
anorteet aad by far lhj- brH .aad
matt rfficleni traasToarlaeatal
'ttwrlchW of jhe L'talna. IWirirj
Mhlravks atlKaoaad.Nls (ho Tea.
.iral Partflc aad the Pacific ItaJl-
road aru, are eatllted f-frahildera
by the old method of school con
trol was given to a board of fire
members, representative of tho flvo
Two Architects Retained
While he yerved upon the old
board In tio Chlloqiiln district IhU
Ir what eccurred:
First, from a homteil school funil'
of X.IS.nOO. which was volei! mnriil
who l5 responsible for this money,
Some one Is responsible.
Advise Suit to Recover
I am willing as ono of the clients
of the management of tho misman
aged funds for tho proper author
ity or authorities to begin proceed
ings In the courts to recover from
tho ones who aro responsible
Wo have our day In court now,
than two years ago to erect a school If we sleep very much longer
house at Chlloqiiln. Tho architect,. wl not have. Let tbo taxpayer
C. It. Wright of Klamath Falls. wak" ,,n "r a minute.
A feature of the present controv
ersy li that' both lh-Southern Pa
cific and Union Pacific aro taking
thlr-'tronble tonfae public, a move
unheard of In- the days of tho. Hill
and Harrlman rar for supremacy.
Both lines ham sought to gain the
ald of the press of the stat wblll
the Union Pacific, at least, U 'going
directly Into thn communities affecy
e, and talking to. the business men'.)
wbo had a legal contract for draw
ing plans for the construction, was
lt out, or Ignored, and another
arcsltect, a Mr. I'Ofehoom, wag em
ployed. -Wright was to receive
something Ilk $1,600. so I urn In
formed, far bin services upon com
pletlon of ha Id building, plans of
which had been 'accepted. 'Wright
has -received' 90( or his compensa
tion, and In view or the ract of his
asking full settlement as per con
tract, he has agreed lo arrept $22S
'more In settlement In full of his
f claim.
I am Informed that Coseboom
has received- 1400 upon .'hi, con
tract as- second architect, and will
get u fee when the' building Is com
plete of about ti, 20t or $1,600.
"Why wnV Wright' rired?
'Why was - he paid the money
herein mentioned If he I Incom
petent? Why was Coseboom employed?
1Why are twice -the architectural
fe-t to be pild ror this school plant
that' are necessary?
Did Chas. R. Howman do this?
I atn not' saying, but he was ono of
the board, ond the "only one run
lilng for office of the old board.
gl.,000 in iVfuart Rank
Sfctjhd,'Jof -the' school fund of
$30,000 that was In two or '.ho
(Continued from Page One)
Tba man who doesn't buy at least
one new record .a month for bis
'1'honogfaph U like the family who
take their; Holiday auto, rhln on , tho,
ruuuB uiu ruuu, in suiuqg.A mono,
graplr we oRen gay "It's a poor In
vodment Unless you purchase at' least
one sevent-flvo cent record a month.
Wq-now bava most or those hard
to. get records In stork so bring in
your, list next time' you pass.
F.arl Shepherd, Pianos, ' Herords,
Radio Outfits, etc. 17
' ' sai
"ICipert 'watchmaker and1 diamond
iiattera ba all'lilgb claa work. Watch
inspector for 8. P. H. R and O. C.
and B. R, R. Daveaport tba -Jeweler,
06 Mala St u . . 14-17
Work aioves'aad Mrttlas. .Jack
rmt, tk St.,-just off. Main JWf
class if. Children's collection;. class
16, Rest bouquet or Skast'a i Daisies i
class IC, Uese bouquet of'Shasta
Daisies with one' other flower;'clasi
17. Ilest Rofce bouquet;' clatg-lS,
Best Hweet" Pea bouquet poluss 19.
Best 'bouqaet of7Sweet Peas with
any ' other flower.; .'class 20, Rest
bouquet cf Annuals; class 21, Rest
txfuqdet or 'Perennials; , class. 22,
Wild Flower bouquet; class S3,
Corsage 'bouquet.
-Hpeclal mention fwhlte ribbon)
will b eglven at the discretion of
the 'Judges
Points are awarded rer: Size or
flower, perfection of bloom, length
of stem, foliage, number of vari
eties (these ror collections and bouquets).
The committee Is asking all those
who enter flowerB to study the
classes us listed above and conform
to same In entering flowers, as this
Is very Important. -Last year some
beautiful exhibits, we're disqualified
becaute tboy were not so 'entered
and arranged that they came In any
class, so It was' Impossible tojadgo
them according to the rules.
' Diamond,, - -Diamonds'- Diamonds
from I27.R0, to $000. "'No trouble to
sbow"goods," at Davenport's Palace
Jewelry' Rlore. . n-17
' NfoTfCR
"The so called K-hour petition was
signed by W. J. Hale whohad no au
thority -to sign -for Mfale's , NWs
'Agency. . , .
n .. . A. H.!ULE.
rbankr. the First National hank and
the American National bank or
Klamath Falls. $16,000 In each
bank,' t-116,000 that was In the
First National bank was withdrawn
and 'deposited In the First State
and Ravings bank Just a short time
before slid bank went Into Insol
vency. Why this move, and where
doe the school board see in the
change :i benefit; taking tho peo
ple's 'money "from a safe institution
and putting If Into one tba) was In
deed I not safe In the eyes of most
business' pvoplo who were on thti
cutslde, looking In?
Third, w?iy wos this money do-"
posited In the banks to the credit
of the school board and school clerk
and withdrawn by a Joint check? I
am Informed the county treasurer
is the legal rare-taker of school
fundi, and It should have been In
bis core and be responsible under
his bond. But he, the treasurer,
state, that he at' no tlmo ever had
this money In hi possession, nor
wa Ht-ever tendered him by the
Hcnnoi noarn, therefore disclaims
uny legal-or other responsibility. v'
Oaly Part 'of Fund Availably
Wa the motley expended and
otherwise- disposed of in' a legal
manner, and -by the- properly 'auth
orized persons? TOut of this bond
ed fond, I think I can safely gay
not to exceed $11,600, or less,
now available.
For the $23,600 we have the fol
lowing to thew:
For legal "service,, rendered -
In the sale of the school
bonds, tbo' discount for
their purbase, etc $ 6,000
On Ueposlt'- (only cashier's
checks-to show for same)
In the First 'fltate & 8a v-
It has been 4old me that It Is a
possibility thst our county school
superintendent has a choice, of a
board, as to who should be elected,
and such a ticket Is In thn field.
H this Is so, I shall volo against
every one or them If I Can (Ind out
who they are. The superintendent
Is thn servant of' tbo people or this
rounty, and her duties aro very
plain. She ha no placo In politics.
Change Political Meddling
I can knowingly say that It was
her meddling In the school bouse
site In Cblloqnln that caused thn
first mix-up In our district. Sho
has nothing to do with such af
fairs, and had she kept nut and let
the people themselves settle their
own dirrerences. If any, today I
feel sure Wo would b on afo
ground, with no lo to the tax
payers. Perhaps I have said too much;
maybe not enough. At least thn
question Is one or the. people's aH a
whole. If I havo suggested any
thing herein that Is or benefit lo
you, I am glad. What I have stat
ed I believe thn facta will more
than Iwar out. Investigate for
I am agalrist Chas. R. Ilowman
being elected a member or tho
school board.
I am against any levy being made
to build a building In Chlloqiiln un
til wo know where we are at.
At the present tlmo I am against
lettlnt any contract as advertised,
Mr. and Mrs, A N Collie,, nnd
family left Thursday for u two
weeks trip In their cur to Portland,
Orescent City mid northern Califor
nia points. They were nccnnip.1.
died as far lis MCdrord by Mrs
Alfred Collier and daughter I'lean
or Mrs. K mi re It tlearv will en in.
. ,
rortianii uith them.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Leslie Roger mid
family anil Kilwln Warren Imvn
gone to- Illy l spend Sunday with
Mr. and MM Chas. Collier.
Miss Kvelyn West, who gradnut-.
oil thl week from St Mary's acad
emy at Medford, has returned to
six'tid the summer with her
cut, nt Klamath Agency.
Mrs. Kllsabeth Culbertsnn. from
Ilerkcley. California, Is visiting her
aunt. Mrs, I. L, Truax.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Itanohy liawi
returned from Corvallls, firliiglnr;
with them Martin llumsby, who li.i
been attending O. A ' They v.ero
accompanied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Willi
Houston nnd Kllzubath Kamshy.
Mrs Jesse Haddock of Weed Is
here attending Mrs. Henrietta Mel
hue during iier convalescence fol
lowing her recent operation.
Mr and Mrs, "Fred II Hremer
and two children leave here by mo
tor tomorrow morning for Heading,
MlcblKun, wliero llremer's mother
Is seriously III Hremer has sold
his Interest In the Link lllver Klec-
trlc company to his partner, It. J.
Sheets, and plan, to make nn In
definite, stay In tbo Kant. The 3,000
mile trip will ho unfile by auto tj
Portl-iml, where Hremer will attend
a convention of electrical contract
ors next week. .Mr. and Mrs
llremer have lived hero 14 years.
It. K. Ilannon returned lust nliUit
frr.m San Francisco where with his
brother, Walter, ho has been spend
Ing ten dayn visiting friends. Accom
panied by his family, he left this
morning for Berkeley whern b will
attend the summer course offered to
teachers ut the university
Jack Holt
in "The Grim Comedian"
Upon a (la..ling Hroadway liiickniotiiKl, this
picture tells as powerful a story as lias ever
found its way to the screen. Also a
Hall Room Boys Comedy
James Kirkwood
in "The Man From Home"
Fri til IIihiiIi T.irklnKtou s gr-nt pln' mid novel Tliln I an
euru big production mnl Kiniruti' I in plisise
Added Attrni lion -
"Along the Moonbeam Trail"
llnil Viittllt
Hoys' don't forget that Davenport
has u choir,! lino of diamonds in sid
ed from, "No war prices," 11-17
New York Life Ins. Co.
Jtl'sldeiit AgenU
All .Sen York Life Policy "Hidd
en, air welcome lo our M-rtlcrs
8plC lee
Fruit Corktnll
Hweet I'lcldes
Spring Vegetable Kalail
Chicken Royul Houp
' Dolled Salmon Hollandulse
Stuffed Turkey, fllhlet Oravy, and Currant Jelly
Ohlcken Filcassee, with numpllniiH
y Now Potatoes with Cream
New Cauliflower with Kgg' Huiirn ,
Assorted Pies, Vanlllu Ico Cream,
Choeolnlo, Marshmallow, Blrawburry und Fruit Nut"Hiiiidao
Coffee Tea Milk Cliocolntn
Muxlr by llorrl'N Onrliektra
The Liberty
"The Tomboy"
Stariiny Eileen l'ercoy, the Babe
SUNDAY Until of the village ball team,
who gets in 'and out of five
reels of ludicrous trouble, and
finally "gels" the bootleei-s
who caused it all.
We are proud of our SUNDAY
"The Trap"
Starring I,on Chancy It
powerful, beautiful story, a pic
ture for every member of your
family to see.
Suuiiuy siioms i :iu, :i nu 7 mi mnl ;i nn
How Many Realize That
When You Eat
Klamath Falls
Creamery Butter
You are eating butter made in one of tho
most .sanitary and modern small cream
eries on the coast.
By using our butter you are not only get
ting clean, sweet butter, but are doing
your bit to develop your community and
The Klamath Dairy Industry
Klamath Falls Creamery
frt.ftataMvK.f,r . . ",'i x ---.-