WEATHER FORECAST joMdiir ami ntiiMi r.tnt I'lflienlh -jii No.dUIII, CONFERENCE OF POWERS AT THE D Economic Rehabilitation 0f, Europe mid Rusnia Ones- tioti Arc Paramount ' 'till II 'll i:. .Inn,. I , CidiiuiiiI rilmliiMiitli n nf Lump" mill n .H latili"liH'iil i.f ItiiNNln in ihr famllv of nation , were before Hi,. powers' uriIII todav "In II tlii illm iimhIiiiih j lili.iliilolicd III (iiliim ii niiilitli 111:1, ttriii r- umcii 111 1" i, mi. i) I nihil,' lit nil (fiil-ln lit I'lirlM (ii nigaulo mi llili'illiilliitiiil Iiiiiii fur (ieimuny Iuih nnfiuriiti'il 1ohmI mi) k:ii In mini iiiiiii- tiTi iiiiieernllii: II"' primp ilt i.f i,,, pri'Ki'iit Kuiiicring in making ili'liniii. urrri'iiii ii t h nllli Suli'l Itiixnlii if,' ill nwinil pii perly Mini pa) mint of II -nlnri debts N, ! I Iiihn. ii.h riiiiiiiitliin wax evident iiiiiniii; llm iiii!iiti i li make every effoit in in iiimpll Ii llix lexulls which tlio fioima ion r ri lire fiillcil In aihlcVi Tile " Clllnlleiln ,, ,, fen in. I I r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi inljiiiiniiiii nt llf I III , llll.l ( 'UlflTI'M. I' Willi llli ., ,.., ....I tl... hitler imrt ..I May nf till H.l II prillili'lllit 'I'll,. iIi-cIhIiiii I lu t'( Ipciiii ii( linn cinii itiiImi; Huh U .! Illilllifil l,irK"l' I') Hi'' lie ir, ir 'lie Cnropi'.itl poui'm In per mimli Hi" I'lillKtl HliitfH in p.irtlrl ,,,'. Hut llif Aini'i linn cum inmiiiil i i, ut i" In' ri'pri'Hitnlfil at Tln II ikui .iii mi n tlmn II nun ill lllf r. nf r n nf Italy Willi, till' (iCIKI.l (llllfl ri'lld' M1M iiiiiiiIii 1 1 v i ( iiiiiiinlr. II noun ili.r!np ill (itilni.ili'il political illnniHuliniit Tlf H.iKili, nillifl IllK. i'niiipoi'il ii' rlu if U nf ispi'MD. Ih ilcxlKllcd I" h, onfiiifil nnli'lv I'1 lli' coiihIiIit ail, ii ,.f , intiili' iiii'Klliint Uli,. n tin' Aiiiiirli'an KiiMTiiini'iit ilcllni'd on .May l", tlio Invitation In lif r pri'iK'tltcil at Tli" llaKiir. tills ill- Ulon wim ri'ii'lM'il w It Ii t'xpri'H Kiuii of ri'KKl In Kmop'i. purlieu- Urn 1. 0111 (ircat llrltalu and I'r.iiire. J i..r it m felt aliro.til nolliliiK i n i', rinniifiit and It mil na tun mulil be mull rliiKiii for the ri-,,r.iliiiii i.f ttunHla wltliout the ( tf 1 11 of tho I'ntled Slati'K. whose i itib, icHiiurrrs and power mail'- lu-r liiilliii'UKablo lo nny i;r-at oi l, reitoratlim iniixemeiii The Wiixlilimtim fi'Verumeiit In re fit nig to i;n t" The llai:uc. crlil' Iri'd llif .iHHiidc of IttiKHla ax a bar to nny wti uietit and ch.1r.11 lerlzed Ih" KnUft reply In th" allied leimx 11 x l.i'klni; an) ilefliilli'itexs ax a Il'ihIx f r a Parley Nim'rlhi'li'wt. W.ish- IllL'Imi uiil.l ill.. A met If. Ill I'nverll-I .......... ....., .... .. ....... ..--- --- in-iit alu.i)H uiih ready In Join oili er KoM'rniufiitH In iiiraiiKlnt; tor an Ili'lillO by eXpi'rlH llllo the iilitiiiilt liii.illou In KiinmIii mid lb" n xx.iry li'iilfillex 'This iii'M-ruiiieiit." Ibe I'liiimiiulcalli'ti mild, "Ix 1111. 1I1I" m toin Imlii that It niii lielpfullv l'r llill'.iln lu the iiir-ltllilK lit The Habile, ai this wiiulil apiiear to be lb" mnlln 11. line under a dlffcli'lit tiniiii'lH l.i luie of the (ienn.i rnufereiice and di'ntlned in 1 nrniiutcr the sain" dlffl iillli'H if the nttllude illKi'tosed lu the lliisslan inemiirandiim of Muv II ' iii.iIiih uniliiiiii;cil. "The luexcilli.lbl" ami ultimate 'lUi'Ntlon," tho no"!" xald l". "oubl appear In be the reslnrallnn nf iirodudlvlty In ltimxl.i, Ibe exxeti Hal rondltloim of wltlrli ni Mill l I'n M'ciircil and tfiuxt In lln nature of HiliiKs bo piovldud within IliibMu hcrHolf." Ki'iiiiiury lloiner HpcaMiiK l WiinIiIiicIuii May Ifi oil the Aiiui It an " to atlonil Tlio lliigll" BiitliiT "K. Hiild the Aiiioilnin Koveiuim'Hl "'III malntiiinod thorn could be nn (Cotitlnued on Page Two) vi:atiii:u pnMi.nii.nii:s Tho Cji'lo-Slorinaginph at I'" dot w nod H I'liaima rj' Iiiim icglMered hut llttl" ihaiigo In linrometllc PH'h miro dining the last 21 hoiirs. Thoioforo hut ! tin chnnge in weatlmr conditions nmy bo iixpecliMl. V01 01 list for nuJvt 21 Iieiiih: (lonornlly fulr. Tlm 'I'l'Wk 1 "(.Old. S II '"K thormomotor roglHtorod miixl ""nu and minimum toinerutuieH to '1'iy, iih follewn: High 7fi u. Low v 15 3V lEuenfug Mtmlb Rail Leaders " Nlllllw . y Htril., ,.t. . .- ... . Him h. .. I., ft to i i,:l,i i: ii ,. ' ' ...,.,,. wu ii ,iy rr 4IIII Trim W.V. "row, ' !,Ur' ,MHarJ FARMERS TOLD HOW TO PREPARE POISON FOR GRASSHOPPERS I.iiiiihIii , u.M , ,. , ii,,,,,,.,.1 will, Vfwll. Xliiiiilnl,.! l: J ,) j Knit i iiiiini.,1 rrrmiti, I 'I llf flllliiulni! f,,ril . I ! I", I.IHHK. i hopper iiiiImiii , ,, ,,,,1,1,, )iy (. I A llfllilfrKOII, llfWlj ii,,f, r, y agent i "III fiirmerx lii ixicrinl . lint 1m: llm ti ui.i.i. i. . ' ' .I.Kll.lXU u iiniiifrniiii iimiiiiitv of rropH In III.' n.iiniy Hi Ik ni-iiHTiir I'lftV llnlllllli. 1,1 I, Inn I I. ..II ,,,. .,., , ''"'... " ' " M,l,n (II nrxeiili . foil i IioiiiiiIh of fin.. ..H iun Kniiiiim of low i-i.ulf imiiiiMii'H. llm, ouiid'H amyl nrciaif. In in ir. Kal - lonn oft wii..i: pi,.pn. ,y iiiIxIiik' bran. xiiMiiimt. Wt null arni'iili timr. I '"Kill), mix mntaxiMii ulili wntfrand add nmyl aiftuli' Do tint add iim)l nri'tnii' iiiiIi-hh n,,U,,,, u i.. I... .... .1 ' .. Ihln n t n r- w hoiirx as ndnr U loxt If lirlil loo lone. Add Holuilini of mil hiHHi'n and water lo br.iti mixing with addllloiial uiit r until mixture In damp i'IhiiiiiIi to siri..ul rcidll) ' "Tln above iiiiimnit U Hiifflclfut for I'litht 10 in nrri'N If propcily xpraail. Hpri'.ul by luoadcixtlni; be fore mm Ik ery hot. the merultu: be 1 111: ih" b't time If on b.iiililng beilH. apply eery four or five days until all Kr.inlinpt,'iH are li.itilii'd out If Kr.nodioppiTM ale fairly ma lure and are Kiire.nllni:. It Ih nihlx- ,,,,. , M . , fr, , )f , ,. .iiice 1. nh iiinruliiK " lli'inliTHi'ii caiiie hure from OrcK'in ioIIck". where lie ma jored In dali)lng, afterward t.erlui: as lintrurliir for two Ills flret u" kit lieie will be I.UKi'lV de loteil to bernmliu; familiar with tho rnouty and Itx uieils, he Haiti. Later a prnitrnm will be nittllueil. Klnro airlvltiK here last I'rblay, ho line tr.iM'Icd ro in' ! mill iadi il.i. v t Hit liu: arliinx Kectlotm of the futili ty SpeaMiic cf life ciasithnpper placue. llemlerKoil h.i 111 all IliM'htlcallnii lllill cat fit thai the P"Mh balihed late ly on the KiiMiiinicut laud biuiler lll: Tlllii I'll."' As 1111 rs.inli'il ef fort wax made In etei miil.ile Ihem while III lb" hatihlm; td.lK". Ihi'V xpri'iid over .1 lawio area and bad p allied xiirb pini'nrtlniiH llial inntrnl wan difficult II" h.ild ll wax prnb nlilv that hIi'Ph would In lal.i'li to n- ( list the aid nf Hi" Knicri) nt in flKlilliiK Ih" I"'"' "' Ki'Vcmmeut lan.N. "'., In the I'm I Klamath kccIIoii. llond- jftHOII X.llll. Ill" Kliliwi"'l'l"i ''" I Inler III liiili IiIiik. and II i "Id Ibt'i"' fore be easier In ll"V( III lli"ir hpiean. lli'iideiMin H.1I1I b" " Imi'nwd by the extent nf llm Klamath cnun try The pnsslbllltlci for doxelnp mint nie Ki".it. Ii" i'11''' iilthiiiiKh a laic" amount nf prcpnratciy wmU Is neii'sxii) bi'foie the county (an come Iain Itx own. I'' liolli'H's the sue- (exH of tho fanner lies lu illeislfled faimlnK. with xpcclal atleiiiion ilalrjlni-' in DAM EXPLOSION FAILS National t.uaiil Troop- A'' Itu-lw! lo I'mli'il Iteseiiolr PItoVlliKNt'i:, It I. .'lino 15. 11,,. 1,1,1,. nf gii.ud trnups riom stllke 1I11U in I'.iw lux.-t valley ilil.n!..4 to tlm ilwr lesennlr 1.. .1... iu,i iif Coventiy lowali'il' that 1111 iiltumpl lml l,, "lml to (Dnamlto tho boutli K'il" I" 0 """' nt tin insoriolr which siiiuilles many or llm loMlln "lllli, 1H - A r-iiMi of 50 Mli'I. f ' l'N',u" hlvo niipniontly was ed. m'coidliig to Hlalo orflrlalrt ho hmrled lo tlm hu.iio to conduct nn Investigation. Ilnil tho attompt been succohsful. tlio officials said, two billion gallons of water In the iphoivoIi- would Imvo been loo.sod upon tho lMwtuet river valley. . ,...,..- KLAMATH in Fight on Wage Cuts 10 Jr? ...!....- . i. . "'",". ""'"". Inl0.n ch cfH nt Cincinnati J' l:van. " if , 's. "' VW1?? ,lta'?: . a ... uurns. wmi LUMBERMEN IN PLAY i'iii- Offend for i,s sun;,,),, li Itl'lllll A ixilllloil ! HI'OKA.Ni:. Wash. .In,,,, I,',. To MTiirc Kiiiianic mat' rial for a otif.iot I play to Ii,. prciliH "il by IhimIiitihi'M with I ii in Iiitiii"ii for adoiH, at tlio 1 W.i'itiTJi lUilall l.uiiibi.niicn'fl amto- clalloii rniii.ntlon lo In' In Id In Kpo I laiif In rcliiuiiry I!i21. a Hrcnarlo wrltliiK uuitcat for liimlifriiicn In! lieliiK Himni'iiii'ii by tin- Clknil i:ikol dill,, finly ntftiiliiTit of tlilH lniiilioriiifn'Hi rluli arc i'IIkIIiIm fur tin ronti-st. Man- 1 UBMlplB may Im lu any form, ax the I (oiiimltii'i. iiitfiiiiri in I'oniblni' tbui bi'xl iiuiti' (roin all inaniiMirlptx '"r '"',' '" l'"' l,r,,l'"'1o. Tim riiKtj w"' ll" ,1"1,,r',,l '"" f"H C iv.i j l,rlz,, w"l '" Klvcn tlm amateur I l,r'",'rl",H- KM .1 . I 1NION MERGER licwiliitliiii I'linlillnx Aiiiiilaiiiallnii Vnleil llouii i ,, I'. of I,. CINCINNATI. .1 IS --With out opposition or debate, (ho Amei-I bun I'eileratlon of Labor In the' (onu'iitlim today killed a resolu 11.... ,....i.nat.... .. ...11. ..1 .1 1.. 1 $'Mlr 1 ..w.. ,...,,,, ,, ,.,. ,1,,,, W, ,nko tw(J Jenrs bof()ro th( 1110 icnn or or(;ani-',i laiior move-. ,,,lltra, nll(I fcut,e,. tIll0I111 aro com. mont by the amalgamation of all piu,L.,i. Ah normtll ,,,rf,)rmuruo unions into a slnglo organlatlon' tl(. chief station will bo ablo to speak mi-Ii covering an jmluxtiy. (rm u.r ,o0nn Illu.8 f(jr tho 'gieater part of any wuiklng day. Illllsll I ON.S'II'II TIOS Itl.'AMV ( llecelllllir 1111,1 unll.tlne .Inline In LONDON. J mm IT. Tim const I- tutliiii for tho Irish Free SI1I0 w'fr t, ,ml Htatlon will bo Import- lit' made public tomorrow, Colonial Secretary Churchill announced to day. The constitution conforms to the Anglu-IrMi treaty, Churchill said. no.i:i:its ce.wiim: I'OltTLANI), June .".. Two hull, dred plonceix reglxieied hero this innriiliii: for tlm .'iiiih leuulou. As many inmii are txpeded this after noon. A c.'i in priii' will bo held to night. A LITTLE REPAIR 4& -7 arf- I . J - V X.'. L .-". -w . X Member of the Associated Press. FALLS, OltlXiO.N, TIH'H.SPAV, Jt'XIJ in, IDlKJ. who promlso a flnUh flirhl on r " TcBtmcycr. W. If. Johnston coats on at tabic, H. P. Jnwnll m SEEK LIQUOR RULING (Juc-lion or Hull- mi .Shipping Hoard Vessels llrfurc Haiigheily I WAHIIIMiiON, I). C, Juno 15. Attorney General Dougherty will bo asked for a now ruling on the iiui'stliiti of tlio salo of liquor on ! shipping lioiird vessels, It was Indl- cati'il today nt tlio treasury. WASHINOTO.V, I). C, Juno 1C. Itcprt'Huntatlvo llankhoad, domo- -rat Alabama. Presented today nn ""Milincnt to tlio merchant marine ,'"1, l'"tllK "f- Bovrnmont aid f""" ""' l,ll,l' crr)lnR Intoxlcnt- '"K "'H'orn. 12,000 MILE WIRELESS I'M Minium) U'oik of IMablMiliiK Ma totli Hint Inn IK'kiiii .MI.'Mtni'llNi:. June l.V Thu pro iiminary work of t'slnbllshliiK tlm mammoth Australian radio Htatlnn for direct loiniiiiiiilcalloii with (Jreat llrltalu has been beKUn Th- substations for ovorsoas traf fic will bo about tin re times as pow- erfill nx nny European Htatlnn tmlnv. . ... correspond will bo built In Canada dm lug the sauia period. Tho plant cil from I'tigland, but tho plant for the feeder stations will bo manufac tured In Australia, one for each of tho Mates, Thu combined cost of nil theso sta tions will bv about $.",nuu,000. Tho main station will tonslst of attrnns mltler and receiver terminal 0 miles apart, the latter Including 24 towers each SOU feet high spread over a Kiiiaio mile. The wlreli'hs rales will bo one t 111 1 il less i inn the present cable rates to Knrope. WORK ON THE NET WOULD HELP "T T V W t ) r) V I vJ- s wNfrraw 1 in is I HIT BY MORNING BLAZE Apartment House and Gar age Burn; 18 Automo biles Are Destroyed MAItSIIFIKM), Juno 1,'. A loss estimated at ISO, 000 was caused by fire which destroyed thu .Voblo apartment houso and tho Ilatpman t,'araBi, Includ'SiiK 18 automobiles, hero early today. Starting In u Karago, tho flames for a time threatened tho entire blork. Many In nearby homes were routed out In thtlr night clothes. Tho North Bend fire dolmrtment aid ed In fighting tho flames. Half tho loss Is covered by Insur ance. BIG SALE ANNOUNCED ir. .V. Moe Company Kiijs Public Will ltcallo Heal HmIixk Tho first big summer salo will bo -launched by tho II. N. Moo company Saturday, several weeks ahead of tho usual schedule for summer sales. "Wo want our customers to have an opportunity t0 purc'hiso at a saving now," said Moe, "so that they may stock up for tho Fourth of July, Instead of compelling them to wait until after tho holiday and until tho summer Ih half over to get our bargains. "Thin will bo 11 real savlnK salo, (ik tho public wilt rcallzo when they read tho prices. It will help us, of 'course. Wo aro over-stocked and wo can itso tho money from this salo to good purposo, but our chief nlm ig to glvo our patrons opportunity to buy at low cost now when they can get tho maximum service out of their purchases'." PltCMIKK PI.KIMJi:.S PKACK TOKIO, Juiio 15. Admiral Kntd, new premier, today pledged Japan's faith to cooperate with tho powers for further reduction of armaments and malntcnnnco of peace. WAItl) l.IHCTi:i WIUTi; PLAINS, N. Y Juno 15. Walter P. Ward was Indicted hero today on a charge of killing Clarence Peters, nn cx-sallor, In May. Officers arrested ward, who had been at lib erty on ."0,000 ball. nOHTINO TOXO MIJ.V am; with HATixrrio.v ix .si:.vrn,i: SKA'ITLi:, .Iiino in -Seattle pollco department bo "turned loose to rid city of tho first Tong Tin will Hie that starts shooting," Mayor Ilrown declared today, after con ferring with a group of load ing Chinese In nu effort to pre vent Tong warn here. Tli" itia or did not illvulg- what other steps were (ontempbitfl, but ll was Indicated Unit tlm Chinese had formulated plans In this connection. DELIGHTFUL FLAG DAY CEREMONIES STAGED BY ELKS MuMr ami Speaking IVatuiiv of Kicnlng; Iugc Number of School Clilldien Pi cent An appreciative gathering wit- ncsscd tho Elks annual Kla,- Day ceremonies at tho Elks' club Inst night, which consisted of music and speaking. A largo number of school children wcro present and Chester Schrlver of tho Junior Elks was among the spcakors. Sinners wero Miss Claudia Spink and Miss Esther Calkins. Perry DeLap re lated tho history of the ring, and addresses wcro mado by Martin Adams, It. C. fjrocsheck and oth ers. A reaturo of tho evening was thcmuslc by tho Elk hand. Taking for his subject, "An Every Day Flag," Grocsbeck said In part: "Patriotism cannot bo passive. Wo aro trustees ot tho national wel fare. Our bond for tho faithful porrormanco of duty Is our oath or allegiance. "Tho simplest, most obIoiis and, effective means ot executing our trust ng citizens Is dcllbcrato and Intelligent participation In govern ment by exercising tho right ot franchise a right dearly bought, but too lightly esteemed. . "Public sentiment Is what tho private citizen thinks; public law Is what tho prlvato citizen votes. Wholesome public sontlmcnt and Reed laws exist In proportion to tho attention given public affairs by tho Individual citizen of high purposo of will to net. "If thcro oxlstri nn indlffercnco on tho part or tho Individual for lack or Interest In national welfare, tho solution will not bo tound lu any new system or In new law fur ther excusing him from I1I3 duties or citizenship; tho solution will bo round In renewed devotion to tho system and laws wo now have. "What, then, la our prcteronco? Government by accident, Indirfer enco or rate, or government by high minded citizens who vote? "Tho holiday tlag rejoices our hearts, hut It's tho everyday ring that goes to tho polls that gets re sults. Tho tlag Is not a plctiiio; Its meaning cannot bo read ut a glamo. Tho tlag Is u symbol, whoso Inter pretation Ih round In tho hearts and consciences ot thoughtful men. May nil of tin rind In tho ring tho symbol or sorvlcu to tho nation, an Impelling duty to participate nctlv-j ly In public affairs for tho promo-, tlon of the highest typo ot govern ment." State Support Flappers? Rancher Wants to Know SACllAMENTO. Juno 15. Call fornla'a fertile soil Is capablo or producing liumorlstK a well as bluo ribbon cabbages nnd other products ot thu field. This Ih con clusively proven by tho following letter received by CSovomor William D. Stephens from a. Southern CaU fornla runner, whoso name Is with held. "Dear Governor I tuko my pon lu hand to rite you about my license which I don't got. I rite, him six months ago, I hcnd too dollars, Ho tako It. I get no license. I tlnk maybo ho spend him on flap per. I got no license. I buy good farm, build good houso and no can boll. Will you send mo license pur ty quick. Muybo I voto tor jou If I get my license Maybo you can get my too dollars tiom Ileal Estate Conimls. Goodby." MiUtKKT Uni'OKT PORTLAND, June 1C. Llvostock I steady, eggs firm, butter steady. OFFICIAL PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS l'itlCH FIVM CKNT8 s J E Vessel Boarded at Astoria by Officers; Four of Crew Are Arrested .. PORTLAND, Juno 15. Federal agents today seized 10 cases ot narcotics on tho Japanese steamer Mclvvu Mnru at Astoria, and nr rcslcd four members of tho crow, according to Dr. Llnvlllo, federal prohibition officer for Oregon, who estimated tho drugs when diluted and sold would havo brought $100, 000, a record for this district. Prohibition ngcnlt boarded tho vessel to got liquor,, smuggling evi dence, nnd after buying n caso of liquor from two fireman nnd 11 quartermaster, wcro npproached fcy tho stownrd, who proposed that tho agents dispose of 10 cases of drugs, said Llnvlllo. Hough tactics wcro necessary In making the arrests. DEDICATION TONIGHT Many Atlimtlous Scheduled Phi) ground (.Virinoiile for Dedication exercises ot tho cham ber ot commcrco playground will tako plnco on tho playgrounds this evening Immediately after the exer cises at Central school, which nro scheduled to eloso between 8:15 and 8::i0. Tho Elks band, composed ot 1 1 pieces will h-- on hand nnd glvo n number ot selections preceding tho program. M. S. West, president otjho cham ber or commcrco, will 'prcsldo and wTil speak on bohaU or tho chamber. A mnlo quartette, composed ot Dr. CJeo. Mnlle'tt, W. W. Southwell, E. 8. Ventch, and ono other member will sing several selections. The gram mar school gloo 1 lub, under tho su pervision ot Mrs. Nelson, music in structor, will entertain. Pror, J. P. Wells, principal or tho public schools, will bo among tho speakers. Mayor Wiley will deliver thu dedication address. FLEE CHINESE TROOPS Wealthy Clilue-o Leave Capital as A nny of Sun Advances K1NKIANC1, Juno 15. AVoalthy Chlneso with their families and val uables aro fleeing from S'anchaug, capital ot Klaug Si province, us tho army of Dr. Sun Yat Son, tho tiouth China leader, advances northward, Looting at tho hands ot the southern troops Is reared. American mlssloiinriiM at Nan chang aro also proparod to leave If It becomes ueiessaiy for tho forces of Wu Pol-Fu, tho military power of tho Poking government, to uvac uato Nauchang. Tho American gunboat Isabel Is stationed here, icady to protect American Interests It tho necessity atUes. Tho Japanese and Drills!) eskels, Sumlca and Cocksharier, re spectively, aro also hero. Dr. Sun'a army has captured Kanchovv Kl, In tho south or Klangsl province. A report from tho south Juno 10 said tho forces of Wu Pel ru woro re treating not thw aril. TIENTSIN!!, Juno 15. General Chang Tbo Lin's nimy on tho Mini cliiirl.ut ft out has been surrounded by General Wu Pel Fit's, troops who ar0 driving nlong tho lallwuy towards Mukden, according! to un confirmed reports. DISABLED VETS MEET Xiithmal Coin cut Ion to I to Held In San l'laiicKco, Juno lit! SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 15. Tho Pacific co.ibt states win ho represent ed by over 1000 disabled und wound ed American heroes of tho great war, nt tho coming national convention of tho disabled American veterans of tho world war, according to n state ment mado hero today by Herbert V. Coffey, chairman or tho conven tion committee, on tho ovo of 'nl de parture tor tho southwcstern'iUtee,. on a flying "booster" trip for .the national conclave Tho cefTfut'o" will bo hold In San Fr?cfc, J"? 20-30, , ;X.i JAPANESE WOT! ! C r.