The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 10, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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BATimnAV, .nrxn 10, msa
Thulium s. Km line
Order giving the defendant until
Jiinu 10 lo move, ilcmiir, nnswer or
otliorwlxo plead, was Issued this
morning by Judge I.envllt In tho
case of Ilort 0. Thomas' an admin
istrator (if tlio rRlnlo of John M.
Noo against It. I. Darling, In which
II Is sought to obtain damnges ap
proximating JR.onit from Darling
for tlio nllcgol wrongful conor-
fflmi to his own tiso of tlio personal
property of tho Noe estate.
tin Issued for Dr. Helms nml Dr. (1.
A, Oltzcn. both of Medford, Ore
gon, conlonillitK that thoy nro mt
tcrltil nml necessary witnesses on
behalf of tho defendant. Tho Ore
rom law cnvi'rltiR witnesses In crim
inal ruses only allows n defendant
fle witnesses, mitt to olitntn more
ho must file nn affidavit that addi
tional wineses nro necewury for
n proper defense.
Slntc Vi. Slum
Affidavit In support of request
for nddltlonnl witnesses In the
criminal enso of Slate vs. Stmt, set
for trial Monday, Juno 19, was filed
by Rims' nttorney this mornlnR, In
which It Is requested that puhpocna
flelow Is von Strohcira who wrote
directed, is featured In, and spent
over a million dollars to produce tht
moat beautiful picture the mind of
man ever conceived and all for
your entertainment You will see
lilm at his best as a gay and gallant
nobleman at his worst as a thief
n coward preying on the virtue
und wealth of women as a great
actor a superb director.
Mctorlally surpasses anything ever
achieved in pictures dramatically
grips, fascinates and enthralls you
a complex magnificence that
astounds you a direct simplicity
that drowns you in a sea of emotions.
1 1 fflI?Tm
Special Prices for
"Foolish Wives"
Mill Info lliilcouy :I5 renin, Audi
torluiii, !i!i ceiitx.
ItcnlnRv Itulmny .13 cents Audi
torium 73 cents.
o person under 1C years of ago
will bo admitted. Positively no
children admitted to "Foolish
Special music with complete or
chestra for this attraction.
monaa yana lueiaay j
June 12 and 13
Personal Mention
Mrs. t.nwirnro Mehaffey. who hns
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wil
bur Jones, for the past 3 weeks re
turned to her homo In Antloch. Calif,
this mornlnR.
Mrs. V. A. Dcliell left this morn
ItlR for l'ortland to attend the session
of the Brand lodge O. i: S. Mrs. Del
xell Is worthy matron of Aloha
Chapter O. K. S. of Klamath Kails
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kimball and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ztimwalt omh'CI
to leaw Sunday mornlnR by auto to
attend tho hhrlno convention In Sail
Francisco. They expect to bo ab
sent about four das.
Miss Helen I. Wrlnkleman has
ronio hero from Kdmonton, Alberta
to join the nursing staff of the War
ren Hunt hospital. She Is n grudu
ate of Nena I mo hospital, Vancouver.
It. C.
Mrs. Wm. Dclzell will leave to
morrow and Mrs. Ella McMillan left
today for 1'ortl.iud a delegates to
tho Kasteru Star Rrand lodge,
which meets there next week.
Mrs. John C. Wheeler of San
Diego, California. I visiting her
daughter, Mrs. John II Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dlckman left
this morning for a few weeks visit
with relatives In San Francisco and
By Our Country Editors
Till: .sTAIl
Something unique In the way of
scenic background make Is appear
nnco In "The Cave Girl." the picture
produced by Inspiration Picture Inc.,
which opens at the Star theatre Sun
day. The film wns made In winter
time with tho Yosemlte valley for Its
setting and never before have the
pristine glories of nature been re
vealed so appeallngly.
Frozen cascades, of gigantic alti
tude, Iiuro waterfalls and huge snow
slides all contribute their moiety to
glvo a festival of beauty for nature
hungry eyes.
Not only In th matter of tho
scenery Is "Tho Cave Girl" alluring,
The plot combines tho usual ait
venture, romantic and thrills, wind
ing up with a sensational rescuo
on tho edge of the waterfall. Tcddle
Gerard In tho tltlo role. Is the lady
who Is saved from such a horrible
fate and Charles Meredith Is her
rescuer. He Is also tho leading man;
which Ik as It should be.
DOltltlS, Calif, June 10 -It. I.
Ynrnum of Dorrls has entered the
race for nomination to the office of
sheriff of Siskiyou county it the com
ing primaries. Vnmum Is an old and
highly esteemed resident of this sec
tion and Is certain of securing lib
eral support for nomination. He has
been constable for many years and Is
qualified for the office of sheriff.
A number of local citizens were
called to Yieka jesterday by super
ior court subpoetyi for witnesses In
the case of l. 11. Hawk versus t'cto
lleok. Imohlng allcRod theft of a
horse by Heck from Hawk last full.
In the local Justice court several
weeks ago the case was tried and n
decision for Hawk was appealed.
Mrs. Kunlcc Holding of Klamath
Falls and little son Don. Jr , were In
Dorrls jeslordny visiting with Mr.
nml Mrs. C. W. Seavlts and family.
Frank Taft was a Klamath Falls
visitor one day this week, having
driven up by way of Keno.
Edgar Hunter, who has been em
ployed as principal of the local grade
school during the past term, depart
ed by automobile yesterday for his
home In Sacramento valley.
Mrs. S. F. Warren was a passen
ger on eterday's train for southern
points where she will visit with her
son Gerald and wife for n few days.
Officials of tho Standard Oil com
pany were In Dorrls Wednesday mak-
Inc nrcllmlnnry Plans for Installa
tlon here of n regular supply
and work begun In the near future
on construction of necessary build
ings and tanks for tho station.
Mrs. ivKto Hopo Livingston left
for Herkeley Wednesday mornlnR
where she will enter tho Unlvoislty
of California summer school. She
has been principal of the local high
school during the past term and will
fill the position again next term
Hugh Kens In and Hoyd Shaffer
are camping on Untie creek this week
where they are spending their time In
quest of tho evnslvo speckled trout.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. McDonald re
turned from Yreka Wednesday where
they were called by the death of Mrs,
McDonald's grandmother.
Knights of I'ythlas ore making ex
tensive plans for a dance June IT
i no Maim jazz orrnesira nas oeeu
obtained to furnish music tor the oc
A crowd of Chlloquln people at
tended thn dance at the Agency Fri
day and all reported having good
iMary Slivers was n Klamath Falls
visitor Sunday returning homo on the
evening train.
Mrs. tia Walker of Yrokn left Sun
day mornlnR for her home, after
spending a week with her father.
Mrs, Jordan lint mood Into her
new homo at the t'hllnqulii Lumber
company, nml has been entertaining
Mrs. Clendetmlng for n few days
while Mr. Jordan and Mr. ('tendon
nlng weio In lleud.
M. F. I'odlRO nud James Foeler
motored to Klamath Falls recently.
Mr. Clendennlng Is mining to Asp
groin whero ho hnit accepted a posi
tion with the Modoc Lumber com
pany. Several carloads of people from
Klamath Fulli motored to Spring
creek Sunday.
eiiiLovn.v ami Asifiitevi:
Dr. T. C. Campbell and Dr. L". I).
Lamb of Klamath Fulls made a busi
ness trip to Aspgrovo Monday.
II. V. Griffin and J. Fader went to
Klamath Fulls on business last Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Griffin mid
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. l'edlgo enter-
tallied Mr. and Mrs. Clcudcmilng at
! dinner Sunday.
I T. II. Curtwrlght and sons spent
Sunday with their family.
Clayton Smith ha accepted a norl
and 'tlon In tho mill at Klrkford
wholesalo station. A Plot of land will
be procured near the railroad track
Ed. Gowcu visited
Falls Sunday.
In Klamath
Salem- 1'. It L. I. Co. to build
ttTO.OO plant.
Salem oted down two lmproe
ment bond Issues.
Tw0 Hex' sawmills shipping SOU
carload per mouth.
l'ortland 7r.,00i) permit
for new Christian church.
Wallowa Union high school
be erected hero.
Astoria Oil-bearing sand struck
In well near here.
Eugene lit'., mil) two-story apart
ment house to go up.
Echo llutter Creuk highway lo
be hard-surfaced
Hoscburg Oregon California
Power company to build line
through Dlxonvllle.
both time nnd money In "Foolish
Wives" will be apparent on the
screen, as may bo seen here noxt
Monday when It Is presented at the
Liberty theatre.
A recent analysis of the cost of
the production shows $400,000 as the
construction cost for the set used.
The replica of Monte Carlo built nt
Monterey Is estimated at $120.
000: the magnificent group of build
ings erected nt Universal city to
show Monte Carl" from the land
sld,) cost tl. ",0,000 and an Italian
villa with Its surrounding grounds
cost JIB, 000. Fifteen Interior sets
of unusual splendor cot $100,000.
TUB I.lltKltTV
For magnitude, and vast expendi
tures of money, Universal' master
piece, "Foolish Whcs," directed by
Krlch Von Strohelm, Is far In excess
of any previous photodrama ever
This production actually cost more
than one million dollars und has been
over a year In tho making, but con
trary to many so-called "million-dollar
productions," the expenditure In
"Remorseless Love," In which
Elaine Hammersteln will be present
ed at the Strand theatre Sunday, U
a somewhat different type of story
from any In which the popular screen
star has yet appeared. The scenes aro
laid In the Kentucky mountains and
the action hag to do with dramatic
Incidents growing out of ono of the
ages-old feuds for which that sec
tion Is celebrated.
There are no ballrooms or even
ing gowns. Miss Hammersteln ap
pears as a young girl whom a little
education has failed to chungo from
tho prototype of her ancestors,
whoso loves nnd hates were us strong
and wild as the winds that rocked
their mountain trees.
Tho big "punch" arrives In a
courtroom scene during which the
girl, threatened with violent dtuth
If she dares to tell tho truth, braves
everything for tho man she loves.
Tomorrow (Sunday) 8 P. M.
Morning Sennon
I I'etcr. 3 t
All arc invited to attend.
Yum! Yum!
The Ice Cream
That's Different
Order some for that Sunday Picnic
or Home Party
You'll Like It.
Made by
Klamath Falls Creamery
Portland -Muttrot manufactur-l Survey of Associated lndiu
lug company making additions to show outlook for flour inllllui
factory dutry good.
luiest an hour tomorrow- evening where you will bo icfrrnlird
and encouraged for another week
Selections by Male Quartet
Sermon "God in Nature" S P. M.
Children's Day Service 10:30 A. M.
Sixth and Pine
Eugene O'Brien
'""The Broken Melody"
ln "Remorseless Love"
Extra Added Attraction Musical Act
E. W. Lake and His Piano Dulcimer A real treat
in music. Music that will bring back fond mem
ories to you all.
Urban's Movie Chats, and Vaudeville Movies
and a Big Comedy
Admission 10c-20c. Continuous Show 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
FOR KENT Furnished ono room
cabins for housekeeping. 741 Wal
nut. 10-13
HAVE OOOI) Puhturo for cattb-nnd
horses. $1 for cattlo and ll.'jn
for work-horned. Victor Oofflc. Mid
land. 10-13'
FOR SALiE A flvo room modern
house. Close nj Can taku u
good used car ax part payment. A.
A. Uellman & Co., 040 Main St.
FOH SALE Ono Iron double bed
with Hprlngd and mattrcHH. Very
reasonable. 21G High St. 10-12
LOST Gold wrist watch, .Initials N.
M. E. ou back. Phono 145-J. 10
WANTED Itellablv man to run
steam engine, small saw mill, mar
ried man preferred, wlfo willing to
board 4 or fi men. References re
quested. For particular cull K. U,
lirown at Ilaldwln Hotel or Crystal,
Ore. 10-13
FOR SALE I range with coil al
most now; 1 heater; 1 Iron bed
stead, springs and mattress; 1 2
burner oil stove; I morris rocker;
1 kitchen table; I lawn mowor; i
kitchen chair; 4 or flvo dozen fruit
Jars. 1H9 Pine. 10-12
Dodge Brothers
A Business Coupe
Conservative changes
in the body design
of all other types
FOR SALE Section 15. Section 22,
Township 31, Hangs risi, i.ane
Co., Oro. 100 acres. Selling price
$2.!i0 per thousand. Estimation of
tlalm Is two million two hundred
thousand feet of timber. Joe Graham,
(Jen. Del.. Susanvllle, Calif. 10-13
Portland Contract awarded for
1150,000 apartment house.
Dallas Twenty-six? now bouses
under construction.
Contracts slgnod for new Con-
rnrd school ln Clackamas, county.
Stayton lets paving contracts.
tf1 i