The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 08, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    I'ltUIMDAV, .1UNR ft, 1023
Page Four
Ilrril v. l'Ynke
Order allowing each parly to
withdraw tho documentary exhibits
Hiiliinlltoil tit ttia tlmo of trial wns
Untied thin morning liy Jndgo Lc.iv
lit In llio cao of fleorgo 0. Heed
iignlnKl Frank N. Frnkos. Tho rano
wiim tried nlinul a month ago, nnd
Involved tho ndudlcntlnn liy tho
rimrl of n trndo In properly by tho
rcppcctlvu partlen, wherein Hoed ex
changed certain business property
In Now London, Wisconsin, for loin
In Canal nddltlon to Klamath Fall.
Judge Slono decreed specific per
fortnnncc of the trannnrllon.
lHo By Our Country Editors
HcnilcrMiii . llrntloii
On n showing that tho cane of
II W. llcntlorpou ugulnat 0. W
Oration had boon nettled out of
court, Jndgo l.ealtt this morning
entered an order of dismissal, Hen
dorron sued for Jl.OTiO on a prom
Isrory nolo which ho nllcgod he
purchned from the Klannlh Pack
liiK company. Ho claimed the
nmounl wn duo from Hratton of
the Sanitary market.
Till: STAR
Dealing with a theory of mental
' phenomena that In declared to
have electrified blase audience of
tho east, Marshall's latext
produotlon, "Oo nnd (let It," comes
I to tho Star theatre tonight only.
j "(lo and (let It" Is a newspaper
' story In which an energetic team of
I reporters unearth a mystery of
t startling nature. Hack of the en
tire mystory I. the pertinent que-
tlon of tho day: Is tho substltu-
tlon of new human organs practic
able so far as the prolongation of
llfo Is concerned?
Thu audience will be mystified
and thrilled by the unusual events
that line tho path nt tho reporter
who Is told to "Oo anil (let It."
Kor "He My Wife." the (loldwyn
release coming to the Star tonight.
Max Under has built a trick house
with revolving walls, animated fur
niture, falling floors, nnd every
conceivable mechanical twist that
could be devised. In It a man may
walk Into a dining room, close his
eye for n mere second, and when
no opens them no win lie in an en-
-Mr. nnd Mrs. K. II. Kdgar. Mr
nnd Mrs. .1. II. ttoblm and Mrs (loo.
W. Officii! spent Memorial day on
tho Klamath river.
At the regular meeting of the
Tuln Uikc l.odgo 1. 0 O. V.. the
following officers were elected for
tho next six menths: II. ('. Par
ker, N. (!.; Leonard Itnuman, V. 0.;
Melvln How man, secretary; Harold
Hill, treasurer
On Monday the regular meeting
was held of the Merrill Hcbokah
Lodge. The delegate to llobekah
iitscmbly made her report.
Mr. mill Mrs. H. N. Anderson and
daughters. Thlrz.i and Helen, am!
Mrs, U. C. Anderson have returned
from Kugene, where they
grand lodgo of 1. O. O. F. While
In Kugene they Wsltcd Mr .and Mrs.
II. P. Tolle and Mr. and Mrs. P. It.
llrlggs, both formerly of Merrill.
They nlso visited In Portland, nnd
white there met tho Punnlngs nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and W. P.
Hhoades, also former Merrillltes.
Mrs. L. A. Harrows and son, Tom,
aro spending a few weeks at Aden,
Stone vs. Stone
Suit for divorce was filed yester-'
lay by Ruben Stone against Lola
Stone, In which tho complaint charg
es dcHordon for moro than olio year
prior to the tlmo of filing tho suit.
tlrely different room a bedroom, . California.
perhaps or a kitchen. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Stukel were
In Klamath Falls Tuesday. Stukel
TIIK I.HIKUTV J was superintending the shipping of
Hex Ingram, through hi master-' a carload of hogs to J. 0. Johnson
fill production for Metro of "The I of San Francisco.
Our objection to work Is there arc
fo many other things to do.
Two Indiana men stole 130 electric
fans, no wero sent to the cooler.
Tho early bird get,, tho street car
Philippines hnvo doubled their debt
ngnln. Tney will soon be qualified
for Independence.
Troublo with second hand Infor
mation Is it has usually been mis
used. Politics makes straage bred fel
If tobacco over Is prohibited
watch them bootleg cabbage.
Hoston painters nrc seeking a five
day week; but what most painters
need Is a five-night week.
Thero l no sliver In German sil
ver and very little gold In her gold.
Sometimes It looks a If tho world
wero n whlto elephant.
Our government says It Is saving
2riO,000,000 a year; meaning this
amount Is spont for something be
sides what It onco wns spent for.
Hot so much rouge makes tho soap
makers mnd.
Nothing makes you see things In a
different light Ilko n full, moon.
The 1922 version reads "Shovo
thy enemies."
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,"
established himself supremo among
directors. A tremendous spectacle,
envisaging tho war as reflected
through two continents,
wlolmed with a superb
In "The Conquering Power." his
newest production, seen Lrt night
at the Liberty theatre, ho works In
an entirely different genre. Here
we have an Intensely Intimate study
of family life, a universal story of
love and greed against tho back-
A large crowd attended the open
ing of tho lava beds, under the
Merrill company. They report a
good time, also a mot excellent
It over-1 dinner was served by the chef. Mrs.;
sense of i C. G. Merrill nnd sNter. Mis I.oti-j
i Isc Fesscnden, are planning (o spend
the summer there. Among thoio
from Merrill attending wero Mrs.
Finch and granddaughter. Dorothn
Wcedon; Mr. and Mrs. Andrlcii'
Kuehne, Iludolph Knttenhorn. Mr.!
and Mrs. Joe Stukel and Mr. nnd
Mrs. Geo. Schmlde. Mr. nnd Mrn. ' WANTKI) lllacksmlth
lug and will mako their homo here.
Mrs. Joe Dewey Is In the Mercan
tile store ilurlng tho summer, while
Mrs. Jess Kldwell l limine her va
cation. Freda Metsknr returned last
week from llolllxtcr, California,
where she had been spending the
Mrs. Metsknr and Misses Freda
and Inc Metsknr spent Tuesday In
Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Geo. J. Walton and daugh
ters were In Klamath Falls Tues
day, when Misses Heatrlco nnd:
Kntticrlne wero presented In re-'
rllnt. They are both H'ry talented
young ladles.
The library has the now linoleum
on the floor, which makes a great
attended i Improvement.
Mrs. Fred Petersen has returned
from it Ult In 'the eastern part of
the county mill Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Hnwmnti, who wan operated;
upon some tlmo ago, ha returned!
to her home.
The Merrill Library club met at i
the homo of Mrs. Clarence llalley.
Mrs. Moyer assisted Mrs. llalley. j
They voted to buy 10 books for tho
library. Mrs. Klmer Anderson
joined tho club. Following the
business meeting a delirious lunch
eon w.i served by the hostess. The
following members were present:
Mesdames C. A. Harrows, John
Harmon. W. W. Walker Jr.. i: I).
Harwood. It. II. and It C. Ander
son, F. C. (irlmshaw. i:imcr An
derson, K. II. Edgar. Geo. Thorma,
llort Gr.iybeal, Arthur Frasler,
Ilpgue, and the hostess.
J. II. Hobbs was a Klamath Falls
visitor on Tuesday.
ground of a French provincial town. F. C. Grlms,haw. Mr. and Mrs. Kl
The story has been adapted by Junelmer Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clar
Mathls from Hnliac's noel. "Ku-icnce Halley. Donald Ilalloy and
genie Grandlet," with swift-moving, . Melvln and Miss Luclle Stewart
masterful continuity. I Rosn Flutey of Klamath Falls
I was a Merrill vlsltor on Tuesday.
TIIK STIIANII Mrs. Laura Carr Is In charge of
"Society Snobs," the latest Sell- this telephono office during the III-
nlk picture which comes to the ness of Mrs. Cass. Mrs. Cass has
Strand theatre tonight, Is said to be been suffering from rheumatism
ono of the frankest exposures ofiforsome time.
society as represented by the nou-i Mr. and Mrs. Luther Holbrook.f
veau rlcho ever screened. '.Mr. and Mrs. Thornton, Mr. and.
The Foresters have so recently ! Mrs. Lloyd Hahn moved from Mcr
risen from obscurity to riches, that! rill recently to Kegg.
Apply V.
FOFND Hull dog
Pine and pay for nil
WANTKI) Uloy for Janitor
Klamath Gen. Hospital.
FOIt RL.Vr 2 room cabin, furnish
ed. See Dick, 240 Ilroad St. m-Iii
rlage. Call at
wicker baby car-fi3,-i
X. 1 ltlt St.
Batteries for Small
Rubber Case
Reduced to $19.50
Westinghouse Battery
Service Co.
Mother Forester wishes to hitch
their social reins to a foreign no
bloman through tho marriage, of
her daughter Vivian, with the pop
ular belief that a title Is tho solu
tion of all smart set supremacy.
Her carefully laid plans, In spite
of every safeguard, come to naught
and her social aspirations tumble
to earth amidst the amused, unsym
pathetic jeers of tho social world.
Then daughter takes tho shaping
of destiny Into her own hands, and
brings the story to a satisfactory
Personal Mention
GH Klamuth Ave.
Phone COS-W
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stomwoll aro
expected to return today from a mo
tor trip of several days through
tho Rogue- Itiver Valley.
Mrs. Kllaworth Tubbs of Yreka Is
hero visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J.
lloyd, and Dr. and Mrs. Ross. Mrs.
Tubbs wns u former resident of this
city and has many friends her.
Hood Itiver strawberry crop esti
mated 95,000 crate.
Foot Trouble
is aggravated by the
warmer weather
See our New Feature Arch Support Oxfords
Luxite Hosiery
Luxite Hosiery in all
the Newest Colors
Shoes and Slippers
for the little ones
515 Main St.
Ed Frazlcr. II. O. Cox. W. D.
Walker, Jr., and C. A. Harrow spent
Sunday with their families In Merrill.
Chester Hasklns was in Merrill
Monday buying supplies for bis
sheep camp.
Geo. J. Walton made a business
trip t0 Lakcvicw Monday.
.Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Grocsbcck
and Miss Mary Stewart spent Sun
day In Merrill at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Hurr Wcstbrook. Mlu
Stewart recently returned from tho
Hawaiian Island, whero aha has
been teaching for tho past eight
years. Sho alio spent some tlmo
In Japan. Miss Stewart Is a sister
of Mrs. Wcstbrook and Mr. Grocs
bcck. Mr. and Mrs. James Funcblon
and two children and Harry Whlto
more, nil of Seattle, Washington,
spent the week with W. C. Griffith
nnd family Whllo thero they vis
ited the lake land, went to the Fort
country and other placeg In the
county. They wero very favorably
Impressed with Klamath county.
They left Monday for their home.
The trip was made In their car.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fruits and
Mr. J. II. Hobbs Hpont Monday In
Klamath Falls, shopping.
MIhs Olive J. Carleton, who has
been In Merrill for several weeks,
returned to her home In Klamath
Palls. ,'
Mrs. Etta Scogglnn, who has
been seriously ill for some time, Is
J. W. Taylor spent Friday in
Klamath Falls on business.
Mrs. C. G. Merrill spent soveral
days in Merrill last week,
Mrs. C. II. Merrill has roturned
to her home In Merrill after spend
ing several weeks In Klamath Falls.
Warren F. Fruits and Mls3 Anno
Roberts wero married at tho homo
of the bride's parents in San Joso,
California, Thursday, Juno 1, by
Rov. D. 0. Colgrove of the Moth
odlst church of Alameda. Tho cere
mony wau performed In tho pres
ence of tho immediate family of tho
bride. Mr. Prult8 is assistant cash
ier of tbo First National bank of j
Merrill, and has been connected
with the bank for many years. Ho
is a graduate of tho Merrill high
school, Is an ex-service man, and
most of his life has been spent In
Merrill. Tho bride Is a graduate
of the San Jose Normal, and taught
in Merrill two years, and was a
very nuccossful teachor. Thoy havo
a host of friends who wish them a
long and happy married life, Tbey
rotumod o Merrill Saturday oven-
FOR SALE IS head of beef cattle
Cheap It taken at once. Paul I (In
ner, I.uKo. Ore. S-10
FOR SALE PrlJo winner Golden
Seubrlght Ilantam eggs for hntiii
Inc. Call at 213 Ctdar St. or phone
GIG. s-lf
FOR SALE Iron wheel hay wngon
and rack, single and doubln driv
ing harness. Oliver-chilled plow, lead
chain and lead bars. Phono CS.'-M
stored and reflnlshed mattresses
renovatid. All work guaranteed. W.
W. Donart, Phono 17&-W S
hy virtue of n certified ropy of a
chattel mortgage now In record In
Hook 8, Page 157 In tho records of
Chattel Mortgages of Klamath Coun
ty, Oregon, to ma delivered with In
structions to forecloso the same ac
cording to law, wherein Gust Soder
lund pledged anil mortgaged to Al
fred Roberts tho hereinafter des
cribed personal property on tho 27th
day of October. 1920, I have taken
Into my possession tho following des
cribed personal property, to-wlt:
"Ono largo black cow, ono
white-faced brlndlo row, ono
brlndlo cow with Injured bag,
onn small black cow, one brln
dlo cow, one largo red and whlto
cow, with horns, one red cow,
part Jersey: Onn sorrel colt,
ono brown borne, onn brown
maro and ono grey horse."
tho same to be sold and the procecdx
to bo applied upon the payment of
tho obligation for which said chattel
mortgage was given.
I will on tho 19th day of June. 1922,
at tho hour of ten o'clock A, M. at tho
Heavalln Brothers ranch, near tlm
Orlndalu school house about six
miles west of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
null the above described property to
tho highest bidder for cash.
Dated nt my office In Klamath
Falls, Klamath County, Orgeon, this
7th day of Juno, 1922. A. I).
h. L. LOW.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore.
8 Ily C 0. LOW, Deputy.
What "Wear" Really Means
Do you recall the friendly feeling you had for
the suit that looked well the second season?
Hart Schaffner & Marx are that kind. That's
why we sell them. The fabric wears well and
the style lasts, too that's what "wear" really
means. We have variety, too, for you to
choose from so you're sure to get just what
you are looking for
$35 to $50
Scaled proposals will bo received
by tho Common Council of thu city
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at tho of
fice of the Police Judge up to and
Including Monday, the 19th day of
Juno, 1922, at thu hour of 8 o'clock
P. M. of r.ald day, at which said time
all proposals will be opened and con
sidered, for tho construction of the
Mtwnr system designated as the Sixth
Unit nnd designed for portions of
Second lint Springs, Canal, Nichols,
Railroad, Holllster and Klamath Ad
ditions, In accordance with the plans
and specifications on file with thin
City Engineer of said city, and on ,
file In tho offlcu of tho Police Judge
of Said city.
Tho award of the contract to the
HilcreHsful bidder In hereby made ion-'
tlngcnt upon the sain of honCs necox
sary to flnanin the Installation of
such sewer unit nnd ulso upon thu '
approval of the pluns and specifica
tions therefor by thu Stato Hoard of
All proposals must bn accompanied
by codified chock payable to thu
city of Klamath Falls, for fivu pur
rent of the amount of thu proposal.
TIki light to reject any or all bids
anil proposals received under this
notice Is hereby reserved In tho Com
mon Council,
ny ordnr of tho Common Council. '
Dated: Junu S, 1922.
W. 8, WILEV, i
J 8-19 Inc Acting Pollen Judge.
Corvallls More
business Htrilitlire:
full half ilncn
under minimi.
Portland -flflH.OOU np.iitmeiit
bonne to be built on Hawthorne
Strawberries $2.10
Per Crate Friday
Guaranteed Delivery
Public Market
Phone 169-W Ninth and Klamath
Tonight Timberworkers Benefit
Conway Tearle
'Society Snobs'
A roimiiiMt of Niuart Hoiiety with .1 tliumo ax novel 11 h It In original.
Tli In wax Ibulr hour, A fleeting, bllHHful period of minxy, with
thu world and Ita nodal illntluctlDhH far away and forgotten. Hut
as thu tmiinhino lrt followed by thu nlgbt, ho did tho trooping
Hlimlow of revolution Hlowly deepen. Could ho ruvual tlm truth
iind tell heir ho wh only 11 WAITKR?
It'ii thu epitome of entertainment, prcnontcd with 11 utollar imp
porting eaht headed by Martha MaiiHflulil.
Coming tomorrow Eugene O'Brien in "The
Broken Melody."
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
""r' hmiM