The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 07, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    WKDNKHDAV, .ll'Xi: 7, IIKJ2
lngo Four
r ff SSJ'IC jrr .
Straw and Panama Hats
Straw and Panama Hats in new style creations shown this season for the
first time, from r
$1.50 to $7.50
Duxbak and Kamuit Outing Wear for Men and Women exclusive styles,
practical and ideal for out-door wear.
in snappy two and throe piece Summer Suits in
Sport and Regular Models, at
$25,$35 and up to $50
Just the Clothes for hot weather wear.
Also, wonderful assortment of other styles and fab
rics made by America's Master Clothes Ruilders,
the House of Kuppenheimer, from
$30 to $50
to wSi f'mSS
l iWWwmA .
mmR-HmlW- iff
f Cf f 1 . 1
Plane Ambulances; for Army
(Sriiloii .V Knight . Humor
Kxecutlon fur tliu collection of
$110136, as principal mid $20.40
costs was Issued thin morning In th
ciiho of (iruton & Knight PackljiK
company against F. Hill Hunter, op.
rratlnK tho Sawmill Knslnecrlnc &
Construction company. Judgment
wng obtained by default.
Clarindn Trust xs. IKxy
Kxccutlon. wag Issued this morning
In tho caso of Clarlnda Trust & Sar
Iiirs bank. -of Clarlnda, against M. 11.
Doty, for tho principal sum of $40Q,
$100 attorneys fees, and $20.20 as
routs and disbursements In tlio rase.
Tint caso was tried beforo Judgo
Stone, (in May 2.
Cregaan n, Txrry
Order of default, JuilKment In fore
closure of tax lien nnfl order of sale
was Issued this inornlng by Judge
I.eavltt In tho caio of TliQ'.niis A.
Crcgun attains! h. Levey , in tho
amount of $70.48, Involving to acres
or land In section 12, tofnshlp 39
of this county.
Thomas vs. Jyarllnjr
On motion of plaintiff's counsel
In tho caso of Jlort, C. Thomas as ad
ministrator of thb esto,'o of John M.
J'oo against It. T. Darjilng, for leato
to file nh-nniendei complaint, Judgo
l.oavltt signed anr otler permitting
tho amended pier dim:. Tho amend
ed complaint -A'cks, to recover an
nggrogato suru of IC,G20 from Darl
ing for tho sl'.egcd wrongful conver
station of pr rsonal property of tho
Noo estate.,
Jleproscutnthc of Washington De
partment at I'ottim
Frank Sexton, couuty dub leader,
scheduled as prluclpiil spe.iKer at the
chamher of commoico furum meet
ing this noon, gavo his allotted tlmo
to John F. Preston of Washington,
1), C. chief foroster for tho western
division. Tho county clubs wore rep.
resented by Charles Wilcox, n club
1'rotRun told of the growth of tho
forestry dopartmont and tho greutcr
co-operation with prlvuto timber
owners In conservation work. Ho alto
told of tho encouragement bolng jilv
en by tlmbermen to reforestation.
Chnrlos Wilcox told of tho ac
complishments of tho boys and girls
In this county and exhibited u pic
ture of his prlio bull, brother to tho
world's champion.
Dr. L. D, Guns was Introduced as
nowly-appolntod chulrman of the
(orum committee and presided at tho
meeting. J. C, Kimball of tho Klam
ath Forest Protective association In
troduced Prostou.
.sll, I. It Tl". X Wi'dni'Mltiv .m'iiIiik. Jutiu 7th. nl s
Hand No i! of ll:.. H.icrrcl ll-url lu k. Ii A lull. i I'.ut Ma I run club
rhuirli will Klc a Silver Tvii I ir-1 All Mnaitiitrully related urn nulled
row tThurmlti) i .inertitmn nl I.) i uui !
Lovely Material Is Shown in All Season's Brilliant
High Colors With Varied Patterns
Moire Back
Every squadron in tho array air icrvlco soon will bo equipped with
airplane ambulances like thl. built at Dayton, O. Tho stretcher U la
Um ut'Ucs a&d a special compartment U provided tor DaisJeUa.
l m ' lfYl arVsvSsiCs'sU
In tho cast of Ilex Ingram's latest
screen production for Metro, '"The
Conquering Power" founded on
llalzae's "Kiigenlc Oranilct" are
many of ttioso who were prominent
In his sensationally micrcssful pic
turlzation of "Th(. Four llorjcmen
of tho Apocalypse." This latitat In
gram plcturu Is being shown at tho
Liberty theatre today and tomor
row, AJIco Terry, tho Margin rltn
rkr in tho Ibanez picture, appears In
"Tho Conquering Power," ns T'u
gonlo Ornndet. Ituilolph Valentino,
tho Julio Desnoyers of "The Four
Horsemen," has tho rolo of Charles
Oramhnt. Hrldgetta Clark, tho Dona
I-oulsa of Ibanez, appears an Ma
danio des Orassines; Mark Fenton,
who (Ud .Senator I.aoour, as Monsieur
deg (iTasslues; and Hdward Connel
ly. w3io played tho old lodgekcoper
of the Desnoycrg estate, as tho no
tary, Cruchot.
Tin: KTit.-i
"Sealed Hearts" tho Second fiolz
nick picture In which nugene O'llrlen
Is starring, will open up tho Strand
theatre tonight. Of noteworthy in
terest In this production is tlio bril
liancy of tho cast wlilcli supports
this popular star. It being beaded by
Hubert Kilcf.on on tho omi Hlilcr and
on thi femiiilno sldo by t.ucllo
Stewart. Miss Stewart, It will bo re.
membcred, played a prominent 10I0
In "Tlio Perfect I.ovcr," which ro
rt'iently ihowed here.
Sluco Mr I.Mi'hon achieved his pho
niiinlnal siicxus-h on tho stugo as tho
star In "SlronghearU" his nanio has
been one to conjiirn with In matters
diainatlc Ills lonp and varied stagu
career Includes ici Interesting and
propoudcratlugly succcsstul toiles of
"Icgillniato" prviluitions, reu.nitly
culminating In "The Hood Had
Woman" and thesu juccebscs huvo
rali-ed lit in lo olio of tho highest
niches in tho theatrical Hall of Fame.
last night's audiences at tho Star
theatre. This Cosmopolitan-Paramount
plcturo will be shown tor tho
last tlmo tonight.
Directed by Itobcrt G. Vlgnola,
"Ileauty's Worth" delightfully pic
tures tho transition of a quiet and
shy little Quakeress Into gorgeous
Jy gowned and much sought-after
society belle. Miss Davles, In the
rule of the Quakeress, protes that
sho can bo as lovely In seven and
unntlractlut garb as In tho latest
creations of Paris and Now York.
Tin- changii wrought In Prudence
Colo (Miss Davles) Is tho skilled
handiwork of a famous artist,
Choyiii) Itoveln (Forrest Stanley),
who discerns In tho girl a rare
beauty to which qlhers, and especial
ly the young flirt whom stio loves,
havo been blind.
Personal Mention
,Moro uprightly than In 'enchant
ment," mcjro entranclngly beautiful
thun In "Tho Bride's Play" is Mar
lon Davles In her nowest plcturo,
"Ileauty's Worth," which delighted
Mr. and Mrs. Honry Hartb of Rose,
burg aro visitors In this vicinity for
a fow days. They aro touring by
Mrs. Alice Ualilwln has returned
from Ashlaiul where sho spent the
winter with her sister, Mrs. Kant
nor. Mrs. A. II. Ilrlstow and duugh
ter, Hetty, left this morning to at
tend commencement ut Oregon uni
versity, where tboy will visit until
July, latur going on to Turner for
tho Cliristlun church convention,
returning hero lato in July.
IU 1C Hannon, principal of tho
Mailn hchool, left ijor Ilorkoley this
morning, where ha will attend tho
summer hchool Un- tho University
of California. Ho diovo by auto
and wa.i arcompjn.1ed by his broth
er, Walter, who ivill Hpend a fow
weeks visiting reltitivcs in tho hay
section. Walter Is a graduato of
tho SacTcd Meal t acailoniy, and af
ter his vacation li) will enroll as
a student ut Santa Clara university,
Santa Clara, CulKonula.
Tho ladles of Dunil No, li of Hatred
Heurr church will s;lvo u bllver tea
tomorrow afternoon at Kycoum hall
to vhlch all ladles aro Invited. Tho
hall will bo prettily decorated and a
musical program will bo given.
Xa Qrando Now buildings, ap
prtoxlmatlng $100,000 under con
Buctl0D i.iJk.X.JL.1
p!niMiTtauTL T
Thco's a sudden vogtio for molrn
molro that's soft and lovely and
Batln-backed. It's shown In all tho
season's brilliant high colors with
watered markings of various patterns.
LONDON lliillrush brown Is a
now shade of peculiar depth and
rlrhncAit. It Is a beautiful back
ground for tan anil deep cream Oth
cr colors that begin to create a
place for themselves ure n soft, rosy
brick, a gay forester green and n
slUery mist gray. Navy blue and
canary aro Ivfilly combined In somo
of tho tailored suits.
PAWS Now and then, when the
parrot as n bit of trimming has he
roine a little passe. Homebody. ImentH
such an Ingenious parrot motif that
this gay bird regains his popularity
At present the parrot with wings Is
flying across half of the parasols In
(tin Hols A brilliant bird lm Is,
painted, embroidered or printed In
scarlet, purple and gold. Ills oh
Jit In flying across tho parasol Is
to roach another parrot raiment
same hues perched on tho handle.
I.AKi:W00I), N. J. Crepo nnd
hemstitched organdies were prettily
blended on n frock seen hero. Hand
canton cropo formed tho larger part
of the dress, which was mado with
many long ribbon like panels of tho
crepo falling below tho hoin of tho
Juno brides think a hitch In tlmo
Is fino.
FOH riKNT 2 nnd 3 room furnish,
ed apartments. Phono 342-W. 7-J'
AKCADi: TItANSFKIt Will move you
anytime, anywhere. Iteiisonahlo,
,ri!-J. 7tf
VANTi:i) Dressmaker at Singer
Kuwlnj; Machliii) Co. 20K Main. "')
IIKMSTITCHINf! Dono. Singer Sew.
Ing Machno Co. 208 Main. 7-9
puiiNiTUiii: iti:iAiiti:i) upiioi-
stored and refinlshed. Mattress
es rouowttcil. All work guaranteed,
Wl W. Donait Phono 178-W. 7
FOIt UKNT 2000 acres ol good
moadiiw grass and Hwiimp land
pasture, with plenty good water, nil
under fenro. Write or phono Mrs.
(iladyH Hoi u Kllgoie, Uonaiua, Ore
gon. 7-13
FOR HALK llulek light six In good
runnliii; condition, A Rurguln. Soo
car and owner at Acme gurugo. Hun
day from 2 to S or address Ilox 23,
Dairy, Oregon. 7-S
Any Information concerning tho
Whereabouts of McOoe, tho tlrabor
locator, would bo appreciated It sent
to Ooldon West Apartment 2, Long
Ueach, Calif, . , J-8
YOUNfJ LADY Wishes domestic posi
tion in small family with no child
rcn. Can give roforence. Phono
34B. 7-8
FOIt, SALi: Housohold furniture,
very reasonable. 819 Plum. Call
aftor o'clock. 7-8
Tho Ladles of tho Ht. Paul's
i:plsiorl Guild will hold their regu
lar meeting on Thursday at 2:30 at
tho homo of Mrs. O. D, llurko 7
WANTL'D Man and wlfo to cook In
suwmlll camp. See Crls (lianas,
Arcado Hotel. 7-9
FOIt HAI.K- A few slightly used
milts, All hUcs. Ilargulu prlfes.
Cootling's llariln Htoro. 1008 Main
Ht. Opposite Postofflto. 7-10
WANTKD iood used Ford touring,
roudstor or dcllvoiy body. Must
ho n bargulu for spot cush. Address
Ilox 77, Horuld. 7-8
WANTKD Man and wlfo to cook In
sawmill camp. See Crls Illnnus,
Arcado Hotel. 7-9
FOIt HALK Ilcdstoad, springs and
pad. saultary couch, with now pad.
drossor, chiffonier, linoloum rug.
1023 Main, up-stalrs. 7
small cars $19,r.O. 8old by West
ingbouso Uattcry, Service Co. 7-8
Hall All I.iiIIi-h are InMted
AiIiiiImIiim tor oarh
u lr snrted
.I'l'l i:TIH.N i !''lt 'Ml ItlmK woiid Hell
Mikoii. mill liilsl, in Mm- , I. i. in i t- It' I I'lioll,, !''" I "r
For the benefit f the M.i le '2 J 11 "'
and l.'anli'rn Star Hume a uinl' i
will lie ghen at Hid Mii-oiiii Hall on Oct testills by UJlim class nils.
witnti: Kvi:itviioi)Y 001:9-
Tonight Timberworkers Benefit
' "Sealed Hearts"
And remarkable .strong supporting cast headed by
Robert Edeson and Lucile Leu Stewart. Mr. Kde
son is one of the most famous actor of the screen
or stage. His portrayal of tho jealous husband Is
Coming Thursday, "Society Snobs," with Con
way Tearle.
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Too much care cannot bo taken to safe
guard the consumer, especially during hot
weather. All of our ice cream is pasteur
ized before freezing; all equipment ster
ilized with live steam after each operation.
Phone your orders lo us for ice cream.
We deliver in quantities of one gallon
and up
Try an order of our Special Flavor
Klamath Falls Creamery
.-.v. .