Tt.'lIfcllAV, Jl'.Ni: (I, lOltil THE EVENING HERALD, Klamath rAttsromsGON Page Four , (BaBt Mclliiic , tlcitlliv Hull In ilili't lltlp mi two and fix- 1 Oil I llN (ICrpS III SCCtlotl HCVPII, IOWI1- tdilp .10, Klamath comity, xviih (lied Ihls morning by Ous Molhase ngaliist Hit plien and Kllcn Ilrrllhy, In which It In sought tn miHt tho llerllhys from lln premises, which Melhasn rtiiilu'iilH they hnve wrongfully pus iK.Hrd sluro April 10, till!) Melhnre iihIjh $101)11 iih damages for being d ;irMd (if t tin lilemlses, mid JTiflO fur rents; nml profltR nrcrtilng ilurln,. the past two years, l'lrl N'nlliimit Hunk v. l-'.M.fionlon Order iiinflrniliiu Rale nf land)? In tho niirllipni part of thi enmity was signed yesterday liy Jiidgo teavltt tu tho cao nf Dip First National hunk against 1'red M. (lordon. Ac cording tn tlip sheriff's return Hip ninoiitit obtained hy Hip sale was $497.72. Ilriiilcrsiti , llrntton AttnchniPtit suit was filed this morning liy II. W. Henderson, ns purchaser nf n note from tho Klam ath Packing company, against 0. W llrntton nf tho Sanitary market, seeking collection of n promissory note for fl.or.O ii tlm halanro due. Tho complaint also ask for $200 nttorncy foe. STRAWBERRIES SLUMP Hc California (iiiidpo lrp I "nun :t to Ml lVr Ci-tp PORTLAND. June C Wholesale strawliprry prices slumped hir to day. Tho bent California berries dropped from $3.00 a crate to $1.00 n crate. Home-grown lierrlcs were being offered oerywherp from $1.75 tn $2.2." n crate. Supplies ure com ing from all sections and the ho.ny offerings lenpontllilc for tho drop. Ilandnu Plant of Cedar MaiiU' fa-HirlriK company limtalllug ma' rhlnery. Irresistible You will win her favor if you send her a bunch of our beautiful roses. Or perhaps she has a favor ite flower. Our plants corsage and table bouquets and bas kets aie most tastefully arranged and reasonably priced. Telephone us today, 589 Klamath Flower Shop S31 Main St EST STRAND lOo- -W11KRK EVKItTIlODY GOES- HOME OF THE 1IODKIN80.V FEATURES Tonight Timberworkers Benefit Elaine Hammerstein "The Daughter Pays" Poverty against riches, love and tenderness pit ted against the smouldering hate of a monomaniac. Coining tomorrow Eugene O'Brien in "Sealed Hearts." Admission 10o20c. Show starts 6:30 iiiitio.vrioy or ums i (Conlnued from rago 1) Hi n ITitttocI HIiiIpm rpcliimntlnii ser. I vlcp caiuilH, Two thousand three, bun I drcd acre of till area nro to lip lr-' rlKatPd liy lifting tho wnlor 29 foot, and lififi acres liy lifting the water ft! fppt Tho estimated cost of the reclamation works Ik about $100, 000, and tho district Is asking for the approval of tlip plans and tho cer tification of lioiulx. "Tho Shasta View irrigation ills- trlrt lien Immediately past nf thp Ma lln district, nml will also secure Its wntpr from the canals of Hip I'tiltcd State roclamntlon service, from which tho water will ho diverted by pump. Nine li mid red and thirty four ncrp nn to Iip Irrigated under n 2ft-foot lift, 1S10 nrrc under n 70-fnot lift, nnd approximately S00 acres under n inr.-foot lift. How ever, tho district at tlip present tliup contemplate constructing only the two lnwpr unit at an estimated cost nf approximately $10,000. A con siderable arpa of land In thp district Is now heliiK dry farmed, and omp fruit has been produced without lr- showing at thp Strand tonight. It rlgatlon. The district Is asking fori seem that this story was made to the approval of plans and tho certl-1 order for Miss llammersteln, the flcatlon of bonds. I lcndlnR rote dependlnR for It, sue- Itonds Arv Vote! ices upon a character portrayal such "The Patterson IrrlRatlon district as Mfs llammersteln naturally does. Is located In the same vicinity and, "The Daughter P" Is from a contains a total area of ltt acres, story written by Mrs. llaille Rey- which Is also to b,. Irrigated with wa ter secured from the Vnlted State reclamation service canals by means of pumping. Two hundred nnd sixty one ncres ar, to be Irrigated under a 2T.foot life. 1123 acre, under an SB foot lift and 303 acres under a US foot lift. It l expected that that project will be built In milts, and Is contemplated to construct the two lower lifts at this time, at an esti mated cost of $2S per Irrlgablt- acre. Nlnety-flo per cent of the lands have been dry-farmed for a number of cars. "In addition tn the nboo vstlma ted rests on the Matin. Shasta View and Patterson districts, n contract will bo executed hy the district and thu United States reclamation service for certain payments made to the re clamation service for the use of the government ratuls. "The Willow valley Irrigation dls-J trltt Is also located In Klamath coun ty east of Ilonanza, and includes an area of approximately 2000 acrisj of land. The construction work will consist mainly of a reservoir for stor age of 4000 acre feet of the waters of Rait Fork of Lost river. Tho dis trict Is asking for the approval of plans and has voted bonds In the amount of $30,000 for construction work." I Personal Mention A. J. I.yle has again assumed management of the Klamath gen eral hospital, succeeding J. W. Siemens. Mr. and Mrs. Kip Van Wper left Sunday morning for San Francisco, where they will attend the Shrine convention. Van Ttlper will return In a few weeks, while Mrs. Van Hlper will remain for a longer time, to visit her daughters, Mrs. C.- C. nichardson and Mrs. Harold J. Turner.. ItOT.UUANS CONVENT. LOS ANORLKS, June C Several thousand delegates from 22 coun tries aro In Los Angeles this evening to attend the 13th annual convention of tho International Association of Rotary clubs which opens hero to morrow for a six-day session. More than KiO of these eanii, from Mex ico and Canada nnd 100 from over Dr Crawford O Mct'ullough of i William. Camilla. International seas. Fort president, will preside -we .1 tiii: staii Ulderly members of audiences will bo taken back to tho civil war period when they neo Marlon Davie? In "llentityV Worth," which Ik "coin Iiir to tho Star theatre tonight. Not that tills newest Cosmopolitan-Paramount picture concern the sixties of thi last century, for It In a mod. em story In every way. In It Miss Davles, a Qtiakor girl, nppcars nt n fnshlonnlilo water resort In a bathing suit that none of the younger generation teould recog nize except as an exhibit In a mu seum. Itobort (I. Vlgnola directed this charming Sophlo Kerr story. Forrest Stanley, Juno Klvldge, Tru ly Sliatturk nnd several nthpr nola- hip players nro in the cast. tiii: STIt.WO The wlnsonip personality of pret ty FJalne Hammersteln again Is In evidence In "Thp Daughter Pays." noius, m wnicn tnp problem of n oung girl marrying an old nun Is treated In u new nnd original man ner. Miss Hnmniprsteln Is seen- In the splendid role nf Virginia Mnors. thp pretty, lovable nnd sen sible daughter of a worldly foolish and selfish mother. TIIH l.tlU'.ltTV Into tho heart of wildest Ilorneo lead the trail of adventure In 5Iar tin Johnson') "Jungle Advertiser." coming to the Liberty theatre to day only. "Jungle Adventures" U u singu larly thrilling river "Juunt" Into the Jungle haunts of Malay pir-itcs and strange lost tribes. It leads over 500 mile up the Klnabutan gan river from Saudakan. the Urlt lab North Uorneo port of teak and camphor wood, past the liny llrlt Ish government port of Luniug, where an "army" of 12 men l sta tioned, through dangerous rapids to the very headquarters, where John son discovered nml photographed an unoriginal tribe of cannibals, calling themselves the Tangarras. Theso curious savage8 still utilize as their weapon of warfare tho blowgun with Its deadly poisoned darts. JIM THOIIPR KIGKI HAnTFORD, Conn., Juno 6. Jim Thorpe, Indian ball player re cently released by Portland, accept ed terms with tho Hartford club, eastern league, nnd was ordered to report Immediately. FARM roiN'TKRS Arsenatn Gets tlio Haw-Fly A spray of arscnato ot lead, 2 pounds to 100 gallon, on tho foli age of loganberries and raspberries Is needed now whero saw-tiles are prevalent. An angle nozzle Is nec essary to reach the under surface or tho leaves. To determine If the pest Is present before considerable damage results, examlno the newer foliage now for small shot-like holes In tho leaver. A careful ex amination of such leaves will show a small, light green, spiny, cater pillar, rather hard to detect when young. Cum Maggot nt Work New tender shoets: of raspberry and '"Kanborry ar0 frequently founfl wlth ,llolr '"P "HKlUcd and curled uown in characteristic "llmbcrneck" fashion. A closer examination of the Injured can0 will reveal a bluish glr dlo Just under tho bark at thu baso of tho blighted tip. Cutting Into tho Interior will often show tho culprit a small whitish maggot within the pith. Infected canes should be cut out woll below the girdle and des troyed us no hpiny or treatment known ut present U effecthe ugulust this insect. OREGON BREVITIES Highway ordered bqjlt from Ncs kowln to Bultz river. Uutzen Now $5,0(0 uhloslu mill completed. Couulllo S. P. Co. to rebuild jircsum uepoi. p Ilend Shevlin-Hlzon Co . plarit cut over 11,000,000 feet ot lumber In April. t Portland municipal paving plant hag again been underbid on all pro- poKod street Improvements that aro to bo built this summer. nallas All bids received for city sidewalk construction and property ownerfl to bo allowed to do tbelr own building, State has rejected twn Irrigation projects on plus-cost contracts, DallasBuilding several miles of I'Olt HAI.i: Ulock wpimI. Hell tn owner ItfH. Phoup 105-J in '.'3ii.u. r.-s s .NOTICE Tlieie will bo u meeting of deinisl tors and stockholders of the First Hlute & Havings bank In Moose hall Tuesday evening, June tf, ut 7: JO. Reports will bo heard from commit tees and other business transacted, (lood uttetidiutce urged. S-ti L. L. OAOHAOKN, bVc). FOR SALE Ulock wood. Hell- brouner & Ilea. Phone HS-J or 239-R. fi-8 Work Olorrs and Mlttlns. Juck Frost, th Ht Just off Main 29lf s Portland May building permits M,20,tl0. double May. 1921. Rend has udded new charcoal plant. ; ATTI.VrUl.V Mmmii, mid K'nstlii Htm For. the benefit of tlm Mmintile mid Raster)! Htur Home, a turd party will be given nt the Masonic Hall on U'...Im.,..Iuu ..u....lii.. Iiii. . !. .., U ,, unlive, in ; u.iiiiiitii ,11,11,, llll( III o . o'eloik, by Aloha Past Million elllli All Musitnli'ully related nut Invited. Admission M'e each Itpfieslnneiits will be served :!- XOTICE O V STOCKHOt.DKHS MRETII The iiuuuiil uivetliig of thp Mock holders of l.nnillll Valley Telepliiino Co., will bti held ut llonania, on Sat urday June 10th., nt I o'rloek 31-6 (1. P. KRI.I.RR. Seer NEW TODAY RKLTARI.E PARTY di-nlren In rent u piano. Phone II3.R. 6- r ' ru . D j&vV hv Style. Quality, Value Here They Are It's a sensible thing to wear good clothes. If they have quality and style, they look well right along. And that's where value comes in We like to fit you in Hart Schaffntr & Marx clothes. Whenever you wear a suit, in the back of your mind there'll be a friendly feel ing for the store that sold it $35 to $50 :,;a f: K. SUGARMAN "I Aiht Mad at Nobody" I.N'IIW PtlT.VniliU, tlreett peiis mid nil lilmlH uf riesh u'gi'tilliles 1I11ID1 Public .Mmlii't. Phiimi lO'.l-W, Uth mid Kliiiintli Htriiwlieirles ISo bo fi-ll WIIK.N IN MAI, IN Slop at Klam ath I 'ate mid get a good meal fur alii. Mis Kay Plekult. itni. rt-12 I'Olt lti:.NT Mrs l.menz's lliree riiiim fuiiiUlied apt ti-i Foil SAI.i: I ft neivM, well luiiriiv- ed Apply I.MuIn Wllsmi, I'lilln- iitln. ii-20 I'Olt SAt.l'!- Ilnilliiiiil. Hiirliiei, mill I iiuittri"ii, Niiiillary coui'li, with new miittipss, dresiiPH, t'lillfiiiiler, lltiiinum rug liiJIt Main, up-st.tlrs. ti-7 I FOR MAl.i: Phuiip 2H!l timid plmio. ctieiip, I (! VANTi:i Htiitlmi men nnd rock men. I.ouls K. Porter, runlriictnr, Cmiim llluek. i'.-s m&. WANTIUl KdUM- W pay eiinli Put. lie Miirket. 0th inns Khiuuitli 1 - :-! I I'OI'R C0ltl)H of first i'Iiins 2MiiiIi fllewoiiil for Hiile, )?,K0 nir curd. , Pulille Mailicl, !Mh and Uliiniutli, ft. II I WANTIMI Imt Cows mid call en. Apply Kdnlu Wilson, t'lilloiiulii, (lie. MO' FDR HAD.' Hlx room modern limine, completely furnished, Incut' d mi Hire ruruer lot, tlfilUU feet, on (Mil Ht Law n, simile and fruit trees, gar age, Thla In ti lovely linmn. Pilin Ifiiiiti. 'IVrmii. MS N. Ulh HI H-7 I FOR HAI.C ICU ucreii coming un der Irrigation. 220 Oram HI '! IIAVi: RANCH To leu..i for cash or on shuns. Will dulry 2ft rnun nnd ralsp fine vegelubles. Iuiilr hot It. T. Ilerutd Office 0-12 I & ! new walks, ' y i J k-.t-