The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 05, 1922, Image 1

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    Bclrotttty Lllrtu'rft
''iriiruiii viiv, ,u, 11:110.
Rudolph Valentino Freed
by Justice; Evidence j
Held Insufficient
i. anhi:i,i:h, .inn,, ; itu.ioiph
Vnli'Ullnii, Hi'ri'i'ii iirtiir, whnm tr t tt -rlpnl
roli'H have Im'hii In v liirii'N,
MUi lllii'ratril on 11 flint km of IiIkiiiiiv
burn today when Hid ltdnny cuiii
I'tit I nt via illmiiUncil lifter u prelim
limrr hearing before JiinIIi-h of Hut
I'ent'n lliinliy Justice Dauby ruli'il
tlii'rn wn Insufficient evidence pre
nenled lo support Hut complaint
It Man lentelldi'd hy Deputy HIn
trlct Allnrney J I' Contelln Hint lli
fact Valentino anil hi nccninl wlfu
IIvimI In tlio (.unit rottngo nt I'nlm
Hprlug fur three il.i) follow lug llii'lr
inarrlari' warranted holding (Iik dn
fi'iiilant for trlnt W I Ullhnrt. rep.
resenting Valentino, urgm-il thai 1111
evldenre nhtmlng innrllal relation'
hint 1 11 proilnri'il llclh ( licit de
rision limy claimed aiiKtalneil thi'lr
point. Prank Jiniiex. altorni')' for
llin r.unmiH I'luyeml.asky Corpcru
linn, attacked llin validity of (hn
proceeding on thn ground thn actn
charged hy thn prnnecutlon 1II1I not
constitute bigamy
'llin argument followed testimony
hy llr Plomtta While, itiirlait of
I'.illil Spring, that h,. Illleinle.l thn
miirrlng ai Mexlrull on Ma 13 hint
anil that ttn roiipln ntuyed at her
inllng,, at thn Kprlnm that nlcht
Mr. Valentino mi III. hn IcitU
fleil. mill anknl In lime a room hy
hemelf. nml Vnlnntlnn ami HiiiikIhh
llnraril. hct limn nt thn weililliiK,
wern anlcned to .innther ronin
When Cnnlello niiliin It toil IiIh r.ite
.la men mcneil to illmnlixi thn nine
plaint, imvlnt; lin wan mirprlnil thu
ilepnty illntrlrt nltonipy liml tint ho
moM'il I In K.1I1I It "untitil hn 11 Kriat
mlHfiirtum' If thU ilefeiulnnt nlimiht
hn helil In mmwrr wlirii thnm In m
Iiohi of hi ronvlrlhm hy 11 Jury "
Slut.' Offlil.iU Annoiiniv Alltinit
In llnroll l.tMMl .Mi'iiiIht,
I'OUTLAND. JtllUi S Official of
tint Aini'rlrnn IikIoii lmn nliiiouiir
'oil KlKaiillo mcmhnrlili puh to
enroll a thousand mnr.i ummtinr
In IIh 110 punt prior to tlm 27tli
of till, iiiontli. Iti'pri'iM'iilatlon of
pimtii an to ntimhur of ilnli'Kati'H ami
altemateK I himoil npnii their paid-
up iiinmliomlilp thirty ilayn prior to
tlm roiiM'titlon iliilo, whlrli I July
27. Tlm Ori'Riiu di'pnrlmi'nt It nn
In 2Ut plnco niiiotiK thu (it" il"
)i,trliutntH In thu Union, and far
iihend of ni'iirhy vtnti', California.
WanliluKtniU Colorado, Idnlio unit
Ti'iii. Htrciiuotitt iiffortn will ho
inailn to uiovn tlm Ori'Kou ditpnrl
inont up to tenth placo hy Juno 27.
I'oHtH have hi'cn allied to appulnt
louimlttni'rt to lllturvlow llin ellKlhlo
nx-Hiirvko nit it nml tulvertlno tho
Aiimrlcan Ii-kIoii tin) only ulMii
iIuhIvh Miihller orKiiuliutlon of thu
world war vntorunM In oxlntuuro to
day. Officials Hlalo that "any ex
Hiirvlcu mail who I mil it mmiihor
of tho American IvkIuii Ih uitnliiHt
ll. If (tin liijtlnti Ih flKlitliiK thn
iiX'iuirvlcn inau'ri hattlnH then ho
hIioiiIiI ho with tin. Kvory malt out
nIiIii Ilio IckIiiii that Ih iUiillfluil to
hn In It, I an enuiny to tho IckIoii
liiiraiiHn hn weakens tho orKanlia
I Ion Jimt that liliicli. Ah Iiiiik iih
thn ux-Horvlt'ii iuiiii urn dlvldud
I hero cannot ho liny real proKniHH
inailn U tho rmiiut for which wo
I'xlKt. 'Ono for nil all for onu
uml all rnr thu li'Rloii' Ih thn ntutto
of tlm creal vuturutiH orKiilxullun,"
Thn CycIo-HtoiinuKrapli at Under-
wooiI'h Phurmacy
hits reglHtured hut
llttlo chaiiKo In
barometric pre
Hiihi hIiico yuHtur
dny'H loport, hull
rutlliK 11 rontlnu
nuco of present
woathuf I'ondltloiiH
Forecast tor next
H4 henrtt:
' Contlnuotl warm
with possibly Hhow-
Tlm Tvcort rucordltiR thormomotor
1 "W
registered muxlmum anil minimum
lemporaturi'H, today, uh follow;
High Jfi
l'OW t'U"'"t'"V"L'"t'"l"'tV
'HASH roit wAit o (ji(i:i:kh
ADANA, ('lllrlii. Jiimi ft
,MilHtailiu KiiiimI I'unIiii, IiciiiI
nt the Turkish iiulliMiiillHt gov-
iinimcut, linn ordered lint ion-
HiTliillmi of nil ChrlMlun In
('Willi. They urn in m form-
i'ii nun iiihiir brigade and
ni'iit In front lliic trenches to
I l ''"I, '''''"V" l"",r w"r !
v again! ink Greek.
mumenur iL.MV1A I H
I1I11I i;ritr, 'I III, Mouth of Hull
IIioiikIiI h) Klnle for ltern.
ri) of 7..VIO Arrv
Hi'ply to tlm answer of tlm Port
Klauuilli Meadow roinpniiy wnii re
reived from Hnli'in tlil morning ami
(lli'il In tint rami of llin Hlnte or Ore
non iiKaliut Alvn C. ami Ma F
MnrMer mill tlm Port Klamath .Men.
dnw (iinipaiiy, In wtilclt llin Mute I
seeking to reiovcr mimn 70011 ncri'H
of marsh laiulii In thin (oiinty. It I
thought III. 1 ease will tin Irleil during
HiIh month
Thn milt developed from charge
f Illegal flllni: on certain liimln In
th,. vlrlnlty of Port Klnmatli ami wan
hoiiKht hy tint Htntn In IDS I .
'IIiIiIitii American I.i'k(oii .MeinlM-r
An Inltlali'il Into Onl.r
Ui Hnrlntti Inn III lloniliien it I!
Chevntit, 1 .111 11 1 yi'i. wan organized
nineui: menihern of lint American
Li'Kloii hern Saturday nlRlit. Thlr
teen loclotialri'it were Inltlali'il Into
tint local society and tho team from
Medford, (irnntn I'ann nml Aohland
hruuitht oer dim' dimllihitit for In
itiation Into thu MecUord pout. Kev-
nnti'i'ii nx-m-rvlro men from thn val
ley low tin rnmprlnrd thn "wrccklni;
irnw" that iut lln vlrtliitH thrniiRh
thnlr pace
Tho norlnty of "In moil nml H
linr!', ilrrhi' IIh iiiimi' from thn
capacity of tho hox ram uiuid for
tniiiHMirtatloii to tho front linen dur
I iik thn war Puch rnr wiin hllleil to
hold fn mini or X humeri. It Ix
thn playground of tint Am-rlcnn
Li'Kloii an In thn Hlirlnern for thn
MaitoiiH of tho Knlr.htn of Khorannun
fur th I'ythlaii order.
Thn vlaltom ilemoiiBtrali'il their
playful liiRimully In tho Incul Inltla
Hon. Thn lieophyte worn marched
through thn ntreetn hllmlfotili'il en
roiilii to the Li'Kloii hall mid many
nitirry nlunlH wt perlonneil
Prior to thn Initiation tlm visitor
went enlcrlalui'd with 11 linmiuot at
thn Kux rafn.
Thn folluwlni; worn Initiated Prod
Woiitiirfulil, Kil. (Jrary, Kvnrclt
(Irary, II. II. OkIo, (lan-tt Van
Itlpcr. O. It. Mnollur. J. II. Carna
han, W. WlnnliiKham, Alfred Collier,
If. K. (itttz, Carl Krhuhnrt, Jr., M. L.
Johimon, Marlon Nino and ItulnkltipL
of .MiMirnni.
Tho vlHltliiK leant vvitn headed hy
II, i:. .McDonald, chef do Cam mid
A. J. Crown corri'ipondctit.
Tho Hoclety plaitH anothor Initia
tion within thu aim 30 iluyri.
Last nf III Airmen In National
Itiico lti'Hirteil la Oiarkn
Lieutenant W. P. Heed, niivy pilot
mid tlm last ot thn 13 airmen to
Ihiimi Mllwiiukeo in thu national nlr
raco last Wednodday, vn reported
hero In dlHpatche tii .Inivo Innded
Friday In thn Ozark mountains In
southern Mltsnmtrl.
Thu United Slate coast guard
Hei'vlco annnuneod that Lieutenant
Heed hud covered H3C mile In til
flight, imiklui; him third In thu
nice, uml ono of tho American con
tender In tho International event
lo bo held tit Geneva,
IIUri.tXMI Puhllo Kclinol DestnijiHl;
lucuuillarl.ini Ntixiet'le(l
LA PINK, Juno fJ, Flrii eiirly to
day destroyed a f2C,00() public
Hihool building here. Officer sus
pect an Incendiary iih they founds thu
tracks of 11 mutt lending to thu near
by wood,
HPOICANIC, Juno C Mrs. Ollvo
CoiisIhh, employed In n laundry horn,
wan completely Bcalpoil when her
hulr riiught In 11 belt. Tho attending
physlclnns nald her Injurle might
licovo fntnl,
itiumfruj Herald
Large Quantity Ammuni
tion Siczcd; Ulster Forces
Arc Driven Back
LONDON. May G.--A itli'iiincr
from Now Vurlt hoiiml for Krnlt,
County Ki'rry, with Krnln nml a
mlxi'il nircn, haH heen linhl up In
Trillin hay hy 11 llrltlnh nlnop, A
hirer iiiiiullty of iiiniiiiinlllon In
harri'U wuk Hi'lzml.
llrltlnh troopH han drlvrn Hlnn
I'cln Invuilcrn from their main poul
llaim In Ctniti-r territory, nml n
Inrr.u part of thn hnrilvr hnlwocn
iiorlhern and nonthcrn Irtd.ind now
virtually l a hattlo front.
Thn vWiirii of IVIIIkoo, on tlm
P'iriiiiincli-DoiirKiil horder, wan ro
mptiircil from Hlnn Poln Invadnrii
yenirriiny. nun mull lirni tore ant
ri'portetl to h.Uii a Inn evacuated
Hlallcek. In mlli-N lo tho routhwciit
.Menilx'i, of Painllj falliil to II41I.
uliln of PiiiiinUH Arlri""!
l'ITTIll'lt(!llt Juno r. Mm. Lil
lian IttiMill .Moore, who ha hcen
veiy III at her hoiiio hero, win rr
ported in 11 critical condition hy
pliynlrliuiN Into today Her IiiinIumiI.
Ah'Xaiidur P. Moore, puhllxluT of the
l'lttnlnirfih Leader, anil jthrr mem
hem of family went nt tho hodnldo.
DCNSMIJIIt, Cnllf. Juno r..--
"Mlll" La Due, Inklyoii county'
riSO-piiutnl fat mull, who had nte.ul-
fantly rcfUKcd ti'inptlni; otter m.tilo
to travel with mid carnival
cimceriirt to follow hl vocatluii a
11 rook, died hern Friday nlcht In
a local hospital, where ho had koiio
for treatinunt for n 1lropnlr.1l condl
Tint titidurlaker In clinrKe of thu
funeral, which wan held Sunday,
tL'li'RrnphiHl n riiah order for n pe
clal enskct. No runkut to he hnd In
Mlnklyott county rnmn within n foot
of thn width Hint wan required.
M:V TltlM'K sluvici:
IIKND, Juno R. A new frvlRht
truck vorvlcii hetweon llcntl nml
Kirk will he Nturtrd hy llati Zlm
inermnii of Crenccnt, It was an
nounred here. Tho truck will
Ienn lleiid at 1 : :i 0 p. m. on .Mint
ilay mid Wednesday. A. II. Kato
hencC hIuku vtatlou will he lucut
Member of the Associated Press.
mondav, .mm: n, iiwi!.
Up and Over
A. O. Korrl of California ctMrctl
tho bar at 12 feet 9 Inches ami vwn
tho polo vault event of tho .Inter
collcclato championship at Harvard
Eta (Hum,
Two Sawmill During May L'xcrtil
All l'relou I.umher CiMn
IlLND. Jtini' C How tho Im
provement In tho In in her company
affectlni; Ilelid wait nhowii whon
hotli tho Hhevllti-lllxou company
and thu Ilrookn-Sciinlon Lumber
company announced that shipments
from hero durlnn the month of
May conxtltutuil a new record for
nil thu tmu that tho two plant
have operated. .Shovlln-Illxou ship
ment totaled 511 car a aRnlniit
479 ear scut out In March. 1920,
mid tho llrook-Scitnlon Lumber.
company used SU rani, two moro
than thu prcvlou record establish
ed In March. It):':'.
Till ulilpplnR flnuro Includes tho
flmt Khlpinent of charcoal ever
miido from a local plant, a .carload
having been hent to Portland from
tho by-products tent plant operating
In conjunction with tho llrooks
Scaitlon lumber production.
Shipping from both plants ex
coeiled tho cut, reflectlnR tho blg
Kct volume of order itlnca 1920.
rti:i:l coxcpit.vs
WASHINGTON, Jtinu 3. Th0 fed
oral trado commission Issued formal
complaint against the, llpthlohcm
steel corporation and Liicknwiuin
Steel company charRlng unfair com
putltluu. The complaint grows out
of n recent merger.
Elderly Woman Beaten to
Death in Home While
Cooking Breakfast
I'OUTLAND, Juno C. Mrs. Hit
Han II. Weir, "6, was beaten to
death thlg morning whllo cooking
breakfast. Her non, Walter, 34,
who wag arrested, admitted to tho
police, they Kald, that ho had killed
her, Kuylng ho could not enduro see
ing her Buffer.
Neighbors told the police the
mother had been ailing, but not
ill XiimcH Coutnlncil In list of
Juror for Court Term
Following l tho panel for tho
Junn term of court ns drawn by C
It. Do Lap, county rlcrk, and Sheriff
Geo. Lawrence, merchant, Klam
ath Pall; A. II. Newton, sheepman,
Malln; S. A. White, rancher, Klam
ath Palls; Philip Oden, rancher,
hairy: Homer I. Itoborts. rancher,
Olene: John Khcphard, rancher,
Klamath Palls; Mr. Geo. W. Helms,
housewife, Klamath Pulls; It. P.
Tuttle, rancher, l.orcl!a; J. L. Spar
retorn, merchant, Honanza; J. U.
Chamber, merchant, Klamath Falls;
J. II, Van Meter, rancher, Olcno;
John HagcUtoln, farmer, Algoma;
W. M. Montcllus, clerk, Klamath
Palls; L. J, Morton, farmer, Olene;
John Coleman, farmer, Klamath
Pulls; K. M. Hammond, farmer, Mer
rill: L. O. Mill, stockman, Klara
math Fall; James Howie, garage
man, Klamath Palls; Fred II. Cofcr,
carpenter, Klamath Palls; i O.
Froucr, rancher, Olene; L. M. Han-
non, janitor, Klamath Falls; II. D.
Mortcnson, lumberman, Klamath
Palls; Charles Axel, farmer, Midland;
Kdna Acklcy, teacher, Klamath
Palls; I'eto Gcrges, teamster, Klam
ath Falls; A, Kallna, merchant, Ma
lln; Lyle Kcdfleld, merchant Klam
ath Falls; Italph J. Tucker, ranch
er, Klamath Falls; C. D. John
son, parageman, Klamath Falls;
Harry Thrashor, barber, Klamath
Falls; M. K. Cowley, farmer, Loreel
Former Montana residents ot this
city uro Invited to attend a Mon
tana picnic to bo hold In Grants
Pass on Sunday, Juno 11, accord
ing to word rccolved boro today
from II. N. Johnson.
C. Complying with tho re-
4 qucnt of Germany and somo of 4
4 the allies, a small forco ot
Americans, Including Major
General Allfn and tw0 bat-
will bn retained on tho Hhlno
tallonii of tho Klghth Infantry,
beyond July 1, tho dato orlg-
Inally set for completion of
tho Amnrlcan evacuation.
Flnt Piirt of Daring Journey In-
tcrniptcil hy AcrlflenM; IjiihI-
Ing Made In Pernnnibuco
PKRNAMnUCO, Ilrall, Juno C-
Tho Portugeso naval aviators. Cap
tains Sacadura and Coutlnhc, ar
rived today, after having flown In
their hydro-airplane from Fernando
Norchcnha, completing a trans-Atlantic
flight from Lisbon. Tho
flight was Interrupted by accidents
early In April and early fh May,
Hscml Heart Academy KxcrcltcH
Proc to Ito Interesting
Tbo graduation exercise of tho
Sacred Heart academy wero bold
last evening In Lyceum hall. Thn
largo audience, which filled every
available; space was delightfully en
tertained by a program that was
rcplcto with Interesting numbers.
Walter P. Hannon was this year'
graduate, and' his essay, on "Medl
ocrlhy Better Than Ocnlus," re
flected much credit upon tho teach
ers ot tho institution as well as
stamping him as a young man who
Is making tho most oC hi oppor
tunities. - It indicated that Sacredl
Heart academy will have reason to
bo proud ot Itn graduate.
Tbo musical part of tho program
was well executed, tho piano solos
by Elizabeth Itamshy and Plorcnco
Elliott, tad tho violin solo by War-
ter Hannon, deserving especial men
tion. The address ot tho evening was
delivered by the Rev. G. Harring
ton of Bend, who took for his sub
ect "Catholic Education." Father
Harrington explained why tho Cath
olics ot tho nation aro Imposing a
burden upon themselves ot millions
of dollars a year for tho mainten
ance of private schools, so that
Hhelr children may gain an educa
tion In ono of the greatest factors
in tho forming ot character re
ligion." Ho touched upon tho
charges made from tlmo t0 tlmo
boot tbo "un-Amorlcanlsm" of tho
Catholic schools, and said: "Tho
Catholics havo no apology to offer
for (heir schools upon this score.
Wo can point with prldo to tho pro
duct of our educational Institutions,
for it 'must follow as a result ot tbo
training gained therein that thono
attending them will learn tho God-
glren Inunction (0 'render unto
Caesar tho things that nro Caesar's,
and unto pod the things that aro
Qod's.' "
.... . uui-r t-uuipnuy rinni Aear
vakliuiil Is Wrecked
OAKLAND, Cat., Juno 15. Fivo
mon aro doad, thrco badly Injured
and a dryor wrecked n4 u result of mi
explosion at thu Trojan Powder com
pany plant tit San Lorenzo, 11 mllca
from horc, today.
EUGENE, Oro Juno 5. Gcorgo
Riggs, ot Klamath Fulls, has been
awardod tho pin which Is glvun year
ly by tho Condon club, Roologlcul
society, ot thu University of Oregon,
for tho geology major who has for
tho past year made, tho best record
in tho dopurtmont. Itlggs Is a Jun
ior In tho university.
McCloud niver Railroad company op
erating from SIsson reports to tho
. railroad commission for tho, yoar
1931 that its operating roveiiuo was
$313,886.18; operating expenses
$245,887.74 giving a net operating
revenue of 877.99M4,
i'iiich fivi: ckntw
Labor Organization Held
Not Exempt Under Sher
man Anti-Trust Law
Labor organizations aro not exempt
from prosecution under tho Sher
man anti-trout law, thn supremo
court announced today In deciding
tho Coronadn coal caio. It was
hold that labor organizations can
ho held Uahlo for proporty and oth
er damages caused by tho net of
memberfs during strikes. Tho de
cision was dollvcred by Chief Jus
tice Taft.
The caso was brought by tho
United Mlno Worwcrs of America
against thn Coronado and othor
coal companies, arising out ot tho
Arkansas strike. of 1011.
Tho "Coronado caso" wai Iho
namo applied to ono of tho most
famous proceedings to reach tho
supremo court within recent years.
Its famo arose not only from tho
lonR porlod It remained' on tho
docket, but from It Importance
involving, 09 It did, tho question ot
whether organled Iabor as repre
sented In tho United Mlno Worker
of America could bo prosecuted un
der tho Sherman anti-trust Inwr for
restraint of Interstate commerco re
sulting from strikes.
Tho Coronado and Associated
coal companies of Arkansas insti
tuted In tho United States district
court for Arkansas civil proceed
ings against tho United Mlno Work
ers to recover to recover treblo
damages,, under tho Sherman net
tor-V.vvcrtjriCs.ics'liUffercd by thorn
during a strike In thu ArkausaM
coal flold In 1314.
Tho coal companies alleged that
the United Mln0 Workor had un
lawfully conspired to suppress non
union competition, and that tho
destruction ot tho property had
been resorted to. with attendant
restraint of Intcrstato commerce,,
to accomplish that end.
Tho decision ot tho court dis
missing tho suit was set usldo by
tho United States circuit court ot
appeals for tho Eighth circuit, and
In tho samo court, on second trial,
beroro n different fedoral udge.
tho Jury found that tho destruction
of tho mlno property was duo to a
conspiracy to provent tbo mining
of coal by non-union labor, and
had resulted In a restraint of In
terstate commorce. Tho Jury
Placed tho actual damages at $300,
000, which was trobled by tho court
under tho Sherman law.
Tho award, affirmed by tho cir
cuit of appeals, was brought to tho
supremo court by tho labor unions
on tho ground that bolng Incorpor
ated rtiey could not bo sued.
m .
-uutKirr mcpoitT
I'OUTLAND, Juno G.-,c.attlu low.
hogs 25c to 3De higher, prlm0 light.
$11.75. $12.00, Sheep steady. Kggi
nnd buttor unsettled. Wheat $1 13
(0 $1.19.
Radio Love Is Latest
Won Bird of a Husband
5. Radio lovu la tho latest ilovoN
opment In wlroloss telephony.
It nil bogan whon Miss Dolly U.
L. Smlthson ot aalnoavillo, Texas,
becaroo cnamorod of tho volco of
Frank Bird ot Oklahoma City, as
It camo to hor through scores ot
miles of other, Through tho micro,
phono of u radio rocolvlng sot Miss
Smlthson first heard tho volco ot
hor tuturo husband saven days ago,
Bird, as director ot an orchostra,
which has bcon giving radio con
corts hero, announced tho namo ot
tho soloctlon, ,
In Galiiosvlllo Miss Smlthson
hoard It. "I don't know why," slid
confossod today, "but right away I
toll In lovo with that volco."
Camo a lotter to this city, Tfiero
was an answer. An exchange ot
less than half a dozen mUslvoa and t
Miss Smlthson camo (0 Oklahoma
City. A minister scaled (be radio'
m t
1 )