The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 03, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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ftATtmDAV, JUNE , ilHH '
Vigi lAmc
Tlio homo of Mm. O. D. Durko,
on Third street, wan the homo of a
lovely party Thtirsdny afternoon,
Riven liy Mrs. Louis HniiKlnnil, Mm.
0. I). Ilurko nnil Mr. C. H. Ilrowno.
'fliu Iioiiko was beautifully decornl-
! wllh lllncii nml moimtnln nsh.
montlng Mrs. 0. A'rtluir llnlllwelt,
n recent bride, was Riven by Mrs.
Itotlcrlck Smith. Misses Mario Ram
bo, Dorothy Mnrtln nml Vivian
Martin, at tho latter's heme, Wed-
House; 'Cello Beatrice Walton! Ac
companlsto, Elizabeth Ramsby liar
ry Horel.
Commencement exercises will lie
held tomorrow ciciiIiir nt S o'clock
In tho I)ccum Hull, nt which Wal
ter Hannon, tho only graduate from
tho Sacred Heart academy this year
ll! receive his diploma. Following
l.'tho evening program, i
nesdiiy nftornoon at 4 o'clock. Tho f 8o"R
house was beautifully decorated
Thcro worn sovon tallies of lirldRojwIth pink und whlto rose and
and n few giioMa en mo later for sweet peis. and the brldo win
lea. Mr. Hyron llnrdcnhrook won showered with Cecil Ilrunncr roio
.. - I.I..1. ...... v.. Tltrtwrt ,.A,.,la Tlm.ri ...... n ..,.-
llio pnro ior hikh nvun. ..... ,.ve. .... ...... ., .iihc.iv... im..-,
present were Mesdames C. I. Mb- gram, and then tho bride was pre-.
bcrt Ed Pike, Hornco Urldgeforti.lsenteti with many lovely Rift, ue-
E. Wright, A. 11. Epperson, u. ; Melons refreshments wcro served
L. Trunx. 0. A. Mnsicy, T. C.
Campbell. Forrest Del, J. C. Brock
unhroiiRli, H. 1). Newell, Guest.
Hllibort. IJert C Thomns. Pfluegcr,
Hornco MnnnlnR. T A. Stevenson,
Fred Dunbar, F. U. Patrick, lister
T.Tiillcir. Jnck Slater, jamos
Foster. Hnrdln Carter. Hyron Har-
denbrook. Glen Jetcr, Abbott. J
K. Under. K. D. I.amb, Roderick
Smith, Win. McNeally, 0. R
Wright, Oolilcii Lincoln, Fred Bak
er, Torek Ilurke. H. W. Henderson,
Unlit. Slonn, 0. A. Holllwell and
Nntu Otterbeln: Misses Florence
rflucgcr und I.lla Mnttern
The Women' Auxllllary of tho
l'rcsbylcrlan church met Thursday
nftornoon at tho church parlors.
Th0 ladles decided to adjourn for
the summer nfter a special meeting
to bo held next Wednesday at the
church at which all member, are
urged to be present. j i"Hi
Mrs. A. D. Epperson entertained
Monday afternoon with a bridge
party honoring her alster. Miss Lcla
Mnttern. At tho closo ot tho af
ternoon delightful refreshments
wcro serrcd by the hostess, assisted
by Mrs. J. W. Watklns. Those
present wcro Mesdames Louis Brad
ford. C. E. Jay. Uoy Durbln. J. M.
Watklns. Austin Hayden, Louis
Honcland. C. B. Hrowno and the
guest ot honor. ' k Jkl
Tho Auction Drldgo club met
Wednesday afternoon nt the homo
ot Mr. Geo. Mcrryman In the Hot
Springs addition. Club members
present were Mesdames L. F. W1I
llts, C. I. Uoberts, Oscar Shire,
Win. Duncan, O. I. Wright. U. E.
Wright, and guests were Mrs. W.
O. Smflh and Mrs. Fred Baker.
Mr. Oscar 8hlvo received the prize
for high score.
Tho Psychology class will not
meet Jtfpnday, as Archdeacon Van
Witters will not bu able to be hero
Sunday or Monday. When ho does
arrive notlco will be given
The Auxllllary of the American
Legion will meet Tuesday evening
In the club rooms at tho court
house. A large attendance Is de
sired, as a dolegato will be elected
to attend the convention held at
Tho Dalle In July.
Tho Ladles Auxllllary of the
chamber ot commerce gave an Ico
cream social for sixty boys and
girls ot Preclnc.t No. 2 and tho
manual training boys who helped
In tho Antl-Lltter campaign, Tues
day evening, at tho chamber ot
commerce rooms. Secretary Stev
enson told thorn some stories and
they all sang to mo ot the veil
known songs. Mrs. Eberlein, who
waj In charge of tho arrangements,
said they had 'such a good time
that they didn't want to go home.
Tho A. N. W. club will meet next
Wednesday with Mrs. Jennie Hum,
439 Pine street.
Tho Bridge club met Thursday
afternoon at the homo ot Mrs. C.
H. Underwood, 320 North Seventh
htroet. Mrs. W. O. Smith won the
prlzo for the high score. Tea was
served to Mesdames W. O. Smith,
Dou Zumwalt, Will Baldwin, T. C.
Campbell, Fred Baker, Chas. Stone
und Misses Mario McMillan and
.Mnudo Baldwin.
The Ladles Mlsslouury boclety of
tho Christian church met Thursday
uftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. H.
J. Shoots, 308 South Riverside ave
nuo. Mrs. Uristow wa8 to bavo had
char go 0( tho program, but was un
ablo to bo present, and her place
wag taken by Sir. Brlstow. The
social hour that was followed was
a "farewell reception In honor of
Mrtr. Elisabeth Bice, who will leave
soon to visit her sou, Louts, In As
toria, and from there will go east
to live. Delightful refreshments
woru served by the hostess. Those
present were Mesdames It. H. Dun
bar, K. R. Dqnner, J. F. Goeller,
Karl Cuminings, Jesse Beckley,
Ivun McKlra. Dollle Shldler, P. J.
McCollum, Frank Owens, C. V.
Stemwell, Robt. Emmltt, II. p.
Thonai, Kay Anderson, A. Balnter,
Elizabeth Bice and Harry Goeller.
A miscellaneous shower, conipli-
cjdames Geo. Chastaln, Ilex '
n. Herman Foster. Jam. K",ny, "i1"" "'"'' T"
ler. Leslie Piymalc. Joseph! ,u' ; - "
by the hostesses. Thojo present
wero Mc!dames Geo. Chastain, Rex
II. Foster,
Avery. Loul Prltchard, Edward
Sanders, Theodore Nelson, Victor
Palmer. Lotil Hoagland, Phillip S.
Pope. Guy Merrill. John Ender. S.
E. Martin; MIsjcs Madge Dixon,
Bess Kllgore, Mildred Thrasher,
Myrtle Jones, Grace Hoagland Clara
Calkins, Esther Calkin and Eliza
beth Ramsby.
The Uebckahs met Thursday
evening In regular session at Odd
Fellow, hnll. Candidates wero Ini
tiated and the reports read by del
egate who had attended the recent
convention at Eugene. A banquet
followed which wa much enjoyed
by all present.
The Sunday school ot tho Chris
tian church held its annual picnic
In the grove on the Chas. Drew
ranch, near Lost rlver dam. Tues
day. A largo crowd cnoyed the
events ot the day. Tho games and
contests were under the direction
of Mrs. Jesse Beckley.
The Aloha club of Matrons
of the Eastern Star met Friday af
ternoon at the Baldwin hotel. It
was the last meeting of the season,
and a "pot" luck" supper was held
at 5 o'clock, which was very much'
onjoyed by all present. At the busi
ness meeting It was planned to give
a card Party Wednesday afternoon
at the Masonic hall tor tho benefit
ot the Masonic and Easter Star
home at Forest Grove, which Is
nearly completed and will soon bo
dedicated. Aloha Past Matrons
club has undertaken the furnishing
of one of the rooms. Those pre
ent were Mesdames- Frank Ward,
Frank Ankeny, H. E. Momycr, L. F.
Willlts. A. L. Leavltt, Chas. Martin,
Geo. Baldwin. II. F. Murdock. Wm.
Splkcr, Hettie, Moorland, Jennie
Hum and Miss Maude Baldwin.
Mrs. Ted Nelson gave a party
for the Sixth grade of Falrvlow
school Friday afternoon. The time
was spent very happily In playing
games, and Ice cream and cakes
were served at the Rainbow con
fectionery. Those present were
Blanch Ray. Bertha Allen. Ethel
Johnson.) Mildred Allen, Dorothy
Retell, Margaret Lockwood, Robert
White, Eugene Vaden. Wm. Smith.
Cecil Haygreen. Joseph Goddard,
Leon Lockwood. Joe White, Joe
Evans, Jack Danncr and Mrs. J. F.
Hackett. i
At tho Presbyterian church noxt
Tuesday evening Harry Borel, assist
ed by Dorotba 'Elliott, soprano, and
Beatrice Walton, planlsto, puplla ot
Mrs. Don Z. Zumwalt, and Elizabeth
Grlgsby, accompanlste, pupil ot the
Sacred Heart academy, will present
the Juvenile ensemblo In a Tecltal,
ot which tb0 following Is the pro
"Andante" from, the Surprise Sym
phony Hayden
Violin Solo, "Romance .-..Beethoven
Master Gordon Smith
(a) "Llebeslled"
(b) "Fruhllngslled" Atherton
Piano solo, "Impromptu In B flat
Major Schubert, Op. 142. No. 3
Miss Beatrice Walton
"Mazurka" Salnt-Saens
"Andante Cantabile" from the String
Quartette Op, 11, Tscbalkowsky
First Violin, Katherine Walton
Second Violin, Gordon Smith; Rob
ert Cornish, Viola; Beatrice Wal
ton, 'Cello, Elizabeth Ramsby, Ac
companlste "Cavatlna, 'Una voce poco fa'," from
Barber or Seville Rossini
Miss Dorotha Elliott
Violin Solo, "Legende" ....Wlenlawskl
Miss Katberlno Walton
(a) "Deg Pays Lolntalns" (From
Foreign Lands) Krlcns
(b) "Aria from Rlnaldo" Handel
"Marclie Pontlflcale" Gounod
Following lg tho personnel of the
First VlolUi.t Katberlne Walton,
Gordon Smith, Le Roy Moom, Bowne
Henry; Second Violin, Helen Wirtz,
Anna Collins, Jean Thompson; Third
Violin, Howard Graham, Merle Swan
sen; Violas, Robert, Cornish, Charles
High School
ltlRoletto 4Virdl-l.lsnt
Elizabeth Rnm-iby
Minuet In G llcethoveu
1st Violin. Walter llnntion
2nd Violin, Anita l.nwrcuco
3rd Violin, David Totte-n
Plnno. Opnl Cnrdwell
Cowboy's Sour
Little Boy
(n) Hungarian Danc. . . . Brnlim
(b) Nocturne. Op. 9 . Chopin
Florence Elliott
Cavatlna - . .
Walter Hannon
Impromptu, Op. 66, No. -I
(b) Polonnlc. Op. 26, No. I
Elizabeth Ramsby
La Zlngann Bourns
Violin Trio
Laudato Domtnum Wllklns
AddrcAs . ..Catholic Education
Rev. G. Harrington of llend, Oregon
Tho regular meeting of the Ladles'
Club ot B. P. O. E. will bn held at the
Elk's Temple Tuesday nt 230. Ho
teSM for the afternoon are Mes
dames O. M. Hector. W. P Johnson.
O. D. Mathews, and F Frankford.
All visiting lady Elks aro Invited.
C. H. L'nderwooo, assisted by C.
A. Hayden, was host last nlRht to
past exalted rulers of the Elks.
Music and refreshments wcro fea
tures of the evening. Present were
J. J. Parker. Chas. Stone.W. O.
Smith. 0. W. Houston. W S, Wiley.
Chas. Martin, L. G. Van Bellcn and
J. E. Swanson.
JobnoNii v. 1'irk.s, rt nl
Default Judgment and decree was
signed this mornlnR by Judgo Leavltt
In the case of Charles B. Johnson
against P. P.' Parks and W. I. Nor
rls. In the sum ot r39.0S with 25
attornoys fees, and providing for a
Hen on a Ford sedan In tho posses
sion of Parks.
Schneider vh. Morpin, n nt
Execution was Issued this morn
ing for $717.10 In the case of Henry
Schneider against John Morgan nnd
S. H. Francis, pursuant to default
Judgment haing been entered, and
the paper placed In the hands of the
The Herald has an opening for an
apprentice desiring to learn tho print
er's trade. Kino opportunity for
young man from 16 to 20. Must bo
a steady-going, willing worker, who
Is willing to start at small wages In
consideration of tho future advan
tages. Only those desiring to de
vote all tlmo and seeking permanent
place considered. Inquire Herald of
fice, tt
SEE PICKLE tor cabbing. Corner 8th
and Main. 3-5
FOR RENT An apartment. Liberty
Rooms, cor. 3rd and Main. 3-C
FOR SALE Building lots. Price of
3 tot takes 3 extra, owing to oth
er business. See Dick, 240 Broad
St. 3-S
FOR SALE Auto cars. Price of I
car takes 1 extra. Seo Dick, 240
Broad St. 3-5
Hewing Machine Co. 208 Ma n
St. 3
FOR SALE Household furniture,
very reasonable. 811 Plum. Call
after 4 o'clock. .'I-C
Mimon.. uml Eahvrn Hlarx
For tho benefit of the Masonic
and Eastern Star Home, a card party
will be given at tho Musonlc Hall on
Wednesday evening, JunQ 7th, at X
o'clock, by Aloha Past Matron club.
All Masonlcally related are Invited.
Admission COc each. Refreshments
will be served. 3-6
FOR SALE Old papers, Hultablo for
underlying linoleum, carpet, etc.,
wrapping and packing. Ton centH u
large bundle, Herald office. tt
R. R. Spur. Whso. Phono 228-W,
Res. Phone 4D6-WI. Storage our spec
iality. Right now we aro ready for
your woo!. Bring It In. Day or night.
Our rate Is right try us. 3
FOR SALE Ono used Dodge tour
ing 17; One Ford touring 21; One
7 passenger Bulck 21. All good buys.
II. S. Wakefield, Central Garage. 3-6
CHEVROLET 490 for uule, 2C0.
Dunham Auto Co. 3
FOR "SALE Good piano. Cheap.
rnone stjv-j, j-o
To fish on the Reservation you must
first procure your license, and then
permission from the owner of the
land. Without permission you are
subject to arrest for trespassing the
same as on any other private prop
erty. Any person damaging prop
erty of an Indian will be severely
dealt with
u fr