Euntnn Mtvafii WEATHER FORECAST TO.VIdllT AMI HI'NDAV FAIR, f(UI,i;it Hl'M'AY, N NEWS OF THE WORLD ".' BY THE i ASSOCIATED PRESS I Member of the 'Associated Press. I'tflisnili Vnii' .No. ii:i;lt. KLAMATH FAfcLH.OHKflO.V, SAH'llllAV, .M'M.' :. V.riSt. I'RICH F1VH OBNTS Eat DELEGATION TO TTN I IT Purpose Is to Link The Dnllci-Cnliforniu and Victory Routes il'ii"'' delegation fiom llm ihiimlier of rnuimerio lll iilli'iiil Hid IiIk rimil limellng In Wlnimiiiiireii, NrVHilii, Jiiiin 0 tiiul III V ('. Ihillnn, M. H. West, J. A. (loriliin, 'I'. A. Htnven win, ami HiHllily mm other niomhur will in it t. tt tlin trip Ii'iiMiik Kliimiitli Falls, Wednesday, June 7, mill ro turning Monthly, Jim,, 12 Tim purpo,. of llm i t Iiir In In locale ii in ii I ii highway from Wlttim in men tu AluiriiH mill lloddlhg mul which would link up Tim Dalles-Cnl-Uiirnlii highway with llm Victory highway from Halt I-uko City to Cull (nrnlii. TIiIk would uimblo Northern I'allfiuiilit ami Oregon lo got an uicii hri'.ik ltli Hnullmrn Cnllfornht mi Hut anli'm rrop ol tourists unit Mould nit Klamath Fulls on a dlr n't linn from Nevada, I'lali mul Southern lilalio territory lo Crater Like ami Northern Oregon Should thl highway hit Imlll. His khoil county inn million tlio two highway, by building only 00 miles nf rnntmrtlug ronil mul Klaimith will hum mi ull-llii'-)rur highway to llm rinilli mul I'lmt liuleguilun fiom four states "III iiltiiiil tin. meeting ami u number uf rallro.ul off h lulu Mill Im present It I tiiol.i'il upon by many iik being 'thn iiiimI lininirtiinl rn.ul rnnterenio lit'lil fur Minm yriirit ami Klamath County Milt i( vllally lntTetid In Kit nut- COIIIK. Tim Klamath FallK delegation "III spent Thiirmhi)' iiIkIH " Alluran whom It will ho Joined liy rcpresrn Intlvim from u iiiimbor uf ntlmr ell Iih In Callfnriilu ami Oregogn. On 'llinritihiy tin' r.irut.m Mill iiiuku llm I rip from Allurus lo Wlnni'inuini, a iIIkIiiiho uf itinim 2"' miles out llm ili'miri nniiitry. LUMBER SHOWS GAINS l'i imIikI hut III Columbia llitrr Mill Ill Per Vnt ,Inii Xnnnal I'OUTI.'ANI), Juno 3 One-hundred mul twenty-llvii mills reporting In Wont Coast Lumbermen' iissorla Hun fur llm week iiiuIIiik May 2. iniinufnclured IU.30S.22U frot of lilliilmr; hcIiI KMi.riSI.l97 fort; mul uhlppi'tl !i2.r.!H.!t7H feet. Production fur niportln,; mill wn 12 Hr cent hIiovii normiil, Now linl ims wan 10 per rniil atioMi protlue llun. HIilpmi'titH with K per ton I bil low now business Thirty-six pur rent of all now busl nesu lakiin Murine Hi" wi'i'k 'a for fiiliiro wuliir ilfllvi-ry. TIiIm umoiinl nl lo :il!.2ll,IU7 fi't't of wrlch 2fi n.' fcol miih for ilnmi'mlr nirno ilullvury. anil 1 0,2.10.831 font for uvfr-nmiH Mlilpmnit. Now bintlm-im fur iliillvory by rail ninoiinti'il to 2,133 rarn. Tlilrty-lliri'o pi'r rent of tlio wtok'n liimlinr HlilpmontK movoil by water. Thin innouiilPil to 23.747.307 fool. runHlwImi anil IiiIitceiihIhI: ami '. iiriH.firl fiiot uxpiirt. Hull HhlimionlH iiinniintcil lo 2,003. t'nfllli'il tlcmi'Htlc rurRO onlcrH total 107.733.3n3 foot. Unfllli'il ox port nriliirn 71,000.184 Tuot. Vil fllluil roll trnilo onlnrH, 7.070 carH. In twimtyotio wink proiluclloii hnn licon 1,0011,07 1 ,330 Mil; now Inml ikiiih, 7ll.820.3rt8 flint; hlimolllH 1.013. I27.1M0 foul MAIIKKI' HUroIlT I'OltTI.ANU. Juno 3. I.lvimtock. oKKrt ami butlor ultimly. Wheat 1. M to WIIATHKIt rHOIIAHIMTIKrJ i.ii.l(iriiinuraiih at llllilcr- , .i - ,,-- ... wmm m i-iiariiiut lniM luiilaluri'il hut llttlo chiillKU in baiuuiutrlc liroif mirii ilur UK tlio IukI Si liourH, Thtorforo hut, III llu I'liaiiitii III wuuthur 1'oiiiUtlonn in ii v li,i oxtaictwl. Tomorrow kIvoh ov- nrv nrnnuno or uo- IDK u boauiKUl dnv. .. ForocuHt for noxt 21 heurs: HH M il Ov "S Oontlhiioil Mir and warm, Tho Tyco'H locordlng thormomotoi' roKiritoniil muxlmum uml minimum tompcrnturoH today, an follews: i , HIkH H" w iKew: ,..v.,....,f.v..t.i s..4 1.1,0011 MtUM riHMH.NTIJM M WAHHIMJMIV '1(1 Iti: l i hi;i ion iiiiioiiustatiox i HKATTI.i:, Jiiiin 3 I'lvn 1 tlioiiminil tirrus of f ill over hinds kUiiii (tin stnlo of Washington by tlin Weyiirluieiiser Timber mi lo In) devoted firm In ii nun- ', iirnl iilvn Krlii'iiin of refores- J tuition In llm Mnli'. (leorgo i Lung, norlliwiml miuKigir of llm lomiiiiiiy, iiiiiiiiiiiiti'il nt a meeting Imliiy of III" WiihIi- liigtin statu forestry confer- y I'llCli. CRATER LAKE TO BE SCENE OF K. P. 1923 CONVENTION Plant Lminihril IIito An' Apprmiil nl IliKiliiuc (Jutlurlii. I. (I. K. K. May Atliml (.rut or Lake In 1923 will liu thn nmcoi for KiilKlitn of Pythian from all pnrU of Koiillmrn OnKon. and for mombi'M of Hi" Dramatic Order of KiiIkIiIk of Khoraminii from all purli of tho t!nlli'd Hlatcn, If plnnii laliiirlii'd by tho Inral ImlKii and ac copfd by llm K. P. convt'iillun In lloitfluifK luxt M""l a r" broiiKht to a mn'romifiil lonclunliiii . liny lliirbln, who iilli'iidil tho convi'iillon from Iiito. rr-porli'd Hint Ihu propomil to hold tho annual convrntlon for llm Hoiithurn ()r ;on illitrlcl at frnliT l.aku M.m niciiptril with ftitliilnliiMlil It vmu pluniii'd. hi' tt.ilil, to hold It In Aiir nut. mIhmi thn 'DokkliV will hold Hudr niitloniil ninvnntloii In Port laud, limit piTinltlliiR them to ut luuil llm TratiT l.akn riintrntlon brfuri' rcturnlm; homo. BEARFOOT IS MECCA 'liiillmtluin Arf Tlml Many Will Mnttir to Ni-M Iti-wirt With film Moathi'r promUcil, In illtallonn.aro that many local mo turUtii Mill inuko thn tmw lliMrfunt liu Oivi'N r"'mirt thn morra of to inorrow'it run, Mhllo a iiiiiuIht will attrml tho ilmirn loulKht. ( (I. .Merrill, proprietor, ban In nt.illed iircummoilatloiiN for two Nruro Riieiti, and will open tlm re mrt thin ovrtiliiR with u dauru on tlm blR open air platform. Tomorrow there will bo a chicken dinner. danclnR and exploration of thn niv.'K uuiliir direction of RUldv. who know tlm region thoroiiRhly. W. A. Dcliell. who him J tint re turned from a trip to the lava bed, leea poimibllllli'it of duvolop moot In tlm hum' renurt, iih an at traction for tourliitn with Klaimith Kit I In an IIh center. Delzoll today riivo tho fnlloMliiR miKKt'itloiiK and advlco to tlionu In toudlUR to visit tho caves tomor temor tomer row: "Those who o tomorrow aro iw miteil of a lilOHt InttireBtliiK trip and a flno vntorlalnment. 1 havu been a bnoxter for this rt'Klon as a tourUt attraction ver nlnco my first visit thuru In 1000, when thu Ico cavo M'as discovered. "Wear ygur old ciolhe and ntout shoes; thu rockK aro roiiKh to tramp over. It In u noxcellcnt Idea to carry several canteens of drlnkltiR water In your car. Water can tin found In snmo of tho cavos. tint not alwnyM convenient. I'or ex plorliiK caves I huvo fniind ordi nary tallow eundles bottur tliiiu flashllRhiH. nasy to hold whllo cliimborltiK hvht tho rock, and pieces ran ho stuck up most nny wlioiti on Ihu rocks t "Contrary to Koiioriil uollous, thorn aro very few wniikon thero. In IwrhiipH fifty vlsllii I hao mado In tho last diweii years, I havo'tieon less than hair a doon rattlors, and Hiomi only later In tho soason." KAYS (iUAhUATKH HNKIT . HHRKKMSY, Cnllf., Juno 3. Tho majority of college Kriiduaten throughout thn United Mates uro unfit for carourtf bocuusu of tho luck or modern touching In tlio urhool currlculuniH, Professor Frederick Teggort of tho social Institutions dopurtmont, Unlvoralty of Califor nia, assorted recently In tho annual Phi Ilota Koppn address. Professor Toggart unld thoro hud boon no proKresH In colloglato coursoa of study bIiico tho ronalBsanco. Infltoud of rovlowlnic dead Inn guages and old documents, ho con tinued, unlvorslly Instructlona should appeal (o tho hutnanttlei, Babe Ruth's WZfiPr. A". k jyt I S "I' lv ? r'xv' ! i In nuth'n second frame thla and tho plcturo ttlla tho rut PLAGUE IS SERIOUS HH'pi Anken lo (link Orii"'liiipier Mi-lime In Till" l.nkf lll-trjit Tlm Krasshoppor sltiiiitlmi In thu Tulo l.akn tllstrlit lH iulle, serious. reports K II. Thomas, who reliirn etl last iiIrIiI from a trip of Inves tigation llerauso thn lands nru Koverilineill lenses, (ill whllll thitro Is hut oho j ear's I en lire, It Is hard to Ret a comprehenslvu extermina tion program, thn lessees having no assurance that they will control Uio snmu bind next year. Imllvldtwils, however, nru using extermination method and will probably keep ihu loss In hounds Dili year, silt) Thomas, but the situation will llku- ly be worse next season. To have attained thu maximum effect, lie aald, Murk should luivo started tun days ago, before tlm young gr.tsshoplMTH worn Mattered Thiima.i said he would lend his aid to the ranchers, mid ho oxped rd that rotislilerablo control could bit obtained In thu next week or two. Near Keno, on the old Kerns ranch, Krasshoopers are tlilok on tlm fields of Jack Waluli, said Thomas; oIIiitmImi tho grain In that district Ik not greatly menaced LENINE HAS STROKE Oilier Sotlet U'jiili'rH lA-at' Inline illnltdy fur Mosi'ikv Hi:itJ..V, Juno 3 Prlvatn ailvle os readied from Sutlvl rlnles In llerllu report that Premier l'iilnu siiffrrcd a slrokii Thursday. .Maxim l.ltvlnoff, Karl Itadek mul other mi vlei leaders hern left Immeiliajely for Moscow. samtv i.i:.(ai:, Mcnroitn MKUKOItl), Juno 3 .Tlm Sanity l.eaguu of Amorlra, n national. Incur poratcd Organltatlon seeking u mod ification of thu Volstead art to as to permit tho manufacture and sale of light M'lnos and beer under gov ernment control Id being organized hero. st'HCKSTs iwiuxirr iiiicnn TOKIO. June 3. Premier T.ik.i hasl again suggested today llm ad visability of ii Joint resignation of thu cabinet. SIS TRIES jl.OOKTiWArlNA BEArroTd FooeV -1 aisT goTNoThih'. , 'AGAlMSTpORlFWPPeR ' J1PM1 t TVLE S jBuT3dtnToi3AV X 1 , - .11111 II II II I I I I I- .-J First Homer uon. , Bambino at tht bat UngV LANDIS GRANTS PLEA Will CoiisliItT Itrlcfs In Huiih'IihIuii (if 1'IIRIlR .MellllHTN HAN KltANCIRCO, Juno 3 Ilaso ball Cnmmlsslonor t.andls will ion slder hrjefu and other ovldencc filed on behalf of Kenwortliy, Klnppcr unit llrowster. whom ho siispeitdod, ncrorilliig to a telegram to Presi dent McCarthy of thn Pacific Coast league. Tho telegram answered ono sont by tho league directors hero after ii special nietdlng yesterday, asking l.andls If ho would consider such ovltlencf. Tho lcaguu's j telegram railed special attention to Ilrow stir's showing that ho had no knowledgu hlH name was being used III itllegi-d oliji-ctlonul activities, that ho M'as not an officer of tho chili ,aiul ha( no opportunity to put In a defetuo before tho ruling. CUPID OUT OF COURT Mul her of .Mntlillili .McCormlrk U'lllitlrmtH IVHlliiii l ltetniln CIIH'ACO. Juno 3. Tho court fight against Matlilld,, McCormlck's marrlagu to Max User. HmIss horMi man, ended with Ins than two mill Utn proreedlngH In tho probate court today when Mrs. IMIth Itockcrfcl ler McCormlck, tho girl's mother, withdraw hor petition for n restrain ing order to provcnl,thu union. Friend suggested That tho court action was htnrtcd to keep Mnthlldo In America long as posslhln In hopu shu might oluntnrlly rhatigo her mind. Mrs. McCormlck In her objections Is s.iltl to bu htrongly supported by hor father, John I). Itockefeller, Sr. IM.IMI.VATi: (iOIICAK PUWT WASIIINC.TON. May 3. Tho houso military commltteo voted today to report tho Ford Muscln Shoals pro posal recommending adoption with tho Horgas steam power plant elimi nated. riax sn:itu. imcxic DOWNIKVIM.K. Calif., May 22. Plans' aro being perfected for thu holding of a celebration picnic near thn summit of tho Sierras, east of hero, to commomorato tho opening o( tho Yuba Pass routa to traffic. ON HER NEW BATHING SILK PIJAIS FIGURE. TRIAL T Dainty Garments Are of Purple and White; Attor ney Says Chinese Suits I.OS ANOKI.KS, Juno 3. Dainty llk garments, ono while and ono pur ple, were Introduced today an ex hibits at tho preliminary hearing of Itudolph Valentino on a bigamy charge. They wcrci presented as tho attire In whlcli Valentino and his second bride, Winifred Hudnut, whom he married In MoxictU May 13th, appeared In public at Palm Springs, Calif., during their honey moon a few dayy after their mar riage. Prosecution contended tho nulla Mora pajamas, whllo Valentino's at torncy said they were Chinese silk suits. Tho preliminary hearing opened with Jean Acker, Valentino's first M'lfe, on tho stand. Hlio testified that her nmno was "Jean Acker Valen tino," and after consultation with iittorncH It wan mado known for tho record that thu legal namo of Valen tino Is (iUKllclmo. Sbo testified that sho married Valentino In Hollywood on November ", 1919 and that the marriage, had not been annulled. Tho California Iom- of divorce pro vftleH that tho marrlag0 ataluto Is unchanged by an Interlocutory de cree, which Is pncrly a Judicial find ing, and that marrlagu Is not termi nated until ono year thereafter when u final decree Issues. ATTACKS SOVIET PACT PolocoJrn. Makes .WiUMxrawal OoadU lion for French I'articlpalloa PARIS. Juno 3. Premier Poln euro In u memorandum forwarded to the United States and all powers which had been Invited to attend The Hague, conference on Russian af fairs, demand that tho Soviet gov ernment withdraw Ita memorandum, presented at the Ocnoa conference May 11th, as a condition for French participation at Th0 Hague meeting. WARNS Cltl.NKSK LKADKR PUKIN'O. Juno 3. Ocneral Wu Pol-Ku, who recently wiped Chans Tso-l.ln, Manchurlan war lord, from tho glato of Poking politics, today de clared that If Sun Yat Sen, president of tho South China republic, per sists In opposing plans for China un ification, ho too must be eliminated by tho sM'ord If necessary. SUIT IFN IN AMUNfWKN'H POIiAB KX I'KtllTIO.V UIJK TO I.KAVK TOIAY O.V 3-VKAIt IHtH-T HKATT1B, Juno 3 Captain Itoald Amundscn'rt exploration 4 ship Maud, In which Amund- 4 sen expects to drift In Ico floes past tho north polo In flro or 4 six years, was to loavo hero today. A featuro of tho voy- ago will bo tho meteorological report,, returned dally by wlro- less. PINE BEETLE SAID TO BE MENACE IN SOUTHERN IDAHO (Ml Per Cent of IN ' Hnlc-IMy e4lo Tcrrltor' Han Occurred In Lost NU Years Tho western pine Jicctlo Is be coming a serious monace to timber In southwestern Idaho, according to L. R. Cochran, logging engineer of the Bolse-Payctte Lumber company, who la here for a week to study the control methods of tho Klamath Forest Protective association. Since 1918, when tho beetles wore first observed In numbers, Cochran says', they havo multiplied rapidly. He estimates 90 per cent of tho loss In tho llolso-Payotto torrltory has occurred In the post six years. Tho estimated loss In an area of 120, 000 acre Is ono million .feet. Whllo tho damago so far Is relatively light, tho Increase In Infestation Is alarming timber- men, and Cochran says actlvo ateps will be taken to combat" tho pest, starting this fall and getting Into full stride next year. A natural enemy of tho beetle la present In tho Idaho forests In tho woodpecker. During tho cold up land winter, when rood Is scarce, ho birds attack beetle troeg, aays Cochran, and dcvour quantities of beetles and larvae. Dark piled two and thro feet high around tho base of Infested trees In the spring shows the Tlgor of the woodpeckers on- Uttvttl .- M.iUWTv. .-- HONOR GARCIA HERO Bearer of Famous Mo-ngo Will Receive Delated Recognition SAN FRANCISCO Calif. Juno 3. JLteutcnant Colonel Andrew S. Rowan, retired, the man who carried the famous "message to Garcia" In 1898, during tho Spanish-American war will receive a belated recognition for bravery. If Senator Samuel F. Shortrldge of California can bring It about. Tho senator has received as surances from Secretary of War Weeks that he will tako up with the army board having Jurisdiction tho granting of a medal or of a disting uished scrvlco cross. Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles ordered young Lieutenant Rowan to deliver a "message to Garcia." Dis cretion, Inltlatlvo and bravery wore rcqulro'd. Rowan did not ask who Garcia was, where ho could bo found, or how to get thero. Instead ho delivered tho messago to General Garcia, In tho Interior of Cuba, whero Garcia with bis llttlo band of patri ots was almost surrounded, by Span ish forces. Rowan knew that it tho messago wcro Intercepted by tho Spaniards ho would bo shot or hang ed as a spy. Garcia, heartened by tho ppromlse of aid from tho United States, just entering tho war, with Spain, fought on, and tho foo was overcome. Lieutenant Rowan was cltod by General Miles Is dispatches to Wash ington as follews: "This was a most perilous under taking, and in my Judgment Lieu tenant Rowan performed an act of heroism and cool daring thut has rarely boon oxcolled In tho annuls of warfare" Rowan later was appointed lieu tenant colonol ol oluntcrrs, and in 1908 was retired from tho regular army with tho rank of major. Ho re sides In SuiiiFraujClsco. HKF.K GOLD UKCOVL'IIY URIDUEPORT. Calif.. Juno 3. An . elaborate plant Is bolng In stalled at Meno lako, Meno county, for tho recovory of valuej In gold and platinum from the acrid waters of tho lako. Thomas H. Ruddy, who hoada tho enterprise, atatos that a secret process invented by C. F. A. Peck will be used. The statement that tho wators of the lake carried precious -metals In recoverable quantities has often been mado and experiments have been carried on at intervals for tunny 7ear, j ' E fl. I SITUATION ' ' ' a , Shop Crafts Workers Cut of $50,000,000 Annually Now Develops j. ' CHICAyO, Juno 3. A tnonuclng phnso In tho railway situation, with a natlon-wldo strlkn easily within tho bounds of possibilities, was matin moro ncuto br Informal but well, founded report that n wage cut for shop crafts workers expected to bo announced early next wcok by tho railroad labor board would reach n total of nt least ",0,000,000 annual ly. This cut, which Is to follow tho $50,000,000 reduction In tho wages of 400,000 malntonanco-of-way em ployes who aro threatening a strike as a result, wilt afreet all black smiths, machinists, bollormaknrs, , sheet metal workcrts, electrical work ers, carmon and helpers In tho ser vice of thn nation's railroads. Tho scale of reductions Is sajyl to range from 5 to 9 cents an hour. Among tho decreases In thn Im pending decision aro said lo bo thn follewing: Apprentices, ' cents; helpers, r cents; mechanics. 7 cents; passen ger carmen, 7 cents; freight carmen, 9 conts. EDITORS ORGANIZED New Horlrly In for lurpoo of Ail muring Newspaper Profekn BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Juno 3. Tho new A'merlcan society of newspaper editors that has bees 'launched by of tho leading newspapers of tho country Is to moot a ncod for a na tional organization of th0 oxecutlvo editors of metropolitan newspapers, according to nn explanation of Its purposes by Its president, Gnsper S. Yost of tho St. Louis Gloho-Dcmo-crat. "Wo editors most of us, at any rato," said Yost, havo not, realized, that wo aro members of a great and honorablo profession which has com mon interests as well an individual Intorcsta. Wo could not act col lectively becnuso wo bad no means of collective action. "To visuallzo newspaper Ideals; to set standards of nowspapcr conduct, which shall not uffect that Individual Independence that Js essential to newspaper personality, but which may nrouio generous emulation for newspaper progress; to promoto tho dignity and honor of our profession; to maintain Its Integrity and Its rights, and dorohd It from unjust at tncks; to establish ethical principles whoso recognition and obscrvanco will continue, to that public confi dence which la a .newspaper's best as set, to promoto tho efficiency of our labors through tho Intorchango of ex perience and the discussion by which common problems of odltorlul man agement may bo solved all thoso aru purposes to which such nn organiza tion us wo havo created can direct its efforts, and In their accomplish ment bo of great and lasting value to all of us as mombers of a high pro fession, of matujlal benefit to tho in dividual nowspapors which sorvo, and Increased usotulnoH for tho Press as an Institution for tho promotion of public welfare." "Wo editors," sultl Yost to a rep resentatlvo of tho Associated Press, "havo bceu ubsorbeil lit our Individ ual labors. "Kach ono of u works ardently for tho ndvuncomout of his news paper. W,hy can wo not work us ar dently togcthor for tho advancement of our protcbslon, which moans re flectively th0 betterment of each of our uowapapors?" OCT WAOIJ INClinAHR KVERKTT, Wash., Juno 3Lura bcr manufacturora ot this city to day announced a flat incroaso of SO conta n day for nil sawmill em ployes, offoctlvo Juno 1, waking tho minium wngo for rommos laborors 3.S0. This is believed by mlllmon hero to bo tho highest wage scale paid in any lumbor district in tho north wost. Tho Incroaso) has been made, they say, in view ot the gradually improved state ot the. luber is dustry. ' ' , ., ST MENAC MORE DC TEN 1 m ii d- .; f 3 .'!