The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 01, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four
Xiic IMiito . Hailing
Reply was filed tills morning In
the raso of Hort C. Tliomns. us ntl
mlnlslrator of tho citato of John M.
Noo. ngaliiNt It, I. Darling, In whleh
It Is nought to teeover I2S0O as
ptinatlvu damages for tlio alleged
wrongful conversation of personal
properly said to have been tho pro
perly of John M. Nk deceased. The
defendant, Darling, In his answer
net p a rountcr claim of f lS3t.0.1.
Iteply auk, that (his bc disregarded.
Horkc v. Cnse, rt nt
Order dismissing snlt filed August
12, 1012, brought to quiet title to
320 acres of land In section 3(1,
township .IS, In this county, wa en
to. oil this morning by Judgo Leavltt.
Tlio lltlo of th0 case was Thomas
Ilcggess ngalnst Frank. 1. Case, alias
J. K. Heynolds, nnd l.yillo E. Case,
alias May Iteynolds. Shirley I).
l'orker was nt thai tlmo a Portland
titlorney with offices In tlio Mohaw
litillillnR. but n letter recently mailed
to him by tho circuit clerk was ro
turnrd. Clcorgn Chastaln was cir
cuit clork at ,0io tlmo of tho filing.
The grounds" of dismissal was lack
of prosecution.
.Ionian t. Agrr, ct nl
Suit to collect ItiSS.RT. for wages
duo n n sheophcrder, and for S1S0
attorneys foes, was Hied this morn
ing by J. 1). Jordnn against Oeorge
Ager and tho Klamath Livestock
'Mortgage l-oan company.
Itriiiimolt th. 11N Slnto
Motfons to strike certain portions
of tho complaints and to make other
portions moro dcflnlfo and curtain
wero filed In tho three cases brought
by Frank C, Uramwcll oh behalf of
tho First 8tate and Savings bunki
against the following defendants. One
suit against J. W. Siemens tor i uuii-
with 1,"0 attorno)s fees, tho second
ngulnst J, W. Siemens nnd Kd nnd
Ocorge Uloomlngcamp for t5000
with 1700 attorneys -"Wos. nnd the
third against J. W. Siemens and the
Saddlo Mountain Loubcr company
for $3.29.".. r.l, and M00 attorneys
fces.' Th0 motions hajLVot been net
ed upon by Judge Lvavltt up to a late
hoffr this afternoon.
I Personal Mention I
" "1
llss Teddy Uurbln, winner of a
trip to Los Angeles In a recent popu
larity contest staged, by the Liberty
theatre, and MlsB Vera Thompson,
who Is accompanying her, arc In San
, Francisco, en route to southern Cali
fornia. They write that their trip
wus interrupted In order that they
could tako part In production of a
comedy (Urn which Is being taken
near San Mateo.
..Mr. anil Mr. O. IJ. Ilryan of
firunts Pm wcm; guests at the
homo of Mr., ad pfri.' R. J. Sheets
'for ii fefj4yjvnavlnK omo over
In spemt pJnratlon Day here.
Mrs. D.M. Hall returned Tues
day from a visit of three weeks
with her ulster In Grants Pass.
Ned Wjortblngton, city editor of
tho Santa Hosa Republican and son
of D. II. Worthlngton, pioneer news
paper publisher of this city, nrrlved
hern last night for n short visit with
Tho annual meeting' of tho stock
linldcrs of Langell Valley Telophono
Co.. will ho held at Bonanza, on Sat
urday Juno 10th at 1 o'clock.
31-5 O. P. KELLER. Beer.
Tonight Timberworkers Benefit
Constance Talmadge
"Experimental Marriage"
A great Comedy with the One Connie
Laugh Tonight
Coming tomorrow Eugene O'Brien in "Broadway
and Home." Also "Country Store" night.
Swift Ciiciiiit
)Mon In
Held t4itio of
Columbia 1th rr
PORTLAND. Jun 1. Collision of
the steamers Welsh Prince and lowon
Sunday night In tho Columbia iher
off Altoona, Vish., In whlih tho
Welsh Prince was sunk and ooveii
member "f her crew lost their llxes
was caused by the swift current of
the' rhor driving tho t"ui big ves
sels Into one another, aerordlng to
unofficial Investigation of tht. con
ditions existing at the scene of the
The Welsh l'rlnco. which sank
within a few minutes after tho bow
of tho lowan had torn n huge gap In
her forward compartment, wj, en
route fronl Portland with a cargo of
steel and lumber for Japan, whllo
tho lowan was proceeding to this
city. Tho river makes n sharp turn
whore tho crash occurred nnd tho
two steamers. It Is believed by ex
perienced navigators, wero caught
In tho awlft current running there,
took n sheer and struck almost bow-
Tho victim,, of the crash wero man
gled nlmost beyond Identification.
Tho bodies woro so entangled In the
mass of twisted steel and Iron that
It was necessary to send work
men with acetylene blow torches to
cut away the wreckage before they
could bo removed,
Tho heavy cargo of steel which
filled tho hold of tho Welsh Prince
caused her to sink almost at once.
Tho Injured men say that' a donkey-man,
eight seamen, 12 firemen
andtwo oilers woro In the forecastle
of the Welsh Prince at the tlmo of
tho collision. Tho 15 firemen and
two oilers had bunks on tho port
side and the donkeyman and seven
seamen wero on the starboard side.
Of the latter only one escaped death..
.. it nriiiMrv nrc
China KHrts Threutme.1 by Prof-
emu - i..r -".-
mo or women ror .vn
r,!.,..-' ......... ..I-. ,11 l.., fif.
v.u,a ,.. i .......... ....., -
threatened by the preference of
American women for double hair
nets, according to n report to tho
commerce department fiom Coniul
Gauss at Tslnan.
Manufacture of double hair net
tho report said, threatens to reduce
tho human hair net and advices l:i
China Indicate that an association
of hair net Importers has been form
ed In tho United States, one of Its
objects being to discourage thu mak
ing of double nets It is estimated, thu
report added, that unless the: double
net is driven off the market the hair
net business In China will decline by
75 or 80 per cent.
"It Is understood." the report said,
"that no definite agreement has
been reached to glvo up the Impor
tation of double nets, but. after con
sultation with tho Chinese legation
at Washington, the proposal was
made to establish a hair net guild In
China, which, realizing tho effect of
tho doublo net manufacture on tho
Industry, would undertake to dis
courage tho manufacture of doublo
George L. Drummond of tho
Drummond Print shop wag tho vic
tim of a painful accident yesterday,
when a drill he was using In bind
ery work slipped and pierced a fin
ger. Drummond said this was tho
first accident be had experienced
In ten years.
The Aloha club will meet in tho
Baldwin' hotel at 2:30 Friday af
ternoon. A "potluck" aupper -will
be served.
Shew starts 6:30
By Our Country Editors
On Monday afternoon May 2! at
the homo of Mrs V J Itowne, n
miscellaneous shower was given In
honor of Miss Nolle Urjden of Filer,
Idaho, who Is soon to marry Horam
Daniel, sou of Mr, and Mrs. IT, M.
Daniel of this place
Miss Dryden received many beau-j
tlful gift of china, silver, aluminum,
pyrox, linens etc. After an enjoyable
hour of games and music, refresh
ments were served. Those present
were: Misses Nolle Dryden, Alice and
(Irace Lytic. Alicia Yuhr and Mil
dred Scott. Mrs. O F. Wlllard of
Filer. Idaho, aunt of the brldo to
be! Mcsdames. P. J. Ilowne, I.. K.
Thayer. Ida Thayer, Ada Parsons, I..
1). Ilurk, 11. M. Daniel. P. .V. Orlsoi.
J. O. llamaker. J. K. Scott, ltobt.
I.ytle, D. (I. Home. Dixon and 0. P.
Miss Dryden has tnught tho Inter
mediate grades at the Honania school
for tho past two years nnd In that
time ha, made many friends hero
who are pleased that sho Is to make
her homo amonK us! . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Davenport and
daughter, Marie, wero Chllojuln vis
itors Sunday from Klamath Falls.
A delightful afternoon was spent
Tuesday at little Jane Heldrlck's
birthday party. The afternoon was
spent In playing games. Those pre
sent were, Ilertha Hurst, Hazel
Strowbrldge, Katherlne Hurst, Jnno
and llobcrtn Hedford, Klma and
Carol Cartwrlght, Martha l.utell.
Josephine and Allco O'Donaven, "Alice
Uowmtin. Hetty Ooldthwalte. Jane
Heldrlrh. Chesley and Oeorgo Hay-
.. ..... .-.. i..i..i t
i ii nn i mil siniu iirinui' .iii'ii in nil.
. ... .1 Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
trcll. Stanley Cartwrlght. Marlon and !,, 0th. day of May.. A. I). 1922.
Junior Heldrlch. Mrs. Oroli. .Mrs.
Mekcevcr and Mrs. Strowbrldgo as -
smvu .. ..iim.v.i i-iu m
, the little folks und serving refresh-,
Ill, .1 lvlr,.., ll,mwm nml Allll
w , " ,. Vv- V ii
Halt nnd Claudlnu Witt of Modoc
Polnl wuro hero bumi,i. , Maniuth County, and all persons
Mrs. II. V. Griffin returned homoihnvliig claims ugalnst said etsato nre
Saturday after a long ,.,!, , I. l-w riW .d
III the southern states Slncl' !. ,!rot.Hi,cck uiumath Falls. Oregon,
lug here In November she has visit- utyhlu six mouths from the date of
d In Georgia. South Carolina and 'this nntiio.
,,,-,,, : Dated. May in. 1922.
1 lor"lu ('HAS V SIH'CK,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. lleldrklf and (Administrator of tho Estate of Cor
Mr. and Mrs. William Grot) were nrlla Shuck, Deceased.
iimonR tho Chlloquln iwople who went ,M 1U-17-24-31 J 7
to Fort Klamath Saturday night.
Services were held Sunday after
noou for the firt time at tin new
church here.
Tho home of Abraham Charley w.iM
completely destroyed by fire late
Frlduy evening. The family hud all
been out and when they returned
the house was In flames. They were
too late to save anything. They are'maj;0
now staying at tho hotel. The court reserves tho right to ro
Word was received today from .Jcct any and all hlds.
the eighth grado examlnallons that ,)a,cd Ma' 3I' l nt.v,
nil who took examinations passed. j.j jnc coiintyCle'rk.
HHVn' sslssssisssWisssssssssssssssssfissssst
Say, Fellows
Don't these hot days make yo uthink of
a good cool Straw Hat? Wonderful
assortment of new styles to select from
priced from $1.50 to $7.50 Knox and
other good makes. See ours before you
buy yours. tt ., A ..
Construction woik wis started
Monday at J lie Modoc I, umber com
pany. The lutll will start as soon as
It Is completed-
Mr and Mrs. Wliiklomau nnd
daughter Itoso loft Monday fer
Klamath Falls. ,
Sirs. Hay Hoffciibaehoi- who has
spent tho winter lit Klamath Falls
moved to Chllonuln last week.
lid. Wherlle of Vacavllle, Califor
nia was a visitor here last week.
II. M. Anderson and family went
to Fort Klamath Sunday.
Kstln Klger Is working for
D.-yvls. near Merrill
Henry Somo'n and 11. W. F.nman
are planting potutoes on the Hu
man ranch.
1,. F. (Inertsbn has finished put
ting In his crop, on tho Tule lake
Mrs. C. It. Klger received 100
baby chickens from California, a few
days ago.
Mrs. Klger's mother. Mrs. Suit, Is
with her this week.
All persons having claims against
tho Kstnto of .Katie l.eo Dalron are
directed to prVsent the same, with
proper voucher, attached, to mo at
my office In tho l.oomls llulldlng,
Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated May "31. 1U22.
Administrator of said Kstato.
M-31 J-7-14-21
Notice Is hereby given that there
aro funds in the eounty Treasury
for the redemption of Klamath Coun
ty HOAD Warrants protested ou or
beforo November 30th 1931.
Interest on the same will ccaso
.from this date,
' .. ...
(', K. VAN HIPKIt,
j - t
Sullen Is hereby given that tho
undersigned bus been duly appointed
aillllllllst T.ltOr llf till
estate of Cor
'i Shuck, deceased, by th.
. ,. f '. . . f '0
e Coun
gon for
Hlds will be received by tin
County Court of Klamath County
Oregon, up to and Including 2 o clock
P. M., June 10th. 1922. for the
delivery at Klamath Falls, Oregon
of 21,000 pounds of 'medium weight
barbed Wnukcgan wire and sOO
pounds of ono Inch staples. Also
1000 rods of 32 Inch woven wire
Imp fnnrn f.lthnr l'nfrn nr Amnrlrnn
I1KNTS RKDlH'lil) On 2 and !l
room apartments. Call at Leo
Aparttuet house, Fifth and Walnut I
FOU SAI.K Tomato
Main SI. Al Crystal
FOIt KAMI Slv room madorn house,
completely furnished,' located on
uli'e corner lot, O.'xllit feet, on 'Jilt
St. I.awn, shade' unit fruit tiers gar
age. This Is u lorvJy'l,huiuo. I'llce
:.r.0l. Terms, 513', Olli'St, Ui
FOIt HUNT Four room modern
house furnished on Sargent Ave.
Inquire M2 N. 9th St. 12
"i ' ' "
FOU KF.NT- -Modern il-room fur
dished house 3o. Phono KIT 1-3
SAW Ml I.I. FOIt SAI.K Forty thou
sand capacity mill, located In
Northern California, main line South
ern Pacific, completely equipped,
trucks, trailers, donkeys, ready for
Immediate operation, Sixty million
feet timber, eighty per runt whllo
and sugar pine; all within three
miles of railroad, Terms easy. Also
want party to tuke logging contract
Have complete logging equipments.
Address:: C. N. Thomas, 3.1 Main
Street, San Francisco, California
LOOK lients reduced on two nnd
three room opts, Leo Apartment
house. Fifth and Walnut St. I
FOU LKASK '12 miles oast of Chll-
oquln, 1400 acres of good pasture,
nil fonced. Plenty of water. Address.
Leonard Long, Chllnquln, Oregon.
FOU KKNT Four room house fur
nished on Kldorado St. Inquire at
Country Club or call 329. '
FOU HKNT Oarage, H01
th and
FOU SAI.K 2-room house and 2
large lots $7M. $1R0 down, bal
ance llkn rent, also one tent 13x14,
In good condition f IS. II ox F, Herald
Office. 1.3
TIUE CO. WANTS stuto representa
tive nml sales mutiuger to open
brunch office. $300 nccosar)' I'nl
versal Tire Co. Chicago. III. 1
- i'ii i ii iii
FOU ifKNT Furnished one room
cabin for housekeeping 7 1 1 Will
nut St I-3
SALESMAN To sell guaranteed tires
iitiil tunes lieu a week giuiriin
teed salary and commlsilnn. I'nlwr
sal Tire Co. Chicago. Ill 1
THE PAIITV WHO took cushion
from Chevrolet car opposite M2
Oak St. Is known and if returned no
questions will be asked other" Isu
w he dealt with severely 1-2
wlth gur.iK.
Itensouiilile, cottage
Pa lie anil Klamuth
FOU SALE - llloi k wood. IS 00 n
cord; 'llody woud $'.'. 0 a nrd.
Dry Slabs oo u cord. E I., Krlncli
J'hone 2"fi-J. IS
Currln's for
Drugs.. Currln says
Currln's far Drugs. I block oast
of Houston & Phelps Grocery 29-31
Buy From Merchants
who display this sign
i Merchant Wio display this
sign rocommend Oregon Quality
good. Thoy guarantee the mar
chandlio they sell. They aro
community upbulldors, Thoy
merit yoar patronai,
WHEN you view your first pair
of Florshcim Shoes remervw
bcr that their splendid appearance,
you so greatly admire, is not merely,
a surface finish; but a "built-in"
quality that will endure for months?
of constant hard wear.
"I Aint Mad at Nobody"
H ! Delivers raw ami pustucrizctl milk JiidlH
cream daily to any part of the city. Milk olK.
from the only tuberculin tested herd in vw" CJ
I ' Klamath County
I Seventh at Klamath Phone mjtyW
I i I
IF EVERY resident of Oregon diverted
CO cents a day of his or her pecsent
normal expenditure to the purchase of
Oregon-made products the immediate re
sult would bc : '
25,000 more people employed in
Oregon Industries.
$30,000,000 increase in annual pay
rolls of the state.
$120,000,000 increase in yearly
output of Oregon factories. , v
Insist upon Oregon-made products.
They successfully competewith the world's
best. "
Buy Oregon-made goods on MERIT.
Our half dollars will build a greater
Oregon. '
Send for diroctory of products man- "
ufactured in Oregon. Refer to it t
when you make your purchases
Associated Industries of Oregon
702 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Oregon s