. 31 vn ... X invMUW, jv.VK i, i2a THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Page Two n . The EyeningHerald I'. II. HOUI.K...X:Mtar and FH-illahcr Hi It. IIIMj..................CIIr Kdltor Published dally except Sunday, by Thn Horaltl Publishing Company of Klnmutli Falls, nl 119 Klftltth ttrcct. Knterod at tho pnslofflco at Klam ath Katln. Ore, for transmission through the tuallg as sccoqdUsi matter. ,, MKMnRH OP TUB ASSOCIATED PREHS Tlui Associated Press la cxclnslr l 1'iilltlcd to ilia iiso (or publica tion 0f nil newt) dlnpatcho,, credited tit It. or not otherwise credited Id this popor, and nlso tho local naws published horcln. TiiutwnAY, 4if.K f.timii' r I WOEFUL WASTE -J coat Justifies ondlng half of our ctrcutailnc currency out ot tho "county. iJuf-'it Tfat 'wait until It Is proved, that (hffc Is n disparity In cost. '' It tho buyer who have not pat ronised tho homo deilor for ao totiK that they .think local merchant are allll selling at war prices, will In vestigate and compare 'prices, 'they will be anrprlwd, and "we venture to aay th.it-?6rnr-Tnt Will. Imme diately, be cured or trading elo where. Then will be n few whn V'11, require lohtwr treatment ami thbre may b noma on whom tho 'tlh.fa.isa hag taken' a chronic Rrlp. .lint for tho majority who IU con "slder tho grave Injustice they arc doing themselves and' their com munity there Is certain and linmo Halt' cure. , IN HANKIUriTCV Notlco ot First Mectlnu of Credi tors In th0 district Court of the United States, tor tlm District of Oregon In tho Matter of Otoy nud Suiilo Cattle Company, llnnkrtipt. To tho creditors of Oley & Soiilo Cattle Compiiuy Notice Is hereby Riven thai on the Hth tiny of April. 1922, Otey & Huiile Cattle Company was 'duly ad- judged nauKriipt, and th.it tho first meeting if the ctvtlltorti will le held nt tho officii of the uiulerslitned, at 409 Main St., Klamath Kail. Ore gon, on June 13, 1922, at 1 o'clock, I'. M. nt which time creditors mnv attend, tiroe their claims, examine tho bankrupt, elect n trustet anil for Klamath County, his Final Ac count of tho administration of said estate, uud that tho said Court lias fixed Saturday, July 8, 1922, at 2 o'clock l M as the tinio.vauil tho County Court -ltoom In the Court House nt Klamath Palls, Ore gon, as tho place, for hearing objec tions, If any, to the said account and tlie settlement thereof, Haled Mny 27( 1922 MICIIAK1. I. CUItTIN. Kxecutor ot tho 1nst Will and Testa went ot Peter I. Curtln, tleceasetl l-S-1.-22-29 NOTICK or KINAI.'AmH'XT NOTlCi: Is hoieby given that the uudehilgned ut Administrator with transact such other business a, mayj '"."," ' " . '" -".n i..- come before them ' )"ita. " ' d.? '.', fc llltfil Jun.. I If" linn nun I ill- viiiiiii; V lull I in im- ii.net! June '. i- ni.i. .. n . t.-t ,i. p.,,... ' H tl" til X'-fIS l'l IIHHMHS V'tI- (, Ills Final Account of the itilinliil -M J C UCTKNIC, Iteferoe In Mankruptcy J MfflMC Till" hardest lesson- to hammer homo to the mind of the aver iifco Individual Is the folly of tf.it- rnnlrlng mall order store.!, Npwh-i papera keep constantly nt it, but tile lack of results Is discouraging The waste and loss goes on I'xjierlenco" proves to tho out-of-town buyer that tnero i no saving In purchasing Msowhere. 'Often. when tlip'dvlay lu getting service nun ma disappointment In quality, r.tirhe tiMti.. ui. People ho llro In white shirts i allntllrf ..''.. I. . t " ii "wi - m- ircum corn.-. IX ItAN'KIM'PTCY I In the District Court ot the I'lilted States, for the District of Oregon. In. tho .Matter of Phillip I IVlers. .llankrupt. To thP creditors of Philip P Pet jers. Notice l hereby glum that on April IT, 1H22. Phillip P, Peters Va trillion of said otate, and that the snld Com t has fixed Saturday, July S. 1923. nt 3 o'clock P. M i the time, and the County Court ltocm in the Court 'iUiusfl at Klnmutli KulU, Oregon, as the place, for hearing ob jection. If nu, to raid account and tho settlement thereof. Dated May 37 1922 riKUT'C THOMAS, are hereby notified that on th0 Itnnch of tho said Plaintiff O.vlO. Hunt ouo in I l.i north ot Shasta' .School House and 44 inllea N. V of Mnlln In the nforesald County and State, on the 10th lay of June 1923 nt the hour of Klaveh o'clock A M.-of th,i sold tiny when the said est ray will be expos ml for sale iih by Law dlrerteil and the proceeds of snld mile will bn up piled mi uud for (bn ni)iueut of all damages, costs nnd ixiiiiph legally Incurred; tho excess If any will be retnined by the Justice of the Peace l.em. I.. Hnghageu or his successor In office for tlm iturlmt i.f li inninlia if the sniit sum shall not be culled ' for within snld time the sum,, will be deposited its by Law ieiolrod In' sum ruses and provided. Dated this 2ith day or May 1922 tR O IJ. Hunt. The girl who uses n onlfla slick has good Uite. mist ortne kaiscr sold IS2.". would for of roods Is considered, them Is u tniiJiilcralild lots l() thn lni)er. Hut, despite ricurrlng object les' roim, the mull order bucr seems obsessed with a feeling akin to tho confirmed gumblnr'a fullh In "Hot ter luck next tlia." The dlenso iijii-uri Incurable. Th Hoseburg Nowa-Itoiew ii r.no of the atiougost supporter ot llivt trnde-at-hom- movement in lif flnte. Tho following argument for IMdlni: at hnino Is oun of thr' best exampbn ot It forceful Ingle, and word for word an J lino for line. Its rcarnn npplU equally n Mrongly to K la ma lb Kallx, JN-ndli'tnti, Marsh field or Astoria as l0 KoHeburg Peojilf who goad their money nw.iy to largo city stores or who ilo chopping In othiT centers, nro slow to riMllio how thoy are fallini: ;o corporate with the force for progress on which tlu-y dtijend to put their home rommilnltH ahead.' Tho blgtcity More, or rV- elt-rls or. "r:hunt In some ctVr city, -Is not In tcrtited In Itoioburc and 1 not concemod to dr one thing to put this community abend. -Hut when yi-u support your homo' stores, j on promoto agencies that nro working oery minute to ad vance tho Interesta of this city. Tho distant store is Interest ed to niako hcles, and If It gets rid ot Its goods It Is satisfied Hut tho homo merchant Is nor merely Iniensicd to sell his goods, but ho Is fanning 'and working ulTthe tlmo to build up tho community of which ho Is n part. If ha :lls farm tod or Implements, ho .Is all tho time on thn lookout for new Ideas that will help tho country peo plo to Increase .production and develop tho nrwperltv of tho community. If ho sells Itouic hold stuff tin la on tho watch for goods that will help his town penult) to keep up their places nt tho minimum or expense. Tlm thought of Improvement rf tho home community nnd In crease of ,lt prosperity runs through all his purposes and at feet all hla plans end purchases. Is it or Is It not. worth while for our peopln tc allay themsolv 's with llit!o Jocnl forces that tiro working every day for the prosperity of this homo com munity? The most limited Intel llgenco should sav that It Ik woith while, nnd thai it U show ing it poor spirit of reciprocity to fall to do so. So whri you buy of your homo stores, you can reflect that you nro stronc'.licnlnr enterpris er which nro working to build no your community, and to innkn your property and Aour Job moro valuable, your civic lusll tut'ons moro nrospernus, and to muku this city a better place to llvo In. 'duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the lAdmln stratnr With the III Ay;l (first meeting 6f the creditors will be ,f ' ?' "' WJI" A t.ntli. lheld at th. office of tin, undersigned I . '?; 'lMeled. 'nt 409 Main St . Kl.imalh Falls. Ore-, l-S-l-33-Ji igon. on Juno 12. 1922. at 2 o'clock. -i;rilMrinv7rii7i P M . nt which time creditors may .. "v.lv uV..,ON, S'.U'V ... ..... ... . . ,....! i.r..n. Ilinlr .rllm .l.m.ln..1 M'niCtl OKI Will HO rfll'ITPlI 1IIUII hriU itLn "ka,'r,hrba,krup.. olo I r.7 iml Mho hoiir of in o'clock A M .vn tlm bring a fortune. ..,..... ,.,. ti.- i.oi...u ,.,.' 2 Ith "tlsy of June. 1922. and liu- Money isn't' verittJfcg. ThP ma: torn., before them ,me4lalMy thereafter piibIlcy2oponed with the most costly tlshlng tackle Dated Jum.. 1. 1322 ' " rV'"Jr -u ? Mamutn i j f iti'ir;-ii', i - ""-,"" ' --- i.i lirf..r.m in li.iMkrniiiiv bonds of said County liined for the building of permanent rouds thenilu l It.WKIiriTCV In the sum of four bun droit thousand Now they promls., to Ion. tmnnri In tlm IHstrUM court of tho rnitoti-doiMM too.ouo). samn netng in -. ... 1 7 rr-n'i to love, honor". f . District tf Oregon, denominations of Jl.tiou each, dated In tho Matter of William I). Co-1 April 1. 1922. maturing as follows. and dismay. Tho city boy n bis vacation thinks tho farmyjrtPsounds like a Janx of chestra. ' Houses to let at a high rent are houses to let alone. It Is getting hot enough to fnrttet congfes, and cuit lhe weather. You seldqm seo an cx-loafer. Lots ,of us get to vacations ours antl white the boss Is on hit. A Wtflorfc" career usually has a ineleortC'riiflsh; 1" " ", Trying to loel: llkn a tooth paste advertisement Is u fine way lit go iray. , burn. Ilaiikrunt To the ireditors of WMll.un 1) Co- burn Notice Is hereby glvon that on April 20. 1922. William U. Coburn was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of the credi tors will be held at the office of the undcrslgnm! at 409 Main St,, Klam ath. Culls, Oregon, on June 12, 1922. a ." o'clock P. M. at which tlm,. creditors may ntteiid, prove tbfir ilJlms. evnmlne the huukropt. tde t n trustee and trans act Hucfi other business as may tome before them Il.it.'cl June 1. 1922 J. C ItUTKNIC. to-wit $ 2, onn.no seven years from date of Issuer $ eight years from datp of Is-iiie: v $' ni.onn.oo nlno years from date of issue: ten years from date of Issue; eleven years from date of issue t . !!....... f. II....L ...... .. Tho hrnso of lords Isn't very pn- . Iltn. It refuses to glvo a ladr a ' '-IN-'HAXKUU'TOV. NOTM K ill' SAI.K til- PIIHSOYW,' llMPIUir I Notice Is hbmli-i given that the tin-. derslgncd lllg Lakes llox Company, a corporation doing business nt ' Klamath Falls. Oregon, have fure cloned that one certain cn.ittrl mort-i gage uiiitle, nxttuited and tlelhered! by P N. (IrNex to the said lllg l.nkes llo Comp:iii, a corporation, on the, 31st day of August. 1921. on the following described chattels, flxtiliv and personal property, to-wlt The Hnwuilll building, luaehluer) and equipment known us tin "Ililset Sawmlir , also nil trnius, slickers and yard equipment, ulso all IihiIh. out buildings, cook , lioie. Mini bunk "hoiisrs, barn, boiler houses, pumps, tanks, mill )tUoivfUpmpnt, tools uud J machinery, applluures. boilers. ' l'iigluund perstinut property and fixtures of nn kind (r nu tun connected with, iippiirteniiut to, antl iied. In, iibout or In ron liectltill with tlm Hitid mov mill, which said mortKaKO was ghen U Mtcum m tht nald lllg Lakes llox Company the puyment of tun, pro-. mlssor) note tinted August III, 1P2I signed by said P N tlrlsnx to snld nig laikes llox Comp.iny, payable one day uftiir tlatit tor tlm sum of Nine Thousand Klght Hundred Setenty- . Two Dollars and Nluety-Tilx t.VntsI f J9.M2 UrtJ. with Interest at rato of' h't per uiinum from date, snld mnrt-' gage btlng inconlett in Vol In, I'.ir.'M si., inain'i ,iorigagn necoril. i Statu lu.itvii war, from ilale i Klamath County. Statu of Oregon. of Issue: anil wherejs ilefnult bus biin made ' from I in m payment or said uotn ami t I have been duly appointed by llialru. , I rtf til HI"), l "IIIIIIK I'- Hillil IIIH illll', seht. Wo spend four billions early for fun and still ebpln hover Retjm to have any. A vamp Is a social lion tamer. ifars comes wltbln 40.ooo.nnn mllril of the earth on June In. This Is much nearer than fs price--, WTin a mMrrlifd' man' eats break fast at a restaurant yru know who Ic bora at hf hqtise. All the world's a itage: but It Isn't a ellent UramaV Many a man who acts like 3 big gun Isn't loaded. It costirtnore to lire now. lint It's worth wore. Afier'a girl gt,, made up you can't tell her a thlntfls as plain as the nose 'on'her 'face. 'Woman's place may be In the heme: but It Hoetn't liurt her to get out -of place Occasionally. '" They-wiy tobacco smoko kills In the DUtrl-t Court of the I'nlted States; for lint District of Oregon. Ill the Matter of P. N tlrUex, do-1 ,.,, .,.. ..., ,.,,hl1, ' Jng buslne.H ns firUez Lumber Co., "' .' . i,,,.-. thirteen jears (Into of Usiie. fourteen ears date of Issue: fifteen jears from date of Issue: sixteen years frrm tUte of Ismic; $133,(100.00 seventeen years date of Istiiie; from from nankrupt To the cretlltors of P. N. ('rlsez; Notlco Is hi re by given that on May 27. 1922, V N Orlsez was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of the creditor will bo bold nt -tho office of the uniWMgni'd at 409 Main St. Klamath Kails. Ore gon, on June 12, 1922. at 3 o'clock, P. M.. at which time creditors may attend, pru their claims, examine tho bankrupt, idett a trustee and transact such other business as may come before them Dated Junn 1. 1922 from J-l J. C. nilTENIC. Knferen In Ilankruntey. j"'"!" i inf sale. $123,000.00 nineteen ears date of Issue; said bonds to bear Interest at tho rate of not to pxei'til flve and one half per cent (6 '.ill per lunnum, payable seml-unnually on the 1st day of April and Octbber, principal and Intemf payable In t'nltpd Statii gold coin 'of the iresent standard of value at the Fiscal Agsncy of tho Statu of Oregon In New, York City. Said bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for $10,000, and the stirreM- ful bidden must ba prepared to tak 'delivery within ten days from date " IN HANKHCITCV In tho District Court of the. I'nlted States, for tho Ittstrlct of Oregon. In thp Matter of Frank I. Kvans, dcing business as Kvans Shoe Store, llankrupt. To th crpilltors of Frank L Kvans, Kvans tihoe Company The upproxlng legal opinion of lf....- -.Hl VfflHK r. tl.A n .IICVVKH. il'UI, MIIHII ..IMHWl- Ml... Portland, Oregon, will bn furnlsbetl j uumv llox Company attorney m fait to forecloi said mnrtgngi. nnd sell snld ' j properties to satisfy said debt , And 1 will In pursuant e of said, mortgage and by direction of the said lllg Lukes 'llox Compaii). torpor-1 utlou. nt thn hour of 2 t. 'thick. P M l In thn afternoon of .Saturday thn I lit Ii day of June, 1922. in front of the. snld Crlsex saw mill, nil Seohuit nine anil ten, Township 3S, South llnnge II. K W M lu Klamath County. State of Oregon, that being j ths place where said mortgaged pro- i porty Is situate, sell nt public uuc- i lion all of the above described per sonal properly or suth part thrniof a, may be necessary, to satisfy nuld j sum of Nino Thousand Klghl Hun dred Seventy-Two Dollars and Nlnt- ; ty-SIx Cents ($972 90). with Inter est thereon at -rule of Spr an num from August 31, 1921 to dale of said sale, together with an attor ney's ft- of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and the rnst4 ami expen vi of s'ttcli sale, raid shI to bn to highest and best bidder (or rush In the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all hlds. C. It. DeLap. tirlr Ivltt tiiitti Cmtntv. HrAinn -... i :. ! a.. It. ot air. tool ..rmt. .ml it, . M... I c.9. 's. '"-r,.'u '" lnul " """"" "'-' " -" " " i 3"',.27. 1W22, KranK i. rvans was tuny so 'what' could ycu exppct from a adjudged bankrupt, and thnt tho flapper? ' flriit metlng of the cretlltors will bn They sav ITncln Sam' nrv.n... held ut tho otfice or tno untlersigiieu at 409 Main St.. Klamath Falls, Ore- I"" s'Tinmng. irnap iney mean on on jnc 12 ,932. at 4 o'clock. trom the. limelight. j . m.. at which time creditors may The "obey" Is' being taken out of attend, prove their clalnw, examine marrlose rites. 8om0 take It out of he ankrunt. lo t a trustee nnd th.-nrM, it.i,iM 1, ...,.-. transact such other business a, may the prohibition law also. conrn before them. ' AU'the the ctownb are net with a1 iutrf Jun. 1. io2. I cirrus. J-l J C. Ill'TK.'.'IC. Itofereo In Ilankruntey. CONSTANCE TA1MAOOK IN I NOTICK '"RXrniMKSTAV'fARmAOK"ITO ALL WHOM THIS MAY t '. 1 - "- x i CON- Thn Individual out-of-town buyer tlne.i not realize thn harm ho or she Is tiring. I"acn holds It a personal rlcht lo spend one'3 own money whiiro no chooses. Kach thinks t lis amull nmoiint ho ns she spends will cut r.n Iwbo flunro In tho flmncet of the rotninunlly. It might Btarllo persons who ease their confident cm with thla Hue, of rr.-U'onlng lo know wo mako the Ktatoinenl 011 rulliiblo uuthorllytliat, vlrtuully us mii'h luout'y Is. spent Willi mull order flrma and mer (hunts ousldn Klamath count' xvrekly. iur.ntliiy .0,11(1 yearly, as, Ms Hient with tho local morc'iont As drop.t mako tho ocean.; so 'tin thn dollarn of till ut us crqate this creat stream of money flowing out of JClamn'tb county every ytjiy, ey ery dollnr ceasing to havo urtlr' rommiinlly clrriilaUug valu1s -at. mioii as It lias crossed fthe';aruniy lino. f " . A It'a llmo wo turnod.'iOi'pr a" new loaf. This dlsoasQ Js curabJo,' "unr dor the riyht , treatment. Suppose that each resident, beforp Reading; away for a catalogue article, ln torvjaws his local dealer. ' f tbo dealer cannot supply tho rtlelo-..on equal torniB H will then' bo tmo to consular f.oBdlug away. Wo dq not balttrt. that t UttU' disparity In Patrons of tbe'Strand will again be treated to a raro'lilt 'of comedy en lortalnment tonight "when Constance Talmadgo .will appear In "Experi mental Marriage.'!' It is a-real "comic" comedy the kind you always-llko to tee her In best, and the cxcellenc'support ac corded this Incomparablo star gives the picture the superlative quality seldom found In present day pictures. Tomorrow nlxnt Eugene O'llrlcn will, appear In 'Jlroadway and Home.' Friday Is also '(jountry Store' night, and tbo proceeds, ko to thn boys. , .Quickrepair service, Shorn repair- ! KSTUAV NtlTItt-: State of Oregon, -ss. Klamath County. O. K. Hunt vs I'nknown ownor of -stutmy.-v Ono Brlndle Steer nhout two years old weighing about S00 pouatls branded on right Hip -Y (connected) one under cut In right 'ear. one swal low cut in left ear. '" Thn said O. K Hunt did on or j about 4th day of Nov. 1921 take ui nml ll llniuj .Ins. 1nnt Test lit.. iiAj. mum ml mi iiuirn nuibn n iw lit it'll 'ii" session the a Ikjvo 'described animal and that he hai used all reasonable efforts to ascertain and find the own er of thn said cstray und has taken all Icral steps u required by the ,Law of tho State of Oregon in refer ence to nstrays. Now therefore to tho unknown owner of thn said pstroy and to any MIC LAKI-'H HON CO. A COKI'OIIATION , lly L I. LOW. 1 Its agent and attorney In fact. M31-J--l-2.3.5-t'i CKItN Notlco Is hereby given that C II. Johnson doing business under tho firm name anil stylo of "Churley'a I'litlt- huh llluil-1 utMiHtiiiii.' in iivii- 1 cflt of tretlltors. All persons who have claims against tho above named anj n persons Interested therein, ynu linn are reiiiunii 10 me inu name before the l'Jth of Juno, 1922. All debts duo tho film aro payable lo Hoy N, Kouch, Assignee All ac counts duo and delintjuent must be adjusted by the I r, lit day of .lime, 1922, or tho sumo will bo advertised and sold to tho highest bidder for (ash. HOY N KOUCII, Assignee. Cor. Klamath and Kth Sts, Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1-2.3-5.C-7 BigDance ed while vou wait aack Frost. 29tf RHEUMATISM ' CANNQTEXIST III,. the human body If. you' will use Trunk's Prescription for Rheumatism and Q014L It Is ridiculous, absurd ami preposterous, infract, it is u miv end a 'shamotfojalk uhouL, ilbeiunatlsm and (lout;- much 'tcssi, suffer with1' It, Elinor iutiammatoryl muAcular,,.cla tic or.uny other forln"of Ithcuma tlsni . 1 , TfunH.'n Proscription, for. Itlmu rHU'lsm and Cout sclls.for.Jl.75t This Pifscrlptlon DOKS NOTtuIii the s'omatdi. It DOH8 NOT depress 'Uio 'heart. Eat all titaimeat .anil unnii Uoodyou w(sh vrbile, Uking-Trunk' rrescription. it WOKS NQT contain any Mercury. 8altcrlat of Soda, on I ot 1 Wintergreen or narcotics of any kiiiu, uuc 11 uosoiuieiy ana-positieiy 9vrco any, kind of Rheumatism or Coux on . earth. WHAT.MOnK Dq YOU WANTf Thero, Is. nothing juai'Bi auuu,antl 11' IS' impossiuin to get ,aameibiBg better., It,(lg,tl80, an exeel'enl'Iylyir 'Medicine). S-or oulo at druiLBtQ8. audi. as the Star. Drue -Co, ad Whitman Drug.Co. of Klam-atttr-i( Oft ' Adv. it NOTICI' OF FINAL AC''.NT NOTICK Is hereby given thnt tint undersigned us Kxecutor of the last will und testament of Peter P. t.'or tin. deceased, has filed with thn County Court of tho State of Oregon, at MALIN HALL Saturday Evening, June 3 Music by Malin Orchestra Good Time Assured "Everybody Come" i L.U.,-1 .. f. i. I e ' vJ'- f Dreamland Pavilion l KP fi V ' Opens for the Summer Season Saturday Night, Jimp. 3 Open" Air Dancing, with Good Music V DOINGS OF THE DUFFS .. 'Xr- r. ' eicrc othtn fail" . u4fSAf&JFS VVOULD you like ihoes that really fit, and hold VV their shape, and give youa new iuiw of com fort from the moment you put them on? And would you like whether for little girl hood, youlh or age style that makes ariy foot more shapely ? And design thit pleases every eye ? And value that is seen in shoes still dainty after months of wear? QUECN QUALITY shoes will give you, at moderate cost, more real style, more solid value and more sat isfying service than anything else you wear and the name is always there lor )our guidance and protection. at tlnttlf JtiigntJ pump for lit til nJ f tnnal m w i, lltljirotJji imHrpMtp. II 1 ' 111 L- a THE BOOTERY CHAS. i. MAGUIRE 'l.'t Main St. Kl.imalli I'.tll- Bring us your FILMS Vou want them developed correctly, printed properly and returned promptly. That js the kind of Kodak finishing service we render. Have us devOp n roll and you'll know. ' "Pinisifrjg that's right and right on time is our ipiriaty ' . WgArttTM IA1JA WrtvEJJI '-A .vj I'D LIKE'TOSBND ONE ,fJf OF THOSE -eUOW PlAMTS) K VOO HAVE IN THE WIMOOW'.J IMg OUT TO MV WIFE - , JAObM HERE'S THE ADDRESS- (3B V IMk-Cli UOLLAKO-f ",-" i I WtLL-SEHU IT rjm. g6HTOOT-j-f W 7J' , TfjQ UNUSUAL ,4 TO BELIEVE BY ALLMAN HEttO, ISTH15 BODD THE rtOUlST? "lODERit A PIAKT SENT 06T T? MRJi DUFF BPT FORGOT XO FlTAOCD WITH IT WIU SbU VJf?lTE- ' f ii,- ' ,Tmi.P1AMTHAS GOME OUT ALRCADV OH.TOM LOOK AT THIS ' BEAUTIFUL FtOWEP SOMEOMfe rENT ME" THERE WAS HO ' CARD WliTH'lT AH0 I'VE I BEEN TRVINO ToTWNKi . ' MHOCOOLD 'HAVK SCMT IT.1 I'. ikit I rwrw," v IT . H I SENT ".'. - ' . -. j II I . f V I llUNbLS-l HLKEHUI I V I lU r A J 'aWt V ',- r-- i tasaVV . a ---r kaTaHlW I.IKTC flHl VOU Dip' UOM'T MAKE ME. LAUGH r.U CALL UP .THE FLOVJE2'6HOP rst riNiv t-yti ; i vv ' r t L I I ' I V T. " ' , - s --v .. o. J. I ! .i-V '.j