The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 27, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Page Five
HATunu.w, mav 37, torn
The Office Cat
"There i Imlli i:imii (mil iml jn
mimic," miyn ii former illrcilnr of
numb' In Ml Paul kcImmiIii WIiiiI hit
llll'IIIIN III tllllt lllcrt, lrt lllllll (Jill. (I uinl
luiil Jiitr. Iml ynu Imivm to have a
been (ion,, to iIIhIIiikhUIi urn- (ruin iln
It taken nlinm Mvo in lliri'i" hiio-ilri-il
lirn ' Hum, In eliminate lln
fi'llur lint remember u Icl n' runt
prinulaln' Muff nlmul I In- llinl
t otty hepatite ricul.
(In to Iho iiRniicy hint week.
IN I., ('Iicymi mild n hiiiiiII bunch
of liii' to I,. Hhorl ii few iluyn ntfu,
J. H, MrClcllan wa mirprlKcd to
find bin yard near the Hlnrii In flu iikk
Tuenilay TIih flrn whm imllHKiilHlii'it
bcforn nny damiii'it wan dime.
.Inlin KniinU Ih lii'lpliii: Mr. Dull
IhiK'T wild IiIm potatoc.
W T Leo ww, ii Pnlrtlcw culler
hint Week
Mr mill Mm, Frank Hexlnn were
(iillem In I'alrvlcw Friday In lint In
Icri'Ht of dull work.
I'lcnlr arc Him fanhlnn lit ircvint
Merrill lilith m'hool pinmcd t lining''
hern tit h t week on a drne unit Hen-
Ii'' lll:ll K' lllllll KlIllll'tllN W I'll I to
llnrtlctt Hirlii)'M I'ihI Friday fur n
There will l ii proitriini ithejj
on Mi'imirliil ility at 2 n'itor nt Mi
l...ik rhiirrh. lli'V. A I.. Hint of
Kliiiniilh KiiIIh will apeak.
J oil n Miilncy luiil I lie iiiUfnrluiie to
Inn n hl liniim, Imrn Wedm-mliiy
nvciiliiK Allliniiitli tln ni'lKliliorn
r ii nlii-il in llm flrn they were unable
In nav. Iml very Utile Mr utnl Mrn
MhIiic)' iir In town ut the lime
"'''"i (-ll(nrtJrl1ftJJLflJ
"t Ilciii-r lir-vlM, I-'rujirli or Cuban. All'
. luatner Jncl; KriMt. Ho Sixth Ht '
'.rum off Mnln 25tf ,
roil HALti-rA fow r.ooil mill: covin.
Harry Telford. Merrill Hond. 24-31
I'OU MALI Heed piitn'ocii, 42 'in FOU 300 nelcctcd Or-nnn
per Mdik Phono 31?W 2fi 27 ' Htrnlft one year old whlto leghorn
lipim Hurry Telford. Merrill lload.
- 312-W. ' 2!-27 ' IIIJHT 01 PAHTI.'liK for rent. D mile
urn. on .'ii.rriu uonu, narry I ci-
I'Olt HAM! HiiMiicliiild fiirnltlir". mil IHINT Clnm. Iii iwn iin.l Iip7i
Very rmumnUU,. 2I Oak 2.1-27. ' ""uLb&wlwZ. V&
I'Olt KAI.J: lli.niNlllrliliiK uml J'leot-
I lir. attachment. I'lln liny HOWlliK Flill HAl.i: i-tninn rn-iiLtm- .r will
machine, I'llni 12. Kcoiiomy Hiilcx truil.. fur. real inline f.?l U.tfnr.
Company, Hilling, Monlimu. 20-1 mm HI. Phono 2B0-J. 2G-27' ! I'KiKONH h'Oll HAI.K, 13.00 per ilnr.
77J77," UTT.. 7. . . "' "".,. " ' ' '" ",,x : " HiTnld (Jfflrc
! OH HAI.I.-Oimd plimo. Clicnp. KOlt UKNT Kor 3 montlm. fnrnlMi. , 23-27
l'lioni)'2ii!l-J. 2(-2! ill ri-ronm iiiiidurn limine, on tinvn-'
Now ntylr-t In ouIIiir wrnr for men I lloruld tnmilflcd nils monn Iho bei't
ml women at K. K. K. Htoro. 2.1-20 ' roault. itllcXI
lOon Imtion, 11.00 n rip, DuicIipm! k. tl. CARI'KNTP.K, Painter and
I iruinnrn ni n. iv. n nion-. it.i-zn I'nporlmngor. Phono 37BJ
TVI'KWUITKH t'AI'KIt nt Inn Drum-
, mond Print Bliop, V Imvn It In
I letterlioad lz and lecal nlz In nev
Icral wpIkIiIh and (trade, and either
iii..i ... ....... i. t ii ...
.iiMiiii in iiuiiiii.Ti rii rui. iiji in f
ream parknKea- (r.00 nlictn) utnl nt
Hniiie nnappy new N'uttlntnn ulioen
nt K K, K. rllnrn. a3-2!i
Out roniiliK by mini; clnsR ndfl.
llnx M. T. Ileriilil attic, rill! KAI.P. '-,nr.,iix!il,r,.,l ri.l..
Lflll III..V.!- ...! ...1... -... ... .!'. . . . - "" r.." ' ' -w.n
.' . iii nriiiii. mi. zr.2, i lercil nhorlhurn oiilln at u tcanon-
lr. Kiiulv. iii-ZU . alilo prlr,.. Anleiopi, Oreharll. Wellun.
r.,Vi. "7.;...h. '7." T: T . .' ,,,", "Al,v ANI: At It. C HhorfH Oreon. Tcleplion,, 261M3. M IS J-l
I'Olt Itl.M -I ikiiIhIiciI enliln. A-l I'lam. Hiilnnlnv Muv 21 I.nilln..1 , ,
Hit I)IcI(, (iffiiii 210 llrn.iil Ht.
irlllK rake. AilmlMlun 1. 00. 2T.-27 IP Vol; WANT jour liaekynnl clenn
- -. - c, ni. riKi; fnr Van nt tin.
.7,77. . .... 7." , I'ou :nt Kiirnliihoil on,, room ! Kofi, Reed vior!!, re.monahlc eharc-
I Olt Itl.M Mm clean nparliiientn I raldn fur lirluukvepliiR. 711 Wnl-'vii. 23-31
in nricii iiiiiiiiiiik. i')iryiniiiK nir- nut. 2.'-2S
prlcen that will mako ynu call fnr "
, more.
iipst m:atiu:h. iikst smtviriv -
Jaek Front, dhon repnlrlnn. Bonth
Oth Ht., Jukt off Main. iritf
- -
8. C. Whlto leghorn Ilaby Chlx
for April, May and June delivery
from our own bred-to-lay nloclc. Our
I prlreit aro rlKht. Model Poultry Farm,
V. C! Hmlth. Prop., Corning. Cal
KHtahllnlicd 1904. 8tf.
l iiIhIiciI, prlri'M icaiioiiiililc. Apply!
'IP VOIJ WANT panlure for Iiomcb
I MeliiM Aparliiiciitii near Wlllln Pell- Work :Ivch for Inwi money. Jack Ifavo word nt Kcdflc!dn Store on
i run Hotel. 20-27 , rront Ho. SUtli Kt. Jiwl off Main. 25lf Ctli ftreet or phone 4r,r,.J .1. P. Ilut-
;- . ... . . .trrfleld. 23.27
; I'Olt KKNT Small niarlmeiil In.WANTI.'l) ui liond.tiK,
I mndcrn l.rlrk liiillilln. nledy Ii,-' lioum' I'lionn 3C3-W 21-20 , WHITi: MiOIIOKN baliy clilckn. Tan-
lealcd, veryiiilni; (iiriiUlicd, prlcen , 'red strain. Ileduccd to 110.00 per
icamnialile Chllioti, ft Smith. 727 , I'Olt HAM: Chevrolet 'rurk ne.irly loo. Henry Pnrratt, CornliiB, Calif.
Mulli Ht. 2C-27 ! new Call nt 'J I U Main 21-31 8-30
WANTKI) Man to net an perman-l
nut rexldent reprcnontatlve for
Klamath County to tell Metal Grain i
Hltin, Metal Tanks. Hor Kccderti,
Wnterlni; TroiiKhx, Water Tank, and '
other Knrm Conveniences. Products I
best In their clanji, priced fairly; ronlj
money ninkorg and limn nawirit for
tho fanner Full time work. Per
manent proportion; real opportun
ity for hiiRtlor. fllvn are, experlonro
and refercnecn. COAST CUIA'KIIT
& F.UMK COMPANV, Portland, Ore.
Ctkl rtuiklm Oil for ult. (hifwih
cltanlBt t Zttoftfi for ctirxi
rttUlBg, nukt iht Iditl mblrndon
for kttiir tnitn pttformim. Al
ittlnt m ilipUr iki l.
Tlinrn'i liri'ii mi movln uramlat
til.imt llnli I'llriilll l.l I. II Ii.. ,1iii.
I"" ' 'I
Inoll rriiiikml
"MnilnmV lalll-Ciiri.l inhheil i
IIOO.OTlii Iii noiun." Vep, Imt II tiok
ii nilr.htr Heli tirec ni.nt to pin it J
in mi.1
'Iho Wife ' tttii'l that your ,i)e due
tor?" Thu hunhaod 1 thuiiKht . until
In, lent llle tilt hill lle'ii a nklti
iiprrliitlal "
"tin you wool a Job illr.i'.ur mia
KioiiT" nnkiMl thu (.inner
"Vn. provided ICn dlcrln' 'em out
of i:ravv '
An loan man reporU flndliic In
bin a iwiiim. Unit wiiik like a
cninry bint He i;nl off cany Thu
1.ut time I vlntleil a ri'ltiir. mi)" Hill
I , "I aaw ii rrci'ii elepbani that
flew lll.o a liiimmlni: bud "
Viiilml It.irrauK
"Shall I ki, over lh lop?" .Hiked
lh lalkiill!' b.itlier. ponlnn bin
"Vn. as nuoii an your imh nttnrk
In over." atlKWcred the weary ruitn-nicr.
Hvurybody U lullilni: about the
problt'iiin of m.irkeiliiK iiowmtuju.'
Mli:ht liter,, not be n leiiou laken
from thit hew? JlUt hce bow they
cell their honey.
Sato Otlerticln wyii Coinmnn i.cne
In Hid jnom talked of. and leant imeil.
of nny of th hiimnii eiii. ,
IIIkIiI In N't- Line
"U'lnlilil you runt In a man on elr-
runiNlaiitlal cvldeiKe' ". ihey anked
the lady Juror.
"I would." rile replied "l'v,t rr:i-
vlrti'd my buiband that way ilntenn
of llmeM "
llelnxv her boiom
Above her knee
Her new huIi fit her perfectly
Abnvi, her bo-tom
llnluw her knee
All that iiiiii could tieo wo, Nhe.
(letiliir; to the bottom of tblnun
thu fart In. tho iHncoiirnKed and ilia-
riatlHfled American farmer Ih likely j
to proiime mini,, ninny ciiich.
, Co) Tim,, Wat Had
WANTHI) WlirdrnliK lame en-
oilltli to iii'romnioil.ilo two pM fnn -Ad
In Clin eland New.
I do the very bent I know how;
llm very hell I can: unit 1 mean In
l.'eep doliiK ,io lllllll the Olid. If the
end liilniiH m oitl all rlKbt. wliut In
nalil iicaliiHt urn won't amount to any
lliliu:. If tho end brliiKH mo nut
wrnniT. ten iini;etn awearliiK I wai
rli;lit would miikit no dlffereucn.
Abraham Lincoln. ,
"Tlie baby In eryliift berausn ho
can't pull the fur off your muff,
mother. Wlial hIiiiII I do?"
"(llvi, him tho ral."
I remember, I remember
Tho'hoiiHi, wh'nro I wiih horn
The llttlii window whri'i, the hi:ii
Caiiin ieeilui; In at morn
I ulwayH loved lo neo the Hill).
I wiih a rural fiuliuvi,
And then I moved lo Klamath FiiIIh
I haven't hcc.ii It hIiico,
ICou CiirlJn ciunn In. ' tho
iiheep ciilnii Friday lo vIhU hla ranch.
II, M, lluhh Hindu a trip to C. A,
IIIII'h placn with soiiin fine Hood
potntoeH a fow dayii nco,
Mr, J. It. Kllott movud bin cut-
Underwood's One Cent Sale
30c Anplrln TabletM
21 TablelH to box
20r Kpiom Halt
lllKlient Purity ...
2Cr Zinc Ointment
One Ounce Tuben
C0c Aromatic Cnncara
llext Quality .. . .
2Sr lllnklo PIIU
Unexcelled l.axltlvn ...
30c Klamath Hold Knocker
Curen Cold In One D.iy -...,
, 2 for
at !4't
nor Aromatic Caator Oil
Children I.lkn It . ..
SSc Cantlle Soap
Flnont Imported
30c Cathartic PJIU
Full Ktrencth
. 2 for
2 for
.2 for
35r NyalN I. her Raid
Saline Laxative - 2 for
1 00 White Mineral Oil
Our big ONE CENT SALE will con
tinue until MONDAY night. Look
over the list of bargains, see more
of them in our windows. Drop into
our store and look around.
ti m
Heavy TilHtelcKit , a for V vl
2 for ilC
30c PoniH Plaster
Nyal'x Heat ..
! MX
3f.e Carbolic Salvo
Kxtrn Quality J) for
,10c Headache Tabid
Not InJiirlouH ...
7Cc Milk Mugneulu
Underwood'i full plntn ....... 2 fur
7Sc Kidney IMH
Underwoods M Tor
3Cc Cherry CotiRh Syrup
For CoiiKh and Coldn ,.. ,,,'..2 for
COp Whlto Pine Conch Syrup
The old fnvtirlto
fie I'.id Pcnrll.i
Unod (Ira do .
40c Nyulu ShavhiB Lotion
Notio llctter , 2 for
3Cc Tooth llriube.H
Quality (luarunteod .' 2 for
30C Nyala Tooth Pimto
A Favorite C for
11.50 Syrup ilypopliosphltca i
Full Pints 2 for H J
30u Nyala Liver Pills "
Pureatlvv Pelletu for
I2.2C Hot Water' llnttH'tt ' r
Faiuous Wcarover llrand v..a for wi
30o Nyals Faro Crca'm
Nouo Uetter a for
40c Liquid Shampoo
On of tho Host a for
Special Monday Only
Price on every hand bag and vanity box
cut squarely in two. Your chance to get
one of the latest style at half price.
Beautiful numbers in Pin Seal, patent
leather, ooze Cow-hide, tooled leather and
other fine materials.
High Grade Stationery
2 for O 1 C
White. Pink. IIIiiii or DuffSOc
24 envelopes; 24 lOicctn paper . .
Kensington Linen
In onc-poiiud package; HI hcctH to package C
An Kxtra Special - .2 bow for J 1 C
Extra Special
2-Quart Fountain Syringo $1.35
i' $1.36
Kodak Special
Our Kodak Department offers a wonderful special
for Monday only.
Wo will make TWO eight by ten enlargements
from any of your films for 51 c. This offers a
splendid opportunity to get some enlargements
from your favorite negatives. Remember, this is
Dozens of other One-Cent Bargains to be found at
our Lack of space prevents listing them.
Check the items you need and bring this
list with you
3Cc Klamath Korn Knocker QC
IJest on the. Market . a for ODC
30c Toothache Drop i oi
,Nyal Quality ... , .....'.J. .'....1 2 for OIC
flOc nczojna Ointment ,t
lnttant Illef ........... M...'. 2 for OIC
7."e. Pile Ointment 7tgi
I-arKu TuliM v....T.-yt..w.......:.i... 2 for OC
33e .Mustard-Ointment ....-. J1 " ' Ql
Should bo In Kvcry Home ........... ..2 for 50C
35c Nyalg Catarrh Halm .- ' qj
An Kxcellcnt Product .-.............2 for 50C
40c Chap I,otlon. t - a m
Kep Sklri Smooth L..' s for frlC
1 . - i
30c Rice Powder r ni
Fleih or White 2 for O 1 C
23c Ilronchlal Tablet tyr
Stop tho Cough .........;.....2 for OC
C0c Nydenta Tooth Pat (
-Make,! Teeth Whlto ........ . 2 for OIC
7."iCiIlubber Gloves 1 7Z
Special Quality ., .- .a for .DC
COc Freckle Cream ;
. Dleaches Skin ., a for tIC
20c Hand Scrub Hrushci rf
Oood Quality - 2 ,P ZIC
15c Powder Puffs j
llet Velour a for XDC
50c Kenslnston Linen Paper, 1 Pound; 114 nheotn B1
Fine and Vhlte T 2 for OIC
20c Linen i:nvelope.i o
24 to PackaRo .' f,. ZIC
15c Iluslnc.,, Knvolopea " r
Ileayy Whlto Stock .....'..!. .... 2 for IPC
.".fie Xyals Liniment 0;
Itojlovpa -1 I as ....; ,.. ; a for 5DC
350 Ilaby Talcum qJ
Purest and Finest ,.v...,' 2 for )OC
3.1c Nyolltls Talcum oj .
Ilet for Toilet a for 50C
00c Nyals lleauty Halm . ;
White or Flesh a for OIC
40e Violet Ammonia a
" FwII Pints ' .....!! for p
. "
10c School Tablets ,, v
lletter Huy Now ;.k. a lor 1 C
2fie WrlthiK Tablets ng
llest Quality p f,. ADC
$1.2.r SprliiKi Sarsaparllla. j ng
Host lllood Piirlfler a' for V iD
t i
25o Fountain Pen Inic Aij
Heat llluo.Illack 1 a for P,V,
T. i 'J
r ..