The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 26, 1922, Image 1

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    "nwt fi tr rf
Ti.Mll"", H
A-.."' I.I I,. ...'' 1
fairottta Iter aid
TONMJIIT ',in, ,t(jr IO IIH.W V
rnosr i;,st pnimo.v, sati it.
I.. Mill ,M UAIt.M,
fawioF TI
Member of the Associated Press:
r. " i"
k ' V t
I'iiiiTiiiii vcm Nn, ti:t:iM.
Former Minister to Chirm
Reported Sentenced By '
Military Court
WAHIIINUION. Mil) art !(
Iiillmi illreillug lii'irclniy lluglioa In,
tiinkn mi Immediate ttiiinlry (if lint
rrtmli put eminent iiiiii'urnltiK the
i nrri'iinrH t r ri'i"iU inncernliiK t li
I rn ioh 1 1 tti ii nf ii Iwn )imi- ni'iiti'iiti'
upon Charles II (.'rutin by Hi" I'ri'iirli
tn lilt it ry court it t P.iniiniriiH, nH In
trinliinxljoilay by Itepie-cutiilhe Hu
Iiiith, demount. Illinois.
I'AHIH. Mil)' 26. --(.'baric It
('riini' Nit til Imliiy llnit hefnin III ar
rival in Ii.iihumii". II) l III, till' I'llltl'll
Mutes ruiiniil them hauled down tlir
American flag, took clown his shield
ninl t-r ii nf I in Imvii further rel.t
tluiiN "llli lint I'ri'iiili iiiittinrltli'N un
til tliiy iipnlnKlicil fur mi llirlili'ill.
'I'll.. I'ri'lii h lliuilly iilHilnglzott it it il
I ln rimsiil resumed relations, lie
CIIICAOO. Mil) 26 A ullUlir,. nf
-" ,,m(l Imprisonment mi 11 liir:
nf Ittc-I tint: riit'lit illntn limine In i(.
I"n-ii h iii.imliitii territory of H rln
was lili'ti'il mil In I'liurli's It I'iiiiii'
nf Chicago, urri.rilliiic lo it mprrlKht
nl illaiMlili from itlro. l-KM't. ilh
Hilled In I II.. ('hlrugn ll.ill) Newa
I "rn in mum former iiiili.tiiiiilnr In
I'lilmi 'I'liK report nitlil tin' sentence
Hill p.imil lifter It hearing It)' ile
f.illll. that la. III till' absence of (hi
lirilliii'il BEARD 16 FEET LONG
.Ninth Daknlu 1'itriiii'r I'rninlvi In
Win Hiiemiiicnlii llnnnm
WIIAl'liTON, ,i)., itay i6.
TIioiirIi ihlr prliln him irnmpli'il
tlm iiiuIk population of Harramintn,
(nl . In Kit iinahawn In proparallnti
for )ht ' 1 ).! nf 't'J" ii'li'lirtllnn.
It Hiioill) Hharn of th" "local color"
pii'inlrvH In ho pmvlili'il hy a r
llri'it farmer nf North Daknin.
Knr llttii N. I.uiiKM'th, "S-yi',tr
olit rmlili'iit of (liln county, la koIiik
out California way to alinw tho
"lioyh" 11 licnnl Hint la 11 heiinl, 11
hit put It. liy actual mi'iiNiirumi'iil
hla la uowtiiI Indu'a morn than all
Iim'II font.
A xrori' of )rura a no, l.iiiKmth
wiia truilliiK with 11 nMii mIiom'. Hut
tlm puMIc rfumil In lu'llmn hi
Imaril Maa real. "Tho aumit nlil
hunk." tli')' Kaltl. anil paaacil up
liln tent. Ho hit went hack lo far
111 1 111;
l.aucai'lli wua lnrn In .Norway.
I In Iheil In Iowa from 1SUT In t V h .
nml then mowil In (May county.
Mliun'Hot.t. whuro ho lUeil two
)iiaru heforo aetllliiK In this coun
try. Not allien lin wua 211 year nlil
Ii ix l.auKanth mIiiivoiI. Then lit'
until 11I hla lii-ai'il crew ri'iuiiikalily
fllHl, Mil III' lll'l'lill'll tit Hl'l what 1
li'iiltlli It would attain. It'rt loo Ioiik
now for innwuli'iin.', hut hit carries,
It Inckiiil iiwny In 11 inck nttach.l
nil to tlm Inaldii of Ills waistcoat
POItTI.ANli, Mny 26 Tin, ship
ping hnaiil'n threat today tn with
draw Hindi lio.ii d W'khiiIii, now allo
cated here, followed tho.iitlou of tint
union IiihI night In iimulng tho
linard ri'iri'iiiiiliillvn hern nf favor
lug Hut li'ligHlinrniili'il'N union In tho
Htrlldi ( ontiiiMTMy, 'I'h I' Hlilppera do
i lured, however, that they Intended
tn boycott thn shipping hoard's ves
sels anyhow.
Tlio baromi'trli! primauro rose iiultn
ruplill)' mat ulglit
nml ruiieheil tlm
lllgllCNl iiolnt III II
uiimbor of da)x,
thl:i iiftornoou thn
Cyvlo Htoriiingriipli
nt lIudui'wood'H Is
ngiilu rucoriilng n
fall. ToulKht will
pi nimbly lie warm
er than Inst night
u.l i en tho I o w
reached 2 a nt a,
Fort'OiiHt for unxi Si linura:
Uunernlly fair with inodeiiito
"""Tlm TycoH recording thennoinotor
reglatorod lunxlmum unci minimum
tninpuruttirori today as follews:
High ...j r,r.
,. HW ...,...,.,..,,.,,. M
Marines on
First picture of United Mates marines marching to entrain (or Poking to rcir.Iorte American troopi
Ibero guarding United Mates legation la Chinese civil war.
AiMiliilnii'ii I, Aiiimiiiiiril Ii) (iii.
rrnnr Olnillf, .Mny ThIui
lli'in Ii Tnmnrnm
MALUM, Mity 26 - A I. LnaWIt
bun liri'ti iiiiiilnti'il rlrt'iill Judge of
Klamath 1 utility In mini'i'il (' I
K.n.,,.(lot..r.ior()l.o.tai,o.nK..,l.o.jvl,ry tvmM,v,.ul t)( , ,,0IIlllcrBllc
I )f iif.t I nf SIHIriim-H In !i iln.Nn rill
tin. lii'in Ii, U Hit. ri'rnril nf tin. n
HrliiK ilrnilt jiiiIri', (' I. Kintii', Mini
iirii'iilril tlm niinliilmi'iit tn fill tln
taraniy i.nui'il liy I lie ri'ilKii.illoii nf
.lllilfi. Il V KiDkinilall, lakltiK
off lii. Ki' '.'3 nf IIiIn )inr Tim
nnliitaiiillni: fi'iillirV of JililK" Hlnnn'ii
work nnn Iho ilnitrh with
In liunilli'it tlii' IhihIik'kh romliii; Ii".
fom lilm
JiiiIk Strniii iililKHIIiri'il liln Inlrtl
linn tn rmlcii Immi'illnti'ly follow ni;
tint iirlniarli'K Jinlitn l'.-ivllt jiruli"
a lily Mill iiHniimo nfllrn Siiurilay. 111
IiIn ioiiiiiiIkkI';!! Is nxprrtvil lo artho
licrt' IoiiIkIiI.
I'lalr lila-it niitl Mnlmiiii)- IVatiirtN
nf CiirrliiV I'lnirninry
(illllnrliii: plain Klnaa anil Kleani
Iiik iiiah(i:any will Kreet nlmpptirH nl
Hie npeiiliiK loinorrntr inornlnK at
Ciirrln'a ilniK alnro at Stil Main, np
pofille tho Central nnliool. Ciirrlu ha a
Initialled thn Inat word In modem
flxturea, 1I0I111: away with countcra
and ualiiK only wall calilnetH with
plati' cl-iia hIIiIIiik dnorx, thua Klv
I11K morn floor apace and permlltlliR
cualoiuera to exanilliL' wares at their
In ailillllon tn 11 full Hun nf stand
nrtl driiKa, Ciirrlu will carry every
coiicolvalilo toilet nrllclo, plinlio
Kriiplm and the famnua 1'raiuen can
dim. "quality rlrat" will lm Hut
atom' "iilchword, Ciirrlu unlit.
Ciirrlu hna had many )eara or
perlenrn a a 11 driiKKlat, h.ivlni; heeu
with Hcvnral phnrniaclea hero us well
,ia ultcwhert'
I'm'WU' ' .vwnlallnn tn
'' l !" Kfl"
l.OS AN(li:i.i:S. May 26. -Tho
Sixth Annual Convention of tint
Pacific Co.iNt Hlectrlcal Association
will bo held In I .oh Angeles Ma)'
III -J unit 2. About fi00 delegates
n ro oxpecli'd to attend. Tlio pro-
gram Includes liultiHtrlal confer.
encoH, lecliiilciil paperH and discus
hIoiis, nddresHOH, election of offlcui
nnd n nuinbnr ot enlertalnmuut
Mayor (li'iirgo I.. Cryer will wel-
ooiiiii tint dulegaU'H nnd A. II. West
president ot thu iiHsoclatlnu, will
re.spiind. ()ther Kpeakoru Include,
Howard r. lleube, president of the
Investment Hanker' Association of
America; John I). Fredericks, prim
Jdiiut of I lm I.oh Angeles Chamber
of Commurco; Hoburt Sibley, edi
tor ot an elect rlrnl publication, and
II. M. Aylciiw'orth, executive man
nger ot tho National Klcctrlc Light
Fiinoi'iil HorvlccM will bo held In
Vhltlock chapel nt 2 o'clock tomor
row nfternoon for Jumes lfonry
Wright, ft!) Wnshlugton streot, a fnrm
lulnrer, who died lutrn this morning
nt tho ago nt 66 nfter a long Illness.
Tin Nov,, A, I Hlco will offlclnllo.
Way to Guard U.
r Henri Mm kill
in riniiiiioiiiT
1 An orator of ili William J llryiui '
I t)nt In it lil (0 describe !i(i II llnul
fortl, tliu xpunkiT lit tomorrow cwn-f
! Iiik'h Clinut.iuiUii. Ilrmlforil liiurw,
n lihynlnil rrniiili!mici U tin. iuIi-J
I l.mii.ii Ni.i.r.ku .i..i...n.i.n ..mi ui
J riililltiit In linV. fi fluU' nf ttlfiAiinni i
I lllK.ll..! I I.. l.l- .1.. -in-ill 1 1 ill inn 14111117 iitin.
Ilrailforil litxiuiu) rliaixi'lli r nf tlm
.McllinillKt t'nhorrlly of Oklahoma
it I mo !'. I n. Inn iluiiinml for liln kit-
lre an a li-rturi'r l.tli'ly fcrri-il lilm ;
In rmlKii Ills rolli'Klal( nc tlvltli-H.
"TliU Way l'i" In tlii. title of liln
Iwtnri. an In.i.lrtnif anneal Hint 1.
mild to I upeclally helpful to )oiiliK
folk of achont iiru.
Tommorw afternoon'a feature la a
concert hy tli(, ll.illliiK-Mahlcr Duo.
TonlRht lint Kreat American com
edy "Turn to Tho Illeht" will he
Jirenenti'il. Many renlilenta h.ixe
iloiihtlcHa teen iliL. piny and kunw Its
worth. It I, Mild that the Ki'lKhley
pluyera Interpret It In 111 f.iahlon that
lirlnca out nil Its artlatlc merit.
It, I'imiI, Itamlier, Victim of
runnral services wtrn held ) ester
day nt 10 o'clock at llonunia for John
II. Peel, n well-knnwn young ranchur
of that Hecllon, who died nt Ills homo
lift Monday night from Influenza
pneumonia. Ilo Is surthed by n wife
and threc children nml tho follow -I
n 15 sisters nnd brothers. Mrs C. I'
Nichols, Talent. Oregon; Mra ! IX
Cox and Mrs. It. C. Cowley of l.or-
ella; Frank 11110- J. II. IVol of Ilo
i T iT n T 1 ilin ' i
V stl-"-5-
nnina. and I. 1'. I'onl of Hlldcbrand j ZCi and ratified tho law did not be
Tho decedent was 3d years I'M and 'romo effective until tho governor
hud Iheil In Klamath county for 2ii Issued his proclamation on Juno 21,
years. Ilo waR born near Medford , 1921.
S. Legation
Slid .Mugnale Would KuhoUtutc
.Suli Tnv I'or Income Tux;
AiltlTx Against IlontiN
N,2W Y011K'. My 2! Kllicrl II.
''ary. In 1111 aililrcBH at tliu American
Iron anil Ktcrl limtltulo today, ailvo
ralL'il that roiiBri'in takv tho tariff
nut of pollilra, that It play no favor
lli'n Ih ltn tciiilrnry lo rcguliitc thlnRS,
thai II Milmtlditft n xalcN tax for the
liiKimi) tux nml that It forcrt tho
koIiIIit lion 11 a tiiitll the nation Ix Icph
Hi'rrrly litirilcni'il financially.
An for thi IiiihIiiijm futiirn of
, Allien' a. t.ary ilfcmro.l niniKOII Mill
an optlinlat." In thn Iron and Meet
ImlUHtry, ho anlil, thu proflta were
not intlafactory, hut that few It any
oueht not to ho doInK huxlncas at a
June ilo is. Day for Filing Appll-
' rut Inn ullli Nlla
KAI.KM. .Or.. Mny 2C Tho tlmo
limit for filing Initial application for
tho cash bonus cr loan under tho so
called bonus law has been extended
from May 25 to Juno 20 of thl,, year.
Thl., waa nnnounccd . tonight by
Captain I lurry llrumbasiKh, secre
tary of tho worltl war veterans' state
aid commission. This chnngo In the
rule-i of thu commission. Captain
Brumbaugh said, was based on an
opinion of rlio attorney-general.
Tho attorney-general held In his
opinion that although tho legislative
enactment, If considered alone,
would hao mado thn tlmo limit ef
fective, Mny 25 ot this year, tho con
stitutional amendment which author
ifiaJBST '
Display of Temper Results
in Babe Ruth Beinff De
clared Ineligible
CltlCACO, May 2C Ilaho Ituth
waa declared today Incllitlblo to play
with tho Yankccn until a complete In
veatlKallon ban been madn of bli ar
gument with Umpire Hlldcbrand
which rcxultcd In tho homo run kin;
bclni; put out of thn namo ycatorday
after he had thrown sand In tho m
plro'n face. Trealilent Han Johnaon
of tho American league, who an
nounced thn decision, said a final de
cision would bo inado tomorrow.
Ituth'wlll riot bo permitted to play
today, a one-day suspension and a
stiff fliio probably will bo his punish
ment, It was said.
Johnson said Ituth had becomo ex
tremely nervou,, over his previous
suspension and tho lone lead In homo
runs obtained by Ken Williams of
thu Ht. I.ouls Drowns, and orer
Iluth's failure to hit when ho got
back Into tho came. Johnson said tbls
attltudo placed Ituth In a condition
that might cause lilm to do thine
In tho heat of a camo which ho would
regret a few minutes later.
ClIICAfiO. May 26. Jlubo Ituth
was fined $200 and removed from
Iho captaincy of tho Now York Araer
lean, by Han Johnson, president of
tho American league, this afternoon.
Official rirport Lacking Omlr Frew
Thrco Conatlcn
rOKTI.AND, May 26. With offi
cial reports lacking only from Curry,
Harney and Wheeler counties, 'rteN
latest figures today gavo Otcott !.
020, Hall 42.S10, a lead for Olcott
of C10. The namo of ex-collector of
Internal rcvenuo Milton A. Miller was
written In for tho democratic nomina
tion for state treasurer. Ho may
bo a candidate against Hoff.
Democratic Candidate for LU!,
.IM MM 12tMll.l
SAI.K.M. Ore., May 26. Ono cent
for a postal card, applying for a nom
ination blank, was tho expenditure
ot Oeorgo A. Lovcjoy, candidate tor
tho domocatlc nomination for repre
sentative from Multnomah county, a(
revealed by bis expense statement
'filed here. ,
i.v ifnvnwt iioiiXK axd
co.Uj mj.vb r.xi'UHio.vs
nillMINOIIAM. Ala., May 26.
Woven miners worn killed
last nlRht In an rxploalnn In
Acmnr tnlno number thrco of
tbo Alabama fuel and Iron com
pany, lit. Clair county, accord
ing to a report received hero
8INAM MONI.VO, t'enn., May
26. KlKht men wero killed nnd
threo slightly Injured when
threo packing house at tho
powder plant hero of tho Oras
sclll Chemical company blew up
March lo Cemetery anil Appropriate
Kxrrcliu Manned; KlowerM
Am Needed for Graves)
Co-operation of the schools, labor
council, chamber nf commerce, li
brary club, Spanish war veterans and
all organizations represented on tho
Klamath community council, has
been asked for Memorial day by tho
American I.cglon, Commander Fred
Wcatcrflcld nnnounccd today.
It Is planned to meet at, Iho court
houso In the forenoon nnd march to
tho cemetery where graves will bo
decorated and approprlato exercises
held. As many ex-servlco men arc
employed nyay from tho city, and
will be unable to be present, tho
Ieglon lmx requeated that ns many
persons as possible Jend their aid
In helping to commemorate tlio day.
Persons having flowers which they
will donate for thn graves are asked
to notify Mrs. Percy Itnrke, Mrs. Kip
Van Riper or Mrs. Kd. Martin.
More definite plans for tho Memor
ial day program wilt bo published
CUtfonte Ksmrttvei OtnsmIitee.-i
Opposed lo Principles
Declaring, that tho Ku Klux Klan Is
founded on doctrines which would
divide our citizens Into group and
classes which attempt to set ono
class of our citizens against an
other, the California state execut
ive commlttco ot tho American
Legion, adopted n resolution op
posing the principled ot tbo Klan
and commending John R. Quinn,
state commander, for resigning
from It.
The resolution opposing tho klan
said In part:
"Be It resolved that both tho
principles and policies ot tho Ku
Kluz Klan aro fundamentally op
posed to tho wclfnro ot our coun.
try and tho patriotic principles up
on which tho American Legion U
"And, bo ' It further resolved,
that tho American Legion ia unal
terably opposed tn tbo Ku Klux
Klan, and It Is the sense of this
Executlvo Commlttco that no loyal
members of tho American Legion
can or should support, tho doctrines
ot tho Ku Klux Klan."
notoro tho resolution was passed
Quinn read a statement mado at tho
tlmo of calling tho meeting. In it
ho stated that ho applied for
membership in tho Klan under a
misunderstanding. had resigned
when ho had Investigated further
the organization's activities, and
hoped that tho commlttco would
subscrlbo to his public criticism nt
tho Klan. A resolution affirming
tbo Executlvo Committed' loyalty
and contldonco In Quluu and com
mending' nTs 'action In resigning
from tho tho Klan was passed.
City Team Will Stage
Practice Game Sunday
Hasobull fans will huvo opportun
ity to witness tho king ot sports at
Modoc park Sunday afternoon when
the City team, will bnttlo with other
local players. John Houston, who has
organized tho Ci'ty team, says bo has
gathered n fast aggregation capablo
of giving any team In this part ot tho
stato a run for Its money.
Tho llno-up: Dr. Noel, cUchor; J.
Foster and Flnneran, pltchors; Dress
ier, first; Durbin, second; H. Foster,
ss,; Houston, third; Humphrey, Ab
bey and Crawford, outflold.
,'No admission will be charged but
b collection will be taken to help do
I fray the cost of uniforms.
t yv
t Vi
" I'ltick'tivif OBa
Dr. Evans Turns Search
light of Truth on Sec
ret i Organization '
"I.e.t Thcro Do Light" Is tbo till
of iho lecture bf Dr. Arthur Walwya
Kranii, speaker at last night' Cha
lauqua, nnd ho certainly turned the
searchlights on full forco. Ho hutt
ed out every nook and cornor where
the foci of America lurk and ex
posed them to a gtaro of brilliant
With aledgohammer sentence he
torn apart tlio pretensions of thn K
Klilx Klan. Ho denounced the or
ganization ns "dnngcrous memace to
democratic government and declared
his Intention to express hla full opin
ion of It on every Chautauqua slat
form In Oregon. Ho soarched his
soul for words to oxproiu his Amer
ican disapproval ot masked attempts
to supcrscdo tho American govern
ment with mob rule, and tho Aner
Icanlsm of tho audience responded
with cheers pnd loud applause.
Avowing his Ironclad Protestan
tism nnd assorting that ho was a
member of thu Masonic order, Evans
declared that ho know fho reason
for his religious faith hut know no
reason why any American should
support an organization which ap
pealed to raco and religious hatred
and sought to upset tho principle
of religious freedom that is tho feu
datlon, of American liberty.
Ho laid baro tho reason for tho,
Klan'a existence In a blow when h
rcferod to th0 T1C.50 Initiation fee,
a poVtlon of which goes to tho In
portal wizard, Dr., Simmons, in At
lanta,. wfcn. "four years ami ia'
worth a plugged nickel" and now-ha
a fortune, bulldcd from Ku Kluz re
Kvana Is a steam rtretor In action
and with machlno-Ilko precision be
starts at thu bottom to build a struc
ture of logic that i not flattering to
American prldo but houses whole
snmo trtjth.
Ho started with tho schools, declar
ing wbllo America had greatest ex
penditure ot public monoy for school
buildings and equipment, wo wero
woefully weak In toachor. Ha attri
buted this to small salaries, quoting
statistic,, showing an averago annual
wago for tb0 660,000' rural teachers
ot tho United States of $640; th
annual wago of 250,000 as $345; the
highest auuual wugo as $1033.
Tho colleges aro no better. Where
Yalo pa).i u professor of law $6,000
a year, It pays Its football coach
$16,000. Other universities set
brawn nbovo bruin In tho sanio man
ner. Tho speaker said ho was an
ardent baseball fan and bolloved in
clean sport ui an upblldor ot charac
ter but advocated reasonable adjust
ment ot such discriminator remun
eration. As a result ot low salaries tuoro
Is too small a proportion ot men!
teachers. Dlsclpllno Is lax. Wo bare
high school Soviets und educational
strikes. Young folk got no concep
tion ot tbo dignity ot dlsclpllno and
seo only servility In yielding the la
dividual will to constituted author
Ity. When occasionally a teacher en
deavors to enforco authority, aha
finds fond parents upholding wllfull
And tho logical conclusion Is reach
oil, tho bpcuker Indicated, la armed
rovolt in tho West Virginia coal
Holds, mob rulo In Springfield and
Omaha, Ku Klux outrages In Texas,
a coast to coast ware of crime un
like anything In Kuropo with all its
hatreds und jealousies.
Tho schools must got back to fun
damentals, Kvnns declared, and he
polntod to tbo 25 per cent Illiteracy
bhowlng during tlio seloctlon of seta
for war service, as an evidence, of
Tho Chautauqua tent was cold last
night but tbo temperature wtst up
sovoral degrees when tbo lecturer
wnrmod up to his subjoct. I1q spoke,
not as a critic, but as an AaMrlsan
citizen, firm In his bollef la the su
premacy ot American institutions, as
said, dooply appreciative of American
opportunities but with an abiding be
lief it was time tor Americana to
awako and correct tbo eyiUj that art
weakonltlB democracy and haaatwa
ping American ''progress.
.. '
1 r
A i