Pstuo SIc mxnun. may sn, insa THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON War Has Been Declared in Klamath Falls Mnr x. Iteuitil Attorney Win. Mnrx fllcil nil ac tion nnnlnst Urn Klainalli ttrrord l'lilillnhliiK Company thin mornlnc In which ho In nuking $500 n at torney fees fcr hlniRcIC ami f 4 00 for Attorney V. 0. Vnn Hiiion, for urvlcc performed for tho Hccord company slnco Inst October In con nection with tho recently closed rcttinancr HtlxAllon, I. h It tu tn lt III I-neion v. l'urcli et nl Answer on bchnlf of the defend-1 out F, II. rimey was fllod this mn'J n ! nt; In tho $26,000 dnniaRO action J 1'iouRht liy J. 8. IiRonon nralnt Harry Furch and F. II. I'uoey. INimli t. Klamath Mini Amended complaint' was fllod In tho circuit court tills morning In Ilia suit of Itoy K. Fouch nRnliiKi tho Klnninth .Mint Company, J. V Siemens, F, A. linker nnd John N I'.ivlcs, which Inxolves tho collec t mi of n promissory note It fOCt Clrcn September 16, 1321. Tho complaint also nsks for $200 at .friiey's fees. (Inodrlch (lubber Uooln for Irrl Kiitliip. nt' greatly reduced' price. J. 12. KndcriU. Co. v" 2.-.-2C ItOSKHUMI Coos Hay roud to bo hardmirfaced. I.uxlto Hoso In Colors Houston and Jester. 23-25 (101.1) 1111,1. State llmo mill to bo opened soon. Scratched glasses many times cause the vision to blur. Lotus polish the scratches out and they will be as good as new again. Repairs, broken lenses duplicated. Im mediate scrv'co. Dr. Goble rhouc, Ofc. 133W. lies. 33 1 -J 700 Miilu To Khimath Fall Merchants Tim rcMilt of Anll-I.litcr week In tho nnld' district of h Knits Is most Krntlfyliic nnd wo apprcii.ito I lie elfurli beliiR put forth by the committee. Tho city Is bcKlunltiK to ou new- life nnd n clean uppearnnco. Wo nio des'mi.ttiiiK Krldny afternoon from four to six o'tlocl. us back alley day In tho business district, livery hiMtie.,, man u respectfully requested to kIw thin time to making tho tuck alley clean, (unitary and f re,j from obstruction'. Tho city w III op.-rite u grader on tho alley that need It and wo want them clc.ui-r. If you liuto cleaned them, accept our appreciation If ou hne not. accept, our earnest renuest to get busy. Why lue a clenn front nihl a filthy rear? For health and appearance sake, clean up. W. S. WII.KY. Muor H. I). I.. STF.WAIIT. Health Officer K. K. AMIIKOSK. Klro Chief C. I. KOIIKKTS, Chin. Merchants llureau Three persons are lirgcly re sponsible fcr th0 success of Antl I.ltter week launched by the cham ber of commerce. The aboe cartoon Illustrate the spirit tint the three chairmen li.iv,. howi In lining up ,llio various chairmen and cnptalux. II. .V. Moe. Mrs. Wm (Janong and! Hugh Currln enteral Into the move ni e tit as Illustrated uboe nnd to gether they hac enlisted, dratted and secured otherwise more than 200 workers tu make flllo. rubbish ! and germs fly. About 20 roMdenU of Hot Springs addition assembled In that territory Wednesday afternoon and cleaned up I the triangular park across "from the horpltal. cleared up tho parl.lngl Clnudo Davis reported that ho was dltlon. lint Springs. KhlppliiKtou anil .spare from the canal bridge to IhC; pleased with the response ill hU ter-1 other territory will bo inverud ' I end of Kspl.inadp and burned off eon- rltory rud other captains reported All merchant are reiiuested b sldeiablo acant property likewise. the city tifflrlaU to clenn up their I I Joe Taslc, chairman of Shipping- Three trucks started opt rating on , b.u-k alios Krldu) afternoon from I , ton addition, reported splendid pro- the west side today l'rlday they to C o'clock I gresj In his territory. He wns ar- will serve the territory between Kllth On .Saturday the children's tlie.i-, ranging truck sorvlce eiterday I and Twelfth and Saturday Mills ad-'tre party will b,. held. ' I PA IMS Hand painting has now OI'KICKHS lM IIIHi:i: MOI'.t:. Men's Ituhber Knots, for irrigating j reached evening cloaks, bavins Pro-! I. W. W. IX JAM. '".l Jireatiy rcduceii price J h i.n ... .' tilers. & la. 2..-;r. (Continued from rago 1) greyed from hats to gowns nnd shoes. Tho ultimate chic nt the mo-, inAitf m n Ik1(tttl ei t lsj nl'.inltlir . w.i it overlaid with n faint design in silver! Kummd posters were found. The'0 I)ox 'n, nalnt. Still mnr. nffectlve Is an nnn.. l,o0 "euee uns is an aurmpi io I , tag wrap or some thin bl wltn a meandering ues gold paint. Now and wrap gold painted Is put over a I black satin, silver-painted founda tion. This Utter Idoa seems to be tho apothcsls of tho gold and silver vogue. The effect Is beautiful but tho accompanying gown must needs be ery rich In texture. (MAN Wit.!. Iluy oil and gun to Sacra- uicnto. calif . for ride. Address 1'. 2r,-2ti .rfc mniorini organlio tho Klamath lumber Indus- 'WA.TKI Nln,. key llurroughs add- , , , Itry then to Inclto the members toi. inK 'rhlnn In A-l shape. Ilox 77, dgn In pale " lnen l" ",cll lne memuors ,ujt,raj,j office "5 then a thin "8,rIko on thu Job," th0 present pol- Icy of tho I. "i W. Should this be iWANTKD First Class man for first accomplished, It was said, broken ch'ss salary as foreman, circular machinery, spiked logs and similar e brRin at once- " """W occurances would be frequent. ' ,.,..! ' Ladle "Chippewa" outing boots, arc guaranteed. J K. Kndcra & Co. 25-2C Kim War has been declared oa the I WANTED To M contract to fall W. W by the sheriff and chief of limb and buck six million feet tlm- nnllrn linlh salil tills moriiltip nntlibcp' "'Klunlng lllimedlnluly Tools police, uoth said tin morning, ami ,,,,, Il0X -i uaUi OUii 2- (every effort will bo made to stamp i i out organiiatlon In thU region. JKOIt RKNT Kor 3 months, furnish- Louis Duvls. the first organlier en j-room modern house, on pae- arrested, was bound oxer to tho grand m,,- "ox ,I' ,,"ral" 0 Jury churged with criminal s)udlral- "'""' ' Ism. Ills name appeared frequently Illfl IIAliX l.iXt'i; At It (' Short m among tho papers of thoso arrested Place. Saturdny May 27. ladles ' I lr.. fill t " ( $25 $30 $35 irarv A& 1?'- -M A lsiL 'J " The Leading Value vs. The Lesser Value o Clviiws 4 (bring cake Admission II 00 It has always been easy to get the hitler. W'u .art, . making it easy to get the former. 0 Merely because moderate-priced clothes are in demand, we aiv not willing to oiler you "modemlo priced clothes" merely. It is in harmony with this store's policy to olrervou THIO GKKATKST VAI.UK POSSIBLE AT A aiODKKATB PRICE. Only then arc we satisfied because we know tlien that you ar In the superb style and guaranteed all-wool quul ily of Style-Plus Clothes, this high point of value is realized. Get these known-vahie clothes. We've your model, your pattern, your size, at your price. Casl your eye over the new Spring models and you will agree that you can profitably cast your lot with Stylo plus at this store. K. SUGARMAN 'I AINT MAD AT NOBOD Y sta 'reserving time and a cool kjtchen Muke canning time a real pleasure this year by using a good oil cook- stove. It concentrates a steady, controlled heat directly under the utensil. Your task is shortened and your kitchen is kept cool, clean and comfortable. To insure best results, use only Pearl Oil the clean-burning, uni form kerosene refined and re refined by a special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) , today I Don't wait for business to come Tho Chautauqua tent will be hvnt-itn you go uftor It. Iilrect by mall ml tonight 25 advertldng will land It. VJ. arc nl- , way glad to hulp you outline our i "U'nin i xi'Vitr" imiviiiiL; folders, pamphlets, circulars nnd oth- .........--....---. ......... . ... .. .. ,f iMimi-v iii! i viif ltm r,''r ioivertisuiK mutter, wrummonii it kim.1. ,,rnt sh0J1 ,. i : 1 1 In this pliluro tdiown at Strand I Work glnven for lewi money .luck' tonight the umlloiiri' 1h shown fl-'roit So. Sixth fit. Jur.t off Main, I In many spiieres oi nuiiijiuxis'i-iiri. l'rom the uxclusUeiieiw of thn' smart . hot.' whoso trouble i are largely Im aginary onus, to tho daredevil o-it- ( .lawry of II... underworld. Hm nd-, ,.ur , 'r(ir, or CuImii. All i Kitituros of Hugh (.dyiinl, tho hero ; leather. Jack Frost. So. Sixth Ht I I In tho pltiy, extend, packed full of 'Just off Main. 25tf thrilling aetlon. ., M,M(, ,mjI,y ()Ml ((f , j dtlreiis of th community At tho Drlofly. tho stniy duals Willi tliiifor nrlntlnK. Wo want your nrliit-: iih-'jIIiik of tho post to discuss thin II il nlii cm ranis, officii stationery, I id In fact almost iiii)lhlng in tho printing lino can bo had nl tho Drummoiid Print Shop L'.'i SEE PAGE 2 Mud ran Amerlian l.eglnn nost will' build a homo for iiko of thn posts and J Don't fail to read the Herald Clasiificd Ada. lives of Hugh l.edard and Kleanor lug. but If w(, unit gel It. glo II to 'matter ou() thousiind dollurH wiih Iiii . . . . . .. . ...r:n ...i.... i. ...I.....H .... ,. ' .... Asiiii, wiio nro murneii ainra icry ii" " p iinki. """"i1 hrlnf ainii-iliiliinrf 111 time, I eil-i w,,n" of our "nCy ' Kluiil.ltll brief jKiualntiinro. in lino i. i-' yalh Tho Uruiuiiiond Print Shop, yard falls In lovo with his wlfo in i .-, spito of lilm.s'ilf, and when ho dis covers that Hho Is tho daughter of '. '"O", UKNT-- Kiiriilshrd on,, room .. , .... I cabin fur houNukeepiug. .11 Wul- a convict, whom shu ilularo Ih Iii nocent. ho tet.s himself tho task of , ... .,.. ..... ... i r UIBIU1 UlllJg ill" IMI ..,.1,,,,,..,. nut. 2.' -28 mediately pledged by tho member- slilp. (.'oiiHtriii.lloii on thu homo will bo started ehortly. Stylish Stout, ouUlzu shoes at, J i:. Undurs. 2r,-2U Mun'K "Snappy" Footwear, In brown calf nkln. $...r,u and fii..r0 J. i:. KnilorH & l'. 26-20 ASTOIIIA Freight boat lino up Columbia practically -certain. The latest st)l('H In whltu foot wear, Just urrived. J i:. lenders Co. 23-2C NEW TODAY VTMJrOll V.A.-AJ ZSmmmM STAS'OAAO OIL Tl-Ws COM MANY sBaasfimmnn & J- WiWWWWQWPtf FOIl BAM! Almost now wicker baby go-iart, rmo-liulf price, $12.50. Imiulio 210 High St. 2C-2r, (KKaoSKNE) HEAT AND LIUIIT FOIt ItKNT Furnished onn room lublu for housekeeping, 741 Wal nut. 2r FOR SAM! Saxon roadster or wlll tliido for real estate. 1121 .Iitffcr son St. I'hono 200-J. 2.1-27 MKMOIUAI. !)AV "OIM'ICS for sale Saturday, May 27 at Moo's Store, First National ami American National banks, beginning l'l a. m, American l.eglon Auxlliuy, 25 DOES SHE SMILE ENOUGH? When she learns of the conven iences, she will be satisfied with nothing but electricity in her home. Why do llioiisnnils usii iledrlclly , When eleclilc cleaneni tost $50.00 anil b:ioms ,10c? i:ietlilt: Irons cost (1(1.00 nod fuel healed (Oht c? AiitomobileN $100.00 Io $1,000.00, when n homo mid bugg)' roslx $1100.00',' It's the SERVICE she gets; the ease in accomplishing the every . day tasks of life. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10- WIIKItK KVKIIVIIOIIY joi:h- -sue IIOMi: OK Till! 1IOIWI.NKON F1CATUIIKH Tonight Timberworkers Benefit Eugene O'Brien in "Worlds Apart" It is .sometimes but a stop from Comedy to Tragedy and behind the Gay Glitter of the Oriental Cabaret lurked the sinister menace of the Spirit of tho Poppy. A story of the "Upper Ten' 'and "Lower Five" with Eugene O'Brien at his very best. Coming TOMORROW "THE SPOILERS" Starring WM. FARNUM Admission 10c-20c. Show starts 6:30 I m ITS &S3 .Mv & - l J Aaf4v