I llirttHIKW, MAY 2.1, 102 J THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Phku Iftmr Atrric4! to j'iioLkhtv ownkhh O.V High Hire''! from. I he Wester- I) linn or llilid Hirer! lo the runt- i'tly lino if Juniper Htreet Hist lliey lme 'Ml iln) from Hie first publication tif this iiutM' In which l(i fllo nppllenl lolls to nj- nsscs. MionU In cn niiniiiil InMiitlmrnt. N'OtlCo In hereby given thnl Iho fVjriiinoti Council of tlio Cliy of Klninnth Falls, Oregon, did by Ordl- nnnco No. 6S7 duly ndopted on tbc 22ud ilny of Mny, 11)22. approved by fie Jin) or on tint 22ml Ony or Mn, W22, declare the proportion-, nlo usHCSsmcut upon each lot. part of lot, block, and ncrengo property foilnil to lio benefitted and llnbln for a'Ptoporilonnto idihro of tho cost of Improving High .Street from (tin Wotorly linn of Third Street to the Fnslerly 'lino of Juniper Street, In clndliiK Infomecllnns. Tim properly so ussessed by wild niilllinnro Im nil Hint property lying adjacent , lo Mill pnrts of wild idrert between the ubnvo mentioned termini and ex tiMidltiK lnltorl) to tlm center of the respective MockB Idr mljncent to i ild part of mlil s'reet no fnr as llin proponed Improvement extendii tluruon. Including properties In the quarters of tlio four hlork abound ing tmv Intewcttlon Involved In said proposed Improvement Thnl tlio Docket of City Menu ban been mniln lip n provided by sectlrn 208 f the Charter, nml the following l n !(! nf tho n.inino nf nwnor nf tho prnpoity,.by Mid ordinance, sotted "' Houston MscwpiI m nfnresnld. nml a she n i Alonzo llalnter .. by neb Cily Lieu Docket. together I Charles I'. Stewart Willi tho total anio ml so assessed against the propirt) of such owner; nlnl reference, In hereby made to nitrli docket of City Menu for n de tailed description of each tot, block, par' of lot or block-anil acreage pro jirrty w ai'scised, Tnrtlipr nutftn Is nlJV given the respiitUi property owners so n re led and. l.ureln below .mentioned that ucb t(flietlt'isrdiie nllit pa) nlde. nml will be delinquent from mill offer the expiration of 2u days i nun me ii.nr ri tuo iirst pumirnnon of tbii- notice, (mild first publication Will be on th0 24th day of May 1922 ) Tlio property owners so assessed from tho date of tho flrit publication of thin notice, (nld firm publication will bo on tho 24th day of Mny 1022.) Tho property owner no assessed liuist nlthor pay In cash or mako and fllo with the Police Judge of Mild city their applications lo pay audi assessments In ten annual Install ments, within the 20 dn) beginning with tho first publication of this notice. Amounts i xotH'K KAMKS nsscssetl ugninstl property K. Percy Lawrence nnd Flor- F. C. Murphy ...... ........ . 100.00 Alfred Mclhnso 100.00 Published by order of tho Com mon Council under authority of Sec 261' of the Chnrter of said City Dated nt Klamath Kail, Oregon, Mny 23rd., 1922, A. L. LEAVITT. Pollen Judge of tho City of Klamntb Fails. Oregon. M. 24.25-26.27-29 TO IMMH'KUTY OWNKHH enco O. Lawrence S525.59 J, Hardin Carter nnd K. M. tglo 2S3.01 Ulrhnrd K. Smith - 459.29 O. W. White 614. 28 (I W. White G14 2S M. S West nnd Kmntii J. West M. 8. st and Knimn J West Ilesslo Dunbar . .. S. T. Summer. .. . S. T. Summers . Ibarles A. Looml nnd Ma mlo Looml . 109 OS Klmer II. Wharton 109 98 Loulu Alt R4 99 O. A. Wlrtx 700.03 C. A Fred ..517..T4 I ..rii7..i4 517..14 ON KliP'rmlo Stit-et from INplit undo to I'ortlanil Hti-ect, mid Meroc Mtreet from Kl IHmido Street l I'nelflc Tcrrnro tlinl the) lmi 'M ilrtjfx from tli flt lubl lent loll of thU notlfu In , blch to fllo applications to ui iivsv.sincntH In ten nitnunl In-hliillmriit-i. Notice I hereby glen Hint th Common Council of the City of Klamath Fnlln, Oregon, did by Ordi nance No GS duly adopted on the for n proportionate nhnre of tho cost of lmproltiK Kloveuth Strvut fiont Mnln Slreet to KJiinnith Atenue, In eluding Intersections, Tho propel ly no nsseeil hy nld ordlnnnco U all thnl properly I)Iiir adjacent to said pnivts of,, said street between tho above mentioned termini nnd ex tending bitterly to the center of the respective block lying adjacent to mild parts of said struct so far ns the proposed lmproemeut extends thereon, Including properties In tho nuurters of tho four blocks abound ing tiny Intersection Involved In snld proposed tmptoomvut. Thnt tho Docket of City Lions has been iiiudo up us pnnldcd by section 20S of tho Charter, and tho following Is u list of the names of owners of tho property, by snld ordlnnnco. so assessed us aforesaid, and as shown by such City Lien Docket, together with the totul amount so assessed against the property of such owner, nnd reference Is hereby made lo Munn Mart In nnd 0, J, Mnr tin rioyd It. Daggett ItOHii V Carter J. A. Houston It, P. Alexunder . Harnh II. (tow on Stella May llumbor Orn Kngle Agues J, Leo Dellle Leo . . . A M. Worden . J W. Morrow Kmest Soulo Kslnle LMIns Obenebnln nnd V. II Obcnclmlit . Nanny Deyo J. W Hedfleld Kslnlu .. Ktninntb County. Orcf.on Published by order of I tie nao.no nan no nan. no nuo.iio nao.no 4 no. 87 4no (17 470. 89 nan.ia nan. ia n.sn.on Ho.nr. nao.no nao.no nao.nn nao.no a is no Com mon Council under authority of Sec 200 of tho Chnrter of snld City Dated nt Klamalli Fulls, Oregon May snrd., 1!32 A L LIIAVITT. Police Judge of tlio City of Kbimuth ::, ny ine .'injur m inu -jiiu iuij ii' ,,,","; " .,. ............. ... . Vnlls nrecon Sll-'J May. 1923. declare the proportion- tnlled dcsiirlptlon of each lot. block. M.5J.3R.30.37-29 """.nlo assessment upon oncn lot, parii""" "" " '""" "'" """ r'"-1 - it.l iln- nf Mnv. 1!I22. nlllirnloil hy the Mayor on tho 32nd day of.sucn nocKei or t.;ity Men ror a ue- ltnmbo 349.09 L. Houston. John llrett nnd Tho Duffy Co. S. Elizabeth Ilamsby 1' ?4.r,4 774 nr. 1072.67 . C2S.47 C2S 60 of lot. block, and ncrenrn nronertv il'orty so assessed found to bo benefitted nnd liable Further notice I for n proportionate shnre of tho cost of Improving Kl Dorado Street from Kspbuiade to Portland Street ami Melrose. Street from Kl Dorado Street to Pacific Terrace, inciuning inter- j sections, nlso given the respective property owners so as sessed nnd herein below mentioned that silcb assessment I due nnd pay able, and will be dellniiueut from nnd nfter the expiration of 20 dn)s from the date of the first publication K O. lle.iuch.imn Luther W. JIuntlngdon . ... C. C. Miller Kstate . Itnby II. McCalt and John A. MrCall Hon Jam In llond and Dorrls Ilond Iluby McCall IJ. W. Vannlm K. W. Vannlce Lyln W. Kimball t . First State nnd Saving Hank L. a. Vnnllellcn and S. A. Vanllellen .... - 0. W. Houston G4.99 404.30 4S9.29 M4.2S r.14.28 r.17.14 r.t7..i4 .-.75.71 756.45 iniiM eltner jiuy in c.isu or make ami . Margaret J. Wlthrow fllu Willi the Police Judge of said i;, y, Vannlce rlty their applications to pay such :uM4i,muiitH In (en iiunual Install menLs. within the 20 days beginning II Mai! son .. .'(Fred L. Houston, John llrett 1107.40 50.1.56 503.57 216.54 54 99 i the The property owner so assessed ' e i must either pay in cash or nwiKe utui Amo.ml. nwessed against properly Alfred 1738.7B .. .143.31 Minnie 208 4 4 and M. .nnd tind Fred ' Anna with the first publication of this notice. Amoun' NAMKS assessed against property C. F t-'etier and' Haxel Sotrer . JC50 70 Curt F Rlrer 440.94 Nellie It. Jones S 11. Low Frvln.i A. Shepherd and Karl Shepherd ....... i: M. llubb , Isabella McLaughlin It. K. Wright Frttnrl J. Ilowne Kllzalifth R. Hnlnos ... Harry' K. Ooller and Maude Cocller - Hilda Cooper and Emma Winn ...... , Illbln Cobpcr and Krama Wine ww;-: --."- : Ililila Cooper and' Emma Wins W JI A. Itenncr .... K ft. Uamb .!..... II. P. Low! Ilalph II. noxfl Italph II. Ho33 Floyd It. Daggett . D-iRRett Schallock Invest ment Co 423.57 Amellu Hanks - G67.S3 Will llaldwin GC3.91 T Sblvo C63.91 Ora May Knight p36 90 Frr .1 HueslnR , J3G 9G 'Im llaldwin - - 23.40 Published by order of the Com mm Council nndci authority of Sec. 2G'J of tbo Chnrter ;if said City. Da'ed at Klamath Fallr. Oregon. Mny 23rd.. 1922 A. L LEAV1TT. Pollen Judge of the City of Klamath Fnl's. OreRou. M-24-C-2C-27-29 450.90 299.S9 Sll.SC 495.75 460.2.1 247.82 607.62 429.32 22S.51 613.43 52S.S0 444.10 .526.27 47R 7.1 550.36 626.27 826.27 429.57 The property so assessed by said I of tbl notice, (said first publication I ordinance L nil that properly , will bo on thu 21th day of May .lying adjacent to said part mas ) of said street between I l.nk A ttl.lll4lltltilil ttftlltl lltltl .. -. . aui it' iiiviii xJitx.x hi iiiiiii nun t i ii . . y " inn oc tending latterly to the center of the file with the Pollc,, Judge of said J 1. llrett .... 109 95 i..taiii.ilv litnrlfd KIiip mttiirolil liillv Iholr nlinlli-tillim In tt.tv uurti l,,,'' .. ...(. ....r, ............ ...... ...... ..,-,............ ... ,--., ..... 1119 s -,i.i luris of sad street ho tar as assessments in ten unnii.u install- the proposed ImproMMueut extends ments, within tho 20 days beginning thereon. Including properties In the' with tlio first publication of this quarter of tho tour block abound-' notlco. Ing nny Intersection Involved In said proposed lmprnement. NAMES That the Docket of City Men has been mndo up as provided by section j Samuel Splro 2un or tne unnrter, ami tin- toiniwiug I a list of the name of owners of the property, by said ordinance, so usse.ss.ed a aforesaid, .mil a shewn by inch City Lion Docket, together with the total amount so assessed against the property of such owner, and reference I hereby mndo to such docket of City Men for u de tailed ilcscrlptlrl nf each lot, block, part of lot or block nnd acreage prr perty so assessed. t T. J. 109.97 ' Further notlr,. I also given the Tny lrespectle property owner so ns-'K. jj jivai1 nMil liiifAlri ltilita innnllnNMil "T" "."" "" "V i V smith (Tony Molatnre) that such assessment Is due nnd pay- K M Ci,iiro. & n smi.h able, and will bo delinquent from 'L-""'0,0 k " M' s,m,,h from the date of the first publication ' of this notice, , (said first publication I" T will be on th0 24th day of May Horthn 1922 ) E. A. The property' owners so assessed I E. A. must either pay In cash or nuke and ! K. A file with tho Pollc,) Judge of snld i Henry city their applications to pay such I i.uelle Dearlng) assessment In ten annual Install- r-corge Illehn menu, within the 20 day beginning ...., Ti,nmn with the first publication of this i !" , j.", " iiuiiwi;. t . j! o j. Klamath Dcvcl. W. A. Meyer .. Klamath Dercl. S. O. Johnson , E. J. Mayer and Mayer Kate Llnkenbach II. A. Bell 291.68 sessed mid heroin below ninlttloued that such assessment Is due and pit) ahln, nnd will bo delinquent from and after tbo expiration of 20 ilujs fioni the date of the first publication or this notice, (said first publication will be on tho 2 Kb day of May 1922 ) The propel ly owners ho assessed unlet either pav In cash or umbo nnd (lie with the Polli'u Judge of said rlty their applications to pay such assessments In ten mutual Install ments, within the 20 day's beginning with the first publication of Ibis notice Amounts NAMES assessed tignlliHt properly Doiuelbi W. llurke . $5.12 20 and nnd J Curtis Kliubnll Now ton K. Dentil,! othy Dennis . Newton E. llemiL nth) Dennis Sarah II How en J W Kerns Sophia S Henley .. Warren C limit , . L L Trunx nnd Lldn Trunx Sophia S Henley Sophia S Sophia H Sophia K Orphu S Chas J Henley Henley llninsby Swlngl,, Swingle nnd Thp Duffy Co Fred L. Houston, John llrett and The Duffy Co. Clara IJ. Elliott and Elliott Clara U. Elliott Chas. P. Ilert E. Wlthrow .. llert E. Wlthrow and garct J. Wlthrow Kathryn II. Hobcrtson L. F O.lson .- Clara I). Elliott and Elliott' -. . 50S.91 C. C. Miller Estate 404.30 Published by order of tho Com mon Council under authority of Sec. 269 of tho Charter of said City. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, May 23rd.t 1922. A. L. LEAVITT. Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls; Oregon. M-24-25-26-27-29 E. L. Elliott and E. L. Stewart Mar- E. L. 109.97 508.91 508.91 50S.91 50S.91 109 97 109.97 54.98 llrandensteln Christ Illnna . Ore. D. Grliilo K. OrUxlo J. M. Evans Estate P nnd S II. F.van fhrlst Dianas . Fre, Huelng . Iltieslng Mnchl , Lowell .. and Felicia Molntnre. . Chllcote and D. M .100 00 210 40 47.1.35 157.77 2S3 35 158 82 158.84 15S S4 .NOTU'rl TO I'ltOPKHTY OWM'.ltS ON tbo idle) tluoiigli HbHk Kl, tiilgliml town of l.liikllle, nuw lty or Klamath Fall, Oivk"", Hint the) Imve U) bi)i fimii ! first piildlciitlon of Ibis not lu lu vthlih to file applications lo viiy iissossmiitts in (en miminl lllstllllllU'lllN. Notlco I hereby given that the Common Council of tho City of Klamath Fall. Oregon, did by Ordi nance No 508 duly adopted on the 12th day of Sept 1921, upprined by tbo Mil) or on the 14th day of Sept 1921. declare the proportion ate assessment upon each lot, part nf int. litiM-W. ami arroiiK.. nrolwrty found In be benefitted nnd liable i II. fur ii oronorllonnti) share of the rest ! (1 of Improving alley through lllock 10, original town of LlnkMIIe. now City of Klamath Fall. Oregon The property so assesm-d by said orninanre i nu """,""''" Mel II Dunbar Ililt mijuioiu ii. i.iii i',,i .-. of said street between the nboo men'Ioned termini nnd et tending latterly to the center of the respective blocks lying adj.ireut to sibl part of s.i Id sttoot so fur ns the proposed Improvement extends thereon, Including properties In the nuurters of (hi. four blinks iiIhiiiiiiI Iiir nny Intersection Inwdwd In said nronoM'd ImnroM'tiletit That lb.. IKicket of City Liens has I been made up as proxlded by sctlin W. D Sattnrleo Amelia I Whltlnrk Dellle Lee Agnes J Leu .. . Or.i Kngle . W T Shlo . . Campbell ... Heritor (lerber . It. (low en While White ... K Smith .. Martin . . David Ida J Ida J Sarah W W. Itlcbard Murium Itlcbard E. Smith tl. C l.nreux . nna 2ti Dor- 10 Kl 118 Dor- .1311 27 . 02H 90 . . .1.18 07 .. . 190.41 304.83 ttr4 08 1 1 0 I 10 079.ni nnu 00 :m9 os 299 21 10.17.22 r.25 14 525.1 I 018 21 218.07 121 nn 435.12 435 12 013.10 7SS 92 1 ins ir 0IS.2I 2 48.07 121 31 121 33 211 07 1 4 ?l 121 33 0,1.11.10 42.21 075,37 nnd Kminn J. and Emma J. Leo .. Lee .. Faulkner Spaiildlng Spnuldlng Spauldlng (Iregorson 7.89 94 1 208 of the Charter, nml the follow Ing I " " " ""' a'oo ,1 11 list of the mimes of owners of J ,1"r"'1 An'nr tho proiM-rty. by snld ordinance, so Mat lie L. M "' . 1 assessoil as fori'S.ilil. nml as shown r.rnesi miiiio Irln-t ll,v UCM ''Itr l.lon Docket, together Slln Obenrl 10 01 'unh Mia (nitil ntimvint so umhossimI (! fllionrti J'5il lagalnst the property of such owner, Isilan Obenebnln an 59.,. 'an, reference Is hereby in.ido toi 0 oiienrtintii M S. West West M. H. West AVi-.il l.lnmi Martin nnd Charles J. Mnrllu Floy It. Daggett llnin V. Carter Situs Obenrhaln nnd 1 :11111m (1. Ohonrh.ilii Ernest Soub Estate . . A. M Worden ... row III Krnest Soulo Estate Sllnrf Obenebnln nml (I Obenebnln 1 218 07 OIK 21 018 24 218 07 124 33 (J. E. and NAMES Co. Co. Amounts 1 nuessed against propsrtv 1333.81' 333.81 . 298.56 ' ... . 82.36 Pierce Plerco Pierce Pierce Plerco 59.72 59 72 49.77 39 04 42.40 42.40 42.40 4 2 40 42.40 56.02 Corn- Laura II. NOTK i: TO 1'ltOPF.ItTV OWNKItS ON' .lifreisini ,Mreel from Third to Kif'li Stioil, Firth Street from .KtrirM'n to I.lmolii Stres-ti. nml Lincoln Hired from Flflli Str(--t to .Sixth Hti-ct tluil they liue L'tl da) fniui the first publle.i Hon or this notice In ulilrli to file applications to pay usmts mi'iili. In ten uuuiial InstiillmcnlH. Notice U hereby given that tho Common Council of the City of Klamath Fall. Oregon, did by Ordi nance No. 5t4 duly adopted on the 22nd day of Mny. 1922. iipproed by the Mayor on the 22nd day of Mny, 1122. declare tho proportion ate nkCHsment upon eaih lot. part of lot, block, nnd ucreago property found tn ho benefitted and liable for a prortIonato hhuro of the cost of improving Jefferson Street from Third Street to Fifth Street, Fifth Strop! from Jolforson Street to Lin coln Street und Lincoln Streot from Fifth Street to Sixth Streot, Includ ing intersections. Tlvt property so assessed by said tirdlnutiro la all that property l)lna nilj.icent to tald parti nf 8.1I1I Ktiect between the uhnv'o mentioned termini nnd ex tuudlnK Inttt rly to tbo lenter of tlm roaiicitlvo blocks lying ndjacont to Fiild.liarts of said street so far us tho jnoposoil linproement extends thoioon. IncJudliiB properties In the quarters of tbo four blocks abound ing ajiy Intersection Involved In said, promised Improvement. That tboJoclcnt of City Liens has lipoif.iuudo up ub provided yy section JUS. of tlio Charter, nnd tbo following is 11 list of tbo iinmuH of owners of the jtropnrly. by said ordlnunco, bo nsscssed ns uforcsuld, nnd as shown by nucli City Lion Docket, togothor vltb the total amount so usscascd ngnliibt tho property of 'such owner; and ,rofui enco la hereby mudo to HiiehVilocltet nf City Liens for n do tnllPd description of each lot" block, pnrt of Iqt or block and act cage pro peity fo nssessod. Fitrl her notice Is also given tho rcupdctlv,) ptopcrty owners bo as nesscd mid herein below montlonod thnt. Such usfiesBiuont U due and pay ntilo, ami will bo delinquent from tind atlor tho expiration ot 20 days! NOTICE TO FUOFEUTV OWNKHS O.V tlic iVIlejr HirougJi IUock it", original town of I.lnkvlllr, now City of Klamath Kails, Oregon Hut they hve i ,Lijs fnmvtbe llrst pabllcatioa of this notice In which to flic applications In pa) jtfrMnent in tn annua) Install limi's. Notlco Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordi nance No. .i69 duly adopted on tho 12th day of Sept. 1921, approved by the Mayor on th(. 14 th day of Sept. 1921, declare the proportion ate assessment upon each lot. part of lot, block, and acreage property found to be benefitted and liable for a proportionate share ot the cost of Improving the alley through Olock 37. of original town of Llnkvllle, now City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon. The property so assessed by said ordinance Is all that property lying adjacent to said parts of said street between the above mentioned termini and ex tending latterly to the center of the respective blocks l)lng adjacent to said parts of said street so far as the proposed improvement extends thereon, including properties In the quarters of the four blocks abound ing any Intersection Involved In said proposed Improvement. Thnt thn Diipkot nf fMtv I.li.nu tin. heon tiiTiftM tin nu lirnvliloii hi fcartlr.n I (J 208 of the Charter, and tho following ' A- ar"I "crtba Massoy Is a list of tho names of owners ofMoIII Von Berthtilsdorf the property, by said ordinance, so Frank Dickey assessed ns aforesaid, and as shown Edwin A. "Woods . Mrs. Kate Muglcr Helen E. McDowell Edward E. Reese .. Klamath Dcvel. Co. Jay Smith , M. L. Slice Wm. M. & Ella T. nickman James Wallace Mrs. Sol Runyon and Peter Jacob Huth Mrs. C II. Clcndennlng J. C Latham Jos. McEnernery Klamath Devel. Co. . .. Charles Tlernan ..-. Klamath Devel. Co James P. Sheridan .. , I). S .Weaver C. A. Ilruestlo C. A. nniesllo Klamath Devel. Klamath Devel. Klamath Devel. J. c. Perry -Jas. L. Emlgh Efflo Mcliroom Klamath Dove. II. R. Colo .-- T. a. McIIattan Martin Ilros. Inc. Julia E. Van Emon .. . Don Deldlng Jesse McOuire Estate .... A. and Ilertha Masuey Estate .. . Estate . .. Estate . Kstato . Estate Published br order of tho men Council under authority nf Sec. 260 of the Chnrter of snld City 3 j"2 1 Ma; 23--l02?. -J.80 7A T. T.RAVITT. Pollc Judge of tho City of Klamath Falls. Oregon M-24.25-26-27-29 291.68 291.68 305 82 305.82 305.82 1 46 83 46 S3 32.SS t NOTICE TO PIIOI'EIITV OWNKItS Co. Co. Co." Newell Co. ...,. !4 00 00.02 205.06 265.60 241.51 293.76 272.97 293.77 293.78 29.70 59.70 77.31 128.87 OX Wiudilnn'orj Nni't from the Easterly n,. of Til In I .SirVt to the rWcily line of Fifth Street Hull they hatn 'JO ibi)s from tin first publlratiiHi of tbl notice In vthlrli to file appllrntions to wy askensmttitn In -n lunula) In Mnlliiioiits. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of I Klamath Falls. Oregon, did by Ordl- such dockot of I'll) Mens for it do lulled description of eaih lot, block, part of lot or block and acreiige pro perty so assessed. Further nolle,, I also given tho respective, property owners su ns sossed nnd herein below mentioned that such assess men t Is due and pay able, nnd will be' delinquent from mid after the expiration of 20 days from tbo date of the first publication of this notice, (said first publication will bo on tho 2 4th day of Mny 1923 ) The property ownors so assessed must either pay In cash or make and (Ho with tho Pollcu Judge of said rlty their uppllcntlons to pay such assessments In ten annual Install ments, within the 20 days boglnnlng with tbo first publication of this notice. Amount! NAMES usosed ugalnst proporl E. M. Qbltcolo and D. M. Smith . .. 10I 67 llonry Offenbacher 101.60 (i. V. Houston and L. II. Van Ilellcn . .. I'1 10 . 2 u nu . . 401 23 List sr, . 007 f.0 . 792 II Kutiu.1 511 17 Eiuin.1 513 17 Klamath County, Oregon . 1975 51 M)rtle II Martin III 21 Published by order of the Com mon Council under ntithnrliy of Sec. I20'i of tlm Charter of said City. Dated nt Kl.imuth Falls, Oregon, May 23rd , 1922 A T. LEAVITT Pollri. Judge or tho City of Klamutli Falls Orivnn M-2I-25-2G.27.21 C. Cliflthnrn Clly of Kbiimitli Fulls Chnrlox It. Huldwlll .. Mary L, Mouio nnd Itufus H, Mooro 028.03 City of Kliimulll Fa II ii 2150.20 P I. I'ouululu .... .3II 85 Itufini K. Monro 39 22 Mary II McClurn 235.30 llufiU S, Moore nml Alury L Moore 75I.90 Iturus S. Monro nml Mury i, Mooro - nnn.on Llle M. Pitch, I III S. Itlv- oisldo 207.82 Itufus H. Mooro nml Mary I, Monte . . . . 207 SI Linilla M Stearns . . .. 535,0:1 ItufiiH II Mooro mid Mary L. Moon. . 5:ir.,03 ttufiin S. Moore nml M.iry L. Moor,. - 5:15.113 Itutiis H Mooro ami Mary l. .Moore . nnn on Itufus S Moote nml Mary L. Moore . . . f'35 03 Itufus S Mourn mid Mary 1, Monro . nns.oi Unfits 1' Monro and Mary L Moore . . 878 11 c it iieLnp nno 17 Itufus H. Monro 841 51 lluluii H Mooro . tOl.1 45 .losophluo N llaldwin . . I0tn 44 Mary 11. Wlthrow nn O.t Harry Itliimnlmm 4.11 90 Alice V. llnellor . 4 S47 no It J. Sheet 4.11 4'l J. V (loeller 4U.r.O Stephen llrlfflth -TI2 27 tills Melbnse 027 0.1 (III Melhasii - 027.0.1 Solum Carlson nt8.il Alfred Carlson 279 2'1 LlMlo M lilrb . ..... 027 03 Don J Xuniwalt 027.03 II K. Hetf. 027.03 II. E. Hots 027.61 Win. T. Elliott -.-... 027.03 Wm T Klllojt . 027.03 Win T Klllott . . .... 515. 03 Wm T. Elliott . - nnn.ci 1 Win. T Klllott r.35.0.1 I Win T Klllott .. I Win. T Klllott . .. ... '.35.03 Win T Klllott . 436 " Published by order of tlm Com mon Council under uuihorlty nf Sec. 2Ci of tbo (iuirtor of said City Paled nt Klniiiith Falls, Oregtiu, May 23rd. 1922 A I. LEAVITT. Police Judge of the City nf KlntnAth Fulls. Oregon M-21-25 20-37-29 Mirici: ov Emma O. llond L. Englo (! (1. Kerns k , II. Collins d nanco No. -S3 duly nJopted on the A(ll0 Wallter 22nd day of May. 1922. npproved .. , . 0 ,, by tho Mayor on the 22nd dayof J"' ,7'c0" ''n,r by such City Lien Docket, together with tbo total amount so assessed ana In st the property of such owner, unit reference Is hereby madn to such docket of City Liens for n de tailed description of catli lot, block, part, or 101 or diock and acreage pro perly so assessed. Further notice Is also given the respectlvo property owners so as sessed and herein below mentioned that such assessment Is duo and pay able, and will be delinquent from and after the expiration of 20 days from tho duty of tho first publication or this notice, (said first publication will bo on th0 24lh day of May 1922 ) The property owners so assessed must either pay In cash or make and fllo with tho Police Judjjo of nad city their applications to pay such assessments In ten annual Install ments, within tho 20 day beginning with tho first publication of this notlco. Amounts NAMES assessed against , property Klamath State Bank, a corp.J 97.10 Nellie Bolvln 93. 80 Charles Swlnglo 87.93 C. E. RJley 09.63 H. E. Stilts ... J03.32 W. 8. Slough 110.70 U. B. Korng and J. W. Kerns 328.78 Henrietta F. Melhase 143.91 Laura A. WIHUs 240.00 Ida M. Fink 240.00 W, N. Brotberton 230.77 W. c, Davenport v 49,23 K. Sugarman and Chas. F. Stemwell .- Ross W. Flnlay Wilson 8. Wiley 1. May, 1922, dcclaro the proportion lato assessment upon each lot, pnrt 'of lot, block, and ucreugo property found to be benefitted nnd liable I fnr 11 limnftrtlnmiln utiitrn nf tho rnsf 128,87 0f Improving Washington Street from 602.20 ,ho Easterly lino ot Third Street lo 265.66 tho Easterly lino of Fifth Street. 265.66 Including tho Fourth Street and 241.51 Fifth Street Intersections. 344.G3 Thn property so assessed by said 413.43 ordinance Is all thut properly 413.44 'lying adjacent to said part 478.72 fof said streot between the 280,02 'above mentioned termini and ex 286.62 tending latterly to tho center of the 273 1 respective blocks lying adjacent to nam jiuris ui s.1111 sircui so iar as tho proitoocd Improvement extends thereon, Including properties In the quarters of tbo four blocks abound ing any Intersection Involved In said proposed Improvement. 309.98 286,62 286.62 311.77 330.98 304 99 10U.4V. 13C.S5 Delia Kerns 105.58 L. W. SHU. 150.40 254.10 Inmel . . 264.10 Stella Mang . . 254 16 J. M. Fountain 254.10 Published by order of the Com mon Council under authority of Sec. 269 of tho Charter of said City. Dated ut Klamath Falls, Oregon, May 23rd. , 1922 A L LEAVITT. Police Judge or the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon M-24-25-20-27-29 Thnt tin. IVicknt nf (Mtv I.ti.n h.i jjb.vn been made up an provided by Miction (a minor) 800.37 ,208 of the Charter, and tho following Wilson S. Wiley 466.26 1 Is a list of tho names of owners of Wllunn Q XVIIn.. JRC. 9 K ' HlO ...,0WU ... ,. .vv ....... -. . 'the properly, by said ordinance, so L. O. Mills 333.82 Mrs. E. J. Murray 333.83 jlrs. E. J. Murray 333.83 .Klamath Development Co. 783.64 Martin Bros., Inc 786.79 J. F. McQuIro 503.13 assessed us aforesaid, and us shown by such City Lien Docket, together with tho totul amount ho assessed ugalnst tho property of such owner; 'and rnferenco Is hereby madn to jsuch docket of City Liens for u do- tailed itiisiription or eacn lot, diock, Published by order of tho Com- part of lot or block and acreagu uro men Council under authority of See 'perty so assessed. Further notlco Is also given tho respective property owners so as sessed mid herein below mentioned that such assessment Is duo and puy able, and will bo delinquent from and after tbo oxplratlon ot 20 days from the datu ot the first publication of this, notlco. (said first publication will bo on tho 24th day or Muy 1922.) Tho properly ownors so assessed must either puy In rush or mako and fllo with thu Pollc,, Judge or suld city, their applications to pay such assessment In ten annual Install ments, within tho 20 days beginning with tho first publication of this j notice. Amounts NAMES assessed agulnst property Ernest Soulo Estato S430.C7 Mlnnlo L. Honry 430.67 Marian Martin 476.89 Hi H, Smith -.. 523.12 O. C, Loren 523,12 9 or tho Charter ot said City, Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, May 2Ijrd 1922. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judge of tho City of Klamath Fulls, Oregon. M-24-26-26-37-29 NOTICE TO I'ltOPKHTV OWNKIIH O.V Eleventh Htrcet from Alain Street o Klamalli Awnuo, In. luillmf lnUThiYtlonti thut they lime 'M Iu)m from the frh( publoaltlon of this notice In which to fllo upplk'Mtlouii to pay m. MfeMncntH in ten uunuul Install, menu. , Notlco Is hereby given, thut tho Common Council ot tho City of KlamaUi Falls, Oregon, did by Ordi nance No. 688 duly adopted on thn 22nd day of May, 1922, approved bv tho Mayor on the 22nd duy of May, 1922, declaro the proportion ate assessment upon each lot, part of lot, block, and acreage property found to bo benefitted and Uablo NOTICE TO I'ltOPKHTV OWNF.HN ON IIIkIi Street from Third riirevt to Hlx'li Slr', nml Fourth Hirer! From Finn to Jefferson Htreet, tluit they iiuvi. I'D iIji)h from 'he first public nt Ion nf Hii notice In ulilcli lo filii applications to pay iisiNim-ulh In ten iiunili'l install ments. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Common Count II of tbo City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordi nance No. 685 duly adopted on tho 22nd day of May, 1922, upprotcd by tho Muy or on the 22nd duy of Muy, 1922, ilcclar,, tlm proportion ate assessment upon cuth lot, part of lot, block, und ucreugo property found to bo bonolltted und lluble for a proportionate Hhuro of tho cost of Improving High Streot from Third to Sixth Street, und Fourth .Street from i'liiii to Jefferson Street, In cluding Intersections. Thu property so assessed by suld ordlnunco Is all thut property lying udjuceiit to said purls of said street between the ubovo mentioned termini und ex tending latterly to the center of tho respectlvo blocks lying ndjucent to suld parts of said Htreet so fur us tho proposed Improvement extends thereon, Includlni; properties In thu quarters or tho four blocks abound ing any Intersection Involved In said proposed Improvement. That tho Docket of City Liens Iiiih been mudo up us provided hy suction 208 of tho Churter, and tho following Is a list or tho names of owner,, of thn proporty, by said ordinance, so ussessed as aforosuld, und us shown by such City Men Docket, togothor with tho total amount so nssussod agulnst tho property ot hucIi owner; und reference Is hereby mudo to such dockot of City Liens for u do lulled description of each lot, block, purt ot lot nr block and acreage pro. perty so ussessed. Further notlco Is ulso given thn rospectho pioporly ownors go as- NeTitu: to I'lioPKirrv owi:its ON smith IIHrrslilo .street from V-sl Mnln .Mrisrl to ill) limits nml West Main Mr-i from end of pnxetiu-nt nt t'inir,'r Awiuie lo Hid Wes(erl) Hun of .SuuHi ltl'rslih Hint I hoy hale lio bi)s from llin first publication of this until o in uhltli lo file lippllwllloiin In y iissi-ssiim-iiU lu ten annual Installment.., Notlco I hereby given that the Common Council or thn City of Klumath Falls. Oregon, did by Ordi nal! r0 No 582 duly adopted on the 22ml day ot May, 1922, approved by the Ma)or on the 22nd day of Muy, I ''22, declaro the proportion ate assessment upon each lot, pari of lot, block, und ucroiigo proporl) found to be hoiioflllt'd nnd liable for il proHirtlonate share of the tost of Improving South llhorslde Htreet rrom West .Main Street to tlty llin Its, und West Main Street from end of pavement lit Conger AvonU() to the Westerly line of South River side, Including Intersections. The property ho ussessed by said ordlnunco Is all that propnity I) lug udjuceiit to said purls ot said Htreet between Hie above mentioned termini mid ex tending latterly to the renter or Hie respect Ho blocks lying ndjucent lo said parts or said street so far us the proposed Improvement extends thereon, Including properties In tlm quarters of tlm four blocks abound ing nny Intersection Involved In said proposed Improvement. Thnt the Dockot ot City Mens ban been mudo up us provided by section 208 or tho Charter, und thu following Is u list of thu names tit owners of tho property, oy said nnllname, so assessed us aforesaid, and iih shown by Hitch City Lieu Docket, together with the total umoiint so ussessed against tlm proporty of such owner, und reference Is hereby mudo to such docket of City Liens ror u de luded doHirlpilt'ii or ouch lot, block, pnrt or lot or block und ucreugo pro perty ho ussessed. Further notlcu Is ulso given tho respective property owners ho as sessed und herein below mentioned thut such assessment Is duo und pay- ublo, nnd will bo delinquent rrom ami after the explrutlon of 20 duya rrom llin diitn or tho llrst publication ot this notice, (suld (Irst publication will bu on the 24th day ot Muy 1922 ) Thn propojiy owners M usiiessed must either pay In cash or muku und fllo with the Pollco Judge or s.ild city their applications to pay nuch iiHsn'ismontH In tun uunuul Install inunirf, within tlm 20 dayu beginning with thu JI" nt publication ot this notlco. Amounts NAMES assessed nguliut properly Alox Martin Estato and E. It. Ronmo,, f 138. 00 Alox Martin Estato und E. R, Reumos 401,72 M, A. Wllkins 300.17 8. II. Evuiib and La urn KvanH - - 175.1 5 Laura C. Mooro 1430.24 City of Klamath Falls 2109.00 Charley F. DoLap 648,74 City or Klamath Fulls 126.03 Winifred Clcghoru and Johu' Tin: nn: or MIKIHITS Hl.l IIMA I TION iv nn: ruin ir ixmht or Sl'.l'l'i; OF Oltl HON I OR tot VIV OF XMIIILI. Stale of Oregon, for the use nnd ben efit of Philip Suetter and R S. Dixon ns surety. Plaintiffs, vs. Heorcn Comwell, K F Cummins. St E Cummins and W, T. Vinton, Deft ndniits Hy virtue of nn Kioeutlnn Issued out of the iibiiVn etllltlml Court ill roiled to tee, dated the 5th day of May, 1922. h.isod upon n Judgment made ami entered In the nliOVo en titled Court on the :Ul day of Ho. comber. 19JI, In favor of tbo above named Defendants nnd against the nbnv,. named Plaintiffs. Philip Suet ter and II. S Dixon u, surely, In the sum of MOSS 22: and for tlm furth er sum of Is" 20 as defendants1 costs and disbursement In the circuit court for Yamhill county. Oregon, to gether with Interest on tbo "aid stiuvi Immediately hereinbefore set forth nt Iho rale of nix per rent per annum rrom und after the l'Mli day of May, 1920 ami for the further sum nf 105 on us defendants' costs nnd ills burseiiK nis In thn Hupronie Court of the Stutn tit Oregon, together with Intercut nu Hi,, suld sum of J lor. On at the lain of six per cent per annum from nml utter the list day of De cember. 1921, nml for the coats if nml upon this Writ of Eieiutlmi, commanding me lo levy upon the property of thn nbovn named Plain tiffs. Philip Suetter and It S Dixon ns surety, situated In Klnmnlh Coun ty, Oregon, unit to sell Iho same In tlio manner provided by law, to satis fy lhi, said Judgment, I did on tlm 9th day of May, 1922, levy upon the following described real premises sit uated In Klamath Count), Htntu of Oregon, ns follows, to-wit Tho Southeast Quarter nf the Northwest quntrer of the South west Quarter (HI'UNW HSVy i ) of Section Twelvn (12) Township Thlrty-lhreo Cm South of ltiinge Six (0), nnd thn Kust Half or tint Southwest Quarter or Iho South west Qunrler (IJ'4HW'4SW) t,r Section Twlvo (12), Township Thlrly-thre,, (3:t) South or Range Six (0), mid Lots Three (3) und Four (I), Section Four (4), Town ship Tblrly-threo :i:i) South or Ituugii Seven nnd One-hair (7 "4) East or Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Stutit of Oregon, containing One Handled Nino ( 1091 acres more or less. NOW TIIKRKFORK, by virtue of the said execution nnd Judgment Or der mid In compilation with tho com tiiauds of thu until Writ of Execu tion, I will, on Wednesday, the 2IhI duy of June, 1922, ut 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot tbo said duy ut tho front door of tho County Court Hoiisq of Klamutli County, Oregon nt Klam ath Falls therein, sell ut public unc tion, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder for cush In hand on duy of salo, n.11 tho right, title und In terest or tho above named plaintiffs, Philip SiiDttnr nml R, H. Dixon, in surety, or either nr them, us or Muy U, 1922, In und to tlm above describ ed real promises, for tbo purpose ot satisfying the said Judgment und costs of this Execution, L. L. LOW, Shot Iff, Klamutli County, Oregon, VINTON & TOOZM, McMlnnvllle, Oregon, Attorneys tor tho Defemlunlii. Dated ami first published tills 18th day of May. 1922. M 18-26 J 1-8-16 Klamath Falls Plumbing & Heating Co. '" 1178 MAIN ST. PUONB BM-W X i.