The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 25, 1922, Image 1

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iomuiit ami i'itin.t , ii:i:ii.
. l.l. I. Mil,
rillr''lilh ciii. No, ICIil'J,
Efficient Results Claimed '
fur Adiminiatration;
Democrats Flnycd I
INDIAN U'OI.IH, Iml . Muy 'i
Kflli'tout 11111I wUo uiauugemeul of
the tiiillori'if affair, both iiiiii'tli
ml I ii t it 11 11 1 foil it I, mill milmlniilliil ii
milt In relieving "Din evil of eight
)i'iim "nf democratic morale." wer
iliilinnl nf the llntclliii: iiiliiiliilmni
Him In 1111 nililrc hern ji'nliTilay hy
t'euatnr WnlKiin, repiilillimi, dull
miu, before, tlin I111II111111 republican
titlilo 1 (invention.
I'nr i'iirM It lin 1 11 Hut ciiitiniii '
if Indiana rrilllillriitlit lo liiitu Iho.
kfllllttli, of thu icillitnnl I'liiiiitiili'ii I
siiillidnl li.'fiiri' llii'iil, mill Senator
pnrtli, which ilu-1
iiismi in advance with President ,
Hurtling, will do Incorporated In the
parly literature for Urn congressional
tauipalgu Ihl fall.
Senator Witl koii prated Hot cieru
Iho, IcgUlitllvii iiihI diplomatic rer
nril ol tlm present iiiliiiltilnlnillnii
mill flayed I lu ret iml tlcuioc nillr, Rented tiida) im 11 ponllile noliilliui of
(xliiiliiUlriitlini ns "il'lil-liii iirrliii:. ! I'm truimporlntlon problem
ifoflcll-rriu'lliig, bond Insulin:. Mir- Kirielnry Mellon was represented fiirtir.- limlnit. In- . un filtering tin, reinutal of tentrlc-liutry-paralyzing,
prmpcrlty-dit- Huns 11 ml .1 return lo Dm 0I1I com
stro)tiig. social. upheaving nml rut- ptlllvi hnl under whlih Im wn -mlsm-priiiluclng
" j dnnt'i ml to hellcto Oin rounlry linil
"Wo nro not ripiinllili for nil the cheapest and best trutiiipurl.itliiii
Hilt waste. ' ln declared "We 1II1I facilities In llu liUiorj.
mil produce all lliU wrcrkage. We
llil mil Innir thesu debt We not piled up thin iiioiinlaln o(
nlilliMlloiiM ami llimm kmiImiii'i
vim arc rr.poinltil,. for all thin rlnl
oiu urxy of xlr.miKuiu-ii nml nil
lliln n tai 1 1 Iiik of ImlUKlry anil un-
mitlllnK of roriilliloim now
.tan.) nml lottr nt i. iiocRiinn In II
innntliH mii li:iv,. not ovurronin nil
tlin nvll
tlii'y proiliirril In right
"Wo not yet ncromplliihi'il
till I hut hnvr not nut to iln," lie
lonllmiuil. 'i huvn not rurcil nil
tin 111 ami corruclnt nil Hut in Im-
tnk.M nml overcunio all tho nvll of
eight jo.'irn of ilemnrratlr mUriile,
Iml rertulnty we line taken Ioiik
rlrlili'K In thn rlitlit illrertlon, nml
ninireiy If tint republican party
can lint rnljunl multer. whnt hope
U there In tiirnliiK In thn orcanlia
Hon that e.nine.l nil tint ill.u.(cr In
tlm liPKlnnliiR? Kciliictloii of luiei
uml appropriation, reorganization
of tlio hIiIppIiik Imiiril, m;rlcnltnral
illof. thn tariff Mil, nml illploiii
,uy of lh prenont (ulmlnlKlrnllon
'Moid cinphiiKltcil hy Seniitnr Wat-
"Till iiilmlnliilraHiiu ilowx not
lieeil un ilpologliit." m.iIiI Kennlor
Wiilwin "No ailiultiliitnitl'in ever ! '"" l,M'" ''" iminn .miiiimu. jiiien
htiforo cimo Inlo power r.iiifreiilliu: I HIMiiKhen. illrl liai-K (haniplon. It ('
hiii-Ii prohleniM of mit'li roniil..lly!,,ur"" ,""1 l: (l- Uninml llu-
ami (inutility iih llumo which were Ur- motorcycle nml
Inlierlaleil hy ITnalitnii llanllnn nml 'I'miiI)II. 'Ir'r. Alll.oimh mi In-
Ihn itlillcan cotiRreKt." I
I'lenlilont lliirillmt'H call for the
arniM conferonce. ho declared, "win
Iho InrReNt Mtep toward Internntlon.
nl pence Willi JllHlli'o the world Iiiih
known In nil Hi l.lnlorv. and the
whole world." Im Hal.l. "npplnuded '
Iho ichiiIIn." Tlio four power tronly,
Iho hcnator Kiit.l. hroiiKht under
Hlamllni; and MHitiirmireH for pence.
Declination of tlio Invitation lo
Iho (lumm conference nlso wtm toiu
niemlcd hy Mr, AVnUon, who wild l
wiih a, mid nut mi ecomiin
Ic cnnferelice. v
"Tlio win Id hy UiIk Hiiiu oiikIiI lo
undoratiiiid," tin i-ontlnueil, "that wo
do not lulnnil lo hiuonui Involved In
their political w'ruiiKlcx mid Unit we
(Ctmllniinil'on I'oro Throe)
WL.VIi'CU i'Iii.ihutii:h
Tin. 0)iiu-Htii'jiiiKi'iiili nt I'"-
ileiVooilV I'luirniiiJ
f linroint'trlo presit-.
tire till illuming
Indicating tho end
ol tho Hloiin thai
dlpprd In upon iih
lust night.
KorticiiHt for next
21 Iieiii'h:
(lenenilly fair,
probiibly cold, with
viirlnhle wlndri,
Tlm Tycos re
cording IhoiiiKimeler irglHtnrnd innx
Imiim and minimum teinpnrnltt'iOH to
day IIH followH!
High m
.' i.uw ,,..- ;i
To Circle Globe
Major Wilfred T. ninke, British
flyer, la cotn1etlnir preparations (or
lllshl around thti world. Ho wilt
ctoss part c( tliu United Utatc.
Itilmii lo 'ntiipelllliin Haiti Ik lie
I'atuli'il Ii) Mellon 114 lli't
I'or .Viilloii
WASHINGTON. .Muy 2.'. -Tint
iIcm Inrntlmi nf 11 railroad rate I10II1I11),
during which tlm,, Hut railroad
niiilil iiiiikn their own rate wliliont
Koioriiinent rftlrlrtlnn. unit ug-
lotir I'oimrr , liiiii'f' to l.'oniH'r
In Intrniiitliiiuil Stt'rplnki'i
V""r ",'rmrr w- o" Mr-
t lio tiiivor hvo pllotril n car
In n Vio-inll.! nice, nml IT ollior.i
Mho have trlml on unincroUK occa
lotm for Hn I IP. (Ml it prlio inonoy
roniprlii Hut flclit nr)iuiliilct to Htnrt
In Ihn I fii Hi iannunl Inturnatlonul
nMci'pstliki'ii nlltoinolillo turn at tliu
I tl..ll...lw.llM tlntn.. U. I tl.-.
" """ ' """" "''"""'" ''
Toininy Milton, A. A A rluin
plun in 1 US I nml Inner of lnt
year Mul-mll,, rnco, llovuril Wll
cos. Mluner In t ! 1 1" . Italph Del'nU
inn. the lrtor In I'JlA uml Jules
(i"l,,t' '" fr','l ' '!' firm In
l!M,t, hid ilrlXem nlio liuVit won the
IiIk prle nml who urn itcheiluleil to
pilot imniiitH it Kit I n thlH yeur
Other Atur ilrhers who h.iv en
tertMl tlio IU-- (onleiit Incluilu Jim
my Murphy, winner of the 11)21
Trench Oram! I'rlx; V. DoiirIiih
llawlvi'H. of London, HiiKlaml: IIimt:
i on K.irleH. who (IliUlieil xeionit III
ii"I'h ""' " "iurmi mtin
niolillit driver, Hal. Or iincr lnm par-
j tlclpateil In a rnco at the Hpeeilway.
I I'or Hut flint time In Hut lilxtnry
of Hid local course, n woman has
1 noinlmiteil n (ur to htnrt tlio race.
Sl,n ' Mr,, Al"" """" "f ,'0 A-
Cole, i miu. .Mr. oait on-
tnlned tlio wrvlttM of Jeny Womtiir
Hell lo drUn her niacliliie, hut lost
him when Im purchitHcd m racer lilm
nelf, .Shu Iiiih not nuiiouiiceil who
will ho at Iho wheel If her car iilall.
flo.H. Tlio umchllio Is one nf n fa
inoiin racliiK mulio nml n raid to ho
f.iHt enough to r.ho run) compciL
1'nnt rot et- Said to llao llcon
Out .Mutter of Llglit.s on Car
D.ivo Worden mil Kddlo Mann
me In Jail today an n result nt nn
nltfrnitlon on thu Pelican Hay road
l.ut night when Hob Kndres, n Jit
ti y driver, wiih Imdly beaten.
I While icportn aro conflicting, tho
' . f.tiilil.. u'nu unt, I 111 littvr, lirtnon ll
er thn llghtH on tlio car driven by
Woiden nnd Mann, Kndl'ea havlnc
htopped IiIh cur to expostuluto with
Iho otherK, whoso enr was standing
nn the roadside, for not dimming
Two womou paasofgera 'wero
with Worden nnd Maim. No
rhnrgeM had been Hlwl lX En'dres
ztuhQ Mvvatb
3 IRE 1. 1 W.
Large Quantity of Red Lit
1 erature Taken; Attempt
to Organize Seen
Threo imoiii I W. W. orgnnlrer
Iniided In J.i 1 1 HiIm morning when
Chief of I'ollcu Wilson, Hlmrlff Low.
Deputy AinliroM- mid otherK comlucl
ed u mid on n renldeiire at Fourth
nnd Oak, conf hinting a null miin
. paikeil with I W W llternturo nml
organization parupherunlln. The
i tinmen on the menV pack were
1 Mori Dall). Adolph VmigHtie nml
i L'-onnril llollon.
' Tlio arrentH tame iih a rextill of
four dug of watching (he iiicii'm ac-
Hon, during whlil. time Deputy
Hherlff C. ('. Low Htnyeil nt tliu ex.
pre offlro where the men Jiail re
ceived package contluliilng I. W. W
literature. When nrrenled today
none of the men offered rcxlutnure,
l.ut none duiilcil mciuhenthlp In the
I. W. W.
Among thn p.nuplih (k tontulned
III tin. Hull cure were a numlier pur
porting to Justify Hut Centralia max
nrrt of ux-Herilcit men, who were
I marching In mi Armlntltii day par-
mle. Kevrrnl of the marcherit were
killed nnd later one of the murder
an hanged to u railroad trentte a
ketch of n hanging ffguru I on thu
cover of tlio pamplilet.
Among thn mun' effect wore a
tecrel rode, IiiimhI on tiunihem, nml
n list nf linuie, muppomciI to he lliono
of men now employed nt arluu
mill Thu name were Kwauti.i llox
company Oncar Jolly. Jlnimy I'ark
er, nnd Victor O'NIel, l'ellciin Hay
Lumber company Jack Klmpnon, J.
J. llrown, Win, Khnunon, K D. Keev
p. L. Itcod, Win. IHcdloniMii nnd W.
Hay; Hliuw llcrlram I'aul Wairtplcr.
Tom Hmlth, J. J. Jeffru. Jnd Short
(labeled "Kunman"),. Arnold Hugh
es, J. Ciucy, Lou WelniT, Lmmett
lllncklo and Arthur Keenau: fhllo
uuln Lumber & llox company Hilly
Huff, Jack Mcmilck and Ited Mor
gan. Tlm notation, "guiiimui." after
Short's name, wn duo to his being
ii deputy, Hhurlff Low nald.
Thnl nn I. ". W. local tins been
established licra U the belief of
Chief WlWon Notations showing
payment of dues from Joo Hmlth, M.
Daly mid V. D. McKlnile, u iiuautlty
of matter rulnthe to the organlzn
lion, In general numorous books of
l.y-l.tws and. tho constitution nnd
(Continued to Page C)
ISfci . Uf i i( ' f , , ii in i i 1 1 i r i ..i i rmmmmmmmmmm
Member of the Associated Presa.
HALLH.OIlltfJO.V, Tllt'ltHDAY, MAY !M, 1022
t'lml Mil During ArrcM of I, V.
V. HrliiK lefiiumitt Prop
rietor lo (Jrlcf
Charged with Illegal possession of
H'liior, Ciunniial fllvcrn nnd I'eln
Itocko, proprietors of the Savoy rnfe,
and II- J. Van Horn, wero arrested
shortly after noon today by Offlror
McLoiighlln, Khorlff Low, Chief Wil
son ami lodged In thn city Jul I
Thn nrrest rmultcd from thn rf
fleer finding a suit casn full of
ll'iuor In a lioiiKo at Pourth nml Oak
this niernliu: wherO thn threo 1. W.
W organlierH er nrrcsteil. Two
liiartH concealed lidneatli a iiiattreHS
were nlso found
When tho officers entered the cafe,
the sheriff raid, Van Horn attempted
lo empty thn contents of a bottle
bill w-ms frustrated
Itlvers was arrested some time ago
on it federal liquor charge, which Is
Still JM'llllltlg.
Wiu Tonne." It-lilenl of tlilt City;
Secretary of Canal ('iiuiji.iny
N. (! Hrlggs, a former resident of
Klamath Tails, died suddenly at his
homo nt llnlllster, California, Mon
day night. He was a son-in-law of
the late Judge II. L. Ilensou. Ills
widow nml four children survive
Ilrlgg was tho M'rretary of the
old Klamath Canal company mid
with C N. W. K. llrown
was Instrumeiitnt In starting tho lo
cal irrigation project, which was tak
en over later by tlm government He
lived In Klamath county for several
jears and nfter leaving always look
n great Interest in local develop-")
llu was superintendent of tlio Hot
lister Water company, a director nf
tho Hank of Italy branch nt llollls
tcr nnd had heavy property Interests
thcro. .
American Ixiihm Auxiliary ,kt
Olnt-n'iinco of Memorial Day
"In memory of our sacred dead
wear a Flanders poppy on Memorial
day." This will be the slogan of the
American Lcglcu auxiliary on Sat
urday whon members will sell pop
ple In booths In Moo's store and the
The popples nro of cloth, made by
tho widows and orphans of Prance.
They arc distributed through tho
Aineilcmi Legion throughout tho
United States In mi arouse
a more general observance of Memor
ial day, and to Inspire reverence In
tho hearts of nil for thoto who re
mained on tho field uf battlo. They
will bo offered nt ten rents each.
Lead It Maintained; 24 out
of 36 Counties Go for
I'OKTLAND, May 2.".. Ohott led
Hall by 1K0 ,,n a tabulation early
this afternoon of (he latest available
official returns, Including .Multnomah.
Ktato figures were: Oleott 42,990,
Hall 42,r,0. Multnomah, with all
but ono precinct officially canvassed,
stoed: Hall 10,2 Of,, Oleott, 18,352
The. tally sheet of tho missing pre
cinct Is locked up In a box, but tho
official list was Used.
Covernor Oleott currfed 21 coun
ties and Senator Hall 12 counties,
return show. Tho counties voted as
Olcott-HKIaniath, Ilakcr, Denton,
Crook. Deschutes, (illtlam, (Irani,
Harney, Hood River, Jcffcrssjn, I-akc,
Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marlon, Mor
row, Polk, Shermnn, Union, Wallowa,
Wisco, Washington, '.JVhccler and
Hall Ctnckamas, Clatsop, Colum
bia. Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson,
Jotcphlnc, Ijnc, Multnomah, Tilla
mook and Umatilla.
Speaker Kays Organ Izrtl Pnictlce I
Kpneadhig Wilcly
ST. LOUIS. Mo. MAY, 2 .That
a transition from Individual to or
ganized medical practice Is spread
ing widely was asserted here to
night by Dr. Ceorgo K. do Schweln
Itx, president of tho American med
ical association, and his presidential
address beforo the opcnlns; meet
ing of tho annual session. That re
form of tho currlculm of tho under
graduate medical school Is urgent
ly needed, that rural districts are
apparently being drained of doctors,
and that tho public Is dissatisfied
"with- a service which is devoted
only to the cure of tho maladies and
tho mending of Injuries," were oth
er assertions In tho address.
Dr. do Schwclnltx called attention
to the fact that tho association was
organized scventy-fivo years ago and
efficiently reorganized 21 year ago,
making the occasion a celebration of
Its diamond jubilee.
iioM.'.vri: viMTou hkiik.
Harry L. llolgnto of Portland, gen
eral counsel for thu United Ststes
lleclamutloti tcrvlco, of Portland Is
hero today on official business.
410 LIB
Blake's Aid
Captain ncarne. Crltlth firrr.
tnay accompany Major 'Wilfred T.
Dlnke on hut protected flight aronad
th world. ---,
Premie,. TrlL. Member "Wnr At
moKpliero ltrnutlnM DrppHo Dec
laration of I'eaco
LONDON. May 25. Loud cheers
greeted Lloyd floor go In tho houscTot
commons today when ho appeared, to
discuss foreign policies, especially
tho Cicnoa conference.
Tho promler said that although
peace hod been established in Kur
ope It wafl qultn clear that a war ut
mosphero to certain extent remain
ed. He declared It was hopeless for
Tlussla to cxtrirats herself from tho
kilt of squalid misery wliho'ut assist
ance. He said leaving Itussla tn her
fata would involve peril such as the
Russo-Oerman agreement and ex
pressed tho hope that Tho Hague,
conference of experts would achieve
CluuiUoqna .Spender Will Kxpound
Philosophy- of Health
"It Isn't, healthy to bo sick," Is tho
keynote of tho philosophy which
will bo expounded tomorrow after
noon at the Chautauqua by Dr.
Lydla Allen Do Vltblss, medical edi
tor of tho Hotter Hablcs Hurcau of
tho Woman's Home Companion and
celebrated Now York physician. Her
lecture "The Business of Urlng" Is
an Intelligent plea for a higher stand
ard In national health, brought about
through general attention to Individ
ual health matters.
Tho evening performance Is held
by many to bo tho biggest fcaturenof
the six-day session, consisting of tho
production of tho welt-known plar
"T,urn to tho night" by tho Kcighley
Broadway players of Now York. It Is
the sory of nn erring boy's redemp
tion through tho Influeuco of home
and mother. While not lacking hu
mor In fact In ranks ns ouo of
America's greatest comedies tho
play say tho critic Is ono that ono
would want his mother, wifo or
daughter to see.
Tho big tent was crowded again
last night with an audienco that
showed by their applaus appreciation
of Private cPat's peace lecture. Glen
L. Morlss, electrical 'wizard, played
somo mystifying tricks with current
apparently trained to oboy his slight
est whim.
Tho Jugo-Slav Tamburlrant will
uppcar til both afternoon nnd even
ing performance today.
Today's Iccturo featuro U tho
uddress of Arthur Wnlwyn Kvans,
nophow of tho British premier, Lloyd
doorge, on tho International respon
sibilities of (ho Ktiglhh speaking
Arrangements wero uiailo today
for heating thu tent while tho cold
weathor lasts.
Preparations Ileitis Mntlo for Large
Attendance Tonight
Tlio Klks lodgo U making prepara
tions for a lurgo uttondnnco tonight,
when u class of caiullilatc.3 will bo
Initiated. Tho ceremonies will bo
followed by refreshments ami a so
cial time.
attack hum:
WASHINGTON, May 25. A movo
ment said to have- tho hacking of a
largo numbor of senators to change
the anclont sonalo rules permitting
unlimited dobato wna Initiated today
at a conferenco of republican sennl
nttcK rtVK
10.000 CATTLE
Cattlemen Plan to Build up
Live Stock Industry;
Jerseys Imported
lb order to build tip tho livestock
Industry of Klamath Palis, practical
ly ilnmnllslictL during tho war lie
can so of oxcesslvo price offered for
beef, prominent cntllomcn f Klatn
nth county nro shipping In 10,690
head of beef cnttlo to bo distributed
over n number of ranches.
D. L. McLcmoro, prominent cattle
man of Oakland, California, and C. 8
Miller of rtoscbursr, Oregon, aro two
of thn largest (shippers and a num
ber of Klamath county ranchers are
Included In tho deal. ,
Tho timber lands of Klamath com
ty olfcr oxccllcnt grazing for'eattls)
and shcop. and an effort Is belag
mailo to build up this Industry !
order to eapltallzo on tho natural ad
vantages for livestock.
Kd. Casobcer, ono of the prom
inent dairy men of tho county recent
ly shipped In 161! thoroughbred Jer
sey heifers lo b0 distributed orer
the connty to further the Interests of
tho dairy Industry, which have bees
ndvanclug rapidly slnca the organi
zation of thn farm bureau about two
years ago. Farmer smitn or ue
Union Pacific System and Eageae
Ombb, a prominent Colorado raueh
er, have visited tho 'community at the
request of tho chamber of commerea
to Interest lh0 farmers In dalrytof.t.
A checso factory at Malln and a tars
creamery nt Klamath' Falls are fsjf
nlshinR a ready market' for Ue faraV
cr's products.
CtUnre General 'Take Cturge eC
Natlonn nt Pnu Ttag V
PEKING, May 25. Genoral Wu
Pel Fu has assumed active direc
tion of tho nation's affairs from
his headquarters at Pao Ting Fa.
capital of Chill province He re.
fuscd to locato in Peking, because
he explained, ho does not desire
to assoclato himself with the lov
eminent headed by President Hsu
Shlh Chans.
Ho also wants to remain aloof
from tho Canton government with
view to ascortaln tho sentiment of
tho country as towwhcther the old
parliament should bo summoned
to elect a new prcsldont accept
able to both tho north -and the
south, thus eliminating both Hsu
Shlh Chang and Sun Yat Sen.
Lffort Mmlo to Discover "Voobk
Kilboui" of Wlrclc)
CHICAGO, III., May 2. The
school boy who Ignores his chums
two lifted fingers when they sum
mon him to tho swimming ole, or Is
deaf to tho urgent appeal to "play
ball," and Hastens to his workshop
to bend over cauum tubes, will bo
givon nn opportunity to como Into his
own, according to plans of u com
mlttco In chargo of radio contests
In connection with tho nutlonal radio
exposition to bo hold hero Juno 20
July 1.
Flvo contests In making radio de
vices, tho purposo of which Is said to
bo "to unearth young Kdlsons of
wlrolcss," have, been announced by
tho commlttoo; threo of them will bo
for young people, two wilt bo open
to anyone.
Contest saro open to residents ct
any city, but each rontcnUnt must
coma In person to Chlcanta provo
that ho mndo tho duWca ho offer- '
Tho Itlglit Itovorond 3. T. Me
Gptb, bUhop of tho CatnoJto dlo.
ccso of Eastern Oregon, la here
from Baker, for a brief visit with,
tho Iter. Fathor Marshall. The Her
T, J. Brady, of Brady, Is also a
visitor hero,
Kd DuVault, former residential
Klamath county, Is here from ble
homo nt Santa Ana, CallfonUa, to
look after local Interests. H wiM
remain for a few days, I
' A
: ' t' flj
. M
t '
V, A, i'