The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 24, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Piwo Three
'N!1,,,.:.,',!, "OI'KHTV OWNERS
ON High Nlif' fn.m the Wester.
I) Hue of Ttillil Sheet In lho iMut-
Mni' of Juniper MtroeMhat
Hi))' hum uo iin)N ritim I hu flrnt
IHllllllllllllll or till tolJ-n III which
III fill! npillll III loll III lll)' HWil'NN'
iU In ii ainiiinl InntitUiivenfn,
Nntli'o In hereby given tliul thn
('iiMiniiiii CoiiimII of ili(. Clly of
Kluniifth I'll I iti, Oregon, illil liy Drill-
mi i No rHi duly iiiloptcd on tho
22nd ilii) or Mliy, 11122, iiplunvod
liy llin Mn)iir mi tint 22ml ilny of
Mil), l!'22, tU'i'liilu llin proportion-
Hill IIKHKNHIIIIIMI llpOII lllll'll lul, purl
of lot. lilurli, mni iirriiiiKo property
roil ml iii In hoiiellltiid mni llublo
fur it propi'Tl lmiii t nluirii f III" rout
nf ImptovltiK Hlltli Street front llin
Westerly linn of Tltliil Street lo llm
IIiiNinrly lino of .f mil per Street, In.
I'linllni; IntorHoclloun,
'I'lio pinpeity mi hhnonhihI dy kuIiI
orillnmii'ii In' nil lltul iroirty
lying adjacent lo miiIiI i,iriH
ol mild Htreet between tin1
nhiivn mentioned termini unit in
lending liitlnrly lo llu miner of llin
tenpoi-(lo block l)lllK lldjurniil lo
nnlil purls of nnlil hIhm'I nt fur un
llin proponed Improvement (Mti'iiiln
I Iktimiii, Iiii'IiiiIIiik properties In llin
t mi rl fr of llin four block uliotitiil
I ii K nny luiernei'tlon Involved In mild
iriiniK'cl Improtnment.
Thill llin Diicliiil of Clly l.letln bun
In i'ii imiiln iit n n provided liy neclli u
2i!K rf llm Churler, mni lint followltiK
In ii Hat of llm uume of owner of
tin pinpeity. liy niiIiI ordinance, m
i, rnned ii ii ufiirniuild, mni un hIiikwi
dy kikIi City Linn Dnrket, together
ullli llm lotnl amount mi imnenied
iigitliinl llm property ol Mirh owner,
mni ri'fi'HMii n U hereby niutli, to
Hiirh docket rf Clly Lion for u dn.
Inlli'il deni rlplli ii of nurli lot, blo.'k,
tuirt of lot or bloek mni iirieitgn pro
nri' mi unmanned
I'urlliiT iiotliu In ulno kIvi'Ii thn
reipertikit irnpi'fly owner nn an
xi'tii'il mni herein In low mentioned
tliul nurli itsiii'wiini'iit lit ilun mull pay
able, mul will lm ili.lniiiriil from
mni iiIIit llm explrntlon of 20 day
from llm ilulo i f llm flrnt pnlillrallun
or I lilt notice, (nnlil firm piilillrutlou
will In. on til., 24th ilny of Mny
I '122 I
Tim properly ownnri no mm-wmil
miiiiI either pay III rush or make mul
llin with dm Pollrn Judge of mi lit
illy Ihelr uppllralli tin lo pny nurli
llnrnllli)lllM III tell II II II "II I llintall-
nu'iilH, wlihlti tint 20 ilny, beginning
with Hm flml' publication of thl
iiK.iened against
r 1 Sotrer
Curt F Setter
Nellln . Jones . 4S0.9C
H II Low . 299 89
Krvlnn A. Shepherd anil
Kurt Shepherd Ml 80
i: m. iiiit.i. . 495.75
Inutifllo MrUughlln 460,23
II i: Wright . . 247.82
I'rnurln J. Ilnwun . C07.C2
Elisabeth K. Ilulne 429.32
(lurry E (Indler iuuI Maude
llnnlir . 228 t; I
llllilu CooHr mul Kuiliiu
Wlnr CI1.43
llllilu CnoHir mul Kmuin
WIiik . . .. r.2S.S0
llllilii Cnopor mul Kiiima
Wine 4 44.IU
V. II, A. Iliiiner ... S2 2"
K II Latiih " 1
,nsU r.50 .in
II ltr.i t f.2 27
II. Hoi, .. 62 27
It DiuKi'lt 423 57
HrlnlliM-k IiivimU
429 57
AniKlIn llankK
Will Ilnlilwlu r'T 'I
V. T. HhUo ISUS.9I
(Ira Muy Knlulil r.3 9
ivP( iii.i.i . .'" '
lm IIbMwIii . 23 "
I'liMUlii"' liv oniT o lho Conw
l'iri Coinirll onilur uolhiirllv of Soc.
2d of llm ChnrliT of """III Cllv,
Dnli-I 'it KIimiiiIIi 1'alli. OrKon,
May 23nl , I922
Hoiirn .luilcn of tha Clly of Klamuth
I'nlln O'nrnii
11,11 ISBBg
(IV .lifrrini hlirrl fmtn Tlil'il
to lll'li Slrcrl. Hflh Mlnrl from
.Ii Ifi rsiu tit l.lnroln Strn-lx noil
I.IiiiuIii Stint rrmu I'lflli Sliivl
In Hltlh St nil Hint I Mr) Iiuvp
JO ilii). fnuii (lm flrM iiililli'A
Hon or IliU iiolli'o In which to
(Uo upplli iHli'im t Vf
iiiinlM hi lin minimi lii.iftHiiirnt.
Notlrn In lirroli)' Klmi I lul thn
Couiinou Coiinrll of tli Clly or
Kl)ifiiiilli I'alU. Ori'Kon, did hy OrdW
nntirn No. f.Sl duly udnptoit on thn
22nd ilnv or Mny, l22. npproid
by I I'm Mayor on tlm 22nd duy of
Mny, IJ22, iirlnrn tho proportion,
iiln iiHHOHHiui'iit upon KnrhMot, part
of lot. Iilork. and urn-men property
found to lm lii'iii'MtliMl mid llulilu
for u proporllonuln nliiirn vt thi runt
of liuprovlUK Ji'ffiTHon Hlrovt from
Third Hlri'i't to Kltlli Stri'iil, Fifth
Htri'i't from .Inffomon Btret to Lire
roln Htri'it mul Lincoln Hlroot from
I'lfth Htmot to Hlxth 8rot, Inelud
IliR InturMTtlonii,
Tim propnrly ho nRfiui()il by nald
ordlnmiro Ih nil that properly
lyliiK niljni'i'iil to huIiI partH
of Biilil Htri'ot lwtwiMn tlw
iihnvn miiiilloni'd tnrmlnl mul f
icnilliiK hilti'rly to thn fenmr of thn
ronpnctlvn lilorkH lyliiK uUJacMll to
mild parlM of Hiild alreot ho far a
lho propoind Improvninoul exlnndii
thiiri'on, InrludiiiK proporeioa In the
iliiuricrH of tlm four hlock uhoniiil
Iiik any IninrNiirllon Involved In mild
propoHod linnrovmunnt. -.
That thn Docknt of Oily I.Ioiih Jan
Iipcii niudu up uh provided by iiertlon
2IIN of thn Chartor, and lho following
In ii IInI of thn nmiinii of owner of
lho propurty, by muIiI onllnauce, ho
uhhokhimI iih afort'Hiilil, and uh Hhown
by Hiirh City I, loiw Docket, toiethor
wllh tlio total amount no iuhcmoiI
iiKaliiKt tha property of hucIi owner;
mul roforonco Ih hcrotiy mudo to
Hiirh ilocknt of City I.Ioiih tor a de
tailed (Inscription of oach lot, block,
part of lot or block and acreage pro
perly HO iUHUHHod,
Kurlhur notlco l alno nlven the
rimpurtlvo property ownora ho h
hohboiI mul horoln below montlouoil
that Hiirh uimcHiuiiout I. duo mid pay
able, mid will ho delinquent from
ami after the expiration of 30 duyu
from llm dale of thn flrnt pti hi I nit I on
of tlilM.nuttcv, (iuld.flril PUblKatloji
will bn on th 24th dny of Muy
Thn property ownern no mhhi'hhimI
nilliit ulllii'i' puy In rimh or uuiki; mid
flln with thn Polio, .IiiiIkm of Huld
clly their npplli'iillouH lo puy nurli
iinnrnnliinnlH III ten iiniipiil ItiHliill
nmiiin, within thn 20 duyn ImihIiiiiIiik
with tlm flirt pulillriillon of thin
NA.MKH annc(nid iiKnlnnt
I'J, I'nrry Lnwrenrp and Klor
rnre (I. Lawrence fi2n.tfi
j. iiiiruiii carter and i:, M,
Itlrharil II. Hiiilth
(I. W. White .. ..
(I. W. White
.M H, WVhi mid IIiiiiiiu J,
M M, WA'nt mul I.'iiiiiiii j.
H T. HiiminoM
H T, KiiiiimerM
Charlen A, I.ooml and Mk-
inln LooiiiIh .
Ulnier II. Wlmrlon .
I.imiIh Alt
C A. WlrU
C A. Ilamho
517.3 4
109. 11 K
64 !I9
I'red Ij. Hounton, John llrctt
and Tlm Duffy Co, , 174.54
H. KllraV'Uh Itmiuhy .... 774.3T.
Krrd l, llnimtou 1072,07
Alntuo llalnter 28,47
Cliarleit I' Hlnwurt . 02K.60
John Kenuey . . .1S9.24
J I' llrell 109.98
K. (I, lleauchamp . in 9.1 8
l.uthrr W. HnntlDKilon . . 54.99
C C Miller Knluti. . 404.30
ICnhy II. McCall unit John
A. MrCull . 459.29
lletijumln liond and Dorrh
llond 514.2)1
Huhy .McCall 514.28
i:, W Vannlrn 5I7.H4
K W. Vaniilro . . 517.34
l.yle W. Klmtmll , 575 71
rirnl (Unto mid Huvlimn llnuk "58.45
I.. (I. Vanllellen and H. A.
VmilMlen .... 1107. 40
(1. W. Mountnii .. . 603. CO
MarKaret J, Wllhrow 503.67
i: W. Vannlro 210.54
It MaiUnn T ., , 64.99
r'r.'il !,. Hounton. John llrett
mid Tli Duffy Co. 109.97
Kreil 1.. llotuton, John llrctt
and Thn Duffy Co.
Clara II. Clllott ami
K. I..
COB 01
Clurn II.
F.lllolt and K. U.
Chnn. 1'. Btnwart
llert V.. Wlthrow- ,
608. dl
llert K. Wlthrow und Mar
garet J, Wlthrow
109 97
Kathryn II. Itohnrliion
I, K () Inon
Clara II. Klllotl and K. I..
C C. Miller KMate
109 97
404 30
1'uhllnheil by order of thn Com
inou Coiinrll under authority of Sue.
29 of thn Charter of wild Clly.
tinted at Klniiuth Kalln, Orenon,
May 23rd. 1922,
I'ollco Judge of the City of KlumMli
Kall. Uregon
I I W i I IB
(IV thr. Alley througti Illork 7,
orlgtoal loMli of l.lnklllr, now
City of KlanuMh VM, Orriron
lliul tliry ! 'J U from I In
flnt pulilliatlon of IliU nollie In
i I it'll o lllr nppllrMllonn (o Mt)
lUarNkiumiR In l''n unniiul lnlNll
Notice In hereby given that the
Common Council of thn City of
Klainulh 1-alia. Oregon, did by Ordl
nanrn No '6U9 duly adopted on the
12th day or Kept. 121. approved
by the Mayor on tho 14th day of
Kept. 1921, derlurn the Proportion,
ato aH4eMnment upon each lot, part
of lot, block, and arreugn property
found to bn benefitted and liable
for a proportionate ntiare ut thn rout
of Improving the ulley through Hlock
37, of original town of Llnkvllln,
now City of Klamath Full, Oiv
Kon. Thn properly ao annenied by aald
onllnuiicn la all thai properly
l)lng udjaceiit to kald jiarla
of unit! ii tree I between the
above mentioned termini and ex
tending latterly to thn center of tho
rei peel I ve hlocl N lying adjacent lo
Haiti Putin of uld Htreet no far uh
thn propoicd linprovenient extemln
thereon, Including properties In the
quartern of tbp four htockH abound
Iiik any Interiertlon Involved In tald
proponed Improvement.
That the Docket ot City l.lena has
been mada up um provided by aectlon
208 of the Charter, and the following
In u Hut ot tho nuuma of ownern ot
the property, by nuld ordlnauce, no
niaiMM'tt an' uforemildi und ka alio n
by audi City Men Docket. together
with tlio total umount- ho annesiied
iiKulnnt lho property of audi owner;
and reference Ih hereby madu lo
audi docket of City Menu for u de
tailed, deacrlptlon ot each lot, block,
part of lot or block and acreage pro
perty ho miseseed.
Further notlco U uleo, given the
rMpectlvo property ownera ao 'aa
Kenned and herein below mentioned
that hucIi UBHeiuiinent la duo und pay
utile, and will be delinquent from
and after the expiration ot 20 daya
from the date ot tha first publication
of tliln nillco, (Hutd flrat publication
will bo on thn S4h i day ot May
Tho properly ownora ROtueaaed
mutt either pay In caah or make and
flln with tho Police Judge of mild
elty their applications tp pay audi
aHiiQiamenU In. tea ' aniiuul Instull
immtfl, within the U0 duy beginning
with tho flrat publication of thta
NAMES naaoBaod agulnat
Klamath State llartk, a corp.l' 97.10'
Nellie liolvlu 93,80
Churloa Swlnsle a 87.13
O. H. Illloy 99.631
II. K. Stllla 4. 103,38
W. H. Slough 110,70
II. K. Konig uud J. W, Kerna 228,78
Honrlotta F. Molhaae 143,91
Uiir,A..'W.UU .'...,.., ,-. 80,00
Ida... Ml Fink 2Q.Q0.
W. N. Ilrotberton 230,77
W. C, Davouport , 40.83
V. C. Murphy ,,., 100,00
Alfri'd Mvlliaie lOV.UjJ
1'ubllnlicd by order of the Coin,
inou' Coiinrll under atilborlty of Hc.
209 of the Charter of nuld City.
Dated ut Klainiilh I'allii, Orison,
May 2:inl 1022,
I'ollco Judge of the Clly of Klamuth
i KallH, Olegim.
D.1 LI
!U I U. f ! 'J-JJ J
O.V Kliloradft Hlrret Knpln.
luidn in IVrt-tlaiiil Hti'Oi, Htiil
Melrimo HI rent from Kl llorailo
HI i eel to I'ailfle Trrrai. Unit
liny lii till ity rniin thn fit
pulillinllnii of IliU nollrn In
ulilrli lo flln iipplli'Nlloiu to Niy
iiMeNimenlN In I en iinnunl lu-
Notlco In hereby glvnli Hint the
Common Council of thn City of
Klutnulh Kulln, Uregon, did by Unit-
mi urn No. CM duly iiilopti'il on the
22nd duy or Mny, 1922, upproVed
by llm Mayor on tlm 22ml duy of
Mny, 1922, derlaro thn proportion
Uln iiinejiKlllriit liioil each lot, part
of lot, bloek, nml iirreagu property
found to bn benetllled unit liable
for u proportionate nhurn ot the cont
or Improving CI Iloniilo Htreet from
Cnplunuile to Portland HI reel and
Me Irono Hlreet from CI Dorado Htreet
to Pacific Terrucn, Including Inter-
The property ho usoil by aald
ordlnuiica In ull that property
lyliiK adjacent to mild purtn
of nalil Mtreut between the
above mentioned teriulnr and ex
temllng latterly lo the renter of the
, renpi'rllve block lying udjaceiit to
nulil puriM or nnlil mreei no iar iin
I bn proponed Improvement extendi)
thereoiir IncludliiK proiKTtli-n In the
quarlura of thu four bloekH iibouiuN
Inn any Inteninrtlon Involved In nald
priiponed Iniprovement.
That llm Docket of Clly I, lent ha
hern madn up an provided by nectlcn
20K of thn Churter, und tho following
U u lint of tlm n a limn nf owners of
the proix-tly. by nuIiI ordinance, hi
unentd im uforeHAld, and an nlinwn
by nuch City I. leu Docket, together
with lho total umount ho unneHMid
agulnnt tho, properly of hucIi nwifvr:
and referenco In hereby madn to
nuch docket of City l,len for n die
lulled denirlplloi of each lot, block,
purl of lot or block and acteugo pro
jierty no unenned.
Further notlrn Ih alno ghen the
repectlvn property ownern no an
nenneil and herein below mentioned
that nurli uxneHnmeul Ih dun and pay
able, uml will be itellruiuent from
and after tlio expiration of 20 day
from thn dale of thn flrat publication
or thin nollcn, (trnld flrat publication
will be on thn 24th day of May
Thn property ownern ho aaneancd
inunt either pay In canh or make und
file with thu I'ollrp Judge of nald
city their application to pay hucIi
nnncHMnvntn in ten nnnuul Inniall
meat, within thn 30 day beginning
with tho flint publication of thin
NAMKS nine used agalnnt
Klamath Devel. Co. . ..1333.1.1
W. A. Meyer . . .... 333.81
Klunuilti Devel. Co. 29S.66
B. O. Johnion 62.36
K. J. Mayer and I.anra II.
Mayer ...- . 30.00
Kate Mnkenbach 4.60
II. A. Hell 291.68
Mil, Kate Mugler 291.68
Helen K. McDowell ........ 291.6S
Kdward K. Ileee 306.82
Klamath Devel, Co 305.82
Jny Smith .... - 30S.82
M !.. Mlco - 46.83
Wm. M. & Klla T. Rlckman 46.8.1
Jainen Wallace . . 32.S8
Mr. Sol llunyon und Peter
Jacob llulh .... .
Mm. C. II. Clcndenulng ..
J C. I.aibnm ....
Jon, McKnernery
Klamuth Devel., Co
Charlen Tlernan
Klamuth Devel. Co
J'inie P. Sheridan
II. R .Weaver-. .,
C. A. llrueitlo
C. A. HnienUe
Klamath Hovel.
Klamath Devel.
KUinalh Devel.
J. C. Perry ....
Job. I.. Kmlgh
Kfflo Mdlroom
Klamath Devel.
,. 29.70
Co. 77.31
Co 128.87
Co 128.87
Newell 26E.66
Co. ..., 341.51
II. 11. Colo
T. n. Mclltttan 413.43
Martin Ilroa. Inc 413.44
Julia K. Van Kmon 478.72
Don lidding .' 286X2
Jesno McOuIro Etato 286.62
O., A. andjlertha Maaiey .... 527.32
a. A. andHlertha Maaaoy .... 309.98
Mollln Von Ilertlielidorf .... 286.62
Frank Dickey 286.62
Edwin A. Wooda 311.77
K. BOgarmun and Chaa, F.
Stemwell 336.98
Ilosa W. Flnlay .' 336.98
WlUou S. Wiley U minor) 800.37
Wilaou S. .Wiley 466.26
Wllion 8. Wiley 466.26
L.. O. Mills - 333.82
MM, H. J Murray , 333.83
Mrt. . J. Mijrruy i 333.83
,Kiamain Development Co. 783.64
Martin Hros., Inc 786.79
J, F. McOuIro C03.13
l'ubllnlied by ardor ot tho Com
mon Council under authority ot Sec.
26 ot tho Charter ot aald Clly.
Dated at Klamath Falli, Oregon,
May 23rd., 1983.
Police Judge ot the CltyVf Klumath
Falls, Oregon.
M-24-25-28-27-29 '
ON KleyeMtii. Street from Mln
Hire-txo KlajMth" Avenue, lu.
'ludiB UraXMeas that they
havor UO dMya from , (he frt
nublntltloai of this notice Im which
to Itlo rfdlc4loMtnyfty 4in.
NoMueut In tRVannUi install,
Notlcu Is horoby given that tho
Common Council of tho Clly of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordl
nunc,, No, 688 duly adopted on tho
82nd duy ot May, 1982, upproved
.by the Mayor on tho 22nd day of
Mny.' '101e. Sloclarn thn nronnrllnn.
ate assessment-upon each-lot, -pnrftMar'an MJlp
or lot, block, und ncreago property
found to bo benefitted und llnblo
for a projKjrtlonnto nliore of the cont
Of Impi'dVIiig Klovcinji mrifct fionf
Mulii, Street to KJaiiiutti Avenun, In
cluding Interefctlona.,
Thn property no iiHHUHiied by nld
ordliiuiicu In all that propurty
,..,.... ... ..i.i . ...
iriiiK unjiu'iiil iu niiiu uurin .
of nnld Htreet bntwuen thn ?""" " "'"' -ubnTe
mentloui'd termini uud ox . Mn)f 'll"n,'r
leiulliiK lallerlv to thn tenter of llm
renpectlvn, block lying udjaceiit lo
aald piirla of nnld ntreet ho fur iih
thn proponed Improvement extend
thereon, IncludliiK propel lien In llm
uiiarlern of thu four blotkn aliomul
lug uny llilernijctloli Involved In wild
proponed Improvement.
That tlm iJocket of City Ueim baa,
been mudn up an provided by m-rtlon
28'of tlm Churter, nnd the following
n a lint of llin tiumeK of owner of ,
the property, by nald no
aiMwd un uforenuld. und un nlu n
by HUel, City Men Docket, toge.her
with the tolul umount no unnenned
uKalnnt tlm property of nuch owner,
und referenri. In hereby madn to
Hum docket or city i.ieiw ror u He
tailed description of each lot, block,
i..i . i.i i, i
inil 111 llll Ijr IllUr. HHU IIH..R" )'II
perty ho nnnenaeiw
Kurtlier notlcu In alno Riven thn
reapecthn property ownern ho un
Kenned aud herein below Mentioned
I hut hucIi u.-iHUHHiuenl la dun ami pay
able, and will ho delln'iunnt from
and ufler tlm expiration of 20 duy
irom i ue uuiu ki inn iiffi iiiiiMnaiuiii
of tli Ih notice, (nald flrnt publication
will bu on lli; 24 (Ii
dny of May
The properly ownora no unneHied
muni either puy In cuah or make and
flln with tho Pollrn Judge Of nald
city their applications to pay nurli
OHMitnment Hi ten nnnuul Inntull
menu, within the 20 day beginning
with the flrnt publication of thin
NAMKS mmesaed agalnHt
Samuel Splro
and Alfred
... .$738.76
Clirlnt lllunaa ....
343 31
fifa. D, drlril" nnd Minnie
K. orltiin
208 44
I. M. Kvunn Kftato nnd
P. and H. IJ. i:van
. 210.40
. 473.35
rhrlnt Illunm
Fred Ilueslng . .
'red lluenlng
Anna Muebl ... .. .
- 1M.i7,
,., 283.35 j
- 168.82 .
T. J. Lowell . . . . ...
Tony nnd Felicia Molatore 168.84
K. M. Chllcotn and II. M.
Smith (Tony Molatoro) 16B.84
K M.'Chllcoie k D. M. Smith 789.94
K. A. Spauldlng
R. A. Spauldlng .
V. A. Spauldlng .....
Henry Oregerson (J. K. and
I.uelln Hearing) 59.72
Oeorgn fllehn 49.77
JJert Thomas 3).f.4
W. J. Evans - -2-4
J. 0. Pierce Knlato 42.48
f. O. PJerCn KnUto 42.46
J. o. Pierce EMa;c 42.46
a. O. Pierce Kttatn 42.46
J. O, Pierce Estate -. 56.62
Published bv order of the Com
mon Council under authority of Sec.
26" of the Charter of nsld City.
Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon.
May 23rd.. 1922.
Pollen Judge of the City of Klamath
Falls. Oreon.
ON Wmsltiiig'on Mrrt-trfmm, the
ljts(ery lUie of Tlilrtt Mrei't lu
th liislcrly Hue of Killli Stm-l
lltul itK'y lmvi t!0 ilu) frutii tlm
first puUicoUon of thl-, untiec in
wlilcli to fllo apfillrutionn In ui)
usM-wtaM-tum tu tn uiuiual In
huIIbu-biIm, '
Notlco la hereby given that tho
Common Council of ili0 City of
Klamath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordi
nance No. 683 duly adopted on the
22nd day of Muy, 1922. approved
by the Mayor ion tho 22ml day of
Mny. 1922, declaro the proportion
ate assessment upon each tot, part
ot lot. block, and acreage property
found to bn benefitted uml liable
for a proportlnnutn share of the cost
of Improving Washington, Streot from
tho Kantorly line of Third Street to
thn Easterly lino ot Fifth Street.
Including tbei Fourth Street nnd
Fifth Street Intersections.
Tho property so assessed by Huld
ordinance Is all thut property
I) lug udjaceiit to aald parts
of said street between ' the
above mentioned termini and ex
tending' latterly to thocenter ot lho
respective block l)lng adjacent to
said parts of aald street so far aa
thu proposed Improvement extends
thereon. Including properties In the
quarters ot tho four blocks abound
ing any Intersection involved In said
propoicd 'Improvement. '
That tlm Docket 'ot Cjty Liens has
been inado up aa provided by section
26S of the Charter, 'and the" following
Is a lint of the name of owners' of
tho property; by 'buIiI ordinance, ao
aasened aa uforeaald, nnd us shown
by nuch City Lion Docket, together
with tho total amount ho assessed
against tho -property ot such owner;
and reference la horeby made td
Much docket of City Llena for n de
lulled descrlpt loin of 'each lot, block,
purtof lot or bloek and'acreago pro
perty ho assessed
Further Tiotlco Is also given tho
respective property' owners so as
sensed and herein below mentioned
thut such assessment la duo und pay
able, und will bo delinquent from
uml after the expiration' ot 20 days
from the date ot the first publication
of Ibis notice, (aald 'flrat publication
will be ou th 24th. day of May
1922.). '
The property ownera ao assessed
must olther'pay in .cash or mako and
tile with the Police Judge of said
city their applications to pay. such
assessments In ton unuual install--meats,
within 'the 80 day beginning
with ithe first publication ot tbls
NAVIES assessed ugalnst
Ernest 8pulov Estate ..430.6.7
Minnie' ii. Henry 430,67
n. B,. Smith ,..--. 523,12
Q. C. iJ-orenx .. .'.......-..... 523,12
W. T, Lee ..
W T. Len .. ..
W. T, Leo .. ..
llert ha Faulkner
Mnnn Martin and C. J ,Mr-
Floyd It Daggett
ItoKo V. Carter
J. A, Hounton
II, P. Alexander
,,.... ,, ,.
W hngli)
A. M
.1 Leo
10 .....
Houto Kntato
('.Han Obeiirhaln
and K. 0.
Obenrhaln 626.30
Vniny Deyo 626.30
j w itrilflrlil Kntntc .. . 620,30
K)tn f.0ntjf( Oregon 348.06
,,,,,,,,,, ,,y rdor of the Com
m0riinill under authority of See.
Vi,, ,,r ihr. Pharlnr nf nald City,
., ' 21ril D22
,IB' ' . f raVITTi
, ,,.. ., .,.' r;'ity Vf Klamath
ii.n ' t7.,n
I ,, IVIH: , ,-
, MZ4-26Z6-iZJ
. mmma .. i m.. . .
ON Hie "Ury through Hlock 1(1,
original lour, of l.lnkilllr, now
illy of Kluuuilli Vnlln, Oregon,
that they have " from li"
frt imbllriillnn nf till? nutlet
In uliirli In file application to
puy ini,ennu.'iiM In ten nnmuil
Notlco In hereby given that tho
Common Council or tbc City of
Klamuth FolU. Oregon, did by Ordl
nanrn No, 5C8 duly adopted on tho
I2lh ilnv of Sent. 1921, approved
by lho Mayor on the 14th day of
,H,,.,, 92. declare the proportion
at(, ai,HC)nent u00u each' lot. part
of ,ot ,,Iock am acreage property
found to he benefitted and liable
for a ,)roportlonatn nhnre of the cont
nf ,nprovlng alloy through Illoek
,(. orlnlnal town of l.lnkvlllc, now
r,y of Klamath Falln, Oregon.
Tho property ho onnenned by aii
ordinandi l nil .that property
lying adjacent to nald parts
of nald street between the
above mentioned termini and ex
tending latterly to the center of the
rnHpectlvo block lying ndjuceut to
aid part nf nald Htreet so far an
,h ImtirnvemenL extends
thereon, including properties In thn
quarters of lho four blocks abound
,,K any Intemectlon InvcUcd In nald
I proposed ImproNcment.
.1 That the uocger oi my i.ieni naa
been made up n provided by section
2 of the Churter. and the following
Ii a lint of the names of ownors of
the property, by said ordinance, so
anMsred ns aforesaid, nnd as shown
by such City Lien Docket, together
Iwiih li.. tntal nrnoiinl no mtteimeu
aKUnHt the property of such owner;
ami reference I hereby tnadn to
'hucIi docket of City Llcni for a de
talled description of each lot. blocx,
part of lot or block and acreago pro
perty to assensed.
Further notice Is nlso given the
respective property owners so as
sessed nnd herein below mentioned
that such unsciumeiit Is duo and pay
able, and will be delinquent from
and nfter thu expiration of 20 daya
from thu date of the first publication
of this notice, (said first publication
will bo on the 24th 'day of May
The property owners so assessed
must either pay in cash or make and
file v.lth the Police Judge of said
city their uppllcatlcns to puy such
assessments lu ten annual Install
ments, within the 20 days beginning
with tho first publication ot this
NAMES assessed agalmt
E. M. Chllcote and D. M.
Smith 1101.67
Henry Offcnbucher 101.66
U. W. Houston and L. O.
Van Dellen 304.99
Emma (1. llond 109.48
U Englo 136.S5
0. . Kerns fc Delia Kerns 105.58
A. 11. Collins & L. W. Still.. 166.40
Addle Walker 254.16
Napoleon Hamel 264.16
Stella Mang 254.16
J. M. Fountain .. 254.16
Published by order of the Com
mon Council under authority of Sec.
269 of the Charter of said City.
Dated nt Klamath Fulls. Oregon.
May 23rd., 1922.
Police Judge ot tho City ot Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
ON llluli Street from lilt i-ri Street
to 8lxh Str",, mul Fourth Street
) From Pine to Jefferson Street,
Hint they have -.( !mn front 'lie
first publication or this notice In
which to flic applications to pay
iih.rHiiifnt. in ten annual install
ment h.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council ot thu City of
Klumath Falls, Oregon, did by Ordi
nance No. 586 duly adopted un the
22nd day of May, 1922, approved
by tho Mayor on tho 22nd day of
May,, 1922, declaru the proportion
ate assessment upon euch lot., part
ot lot, block, nnd ucreage property
found to be benefitted und liable
tor u proportionate share of tho rout
ot Improving High Street from Third
to Sixth Street, nnd Fourth Street
from Pine to Jefferson Street. In
cluding Intersect Ions. A ft
Tho property so assessed by sa!B
ordlnunce is all that property
lying adjacent to said parts
ot aald street between the
abovo mentioned termini und ex-.
tending latterly to tho center pf tbtf
rospectlvo block l)lng adjacent lo
aald parts of said street so far ns
the proposed Improvement extends
thereon, Including properties In the
quarters ot the four blocks abound
ing uny Intersection involved in said
proposed Improvement.
That the uocket ot city Liens nas
been made up aa provided by aoctlon
268 of the Charter, and the following
Is u list of the .names of owners of
tho i property, by said ordinance, so
assessed, aa aforesaid,' and aa shown
by such City Lieu Docket, together
with the total amount so assessed
ugttlnst'tbe property of such owner;
uud referenco la hereby mudo to
such docket ot Clly Liens for a de
tailed description of each lot, block,
part'of lot or block audocreugo pro-.
perty so nssessed,
Further notice la also given tho
respcctlvg property owners bo as
sensed nnd herein below mentioned
that hucIi annennmnnt Is duo and pay
able, und will bn delinquent from
nnd after the expiration, of 20 days
from tho date of thn llrst publication
of this notice, (khIiI first publication
will be on tlin 24th day of May
The property owners so annessed
muni either pay In cash or make nml
file with thn Police Judge of nnld
city their applications to pay nuch
nsnennincntK lu ten annual Install'
fnentn, within the 20 day beginning
with the flrnt publication of thin
NAMES asnesned against
Donxella W. Tlurke . :.1532.20
J. Curtis Klinlull x .. 632.20
Newton E. Dcnnl and Dor-
othy Dennis 1013.98
Newton E. Dcnnl and Dor
othy Dennl
Sarah II. Oowen .... . ..
J W Kerns
Sophia S. Henley
Warren C. Hunt
L. I, Truax and Llda Truax 1164,08
Sophia S. Henley 1164.16
Sophia S. Henley .....-.. 679.34
Sophia S. Henley .....". . -. 339.66.
Sophia K. ftamsby . 339.08
Orpha S. Swingle . . - 299.28
Chan. J. Swlnglis 1037.22
W. D. Satterlco 525.14
Amelia 1. Whltlock 625,14
Dellle Lcn 618.24
Agnes J. Leo 248.67
Ora Englo ... 124.33
W. T. Shire 438.42
David Campbell ,. ... 436.42
Ida J. derber .- 612.16
Ida J, derber 788.92
Sarah It. Oowen'. 1168.4f
O. W. While 618.24
O. W. White" .. 248.67'
nichard E. Smith .- 124.33'
Marlam Martin . ..... 124.33
Richard E. Smith 248.07
(I. C. Loreni 018.24
Ilesslo II. Dunbar 124.33
M. 8. West and Emma J.
WenA 248.07
M. S. West and Emma J.
Vest ... ... 018.24
Llnna Martin and Charles J.
Martin 018.24
Floy It. Daggett ..... .-.. ... ... 248.67
Rosii V. Carter 124.33
Silas Obenchaln and Emma
O. Obenchaln 122.30
Ernest Soulo Estate . - - 244.59
A. M. Worden ............ ..461.23
J. W. Morrow 1381.85
Mattle E. Mills 667.80
Ernest Soulo Estate . ...... 792.14
Sllax Obenchaln and Emma
O. Obenchaln ............. 643.47
Sllan Obenchaln nnd Emma
O. Obenchaln ............ ..... 543.47
Klamath County. Oregon .1976.54
Myrtle R. Martin . -. 411.24
Published by order of the Com
mon Council under anthorlty of Sec.
269 of tho Charter of said City.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
May 23rd.. 1922.
Police Judge of the City of Klamath
Falls. Oregon.
ON South Itln-ndOo Sirret.frona.
WttJL Main Street ti eHy limit
nd Went SUln .Street from end
of pavement at Conger Avenue
to the Westerly line of Houtli
Ulrerr-ldc that they liave IW
ilnjH from the flnt publication
of tills Jtotlre In which to file
upplieatiou to wy uveftmuent
In ten annual ln.(alltue-U.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council or tbc City of
Klamath Falls. Oregon, did by Ordi
nance No. 582 duly adopted on the
22nd day of May. 1922. approved
by the Mayor on the 22nd day ot
May, 1922, declare the proportion
ate assessment upon each lot, part
of lot, block, and ncreago property
found to be benefitted and liable
for a proportionate sharo ot the cost
ot lmproing South Riverside Street
from West Main Street to city lim
its, and West Main Streot from end
ot pavement at Conger Avenue to
the Westerly line of South River
side, Including Intersections.
The property so assessed by said
ordinance U nil that property
lying adjacent to said parts
of said street between ' the
ubove mentioned termini und ex
tending latterly to tho center of the
respective block lying adjacent to
said parts ot said street so tar us
the proposed Improvement extends
thereon, Including properties in the
quarters ot thu four blocks abound
lug any Intersection Involved in said
proposed improvement.
That thu Docket ot City Liens has
been mude up us provided by section
268 ot the Charter, and tho following
Is u list ot the names of owners of
the property, by said ordlnunce, so
assessed us utoresald, and us shown
by such City Lien, Docket, together
with tho total amount so ussessed
against the property ot such owner;
uud referenco Is hereby mado to
Buch docket ot City Liens for a de
tailed description of each lot, block,
part of lot or block and acreuge pro
perty so ussessed.
Further notlco Is also given the
respective property owners so as
sessed and herein below mentioned
that such assessment Is due aud pay
able, and wilt bo delinquent from
and nfter tho expiration ot 20 days
from, tho date or tho first publication
ot this notice, (said first publication
will be on thu 24th dny ot May
The property ownors so assessed
must either iiay In cash or make nnd
.file with the Police Judge ot said
city their applications, to pay sucn
assessments In ten nnnuul Install
meats, within the 20 days beginning
with the first publication of this
NAMES assessed against
Alex Martin Estato and E.
R. 'Reame 1138.60
Alex Martin,. Estate and E.
It. Reames 401.72
M. A. Wilklna 365.17
S, B. Evans, and Laura
Evans 175.15
Laura C. Moore 1430.24
City ot Klamath Falls 2199.60
Charley F. DeLap 648.74
City ot Klamath Falla 136,03
Winifred Clcghorn and John
0. Clnnhom... i. ...... ...... ..... 639.16
City of Klamath Fulls ,. 42,21
Charles' II, Ilaldwln ... ... 676.ST
.Afar L. Mooro and Unfits
S. Moot" .........." 921,13
City of Klamath Falls .r ...2466.30
P. L. Fountnln .111,16
IlilfUH S, Mooro 39.23
.Mary It. McCluro - 235.38
Unfit, S. Moore and Mary
L. Moore .., 761.90
Unfii S. Monro nnd Mary
L. Mourn 4. 535,63
I.lwlii M. Fitch, 41 S. Illv-
ersldn 287.82
Until S. Mooro und Mary
L, .Monro 267.81
I.uelln M. Stearns 536.63
Uufii S. Mooro nnd Mary
I ,. Mooro 536. 6.1
Unfit S. Monro and Mary
L. Moorj. 63 .',03
Unfit 8. Moorn nnd Mary
L. Moor .'3."i.fi3
Hutu S. Moorn and Mary
L. Moorn -..- 535,63
Uufu 8. .Mooro nnd Mary
L. Mooro 535.63
Ilufu S. Moorn and Mary
L. Moorn ... 878.44
C R .DeLap 11.10.17
Itu f us
S. Moorn . 844,64
S. Mooro . 1013. 45
Josephine N. Ilaldwln
Mary E.. "Wlthrow
Hnrry Itlchardson .....
Allen 7.. (Jooller
U. J. Sheet
J. F. Ooeller
Stephen arlfflth
On Mclharo .....
Gu Melbao
Belma Carlson .............
Alfred Carlson
LIkIo SI. Fitch ...
Don J. Kumwalt .......
H. E. Oct
II. E. Qetz
. 075.63
. 434.96
. 847.30
. 431.49
. 431.60
. 392.27
. 627.63
. 627.63
. 348.34
. 279.29
. 627.63
. 627.93
. 627.63
. 627.63
. 627.63
. 627.
. 635.63
. 63S.63
. 535.63
. 638.6.1
. G35.63
Wm. T.
Wm. T.
.... 436.20
Published bv order of the Com
mon Council under authority of Sec.
269 of thn Charter of said City.
Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon,
May 23rd., 1922.
Police Judge of the City of Klamath
Falls. Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given tbat thk
undersigned ha been duly appointed
administrator 6t thn estate ot Cor
nelia Shuck, deceased, by the Coun
ty Court ot thn Stato ot Oregon for
Klamath County; and all person
having claims against said etsate are
notified to present same to raid ad
ministrator, at law office of R. C.
Oroesbcck. Klamath Fall. Oregon.)
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated: May 10. 1922.
Administrator of tho Estate ot Cor
nelia Shuck, Deceased.
M 10-17-2431 J 7
Oeorge L. Chandler, Plaintiff
Joseph D. Dervan, Ellen M. Der
van. Klamath Oil company, a corpor
ation. & Martin Bros., a corporation,
. Notice Is hereby Riven that ry vir
tue Of an execution and order ot sale
Issued out of the abovo entitled court
and In this caute on the 2nd day of
May 1922, upon a decree made and
entered ot record In said court and
cause on April 26. 193S. In favor ot
tho above named plaintiff and against
the said defendants, directing the sale
ot the oral property nereinatier oea
cribed to satisfy the sum ot $1300.00,
together with Interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from
December 1, 1910; for the further
sum ot 1150.00 as attorney'a fee, and
costs and disbursements taxed at
Now therefore by virtue of said
writ I have duly levied upon said
real property and on the 5th day of
Juno 1922. at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at
tho front door ot tho Klamath county
court house, Klamath Falls. Oregon,
will sell at public auction to thn
highest bidder for cash In hand, sub
ject to redemption, according to law,
all tho right, title and Interest of tho
said defendants, and each ot them,
In and to the following described
premises, to-wit:
Situate In Klamath County, Ore
gon beginning at the corner com
mon to Sections 20, 21, 38, and 29.
In p. 40 South, Range 10, East of
W. M.: thence West on the Section
lino to the N. W. corner ot the N.
E. Quarter ot tho N. E. Quarter ot
Section 29 In said Tp. and range;
thencn South on the West line ot,
said N. B. U of N. E. H of Sec
tion 29, 420 feet to tho center Una.
of tho Government Canal; thence
following said center line; a 40
(leg. curve to tho right a distance
ot 195 feet: thence 8. 11 deg. 66
minutes E. 367.C feet: thence OB a
20 dec. curve to the left, a dbv
tanco ot 100 feet: thence S, 31 deg.
56 minutes E. 105S.6 feet; theme
on a 20 deg. curvo to the rlghta
distance of 68 feet; thence 8. 29
deg. 20 minutes E, to the S. Hue of,
the N. E. U of said section 29, at
a point 215 feet West ot the Qnar
tor section corner on tho B. line of
said section .29, thenco Eat(ll&
feet to aald quarter aectlon corner;
thence N. on said See. line to the
placo ot beginning, being a portion
ot the E. of the N. E. H ot See.
29, T. 40 S. R. 10 B. W. H la
Klamath County. Oregon.
Dated, Klamath Falla, Oregon, May
2nd, 1922.
L, L. LOW. Sheriff.
M 3-l.Cvl7-24.3i.. . , 1 .
' ' . I It JUL
HMtlaf C
111 amaUlf'aW.
raoim Mt-w.
. '