The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 24, 1922, Image 1

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    i," il v f ,
" k
itunfnn Mvmlb
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lfh I'titli Vmi Nil. i:i;il.
Cut in Western Territory 13 :
Per Cent; Purpose to i
Aid Business
wakiiinoton, May si , k.-m-
Till mill nnllmiJ. Id,, reduitlon of
fielglu ni uvoriiglng aliuul In per
n'tit were ordered toduy by I ho In-1
lwl.l roiiimrrru rommls.lnn. In
vvestern territory the rut oidcrod '
huh iiiiprmlntiili'ly 1.1 14 p(r enl, In
Miiillurn iniiiinlulii unci 1'iirlllc groups I
approximately 12 U- percent, In east-
tii territory upproilniuti ly II perl
rent, nil ('(fertile July Int.
Thi rut n rut removed the perient
11K0 of general Increase given nil
rullriuil In 1920.
Tint f-filiilulialri. In IIh ilnftnlit .1... I
..... . , UllllU.ll III HlUtlll-
rlnri'il thti general rt'i net on 11 mto
, , ., 1 This was determined liy Jewett.
Ii'Vi-In, as siihstunlliilly iin the intuit- . . , , .. .
.. , ... ... ... ... , who made u personal liipe Hon III
Hun of rnrrler w hiiiiII wllll, ,, .... . .
,. .... .'. J Merrill urn Mill 11 fol owIiik n-K'Ipt
tl'llll III Utllt llllnltlliNll lOUlllllOIIH , ... . ...
...,., , M , . iif I lu I'ttiT Jnwi'lt, In roni
rmnnportutloii rh.trKin lmv uioimt. I ,,,, , . , . , .
, . ... ?, . . 1 w Hi M K l()tkinuii. utiilit Imtchury
ml In a Milnt Hlien lluy un lnii'iul . . . . , ., ., 0. , ,,
,. .. , ,, , .. UpT II I'lli i-iit, nml It ('. Htrel, r.
Iiik Ihr fr' flow of i iiiniuiri'i', lliun... . V . , ...
., ...... H. cuini' wunlt'K In iliarK' of tlic
tfiullni: to ilrii-ui tin- puriuiMi for .' , ., ...,. ....
ttlilrh tliy wurii ntulilMifil. Ilmt of
priHlurltiit riirrniu tvhlrli noulit mi
utile (tin mrrliTN lo proiln Hopte
llh uilriiinlo trminporiutlou '
CiiIiiiiiIiIoii ileclileil rullroniU were I
entllleit to euro & 3-1 pi r rent on thn
value of lh,. rullwny irnmrty, roni
p.irei with : per rent, whlrli huh
inuilu the reoionutite leturii uluiiiluril
iimler thn lr.inportullim lici. J'uwieii
It r unit I'lillmmi rntei were not uf
feried liy llin nnlrr.
Tim Krliernl )Uetloii nf whether
r.illroail lrnnpnit.itlnii rlmrr.e" In tin;
I'nlleil Hlulr hail uttnlnoil teelM ton
IiIkIi fur bunllioim niiit linlimlry to
Niippnrt wan brounht formally hefore
the liiterntnlo rominrroe riiitimlHHloii
III the full of I'.lJI Ml tin cumuli.
hIuii'n own inolloii iiltrnuinli In re.
Hloiiii to nulfon-wlile rniiilUMrrlul nml
pnlltlrul MiiKKfolU'iiit. Kurin organ
Itatluim unit reprenpnlnllten of w cut
em Htuleii. particularly thoie In the
ir.itn proilui Iiik nrra, ohtulneil marl.
eil runreinliiii" about lime to
which rnllroailjt volunlnrlly mtdeil n
ten per lent reduction on practically
nil proilurt nil oer Hie
Uulteil State eirept III New- Kiik
Intnl. Ileforo thn rnminliiilan, linwrvpr.
the rnllronil eecutleii. HtatUtlral ex
perm, uiul u t tonic) N. ileM'lopo'il the
nrKUinent irtut railroad earning
were Itimifflrlent lo Junllly nny xyn
erul decreaneii, nt leant until operal
Iiik eienri anil wko paynicntH. iin
ri'KUlatecl liv the riillrrniit lahor lioanl,
hail norm roducml. Kvery innjor In
iluntry In thn United State wuh rep.
rennntcil In tho henrliiKii. nlonK with
Htutn remilatlvo tiuillm, tuom of whom
noiinht lowrrlnic of trnimporlutlon
iharKi'K, hut dimmed ill Hie decree
of uriic'iicy which they ui?KClfd for
Hid coiiimUl)n'H ucllou. The hear
Iukn Ktended over four moutliM.
Hecrulary of Commwrcn Hoover, up
peurlllK ut thu rvquenl of the (hum-
her of commorci of lh United Slutei.,,tho ojr whW m nr( nt )0
propmed that Ihn cominllon hIioiiI.I lul,rpy (f mtnrHmi nm ,,f tho
miiko over tho cxIhIIiik rulK'NHnc j K,r) w(1 w l)0 , mi,t1(,rrt 0f
litren on thn principle of uppbliiR .j,,, mxt Kener.illon of Moldlers.
prnporllonutely lower fiolutitu to the
bulky, low priced, raw mulurlulN of
ImliiHtry und axrlcttltuii', mirh iin
roni, prlmiiry fooilntuffH, nnd oren.
Illitbor prlco flnlnhcd mulerlnlH mid
paBHeiiKcr truffle. Mr. Hoover hub
Kexleil, might bear tho charKox until
Hitch tlmn nN rnllroad revenucn hud
developed (o tho point which would
nllow redurtlonH without enilnnuerlnir.
railroad croilllH. Imm'edlale nml tan-
(Coutlnusil to Piiko 4)
Thn Cyclo-RtormnKruph "nt Un
derwood h I'linrmn
ry torordeil u HllKht
full In barometric
proHxtiru thU mom
Iiik but llio cImiiku
wiih not Hiiffli'lent
ly marked to hull
cutu any Krent
rlmiiKo In weather
ForociiHt for next
34 hourHi
(lenornlly fair: In
cioawInK clouillncsA
' tonlgrtt. with moderuto tomporaturcH.
Tho Tycos rooordlnK thormomotor
rogliitoroil muxlmum nml minimum
liimiitirutitros today n follewa:
JIlKh , , '
,. i Low ... 30
l('oM'i:iii:ci: m:HToiii:n
T.WUM.t .AH Pflll'IH Ol' CM, I,
NIJW VflltlC. Mil) 21 All
Inlor.roiinlul fri'lulil lonfotfU'i',
riinilirlHllli: Hipri'NeiilullveH nf
iirliuiH steamship lines today,
restored AHlnrln, Hun Diego mi'l
Tiiriiiiiii iin ports of full pend
Iiik ii lii'iirlm: liefnm lli ilnpnrl
iiicnt nf regulations nf the Hhlp
ping board. No n( Hon wim Ink
n regunllni; Vancouver nr
Vldorln, which wero idlmluuted
iilmut n in on I Ii ngu together
wllli llin other ports.
""'''"" ''
l'HI Of II 'IM'I in Ho
Without riniiiiliillnii
MeildlltltN III Mil tin llllll Merrill arc
nut threatened wllli extinction
""""R1' " virulent outbreak of ruble
riiuni'ii ny ni)oio inii'M. iin hiin in
timated In a loiter written 1 ntly
J liy i.'Iiun it I'lioln if iliicrmni'iito, pre
datory milinul Inspector, to Stanley (I.
Jewett of I'orilmnl. "I"" 11 pii'il.itory
inlitralory hint ilep.irtiiient, left for
, lleml tmlu).
I'oole',, letter lold of 1 1 mtnoiih In
Merrill und Mullu liaMll lieen lilt
tell by mud royutcH, nuyliiK that m--ernl
of lliliie lillteu were In u mt
l ti H lonilltlon Jewell n.ild ho had
luentloued the report but decided to
mude u pcrMonut lnetlKullon to iin
rertuln thn fact.! He found the re
port to be without foundation anil
that with the exception of In thn l.ivn
bedx III Modor county, which Ik with'
out hU jurlndlctlnii. ro)nteN nr.t not
oveily numeroiiH,
"The firm ihliu: lo do when nn or n pot-Hm In bitten by n
coyote In to colli the o)oto'ri tie.ul
tn tho Mule health department tut
mileiil," Jewell Willi "III IhU wny It
run bo determined whether the ani
mal renlly Iiiih rnlibteN, :in the neurl
boille,! nn. nl.i)'H npp.nenl In the
bruin of ouo dlxeuiied. After belliK
bitten, rahlex In not iipparent for H
doyN. und from flint up tn
mnntliN nml even nno ear"
Jewell Hiild the I'.iMeur Irenlmen:
nelilom falU to cure those iiffllrled
by raffilON. In HhlppliiK 11 head lo
tho health department he ndvlneil
piicMtiK It In Ire.
rorum Hoiiker Hay 1'AriTilN Should
Hold Next Pcure I'oiifervncc
"It tukeM but a nernnit tn kill n
jioldlcr. hut It take twenty year
for nun of iin mother to rear it
num." declared Mm, Humid .'cut,
wife of "Private" I' ut tho
chamber of commerce luncheon to
iluy. On HiIn iiHtuTtlnu hIio based
a plea for world pe.ico. 8ho do
cluied Hint tho next pe.Mii confer
euro hIiouIiI not be u roiiKroKUtlim
of premiers and world HlntexmiMi,
l.i. t nf tin. futlier.! unit lnotherH of
Mho nuked for tho co-operation of
nil mothers to prevent future warn,
und usxerled that tho KiikIIhIi
NpeuklllK people rould eHtahllnli
world peace If they combined to
that end.
l'rlvulo Peat wus Introduced, but
reserved IiIn talk for thU ovonlne
ut the ChuutiimiMU tout. MIhh Mar
garet (lurrlHoii, Hvlnuer of tho na
tional oratorical couteat, ii Portland
'Rlrl; (lloiui I MorrlH, and other
UhuiitniKiuii niombcrn moke. Mm.
M. C. Herd, director ot tho Chau
tauqua, presided.
(1I.ikji:s At.AiNKT i.rf.iii:iiTV
AVSHJNOTON, Muy 24 Attor
ney (Innenil DuiiKhorly wiih churKed
by Senator Caraway, democrat, of
AiknnanH, In the Bouuto toiluy with
havln(; nHxlKiifd secret norvlco np
eratlvea tit Hhiidnw mumborii ot ron
Ki eH. ,
rOHTLAND, Muy 24. Livestock
anil crKh Hteiuly, butter two contu
ItlKhor, extra cuIich .IS to nn, wheat
tl,21 to SI.20, prlnlu 40,
Complete Returns From All
Counties Give Plurality
of 627 Votes
POIITI.ANK. May 2 Complete
returiiN from OreKoti'ii .IC nun t J.-h,
1 2 ilnnfflrliil, nt noon today Kale Ol
ion r,27 plurality over Hull for re
publican nomination for Koternr.r.
The figure: Oluitt. 1.1,102 .mil
Hull 12,17.',.
Olrott carried 21 foundry anil
Hull 12.
POItTI.ANI), May 21.-10:30 A. M.
--Motived flKlirex, roiuplete mid of
flclul, from 24 countleN, und uni
pleto and iinofflrliil from It ouii
tlexT lurludlnf; linomplet.. from Ma
ker, cue Olrotl 43,0yr. and Hall
HAI.i:.M. May 21 -I- V. Ileun to
iluy Kent hi (.oiiKriitul.itli iin lo (ioi
ernor Olrott.
Sjitein Will Cnwr Whole '! i '
lleinlil Nmueil Offlilut I'hh-,.
At a meeting toduy noon thn ell)
council accepted tho bid of the
(iiimewell company for u fire alarm
s)Ntem und pronounced the Kienlug
Herald tho official city newvpaper.
Tho fire alarm )icm will cover
tho city from Khlppingtmi to the low
er Sixth utreit furtory dlnlrict. nml
wilt Include Huhooht nml hiiNpltuls.
Twenty-alx utnrm hnxe will be In-
tailed. Tho lolul com will be
ts.lir,, n imvlni; nf several hundred
dollari under tho tdils first made
Tho net Ion relative to the Herald
liermno necettH.iry throurh the huh
peiiNlon )eHlerilay of the Klamath
Iteconl. iin rlty aiHerllnemenU were
NCheduled for publication today
uiMTUiti: pictuhi: 111:1:1
The four-reel feature. Ilobln Hood
nml Ills Merry Men, to bo shown at
tho Star theatre Saturday morning
at 10:00 a. m. for thn benefit of the
children working In the i lean-up
campaign, hai arrived and ticket?
nro In thn hands of district chair
men. Every child who. works In the
campaign Is entitled to atlcket. Ad
mission cannot bo secured In nny
other wny.
,- - SHAKE fy
, . v BRofHEB. Y r s'S
Hllillc-H Kmihleil In Iteuhe .Venn
Dally Without llinlim Ii Itci.l;
I :n Jo) k Cniicill", !, I in r-x
HI'ltlN'dnCI.H. III. Muy 21 -
llaillo mid the hrnnilcaiitliiK of newa
mid concert mimic thrniich lliee air,'
' (lilt. ,lr.rlfir.ii1 ll.trn If. tin V If. Ii.. n
..r. ..- ....- ..- ... ....... j ... ...i .
CmI-M'MiI to blind p'TROnH by Charles
I'. CouiNloik, Nlithtleifii from Infanry.
who heniM the division for the vio
lation of tlm adult blind, connected
with lite "tali! department of pub
lic welfarn
"The line of'rndlo emilpment by
blind iktomin." -Mr Comhlock 11.1I1I,
"In iindbiibledly thn Kreutint lilenN-
Inc und comfort orriirlnc In IhUJ
era." Ho declared that thin new In
vention make. It poxlbl,. for kIkIiI-
leu pernnnK to receive new dally i
without haWiiK It read to lliem: Hint
the htato now ban paid readers nt the
nchool for tho blind ut Jacknonvlllo
id the ImliiHtrlal homo for the
blind In Chicago
"With tho Inatullullon of
iiulnmeiit." Mr. t'oniKtockk
1... .liNtTim-il
"their hervlce,
with And not only can the MUM
,m, ow hui H... udvuntuge of cur -
rent new, but he run listen to con-
lerti und lectures. 1 hnve already
e(iilpped my home wiui ruiuo mm
recehln,; new iltrettly from a
ulilrul alntloti In UhlcaKo which
m.ikeH n epeclully of NemlliiR out bill-
letln for blind perM.nt For the
"pant neveral evening I Imto been
UnIi-iiIiir to concert given In Do-
trolt. )
Use of radio In Ibe stale school at
Jacksonville and the Industrial home
in Chicago. In being tnnlcmplatcd
according to nnnouncemenl by Juge
C. II. Jenkins, director of the state
department ot public welfare.
AIIcrci! I. W. W. Or:inlrr Held
In Default of :,IM lloml
l.oals Davis, alleged I. W. W.
orgnnlier. arretted her on May 13.
nnd lodged In the city Jail. In a
Inuring this morning In the ustlro
court was bound over to tho grand
Jury by Jurtlco (lahagen. llomls
were fixed nt $3,1100, In default of
which Havls wa remanded back to
tho custody of tho sheriff and
locked up In the city Jail. The
charge against Davis Is criminal
Chief of Police Wilson said yes
terday that tho matter hid been re
ferred to the federal nuthorltlea
with n view to having Davis de
ported. n ha had como to this
country from Austria 11 years ago
and bad made no attempt to be
come a citizen.
T i
I Plane Capable of 115 Miles
Per Hour; Cross Atlan
tic from Newfoundland
C'HOVnoN, Kngland. May 24.
A Krent crowd n.iw Mnjnr V. T.
Ill.ike nnd rompanlomi start today
on an attempted no.OOO-mllo fllnhti
around tlm world.
Tho aviators arn tulnc a machine
capable of 115 ml lei an hour. The.
flmt iitop is NCheduled for Paris.
'ney win uy , n.- i.. iw
tliroiiRh India. China. Japan. AIaa -
l mi - ...til II. l. aH.Ha Tl a
ka anil the Unltc.i HtaiM. cromiinic,unj information bureau, with head-
..... ........ I. If...... VA...nMM.IIn.l I ....
the Atlantic Ifroin Newfoundland
rjtjlJln (Irecnland nnd Iceland.
aid I -Major Wake intimated that with
luck '" co,,,tl K''1 oround ,hc worId
Mm ttirj tiinnlhi titnr1ltllf AfinrnT
' " -".- -.. ...- -..
, ""'"') 3 hours In the air,
1:1,1100.000 I Tuliil From Klnmnlli
('limit) for Tlili Swoon
About 12.000. 000 trout eggs have
been shipped from this county to
Douglas und Clackamas counties
this season, according to llyck
man. state superintendent ot hatch
eries', who left hero toduy for the
northern part of the county.
The work of taking trout eggs
I now- tinder full swing at Dia
mond lake and eliewhere in the
county. One million hare been
tuken from Spencer creek to the
Fort Klumath hatchery n Creaked
creek, where six new concrete rear
ing ponds have been Installed. A
larce number of trout will bo lib
erated In Spencer creek.
(Samo Warden Stout will leavo
for Diamond lake tomorrow.
tphlcal Ki-ror fSnro
lute of Only H73
A typographical error yesterday
gave Judgo A. L. Leavitt a voto of
S72 In tho primary election, while
the correct flguro Is 972. The vote
for H. I Klllolt was C74. "
C-F.NOA. May 24. iCommtrclal
treaty between Soviet Russia and
Italy was signed In the Itoyal Pal
are here today.
WAHHINdON. May 21. Sec-
retnry Fall notified nil reclamn-
Hon project mnnnRrMi today
that they hnvn no nulhnrlty tn
wllhold wntcr from land owners
nnd entrymen water liners for
non-pnymnnt of charRm pending
.1 declnlon by (ho norretnry on
each application for extonNlon
of lime.
The declnlon was mmln In a
tet cniio affoctlnn tho Minidoka 4
project In Idaho,
Will It Locate at rnteaIc Point
n AaottnK MatF1,. ,,uroia
io Ofm llrnnrh llcrv
poitTLAND. May 24. Puruant
to It function In attractlni? tourists
tf ,ho Mate tho 0rPBon Tourli
quarters In this city, has eontracM
cd with the largest out-door adver
tising company upon the Pacific
Coast for the erection of six Im
mense sign board, depleting "Ore
gon. 'the flccnlc Wonderland."
Tho signs, which will be painted
In the highest style of tho sign
painter's art, will be ten feet high
and fifty feet long. The sign will
bo located at strategic points In
California, Utah. Washington and
Idaho. A sign on tho most travel
ed road In tho vicinity of Los An
geles will show Crater Lake In nil
Its grandeur: onp near San Fran
cisco will show tho Oregon caves
and their magnificent mystery; a
sign on tho Lincoln highway, cast
of Salt Lake, will llliutrato beautl
ful Wallowa take In Eastern Ore
gon ;a sign on the highway east ot
Pocatello. Idaho, will Illustrate the
grandeurs of the Walloraa. and Blue
MoqntaJjaf'iM -J ' t. '.WIH-lKd
a sign on tho Yellowstone trail,
east of Spokane, will attract the at
tention, of tho west-bound tourist to
tho magnificence of tho Columbia
River highway; and another sign
on tho Yellowstone trail, cast of
Walla Walla, will llluttrato in he
roic slzo the beauties ot snow-capped
Mt. Hood.
Tho managing commllteo of tho
bureau contemplates changing the
signs In a few months to other
scenic marvelg of Oregon, thus car
rying out tho broad prlnciplo In
augurated when the bureau was
first organized, to glvo every por
tion ot the state Impartial treat
ment. A branch Information bureau win
b0 established In Klamath Falls
about Juno 1.
Power Schooner llelnjt Provisioned
For Seven Year Drift
SEATTLK. Wash., May 23. Ronald
Amundsen's 292-ton power schooner,
Maude, now being provisioned hero
for n seven year drift In tho arctic
ocean which tho explorer belloves
may take him und his crew of nine
across the north polo, Is no novlco In
bucking lc0 floes. Tho staunch llttlo
ship proved her mettle on u provloy.
excursion Into tho fur north. Who'll
tho Muudo leaves Seattlo on Juno 1
for the arctic drift, It will bu her sec
ond venture on polar exploration.
Amundsen left Chrlstlanla in tho
Muude In 1918. In 1921 he returned
to Seattle, from tho Siberian const
beruiiso Ice hud crushed his ship's
propeller. To avert a recurrence of
this misfortune, the Muudo wilt car
ry four extra propelling.
On tho present trip, if tho Maudo
can do her work In four years
Amundsen will bu both surprised and
pleased.! The llttlo boat Is 120 feet
long, 42 feet of beam, draws 10 feet
und her bottom Is easy curving with
a special keel. She Is constructed
of wood, und because of hor shnpo
it Is believed Ice will ;iot crush her
heavy timbers, but Instead lift her
Tho boat can proceed either utulor
motive power furnished by oil burn
ing englnos or under sails. With her
wireless she. Is expected to keep tho
explorbra In touch with tho Inhabited
portions ot tho world. Two air
planes will fly from hor deck over
tho vast whlto Htrotches ot tho trozon
northern ocean nnd facilitate the
charting ot that llttlo known region
Ono ot these planes is capable of
carrying nino passongors, and the
other threo persons, bo that In caso
(Continued on Paga Two).
End Comes After Checker
ed Career; Had Astonish
in Editorial Policy
Tho Klamath llecord. published
by Don Ileldlng, r-t at, is no more.
Tho nA camo Into yesterday
when tho common stock of the com
pany was delivered to K. J. Murray.
Failure to obtain financial restora
tlves was tho direct canso of tho
Since becom'lng a dally tho Klam
ath Itocord has led a checkered ca
reer, and the end came as no, sur
prise. Many, In fact, were amaied
that It had managed to scrvlve at
all following tho break with E. J.
Murray, whoso contract to purchaso
tho Itocord was uphold by Judgn
Stono recently.
An outstanding foaturo of thn
Itocord during the recent owner
ship wan its erratic editorial pol
icy. Today a supportor ot the
working man and the eight-hour
day .tomorrow alt for tho operator
and tho nine-hour day, Its; readers
wero at a lost to understand Just
what tho newspaper stood top This
eccentricity was alio apparent dur
ing thu primary campaign, in
tho early stages of which the (Rec
ord announced that nn "Investiga
tion" had proved Ocorge A. White .
to be tho most desirable candidate
Shortly after the visit here
uaaries Han the Record suddenly
came nut m rone lor Hall ana tfto
KltntVKIanyvwiXSn It fi?cfS"r1it
... ... . rf- . ..
to bo "100 per cent American." A
significant fact wag that most can
didates named on the Record's tick
et were defeated In Klamath county.
Murray said today he would dis
continue publication ot the Record,
as well agj the Record ho has puW
llshed weekly since November, hut
that ho would Issuo a Sunday now
papcr under a different name.
"Tho namo 'Klamath Record In
a disgraco to tho community and a
stcmch in tho nostrils of tho peo
ple." Murray declared. "From "now
on tho namo will oxlst In memory
Chautnuiua Speaker Ham Wide Rep
utation; Nephew of L. George
International responsibilities will
b0 discussed tomorrow night on the
Chautauqua platform by -Dr. Arthur
Walwyn Evans,' a nophew of Lloyd
Oeorge, the English statesman. It.
Evang Is n native of Wales but left
bis native land 12 years ago and lit
now an American citizen.
He Is reputed to bo a gifted orator
und u keen nnalylst ot men and af
fairs and his lecture "Let There Do
Light" bares vital truths und gives i
now viewpoint on tho problems and
relationships of English speaking
peoples. In Wules and England first,
then In the Uulted States and Can
ada, Dr. Evuns has created a deep
Tho Jugo-SIuv Tamburlcans, min
strels ot the Ralkaus, will glvo it con
cert at the afternoon performance,
and a prcludo performanco in the
evening. Tho tamburlcu is, their na
tlvo Instrument, rcsombllng tho gui
tar und mandolin but with greater
tone possibilities.
Tho big tent wug packed for tha
first performanco lust night. Tho
urtlst trio proved worthy of tho nd
vani'o notices given them., Mather
unburn' humorous portrayals won
much upplauso. His delineation o( ,
tho chief charade in James A Visit
comb Riley's "Nothing nt All to Say",
und his portrayal ot a pedantic pro
fessor woro especially good.
Glonn Morris, tho electrical wizard
and Harold "Prlvao" Poet, nro to
day's features. Prlvato Poet uppourrt
this evening. Prlvuto Poet appears;
locturo on peace, "Introducing Your
Neighbors," '
BELFAST. May 24. Hflgadler ,
General Hlgginson, who reeestljr "
commandod the Ilrltlsh Isfantry bri
gade nt Cork, waa shot an woamN "X ',
ed whlln rhllnir neur TliMrirv lo"
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