The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 23, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    . I f
ivkkd.w, i.v art, itpu
Pane Kour
Mchmiiv Will Pimlilo for ln-MH-
Hon of Dairies Selling: lleiv
KestcrMin, ot nl vs. t'opco
Two orders wuro signed this morn
ing by Judgo Slono In tho eases for
damage brought by I. B. Kestorson,
unit funeral Insurnnco companies
luminal tlio California Oregon Tower
Company, iten)lng motions In strike j
Certain tortious of flio plaintiff's
rtuuplnlnlH ami to mnkn mnro definite
tint! rortuln. Tli two cases Invohnj
practically tho same slnto of fact',
In wlilcli damages aggregating
Sr,r,,2Rn.R7 I nsked for alleged foul. '
ty wiring of tlio power company caus
ing tlio flro which destroyed tlio
Kesterson plant. Tho orders provide
that, thn defendant Power Company
hhall liavo ten day) In which to file
iin answer In each cane.
mark tho Infected trees, which tiro
thou felled and barked and the bark
mid limb piled the tree mid
An Moon iw tlio new boot liti begin
Passage of the dairy ordinance, to fly the work Is stopped until the
providing for Inspection of all ilntr-J fH season Hi the lowlands they
les selling milk and cream In this i will start to fly this week, but the
city, and consideration of the flro
alarm system hid was the principal
business before the city council last
night. The meeting was adjourned
work will continue In the higher ele
vations until about June. If,, when
the work will bi) closed down for thM
until .Van, Wednesday afternoon, j In l20 the pine neetie uesiroyou
when the flro rnnitnlttiv will report timber to tho alu0 of S.Ul,noo In
on the flr0 alarm bid. Un Klamath district, while In the
Tho dairy ordinance provides strict ",m" '"ar tlio total loss by flreMld
Tliiimiw v. Bvnns Shoo. Co.
Suit was Ulcil this morning by
Hort C. Thomas, In his own name
ngulnst the Bvans Shoo Company, on
behalf of four outside companies am
on four scparato counts, seeking o
recover nmounts alleged duo from
tho local shoo company aggregating
S2.1G7.35, and $150 attorney, fees.
Tho four counts aro as follows;
itucklngham & Hccht of California
$1300: Dolllver Bros., $T5; Cali
fornia Olovo company. $106: andj
Karadln-Colllns Shoe company, j
$SG.3J. together with costs of ac-,
sanitary measures and license fees
as follows sale of three quarts dally.
$3 per annum: 20 quarts, $0; CO
quarts, $1G; 100 quarts. lR. The
fees will go to pay an Inspector, and
$1G0 will be allowed him by the city.
The ordinance passed to second read
ing. Tho flamewell Fire Alarm & Tele
graph company was the only firm to
submit a bid. The figures wero
$S,445 and $S,120. the lower bid
providing for ncceptanco of other
K. Strahorn. president, was submit-1
not exceed SSti.OOO.
Tlio project Is financed by state
and federal aid, which Is matched by
timber operators. The 1931 stale
legislature passed a law making It
obligatory for timber owners to take
part In the fight, and providing that
I all work done for a particular timber
owner may be assessed as a lien
against the lands and collected in
tho same manner as delinquent taxes,
being second only to n tax lien.
contract betwren the city and ,Vat(ro K,luctlonl y.x
Oregon. .California & Las tern J 48, Physicians
ray company, signed by Iloocrt '
cd but had not been signed today!
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. JIy 23. A fea-
I ture of tho annual session of tho
ny .Mayor uiiey ior me cuv me , ,- ,
. . .. ... ,,... , 'American .Medical Association which
contract provides resumption of con-1
tlnnal exhibit, presented by 4S phy-
1 slclans, of recent advances In mcdl
structlon on or before June 25, 1022.
and completion and operation of the
road from Dairy to Spragi.o rhcr on " " :.-
or before May 29. 1923. The agree- caI " lMchlnK and orKanl
... ' t Inn.
ment to start construction within thn
60-day period came as a result of the -Mol of n national organizations
city's announced Incntlon to cancel devoted to education of the public
(Continued from rage 1)
I). Lever 7, Henry Meier 1, Han
Zimmerman 1. F. M. Cleaves 1.
Kuiirrinc Court JuMlct'
Ilurnott S73, McCourt S48, Hand I
S4C, Shophcrd 472.
SupcrintcnoVnt Public Instruction
Churchill 1174.
Isbor (ommlvinCT
Oram 667. Dalilcl 633.
Public Service- Commissioner ,
Campbell 551, Layman 312, Thle
hotf 281.
State ncprrwcntatlrc
Eicll 1284, Burdlck 703, Over
turf 677.
the original contract with Strahorn
Application of Ted White to erect U
a banner ncross the Main street from
the Strand theatre was referred to
Including the child hygiene associa
tion, Ural Cross, American society
for the control of cancer, the associa
tion for the preentlon and relief
l....kl .1 t. ... - .. ..! aim..,.lllll KM.
.K- ... - .!.. TK, .,...-" Hl'ail IIIPV.IPU HIIU (4tl-liatlUIIUI 1M-
tlon of O. 1). Matthews to construct wnlMtlon for public health nursln
a residence on block 31, Nichols ad
dition, to cot $1,000 was granted.
8Pei:iv ceij.apsi: ok ji:iiman
(Conlnucd from rage 1)
(Continued from l'Jge One)
I'lcrco 227. Starkweather
Purity 34, Holmes 20.
Xat tonal Committeeman
Morrow 206, King 199.
County CommlwdniuT
A. Kallna 1. C. J. Martin 151.
Asa Fonlycu 59, A. It. Campbell 55.
County Central Committed
Dan Uyan 11, Clyde Hradley 1,
Will natdwln 2. W. A. IVIiell 1,
John Vale 1, Frank Ward 1, B. M.
Chllcoto G.
Circuit Jmlgo
It. C. Groexbeck 339, C. F. Stono
(written In) 51.
State llcpresoiitnlitn
Harry W. Gard 141, U. tX Brad
bury 364.
Ri'prCM-ntatho In Cohrto
James Harvey Graham 312. y
V. T. Leo 462.
Juktlro of the Pence
U. K. Hannan 19, E. M. Pomeroy
14, A. T. Langell 7, J. O. Hamaker
4, J. T. Hradbury i. T. L. Snook
11, T. A. Ulcbardson 4.
James Worlow 19, O. U. Burch
19, Tom- Bracken 2, Frank Sevlt
3, Ben Faus 1, Frank Coburn 3,
Dan Dolen 6, L. O. Bourck 6, J. F.
AJorley 19, Al Crystal 10, Henry
BhadlcyJ, W. T. Garrett 3.
eggs aro laid and the adult bug dies
at the end or Its furrow. It takes
about 2000 bugs to kilt n tree in a
single attack.
Infcrt'l TrVs Markcil
The method, now being used to
eradicate the pest is to have a "spot
ter" go la advance and find and
presented outlines of their methods
of work, their acthltles and 'com
plete sets of the literature used by
them in their educational efforts
The I'nltctl, Slate public service
presented an exhibit of Its work In
child health and in the prevention ot
social disease.
Other exhibits Included demouUra
tlons of work on the prevention of
ringworm In the south, on tho treat
ment of cancer, on occupational
therapy and demonstration of a
method for showing by tho X-ray the
position and appearance of various
I organs within the abdomen.
County KtHool Unit
Incomplete figures Indicated the
county school unit had carried In
city precincts two to ono ,nnd In
country precincts three to two.
Xotinl Cliuutuuqiu KeaktTH to Ap
pear Wetlnestfuy Afternoon,
So are our Top-Notch Guaranteed Rubber
Boots, Tennis and Outing Shoes.
Ladies Hiking Boots
in Browns and Grays,
also Sport Oxfords
Just arrived, a new
Gray and Patent
515 Main St
Members of tho KllUon-Whltc
Chautauqua who will apiear on the
second day's program will speak ut
tho chamber of commerce forum
Wednesday noon.
Tho forum chulrmun announced
this morning that ull of the per
sonnel ot tho Chautauqua will be
present, and that Miss Margaret Gar
rison, tho only woman that has ever
won the national oratorical contest
will clvo a reading and a short talk.
(llciiu L, Morris, scientist, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Poet and Normand
Pierce of Sydney, Australia, will ull
bo presont. HarplO. I'ett Is tho au
thor of "Over tho Top," "Prlvuto
Peel" aud other stories. Mm. need,
inanuger of the "Klamath Falls pro
cram, will presldo,
Margaret Garrison, -who wil bo tho
principal speaker, Is rated as ono of
tho best woman speakers In the
country. Mrs. Harold I'eet was at
one time odlor of a woman's Journal
In Kngfand that compares favorably
with the Ladles Home Journal of
this counrty, Mrs. Peet will also
tonight Timberworkers Benefit
"The Mother
and the Law"
A Play of Today, Founded
on Fact
This is the picture' Wall street spent over a mil
lion dollars to "kill." Mone yinterests did not wish
it to be shown on the screen. See the picture to
night and you'll know why.
Admission 10c-20c. Sbow starts 6:30
one mid a halt billion gold marks
the product of tho work of n mil
lion men niul women,
Tho cost of living In fleritmuy in
August, 1921, was II times n much
as before tho war. In March, 1922,
It was 32 times as much.
drain costo fi.l times ns much. Con
sumption of meat Is only 10 per
cent of pre.war consumption and
bread 24 per rent.
Standards of life are lower and
taxation Is highest of any country,
lly r.DWAlllt M. TIIIKI'.IHIV
NT.W YOU1C. May 23. Karl
lng Is tho Herman "Coal Oil John
ny." "I shudder to think what a spend
thrift I nm," he says. "In two months
In America I've spent n wngou load
of money."
Lang Is (lerman consul general to
Now York and for two months was
charge d'affaires at Washington and
acting ambassador until thn arrival
May 13, of Ambassador Otto L.
"It cost a million marks to bring
my furniture nnd household goods
from 0rmany," snys I.ang.
"Upkeep of the Herman embassy
costs several million marks a month.
The government ha to pay tho en
ormous amounts because of the low
"It cost my wife nnd niri 150.000
marks for steamship passage to N'ow
York. To llvo wo spend IS!. 000
marks a month enough for n rou
pie to llvo on n e,ir und a half ut
"When wo go out to lunch It costs
us 1000 marks With that same
amount m mother, In (lermany,
lives to months "
Klit Knt iiy Since War
Ijing was the first envoy sent here
by (lermany sllico tho .war. lie Is
under tnelijum height, with a buld
head, a frlngo of light hair, a gray.
Ing mtutuchc and blue eye.
"It Is not so hard u Job as I
thought It would be," hu said. "I
have been treated tery well. I think
hostility toward (lermany Is disap
pearing. People seem to bvlluve that
our present government Is trying to
do tbc right thing."
MAltlllAOi: Llt'K.NSi;
A imirrltiKo license wiislssued yen
terduy to Aichlu Cuunmly Chip of I
YiiiiIx nnd Juno Kclioiisi'liln. Joint
Cole acted iih it witness.
t.uxlto Hone In Colors Houston
and Jester, 23-2D
PKHIONS FOIt HAI.C. 13.00 p.-r dot
ell. Ilox C It Herald Office.
23 27
.Vow Htyles In oiitlttK wear for men
and women at Is K. K. Htoro 23-29
LOST From wagon near Altiimont
ranch, two weeks ago, largo black
sow, no ear mark, tall cropped,
weight uboiit 2f.O I In, Howard. Notify
Merrill .Moat Co., Merrill, Oregon.
23.2 1
Top Notch Itubber Hoots for Irri
gating. Houston niuf Jester. 23-2fi
LOST Automobile crank on Hth
M. Call If.;. 23
STHAWIIKHIIIKH 15c box. green
IK'.is 10c lb.. I co cold milk ?c tit
IhlMfc Market, 9th and Klamath.
W YOU WANT your backyard clean-
cd up, ask for Van at the Central
Hotel, good work, reasonable charg
es. 23-3.1
IK YOU WANT pasture for horses
leave ward at Hedtleldn Htoro on
tUh street or phono K,,'..J J. I' Hut-
terfleld 23-27'
10c a button. $1 00 u rli Dntrness
Trousers lit K. K. K. .Store. 23-29
tliiaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Mrs. Nellie Wall,
1130 High St 23-25
WILL TltADK (lend piano on used
. car and p.iy difference lii'iulru
ilox J. II.. this office 23-25 .
Meu's, women's und children's Dure
foot HmihIuIs. Houston und Jes
ter. 23-2.
WANTED- Housekeeper, who run
help with bottling und cleaning tip
In dairy; middle aged woman pre
ferred, but will consider Capable
girl. Wxlto Hex 3S3. IVstufflre
KOIt SALK Wicker baby buggy and ,
baby's high chair. I'hune 3C0..M or I i1
call 720-N. 9th St. 23.21 I
.Better "Buys" .
for Better Buyers
YOU wnt real style, lasting value arid ptrft!
. fitHnt shoo. And theymtut gtv you Hryic)
and holdjhtir shape. But 'neither, price nor thel
appearance ol ordinary' shoes'can guarantee all thial
to youAYou mult look for'one tiling more -
reputationra'nameQucEN QUALITY, stamped ortf
the sole. QUEENQUAUTY is the sicn.of a better"
'shoe, a better value, a better service. It makes your
buying easy. And your utisfactfonrcrrftu.
Ont of tJtty
(nottt, Itimtf Hiluid
vtfolJ H)ltt, It itltt
jomr fttl imdtllf, ft
itr jpm tilting Mr,
The Bootery
Chat. P. Maguirc
7l:t .Miiln M.
Kliiiimtli I'ults
, asss- vasi wutm "Sasfpiiav bbsw "w jtr 'K
H fm OS Of Sflc imimimimimimSS 'C ttTMlllB
M 4 slk .LswaHaVI'"saRiMaaaaaV
; H are here in a large variety oT fine a BbW.ggSsBj' 13H
y Domestic and Imported Qualities j fm JPtivaff- nsaB
i Q f M ircf'HlHHEvZSnHMaH
! i n ; straight and flexible brims. - nPJJsaaaVaa'v'l!!
: B : Many in the new soft tan IE BliiBigiZBJHJH
i D ; shades. They have been se- c i MHiB3
: H lected with the view of provid- IC BflHHfeHsH
D : ing the many .little shades of gP : K HBHr
fl I ' distinction necessary to meet jP ; JdKWfiSKSRGfctiFm
i1! 9I I LsssasVr f ' jkjaaM1 lnjai TtQaiiMBB
; H " every individual preference IE MKi!Tmi
: n : to give every man exactly what V I KttSStKmmS,
i D : he wants nn PalSSiHilW
n 9tBE ,BTvJSiTaTSBHsTBBBtsuaa
u , 4Bav aTSr nS. i -viiaiaTSaTSaTSaTSaTSa'aTaTaf
' D ! SfeaV' - sltKPV'i'''Pali!ksssssaB
' H LBVtW'HCivX''Vlikassssssssl
i iS The Home of Hart Schaffner Sc Marx WSKfr-KMniMHamn
l9SVBisL aJslD&BlV vJkBWBBBBVjjVTVP jftftftftftftfB
SaiflBMliu miUfOtr KB&DJwUfJv' JbsH
'WbbbbbbBi'bbbB T fmb&fi sflBBBafi
- '