!& MONDAY, MAY M, IM3 THE EVENING HERALD, iff KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Two The Evening Herald ItMMAMIIMMIIMjlMNMMMMMM I'. II. HOll.K.. II. It. Iltl.li.... .Kdltor ud PaMtetttr .'. Cttf MHor Published ilnllr except Sunday, by Tlio Herald Publishing Company of mamma i-nus, nt nu Kignm ircei, Kntcrcd at tbo postoftlce at Klsm nth Fnlls. Oro., (or tranimlttlon tliroiiRh tho mall ag iecond-laa mnttcr. MTOllGIt ASSOCIATED OP THE mE83 Tho AssnclnttM t'ross li aiclnslrfr. I ly cntllled to tho uio for publlca-'of eourso tho largor one hml got tho npn oj nu now mapntctie, credited smhllcr one down.' in i m nui uwJiTwmc crraiica in Letters '(? the Petple taA0mmfimHii0mmA0wwwwwz ADVI8KS NKVTIttMTY Kdltor Herald: The followlnu dialogue expresses mr tlews on tlie local atrlko situatien: "Ercr see to dog, flgutt" "Uh-huh." "Doth good dog?" "Yeah, no a little larger nnd stronger than th0 otlien though." "Yeah. Dut both good dog though, till!! I'npor, nnd also imtitlflhpil horcln. the local news MONDAY, MAY 2a, 1IKSJ CALM DOWN i TiinitC'S sound scn.-o In thr- edi torial suggestion cf tho Port land Telegram reprinted below. We rnnnot ngrco that there will be no rlnrh of opinions until the next pri mary1. In our opinion, regardless of who In seloctod ng tho republican r.indldnte for governor. It will niaVj n democratic opportunity and pare th0" wny for n hard party atruggto during the general election cam paign. lint political differences can bo decided on tho Issue. We can tone down emotional appeal that stir up strlfo and hatred. Temperance- or speech, strict ad herenco to tbo fact in argument and ostraclintlon of extremists will make Orejtffla-"Bottcr-;tat to Ht ThTrecardlcg of the political Mi- come, nnd will remove the ban that now rests upon It In the minds of too many largo Investors of capital. The Telegram's advice follews: Now that the primary' elec tion Is over, with satisfaction to one or more elements and 'disap pointment to others, the time ha come to forget animosities) nnd praetlco the art or putting Oregon ahead as neighbor co operating Industrially and com mercially. As Americans we have learn ed to fight vigorously oery two years, with a nation-wide fight every four years. Most of us nro attached to one or tho oth er mtlor party, and, through tho ngency-of our party r ok good government. One or n other party is victorious every Iwo years. On both sides we struggle un til tho polls close, some of us stay up late for the election returns, and the next day we v go"nboiit .our ordinary affairs as good friends as ever but pre pared In our minds for the next clrvan of opinion two yean' hence. Dccauso wo, have engaged In thoo contests biennially for more than a hundred years and boenu wo make the test of strength at tho ballot box we havo succeeded In perpetuating what wo bcllovo to be ,the best government on earth. It Is needless at this time to rovlcw the unusual Issues which were dragged into the cam paign that ended this week but It 1 very Important that all good citizens avoid Intemper ance of speech In future dis cussions which wo cannot es cape Public opinion should never bo suppressed but surely normal folk will bo doing the community a distinctly good ser vlrn If they frown upon extrem ists. rilCM L.U'GIITEB TO 'TEARS "It is not u dull, dldactle'fllm. It Is a living, pulsing representation of tho biggest battle human soul. ever fought and won. It Is shot through with laughter and tears apd It sends you away with a now desire for the things In life that count." That 1 thn way a prominent critic describes Ocorgu Klelno's photo play produc tion of Helen Keller in "Deliver unco," and lie hit the mark exact ly. It Is n drama of surprises and thrills a "succession of wonders." Tho stories of Holon Keller and ber childhood playmate Nadja parallel one, nnotlier through life. The ex ception Is that Nadja has a lovo story that Is real, whllo Helen's Is but a dream? It Is through Helen, however, tlmt Nadja finds her happiness and is redeemed, Tho drama abounds In diverting scenes und Incident that help to fahtin It In tho memory. Hel en Keller In "De'llverance" will be tho attraction tonight at the Strand. "uh-huh, but th0 small one was putting up a good tight though. "Suppose shc has any show to get up?" "No, not unless ho could let the larger one worry himself out." "Any chance for him to do that?" "Might. It ho could be left alone." "Can't ho b left alone?" "Yeah, he could, but you see In a dog tight, there Is always a lot of dogs that want to look on. And they ate not all satisfied Just to look on. Most of them want to help. Hut being a little afraid of the large one they are pretty careful. So they reach in and bite the under ono a little. You know; Just to ha'o a hand In the fight. Of course they don't bite very hard, but by the time they all get around, the under dog has had sever al hard bites, so ho doesn't get ested very much b his scheme. He Is a good dog though, and bellevelf he had a show he would whip th0 whole bunch." "Or course a whole lot of men and boys crowd around to see the fight' too." "All want to ee fair play "Yeah." "Hear anyone say. If the under' one was up and on bis feet ho might whip the other one?" "No, didn't hear anyone say any thing Ilka that." , 'Heard man say though that th large one " the best dog In town. and It would be too bad If the smaln dog would get up and whip him." "Why don't someone take the largaJ dog off and let the small ono get his wind a tittle?" . "That wouldn't' do. he might get the advantage then, and hurt tho targe one." "Ain't the small dog any good?"--. "Uh-huh, he I Just aa good as the.lt t. mm. -1 JmI 111.. - ... It. 1 Wlv Viv vui; uvu t no tw w wiu. largo ono get hurt." ' ""But the small one is getting hurt now ain't he?" "Oh not much, you see be esn. stand' more tferta than the large one. can. Skin 1 thicker. So then, shake him up good old iport while you're at It. It won't cost any more' while, you have him down. "Wonder why-the people don't try to take the large dog off, couldn't; they top the rignt quicker, and Bar er, for themselves. If they would get them apart? Instead of trying to get the under one to lay still until the largo one is satisfied, as long as one dog Is Just as good aa the other, and has the same right to live, it seems a though It would be better to force both sldea to give up, or else leave them alone and let them tight it out between themselves. Of course If they are spoiling the lawn, make them both get off. Better make them both quit fighting instead of trying to force tho under-one to quit, and let the large one keep on chewing. One might get their fingers bit that way. F. E. PELLETT sllWPf S 13k Sims VJXYT ITS FINE FOR Coolldgo says our highest duly Is to ourselves. Others think It Is to tho now tariff. Trying to keep up with the neigh bors is a fine way to get behind. From tho way Conan Doylo talks about spirits he Is the original hap py medium. It money was everything wouldn't bo much. I All of us tnko our lints oft to spring nnd get new. ones. I Famous violinist being sued tor di vorce played second fiddle ut home "We are fighting hard to clean i 1 H We stt Ion much ment willed elojr Kltlne), then the Iturk Hulls Most folks forgot that tho kidneys, llko the IhinpK got slugglih nnd 'clogged nnd need n flushing occasion- therujnlly, pe wo linvn backache nnd dull misery In tho kidney region, severe hondnrhes, rheumatic .twinges, tor pid liver, iicld stomach, sleeplessness nnd nil sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kid noja nctixu nnd clean, ami thn mom ent you feel nn nche or pain In the kidney region, got uuoui four ounces up moviomen icii nays, from ineiriot Jlu SllU rrm ny K0tl ,rK prices, they am succeeding. ! store here, tnko n tnbtespoonful In n It's snowing In Argentine. A cold Bi" of water before breakfast for u .ii.. i. ...i.i ii.t- ,.,. few dnys nnd your kidneys will then winter Is expected this summer I., ' t,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, , ,,, Sometimes a mnn goes to town to (from tho ncld of grapes nnd lemon meet his wife nnd sometimes to get, Juice, combined with llthla, nnd Is nway from her. ' i harmless to flush clogged kidneys ami BiuuuiuiH mum in uuruuii nvii- 1 1 . It also ueutrnlltes the nrlds In thn urlnn so It no longer trrltutes, thus ending bladder disorders. Jud Knits Is harmless: Inexpensive,; makes a delightful effervescent llth- A baby Is born every nine min utes In New York. Hnnd It to tho little shavers It tnkes nerve. Some of the hen eggs this sprlnp, aro nearly as big as hailstone. Why not a law making bootleg gers print the nntldoto on the bottle? 'la water drink which everybody should tnko now and then to keep j their kidneys clean, thus avoiding i . .....;:."'..:... .. . n... i. i.,.r.. r.. i I. n wi'ii-Hnumn iih.ii uruKKisi snjs Oenoa Is letting George do It ,,, ,,, ,, of Jft(, j,,,,,, ,0 foJk( In making a movie, they take one ,o believe In oercomlng kidney drawn-out kiss and hunt for a plot.troublo whllo It Is only trouble. to precedo It. Altv This bandit who robbed three land- lords knew where to find the money I Herald classified ads pay yot. DOES SHE SMILE ENOUGH? When the learnt of the convert iencea, the will be satisfied with nothing but electricity in her home. Why do thousand nw electricity When electric cleaners cost S3O.00 and tinuoms 50c? Electric Iron cot 90.00 nnd fuel heated cost 00c'.' Automobile S-100.00 to SI.OOO.OO, when a liorsc and buggy roMs SUOO.OOV It's the SERVICE she gets; the ease in accomplishing the every day tasks of life. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY HIDDLE To construct clpal electric light plant and ter system. .M muni wa CM MTEJ f Darkens Beautifully and Restores IU Natural Color and Lustre At Once BIRTH RECORD MEADOW 23, 1922, Meadows, pounds. At Klamath Falls, May to Mr. and Mrs.- Floyd it boy; weight 10 H, MEETING lOHT!'ONKT Thero will be no 'meeting of the Neighbors Woodcraft this week, on account or tbo Chautauqua. Common garden sage, brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant. Mixing tbo Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way Is to get the reay-to-use preparation, improv ed by the addition of other ingredi ents, a large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth'a Sage and .Sulphur Compound," thus avoid ing a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair Is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness, Dy darkening your balr with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natur ally, bo evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning nil gray hairs have disappeared. Af ter another application or twa your hair become beautifully dark, glos sy, soft and luxuriant, and you ap pear years younger. Adv. WANTED-50 Eskimos to wrap ESKIMO PIE The most satisfying ice cream confection ever made. Your first will not be your last MADE BY Klamath Falls Creamery M STOP 1 HTM y9ttyVVVVyyvyvyVVVvV. P Disease Lurks When j oh are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly got uniiind Just try Iti'il Popper Huh and )ou ulll have tho iiilckest relief known Nothing has such niiicoiitrnleil, penetrating heat it red popper. In stant relief Just its nom iu ou apply j lied Topper Itub ou feel tliu tingling lii'iit In three minute It wurniM tlio ' sore spot through ami through I'iros , tho blood circulation, breaks up tho ' congestion- ind the old rheumatism torture Is gone, Howies lied l'epi'er Hub, made fram rod peppers, costs little at any ! drug store, (let a Jar at onro I'sn It . for lumbago, neuritis, bnckaclie, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds In chest ' Almost Instant relief awaits you. Ho sure to get tlio genuine, w it li I no inline Howies on each purknge. Adv. in every possible spot The.ro i.s only one menus of combnttlng cHkuiihc. That in at tlio kouivo, by destroying the geiins. A reliable disinfectant should be used about the stables, out-buildiiiKH, hen houses, hoi? houses, in cesspools and about the bath room, sinks, etc. No. 6 Disinfectant is best by test It i six times as powerful as carbolic acid. It is non-poisonous, which makes it safe. Diluted with water, as directed, it i.s economical and truly efficient. l-ounce Ki-ounce Bottles Bottles .25c ..50c notice or MKirriNO Itogulnr meeting of Alohu f'huplor. No. til O. K S. Tuesday May 2.1, 7 :tO p. in. Initiation and Imminel. Visitors welcome, lly order of Edith j Del roll. W. M. 22 ! STAR DRUG CO. ASTOIUA Three llrltlsh bring cargoes paper pulp to this month. ship i J port' 3 IftpuaMj St Mb and Mil I n Street i'.m.ii. niiEim riM.CD i-homi'tia" Saving distribution costs -cutting out un necessary expense at each handling is the Ccrtain-tccd way of lowering the price you pay. Carload ship ments to many local warehouses and distributors save freight. Concentra tion on rapid turnover products, with a reserve supply near at hand, means relief from the burden of overstock ing an economy for both dealer and consumer. These outstanding economics of distribution, plus the millions saved through enormous standardized production, enable you to buy Certain-teed products of high est quality at a worth while saving. CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION Certaznteed Certainly of Quality-Guaranteed Satisfaction ASPHALT ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES PAINTS OF ALL KINDS LINOLEUMS OIL CLOTH TARRED FELT VARNISHES INSULATING PAPERS FLOORTEX XWitWa WWttAu IWJAWi Seed lor Your GARDEN, LAWN or HELD I III DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . TOM DIDN'T HAVE HIS MIND ON HIS WORK BYALLMAN ' ', SAV TOM. I CAME OVERTD I WM VOULIKETOFISH ANOTHEV'Rel H ISPMMBBIMillMlM Ht STAHOS OUT THERE IMVITC VOU ON A LITTLE J Ml BiTlM' GREAT AT THIS PlACC-lff 1 PUUING OH MY UNB BIGHT Jf, fiWM AUo4aiu mXZ, 2r yn COOPIE FRIEH03 OF T gl ' m YOUR UFEh - JUT WHBN WEU START pJ ' H DOOR IN OP 8I0E. m ALL MAD. . V 1 1 I r 'j ' li innT- . j t j 81 bsbshmhIsiik 39T i xH - - - ' ' ' ' ' ' .-'" ) . i . i "'I - t-t? - - . ....- , , .., , "rrrc-t MURPHEY'S SEED STORE r 124 South SUthStrotit, , Pbwu fl7 i '" M--"- 'L'nifi t'Wfj -v. -.. T"Va r,-ijpf.