itunfng Hmtid 1 f WEATHER FORECAST NEWS; OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vi IONIUM'!' AN!) Tt'WDAV, IWIIt 1 1 H Member of the Associated Press. ririiiiitii vt ,i.iiiiuit K I.AM ATI! I'AM.H.OIIKOON, MOMIAV. M,V IK!, lltta. I'lllCK MVE CKJCTH ' OLCOTT HELD VICTOR - - (flta - : -(- FULL RETURNS III KHTH GO mcmiiui or rvriin IMIll.M.MCNT IS Hlior i ns . 'io in sim;ssi (RE COMPILED t Mnrtin and Lcnvitt Increase Lead Over Two Oppos ing? Cnndidatcs Complete roptibltcaii re turns for the primary elec tion in Klamath county compiled tin's afternoon gave the follewing: Leavitt !M Elliott 022 Martin 1102 Fordvee I32 IIIXIWKT, Mny 22 Kill Iiik Inlay nf W. J Tumldi-ll. ii mi'inliiT tint I'lHinr pit i 1 1 it iimii t . who huh shut ulillii nil hU way In IiiikIihism, iiiiihi'iI Die Ini.ii- iili'o nf ii iiiiiiilfrilii In (Mr Jiiiiiiim t'nilit, pri'inliT, iitilinliiir- ll)i: It "IHtIiiI ciililni'l liii'i'Mni: Tim premier iii'i luri'il "Jiii u. trlli'iiiim wiim (.illcil for Governor's Secretary Says Race Conceded to Governor MISSING MORE NAMES ARE ADDED TO PETITION , I j ; Olcott is conceded the nomination by from. 500 to 1 1,000 votes, according to Governor Olcott's secretary, iwho was reached by telephony at 2:10 this afternoon. 1-1 tnul uirliinllu Mil thn atrtln Ana in aiIi 4nra nvrtmrt a a auiu suMa uii tail 0i nua ttimi -. & , of n few Eastern Oregon counties, which were expected to increase Olcott's lead. Olcott was ahead 75 votes at British thai time, he said. Collides M OM I I STEAMER CRASH 24? ARE SAVEDJi GKOItUIA HK.VATOIl Oi'l'VMH TO FlfJIlT WHIJX IIISI't'TK ovi:k appointment orcriw FIRST RECALL (II) AimmIiiNiI I'm-s) PORTLAND, May 22. A tabulation of 21 counties FOR AMERICAN PLAN comP'eto n"d 1S incomplete at 2:30 today gave Hall i, o, uicou ii.quj, a lead or 1Z5 lor Ulcott, compared riiiniiiiiiri' MniiiH-r s.i) Mii Ah- with a lead of 85 in the last preceding compilation. I WASHINGTON, May 22, appointments in (J.orl start- nl a hot exchange In tho sen- , atn today between Wnlson, democrat, Georgia, and Phlpps, republican, Colorado with the result that business wun dls- 1 j rupted several minuter, after , . I which the two iienators took tho Oteashmip Egypt controveny Into tho corridor, With French i wl th" (icorKla nntor of lonng a personal coinuai Ship; Americans Lost Id T Vulllllliir Mutirio; Winkers Nnl Aillti During i:irilliiii CHAUTAUOUA WILL OPEN TUESDAY WITH TRIO OF MUSICIANS 1 IIIIKST. May 22. -Ninety-eight , ; persons arc missing and 212 were 1 saved .of those aboard the Hrltlsh r.... . .r .. , . . . .'xteainMhln Kgypt when It sank oft 1'UKILANU, May 4. I, By Associated Vtctt) bee-'thp ManA of UllhBnt Saturday night ""K Trnt "'" Krrctrtlj ItcasoTW sawing back and forth, the lead for the republican nom- , following a collision with the French' r iniblicV Appreciation inntinn for nnvrrnnr wnncr hpfwi'on Hall nnA fil-rH ! str.-imer Seine. tAceordlne to latest . Arc 1'olntril Out . , .w.. . .. -... W.W-. - ----- .. - , 1 official figure. Two American women, Mrs. ML. Sibley and Mini V. M. Hoyer. "ad- TRREE TO ONE People Exercise Power for First Time; Williami Loses to Kerrigan Williams . Fithiaii Sinnott Ciwinn . .. Hall Lee Olcott Patterson . White Bean Rvan Hoff MeCourt ... Kami Shepherd . Hurnctt .... Gram Dal.icl Layman .... Thiehoff ..., Campbell ., J. M. Kxcll Overturf . Hurdick ... . U()l .1051 . 17(i . 282 . 72 . 78,' . Ml . l(il . 70 . 573 . 782 . 802 . 703 . I51 . 833 . G48 . 597 . 295 . 204 . 487 .11S1I . 577 . G05 Mirny iiiiini'ii urn helm; added to tint I'liilonii'ini'iil or ill" Aimiriciii , j I pluii. nnnrdliiK to II C. Wltlirtiw I ., . . ,. . t . of Hi., riiuiiiiiiii'P. who m)! A compilation early this afternoon from 20 complete tlini iiwiiu; to ilin iiiiiimi iin nun-' counties gave Olcott 85 lead. Olcott 42,367, Hall iiilttcii hui' nut In i.n iicthn 111 k I-, 42,28. iriiinr. but inivo 1.....11 in nreipt Olcott carried Benton, Deschutes, Hood River, Klam- of many w,i.,i.,.r .iRimr. Tin, ... aU LJ Marion Morrow, Sherman, Wasco, Washing- lotting nainin hmi ndded alnrn . L. , ... ' .. ,, ' . . ,, ', 1 , t pui.iirntion' ton an" Yamhill. Hall carried Clackamas, Columbia, v I' Ji.hnnnn. 1. a uvm. 1, it Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane, Multnomah and N'ormun, . H Hlonitli. J l Jnek-i Crook. Min. J M MiClellan. II II l.ooli.y Qf counties whom rMni-n nre Inrnmnlrle Hall S v- drcea unknown, nro among miming CAMP IDEA POPULAR Office,. IScllftr Many Will Attend Cnmp Iclt ThU Summer )i Work of erecting tb0 Chautaunua tent en Pine street near Klhth b lbo gun this morning and tho slx-da- session will open tomorrow after noon at 2MB. Tho Taylor-Stcelman-Marrlncr trio nf musicians Is tfe first big attraction, Tho ercn'n performanco Is scheduled to start at 7:30. In an interview in tho El Pa-5 Herald Dr Henry Van Valkcnburr' advances reasons for the bold the Athletics, personal hygiene, spe- .! I nltiln MAil l 1 -t L I1 tl,.lIA Al Mulling II I I . .. . . ... " .. . ," "-v. .- n --- 1 . 11 '.!,.. n 1 iiiu.r.i r 1 peded to curry Llatcop, UmatlKIn nnd Illlamook. . OI- Ipervlslon nnd loclaj activities arc llaURlr. .M llnllKH. ii I IllDiHil. I, . .t . ni n:U n . u li-rf.i In Ihn rlllAn mlllOrv i it..i 11 t ti...i k 11 , ...tit. 1 wil la uAucLiL-u Lu Luiiv uonvit vjiiiiiiciii. vmraiii.. iiarucv. itviu4vU v. ...-... ,, ...-,, 1I.I'I1IH,I 14- IMIIIIIh, II ' 11 III I' I ' 1 ' , ; hdi. 1:. 1. Hopklnx. c v Holme. uacKson, Jctrcrson, utkc, Lincoln, ivialhcur, folk, Union, 1;. 11. jffii'rsnn. a- Muimi'iiiiii. r. 1 yvauowa ana wnecicr. .. . ...... . 1 . h said J,""!,'' h'",". mml'T?.'... rviiy The rC8U,t may n0t be knOWn unliI an official can- Powell of Portland, hero yerte'rlay! " the rodcst. Wg Kouthwill. J I. HhlrK. Hanlliiry Mar- .. .kl. ...Ml I l u.. L e .. ..i. . .. .. ,a1. Hst. most diversified program In In- has been received with enthusiasm tellectual and nesthelc euIiiro pr trninlnir camn to bn conducted at Chautauqua system as upon public I Camp Lewis July 27 to August 25, appreciation. Among other things Compilation probably will not be completed be fore late today of the dem ocratic county unit and re call tickets. INSTALL MUD PUMP Aiii.tli-r Kffort Will lli Mmln lo flHik Wnlrr In Mliiiirni Wrll Work ull I ho ri'nutiic'l at ln KlnuiMis rll with I ho luidnlliitlnii uf n mud lingi' n puiiip tinrd In (uri'ii mini ilottn through llio raking nnd up Into llio crt'vlcr. Hum hhultlng off tho flow o( water. Tint pump linn nrrlvi'd hero, and will tin ili Ihnri'il nl I ho writ at onrc, accord-III)- in Nrll Cuiuphcll, driller. Acllvltleii at llio welt iro Him pi'inlrd In Nmrmlior, hou nil tf furlii In rhnck tint wutnr fulled t.'i'iiieiit uiiH Ineffective, Cumphell till lil . liocatlHi) of tho depth of tho cruvlciiH, Willi tho mud pump high premium will bo lined to forco inuil lull llio crovlcerf until they nro com plutnly filled, whan cement wilt bn Hiii'd to nuttl off tho water. Tim pump in attached to tho top of tho nmlng 11 ml power U supplied by tho ttouiti plant. Itt'TH'H l-'IIUST IIOMI.'H M'.W, VOIIK, Muy 32. lluliu UiiIIi'h first homer uf (IiIh noanun ciiiiio In tho eighth InuliiR today In Hi" Kiiluo with Ht. I.onla, Noim wna on base. WI.ATHKIt l'HOUAUII.lTli:H Tliu Cyclo-BtoriniiKrapl tit 'Hit- . TT I uurnuuu 11 1 11 ii-i- m. imtcy rvglHturud a ML, decided fall in buroiuotrlc proim UTo IhlH inornliiK IndlcntliiR tho ap proach of uuothor disturbance Forecast for next 34 heurs: Htornt browing In Houthorly direction, Tho Tycoa re cording thormom- etur reglHtered maximum and mini mum lompornturos today, oh follows; ' ii 1.. 1. .111 v High Low ..00 ,31 vna ukirli uill l. mnJ. U.. tL .-..-.. C . !; k.-t. limit IVrklns. (' I'. Mason. II.'," ""' ""..... w, .. mrcMiy 01 swe wiuim 11. Itamm-y, Mm a. M McNeaiy. v JU day a.ler election, unless the latest returns give a 11. Kees. chiud 11. Davis, c 11. i.usk, more definite lead for either candidate. Wi. It. Iloyd. Houston A. Jekter. (!eo Hilton, It i:. Htluson, I. C Moore, (Itirtrude & Co , Olnevla N Moo, Fred l.lndberg. () T)er, V I' I'Iitmiii IIIIICH .ll'UV IMSAIiltKKS I.OH A.N(1I:I.I:H, May 22 The Jury trying Arthur ('. Iiurch for mur der of J Helton Kennedy (inlay nod wua dlncharged .... - ...i- .1... u 14 ma-.i.. n In nil parta of tho state, and be- """ lu "" ""' " """""" ". 1... ihn win bo attended hv cause It is democratlomada tor all m PORTLAND, May 22.-Tabulation at noon today -l '.Ih "U"S J1. "it.ta.WSirihiift tt. trini IN nnmii n i niifl IS nnnmn nn nnun no r..,n XJn II I -" r - -.... ..... V.r" -WV" ""v " " "''"kl:w.u"a.B.s,n": "a" but manr o In tholr first atato-wldo oxerrlre of tho far-famed Oregon recall, the Htffenf Uh7ji commonwealth yoted by njr inn"ttAtt)rnith.'Xt .tho m9l3h.Jf fjrti flCTV COt) K 4 Tfi'?T('"1e6mmif'6?' hts nprnr'ntlrlit - ", ' by a vote In fie rstlo of itct t two, Fred O tlttchtel co-n''n-e'' ninnlng nock and ne-k v'th 'Vw Merny In re'urns fro wthn state ' McCov Is abort 2nfl vole t" good by reisn of "ls nl"elir Multnnma', county. Ur-th comm'ss'oicr stcitlf ' -''e't'en fro"i ' c't'ee "i " wn favored 'n ' '" fOf't'on bv rensnn 0' tr '- Kdwnrd Ottrirdcr and xe-t Coy contested h'm for h" "l 13,325,- Olcott .12,2.1(5, givinff Hall a lead of 79. but many older men will Attend as fun-side, of us Is rccognlxed. Because la vacation. PORTLAND. May 22,-Tabulation completed atj. b;.alnBwaCrndepa,:,tmenT.'eAU vuiO touuv. lncludmir coinnloto roturns from 18 nut of.n... n unm ,v iu rnwm. 30 COlintlCP, ftaVC Hall .12,049, Olcott 42,234, a lead for .ment and no military nbllsatUm U on0 high Brade fllnglo concert would Olcott Of 185 VOteS. , .Incurred. I (Continued on Toco Three) It AfAf K mmt fftp thi lnnat mnfiAV m.t a tint 'mai! ItiAnrlA Cmi Turns to tho night" and other great numbers. All for tho price of what ANTI-LITTER CAMPAIGN WEEK OPENS IN KLAMATH Vtvj x iM IVBflriHTH nl Mgstffl KrWMnHpHHr Vjj JJB-2alTWtai'''u (''? ) rw JU UXllH CRATER OPENS JULV ' Seasons for All Nnt'onal Park,, Arc Announced to Ilallroail vCHICAOO, May 22. Tho nation- nl irk.yan,i,r2 'yJP; fi rt?n fng ot Mija Vorde national park May I, and will close with tho clos ing of that park November 1, ac cording to advices received hero by railroad officers' Tho Mesa Vo'de park, besides being the first ot the national parks named In tho ad vices to open, will bo tho last of them to cloie. Crater Lake national park, tho last of them to open, will sart n cclvlng travelers July 1, and close September 30. Opening and closln datcs ot nlno otbor national parks wcr6 given aa follews: Zlon, May IS to October IS; Se quela, May 2 to October 10; Gener al Grant, May 1 to October 10; Wind Cave, Juno 1 to Septombor 30; Lassen Volcano, Juno 1 to Sop tcmbcr 15; Yellowstono, Juno IS to September 15; llocky Mountain, Juno 15 to October 1; Mount Tla nler. Juno 15 to September 15; Glacier, Juno 15 to Soptember 15. Klamath's Anti-Litter week begins today and more than 200 citizens arc active on committees to further the interests of clean-up and paint-up. Paint dealers report that sales were greater last wee"k than in several months. Six men began work on the old Houston hotel block this morning and will continue until it is cleaned up thoroughly. Fire Chiet Ambrose reports that the movement has spread all over town, and is working etiectiveiy. CATCHES Mr.W.ily IMPOUNDER l-imN lirrst Trout ported Tills Season Ile- Klamath's big fish soason has oprnod. At Jlocky I'olnt yo3torday after noon, Wm. Mc.Veuly landed n 12 pounder, tho largest reported thin hoason. T. A. Stovotuon nnd T. S, Abbott members ot tho party, also met with success. While fishing near Itocky Point Is not considered at Its Iiost boforo Juno or July, nlinrods huvo report ed excellent results In Link rlror. EAGLE RIDGE LEASED Will Do Operated Tills Season by Mw. Watson of Santa llarbara J. P. Wells, superintendent of city schools, is co-operating with the committee, and will arrange classes so that the boys and gins oi mo ujiper graoes can assist m ino work. a)irueci nvairy among me uiumieii s uiaiuuis xa uvmniwu un awumm ut wiw ico cream and cake banquet to be given by the women's auxiliary for the children having the cleanest district. Roberts & Hanks, M. P. Evans and C. H. Underwood have responded to the request of Dr. H. D. L. Stewart, and have dec orated thoir windows appropriate to Anti-Litter week. Steps are being taken to have down-town merchants clean out their back alleys in time to take advantage of having tho refuse tran sported away free. George C. Ulrich, general chairman of district No. 1, reported that the following block captains had enlisted for service in his district, and were active in the campaign : E Quilitch, C. I. Roberts, Ray Telford, Fred Heilbronner, F. B. Bremer, A. W. Stevens, Roy Orem, S. E. Milam, C. C. Low. ' Tho following captains have been appointed by Chairman W. H. McPherren of Mills addition, who reports that work has been going on for several days and that by Saturday night Mills Addition will be in tip-top shape. T. E. Worsley, B. E. Hawkins, Ray Hunsaker, G. Willard Smith, L. E.. Decker, M.'S. Chilcote, J. J. Lopev, Chas. Thomas, George Bell, Charles Bean, Joe Rose, Orrin Mackinnon, D. A. Rose, A. Roma, Lyle Redfield, George Mete and George Tanksley. l.'nglo Rldgo tayern will bo oper- j ateil this season, beginning about Juno 15, by Mrt).r Watson- of Santa Diirburn, who has takon u flvo year lease on tho trppur I.ako resort, ac cording to announcement made to day by Dr, (iaddoi, owner of tho r soil, Mrs. Watson will bo hor0 about Juiiu 1, It wag fluid, to got thu tav r,n into Hliupu for tho oponlng. STIIUI KCHOO.VKK HI.VKH I.OS ANfini.KS, May 22. Tho steum schooner Virginia Olson, from Portland with lumbor, sank at a dock heru today after a run ut full speed from tho, hroakwator whoro she wag rammed by tho navy submarine, If-7, in n fog, tearing hole In (bo schoon er's low, :$ A 0i i : t i5M . . vHI ..fl l ; ', . ? A f ' r,