I I). I k J I f r ' , ! 1 A til " HATtmn.w, may ao, him. PROPOSE HIO TO GET THIEF Auto Stealing to Be Made Ht,rrdous Occupation v Irom Now on POUTI..ANY7. Stny 20 Automobile IIiIotob wlll.fliiil Ve'r chosen occupa tfcjn on0 of extreme hazard rum now n r.-inliiJn . A. 1..SWM. head of tho Irnfflc dlvfcdon, nnnountvd. The police ptfltion Ih lo lo equip, luui Willi n ri(ill."tiot or sulflclrnt slio and power lo bnadrast to nlJ parts ntltho Northwest. The 1'""' '"'c tin, now scut oul J'V mull, will ho broadcasted latent nlA1" ""' author Itfc In nil parlft of Otcgon, Wash ington and Idaho will b0 on the watrh for cars reported stolen. .Thin I the Plan of Captain fowl, who Is now completing the details, which will provide for co-oper.itlon from various police organisations. What Is proposed. Lewis mW. lo bnvo each chief of tolleo and iberlff In' tlio Northwest net up appaitus. lijr Its iio closer touch can bo KiPt. with nil district and tho scope i"f efficiency of police can be greatly wllNAil v"In this day of science the pollco cannot expect to work efficiently un lets they uso the latest methods." ilbwls said. , "Hadlo work Is something that Is of great value In apprehending crim inals, especially those stealing auto ttiobllcVor other means of transporta tion. Word could be sent out giving ttie number and make of the car as well as data for other means of Iden tification. Practically all parts of the northweit epuld be reached simultan eously and the net spread for the of fender. Fortunately, the main highways In the northwest arc few. Anyone traveling along them could be found with llttlo trouble It warning Is scnl out before they can leave the state. On th0 roads but little used every traveler Is noticed, so there Is not a great deal to fear from that nngle. Anyway, the thief stealing automo biles plans to get som0 distance from the scene of his crime and sell the car." . Jn addition' to the proposed broad casting scheme, the police bureau Is considering placing radio receiving apparatus on the light cars now used In the booth system. From tho cen tral station orders could be dispatch ed to any of the officer, directing Tilm to the scene of action where he Ih most needed. This system has been tried In sev eral cities and has proven successful. In one of the trials an officer was dispatched In a. car for a certain "place. Ileforc reaching there be was 'ordered to another place where a riot was supposed to be In process. This .continued on several other changed Tind tho officer was In communication 'with tlio rcntrul station at nllHlmcs. jnaklng tho flying force particularly (flexible. KI'IT.li'HS MMt MOTOIMHTS Hero rests tho remain Of I'ercival Sapp: Ho drove his machine With a girl In bis Up. I.lcs slumbering hero I Ono William Lake; fo beard the bell Hut bad no brake. t lleneath this stono Sleeps William Kulnes; Ico on the hill, He had no chains. Here lies tho body Of William Jay; Ho died maintaining Ills right of way. At fifty miles Drove Olllo Pldd; He thought ho wouldn't Skid, but he did. Here ho sleeps, One Johnny Koukcr; He rounded a turn Without a honker. '.i -v -Columbus Dispatch, HE KE1T HIS CAIt He pawned his watch, bo boaked his $ ring And sold his bonds and ov'rythlug, His homes and his sheep In flock sVVero put upon tho auction block. Ho also lost his herd of cows And halt the fields dropped 'way uu- dor par. At last ho bad to sell his tools. Krom bluder down to milking stools; The houso aud ham and contents 9 went, go at this point he bought a tent; fl atill posses,' tiald ho, "somo land, lly family und lots of tand, iud daruod If I will sell tho car," "aWfcWWW-iJflrpIt jouma,. LARGE ROAD PROGRAM Citllfotnln aoo7 Will llno Completed snllr hy em! of )onr HACUAMKNTO Mny 20 -lly tho nml of tho present fiscal oar Cali fornia will have vontploleil approxi mately 3007 miles of Its stale high way pivgram, or nboiit half tho mlti ago Incorporate! In the stnto js torn by I he- virions' bond and legis lative aclu pertaining to highways. In nM Won to thl 300 mile nro !Mi miles of special nppropriu tlon road which nr not Included lit the list of completed highways. Soir e of theso At" miles nro equal to the state highway standard for finished roads, but tho inajorlty will need radical reconstruction. i:t()l Miles III S, ".trm The total mileage In the stale. . tern for both building and innliitcn mice Is oxer 6300 miles or clojo to .10 per cent of all dedicated public Incorporated, cities. Of the 3007 miles by the Califor nia highway commission, 1705 miles nrv concrete base roads, with or without nsphaltle surfacing; 303 inlVs nre paved roads of other types and t'37 miles are graded road. SM ,1,04)0,000 Xew Wotk Since January 1, of Oils year, the commission has contrartcd for lO'.t miles of new construction. 4t ml'v of gravel surfacing and 30 miles of asphalt surfacing- Its program Tor the year calls for SI.'.wOO.uOO In new 1,,'fcftway construction. louring 1921 average costs fov tho dHfofnt types of roads were roitghr? as folic : Grade roads. J 12.000 pet" mile. UltumlL lIC, macadam, J2L.000 per mile. Concrete base. 130,000 per mile. Illtumlnous" pavement, J 2 4,000 por mile. The total cxpc-ndltnre of the de partment to April J, '1922; ecluslvo of the motor vehicle funds, which aro used almcwt cw'lushcly for maintenance, amounts to J53.C4C. OSt. and the csMmatcd unobligated balance, available from all sources. exclusive of motor vehicle funds, la 133,700.000. At tho present ratv of construction theso funds will be largely obligated. 1 during 1922 and 1923. STOP AT Klamath Falls Auto Co. Phone 246-R tor Expert All work guaranteed. Ford work a specialty. Stock of gen uine Ford parts always on hand, complete line of auto accessor ies, used cars for sale, cars for hire without drivel's. ESKIMO PIE The Pie that Made the ' Eskimo Famous EAT ONE AND BECOME FAMOUS , YOURSELF ) Sold by all Confectioneries and Peel Halls MADE Klamath Falls Creamery ir oie month iiutraiiiwN Orcrs on Hand Now Exceed Possible Output; Extra Shifts at Work 1)I:tUOIT. May 20. The month of May will Im the biggest production mouth the Detroit district hat eor known. Orderss now on hand In most Vlants far exceed the possible output for the month' and now orders nre coming In every day. I'.xtra shifts will bo .resorted to In all plants I keep production to Its highest pas sible lmlnt. In the meanwhile, ship ments will be apportioned through out tho sales territory. Production of motor vehicles In April closely approached a record. If It dltl not actually establish one. It may Vie found when the figures nro compiled that more passenger cars nn.tl trucks wore produced than In iJiy single mouth lu the history of I the Industry. llecoril llrllcwd llrokcii It Is practically certain that tho record for carload shipments was broken. The highest carload ship ment cier recorded In ono month wag Just under 30,000. The relsed total for March was 27.3S0 and April ran considerably In excess of this figure. Whether a new mark Is set will depend upon the number of cars driven away from the factories. Tho only possible deduction fr6m theso production figures Is that the automotive Industry is running at ca pacity. For that reason any material Increase In production will bo Im possible this month. It can be stated definitely, however, that May will be as good as April Predictions 'beyond that point would be hazardous, but it would bo surprising If there were not a seasonal decline In the third quarter. Nothing like a slump Is probable and It Is not likely that pro duction or sales wilt fall below the level of March, which was an ex ceedingly good month. The recovery In the parts branch 224 Main St. Repairing , BY t THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH of tli Industry has been almost as rapid as hi tho passenger car field. Sales of parts and accessories for March wero tho largest In more than IS months and ran about 30 por cent ahead of February. April will show n further substantial gain. Truck plants aro booming ahead ami one of the most encouraging signs of continued good demand Is found lu thnt fact that a sales con tent for the first threo months of the ear, conducted hy one of the largo manufacturers of light trucks was won by Its branch In St. Cloud, Minn., rather than by one in an lit dustrlal center. WOUI.D'S COTTON CHOI The 1921 world's- cotton crop was j miles of work will bo umlnitaktm ir,r93,0u0 bales, representing in this summer. total decrease from tho 1920 crop) The kshIIoii undertaken will bo on of about 5,000,000. tlrely In Slakljou county Prosperity Talka No. 10 ZATION. It is now up PRICE if he Prices Are Help FALLS, OREGON AUTHORIZE NEW ROAD Const i utt Ion nth ItUer Will SlnU mi Ulinn Lateral Of Highway Construction of a icct.loii of tlio Klamuth river lateral of In stalo highway fiom Huppr Camp to 'i Junc tion with the main state liUliwuy north of Vieka has been authorised by the California highway lommls slon. Tho uorU will bo undertaken In com la labor, tho eotixlet camp now at Ingot, Shasta county, being moved to the more Isolated Klamath section. The summer n work will begin at Happy Omp, to which point the ful led States forest service Is now building a toad. Appioilmutoty 20 feft Prosperity ! This is no time for GROUCHING, GRUMBLING, no time for utrife and strikes, for distrust of the other fellow. What Klamath Falls needs is loyal men and women who have faith in the FUTURE of their city, and who will do their full share towards its REALI . . , INSTEAD OF KNOCKERS AND WRECKERS,-r-lct AND BOOSTERS. To meet the world's competition we must speed up production THE FALSE VALUES OF THE WAR are a thing of the past. We are Ret ting back to normal, which means that every businessman must watch his COSTS- - -' to him to increase his output, HOLD DOWN expects to stay in BUSINESS. To do this he must have the co-operation of his employes DO A FULL DAYS WORK EVERY DAY, pull with your house, not against it. - . . THE WAY TO EARN MORE FOR YOURSELF is to earn more for your employer. ... v r J r , THE WAY TO INSURE YOUR JOB is lo do all you can for the success of the concern you're working for. Down, including the price of The value of the Dollar is going up It will buy more today than at any time since the world war : It meant Prosperity for Klamath NOW WORK MORE Klamath Falls Ma m WshSw sHWsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW Your Own City Ic You Help Yoi rarsclf Tim ounvlii worli. which bun been In progtesii ou lb" Alturns lateral from tlm fiutiti nt liiRi't, will now i taken oxer by a free labor organ Uallon under tlm dliectlon of Urn California highway enminliilon Sunday EXCURSION Sunday Motor Hunt Oakland and Spray Rocky Point Resort MDItMf) 'PIMP llo.it leaves mall boat binding -l II 00 a m l.o.i)o llocky Point 3 fishing. Think How You Can Help us have BUILDERS THE SELLING labor. ' "" ' rrrt i i Fall.. BUY NOW BUILD EARN MORE. This spucc. paid for by ,ot the buHlutuHiueii of Klum. ' -oth Kalla for tho benefit oV 'tB,"U' thy community, ' . . ; Pugo Foiff 1.I..I..L.J-1 $2.00 00 00 p arrive n Itorky t'ulni - I'our hours for r.oo, Klamath FalU Crow! 3T 'llsf V J VI n "'v'twi'i'!1"1-.""" sMWf-s iwf-. wxnwr r-