The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 4

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Pngo Two
: '
Buick Four Gonquers Snow
And Mud to the Yosemite
Motorists who take the long trips
Into llm mountains to upend their
vacations during thd summer and
fall senson when tho roads are In
Reed shape, can readily appreciate
whnt It means to have to fight
through snow nnd mud to readh
Yosemite Valley.
When tho Hulck four-cylinder car
was .pllotod by tho crow from the
IrntitAr.l niitmnnhtlA rnmninv In Ihrt
midst of the wornt snowstorms and
over roads which were so heavily
covered with snow that only tho trees
acted as landmarks for the tides ot
tho winding road In the higher alll
tudes,, there practically wasn't any
However. Inasmuch na the Oulck
was awarded the first permit by
Chief Ranger F. 8. Towusloy for
having been tho first automobile to
reach Yosemite valley thla year un
der Its own power, the hard-working,
nervy crow which had manned the
little ear In Its battle with the snow;
mud and elements, were very much
After having been officially check
nd-ln at the United States govern
ment's office, the tlulck was driven
to Camp Curry, where Mrs. David -A.
Curry and her assistants greeted the '
The nation's gasoline stock is still
Increasing and had on April 1, pass
ed, by somo 47,010,000 gallons, the
high record mark of 807,000,000 gal
lons reported In storage March 1, ac
cording to a statistical summary Just
Issued by tho bureau ot mines. Stocks
ot 854, 53;, 000 gallons were oa hud'
April 1, a supply SO per cent greater
than fpr April 1, 1921, and SI per
cent greater than for April 1, 1 Jit,
The number ot operative raftaer
let In the United States Increased
from 29C to 306 during tha aoata
of March. The dally average amowU.
of oil run through the stills waa 1,-
390,000 barrels, an Increase of llr
000 barrels In the dally average over
the preceding month. The raflnerlea
" It opemtfcon show a 79 per cant oper
ative status based on their dally ia
.dlcatcd capacities, this being, aa ia
crease of 3 per cent over the aaoatls
of February.
j Domestic consumption of gaaollaa
for the first qgarter of 192! shows aa
Increase of 7 per cent over the first
quarter ot 1921 and 25 per cent over
the corresponding period In 1920.
, Kerosene stocks decreased 10.000,
ono gallons during March. Present
stocks ot kerosene are 125,000,000
rations less than a year ago; produc
tion fcr the first quarter was less,
and exports and domestic consump
tion were greater.
Present stocks of gas and fuel oils
are 1,250,278,000 gallons, a decrease
of 71,000,000 gallons as compared
with the February reserve. Compari
son of the first quarter ct this year
with a similar, period last year
shows an increased production ot
'140,741,000 gallons and an Increased
domestic consumption of 458,335,000
gallons. Kxports and. shipments Jo
Insular possessions wero 68,594,000
"gallons lesg the first quarter this year
than last.
. The production of lubricating oils
Ishownd i dally average decrease ot
10 1,000 Kallons, and reserves were
reduced to the extent of 16,700.000
'gallons during the menth: the pros
out rcservo uulng 236,886,000 gal'
Obey tliu speed laws.
Study and remember the traffic
!' Inexperienced drivers should re
main out of the congested district.
i Always glvo signals clearly and
as far In advance as possible.
i Do courteous toward other driv
ers. 4 Do not try to steal the other fel
low's right ot way.
1 Oho tho drivers of heavily laden
Gucks a chunce.
? Don't Jam your car Into mate of
traffic; leavo room for cars to more
out of congestion.
J Don't speed at Intersections or
pass street curs or vehicles at In
tersection?. Keep brakes In good condition.
i Don't turn around when drfvlng
to tulle to other occupants of 'car.
? Don't cut directly in front ot a
car after passing.
IPasa around traffic buttons; do
not cut to left of them,
j Do not attempt to pass cars In
tunnels; do not sound horn when
traffic Is halted in tunnel. It will
puly cause confusion.
boya and officially awarded them tho
Cantp Curry .trophy for being tho
first eat to" travel over any of tho
authorised automobile roads Into
Yosemite valley.
The ordinary driver feels that In
making one of these long trips ho Is
subjecting his car to a severe test In
scaling the precipitous erodes and
skillfully steering his car around the
many sharp turns In tho roads which
winds around tho series ot mountain
ranges-which separata the San Joa
quin valley from tho famous Yosr
mjte National park.
The four-eyllndcr Hulck which this J
year won the Camp Curry cup prob
ably was called upon to do more dif
ficult feats than any car was cvor
asked to perform In making this
strenuous run Into Yosemite. It was
a test torc the motor, tho carburetor,
the Ignition system and tho mechani
cal construction ot tho car. Fred
Gross, one of the most expert drlv
era and Ignition men on the Pacific
coast, who was a member of the
pioneer crew which managed to safe
ly land tho Quick In Yosemite ahrad
of all ether competitors, states that
not once did the valve-ln-head motor.
fall In Its fight to reach the sum-
mlta of the Sierra-Nevada moun-
Give cart leaving automobile
parka chance to get out.
.'Keep In left lane of traffic when
turning to left; keep to right when
turning to right.
Watch your speedometer and keep
your eyes ahead.
"When car from the rear signals
to pasa, do not start to race.
Always have .your driver's card
with .you.
.Keep, jrour hands Inside car, un
less signaling.
Report any reckless driver to tho
pollcedeparunent. giving his license
umber and make ot his car.
Drive slowly past schools and
kosplUls. .
. Drive slowly on wet pavements
aa coming down slippery grades.
, Pedestrians sbould be unusually
5,.U8-''"Jn crossing street when It
ia raining. Windshields are often
obaeared by rain.
B careful in backing out of
Rear Asia Leak
OH worka out ot tha rear aale at
Ua .right rear wheel more often
Utt .at ,the left- wheel because of
tha'.aya shape In which roads are
constructed, sloping from the cen
ter toward curb or ditch at each
tide. The car being driven at tho
right side of the road causes the
right wheel to travel at a lower
level than the left wheel, conse
quently oil that Is too thin or which
leaks from the axle from lack of
washers or other obstruction in the
axle will run to the end
where it works out on the brakes,
spokes, rim and tire. Tho shape of
the road cannot be altered, but
laaklog oil can be by' proper at
Uncle Kh, He Hays
tfie crying need In automobiles
which some mechanical genius Is
bound' to meet and acquire a fortune
thereby, is an' extra set or durablo
footbrakes in front or each seat. Tboy
needntt necessarily connect with tho
wheels, but they'll koep nervous
wives from pushing the floor out of
When remounting a rim do not
tighten. .'?ne lug" Jo the fullest ex
tent, but, tighten '.each, lug a. little
at, aitlme.aintllJall..aro snugly in
Winning Women's
i A. Wrlcht of Enslsnd. left,
leas' ivVi 4-'rtWJUf jJ"j .bbbssbbbbbbbbbbbb TATy'' A
KHirkM m
sever bbbbbbbbbbc bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV L j"y easjHttjsjsjsjsjsaasaiaaC7
PVsssbE'' LaiBSiihBssasZjBssssssBLHaH
iZ" it'MW1bssssssisss1sssss1
1 4-eattar race la the Women's Olympic at Monte Carlo. 8ho won by two
jar4s.jtrot).rpreKntatlvc3 of Bsigluta, France and Italy,
In Ye Old
Only 13,574 plants employ over
100 wcrkersT
There are 261553 women farm
ers n the United States?
Seven thousand people wero kill
ed at grado crossings In 1921?
It' not candle-power or horse
power, but brain power yat counts?
Motorists pay an average of
134.67 each In various forms ot
Automobiles are replaced with
new one on an average of every
five years?
From 1S79 to 1915 the volume
of all businesses Increased over 300
per cent?
France's exports of automobiles
In 1921 was 19 per cent greater
thsn In 1920?
Firestone sales to tire dealers In
1921 wero larger than the peak
volumo In 1920?
The U. S. bureau of mtncg has
succeeded In producing fuel from
ordinary straw?
The latest accessory Is a kind ot
a whistle that gives warning when
the gas tank got, low?
Passenger cars play an Important
part In relieving housing conditions
In tho large cities?
Only 1 Vj per cent of the peoplo
in the United States have Incomes
over 13,000 a year?
The world's cotton production for
1921-1922 Is nearly 5,000,000 bales
less than In the previous year?
Seventeen thousand miles Is the
average service car owners put their
automobiles to In threo ears?
There uro now operating In Eng
land a number of motor buses
equipped with all club conveniences?
In England there are 600 motor
trucking companies carrying freight
for distance,, of 100 miles or more?.
Seventy per cent ot automotive
dealers Interviewed by a farm bu
reau report their business better
than filr?
Ten year j ago the annual produc
tion of automobiles In this country
was IS 1,000, and today tho capac
ity Is 2.750,000?
A Slngaporo man claims to havo
Invented u' process whereby rubber
can be uxed commercially without
Ninety-seven per cent of tho total
Investments In the Mexican oil In
durtry is held by foreigners, mostly
Tlio continent of Asia, nearly six
times the site of tho United 8tates,
hus only ono-fourih tho railway
mileage, of this country?
Tho production of cotton In the
United State,, for 1921 was one-halt
lesj than the, 1914 crop, which
amounted to 16.000,000 bales?
A car owner of Yuba county, Cal
ifornia, while, backliiK up his car on
Olympic Hurdle
aolna over the latt.hurdlo la the
rrrMir?rTOM... . Vs,j--c3
I- I 077)yM7 ST JC-1VivtX Mrwvr",, is s
.'yiSCS ff. CVaA CARRY rff RflVflll 1T
I a-Aasa. I T 'lil l .-nsataW. bPssbbbbbbbbbbbbI y " ' 1.
BB?Criffi3iSIiTgW5 55
cwevr n3SavjJK4i a
rZf V fd W h 4 WiSJTi I SSB&X. .Te' BBSBSBSB NW 12
ccmtrai- Hoiai- tocv, winery .yMM k
h ! '
Homm Town
account ot a blowout, discovered n
good-slxcd gold nugget?
Onasote Is n new form ot rubber
sponge, threo times lighter than
cork, a nvn-condurtor ot heat and
cold and Inpermeablo to water?
A medium site tractor with four
plow Bottom can turn 13 arroa per
day. Tho old hand-plow and horses
could handle 2 4 acres If they
stuck close to It.
The 'national winner ot tho 1921
Harvey "Firestone scholarship, se
lected from 300,000 high school
contestants, was a 15-year-old soph
omore. Miss Garland Johnson, ot
Bridgeport, W. Vn.
T0 doeudes ago tlio horseless
buggy was In Its experimental
Mngo. The sound of the oxIhuinI of
the gas-propelled vehicle brought tho
wliolo family to tho window to sue tho
new contraption go by, says tho
Grants Pius Courier, and It was n
common cause, for hilarity when the
driver would luwn to "got nut and
get under," fnr tho ohkImo was not
tho perfect thing Hint It now Is.
Twenty years havo witnessed wonders
lit the perfecting ot the automobile.
It hus beconio almost foot proof, nnd
the exercise of common cure makes II
prnrtlcnlly certain In Ita action. When
trouble occurs, It ran ordinarily be
traced to carelessness or Innxperlonre
on tho part of tho operator. Tho nu
tomobllo has changed tho entire
trend of Industry. Front It llm pres
ent system of highways has develop
ed, nnd transportation has been rev
olutlonliod. It lias become a necessity
whero only n single decade ago It
was considered n luxury.
With thn development of the au
tomobile, tho development nf the
tractor has kept nparo. mid farm
work has met as great a change as
has transportation. Tho , wheeled
horse has taken much nf drudgery
from the farm, though It seems that
the era of thn tractor has only open
ed. Tho development In the nUtomotUn
Hue that ran be anticipated during
the nuxt 10-year period will no doubt
bo In the fuel supply Internal com
bustion engines may glvo way to pro
pulsion by electrical or other energy
obtained direct from nature's labora
tory. Somo day gas manufactured
from petroleum, will havo to give
way, nnd the. need of the occasion Is
always met.
Automobiles In Canada carried
nearly 250,000,000 passengers In
See Its New Motor
a ride Jells all
No Advance in Prices
At the height of success, Hudson adopts a new motor.
No car has had a more famous motor than the Super-Six.
More than 125,000 owners know its performance. Its reliabil
ity in long, hard service is outstanding. . - trf-'
Then how great is the new motor to
warrant a change at this time ,
All the patented advantages
are retained in the new Super
Six motor. Without them the
improvements would have
been impossible.
Even Hudson owners marvel
at the change. Discover thc
I'liuetoU ViuiKt
7-l'iiss. I'haeton 1715
?oarli 171)5
Cubriolet iftill.l
I'. pt tH,
Acme Motor Co.
' 400-416 South .Sixth "Street, . . "'
l.lf; 1
111 J.i ft!).' ,5 ,!,,; -t
nrw votiK pouch
Heventy-lwn high-powered passen
gen automobiles lire operated by
thn pollen department In 72 pro
ducts ot Now York, to rid tho city
of nil persons, nx-eonvlcls nnd oth
ers, suspected of violence or of
crime. Kurd of thn pollen cars will
Portland, Ore.
Its convenient location in the heart of
the city's activities and ita proximity
to the Shopping and Amusement cen
ters during the Holiday Season, is
merely another of this famous hotel's
Arthur li. Meyers m
difference. You must know
the latest in motor perform
ance, and you will like the
new Hudson in other., ad
vanced details.
Come drive it. You will bo
('"Up) v 1M70
Kcsluii iUKW
Tour, IJiiiousliie -MC4I
J.lliioiuluo USH3
' '' - .1 f. .- J
ifn tcn f'm'.r'ii'n'tidf)lv tr.mvn Jij
ho constantly on patrol, A sergeiim
nnd six patrolmen, heavily nrined,
will ho assigned to each iiuu-lilne,
with a ctiangn of shlftn every night
hours. Al night the iiiiliitiiiihllni
will Im equipped with seiireli lights
Special motor vehicle taxes, fmlerul
and state, In 1921, urn said to liuve
totaled 22X,7rl,0H0,