The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 20, 1922, Image 1

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I w
vmxn$ Her aid
Member of'tho Associated Press.
llfMVnlli Vitir. N. IIM'JH
Martin and Leavitt Given
Bill Majorities; Olcott
Lending Field
A landslide for Cliarlov'
Martin and A. L. Leavitt
wore tho outstanding fea
tures of the local primary,
election. With complete'
reporUt from seven out of
.ten citv and 2 2nut of 2(5
countrv precincts, the vote
Charlev Martin
Asa Kordvce
A. i. Leavitt
!;. , Klliott
Clovernor Olcott
t 9 I it
. (ill,
led the I
race in Minnain
with a wide lead over all
others. The vote stood
Hall . .
Other results were as fol-
Sinnott 00:1. Gwinn 451.
r:n:....,u i!ir. tfitliS.iti
lilliillin uiW i viiiiiii
Rvan r2:3. Hoff 711.
McCourt .745. Rand 744.
Shepherd 403. Burnett 740.
Gramm 592. Dalziel 5M.
Lavman 27H. Thiehoff,
2:M. (Campbell 487.
Bzell SSI. Ovcrturff 537,
Hurdick 012.
No figures had been com
pile for the democratic tick
et, but apparently a light
vote was cast.
The county unit nlan
seemed to have carried and
the Williams recall to have
I Hut, Mm A. M. .S.inlniiiun, Mm M
TICKET SALES HEAVY IN. D...uI-o... D.ui IMrlllanl. Mrn A.
"" S. CronHtlclil, mnl Ciiiiiitnui WHhoii.
-iiiiiIiiiiiIii lllrrtlnr Kii) IVoploJ DUlrlrt No 11. Mm l.iiwrcncn K.
AppmLilo Hcamm Ualif.
Climitmniiin tlckolH am kiiIIIiik
wll, ii ico rill iik to Mm, M. C. UcimI,
local illri'ctor, nIio In hero nrrnin;
Im; ilnliilU for llio iiioiiIiik of llio
nlx-il.iy roiivoiitloii, Mlilrli Iiki'Imk
Tiii'mlay iidi'inoon. Tim hIIo Ih on
I'liio Ntii'i't lii'twi'i'ii HoMinlli mnl
Mont piuiplo iippriirlntc tlto.Kiiln In
liiiyliu: HiiKoii llrlmlH, Hiiyn Mm, Ki'imI
nml tlm r.nar.iiilor.i urn romllly ilU-
pniilni; of lln'lr iiioIiih. Por IIiiihh
ulio urn not familiar wllh Ihn ml
Miiiliit'.n nhi pnlnlH mil I tint hIiikIk
iiilmlmiloiiH for nvory iii-rfniiiimiio
iluiliii; l ho nU-iliiy iioimlnn would nml
$7 rill; for oVnnliiKrt nloim nhntil
'l.:ir.. SiMioii lli'kulH nitll fur YiM
mnl ili t It lit liohlnni lo uilinlmilmi lo
nvoiy iii'rformiiiico nml urn px
rliaiiRiiiihlo iiinniiK fnutllv muiiilii'rn.
Tlm Cyrln.jltormngrupli ui Un-
uiiilorwonii h 1'iiur
mucy roinini'iiicil
to t'CKlxlor ii rlHlim
liaroinotrlc vrv'
Hiiro about 4 o'clock
thin mniiiliiK ami
ut y 111 In afternoon
Ihn ti'liiluncy wan
Htlll upwaril. Tlm
IikUciiIIoiih urn that
tomorrow will lio
Forocnat (or nuxt
24 hOUM!
(luuvrally fair, probably cool, with
vurlaiiio wimiH, Tho T)om rocoru
liu: thornumiutur rt'Klatoreil mnxliutiiii
nml minimum temperatures, today, uh
fdllOWH! .
lliKh j.i. r4
l-uw ,..., 40
It's a Bird!
Jano Tliotn.ii wearing htr "ca
nary bonnet" wild ttllvo noncaUr
Imprisoned on tej ntfw fad frwa
till of KiIiihiI Clillil.t-n Athiils Minx
Illixk riiiiiliit. Viiniiil;
Ililie MiiiIn MuiiiIji)
A iniuplelit nilliin fur Anlll. liter
week, hcnliitiltu: Motul.1)'. wan ax-
r.ltll!IMt ill II llll'ltllfllf III 111. rhniiilmr
i uiuimrri-p im.t nikhi ii.n .n.irict
rh.ilrmeii timl lilnrk r-aiItliiM u-rn
preent in iIImii-h ihn prni:rm
AIhhk Sn ili.iiriiii'ii Aire pri'triil
SIi'Hh ui'io taken In lii itm i lil
lliiiihluii Intel hlixk rli-niifil mi on
I'rlilj) iifleriuinii, (lino On
iriiHriy nrnuinl I In- li.iinlull i:roiimtn
mill tlirr pliiion nlniiK ttm uimlti
,.,i u rMniuiiun n-iuraiinK j. i
Wi'IIk. HUpcrlnti'liUi'liI uf hcliooln to
""" '" ,,'"t" u'" :l1"1' "'i-
'' I'rliUy ailoriiunn for ln- pnrpiine
nf liiUlm; euro nf tlm plntiM incii
lliuii'il uIjuMi nml oilier p.irU uf lown,
IiicIiiiIIiik tlin rmnp nrnnnil.
Mm 1'lmrlfn Wouil i:iirli'lii, W
O. Kmllli. J A Cor.lon. Dr. II. I) I..
Hlovvnrt nml Mm Aniin II. Ilurrlfon
wi'to nniiM'il on n rniumlttco lo ncl-
in tim iiimnct imvimi tim mot
work iloiio In I lie ciunp.-ilKii.
To Ilic rlillilri'ti In tliln illutrlct mi
Iro rri'iim nml rukn limniui't Mill do
Klvi'ii Ii (Iii Miiniim'ii mulllnry of
tlm, cliuitilicjr iiIIit tho rolan-iip enm
PiiIkii In oor.
Tim follewlni: liluck'niptiiliu wortf
niMioliiinl ycnteriluy:
Dlntrlct No. X, J. II. Ilrnrkrn
liroiiKh, illutrlct clialrmrii: W C
MlaMinr, Mtn. I'mnrrn llo)il. Howard
KorRUHdii, A. P Comlray, II. I'. Dow.
I' II. Col.lrn, Mm, A. O. Dunn. ri(i)il
Alli'ii. W A DoUi'll, Mrn. T. J. I'm-
I'liiilpK illntrlct clnilrmcn: Mm. II. K
Veiitch, Mm. W. II. Itdblnaoii, Mm.
II. It. I,. Stuuart.
Illutrlct No. T, I'reil IiiKnemen iIIk.
trlct chairmen: M, A. Mann, J. A.
l.eonanl, Itay Iteeil, 0. L Colvln. C.
W. Kaler. '. It. Miller. W. A. Tur
nor. Dr. A. A. Souln, J. J. I'm her.
District No, r, Dr. (. V. .KUher
illHtrlct chairmen; W. M, Coelioom,
P. M. (larlrli, Kint; I'rlce, I.. K.
I'helpH, I'ranl! Krankfonl, I'rof. .1.
II. Keen. (' II. Jay. I'. 1'. Manure. W.
D. Cofer, Marlon llmiku, H. M. Ulill
eole, A. T. Salfleky, M. Jolmnon,
Harry Hotel, O. S. Ciiiiln.
W, (1. Hmllli, who l.i In charco ;
havlni: tho TiiIiIiIhIi uiiileil away,
minoiiiireil that three triiekrt woulil
Im emplojoil hy Ihn city ami that on
Tlinriiilay I lie)' "oulil nerve all ter
ritory wohI of l'Uth Htreet; 1'rlil.iy,
all terrltoiy between I'lfth mnl
'I'rtelflli til reel h; Hat unlay, nil terri
tory emit of Twelfth iilreel, Inclml.
Ini; I Tot tTprliii;si.
The IriieliH will not rover the ter
ritory morn than onco mnl eveiy
oiin expcctlni; to havo ruliblnh luuileil
nway fri'o uliouhl have It out In tho
Htreet In u Hack or u hiiiiiII box on
the ilayH niDUtloitsil,
iiAKi: county i-oii oi.corr
laivl'.VIKW, May 0, I'm- 9
tlal returns In l.nko county jjavo 4
4 Olcolt HU, Hall in, White 11.
llYnl fulled in entry, llio vote
being 110 lo 113. A into of not
lo oxoeetl i!3 per cent Ih pre
Cuts Down Hall's Lead; Three
Republican Counties Not In
' PORTLAND, May 20.-3:33 p. m'. Up-tatc gains
for Olcott tabulated this afternoon cut down somewhat
I Hall's lead. Four hundred and twenty-two precincts out
I of 426 in Multnomah, combined with the latest returns
1 from 32 counties, Hall 27,703, Qlcott 27,045. Mult
nomah's share of these figures was Hall 19,356, Olcott
' 18,418.
PORTLAND, May 20.-3:35 p. m. Counties from
which no returns have been received are Grant, Lake .
and Harney, with a total of 4723 registered republican
PORTLAND, May 20.-3:30 p. m. Returns from 34
counties this afternoon gave Hall 34,799, Olcott 33,663.
This included 414 Multnomah precincts and incomplete
returns from 32 other counties. Multnomah gave Hall
1 18,705, up-slnte 16,094. ' Multnomah gave Olcott 17,820,
up-state lb,o4J.
SALEM, Mav 20.- :i p. m. Fifty-four precincts out of
7l in Marion countv gavt! Hall 0r8, Olcott 2201, Hoff
HOiiO, Kyan 'Ml'".
rnor Men W. Olcott. who a
.he "invisible empire" of the
if.i.... !.... n... r...,.i.o ; tim
llll. IM.iu, my ...i. ... v..w
proclamation denouncing masKed ami nooueo oiuani- nection w
tions. was running behind State Senator unaries nan m Mexican.
m ,i,r:.,i,i r.ii. iiuiiiliinii iHiinination for governor on ,,.,
ivturns from yesterday's primary. The last weeK pri- tho aotor .
lllilinilllUMI WS l-"."- - lltllkviiif
marv campaign was featured by bitterness, anil Uiouiin
ir..n i...,i .w. i.nhiw. iWhinition in favor of the Ku i iimrfr
M-ganiznt on rallied to his sup ion ami ne uicw-uii: ..w
share of the vote for the field of five candidates oppos
ini' the governor. , , 14
At 2 p. m. Hall maintaintd his lead over Olcott as
addition il returns were tabulated. Three hundred and
fi ! J" . it, itnnmnh nreciiicts and returns from 29 coun
ties cave Hall 27,490, Olcott
10,050, Crumpackcr 7S15.
nnu-mAWn Mnv 20.
A new tabulation gave Hon .iu.ouu, aii -v.;'"' :ot lumber; soia of.4O0.3oi fct;
y.icl 27.75S, Campbell 2251. Layman 9G10. Republican , aml ihpp(li gS(MOirtl fcet.
N'ttioiril Committman Williams 29,ol, hitman -0,10-. i irodctlnn for mim rf.pc.rt(HB. wai
Ilonomination of Oregon's three congressmen seemed , er cpat ahaxo normaI. Now bUil.
Kenmiun.uioii ui v. h vorblad 74S2. Fisher 3G01: um for u. eek was 1:. pr cent
assured. a . "'r: An. McArthlir 11,107, Koirell above pro.lurtlon. Shipments were
1 "V 7;' i i roq Vntlmnn 1004. White 2232, Sin- j
Lee uu uiiuu u,u, ,;::.
turns from fourteen counties
nntt loadlUK uwiiiii.
(By Associated Press) Gov
week ago declared war on
Ku KIux Klan in a scathing
inf Hvinntithizinir witn tnai
. - ', -v-'r.,... ,,, ,. ,
7M a. m. llicoiiiifiuiw --
!.. n,vm 474 Hall 12,779,
gie liean -hi, nan 1-,
to rgo 4)
, ti iit 'Jin: iini- i
j Ri
HrV'f4 ' EBPumjp
P , TBttt, PH
v m
ilEEEHB3fis!EEEE: :wf&srmrs5Tm!T
to w 5m v "h7r
rVp ',HVBBV'.A
V"FJF f- '&& 'Br ifj ff
! V-ki&t '
Qlv Iwo
Cr . ni it ffwBni
EEf yi-M "y.-Wt
BETiEBr - nlsW :k& X?w
Heee7 RniWvwi
H 2r I"evj5eIee1l' ' aW
; lqs ANGELES, May 20. Rudolph Valentino, screen
actor, was arrested today charged with bigamy in con-
ith hisrecentmarriage to Winifred Hudnet in
He surrendered,
nts for his release
uid his beautiful
1'ioiluclliui (
Nomiiil In
Tor . CniU. Aa-4
l'OHTl.ANl). May 20. Ono-uun
tlrctl ami thirty-two mill reporting
to Wont Coast Lutnliermen's Ask
elation for the week entllng May
13th, manufactured SC,IU3,o71 feet
TUirty-onu l'cr cent, of nil now
business taken during tho week was
for future water ilellverv. T!il
amounted to 30.12C.301 feet, of
' winch. 21.94c.201 feet win move
.00glwUe or lnlcreotta am, S(.
lau.iuu icet wm mevo export. New
business for dollvcry by rail amount
ed to 2,270 cars.
and his counsel made ar-
on bail. The picture shows
30.000 YOUNG MEN I
- -
CHUcn Cmnrw Will Open During
July; Iilcw HnltMo lie Iloconi
Ini; lninicinoly Popular
NKW YOnK, May 20. 'Let's go!"
That snappy call Immortalized by
doughboys In France Is tho call Uncle
Sam Is sending out to citizen sol
diers. Thirty thousand young men. an
swering It. will undergo a month's
course at 25 citizens' military train
ing camps throughout the country.
Names of applicants aro now being
listed and tho camps will bo open
during July and August.
The citizens' military training
camps are conducted by the war de
partment under the national defense
act. Scrvlco Is voluntary, tb gov
ernment paying all expenses tnclud
Ind transportation.
Populnrlty OroM,,
"Tho Idea Is .growing Immensoly
popular," says Colonel Arthur F.
Cosby, secretary of tho military
training camps association, coopera
ting with the government. 'It is an
extension and development of tho
1'l.ittsburg camps of 1913,1914 and
' ''Last year thore wcro 12 camps
wlthlO.000 men There were 40.000
applications, but only 10,000 could
bo accommodated. This year, with
twice, as many camps, 30,000 can bo
"Prosldent Kurdlns has publicly
approved tho plan of working up
gradually to tho point where 100, ono
young men will attend tho training
camps each ir. Next year we
(Continued on pago four)
Appreciate o Aiulienco of 200 At
tend Mills lYrfortiiuncp
An appreciative uudlenco of some
250 persona packed tho Mills school
Thursday night for tho performance
of "Three Hats." a ridiculously fun
ny Ihreo-nct comedy that provoked
volloyB of laughtur and applause Tho
purposoof tho affair, wiping out tho
dobt ouNho school piano, was ac
complished, with u margin to spare.
MlllarrV)uilell In tho loading part,
J. J. Mlllorltolf l'attorson, Junior
Wngnor, Ituth. Dixon, the leading
lady, Annu OurreU, Mrs. Junior Wag
ner, Uorls Spangoiorg and Frank
Poyton mado up cust whoso porform
auco showed palnstaklpg training
A well-lighted stage, tho work of
Janitor MTrrIson and ho boys of tho
eighth grade, facilitated tho produc
tion. '
Sutcmcat of N-mWt Left
in This District Is
Held UnrHU4MuibU
Dental of the claim of the opera
tor thai only 1S1 strikers remain
In this district, baaing the figures
on the number attendlag the eet
Inr Friday, Is contained In tre fol-ii
lowing statement Issued today by the
-The statement by the operate
of only 121 strikers being left In this
district Is sb unreasonable that a
clear statement of fact and figures Is
L hereby given and can eas'ly be veri
fied by attending gatherings. of theso
strikers as shown by last Suaday's
meeting attended bv over 700.
This strike hm hen 'n 'prorrf-
rieirly tJT" trii,v lif':i? wMi'
pcrli 'V "'.fl'r' Zri", itr'Vf"
har0 acrfit'd i'1'.-r-rnt In h'
Minn .,., .-....-. .nn ,,
rnneh a?"1 r rr I'mi o' tv
e not Br,'"(' f t'" 'ni'fi'p
hld hftri ( i,- -
rlnye-s nn fi 1 tfi'I Tfi'-'
feenre barrH .""" e"iil i". rf'
firTTTtelMiT "rmi o-fFiTnt-rV
1922, wnrktnr fcr fiw fcr cjmi.i'i
lis renresented In t rorfcrnce
All str'ktnr elorf nf otT""- i
panics were not ndml'ted, all strlk
Jnc imnlovie of cn'h and evry
TT-rolll r-i rr', O tir !i
nl btindr'' lrr-n vho '":
'ruck o- vo hefr rrff"rt to n"t
nmplormont In the wonn -' t
nine-hour dav. snd th ir- '
drcd workmen who have hpi -vclgled
Into coming Into th's torrltnry
under misrenrcsen'at'on of no strlk
existing making a grand total of
somo several hundred workmen 'n
this territory on strike nt this tlmn
for tho maintenance of the elsM
hour day, all were denied admittance
to tho conference, called presumahlv
to settle the existing controversy.
' We contest the statement mode
by the operators tha there are work
ing for these employers represented
In this confeernce even as many as
ICO employeos and their statement
of 540 men Is far-fetched, unreason
able, and having tho ase degree of
truth as other statements matte by
them In tbe past. Of these men now
employed there are practically no
original strikers, being composed of
high school boys and girls, floaters,
office employees, relations, and
foremen and straw-bosses, It being a
well-known and admitted fact that
there are no workmen employed In
any of these plants.
rtecent Investigation has disclosed
the astounding fact that greater of
tbe majority of the plants In On II
fornla are operating on tho olght
hour day at a wage In excess of that
bolng offered hero for the nine-hour
day. Some of'tho plants operating
on the elgh-hour day In California
are: Tho Miller Hive and Dox; Co .
Los Angeles. Southorn California
Hox Co., Mercantllo Uox Co., Pacific
Dot Factory, Oakland Box Factory.
Tho Alameda Hox Co., In fact, thr
box Industry of that entire section
It Is suffllcent that. tho wage scale
offered at this conference was a re
plica of that of tha company-owned
closod towns of the Long fltll and
like Intorcsts, which places draw their
employees principally from the
ranks of that floating population
who are unable to hold Jobs ou mer
its. Now as to the proposition which
was submitted by the empleyers: An
other significant fact was: "Workine
hours were not tq be changed ( It (ho
men would accept tho nne hours)
during the year 1923." This Is smir
nntco and a positive assurance fa tlm
omployees that on Jan 1, 192, In
the dead of winter, workfng Hours
would be changed, of course, to tho
10-hour day. Is It, to be woagered
that we rejected this unholy 'preposition?
1 1
' i