The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 19, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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rniDAv, may in, 1022
' i
I'tnr Nnyn Membership Wim Ilivn
1 Qiimlniplcil In Konr Yonri
5 voi
v Kh'AHNKV, Noli., May ID. l'uhll
Lrlty changed tlin niitotnolillo friiik
mi pncmy In n friend of tho rlinrcli,
Recording to tlio Hov. Olhor Krno,
li.iHtnr of tlio -Methodist Kptaropnt
iliurcli hero.
"When tlin people; of tlin holt
(rdinnninlly know of a church ntul
kind of horntoiiR preached tlio
4 car will curry tliom to It of
., nwny from It," ho k.iM. "lty ndxor
$ tlidiig In tlio local paper 1 havo
f. itiadruplcd tlio membership of my
" church In four years. Christ said:
'On out and compel them to ronio In.'
t'hnt In nioro compelling than ad-
i-ortlMng In tlio modern wny?
"I otton Inserted n quarter page or
Jhnlf papa 'ad' In tin homo town pa-
pure. Tho cxpenso of advertising Is
jbinot liy tho collation liox, and tho
iimru people tho advertising driiw
to church, of course, the larger tho
rollecllon. So tho 'ads' pay for them
solves In actual money. Tho good
that Ih accomplished cannot bo meas
ured In dollars and rent.
"Advertising must bP backed by
'a Road, sound, gospel mcv
jgo from tho pulpit. Nothing ran
,tnko th0 placo of tho gospel; hot
inolos, nor music, nor haJf baked
addresses on current topics. And
tho man who goes once Is pretty apt
to return and bring sonic one with
By Our Country Editors
Mr and Mrs. Jim Stevenson look
Mary Kllen l Klamath Kails Thurs
day to bo operated on. She Is getting
along fine Mrs. Steenson Is staying
In t(in with her until she Is nblo to I
bo brought home. i
week to rousult Dr. l.elthend, Is to
ho opoinlcd on for chronic appendi
citis next Tuesday.
Mrs. Crnrles Collier Is helping Mr.
Cross this week mid taking caro of
tho Cross children. Mrs. Cross Is still
lu t.akcvlcw.
Mrs. Jody Owens spent a few days
Miss Young and Miss Ileitis. Mcr-, wh M(. ,, Mr, JamM w8 ,,
rill teachers spent Thursday night faM)Iy 0 Intl(ir ,,llrt of ,, Wl,k.
with Mrs C. It. Klger Mr!) JlilWi VVnlt ,,,, c,n,r,,
Mrs. Hoetsel of San Kranclsco l ;,,, Smu,,,y visiting at tho Jmnes
visiting her sister Mrs. Stevenson. , Owon rnnri,.
W. V. Wlenian Is doing somo fin- ( Mr nm, " Wjlor ontmcll
lslilng work on Sam Knman's house. wpro ,y vMU) on wcdncmlay.
Tho Klgcr family spent Sunday Th(, M(l,o um, ,, asodaOM
with friends near Malln. , ne,t, , rcRl,lir nnnual meeting on
Klln and Kenneth Klger Pl i wwlnomUy. May 10. In Uly, It was
baseball nt Malln, on tho Merrill atlemlcij
Jesse Johnson and faintly visited
at Henry Semon's homo one day last
week. t
l.ono l'lne school closed Friday,
May 12.
Friends of Mrs. J. K. Knman nnd
Audrey Klger gav0 them a surprise
Mrs. James Watts visited In Illy
on Wednesday afternoon.
Sykes Itamaker camo from tho
Oerber ranch In Horsefly on Wednes
day to attend the stork meeting.
I.uko Walker camo out from Klam
ath Kalis Tuesday evening to attend
the stockmen's meeting on Wednes-
birthday dinner Tuesday at tho home ,ay nm, Wi(( ook,nR . ,,,, ,,.
ests In this section for several days,
returning to Klamath Falls on Friday
When K. n. Henry looked over the
of Mrs Knman Those present were
Mr nnd Mrs. Klger. Carl and Au-
I drey Klger. Mrs. S Ka-Uweod. Mrs.
Wilbur Kaslwood, Mrs. Sam Knman.
Mrs. J. II Klllott. Mrs. Henry Semon road hrough ,0 Ukorlcw iast wek
.and children, t.retcncn ami i;nancs
lMltor ItotiiniliiK From Kuropo
S.i)n Time to Quit Santa Itolc-
Mrs. Clyde Harks. R. W. Knman.
Mr and Mrs. J. K. Knman nnd Clif
ford Jardlne.
Mr. niut Mrs. Wilbur Kastwood
'have moved to Mrs. Miles' house.
SPOKANE. May 19. En-routo
homo from a two-) ear visit to Kuroc"
Charles K. McCIatchy, editor of the
Sacramento "llco" declared his op
inion that "America Is tho largest In"-
trnatlonal sucker that over lived."
Mr. and Mrs. Earn 0an and on,1
B T. .Jr.. wero visitors In Uly on
Mr. and Mrs. W. T Oarrett woro
visiting and attending to business In
Illy on .Monday.
Victor Miller In recovering from a
he decided they could only run cars
from Illy to tho summit tho other
sldo of the Owens ranch and contin
ued with the horse stages across the
mountains for a while.
George Mathcs of Ashtand was In
this section of tho country on busi
ness tho first of tho week.
Charley Scott Warren, who lias
been In the Itkcvlcw hospital for
tho past month returned to Illy on
Wednesday. Ho stilt has to use
T. M. Edsall made a trip to Drews'
; valley on Sunday to bring a bunch n.
tho beetle fighters from there to
Silk Crochet
All Colors
Silkine Emb thrd 4c
I -I
, '
New Shipment
40 in. fine grade
Saturday Is
Bargain Day
The articles listed below are well worth your consideration, ns
they are marked much below tho rcj-ulur Selling Price, which we
are able to do, buying direct from the mills through our enor
mous buying power of our 900 stores.
.. .,.- ...ii .u. ... ...... ...
auu oxprcssou wie o.....Uu um. j0vere Illness caueu uy an out in- Mr ncadquartcri, ncar Owens ranch
vhould quit playing Santa Claus and
tho Reed Samaritan."
'.'This applies to Armenia and Aus
feeding children that were rosy, heal
thy and athletic. Austrlans nre lazy
ami won't work, while America feeds
Auktrlan children.
"Rich, profiteering Armenians Jn
Constantinople l't contribute a
rent to help their needy countrymen.
but leave that to tho I'nltcd States.
"Self determination of smaller na
tion l bunk." McCIatchy continued
"They nro constantly flrltlpg for
part of tho turkey. Tlio Fnlted States
should stay out of Europe, both poli
tically and phllanthroplcally."
1). M. Mctamore was a Illy visitor
Monday and was looking after
trla." ho said. "1 found America! i,sjncM interests In this section for
several days. He returned to Klam
nth Falls on Wednesday.
Klia Jean uixon wns auseni irum . croccrj. ma,,0 n
school all week on account of a very I Thursday nf
. W.. . .. I
i v Strayed to my place about C weeks.
1 t ago, big, red, roan cow and calf. Calf
' niUht bo 4 months old. Cow has no
'I brands visible but left horn Is little
1 longer than right one. II. K-. Royce,
,! unu mllo cast of Midland. la-SS
severe cold on her chest
Little Iva Iloyd was unablo to at
tend school the first of the week on
account of a severe cold but was able
to bo back In school on Wednesday.
Otto lloye inane n trip to ncatty
and back on Tuesday with his truck
Norman Whlio of tho forest ser
vice was attending to business In
and around Illy the first of tbb week.
Otto Itoyc, Victor MJIlcr anil the
Klamath stago driver ''Smithy'; at
tended a dance al Realty on Tuesday
Miss Louise Howard, who went In-
at Indigo Springs. He returned on
I Dave Campbell spent Wednesday
night with Charley Scott Warren at
tho home of Marvin Cross.
E. H. Jefferson of tho Medford
business trip to Illy
this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Warren were
visiting In Illy on Thursday.
Mrs. Kmma Kcady and tho Misses
Jessie and Klba Heir spent Thursday
afternoon and evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Garrett.
Mrs. Clarence Wallls and son.
Walter Dale, visited In Illy on Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cnscheer. Jr.,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watts on
Mr. and Mrs. James Rtvan camo
out from Klamath Falls on Wednes
day In their now Studobakcr car,
to Lakcvlew tho latter part of last.Tney urougm mcir son wuuu u.m
1 his wifc uac't out t0 lD0 rancI
Special Prices for
Only Quality Merchandise
6 Yds. Figured Challie All Trimmed Hats for-
d 1 ff mally Selling at
t 1 ,UU $7.85, Now
3G-inches wide A C
2 Yds. Colored Or- 77
gandic a'e Trimmed Hats
$1.00 $4.45,
44-In. in many colors 3 Yds
4 Prs. Children's Hose x$1.00-
$1.00 Similar to Devonshire
White only-good 5 Yds. Gingham"""
S1!L .$1.oo
4 Yds. Nainsook Checks and' Stripes
$1.00 2 Yd8a B,acksteen
3G-inches wide $100
; ; " Full yard wide
2 Yds. Lenpre Cloth
$1 00 'Novelty Girdles
36-inehes wide b 1 4o
Color Flesh, White, Six distinct styles left
Light Blue formerly sold for $1.95
Little Rohc Watts was out of
school tho la'st or the week on ac
count oPa severe cold.
Mttlo Iva Iloyd was 111 again on
Thursday and Friday and was unable
to attend school.
Walter Morgan was out of school
on Wednesday.
Percy Whqtstono was helping
move cattle on Thursday and was
out of school.
Sykes Uamukur has moved his out
tto. J. I'. McAullffo made u business
trip to Illy on Thursday.
Ross W. Flnloy was In Illy from
his reservation ranch 011 Thursday.
Kd Mcllroom pasaeA through Uly
Friday on ills way toKlamuth FalU.
Mies Jessie Iloyd spent tho day
with Miss Ilernlce Howard at tho
hotel on Thursday,
Austin Haydcn and Harry Ackley
made a business trip to Dly on Fri
day. Mrs. James Wjitts and Mrs. K1
Casebcor visited In Illy on Friday
Miss Dorrls Morgan went homo
wltr Mrs. Isa Richardson from
schoo to spend tho wcok-end.
Tho Rly rodeo association called a
meeting on Friday night and ap
pointed a delegation of five to go (p
Yroka to dccldo whether or not they
will put on the rodeo tlioro on July'
A of this year. Tho delegation con
sisted of Jumcrt Clvan, James Kdsall,
Marvin Cross, James Roll and K. R.
Henry; J. Ii, Mttcholl being already
Mrs. Charles Colllor returned to
licr homo on Friday and Mrs. Dallau
Olvan Is taking hor placo In caring
for tho Chross children and helping
at the storo. Shu will be In full
crargo whllo Mr, Cross Is tiono to
Mr. and Mrs. "Ross" Richardson
spent Friday and Saturday visiting
ut tho Olvan ranch.
Mrs. Kmma Kcady spent Friday
night with Mrs. James Ulion.
Mrs. Wi. T. Oarrett bad dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamakcr
on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. divan and
son and Mrs. James Olvan had dinner
and spent the day with Mrs. James
Edsall on Sunday,
A danco wasivon In tho commun
ity hall on Saturday night. Then
Ladies Hose
3 pairs for ORp
Black only. Sizes 8 VI- to 10
Childrens Economy Hose
3 pair for 50c
Fast Black and Brown, sizes G to U'j
Wirthmore Waists
New shipment of best grade
Windsor Crepe. All first
quality for lingerie pur
poses. Plain colors, Pink,
Blue, Mail-White. Fancy
Patterns, Birds and Butter
flics, in all shades. Remem
ber the price per yard
'Vm ULi X 1
1 1 l EVl I 1 I
uilil ?K
10 dozen Voile WaisUs trimmed with good
quality Laces and Embroidery. Si'es 'M to II
White Wash Skirts
Large assortment of styles and materials.
Priced special for Saturday, $1.75 to $4.00
Jap Crepe $c
20 pieces of Imported Jap Crepe. Best grade All
plain colors and check. Saturday Special
Amoskeag Apron Ginghams.
All Checks-
10 doz. Ladies Percale Dresses, light
dark colors. Special' 95c
Ladies Night Gowns, Lace and Embroidery
was a good attendance,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and
Mrs. Johnson from Realty attended
tho danco Saturday nljclit.
There was n llttlo "wild next" In
Illy on Sunday, with bucking horsos
as tho main featuru.
Kd Cascbccr Hr.. went to meet his
son Kd to help him from Konanzu
with tils cattlo. Young Kd Ih moving
buck to this vicinity after liavlnc
been away for thu past two or three
, Mrs. Kd Wullls and son, Ruford,
returned homo on the stago on Sun
day after an absence' of a couple of
months spent with her daughter, Mrs.
LVwoy Kdxall In California.
Ur. and Mrs. Jack Watts woro vis
Itii.c In Illy on Sunday afternoon.
'Mrs. Twyla Ferguson mado u trip
to Illy on Sunday. She opoctH to visit
our ktbools on Monday and hold a
count; unit mooting on Monday even
ing. Klmor Jones was a Rly visitor on
Louis Hoagland made a trip to
Rly on Saturday and dollvorcd C. W,
Wurren, a f.'no now Rulck six cur. '
The Jouiik people of the Chrlntl.111
church will hold a basket social. In
tho church nt X o'clock tonight Tho
proceed will gu to help defray II111
uxHiiM-s of thu young lad leu whn
will give paiitomlneit ut tho slutti
convention In July. All arn Invited
attend. A good social time will fol
low. During Chautauimi week, thu
young pcupln will sell confection In
n booth near tho Chnutiiiiiuu tent
Tim proceed will go to tho oi'iiR
people's activities In tho church
Tim most complete line of
In .Southern Oregon. J. I,'. Kmlers ft
Co. . i;-7-iy
I'hnno our grocery order to J
Knilers, vthuru It Is appreciated
High class fnano and uuto polish
at Karl Shepherds. 19-2S
FOR SALE Cadillac "8" touring,
excellent condition. Will tako'
small car part payment, I'bono TiUOJ,
Mr. Hammond. 10-20
FOR SALR Four fresh milk gouts
and billy. All thoroughbreds, $'4f
each. Address Agnes Nichols, Oazello,
Calif., caro Mountain Houso. 19-3&
FOR BALK Six room modern houso
completely furnished, located on
nlc0 corner, lot UR by 110 feot. Close
In on 9th St. Lawn, shade trees and
fruit trees. Oarage. This Is a lovely
home. I'rlco I CO MO. Terms. CI 2 N.
9th St. " , 19
Our grocery stock
May .wo norvn you?
Is complete,
J. K. Kndors.
Tonight Timberworkers Benefit
Benefit of timber workers country store night. The
world's biggest race track picture produced by Mau
rice Toumeur.
"The Whip"
The race scenes and action in this picture 'will make
you stand up in your scats. Don't miss it.
15 Country Store Prizes Tonight
Somo of tlio prizes: !!G lb. sack of flouf, tun of pineapple, box
of candy, can of uspurugus, Ih. of coffin, package of tea, largo
box of crackers, cun at sulinou, glass of Jelly nnd others, Rrizus
given away ut (S:4G, Uo hero you may be lucky,
SundayThe Famous Blind Woman
Helen Keller
in "Deliverance"
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Palace Market
Phone OS 02-1 Main St
Saturday Specials
Fresh Ranch Eggs
Leg Spring Lamb '10c
Prime Ribs Kolled Mc
Boiling Beef 8c
Pot Roasts lfic
Pork Roast, grain fed "
18c and 20c
Veal Stew lfic
Mutton Stew Sc
Sirloin Steak 22c
Chickens Mc
Smoked Meats
Picnics J 8c
Cottage Butts 22c
Bacon Squares 20c
Other prices in propor
tion. When you trade with
us you save money.
Two Deliveries Dally: it n, m, nnd
a P. in, J.
'r -