THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOW Flt Two KM DAY MAY 10, 1 1 I I jl A ' - ( M W iu , ! II r m ! The EveningHerald V. It. HOCMv...KdKor aad PhMWmt II. n. 1III.L ..-.Cltjr Rdttor to receive Jew and Gentile, Protest ant unit Catholic, btnck nml white, on their merits. Published datlr except Sunday, by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, At 119 Eighth itreet. Entered at the poitotflce at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for tranimtulon through tho mall ai socond-class matter. MEMunn or the associated , TRESS The Associated Pren la eidaslre I j- entitled to the use for- publica tion 0f all news dispatcher credited to )lt, or not olhortrlso credited In thtoipaprr, and also the local news published herein. OIUDOHY 80A1W HIGH I1I.OOK 10 'MAHSV.MKKTINO (Conlnued from rase 1) I ritin.w may in, ii2s. Screed not issue EVERY sonslblo clllicn In tho f state deplores the attempt to In ject a religious Issue Into the pri mary political campaign In Oregon. It Is utterly foreign to American principles. There Is no justification In reason for a religious feud In thlii state. The responsibility rest solely upon tho Ku. Klux Klan, an organization born In the south and fostered under the leadership and palng tribute to on "Imperial ".Visard" who resides In the south. It must not, can not and should not find any abiding place In Oregon. Protestant leader are opposing the pernicious doctrines of the Ku Klux Klan with as much vigor as Catholics or Jews. Masons, Knlghta of Prlhla and' Elks lodge aro condemning the Klan, more severely than we hav any accord of the Knight of Colum bus doing. Wo know of no denunciation of tho Ku Klux Klan from the Up of priest or rabbi that has as much stinging, logical forco as the excoria tion of such destructive and -un-American tactic by the Rev. Robert 0. Armstrong, a Congregatlonallst minister, who from his pulpit at Spencer, Massachusetts, according to tho Worcester (Mass.) Telegram.-delivered thn following reasons for refusing an Invitation to Join the klan: Tho man who Joins the Ku Klux Klan betrays hi lack of the real spirit of American democracy. How do you like tbe words, 'Imperial Palace,' 'Invisible. Empire T It make me think of the kaiser and hlivaln boasting or Satan 'and bis hosts as described In Paradise Lost. InrislbleTKmplreT What do a trua American want of an Invisible! t-mplro? What America want and needs Is not men who fight under cover parading in nightgown wken they would better bo asleep, but men bravo enough, courageous enough to co mo out In 'the open and tight the etlls that you sec. The world is never going to be saved by subterfuge, American democracy does not need tho secrecy of the Ku Klux Klan. The man who Join the Klan shows his lack of appreciation tf the men who have mado this country what it Is. Who wlll.say that Chief Justlco WAIte was not a true Ameri can because ho happened to be born a Catholic! Yet he served, a few men havo served. In one of the high est position In thl nation, placed there, not by a fellow Catholic, but by a Protestaat'presldent of the most oxtremo position of faith. Who wlltsay that Morganthau was not a true American because 'be happened to be born a Jew? And jet ho wrved .America as few men havo In bis-critical position aa 'am bassador to Turkey before be enter ed tho war. To Join th0 Ku Klux Klan mean to deny tho fundamental leaching pf God who ha told us in HI revealfd word that He Is no respecter of per sons. In tbe appeal sent out by the War soliciting now members for the order, tho kind of men wanted la sumtaoaed up In thoso words; 'American, native born citizen of the United States, wblto, Protestant. 'Gentile, Intelli gent, honest, loyal and fearless. If a man la Intelligent ho will see tbe futility of such an organization, If he la honest be will recognise hi dobt to ulhracca and classea of men who have helped In the marvelous growth nnd development of this na tion. If Iiq Is loyal ho will be able to abldo by tbe constitution of this nation und will rocognlz all men as1 having a free and fair right1 here." If be Is fearless be need not cloak his fight against evil behind a night gown and under cover of (darkness, Ho will tnko his stand for law-and ordor and challenge other men to Htand with him. If he Is 100 per cent Amorlan ho will welcome every man' und woman who contributes to the welfare of the nation. If he la Chris tian his charity will be broad:enougl those responsible for Mnrlln'n candi dacy, naming It. N. Moe nnd 1M Van nice, "that kind of men," whom )i declared wcro tr.lng to keep price up and wage down through, mani pulation of tho merchants' n.t'onn. Emmlti then spoke of Knui'ltt. lie told ot his boyhood admiration for one Robert Emmltt, "lrN'.t libera tor." Ho told how; this patriot had fought a Just fight for tho jpptviufld, hinting that he himself wag crrlnR on an equally Just fight. Ho omliM by modestly admitting n distant rela tionship to the Irish patriot. Upon returning Id his seat, Emmlttj suddenly remembered he had forgot ten to mention the league ? for county Judge, E. K. Elliot' He said he felt obligated to Elliott nnd told of the candidate's ".io-lflc;" of his law practice "for this particular cause." Now camo Marx. Marx said that "speaking a an attorney, tho circuit court situation requires n remedy. We don't want cases lyltiK In court until tbey become putrid," h- shout ed. Th remedy ho propose.; w.n Fl llott, whom he appear.!! to blleve was essential to the wcltr. of ath county. He asserted that Elliott should not be censured for his par ticipation In the lawsuit, defending hi candidate at some length in this connection. Fordyc appeared as the net speaker, gaining the gratitude of some present because of h! brevity. He declared hi program w on completion of the Hot Springs' court house and gave a tho reason why this program bad not bvon car ried out that "mall body of men ' had atood In the way. He harp tho league to understand that a deter mined flgh; would bo made again, t this annoying obstruction. Elliott, speaking for himself, ven tured the belief that a majority ot the peoplo were back ot him. Ho Joined with Marx In asserting that the circuit court was In a bad way, sajtng that every case should bo tried In court and not behind closed doors. He believed court should bo called not leas than twice monthly. He said one should not be compelled to have a certain attorney who was In favor With the court, adding that b 'believed a majority of the attor ney were with him. Delving Into the court" house controversy, wlfh fre quent reference to the "Hog Com bine," be said be had been In tbe fight from the beginning and was "proud of It." This ended tbe league's program. Now appeared J. H. Carnahan, es pouslnc tbe cause ot George A. White for feeveraor. Carnahan blamed most of tbe other candidates. Including the incumbent, for what he termed the present ""deplorable condition." He blamed other candidates for Injecting tbe religious Issue, declaring thai both religion and politics should be kept out of the gubernatorial race. Carnahan was followed by C. W Eberlela, the last speaker, who ap peared In behalf or O. II. Fltbian, re publican candidate for national com mitteeman, opposing Ralph E. Wil liams, Incumbent.- Eberleln based his plea for support on the .assertion that William' 14 year -in office bad re sulted in little benefit. TROTH IN AN ECZEMA SKIN CiwN l.lllti nntl On-rtwnci Trouble AtliMtM Ou'r Night Any breaking out of tho skin, even fiery, Itching eczema, can tie uulckly oercomo by applying Mentho-Sul-pluir, declares a noted skin specialist Hecaiisc of lie germ destroying prop erties, this sulphur preparation In TIKE ITS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS l'n l-css Ma'! If You Keel llmkmliy tr Have llladder Trouble- Meat forms uric acid which excite and overworks (he'klilno)s In their etforts to. filter It from the stiim. Regular eaters of ment must flush the Kidney occasionally You must VUH'i till! CH l(MI II I U''HiniH'll III- . . ....-... ...... stnntly brings ease from skin Irrl' rollout them llko uu relltoo jour tat ton, soothes and heals the eczema right up and lears the skin dear ami smooth It seldom falls to relieve the tor ment without delay Sufferers from skin trouble should obtnlu a small Jar of Mentho-Sulphiir from any good druggist and uso It Ike cold cream -Adv T N bewels: remoMiiK all the acids, waste nnd poison, elm- you feel a dull mis ery In the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or nick headache, diz ziness, your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated and when the weather Is bad mi han rheumatic twinges The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment ; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times dur- .Ing the night To neutralize thesn Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad I Salts from any pharmacy; take- a ' tablespoonful In n glass of water be- foro breakfast for n few days und j your kldne)K will tbeu act fine nnd bladder disorders disappear This famous salts Is made from the urld of ' grape and lemon Juice, commncd with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean anil stimulate sluggish kldnc)s nnd stop btndder Irritation Jml Salts I lnevoenslve. Tho old-time mixture or sage lea harmless and make n delightful ef and Sulphur for darkening gray. fervescent tlthla-water drink which streaked and faded hair Is grand, millions of men nnd women take now mothers recipe, and folks aro again am, ,, ,,,, avoiding serious kid- 2cliicvi(iiJ U Beautiful New Hnts ' For Summer ' rilATl'UINU I.AIKli: IM.OI'I'V W.OWIlIt TRIMMED MATH IN ALU DEHIItAlll.i: COI.OItH. VVVrWv'0VM When Sickness Comes H WITH SAGE TEA MKM with Sulphur It Darkens Si Naturally Xolnwly Can Toll using It to keep their hair n good, oven color, which is uulte sensible, ns we aro living In an age when a youthful appearance Is ot the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task ot gathering ney and bladder diseases. Adv. CHICKEN DINNER Tho ladles ot St. Paul's Episcopal guild will sono n chicken dinner nt tho chamber of commerce, rooms Fri day evening (election night). Fifty mo sage ana me mussy mixing ni conU ,-r nlate. Rocolnts ro tn the home. All drug stores sell tho ready-. rhnrrh hnii.iin,- f.,.. ir..m to-use product, Improved by the ad-1 ditlon of other ingredients, called, j K, Endcr & Co Exclusho "Wjeth's Sago and Sulphur Com- ucent for pound ii is rry popular, ociauju nobody can dlscoxer It has been ap-' piled. Simply moisten your comb orj a soft brush with It, and draw- this I through your hair, taking one small, strand at a time: by morning the, gray hair disappears, but what de-, llghta tbe ladles with Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound la that, be sides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications. It also pro duces that soft lustre and appear ance ot abundanco which Is so ut tracthe. Adv. t . -i "Style Shoes for Stout Women' 16-1M9 4 zicV-jfiCixn Jsekj i9L .IM" Tfou don't need a thirst to enjoy Budweiser Everywhere i4 ANHEU3gn.nU3CM. INC ST. LOUIS Medford Grocery Co. Plttrtiut.ii Klamath Fall, Oregon it calls for uiuiHiial uitieloH and needs. The Koxall Store linn tfivon puiiiHtaking at tention tO tllOHO (lo mands and in equip ped to supply every article your physi cian may ' recom mend. Keali.iiip; that upon the prescription may depend the patient's recovery, wo use only highest purity, po tent drugs and chem icals and have adopt ed a system of check ing that makes error impossible in our prescription room. Star Drug Co. vril AND MAIN ST. t : Herald fasslflod ads moan tho best results, iiilrk' To RELIEVE BACKACHE lL lli (Miiloiiilhr iuIi-Iiui CD firili tor full Irtalnwnt ),, ltd M.inrr -t It IV. I ll,ll., .tli urhM.1 frbiti ui Cwrin'ft for Drugg Kl.ilinith KalU Oregon ff F&voritefocibe Carnation Ice Cream 7 have found this itmple recipe mnka a delicioui ami zcholeiomi tee cream economical, too. 1 cup water, 1 tip. vanilla, I cup sugar, 2 cups Carnation Milk. Add the sugar to the milk and stir until the sugar i dis solved. Add the vanilla and Ircexe. Use three parts Ice and one part salt in freezing. Thla recipe miles one quart. II you havtn't mv Ulultratid kMhltt f 100 trttd rMlpa. writ far csy ! C,ollo Milk Pr4 uiti Co. 303 Cmkt4 BMf , PortUa, Or. STRAWBERRIES ARE AT THEIR BEST We are receiving a large shipment for Sat urday. Phone your order in early. We deliver at 9 :00 and .3 :00 o'clock. Just what you want as carefully selected as if you picked them out yourself. Always the best of everything at the HURRY CASH GROCERY Phone 577-W 524 Main Street Eye Pleasing Suit Styles THESE are mighty easy styles to look at Lively cheerful sport models, bright, characterful pat terns, in tartans, over plaids, and stripes. As easy as they arc to look upon they are just as hard to wear out. Strongly twisted tweeds, hard wear ing cassimeres, worsteds and cheviots. aW5iB rjf.'M y jv & A I i,bm iff iyV BBBBBBBBBrl V ' ' .aBBBHaH9B(BV aBBBBBBBBaVL V VjBBBrBBF BBBBLBBbV 411 BBbI S BBBBBBBVrf -joIIMbI' BBLBBBBBBBVBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaaHBBBBBBBBBBBBT " Shirts 45 Klbrn silk mIiIiIh I:i varl-color, radiant (tinea, Th-jy Just spaiklo with color tint, ItitorHpcrsod with pronuuiicad strlpoj mi liu troiiH flbrn ulllc, Urvut ialti-ni varloty ut Others $30 (o $55 $5.65 .Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx K. SUGARMAN -J1 A. WI AINT MAD AT NOBODY" ;- ""-i ' I v V Sedlor?iiiir ,rf , r J, .. M I J -r-fOr " GARDEN , LAWN or FIELD i r w MURPHErS SEED STORE 424 .South Sixth Street Phone 87 I A