'". & Jcutttttti) Herald WEATHER FORECAST TOMOIIT AMI HATI'lttlAV I'Allt, mount ToMuiir in i:,ht con. THIN WITH LIGHT lilONT NEWS OF THE WORLD BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Associated Press? (Pie rii'dniii Vniiv .Vii, jia7 OPERATORS AND STRIKERS FAIL TO HE TERMS Proposition to Return Un der Nine-hour Schedule Is Voted Down No M'Uli'ini'in of lliu lumber slrlko idluutlon wii remind In Hut (iinfcT omit I'liiwi'i.ii operator mill former i'iiiplo)i', lulled by I' H iiiniiilie slollur of L'imrllliitloli I! I' Mntnli, v Itlt-ti wii hold In tlm circuit court room taut night. TIio meeting wns I'lillcit (it 7 :i nml muled about 1 1 .10. A iiiohhI of lliu operator to re union on ii nine-hour haul wwi oIpiI down by tlin strikers. IIS lit 2 A tutiil nf I '.'I vote wrro cnnl, one. hal lot Ih'Iiik defective. Tim operntor iilmi agreed to return on no eight Imiir schedule when it majority of the California plant hail iluiii likewise, meantime basing tlm vriiKn mi Hi ii highest iixcr.iRn t'ullfornlii wage. A new himi nuitii of 13 2ll for nine liuiim twin iiniuiiinreil, whlth iiiiiiiiiiiIh In 3a ."'. I rriilN r hour mm romp.ir ml to tlm former m-hIu u( $2 u per ilitr or 3R iiiiiIk per Imur. Operator itlitttt tluit nit ull former employe not working ol prem-nt uro liivlli'il to attend tint meeting. tlm nnl) ioiirliilitii to hoLlniwn Injj,, flllt w.r). f(,iii,clmmi. llm mayor that nil Hlrlkcrn left In tlm illiitlrit Mint hae not lelnnieil to work were piitMcnt. 121 In all OptiratoiH ilerlaro I hat a total of CIO men nru nl "or I. In tlm liunlr Imliulry In Ivl.nnatli roiiniy anil that they am tterklm: nlim lionri or Ioiikit. TliU iiiiiiiher. I hey nay. ilm not Inrlinle planlit In Siirthern California thai ntn now vvorkliiK nliout full forci. Tlm miTiliiK at onlurly tlirciiRli out. neliher nliln Rhlnifiioiirro to any llllpleUKitlit J-eiilittk. m LUMBERMEN COMING I'm I) I'roni lleml Will Ntuily I'lno I le I hi CiiiiipnlKO llrrn , II I.uiihIih: riuinli. forest tmper vIkiit or tlm 1'enchnton nntlonitl for out. Ill it liitlvr written from llendi Ori'Kon, .May fi. aililriMnfil rto lliu Klamath Torrid I'mlrrtlvo uiitorln llun. mlvlneil that u party of lumber men ami hlnuelf wiiulil rrch Klum nlli rounty nliniit Juno 3 to mako n Minly of tli lioiiiln flRlil Im'Iiik con ilucteil Imro ilinler tlin direction of tlio hiireau of imlonioliiRy nml Hio Klamath l'nrwl l'roletlvti nwiocla lion. In tlm part) will Im I'UMl (iarrhoil of tlin lloK'Ttt l.nntlier romp.uiy; J II. Mi'lMnr of'filmvlln-IIUon l.timlwr loniiMiiy; J II llmmr of tlm On tral Out.oh I'lf" I'Mlrol inMiclallnii, V. IhiKliau of tlio (lllilirlht l.umlr rompany and II. l.mmliiK l'lunili. Tlmy lll l'i "I l"ln I'roitrenl on Juno I. mnl ""inn '"'" t,l,,r" f,,l't to Klamatli county. r in uddltlon In oliMtrvliiK tlm ork Jmrii tlm lumlmmicti will Htm In (Im Uri'Mint dlMlrlct to nolo tlm rcnultti of mi iixporliimnt In Imotlo control wlil,cli In to Im umlortnkt'ii by l hliau. Ilo will try tlio ri-imlt of u IlKlit liurii. ono which will ilcntroy any InsiiriM which mny hao lodr.nl In Iho Kround hut which la not ituwn MioiiRh to Injuio tlm tlmhor. Tlm plim bpntlu han In-en iimlnr iiurviilllanco In DcbchutoH county for iiiivnr.il vara. '"'I particularly ilurliiK Ihn last 10 inonthH Imvii hla iicIIoiih heon nrriillulwil with nrowliiR huh- plri Much of tho lnf(ttllon, how- onr. It lum hituii iliilnrinlni-il, Ih hy n typo of "Iiiik" which chiefly ntlmkK tlm ImlRiipoloH und JurkplnoH, re. iiultlm: In tlm ilwilli r yi",w l,",H only wlmn tho IninirU uttuctt In over wlmlmhiK tiuiiiltorn. vi:Tin:ii I'ltimAiiii.iriiw Tho CycUfHloiimiKratih nt llmltir- -l WOOO H llliiiuiii. j Iiiih ruconlpil hut llttlo chuiiKo In huromntrlo condJ tloim durliiK tho puKt H hourri which Ih luillciitlvo of u contliiumico of proHunt conill tlqim, Korocuat for nnxt 'i hour;: Cloudy' uiiBotiled wouthnr with mod- wmuu2jf i ciiilo toinpnruturPH. Tho Tycod roconlliiR thurmniuotor rnKlHturod maximum and minimum tomporutiiroH, today,, u (ollewa: illKh ' ! Low , , 4ft two kiu.ld when (ah i:.vi'I,oii:h in iuhvaiiii I'IIVNM'AIi liAIIHATOItV I CAMIIItllKIL', Mann, May 19 - Two iimn wijro killed, ono critically hurl ,uml fnur less mrli)iinly Injured by u gii,, ex plosion In dm li.iHi'iimiit of ill'' Joffornon physical laboratory llnrviirit llnlvorMly todny, Tlm ili'inltiirn A. I). Diiuluir, it fol low for ri'Ki'arili In eiiKlriior Iiik, ami WIIIIiiiii Connoll, a carpenter In llm ImlMlii,:. MEDFORD COUNCIL TAKES ACTION ON KU KLUX MENACE Oiiliian(. I'rolilhlln Public At peal am o of Mmtkril IVixuih! Mi)or (Ittivi Plainly Nctlliil MUDFOItl), May .IS - Tlm illy (oiinrll lust meeting panned an drill nnucu which wont Into ffict at ouf an nn emergency iiinaaurn "for the llMliii'illnto preservation of tint poacu aiul safety of tlm city of Medford," prohibiting under tmnvy penally any person or person wearing mask or other dlngulncn on tlm street or In a public iihicc, except when utteiidlug n pulilli' or ptlvute mxlal entertain- inrnt. While In tlio ordinance lint word Ku Klux Kl.tn In not iiiciillonpil )et It In no drawn nn to apply to Unit or guiiltntlou nml to pruvent It mom hem or any part of Ihein wearing In pulillr their mask anil other regalia ami alt pcrnon present thoroiiRhb uiiilernland that Iho ordlliaure wan aimed nt lh.t local Ku Klux Klun. Mayor (' I! (Jiitm m In iRtmr anro of tho fact that ituch n propoed nrilliiMici' wan koIur to ho Introduced or wuh In t'xlKtencit until It wan read hy II. :. Kelly, an n rltltrn nppcariiiR luiforit tlm council. Tlm ma)or. who hy ri'Mioii of liU nppenrlnr Itrfori tlm Ku Klux Klan rcciitly hy Imi tation nml tltnenlnn thi ImdyV wnrklnK In tinier lo make n politic report of II doliiRii, ftp., wan made nn honorary Klan iiirmbur. Ilenm tlm koepliiK hliu In iRnormirn ot what wan contemplated laul nlKht Tho maor wnn plainly nettled wlii'ii tlm onllnanr,, wan read hy Col iinel Kelly nml nvcrwImlmlnK mmiII input wan, hIiomii In Hit favor. He hlmnelf had In li In pulillc report nn tlin Klan inei'tlnR hukki'.iUmI that lhi Klan nhould altolUh tlm nuink What imotpil UN Honor, howover, nrcnnl Iiir to hln utatPinonl, wan tho fact that llm contPiuplntPil lucanurit wan kept nccrct from him mid thpn wan Inlroducpil In an IrrpRUlar rouncll nmnlc nmiiner hy mi outsider. BUREAU HEAD COMING Dr, O. U llowanl. Noti-tl Kntoiiiolo. Blt, lo Im VIllor Hero Word w.im rocelvpil today that Dr. L. O. HoiMinl, chief of tlm llurp.iu of KuloumloRy at WmihliiRlou, l. L' , coiiNldcriid tho world'ii iiionI noted pulomoloRlit, would vl.ilt. Klamath r.illn on Monday, May 21, on n trip of lunppctlon In conupctlon with tho plim hpctlo flRht now In proKrosn hen'. At tho pamn time J. M. Miller, Pa cific coitKt reprphvntatlvo of tho Dr eau of nntomoloRy and V. A. Klllott, of S.ipiu, nt a to 'lorontiT, will ho hero to tako up inatlpm pertain Ini; to Jim Htnlo'H portion of tlm work, It wan explained hy P. I', Keen, of WmihlUKtou I). C' who Ih In charRo of Iho local work for tho bur eau, thnl tho llureau of Kutomoloi;y Iwm JurlKillctlon over ull nreiiH whore lufpcteil plant, tren mill crop condl Houh piovall, of which tho plno hoello work Ik n ery Important branch, nml hi recelvliiR tho utmost attention. NAME NEW TEACHER Mlks Tlni)Pr llii) in 1 Will Hue iii'il MInh VlrKll, economic Depl. At u uieellUK of tho school boiird IiihI Monday, Minn Thnyer Itnymoud, of itnymoud, Wellington, wiih up pointed liiKtructor In homo nennn iiiIch In Ihn elty hcIiooIh, succeedlnit MIsh Funny Virgil, who him resigned uftor holding tho pohIIIoii for Hoveral yeni'H. MIhk Tluiyor wua gniduiitud from 0. A. C. und Iiiik beau liiHtruc tor In tho South Demi, Wellington nchool, f CHAUTAVgilA Ol'HXH TVKHDAY Tho Chuuliuiqua opoiih hero or, Tunsilny, Mny 23, nml not Sunday, Mny 21, iih wii nnnotiured yoHtenlny, KMMATH WHERE Precinct 1 HrownH carpenter shop, corner First and Main ntreetH. Precinct 2 lialin's second-hand store, between Second and Third on Main. Precinct 9 Upstairs in old courthouse. Precinct 'I Perkins furniture store, Sixth and Klamath. Precinct 6 Public market building, Ninth and Klamath. j Precinct (5 Slater rooming house, Main between Tenth 'and Kleventh. Precinct 7 Old Worden building, corner Twelfth and Main. Precinct 8 Old Charlie DeLap house, Eleventh and Worden. Precinct 10 Residence hall. Precinct 10 Residence of Mrs. B D. Yancy, Ship pington. Polls close at, 8 o'clock. REPUBLICAN TICKET For members of the republican national committee, Ralph E. Williams and 0. H. Fithian. For congress, N. J. Sinnott and James H. Gwinn. For governor Charles Hall, J. D. Lee, Ben W. 01 cott, I. j. Patterson, George A White and Louis E. Bean. For state treasurer, Thos. F. Ryan and 0. P. Hoff. For justice of the supreme court, John McCourt, John L. Rand, George S. Shepherd and Geo. H. Burnett. For superintendent of public instruction, J. A. Chur chill. - For commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics and inspector of factories and workshops, C. H. Gramm and Win. A. Dalziel. For commissioner of the public service commission, F. B. Lavman, J. R. Theihoff and Thomas K. Campbell. Forjudge of circuit court, thirteenth judicial dis trict, Klamatli county, a. u. L,eavui anu a. u. quiuu. For state representative, twenty-first representative district, including Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson, Klamath and Lake counties, J. M. E'ell, of Klamath county, H. J. Overturf of Deschutes and Denton 0. Burdick of Des- For county commissioner, C. J. Martin and Asa Fordyce. For county assessor, A. L. Wisnard. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For democratic national committee, Will R. Ring and J. M. Morrow. For conirress. James Harvey Graham. For governor, Webster Holmes, Walter M. Pierce, WillE. Purely and Harvey G. Starkweather. For judge of circuit court, thirteenth judicial dis trict, Klamatli county; R. C. Groesbeck. For state representative, twenty-first district, R. E. Bradbury of Klamath county and Harry W. Card of Jef ferson. For county assessor, W. T. Lee. " SPECIAL BALLOTS County school unit plan. , Recall of Fred A. Williams. T. M. Kerrigan of Jose phine county recall candidate- hti:i:i mi:.v to Mi:irr WASlllNtlTON, May '111 Attor ney (lener.'il Dnugherly Iiiih Invited reprCHOliliitltCrt of tho eight si col companion named In Iho hoiiuIo res olution directing nn Inquiry Into tho proposed merger to meet with him Saturday to discuss plans for proposed merger. AMD Yoo MAKfi TmC Life Of IO,0Utf,0OlC0ll,0UV, OCB3 NUCRABlf BY CMMiMli ThCM orp tbuR PHCMIleS WITH JCRUIBIMC I "AIN'T .IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING" I I ByBRIGGS, IJWMism TOW fliwe, you 5 . AMD bu Clcau OUT A -And You JvwtiP oyT "TVT euosHBs, hops (fSft JOii P4,t;B;i L4M I'JTO tmSB .7 IVWXH, OltKOO.V, I'ftllM V, .MAV TO VOTE WIISO.V IIM'KS FOItll WASlllNtlTON. 1). C. May 13. Act'epl.ini'o hy tho goernmout of Pord'H offer for tho duvclopmcut of MubcIo Shoal project was recom mended to tho uenato agriculture commlttpo last night by Thomas A. IMIbon. who recently survcyod the Alabama proportles. ' fcD THfft You acfinf r CtraN up amd paint u EVCHT THING TOU XIW ND TDU UOUD CXAf-trLC TO TVWM ciGHBoas . y 1 l(lal aBaM 1 H" IVBK ..-.r.fcT jJL ?Z- r.'CIOMBOl - si V "lvrFN ii'Ki. rrz S f f 1 Ca. II), UK!: ORGANIZER FOR WOBBLIES HELD UNDER ARREST Attempt to Gain Members Shown; U Austrian and Not U. S. Citizen Loulo DavlH, I W. W, orgHnlzor wan nrrcdtcil In McDonald' Peel hall latn lam nlRht and lodged In tho city Jail. At tho tlmo of arrvAt Davis wag IbitrlbutlnR I. W. W. literature. When Moarchod nt tho police itatlon credential of tho order were found on him declaring hlfn to bo an organ Itod and having authority to nollclt members. A receipt book dlacloied fh-Q now mcmborahlp slnco March 20, the lait onboInK taken on May 12 for Chan. McCoy. In each caio a membership fe0 of $2 wag receipted for. The nrrcst was made by Srerlff Low. Chief of polleo Wilson, Petrol man Mcl.oughlln and a Southern Pa cific railroad dctcctlvo. Davis refused to talk and It vu only after a hard grilling that Infor mation was obtained that he bad boen In tho United States for 11 years, coming here from Austria, and that ho had not yet taken out nny citizenship papers or made nny ut tempt to do so, Ilo refuse to glvp hi a co hut would appear to he about 40 year of ago, of slender bul'd and wearing a flowing mustache common Id mon of his nationality. Ho vras locked In th0 "dark" cell lost night and kepi HCparato from otlmr prison er. STUDENTS GRADUATED Commencement KvprcUm am Held Hy Honnnrn High Nchool ' Ilonanza high school commence ment exercise at tho Methodist church In llonania last night were marked by a largo attendance Stu dent graduated were I.ynn llorton and Hilda Hamakcr. Following tho Invocation by the Itev. Dlx, both graduates spoke. They wem followed by other speakers. In; eluding It. C. Croesbcck, who spoke on "The Personal Ooal," telling his listeners tlin evil effect of hatred and rancor In tho dally life. Diplomat wore presented by Prof. Hatch. A pleasing featuro of Iho evening was tho music by a Donania trio of accomplished musicians. Tho llonania high school dtirlnr. tho past year Is reported to hare en joyed an unusually successful admin istration. Tho educational standard ha been high, It was bald, while tbo uthlctlc department, und4r Prof. Luhko, out-dUtanced all other county school In certain sport. ItOMK HOSPITAL llUKNr) HOME. May 19. A disastrous flro swept tho historic hospital of San Splrlto hero early today. Six teen bodies were extracted from tho I ruing at 7:30 this morning, Jo -.! osschvcd n.t f tw.r OHH HM'BOYl!? aimt it 'l .! - Vs Jf t J VKTKCTIVKH TO I'llOVK ItWOKTKI) 5LiltllM(li: OP ACTOIt TO MIH.H lll'DNTT 1,03 AKQBLIvS, May 19.- Two district attorney' offlco detective wortt to Mcxlcill to 4 day to Investigate the reported 4 marriage there of Rudolph Vol- entlno and Winifred Hudnut. The detective plan to atop at Palm Springs, Itlversldo county, to ascertain whether Valentino and Miss Ifudnut stopped at a hotel there Tuesday night upon 4 tbclr return from Moxlcnll. LLOYD GEORGE SEES IMPORTANT' RESULTS FROM GENOA PARLEY 'Finn BcAi Oopn" IJrclareil to Havo Grown- Final Adournment Of Confprrnco Calleil GKNOA, May 13. The economic conforenco adjourned at 1:11 this this aftornoon. Lloyd Gcorgo In a valedictory address said the confer ence had gathered "fine crops, namo ly, a meeting to be bctd at Tho Hague, tbo non-agrcsstve pact, and report of finance, transport and economic commissions, which he said alone Justified holding the confer ence. Lloyd George warned Russia that Europe was gradually filling tho gap left by Russia' dcclfne, but that it was sad to see million or Russia's people In despair and starvlnr. "When a man seels goods," declar ed Lloyd Gcorgo, "be expect the buy er to pay for them, when man loam monoy ho expects the borrower to repay, and when a man aaka for a second loan ho must repay the first ono. Said It was unwise to arguo for a repudiation of debts when one want to borrow more money. ' Foreign Minister Tchltcherln In re plying aald oven Lloyd Georgo'a elo quenco could not convert tho Russian people, who have other prejudice. For Instance, "If one's neighbor burns down one'a tdo'ie heubifld oar for the datnago," ho said. "How. ever, the Russian would continue their efforts for peace." ANTI-LITTER MEETING 'All District CTialnnea and Block Captain Asked to Attend A general meeting of tho division al chairmen, district chairmen and block captains ot tbo Anti-Litter week forces will bo held In tho cham ber of commerco room this evening at 8 o'clock. Immediately following tho Episcopal guild dinner. A program for every dny In the week will bo discussed, tht disposal ot the rubbish, care of vacant lots and other matters of Importance In connection with tho campaign will bo taken up. The men's division, under H. N. Moe, and tho women' division, su pervised by Mr. Wm. Ganoug, havo been completed, and Hugh Currln, chairman of tbo juvenllo division, lack only a fow chairmou of having his forces completely organized. Following I tho outllno ot tho various districts and tbo names of men, women and Juvenllo chairmen: District No. 1, territory west of Center, Juniper nnd Ewauua streets. Including territory on both side o! California avenue. Geo. Ulrlch, Mr. D. V. Kuykendall und John Uehrllug chairmen. District No. 2, territory between district No. 1 nnd Third stroet, A. M, Collier and Mr. R. E. Wright. Ju- vahM. ,.linl,n,ntt iinnnnnlntefl. District No. 3, territory betwooil Third and Fifth stroets, Claud Davis, and Mrs. R. 11. Dunbar. Juvenllo uu appointed. ., District No. 4, territory hot ween Flfjh und Sovcntli stroets, J. K. Bwansen anil Mis Clara Civlklus. Juvenllo 'unapprlntod. District No. S, territory between Sevonth nnd Ninth htreots. Dr. C. V. Fisher, Mrs. C. V. Fisher, an4'ito!uml Cofur, chulrmcn. District No. 11, terrltoiy between Ninth and 11th stroets to Canal. J. S. Batoman, Mrs. Geo. Grlzilo, For rest Colson, chairmen. District Ko. 7, uutiroau nuuui'jni including territory botwoon Eleventh street and canal. Frank N, Ingwcr gen, Mrs. 0. I. Wright, Arrltlo Mich aels, chairmen. District No. 8, torrltory north ot canal from Lakeview to railroad. J, Brockenbrough, Mrs. DurgoW. Ma son, Juvenllo unappolnted. District No. 9, Mills addition, W. H, McPherren, Mrs. E. A. Hawkins, Pick Cleveland, chairmen, (Contluued on Page Throe) PMUH FIVE OKNTR no Ml, 5' Speakers Laud H. S. Edi fice, Praise Each Other And Themselves Oratory soared high, wldo and handsomo In tho Scandinavian hall last night at tho Good Government league "mass" meeting, attended by no less than 100 person. When the clock struck eight, 22 mon and four women Jammed the ball. At 8:30 about 80 had drifted In, this number being augmented by 15 or 20 strag glers. H. S. Grigsby proslded and 11. A. Emmltt did moit of the talking. Emmltt opened tho meeting by ex plaining tbo purpoios ot tho leaguo. which ho said woro ntm-polltlcnt. Ho qualified this, however, by saying the leaguo bad found It necessary to In terfere Impolitic. Ho said the-pur-poio ot tho meeting was to "talk over tho financial situation and talk over tho league." Following these Introductory re marks, Wm. Marx was called on Marx suggested call'ng candidates on tho opposing ticket. Mart'n, Lcav lit and Groesbeck wero called. ".Call Martin hard," someono ug gested. This appeared to bo tho cue for E. I). Hall, who aroso and expUtned that Martin wax at another meeting which ho bad promised to attend be foro tbo league challenge was Issued. When It was learnod that Martin wan speaking at Mill school, Em mltt remarRcd: "Then ho can set hero a well a w0 can." ' Tho remark was greeted by titters. Emmltt then launched Into a laud alorr ncc"5unt'6f 'thovacWSnplls1ittnu of tho county court, becoming equal ly disparaging in his remark anent Martin. Ho referred to Martin' can didacy as an attempt to "sneak" Into offlco and make troublo for tbo coun ty court, Tho county court bo held up to hi listener as a body actuated only by tho noblest motives. "Martin," Emmltt assorted, "would not stand for tbo things tbo county court stands for. This movo Is more ly a schomo to get ono of their mon In offlco, then goodbye Hot Springs' court house" This statement was grcotod by a laugh, but whether with or at tho speaker was difficult to determlno. "I bava never found one slnglo man not ono slnglo man who could glvo mo a reason why tho Hot Spring court houso should not be built," Emmltt continued. Ho then launched Into a tirade against tho "Hog Combine". Ho also brought up tbo matter ot compromising, saying: "I don't bcllovo in layjng down Just for tho sako of peace," Emmltt' mind now wandorcd Into patriotic chanuols and ho compared tbo World war with tho court houso war In an endoavor to bring out tuo fact that a chap should hold out for what's right. From this flight h0 re turned to 'court house finance, then drew- a glowing word picture of tbo Hot Springs' odlflcc. "Why, that building's u sight, standing up thero on that knoll," ho .assorted. "You can i;co It from tho railroad and everything. Tako that other building, now; you can't aeo It from two blocks nway!" TIiIh mot with tho approval ot, many In tho andlenco, who apparent ly iimlcrtitood tho advantage of bo ing able to view a court houso from tho Chlloquln flyer. Emmltt nttomptod to explain that tho county court was not doing (tho "flgbtln' ". 'Thoy aro Just trying to koop'om off," ho declared, 11" thought it wtiuld nil bo settled If ths "othor sldu" would Blmply withdraw tho Ward suit. In this couiicctluu, ho carryback to (Continued on Page Two) m GALE STRIKES COAST Two Covornient Ship Anhoro ea Lone Islumli Mner in Hunger NEW YORK, May 13, Driven hy a vicious gala, two government ships, Eaglo boat number 17 and the army steamer, Goneral John W. WllklM, wereN ashore today on Long; Island and reported to bo breaking up. Thi galo caused a havoo along the eosit and even the' Giant AqultaaU, Is bound, wn In dangor for limn. m in . -) 1 ". m m m m or. .,w m m-s ') - L 7 it fc-l'