The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1922, Image 4

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Page Six
TIIVItHDAV, tV I ft, 1042 7
rn i ifvnrs I1 "'"
yAWo i Personal Mention j
Korntnl ilccrco win kIriiimI liy
JiiiIro Htntio tills ttiortilUK In tin'
Hun of K, J. Murray ,uul the llcr
nlil l'ulilldliliiK comp.injr .iKiilnst
Don lti'ldliiK mid tlio Itofonl l'ult
Hnlilnc cmiipun)', piovlilliiR tlmt on
or before May 23 (hu Record row
puny nhnll turn over to Murray the
common Mock of tho Record for
which Murray pays $1000, In de
fault of which Judgment otj $2000
shall ho entered against the Record
on that date.
Mr and Mr Alfred Collier lime
left for Swan laKo where they will
spend tho Milliliter, l'crcy Collier
of l'tigcno and Paul Toiler will ho
i with them.
Mr. and Mm Maurice Johnson
'lime taken the Alfred Collier rel-
deuce for the summer. Mr. John-
jott'it mother l IsHIiik with them
Mr. and Mrs. Schoonfeld of Roje.
biirK are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Karl Shepherd.
Vote lor George A. White the
Republican Candidate for Governor
Martin llrm., v. Holme
Certificate of levy was filed by
tho sheriff today on lot eight In
hlork 12 of Hot Spring nddltlon
lit tho rase of Martin llro. against
C. V. Holme, which Involve. the
collection of a promissory nolo
for IICOO. Tho case was filed
April 1.
J KOIt SALE- Thoroughhred " regU
' tered shorthorn hulls at a reason
able price. Antelope Orchard, Wellen,
Oregon. Telephone 2f.K13. M IS J-1
KOR lll'.vr Furnished one room
cabin for housekeeping 741 Will
mil. IS
V.INTi: Sinnll irnri of la ml front.
. .Iiik on or near IjiLp Kuniiuii. S'ril
leM-rltl.m tit J !:, Ilemld. MlS-20
Throo Imlustrlal lio
Thren caw, wero filed late yes
terday In Ihe circuit court by tho
Stato Industrial .Accident Commis
sion' against the following persens:
O. W. and W. H. Robertson, oper-
atlng tho Klamath Superior l.-um-J
dry for $29.'.. CS; Crater Oil and
nan company for $ir!i.2S;tand A.
K. dale, engaged In excavating illl
ches, for $20.23. The complaints
ejiarge that payment of assessment
for protection of employee under
'the art hare not been made.
KOIl SAI.K- Hood piano, very cheap,
ANo new r0-g.illou gasoline tank,
$3 00 Phono 2C'.'J. IS-1S
Strawberries JSe box
I.ocul eggs. lSe doten.
Fresh vegetable dally
W are hourly recelxlug luforma-. glon Into our statu polllli and rou
tlou from Multnomah and Marlon I veil our harmonious commonwealth
counties Hurt the rellgh us lira w I nowi iuh ii'seethlug mass of ruci unit rv
liolug Indulged In by (imeiuor 01- llglou hatred, discord und aulmoslt)
cott .ind Charles Hall has uted to' furthermore, tho fart thill Mr
. i Hall was directly responsible for kill
i ... ..r .... i. ii ... ... i ....
UK me .nii.iiii'iifi' imii hi ine him
legulur session if the Oregon legis
lature, renders his etectloii Impos
sible. Till, together with the fuel
that he Is an ui'tlve participant In the
affairs of the I'acllle Telephone
Telegraph, company, and president
mid general manager of the Coos and
Curry Telephone company, has eli
minated him from the rare. .omuiy
wants to see a man elected governor
who would have the power to ap
point n public service commission.
practically eliminate these two ran
ill diit ' from('lbo.KUbern.itorlal race
Johnson v. I.nne, el nl.
Motion and order to dismiss wa
entered this morning In the circuit
court In the tax lien case of S. O.
Johnson against Serpha Lane et ul,
providing that each party pnr their
respective costs and that all the lands
Involved be conveyed to Johnnn for
which ho made full Daymen to thoi
defendant. t
Public Market. '.'Hi fc Klamath ir.-tSln those counties, as well a the stat,,
My Initials nre rJ T " and the.-" '"K''- .
T' still stands for trade. Perkins' The peoplo oMhls state deeply re
Furniture. House, the Furnisher of Jsent Uiit unfair methods of these gen
Happy Home. I2'. S. i.tb. Street. lS.tlemen In nitiMnptltiK h bring fell- Co. v. Klitma'li l.h'lmk.
Demurrer of tli.j defendants was
overruled this morning by Judge
Stono In the caw of the I.skrsldo
Lumber company'ngalnst tl Klam
ath Livestock company, involving the
collection of an account allcrvd to bc
owing to tho, lumber conir-'in" for
lumber sold the Iliestecl: company
amounting to $179. 50, , .-.') asks
$75 attorneys tecs.
Crrilit STiro . 15 mi, el nl.
Order overruling tho dpiiirr"T of j
tbo defundbnts ami altiin them i
10 days to file an answer tv.h feigned
ny juuge mone nis iiiuriuu, in iuv
' case of Credit Service compMiy of
Portland against Robt. F. Ryan and
Frank D. Robinson, ejratlui: the
Merrill Drug Store. The caso involvcs
Ibe collection of merchjudlso ac
counts amounting to approximately
Piamoml Iron vs. Klamath Pine.
Motion to strike plaintiff's com
plaint was denied this morning In
an order issued by Judge Stoij In
tho case of the Diamond Iron Works
against tho Klamath Pine Manufac
turing company, and tho defendants
given 10 days to tile an answfr. Tne
caso Involves tbo collection of a
$100(1 note. '
Will Ho Kerrrsl Tomorrow Evening
Ity KpUcopal Guilt!
Election board members, busy pol
iticians, Interested party members
and Just plain folks who like a good
dinner will find a good meal await
ing them at the chamber of com
merce looms tomorrow evening,
when the ladles of Ihe Episcopal
guild will servo a chicken dinner,
from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Tbo proceeds of the dinner will
go to swell the building fund for the
KpUcopal church.
Political Aspirants to Be Heard
Thursday Kwnlug
l' nutltrnnts will l.n L'lvell 1111
opportunity to present tholr views I
before tbo gathering' nt tho Mills!
school auditorium this evening when
tho Mills Parent Teachers' ussocla-'
Hon will present tho tlireo-act com
edy, "Three Huts". Each member .
will ho allowed a few minutes.
Sovoral candidates huvo promised '
to be present, according to thoso In
chnigo of urrutigumuitH.
"Ilobbio" Ward, arroated here
shout six weeks ugo charged with
the possession of narcotics, In a
hearing 'before U. 8. Commissioner
'Ilert 0. Thomas, at 2:00 o'clock
tbli afternoon was bound, over to
tho Federal grand Jury at Portland
and was released under $700
0Bd,, i
for County Commissioner
He is the type of man, whom unfortunately, we
are rarely able to get to accept public office.
The fact that he has never taken an active part
in political campaigns, but has wisely gone about
his business of serving the community, while all the
rest of us have spent our time fighting about court
houses and bringing ruin to our county by keeping
alive strife and bitterness, makes of him the one
man who can do more to reunite the people of
Klamath County and assist in bringing peace and
prosperity to us again
He Stands for
Less Politics, Less Taxes and More 'Business
(You cannot reduce taxes, by lowering the levy
and doubling the assessed valuation 6t pro
perty.). An economical business administration of pub
lic affairs.
Elimination of politics, and strict attention to
Proper support and encouragement of our pub
lic and high schools.
Maintenance of a County Agent to aid in the
development of our agricultural resources.
Prompt payment of bills in the order in which
they are filed without preference to anyone.
Put the county on a cash basis by creating no
bills until there is money to pay them.
?artisan or factional politics should not govern
our votes this year. Forget factions and vote for
the interest of Klamath County. . '
L. G. VAN BELLEN, President.
FRED E. FLEET, Secretary.
Paid Adv.
Tonight Timberworkers Benefit
Dorothy Gish
"Alia BoyVLast Race"
Miss Gish wmm boy'H tiothoH thrpmslioiit much of tho play, an
Hho herself looks after Atta Hoy, tho raco horno which, ufter many
mishap, finally "brings homo tho bacon."
Tho play Is story of thn raco track, and homo realistic racing
scenes are introduced in tho story. Keith Armour fa Miss Oluh's
leading man. "
Tomorrow night "THE WHIP," and, "COUN
TRY STORE NIGH3V: ,. Proceeds go to the boys.
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
uliit lii linn tv'ittilil rl tin 1..1. tut.. tn.
in i'kiii tl nil' Vlt'l'llt'lMI
jt.iti'a III tho inmpaulcH In uhlcli tint
IMn""' in iiHi'ri'HU'n. .ir. inula
uh'oiiI Ih wdII Unti'Mi locally and no
ommidit Ih iH'tvtisni'.v i:my man
, who In Known to b In Kmpnthy with
tbi implo)lmt of .lapiiui'NK In thli vi
cinity In woiUiiik with mli;ht and
main for CIihiUm Hall.
Tbo futiiiur ttiri'UHluiiti tlio Htutii
'uro deeply Itupi'i'suvd with Mr
Wlilli' rti'onl tor icouom Thi'y
comparo IiIh rriortl wlnu hu hiim'iI
rio.iltili out of a n lo, mill iippiopiln
linn In iiiui jear. with Unit nt Mr
llli'ult who litis hvvn Kiiiornor ilitr
, Iuk tlic mint lUtrntaK.iiii mid lurom
I'ctciit iidmliiliitriitlim ncr known to
tho iitntii uf Ori'Kiin, and with of Mr
i I'attoi'Hiiii who wiii at tho liciiil of
tho waH and nu'iiui comliilllco of
tho OrrKoti Kcnalo, and Mr Hall, an
i Impurtiiiit uiiipitMir ut thn OroKiiu noii-
jatii, and Mr- l.nuU lloan. Hpcakoi of
I tltii lulilMii itllrlfii. nil ,.r lit., llit... Ilnil
.... n'"l.i -ln ,11, 1,, ,ll, .1111,1 .III,,
our fht'M Htato boliiK placed In
Mtn pronont ImpoMllitn I'oudltliiii,
(iciirxo ,. wiittr iippimIn Vi all or
thn voters of thl.i Mtato on u platform
luf tiiio eciiiuuny and clean novel if
I menl, tutiilly dlvnried from nil uf
, lint nrriiiil mill nVll fllli'i'H Unit hilvu
exlnlj'd Iii our Mai" novuninieiit rtur
Iiik the IiinI Mill oillN. HU lijcoid ui
a man unit u mildler In the IhhI llireu
win h nliiiuld HiitNfy tlm miiHt nkeptl
cat (hut bo will liii'u tlm cnuiiiK".
illniuiiltliill mid ability In cu'iirco nil
or our Iiiwh I In will lint meet u rn
iuen( (in aid with u xneer mid an
Imitation to ii'iilcn..
lie belluen, UK did Wimhlimlnll
and nil of tlm oilier luuudeiK nt our
KiiM'inmenl, toitellior with (lie Im
iiioi titl I.IiimiIii, that cliuiih mid nliitu
nhtMild bo Kept wholl) Knpuriite, mid
that rellKloil ban ni plain In thn poli
tico i( our ciiillitry. Iln deploreM nuil
reHeulx thn unfair ntfort made by
Uovei nor Ulcott and Mr. Hull to
brliiK rellKlou Into our ntuln Koveni
inent and piillllcx at thn eluveiitll
hour It U thoiiKht that all fair
minded cllleii will reprobatii Ihlii
notion mi thn putt of Ok'iitl and null
(lencral White, bidim Midi
know ii In every votliiK precinct In
the ntaln ot Ori'Ron, will uuciuontlmi-
libly recelvn u heavy Miln nil over Hi,,
tiliile, A Miilnitmitlal mujoilly In inn'
or two iiiiiiilliii In nil Hint lie will ri
iUlln to ho liiimlllilloil, It Ih iippni
flit to tllOHn wild hiivn atudleil tlm
polltlciil Munition at nil Ihui Mi
While Ih uolnir Hi lecnlvu the nniolii
nt Intl. Thn pDOplii am koIiik tu bm u
thn ileail, liprlKht mmi wlinun run r,
Ktmidx for pntrlollKiu mid lute econ
nmy, They urn unlnit In Htmnl thi
ll too for lhn new dual mid the i-h-,m
deal In Olcm'll polltlia.
(I'd Ad i
KITCIIIi: -At Klmiintli I'iiIU. M,.
IN, in::', Hi Mr. mid Mm i:.rt
llltchle, twin boyn; 7'k mid
pllllllllH. '
Challenge to Chas. J. Martin
You have failed to make any answer to
published inquiries of Good Government
League of May 15
. We Now Challenge You
to appear before a
to be held at SCANDINAVIAN HALL tonight, Thursday
evening. May 18, 8:00 o'clock
You will be accorded the privilege of addressing the meet
ing and answering questions heretofore asked of you but nbt
Candidates for Circuit Judge are also invited to address the
. meeting.
. By R. A. EMMITT, President.
" i - i
Do You Want Idaho to Grab
Oregon's Reclamation Money?
Do You Want Idaho to Get Oregon's Chair-
manship ot the Public Lands Committee?
Do You Want Idaho to Get Oregon's Vice Chairmanship
of the Irrigation Committee?
If You Don't
Then Vote for N. J. SINNOTT
Y .
Oregon is in the Saddle Now
Keep Her There
F. R SOULE, Chairman.