The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 18, 1922, Image 3

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    Pnjjo Five
The Office Cat
SpMiiK I'iMii)
Hi Hit Iii Iiiivii Irli'd mill fulled
lllllll IIUMT III lllln irll'll ill nil.
Hud ruin
Ilinli) rumliiK mil
Hiiimi U tiriiwlni; iMiiliirfiiiil nml
lipililH lii'glll In niMillt.
Hlnp. mIiihIi
llitniiiiiir mi (tin iiv
Turi i It Idiim ll Jiiiiii will roinn
nml IIiiiii In Imnlt lliu hay,
I'iii'Io ZiiIiiih lliiiii'iil who t limn uu
In IIiidIuii mi ii IIIIIm villi wiih hi-unl
In ri'iiinrk:
Willi I Willi Ilium illim oltfrilin
ImtIk ii riirln' riniiiil, n ft -I !- orinnltm
Him iii.iiI iiiiniiil.iyN ln-r. In (' lmri or
hull II llul, l.y lliTk.
i.v tiim chicdit txiimr of Tin:
Hiulu n( Uri'Koiii for lliu mm nml lion
oflt ot I'lillln Huoltor nml It H,
Dltmi ii h surety, I'liilntlffH,
Hi'iirKn Coniwnll, II. II, CiiimiiiIiih, H
K ('ummlmi ami W, T Vinton,
My vlrtiin of nn Mxemiloti IhkuciI
nut nt Hi" aliovii I'lilltled Court ill-
niiii in mil. iliili'it t Ii nih lti v ot
Muy, 1 023, Iimni'iI ilioii a Judgment
Hindu and oiili'iod In thn iihnvn en
lltli'il t'ourt nn tlm nidi ilnv of !
riuiiliiir, 1021, In favor nt Mm iibovo
iiiiiihmI DntKiiilniilN mul iiKiilimt Urn
iibov",, mimnl I'luliitlffH, Philip Hurl
tir anil It H. Dixon n.t unruly, In Hid
Minn ot l 0HM.72; unit for tho turtle
it Mil mi of f H3,2ll ii h itntDliitnnlN' ciititu
mul illnliiirinminnu In li rt mill
court for Yamhill county, OrcKou, to
Itiillmr wlfli liili'ri'nl ('ii lliu itnlil mini"
linini'illnti'ly hiiri'liihiifnm not furtli
at tlm rntn of six pir cent per unimni
from ami aftiir tlm I nth day of May,
1!'20 anil tor tlm further hiiiii nt
$ I n r. on a defendants' ronl nml ills
hiirmiiiii'iits In tho Hiiproniii (,'nurl of
I lit Htntn of Oregon, Initethir allli
In I itch I nn tho mild mint of 1 1 or. on
lly vlniin of mi mocui Ion duly In
miiihI out or Hid Circuit Court of Hid
Htatn of Oregon, for Kliimnth County,
liy Hid ilcrlt llwriiof, dated May IU,
1028, In lliut (iirtaln milt whuroln W
.1, NIcIioIhoii, h pliilullff, rrcnvrrixl
JuilKinonl iiKnliiHt II, W, I'oolo tor
Hiu hiiiii of KIM M), lowithrr with
Intnri'Ht Hiitiioii at nix pur emit pur
annum from November .'., lliito, uml
ntlnrnoy'ii fun In Hid mihii of 12.10 00
and rosin nml dlliiirstinetilt taxed nt
tor,. oo, which JuilKini'iit uml deeren
wiih I'litTiid In mild inurt on April
13, IH22. And iiiilil drcri'M huvlng
furllHT provided that nil right, tltlu
mid Intermit of tho xald ditfnmluutH,
In mild niiII, to-wlt II. W, Poole, A.
A llulliiinu, I). O, William, Fred
Hih'hIiik ami Margaret llurrHI Hid
die, In uml to tho pri'iiilwM liorrln
ii Her ili'urrllii'd hn sold to nutlufy lliu
nforenald H'l tun adjudged dun plaintiff
Notlrii hereby glum Hint I hnvo
lovlcil upon mid will nn Hid 17th day
of Jum, 1 1122, ut leu o'clock In Hid
forenoon of mild day, ut tlm front
door of tho Kluuiiith County Court
Hoiinu, In Klamath Pal In, Oregon,
null at puhllc mutton to Hid highest
bidder, for ciiHh, ull tho rlKht, tllliu
nml luturcHt owned or ikihhoihipiI hy
ll... .. r,...M.i 1.1 il.ifnll.lnMlu 1,1 lilt. I I,.
- .--., - .- ,iii Minti-miiii iii,'tt,i,ttn, lit iiiii, i"i
nt l)i rnt of six per rent per iinnuin ', r,diwlng dencrllied n-nl property, I
from uml uflur th 31st day of I)e- i,..W.
iltn.... l.. 1M,..,.l. eniu.iu m... I
corner of Lot Huron (7), (f lllock
Tlilrtynlii.) (mi), of Original Town
of Mnkrllln, now City of Kliimnth
I'iiIU, Oregon, thuiien wiiierly
iiIoiik tint nouHinrly lino of Mnln
Htrout, fifty-nix feel nml nlnn
Inchen, Ihenrit In a noiltherly dl-
redlon parallel with Klghth xtruet,
of mild rlty, Onn HUlidrcd Tvelvn
feel, tlienrii ennturly and parallel
with hiiIiI Mulli Mlruiit, tlfly-nlx feel
a ml nlni) ItirlivHi thuncii iiorllierly
mid purullel wild mild CIkIiIIi
Htroct ono hnmlrud twclvn feet Jo
Place ot lieglnnlnK, helng portloiiN
of I.oIn nit nml fiiven ot mild lllock
Thlrty-lilne. All of I.oln one uml
two of mild lllock Tlilrly-nlne
Or no murli of mild property nn
may ho mxitoiury to Hiitlnfy Hie .ild
JudKniont In favor of plaintiff. In
rludliiK prlnrlpnl, Intereit, uttorney'N
fee, ((! ami (llHlinriieiiiei'.H that
have, or limy accrue.
I. I l-OW, ftlierlff
M IS. 25 I 1-8-r,
Fly Time is Here
Kltiiiito In Klnmalli County, Ore
gnu, i:nerly 2.', feet of Lot )!, nml
Wentnrly HI ft uml nlno (!) Inclicn
off of Lot 7, and ull of I.oIm ono
(I) mid Tno (2). of lllock Thirty
nlnn fay), of Original town of
l.lnkvlllc, Kluinalli County Oregon.
Huld Printline urn morn parti
cularly ilfHiTllicd iin lleglniilng lit
a point on tlm mnitlierly line of
Main mrcul. City Klamath Knlln.
Oregon, Thlrty-thrro fed and
three liulii'K from tho north. ent
tiii: i.iucii
The lld v.liul hlouN on filmy
And iiiiprnii'Heii niikx;
y I ladli it fair who lir.ivn tlm
Ale railed tlm ealier mn'
H'iiiici fellnrx Ideim of fnniii In lo
lin Ihelr itniiiei appear every d.iy
,11 the local lieliiH
I ltl'lllli:it IIKKI.H Jack
'In dock III
company n
A Biilmcrllier wrlleii '
he llumpiy Duiiipty nil
nod ImyJ"
Iteidy: Y e nhoilld n.i) It V.4M
1 1:001 1 li)e.
Wlilltt nhneH lire
prlied ut Kinlerfl
ery reuHotmhly , WANTIJD Womnn for hounuv.ork
10-17 l!i , au, family fir, I'lm, Kt. 1C-1&'
Co. el HiliiMd
Two of my poplin urn In InMi Two
iiniln Vklth hut 11 allighi IhnUght
In Hint nine, profeivior, I think
ml hIiliiIiI let them reclln UK a duel
the artlht uhn dunlglil'il the hnail
111 the dollar lined hi lf nn 11
inidel TIiiiI'h why lie plcllirrn her
ll It her iiioulh open.
Maklnu AlloMnnrra
t A on had arrived In tho liotnn of
1 Klamulli I'ulU couple snU lh
iroiid father runhed nut to borrow h
ialr of nruliin, hut noun wern avail'
ihl except no inn hulougltiK t raRH(
Kiiiun nml holllen man Ho ho hor
omuiI thnmi mid wnn ughnnl when
le dlioovereil th heir welched only
our pound.
II111 ilnn't you worry," ald flu
iilikimin ronnnlliiKly, n'tiilnllng at
ho dial "Thelirn my Inollig nfnlen
.'our lm rii'lr.lin houl eight 'r 11 half
-inililie drht 'it thren-uuartpra
.'itiiuln "
Hi iMI.Hl I'luii .MwIk Clenr nt lt!
1 hey ntoppeil '"" n Iho ulreet today
unit iiiientloiiN did propound,
I'liity nearly took my lireath nwny,
nml did my wlm confound.
Oh, tell nu, tell me. ulr," thuy nnld
wfTat, who or why uml when
nil till flood of heated talk uhoiit
tiim au-iOT" '
ll'iu! IL'iii The :10-0 )oil imk?
Why, ho)n, ran you not guuni?
ho aimii'n tho lateit thing In mot).
(Til Ht)lll of dri'HH,
11 over) thing, ut every time, the lad-
leH trlk() to pleuno
hoy wear tliein :iu helow the neck
nml HI iihovii tho knuun!"
( em tier, 1112 1 . nml for the inntn of
uml upon thin Writ of execution,
rommnnitlilR mo to levy upon the
property of the .liiv numuil I'lnln
iKfn, Philip Hueiter nml It. K, Dixon
iin Mirety. nltunled In Klamath Coun
ty, Oregon, ami to null thn nnmo In I
tho manlier provided liy law, to nnlln i
fy thn mild Judgment, I did on tho 1th
dav of Mny, 1022, levy upon the'
following deirrlhed rnl premlnen nlt
unled (11 Klamath Cniinly, Htatn of.
Oregon, un fidloun, lo-vlt )
Thn Kniilhennt Quarter of the
.nnowrni weuirer 01 me noiiin-1
wum Uunrter (Hi:NWiHW'4)
of Hectlon Twelve (12) Townnhlp
Thlrty-lhren (31) Houth of ItuiiKn
Hli (C), nml tho Kant Hair of tho
HouthwcM (Juarler of thn Booth-!
went yunrler (KtfflW"', HWU ) ff
Herllon Twelve (12), Townnhlp
Thlrty-lhren (.in) Houth of Itnnite '
Klx (0), uml Iiln Three (.1) uml ,
Pour (I), Herllon Pour (li.Tnv.iw
nlilp Thlrlylhre.. (31) Houth of
lluugn Seven nml One. half (741
Haul of Willamette Meridian,
Klamath County, Hiutn of Oregon,
containing One Hundred Nino
I I (I'll filrna ttwirA if amm
NOW Tlli:itKI'OI(i:. hv vlrltio of ,Vin HI-NTModern furnlnhed uptn
tin: mM execution ami Judgment Or- . ''J1",;, r','nl.,.'."l"'",.,.2Ji..Jo',40;.w,.n'l
ilr uml In rompllanp wiih thn rom- !,"r" '"''K- llwnl ,9W "-19 I
... .. ll.. ..... ..! - I-... '
inuiiiin "i inn win ni in 1.111 ii- , ,., .,,,,, ,, , , , . i
Hon, I will, on Wednendny. thn 2IM WANT';1" -xi'erlenrud wnltreji for WANTKD Ma
day of Junii. 1W22. nt 10 o'clock In mrdlng lioune. I'honn 3C3W. dairy ranch,
the forenoon of thn nuld du)' nt thnl lill I city
front door of thn County Court limine
of Klamath. County, Oregon nt Klam
ath I'iiIIh therein, nidi nt politic nc
lion, ntihject to redemption, to thn
hlghmi Iddder for rath In hand on
day or naln. all thn right, 1 1 (In nml In
lerett of thn about nniued plulntlffn,
I'lilllp Hurtter nml It; H. Dixon, nn
niirely. or either of them, nn of May
'J. 1H22, In nml V thn uhovn dencrih
Ml real premUcn, for the purpom of
callnfylng thn nald Judgment nnd
rmtn or thin Kxecutlon
. ,. I., I.. M)W, Hhcrlff.
Klumnth County, Oregon,
Mc.Mlnnvllle, Oregon
AltorneM for the llefendantn
Dated and flrnt puhllnhed thin Ihlh
day of May, 1932.
M I S.2.'. J 1 . K . I r.
Wn nro now prepared tr
give you ItKAI. nervlCij Oil
Window nnd Door Hcrecnn,
Hanhen and Doorir, Cablnot
nml Carpenter Work and
lieu Hlvcn. llead'iuartDrt
for glajn ot all klndi.
Phono 177-W
KOIt ItKNT CIokj In,
npartinent Tel 312W
Don't forget,
rnlfen ut 2.c J
w'n nt 11 1 havn ,good
i: Kndorn, 1C-17-I!)
Kront, ithoD repairing, Houth
1th Ht , Junt off Main ICtf
Herald fa tt I fled adi mean th bcit
nnuiu. quick I. .
1 horehy withdraw my nauin nnd
nlKiiuluro from thn petition recently
circulated uml nlgned liy u uiimher of
thn hunlnenn uml protenslomil men of
thU city I do thin for thn nunon
Hint It wn Intended nn u mean ot
conciliation nml to nee urn a renuwul
ot Indumrlal operation, hut In now
Interpreted an an endonienient of thn
nine-hour day, which In not my pur
pon,i to do,
POIt ItlJNT Modern furnlnhed or
iinturnlnhed nptn, f 2Ti to till.
I'honn I law. Wlntcrn' llldg 1 7-1 a
KOIt IIKNT Kitur room plastered
hnutn on Michigan nve., good con
dition, at 122 M.
Three room hounn on Wnll Ht at
1 1 2 r.u.
Pour room modern hnuno on Ore
gon an. at 120.00.
Pour room modern hounu with
bath near t'pham ut fSO.OO,
Threo room nlrlctly modern un
furnlnhed apartment In Meno build
lug nt $30.00,
Three room partly funilahcd hounn
on H lllvernldu ut $20.00.
Phe-room nlrlctly modem furn
lnhed hounn on Pacific Terruco ut
ll.'-.OO. It han funiuce. flra plucv.
guruge. lawn, trees, big garden tract.
Klvn room nlrlctly niodurn house
In bent part of Mllln Addn, Near fac
torlcn at 130.00.
Two roam rurnlnhvd cabin In Mllln
Addn. ut fin 00.
(IIII.COTI: & HHITII, ll:l.l Main St.
-Man and wife to work on
good wngen. Ilox 383.
filr.iyed from my place, hay nnddle
pmiey, brandid K on left, nhoulder,
right hind foot white. Plca&o notify
W D, Harlan, Hhlpplngton, Ore,
t'hnni) H2M.
POIt KRNT 3 room furnlnhed
apartment. Inquire J.nwromc
Clnar Store. 13-1 R
KOIt It i:NT Nicely furnlnhed front
room. Hath & phone. 12 N. 9th Ht.
K. It. CARPKNTKR. Painter and
I'ttperhanger. Tbone 27CJ
SHOE RHPAIR1NQ Jack Frost. 119
S. SUth St. 17tt
Swedish lect certified seed oat,
ton lots 2H eta: less quantity 3 cts.
J. A. -Uuihong. Klamath Falls, Ore
son. Call at Murphey's Feed store,
121 S, Ctb St. 3tt
Your grocery order will ho appre
ciated at Kmlern. IC-17-19
KOIt HAI.K 1 room modern houne.
bath, basument, partly furnlnhed
on Lincoln street, 13,000, Inqulrn
room 3, Hwannon llldg. 13-21
I R. C White Leghorn Daby Chlx
fgr April, May and Juno delivery
from our own' bred-to-lay stock. Our
prices are right. Model Poultry Farm,
W. C. Smith. Prop., Corning. Cal.
KMabllahed 1901. Stf.
My liillluln urn "J T." nml thn
I" Hllll hIiiiiiIm ror trniln. Perklnn'
uriiltiirn lioune, tho Furnlnhnr ot
Inppy lloiuen. 12a H. tit Iw Htrvet IK
Scratched glasses many
times cause the vision to
blur. Let us polish the
.scratches out and they
will be aa.Kood as. now
anain. Hepaira, broken
lenses duplicated Im
mediate service.
Dr. Goble .
t - n nv
700 Mala
Phono, Ofo. 18SW, He. 8SI-J
Fordyce and Elliott Campaign headquart
ers opened at ,633 Main street at office of
Central Auto Service. Information given and
automobiles furnished to assist voters to reach
polling places tomorrow, election day.
Telephone 513-VV
(MAY 22 TO 27) .
Next week has been set aside as ''Clean Up"
or "Anti-Litter" week
All good citizens are expected to help out in "this
campaign not only because the appearance of our city
will be vastly improved, but for the greater reason that
the clearing out of mbbish, garbage and other objec
tionable things will mean better health for you and your
A Clean City
Clean up your own place. Sprinkle chloride of , lime
or some disinfectant in the foul and unsanitary places.
This will prevent flies breeding there and cany disease
germs to your food or the baby's milk bottle. If your
neighbor does not do his duty report it to the Health
Officer and he will see that he does. (Doctor H. D. L
Stewart is our health officer his phone number
Things You Need 4.
We suggest that after the litter has been' cleared
away you use Lysol, Kreso or Chloride of Lime or, dis
infectants. Best disinfectant of all is Kreso. aSjOne7pint
of the concentrated solution will make five gallons of,'
good disinfectant and costs you only 05 cents.
Swat theRy
Go after the flies early in the season with swatters,
insect powders and sticky paper. Every fly killed now
means several thousand less by the end of summer.
We can supply you with any of the items above and
many more that will aid you in making Klamath Falls
a cleaner and healthier city.
WHITE I.EOHOrtN bahy chicks. Tan-1 Watering TrotiKhn, Water Tanks, and
crcd strain. Heduccd to J10.00 per other Kurm Conveniences. Products
100. Henr Farratt, Corning. 'Calif. I best In thclr-clam. priced fairly: real
8-30 (money makers and tlmo saer for
i tho farmer. Full time work. Per-
FILZ SCHOOL OF, MUSIC 'munent propesition: real opportun-
Frcsent enrollment 38 pupils. lit)' for hustler. Clvo ai?e, experience
There Must Do a Reason
For tho fact that our present enroll
ment Is tho largest ever held or a
school In Klamath county. Complete
course on the piano In 20 lessons.
Course. starts at, any tlmo. Kuroll now. i
Studio SOC-309 Winters' Bide. 20tf
WANTED Man to act as perman-
rnt resident representative fur
Klamath County to selt Metal Grain
Ulna, Metal Tunks, Hot; Feeders!
and references. COAST CULVERT
& FLUME COSIPANY, Portland;, Ore.
WANTED About Juno 1, a fite or
six room modern bouse, unfur
nished. C. L. Jamison, phone .25 2-W.
(i'i 'i. ii.,
' ' J;
SundayEXCURSlON Sunday
Motor Boat Oakland and Spray
Rocky Point Resort
Ilo.u leuM-ii mall hont lindlug 8:00 a in, arrive at Hocky, Point
11.00 a, in. I.oue Itocky Point 3:00 p. m, Four hours 'for good
Triangle Cafe
Is Now Open
At 633 Main Street
Courteous Treatment Moderate Prices
Open Day and Night
, Proprietor ,
The Pie that Made the
Eskimo Famous
Sold by all Confectioneries and Peel Halls,
Klamath Falls Creamery
Oh That 'Miserable Feeling
YOU know headache', lack of energy, fatigue,
poor appetite, constipation, Indigestion, Takn
4ieed now.
Bark Root Tonic
stimulate and tones stomach, liver and bowels; Im
prove dlKestlon and Increases appetite, warding off
or relieving tho run-down condition. Scientifically
made In our modern laboratories from Cascara. Cln-
chomt. Gentian and Angostura.
iRpepipf' At all Reliable Druggists, or write
?J!pPfF?rpr.i Celro-Kola CoC, Mfgr.
?fwm x
Portland, Oregon
r.s it
t th primaries Friday, May 19,
H is a man of rara pronaily and
E roved zeeutivo ability. Hats,
risdy, is his ttoryi Isaac L Pat
tarson was born in Itaton'Caapty,
Ortgon, in 1839. Atttndsd coualry
choola and worksd his way'tkrouak
ChfUti.BC.lWf.. ManasMitk.,
cam noc.tful,aarcbaat ia la 169 was Uct.d 5ut
Senator from Marion Couaty. la
1895 w appoiot.d CaUaotor !
Customa at PorlUad,. ay PtasUoat
McKiakyi rcapnaiataa ay
RooMTok in I9.
A Record of Achievement
WHILE lm was collector, ta. ousiaaas-af Mr.iPatt.r
on', ofice practically doubled yat a raduoad tke
cost of running hU office by $6,380 a year. Since 90t
i ofo 5 roliccwau,1 Ulm" EoUl Polk County, la
a . . ' ' ' ""'a a. oiaie senator Irom folk Couaty,
Aa chairman of Senate Finance Committee led ta limU
'them. In
t wholesale ulary increate bills and defeated most
Wi voted against increasing Governor's
Vote for Patterson and Stop this Was tef
Sine. 1913 Stat, taxes bava increased 74.7 per aaall
this gross extravagance must be stopped I Mr.' Patter
son has pledged that when .Ucted be will snake a sub
stantial decrease in your tattMay flicin aad
..rn,..u,u,ii.,luu. r vaie, ror senator, raexaeaasi ia
a vota far dean, economical riinkaees ilka
;0I Impultl HottI
"in wfeea
- nnfi