Vv 'o-, f h , t '. ft 8ttje lEuimtttn Iterato WEATHER FORECAST 'lO.VItlMT AM) VltlllAV, HllOW- i:iw, mount i.v i:aht ih- tio.v. NEWS. OP THtt WORLD IYTM( ASSOCIATED fREJS Member of the Associated Press. Hlteeiltli Vi'iir, n, IlifJII KLAMATH FALLS, OHKttO.V, TliriLSMAV, MAV IH, IIKJ1S rates fits cm ii f. GOVERNOR NOT HOT III KUUf T Letter Show Investigation Was Made at Far Back An September, 1921 IIAI.EM, Dm, May IK. Thai lnv. iTimr OIhiII'h liriicl.iin.illiiii Wnni'il IhTcp lliiturilny In which ho nilli'il ilium nil Judges, nhorlffii uinl other low enforcement nrniit of llm Male In I'.winl cirefolly uitiilnnt Infraction T I ho (Iri'Kiui Mntilleti uinl In insist Hint 1 1 1 1 1 h w f 1 1 1 1 y iIImkuIhimI men b UiI of f lhi street Hint lint prepar iil nil III,, Kpltr nf III" moment, hill was Ih" result nf ltieltf,.ithiiiN nf t ho K11 Klux Klnii dating hack mm (,ir uk llcplemher, l2l, It lh" mili staiim nf record nl tin nxectilh,, i( flren xlvi'ii nut liidny On September 23, 19 2 1, Ih" rec nhts n( I hi. executive office show (inventor Olcoit received Uu follow liu; li'lPRrmu from Urn New York Wurlil: 'Tor the purposn of learning I lie nllllilitn of llm chief ejecutlvo of each American state lawanl Ihn Ku Klux Klun ih II hag been revenlid during tlm hint Ihreo wcuks, the Worlil rt'tii-tn yuit lo oblige with 11 definite statement ut yimr on posl tloii. (iitiraU (JmrriHT Apprtilr "An our record stand now only nun governor, llardwlck of Ucorgl. Rlit Ihn organisation turlt tipprovul Oii.i other has ovuded thn lun. A largo number of llm other American Riivvriium luvo tmircnnl unqualified dUuppoiut of tho Invlilhlu order's alms uinl methods," llayard Hwopo, cu-cullve editor .ut tli Worlil. OoMTtmr Olrott sent Ihu followi lug reply lo tho Worhl. "Ilt'cntihtf of whujeiomo conditions In Or-K)ii, with Uttto ilUconti'iil ami n satisfied people. Ku Kim Klan, al though endeavoring to Invade the stale, has mmlo WHO or no prunrrn ami nm Informed It U now folding k tent likn tlm Arab ami aH lJnt y tcilliiK nwny. Oli-nlt SHM Pimlllnll "Tho Klnn has been takin lightly hero ninl bncuiisn of Ihn fact It has made iirarilrally no Impression on nur peopln or our Institution .Ihu meriilUn nftlen of till Htato has il n.'.l action nr uny particular com- iiiciil unnecessary. I, feel our novi-ni' niriit iiH-iln no niihiilillary.' m-crt-t In lnllil" uirimratloii lo omIkI It In forciiiiii'iit of liu law or to lrotTi tho llhi.rlliM nf lln poopl". In Ori'Kon, cri'at intnm of imhlln not only haa illhtlncl haiul In iiiaklns tho Iuwh, but fiM.ln uinl hIiowh lool ri-5pt-ot for tliftii uflor Ihi'y arr mniln. "Our rltliriu anl( ahl from no or l-anliatlon thai mimt work In tho ilnrlc nrtil wTot jiIuci'iT nl '' nuch mi orr.uulxutlon han no plurn In their couiiHiilit or octlvltle." llmliir ilnto of August 8, 11121, Cov rnor Olcott rccolvoil from J. K. rortwR, rcitlilont uf KprltiRflolil, Oro 11 lntti-r nnil petition Hlgnml ly 112 roitliliuitH of that vicinity proti-nt lm- nituliiHt tho Ku Klux Klan anil iiBklnc tho MPCUtUa lo Invoku tho poworH of tho main, olthnr by procla. iiiiitlon, martial low or by colllnc a Hppclnl Piilon of tho legUloturo to curb 1110 "activities of tula nnurchU tic gaiiK." Mr. Forbes' lotlor to tho govornot rcail: "IncloHoil plcuo find a petition, which Ih Holf inplanotory. which 1 circulated uinoiig tho bURlnciw anil profcHKloiml cltlionB of Hprlngfloltl ItiHt Hatunluy and agalu on Bubbath mornliiK. ' "About thrt'o-fourlliH of tho puo lilu who mud tho petition Hlgned It Inimodlaiuly und of thono who did not hIku uboul oiio-liulf ubkjKl for inoru llmo to think ovur tho pro poHltlon, tho othoru of tho ono-fourth flutly rofuHlng for vurloiiH ruimonH. "It won tho gouonil linproMiton of thOHu hIkuIiib thathq pcoplo of thin Hliitn run roguliito tltolr ntfulrB thru coiiblltutod uuthorlty, nd voiiHldor tho uppllcutlon and Intruidan of tho Ku Klur Klun it munaco to Iholr or derly roputtUlon. , "Hoping that you will roaituro tho manHoa, who hat nocrocy In govern ment, ond 0H)nclaly theao potltl.onora whom I rcnard ob 100 por cent Amer ican," . , DENOUNGEMEH VATi:i(M)(j(ii:it vehhel ih ici:h-i'i:i at hi:a hv hiiiam HcnnoMiiti nn:v nc.iinvi:i MAItHIIKIi:i,l), Muy IK -Tlm wntlnrliiKRl O111111 which drifted oil! or iip,ht of tint tun I'i'urli'Hi mid llm nleniner Wlllmiiiitln Imit nliilit In n foi; iiftur ilrlflliiK hulpleinily nil yuntenluy, wiih plclieil up early thin mornliiK by tho nleam (ichooner D.iUy, wlilih took Ihn Ormn'M crew nhouril mill ulnrli'il In low Ihn illnubleil iiiolornlilp lo Ihe Coliiiiihlii rlvnr INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTION ISSUED BY COUNTY CLERK flprkw nnil Judgi'M Tnhl IVoimt rrnimliirit f.' Ilnnilllnie llnllnlM Anil HiiIpm for Hteilms liiilriirlloni han been Nmieil hy t'ouuty Clerk' ,('. II. Del.i to JiiilgeH, rlerkn lit llm primary elec tion Tliiiritday ni fnllewn: "When rPturnliiK nnpplli'fl to Ih" County (!erk ploano lo not put miytblng In tin ballot Iioipi lm Ihn routilPit ballots. "An l(vlor muni vnln In tho pro- ilnct In which ho or sun Is rcr.li- tnred, and II Is strictly contrary to law for an election bonrd to cancl an nlpctor'it rPRlstratlon, or to rcR Inter nny elector who I1 rerlslnird li souin other precinct within tho county, or to chance tlm political parly of any elector. It nny otes tor Is regtnreil "no party" ho ran not chaiiKu iinin until otter eloc Hon. "If nn elcrlor chniiKu bis place of realilenco mid falls lo ehmiRo his registration, lm can not vote In tlm precinct In which ho has moved tin k'M on certlflcato of tho county tlcrk. , t'4-y "Tho blank on tho hack of tho registration carftrf. which KlatJg" tifl tho cancellation ofreltratlon, It for tho uu of tho couuty clerk only, ami mus'l not bo uteil by tho vlcrtloji boards." "All pursoiiH Mworn In must bo permanent resilient of the ntul". and a registration card must bu sworn to by ono of thn Judges of election. In addition, two freehold ers must appear beforo tho election f hoard who know tho person desir ing to be sworn In. "All voters who nrp registered "no party" cannot voto on either tho republican or democratic tic- fket, hut may on recall and school unit ballots." PEACE PACT FORMED Nation Tnler Into New AKWmcnt At (Jeno t'oufcivncn (IKNOA, May 18. An eight mouths non-aggresnlon pad wail udnptnd unlnaniously ut thn plenary meeting of thn political sub-commission of llm (leuiM conference to day. Thn pact wntt not signed hut wua adopted In tlm form of y resolution, narh ntato pletlnlng Itself to re Hpect It. (IKNOA, May 18. Sir Edward Griggs announced In behalf of the Ilrltlsh delegation that further ad vices havo been received from tlm United Rtntes government nnd that it did not noon! likely tho United Htiitps would partlclpatn In Tho Hague in eel I nr at least not until tho acopo of tho mooting was bet tor understood. llouterft report! the Unttod States' roply reserves Its decision, ponding further Investigation und until tho ultuutlon bocomes, clearor. CHINESE PARLEY ON Attempt MmiIo In l'rtent North nnl viHslltlim of Hun Viit Heu HONG KONO, Mny 18. Nego tiations aro iu progress by tho Mouth China government nnd both tho northern ructions to prevent o northward expedition by tho nrmy of 8uu Yut Ben, head of tho Can ton government. PHKINO, May 18, r'orolgu legi tlona urn awultlng an explanation from tho I'oklng government con cerning tho BtntuB of Mauchurla, which General Chang Tho Lln has doclarod part of hli nowly-estnb-llshed omplro. A report from Muk den, tho Manchurltn capital, aayu Chang baa already adopred a flag fof his now omulra, )Jfc HOUSES AGREE UPON FUND FOR ! LOCAL PROJECT! Interior Carries Department Bill $700,000 For Klamath Irrigation Hpecial In Tlm Iler.-ihl WAHIIINOTON, .Muy 18 llouso mid H'niiln confereeu havo tiKrecd n ntlm Interior ilepnrlinent'n ap propriation .hilt cnrrylm; 1700,000 for Ihn Kliiimith Irrlcatlon pro- ed. Thn (Imntllla project Is ip- portioned tr00,(in0 mid llm linker project 1100.000. Tlm apportionment of 1700,000 lo tho Klamath project for 192.1 development, remlni: on dip of n similar Hli"d npprnprliillnn that Is now helm: expended for thin ye.ir'u work, means steady adraurn for thn project and Is highly grntlfylnir- Tlm magnltiidn and Import.inrn nf the Klamath project U real lied by Congressman N. 1. Hlnnott and hid Influence has been con stantly exerted toward thn end that Klamath gctx Us fair sham of tho reclamation appropriation. BIG VOTE PREDICTED i , Politician Heme High Interest In Klertlnii Tiimorrmv Local politicians who feel they havo u sensllliti finger on the pulso of political ntfulrs aro lire-J dieting an unusually largo tout ai thn prtmarlcs 'tomorrow, ami uro advising tho public to voto early. Following Is u complutu list of thu polling places: Precinct 1 llrowns CnriK-nter shop, cyner First und Main streets. I 1'reclncl 2 ljalln'n socond-haiul i store, between Second nnd Third on Main, Precinct 3 Upstairs In old court houso. ' Precinct 4 Perkins furnlluro store, Sixth and Klamath. Precinct S Public market build in i;, Ninth and Klamath. Precinct 6 Slater rooming 'house, Main between Tenth and Kleventh. " Precinct 7 Old Worden build ing, corner Twelfth and Main. ' Precinct 8 Old Charlln DeUip house, Eleventh and Worden. Precinct U Mills addition hall. Precinct 10 Itesldeuco of Mrs. II, 1). Ynncy, Bhlpplugton. Pf 'VP1 '-Vi FELlftS J ft Al II ' EBam aawsli " ' - - aa-T If I If ill 'J cSSs.RVt ilErVaiIMllllyi fir' I PASSION PLAY IS STAGED FOR FIRST TIME SINCE 1910 UriilinilljilliiM WlllicsHril y 1,000 lrrmiMj Hlinulnt; nl TliU Tlmr Ih Ifelil Apiriiirlnti OliCIIAMMIMAir, May J7 -Ily thn AsHOclnled I'rcMi ---Hundny naw thn first piihlle performmi'r allien I'MO of the world-renowned ' I'.ih nIoii I'l.iy," with Ihn hlKhlanders of Ihl'i llnviii Inn villain an thn uitun. In thn wiiLn nf thn mo-t i rinl Mid ex leiihlve wnr of history, Ihn revival of tlm i,'ii;e.iiit ilrmiiallzalloii nf the life of Christ eamo lo an aiidleiice of nninn (000 peri-oim In what M'ciiici! ii parllciilarly appropriate eiiieticc to thn cnnfi'rcnri"( ;il Wanhliiitlon mid (lelld.l Il wait pointed nut Inday that whlln ut Wiisliltictnn and (lenoa the expert political mid ecniinmlc build ers nf thn uorld rnnfeired on tin1 ro (uimt ruction (,f cnoil uf II amoii- ineu. llm repr.-M'iitatlvcrt of thn four cor tiem of Clirlntiuiiilom were IickIo iiIiik thn neadi'ti pIlKrlmaces to OherainliierKail to witness the es tablished Inlerpretatloti or the foun dation on which their rellr.lous Mruc tur, wim based In the career of the Man cf (lulller "I bop,! thn I'aislon May will con stitute a basis from wblcb more friendly Intercourse between notions wilt result In I heir better Interna tional iimlerstaidlng," said Anton Lang, who plays tho role of Chrlstue. Mini of IVncp Lang's every gesturo and his attl ludo on or off thn stage, personifies n man of peac nnil his personality reflects tho ilevout character and1 sturdy Idealism which siuco 1C33 has guided the villagers' devotion In presenting th'o play every decade, ex cept for i fw necssary Interruptions. Thousands of tourlsta are here for (Continued on Pngu Two) C. OF C. BOARD NAMED J. A. Uultlmi ImmW v'Vllh MM Vote-.; tlrvt Otflcen. TueMlny J. A. Cordon led ull candidates hi thu chamber of commerce election of eight member for thu board of dl- roC(or (j s ent c ordon polled 101 votes. M canio second with 7f V)I.M and W. A. Wlest last with 13 vole Tho complete returns were J. A. Cordon, 101; MV S. West "': Fred Fleet. 72: W.,0. Smith. 70: Mrs II Mf Ackley. fiSr W ('. Dalton. 05: E Wi Vnnnlcn, CI: It. E. Smith, f.3; U. I' Oroesbeck. G2: W A. nelrell.NT: E. M. llubb. 45. M. P Evan. 12; A. M. Collier. U J l Kimball. 30: II. N. Moe. .17; W. A. Wlest, 13. Tlm first six named will nere two year terms nnd tlm following two for ine year. The retiring directors are A. M. Collier. J. W. Slemem au.t W. A. Wlest, tlm latter having been ap pointed to till the unexpired term of Marshall Hooper. Officers will be elected Tuesday. THE OLE SWIMMIN' HOLE T N i WILL MEET TONIOHT Conference Called by Fed eral Commissioner to Seek Adjustment ' A ronforeuco beiwuen employers an,t employees will bo held tonight In, Ihn circuit court room at tho coiirlhoiino at 7:30 o'clock In an effort to arrive at soma adjustment of differences In tho tlrnberworkers Htrlkn. Thn meotlng la called by E. P. Marsh, Untied State conciliation commissioner, who will preside, ti, miinwinr nt.inM nt lh. personal of tho conference Is con- ,...! ,.... ... iii-i ,. ...riinun Hliuuuilliurui! Personn asked to attend ar -rep-n-sentatlvo employers and all men who wem on thn payrolls At the tlm" of tlm rirlke, who at tWg tlmo are not working In any of the mills, Including both union and. noa-janlon men. No others to" be admitted. Thn following plants aro to par tlclpatn In the meeting: Atgoma, ,;,,',.".." - y- ,.,K i.-h, rniui amj MDMr,,,. .Ml.i., i. Co., Ewaupa Box Co. UNIT PLAN SUCCESS Crook County School Huperlate- dent Itoporu Pleaslag Progress Thu county unit plan has mot with success In Crook county, according to n letter received from J. E. Myers, of Prlnevllle, county superintendent of schools for Crook county, by Mrs. TwyU Ferguson. Klamath county superintendent. - - - "On thn juimo nmnunt f aaaair and a general lowering of mlllage we hav0 Paid all old warrants for three ears back," Myers said. " " "Tho schools aro now on a cash hauls with funds on bund to run un til tho October tax Is collected. Jlural children lire ou the same basts as town children. Some of the rural .school hav0 used more supplemen tary material titan tho town schools. I report wonderful success for the county unit for-the first year, and can seo a larger field for next year. I believe It will be as advantageous for Klamath county as for Crook." PIIOIIE VALENTINO MARIHAOB LOS ANOELES, Tho federal department of Justice plans to probe the marralgn of Rudolph Val entino .screen actor, to Winifred Huduut ut Mexlcala. .Federal offi ce rj plan to question Valontluo and an effort will bo mado to interro gato tho brtdo, enroute to New York. MOVK JfADK HV IIOOVKIt TO HTOI aiAI, 1'ltICTJ IN- rilfAHK Dtmi.NtJ HTIttKK WAHIIINOTON. May 18. flflcrotary Hoover asked and 4 obtained today thn approval of leading operator,, of the no- union bltumlnoiiK coal fltMs for government plan of "got- ting tho coal Industry hy vol- untary action to put n stop upon thu Increasn of coal price" during thn coal str.ko. CHAUTAUQUA HAS STRONGER PROGRAM THAN LAST SEASON i HurcrH Predicted by Dlrrclor, Mr. Mi (,'. Head; Accomplished Trio Will Ilo Heard Humbly Mrs. M. C. Reed, director of tho local Chautauqua which open horn Sunday afternoon, arrived last . night, and Is spending the dy con- ,errlnf w,tU oca- euaf"" DlJ ! committeemen. This year's Chautauqua program. In 'the opinion of Mrs.. Heed, ns stronger features than last year'a and she assures Chautauqua goers that If they have been satisfied In tho past, they will certainly find no fault with the coming program. The opening number Sunday af ternoon Is the Taylor, Marrlner and Steelman trio, an accomplished -roup of miulelsns. Miss Leslie Taylor, violinist, Is a pupil of the celebrated Leopold Auer of New Tork, which among musical peo ple alone speaks volumes for her artistry. Miss Miriam Steelman Is a promising dramatic soprano and Gur Marrlner. pianist. Is said to possess talent of a high order. The feature of the first evening performance is the work of Mather Hllburn, Impersonator, who halls from the Otark country and de picts the quaint characters et the southern ouotabM ajajjraxalsi tiro humorist can. m READY FOR CLEAN-UP Women' DIIIIob Organised , For Anti-Litter Week Tho women's division for Anti- Litter week, under tho direction of Mrs. Win. Oanong, was completed today with the appointment of 13 divisional chairmen at follews: No. 1. Mrs. D. V. Kuykcndall; No. 2. Mrs. R. E. Wright; No. 3, Mrs. R. 11. Dunbar; No. A, Miss Clara Calkins; No. G, Mr. C. V. Fisher; No. 6, Mrs. Geo., Oriule; No. 7. Mrs. O. I. Wright; No. 8, Mrs. Durgo W.Mason; No. 9, Mr. E. A. Hawkins; No. 10, Mrs. Wal ter Heifer; No. 11, Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps; No. 12. Mrs. II. D. Ne well: No. 13. Mrs. C. P. Mason Hugh Currln, chairman of the Juvenile division.- roports tho fol- "The district, not the congress lowing Incomplete list: nan. owns the sit " ssld Congress- No. 1. John Earllngs; No. B. Ro-" msn Youns, of Vorth Dakota, a mem land Cofer; No. 6, Forrest CoUon; ' ber of the rays and rhesns eommltee No. 7, Archie Michaels; No. 10,' "It Is for ho district to determine Donald Harland; No. 9. Dick Cleve- what disposition It Is to mako of Its land; No. 11 and 12, Howard Dur- property In th0 American congresi. bin; No. 13, Margaret Cummlngs.To change the occupant frequently A general meeting of all the dlv- means the loss of Influenco and pros Islonal chairmen and block captains tlge Tho second Oregon congreislon wlll be held In tbo chambor Of com- nl dla'rlct bus the chairmanship of merce rooms Friday evening, when the committee on public lands. I am the whole program will bo out-' sure It would not be wise for xhe llne(j voters to surrender this advantage. The men's division under the su- something which will happen If Sin- pervlslon of H. N. Moo was comple-i ted several days ago. SIEMENS DEFENDANT Satta Aggregating Over 910,000 Filed by Bank Superintendent Tbreo attachment suits aggregat ing $10,210.63 were tiled late yes terday by Frank C. Bramwcll, state superintendent of banks, against J. W. Siemens, Ed and Qeorge Dloom- Ingcamp, and the 8addl Mountain Lumber company, and the papers placed in the hands of tho sheriff for execution. Tbo casea wero as follews: J. W. Siemens, bulanco of S9S.12 due on note and $150 attorneys fees; J. W. .Stamens and Saddlo Mountain Lumber Co. $329.51 duo on note and $400 attorneys fees; and J. W. Slomens, Ed and Qeorgo Bloomlngcamp. for $6000 due on note. Returns mado b ythe sheriff this morning covered attachments made on lands In section 24, 25, 30, and 39, in township 39, and also lot on Conger avenue in Klamath Falls containing 1.10 acres, belonging to Siemens, and lands In section 30 in township 39 belonging to the Blootningcamps. INOn MEETS WITH APPROVAL OF FIRM BLOCS Record Htld 100 Per Cent 'On Affriculture; Chtuige Now Grave Mistake By A. D. FalrbabTN Bsmaber of the Pitm gallerte aad aMOcfted with CharlfM a lUrrtlt, PresidcMt Natloa a Farmers' Valosi. WASHINOTON, D, C, May IS. Reprcsentatlvo N. J, Slanott, of Ore gon, chairman 'of the committee, on public lands In congress and Me of the conspicuous leaders at the Na tional capltol, Is regarded hy UaoVs of national farm organisations as one Hundred per cent, right oa all matters relating to agriculture. Bin nott does not believe that atrlcolturo Is the only matter requiring congres sional and administrative attention, but bis votes and his1 work in con gress Indicate that he la quite sure It Is the greatest of all questions. Ounce Held MstaJte Farm leaders ask of what benefit It will be to the people of Eastern Oregon to change their representa tive in congress at this time. They point out that the Oregon man has served his apprenticeship and has landed .securely on hhj legislative feet To replace him with a fledgling would be to place his district at a grave disadvantage. In truth It woald m'eaa that for years to cosme the sec ond district of Oregon would setter a place of obscurity at the Katies! capltali ' ' There ta net a Mt t see deaptac tie fast that fer the first few yeati tnssaisi,'aiisjasy-a m.e nothing In Washington. It takes four years to get his seat warm and an other four to mount to a position where he can b0 really useful. In the early stages of bla life- here he must bo content to follow. He will not be permitted to lead. SlnnoU Prove Exception Fortunately Slnnott proved an ex ception to the rule. In tsss than two years he was able to accomplish something worth while. He hsd In that brief period won the esteem of tho leaders and It wsg decided to put him In a position where his abil ity could bo coined Into achievement. A new man In Washington Is con fronted by a veritable matn of pre cedent, rules, seniority and a number of other obstacles which nee'eslty or tradition had erected. It Is Impos nlblo to run trrourh these Impedi ments Th'e fledpl'ng m'Js''Veep his ejr "d er op"" nd o,ao ni "me, nott mourn ran io com- - .lew mnn ..fr' It Is necessary for a new man to tak0 a place at the foot of the class. H0 must spell his way upward. Ambitious- men who want to do every thing possible for their constituents will not voluntarily give place to tho young man who may have iust ar rived In Washington. Tho Far West la primarily Inter ested In the land and land develop- (Continued to Page t) s WEATHER PROBABIUTIE8 Tho byclo-Btormagraph at Under- woous raarinncr registered a slowly' falling barometer during the last J 4 period and' the pressure now stands la the "un settled" ares. ' Forecast for ssxt 24 hours) Cloudy unset tled weather, Con tinued warm. ,-, The Tnes re cording thermometer registered max imum aad minimum temperatures If day: ''! High , -rt Low 4 . Yesterday was the warmest iayvsX the season; Maximum temeeratare 85, , jmwm .' lr mx ; m iC ll'""l !H in'i''? 1:1 ! I .Pi awawawl I ' "'4JgH rglmH ; ' mlH rt . awaawai ' . l .awawawai