The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 16, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
K .
, w4
r. R. OOIiKKdNer MM MIWw
. Ik HLli CKjr HdMor
hMUtj dtlly eieept Suidifr, by
Tk Herald PabtUhlnt CoapMr of
Klaaatfc rail, at 119 Eighth atrect.
tend at the poMofflee at KUa
atk.Fatla. Ore., for tnMMbMloa
UrMffc the rnlltj lecond-clasi
TRESS ,. ,
Tke Aaaoctated Prcfc Wc1bMt
treatlUtd to tbo citB. tor pullaa'
tloa all new dUpatcbe-.credfSil
to 'It, er not otherwise credited ,la
tble Mpcr, and also the local' ai
puMmed herelm
... ,xtm6'fS maV ,i, ipoa.
(MAVonl Oij Tri.u'V)
TKKV know how to' do tblritV in
California. They har0 no bet
ter climate, no Krvler resource,
but they bavo a marvelloui uplrlt of
united action and eontructlv0 ac
complUhaTcnt. Take California'? attitude toward
th Kn Klux Klan for example. Hrvry.
thinking person knows that If the
K..K. K. abonld gain central In .Call
ferala, holiness would be drad. In
Jetting relglou'a and racial hatreds,
aeoaraclnc UwWsnre, and tlolcnce
la aay .community, turns nefibbif?
acalpat neighbor, friend against
frlead'aad renders any worth wbVto
eontfnctlTa acrompllshnSent' Impoi
slble. . " .
conrentlon In August. In I.o An.
Kle, In Sacramento, In San Fran
clscd, public officials In the Ktan
bare been tumbling orer ihemnelTe
to get out of II, whilethe Klk lo.Ue
of Sacramento' has deetnr'od no "Oood
Rlks" ran belong to It.
Consequently In a few weeks, the
K. K. K. wilt hare no more capacity
for trouble In California than a last
year's bird's nest. This Is as It should
be. It Is essentially right. Dut It Is
not only good morals, It Is good bnsl
nesa. .
Aa Uiual.'wbenprosperlty and well
being and the rfet-togethcr spirit are
concerned, California points the way.
WITH the exception of tlie Pen
dleton Kast Oregonlan, wo do
not know of a newspaper of any
considerable slxe cr Influence In
Eatten, Oregon that Is not making a
strong appeal for th( re-olecUon of
S. J. Slnnott aa congressman. One:
and all the prow east of the Cascades
U back of Slnnolt unrese'rvedly.
The Kast Oregonlanrby tbo way Is
a democratic newspaper, u 1003
tunny that the" Slnnott' opposition de-
pjeada'on a democratic paper for lr- j
tually all of Its newspaper support.
If all of them were, on the other.
side The Herald would still advocate
SlnnoU'e election as the logical rep
resentative of Klamath' county in
seeking reclamation apportionment
and lb' other' things that spell pro
gress. HuVwe aJmU that It Is pleas
ant to ae me oiirjtio iii "
wam.iueir rprwui m" hi
So the people of California aa a. ,-,.-.., J. .j.j. ..ra'tho hub-
whole, have unfted , agafnjt ihfa eonit,t0ent nene'fer he was
tro-PH. ..may, oraer. .b. k. oy -fi t(J ifd.
every WfmtM newspaper In the Nwipap,j,
sut. aad'aTerr proieeuMng1 aMity,,,. , . ,1,
from Lot Angeles to Willows,
r, proceeding, to drive the masked1
maraaders from the confines of the'
What Is the result? The Grand'
Vaster of the Masons In California'
baa condemned the K. K. K. and for
bidden. Klansmen to enter the ord Jr.
the Supreme Chancellor of the
Knights of Pythtas.'ln' San Francisco'
announced UUt-P will request the
suspension of any member of the
organisation found to belong to the
K Klax'KIan. and declared a defln'
lt etand will be taken .at the K. P.
'."II Newspapers are reneetora oc poor
Viii SJtrU .f.ii A IIHBrto In
. 1W WBfcBWVH, ..
""V . o.-VUl.. vLu'.tf
OWOOIl W ""1
Ill bo' reflected
proportloaetery in Friday's vote.
The geaeril newspaper summary
of ffhriaett is expressed In the follow
ing extract fro (he editorial column
of the" Kermlston Herald or recent
"Hefmlston baa reason to be
concerned at- (ho energetic .cam
Mlga being waged in behalf of
Jamas 1L; Gwlna or Pendleton In
oppo'sltlon, to Mr. Slnnott for the
repbllcaa nomination for eon
gtasj fraat the eastern Oregon dis
trict,. -,
"While we do not know Mr.
Owinn It Is our undcratandlnK that
he Is a good and would probably
make a good congressman It elect
ed. Ordinarily The Herald would
be glad to support any good man
from this county who might as
pire to congressional honors, for
other things being equal i could
expect more consideration from
one of otir.,on number.
"Other things are nut equal In
this ce, however. Mr. Slnnott hiw
had 10 years experience In Wash
ington and everyone e'lo ha had
occasion to ask his help in nny
good' cause knoWs that he has been
on- the Job. Hn has had time for
tho small, Individual matter his
constituents have brought to hint
and" ho has be"n energetic and
successful In pushing the claims of
tho district for recognition nt
"it takes a congressman a long
Almr. to learn the ropes at Wash
ington ami until be learns them
bis Inflnenco Is of Utile value to
his constituents Mr Slnnott
knows the ropes and knows how
to climb them to Ret recognition
for his district. He has beep and
still is a tireless worker for rec
lamation In this district and
thrnnehout the west.
"Our congressman Is our real j
representative In Washington in
our community matters. Our sen
ators have too many other duties
to glvo them much time for the
smaller matters like the McKay
creek reservoir, which though
largo here Is small back thero. We
In not need to remind our readers
hf the Importance of a good man J
on the Jou for us nacjc at inn capi
tal during the next two or three
years whun the building of the
reservoir may bo expected to be
gin." Tho logic of the Herald's utter
ances will apply equally to Klam
ath county and to every other
county in tho district.
Owinn undoubtedly .M a good
man, good citlten and his aspira
tion -to the office Is commendable.
But at this stage of reclamation
dHVelopmcnt. when the arid areas
of eastern Oregon have so much
at stake. It would b the height of
political folly to replace a well
tried and Influential leader like
Slnnolt by an untrained "man, who
would ba've to work for years to
attain Slnnott's standing In the
public life of Washington.
0 V" JE
1 Af" a d7 MA,N sr"
W The New Sport Hat
for WkIi School (llrls
! Soaps
t for Every Purpose
ORFHON RRFVITIFS Ixoth'B 01 muiiiM! riNAl.
, ... . . ' Notice Is hereby given that C, V.I
Salem Construction starts . on ;,,,.. Administrator of tbo Kstnin
$50,000 old people's homo. tof Virginia X. Wood has filed his'
Ashland vVumber houses under 'final account and filed his petition
Mc Nursery CiihIIIc . UCe
ColRnttts Hard Water 10c
12fic Coleo Soap 10c
2fio Colgate's Natural
Soap, Hose, Violet,
. .. Wo
Cottage drove H-ft.
gold struck. -
ledao free
The most complete line of footwear
In Southern Oregon J. K. Ktident
for final settlement and discharge
and that Saturday the SOtti day of
Mar 1922, nt 2 p. m. at the court's
chambers In tho court bnuin In Klam
ath Kails. Ore., has been set for
bearing of said final account and ob
jections If unr. nnd for bearing
of said petition for discharge
J. E. Kndcw
agvnts for ,
ti Co, Exclusive
svs' aawaBi F
"Style Stect for Steut Wenea'
Cuticura Soap .. .
Woodbmy'a Facial
Pear's Soap . ..
Palmer's Skin Success HOc
Nadlno Flesh Soan . JIOc Almond
LaCreole Heauty Soap JIOc Cashmere Houquiit
Rainier Natural Soap ,'lOc . .., H0c and 10c
Physicians and Sur- Kleno Tar Soap 25e
neons 10c racKers i ar foap ;uc
Palmer's India Hon- Wildroot Shampoo,
quet 2fic Soap
Palmer's Lotion . Collates Mechanics
Soap 2fic Son)) Paste Ific
Deirma Zema Soap 25e Skat Soap Paste . 15c
iOC I CL'US lIL'CliaillCH
2c Soap 10c
25c Pummo Soap 10c
m - a . ajiri
uexnii Skin soan
j Violet Dulce Soap
!f .lonteel Soap . ..
Hoiuniet ltamee Soap 50c Lifebuoy Soap 2 for 2fic
S kcxiih 'I'oiiet Soap 15c Germicidal Soap . .. 25c
ia .. i:.. c r
'z riiiniojive aoaii . .
Illfh Ckfll k 1 fj -- r-.ea r .ii.
"''. -""1' j"1- uienns suipnur soaiuiuc $
ri'umn fill sniin lilt . . -...'
8 Kesinol Soap ! 0e JS,S tnr"0,,C
i .Ti.i-irn.iij V!a1 nut. ooap
1 cerhie Soap . loc M'v" thyol Simp .Vie
Itni!ilwll.i fnottlii or.,. ninvri Doir Sonn fHh?
WlW " ---- ----," 1- --
Hoeabella Castile
1 1 Colgates Uig Rath . Synol Soap, cakes
We have your favorite kind.
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you aie
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds I leadachc Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache . Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy Ml!jr" Uim of 12 tal,!tt .l Uitlln of 24 and llsj DruffsUls.
Aplri It li trad nirx cf ru;tr lnmrclft- .r Uimi.iticatWf let r jil;:ir.r.4
Glh and .Main Hln'et
m.ii. oiii:iis i'ii.i.i:u i'iiojiiti.v
3 fttmmnit.i Sun
6th and .Main Hlreet
of snld adinliilstralor, at Mlilch time CIIICKCV IM.VNCIt
and placn any person Interested In Ttin ladles of HI, I'aiirs nptsconal
said ettute may upar and file tils
eireptlotiN In writing and show '.iun
If any, why cidl final account should
nut hn approved. Hi,, tmtatu mttleti
anil the mlinliilstrutnr illirhariteil
A 25 M-2-D-10
i he rbambrr of commerce rooms Pri-
day evening (eterilnti night i Plfiy
renin mt plntn. I!erln go to iho
rliilfh liullillug fund. I' I'l
taM lC
tVJ '. .- . - - ' - . . i '
j Admlnhtrntor Kalsliut shoes fur men J E En-
A 25 M-2-B-10 k Co l5.7-lt
The people of Klamath County are particularly interested
in. the development of 'their own coGnty. To declare otherwise
would be making a statement that everyfane could question.
True, they are interested in the development of all of Eastern
Oregon, but firsPaHd fdfehiost they must look after their own
welfare, or no one else will.
No section of Oregon knows .better than Klamath Coun
ty what the loss of Oregon's share of the Reclamation Fund has
cost this state. It has cost in over one million dollars in increas
ed cost of construction, and the project is riot finished yet. If
Oregon had received its just share of (he monies it turned into
the federal treasury, every jjrojecHn-Oregori would be finished
today, arid instead ot hundreds' of 'thbusarids of. acres of vacant
arid lands, Edstdfn Oregon would be dotted with irrigated
ranches, populated by prosperous, happy 'farmers.'
We all knb'w why Oregon did not get its share of the
money to which- it was entitled. It was because the senators
andiCbngre&men,who''uridertook to save to the state this money
were driven out by the' bureaucrats who wanted the funds for
their own states and their own friends.
Are yoll gomtf to help rob yourself
. .1' -rVL-L. u.L . ..-u.
ana reffon a
v, , , Thkt same canipaigh is on again. Idaho wants
$22,000,000 for the great American Falls project. She must,
getsome of
Oregon's share of the three
huiuirM miflionf
that will be appropriated by congress to finish the. projects now
underway aind that means the -Klamath Project and under
take new ones that will
- Furnish homes for the ex-service
men of Oregon
Idaho stole it before. So did Arizona and New Mexico and
Washington. There is only one way to save Oregon and that
is by keeping representatives in Congress who have the power
to fight, for the state and get the money to which it is entitled.
One of those representatives is Hon. N. J. Sinnott. He is head
of the public lands committee of the house of representatives
the most powerful committee in congress so far as the west is
concerned. He is there to get that money and he will do so,
for he has never failed on the job yet. We know Sinnott will
be returned, but let us send him back with such a majority that
it will show the nation that Eastern Oregon stands back of him
to a man, supports him in his efforts to get for his state that to
which it is entitled arid that as proof, he has practically the
unanimous support of his constituents. Today he is at his post
of duty fighting for everyone of us not here campaigning. Lot
us do his campaigning for him, for he is our friend. Vote for
yourself, yoiir welfare, the success of the Klamath Project, for
the up-building of Oregon and the rights of its people by vot
ing for NJ. Sinnott.
F. R. SOULE, Chairman.
Sinnott supports the Towner
Sterling bill
One of the leaders in the fight for the establishment of
a Department of Education is N. J. Sinnott. This measure if it
is enacted into law, though it is being opposed by the eastern
members arid the president himselC means help for the schools
of the west, where education-has had to be neglected on account
of its sparsely settled sections and lack of funds.
His record in congress has been one that has commanded
the attentiori of the leaders of the nation and so great is the con
fidence reposed in him that there are strong probabilities that
he will be the next secretary of the interior. Do you want to
weaken his chances by casting a vote against him?
Has always been the friend of
the service man
Throughout Klamath County and Eastern , Oregon are
scores of service men and their relatives that venerate "Nick"
Sinnott. They look brtck to the dark' days of the war and those
immediately following its close, when a friend in Washington
meant so much. Notwithstanding that he was bending under a
a crushing load, he never faildd to heed a call for help. When
the Legion boys of Klamath County called on him for help, he
never hesitated to go to the front for them, and he has won for
them every battle in which he engaged. He is still fighting for
them, and he will contiuuo to do so as long as he stays as their
representative in Washington. His experience and prestige were
powerful weapons in his fights. Do you want to cast them aside'
now, and pick up the services of an inexperienced individual,
who must of necessity serve, his time thero before the doors of
the departments will yield to his knock and the ears of the
bureaucrates listen and accede to his demands? We think not
and that is why we believe that every vote cast by Service Men
in Eastern Oregon next Friday will carry on it the name of N. J.
Sinnott for Congress.
tj j a if i i
124 South Sixth Street
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