The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 15, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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y i ,.
Pgg Two
h 1I
V .1
I ThelEyeningHraW
V.'H. SOCl.B....K(or tf MrtMMr
a, h. hill. . m$ mhw
Pubtlshed dally except Sdaday, by
Tho Itorald Publishing Ooaaaay o(
Klamath Fall, at 110 KtCktb street.
Entorod at tho postoffloa at Klam
iftth Falla. Ore., for trafeeattaMo
Mroalk the mll a, tfcesd-Uu
' " PRB88 , 1 11
The, Associated Presa Is arcUsiTe-
,r entitled Vto.lha use for taUlM
lloirf it(1tr.Vjiri dtapatche. n4M4
to It. or Mt otherwise eretttas hi
tlili paper, 'and also tb local Mw
, published herein. ,
i inirwiTiir
rVfl'MoxnAVt" ;v is,
IN Nick Slnnott Eastern Oregon has
a 'real representative In cow
Kress, snys tho Bend Press. A
In faet ho U probably the stroai-
est man In tho house of representa
tives from thls.statc.
Nick la not tied to conventions and
the old order of thlnas like his col
league Hnwloy, neither Is he eaiaa
Kled In th meshes or "political wear
Inic like McArthur.
Slnnott stands on his own feet la
tho halls of congress and his role to
listened to with respect.
Slnnott'acrres Orenon well aad the
people of his district have faith aad
confidence In him.
To place another, an untried mas,
In the place he oceaples.weald he
mistake that his constituents are not
going to make.
A I.L courageous American dth
Jf sens Will honor Boteraor Beat
W. Oleolt for his firm staad af alaat
further encroachment of the Ku -Kltut
Ktan In Oregon.
The governor asks and Is entitle J
to and no doubt will receive the saa
port of every public officer aad. law
abiding cltlien to prerent the furth
er spread of this outlawed" movement
The klan has boasted that It has a
membership sufficient la-tata stall
to mako It&lf a power la thereomlai
election. 'J
The k Jan ."has sought to make rae;
tM distinctions and rellgtoM creeds
nn, -Issue In Oregon politics. The fact
Is unquestionable. Polltklaas -admit
i, ii aialaiaa are-rnaalHii
upon the hlan'e force' fcelag' eafffc
cleatlr strong to amount to a balaace
of power It the primary, aad are
trlramlnic tlelr political aaila to gat
the benefit it the evil gust.
Ooernooicotfa fearleaa 'deft to
dlsmlsed defiance of law aad order
show that ho estimate the klaauat
Its true worth and the latellteae
tho maJ6rlty or Oregon citizens right
The boast of Invisible- power
among the tat0 electorate Is square
ly met. Tho klan knows that It OlfoU
Is re-elected It has a foe at the "bud
of the state that, will crush It, .
Cltlxens who aro against the klap
know- that In Governor' Olcoft User"
havo a leader who will keep Oregon
free from, the disgrace of outlawry,
The Isauo Is fairly jolaed, ,A jot
for Olcott Is a veto tor me copusjir
anee of constitutional gcnrenanjtat
and American principles. I"" '
A vote against Olcott la doubtful
tcmporlrlng with a dangerous ertira
lion. -
Letters & Ike ft
,, .
" K- M
Tho Rtriko situation has beea dis
cussed from so many practical angle,
but as u wife and mother let ,me
brluK another side ot the questloa
berora the public.
1 wonder It the people who, algae
tho petition now In circulation art
working for tho good of Klamath
Kails for today only or for the years
to coinoT
In r"rlduy's Evening Herald one, ot
tho paid advertlremeata stated that
roiiimon'Jabor constituted "OO per
cont of tho employe; ao'let us take
ahem und ihrcsh out tbolr probleais
It such'n thing could ''be possible.
Under, the Jiew acala.9t ,wprt he was
to rexcho $2.i0 for alna.lioura.wark.
Practically C ceata. waa .taken qu )f
eaeb day's wages for hospital' fees.., '
Now let us aay mat his family, coat
alsta' ot a wire aad two",, ehUdrea,.
rlrst he must bare a afielter ,tpr Jls
family; He must rent ory-to'make
payment) on a home. Probably 'tils
will mean $30.00 a monUi,'. at the
vory leatft $16,00 or CO ceau a day.
Then cornea light, water and, fuel.
If they aspire to bath no that, they
asay keep clean aad sanitary, It Is nn
added expense, 'Wrauch tor over
head expencte, probably '8R tents
day. leaving (i.TS, tor the expenses.
In theae days' w eallghtmant mothers
are taught that their children, up to
a certain age, for tho normal devel
opment of mind and body, require n
quart of milk a day. Alright 20 cents
more taken out bt the'treasury, leav
ing tl.GQ andjio cream tor father's
and mother's coffee. i
Then for generalhealth and devel
opment ihe 'children, must havo fruit
and veeetahles. Tho Tegetables cost
no less than 7 cents a bunch and most
of them" require something rrtoro In
the preparation 'for tho table. Fruits,
strawberries Vt 30 cents a' cup and
oranges TO cents a dozen are not to
be thought ot In these humble homes
and. though their children require
and crave fruit, yej mothVr must lis,
ten to them cry "while eVery tear
pierces her heart like a poisoned ar
row. llitrihey must do without tor
father must hare meat or eggs, to
sustain his strengthtor Ihe nine
hours of hard) work. tor(the smaller
the par the harder the work.
Then",,, of coursev, there arc the
ataple grocerlee. Also tho little feet
go through tne snoes so quicaiy;
aad father doesn't like to go to work
looking so much like a beggar and
mother would love to go to church It
otly In some way" she could have
enough money left over to buy n
near ribbon for last summer's bat.
Bat probably Just when sEe see her
way clear for a few new clothes or
seme fresh window curtains wny one
ef the Ifttle family falls 111" and the
arpra'smoBey"goes tor doctor and
drtgMi'beeldes leaving a bill to be
aaii-tiler.7 '
People of Klamath Fait, this Is a
trtta' hlstorVof the comm'oa laborer.
Nowwhal jathe result?
- TheyHiarea pride. They know that
their chjidrea hrV of a-erage looks
aad H average Intelligence and they
t'9tb sehobrklde'by hide with
tie chtWreVo'f "skilled laborers, who
kavi mora advantages, with the
ehlMraa oT the' business men, who at
leaaOij t aVpear successfully, and
r(h Aa'chlldren of thod who hare
made good. Children, thank Ooid, aro
aaarejadl'ced a'nd 'some one of those
cbJMjrei'fakVhe child of the conv
aaee, laborer into their home. They
Um better nrronad'iaga. men a 'nut
'dlfferenca f.hat hJTtr she cannot help
coBparfagnofeW Here are comforts.
TAIa child's parenta'are not cross and
ugly aad ah thinks of.her.own poor
fatherdUewiraged,-- crank from
overweTrVaad moth'ett.crpss and trrl-
Ubla'freacwrry.aad.trying tp mak
aad meet hatUUilghtlng doggedly
oa for the musical and college edu
cation which .her. children are en
titled to.- r J that.hcr children will
not laad la the'aame rut to which
fther have landed, through, the cond
itions which ihelr parents fought.
Fought aad failed..
And where doei,itend?.Thank Qpd
it Is not always the case but of ten" It
leads, In thB downfall of daughter. In
the school dayaLln the homes of her
friends, sho learned the misery of
discontent. No home to entertain tho
people 'tb whom her Intelligence
and beauty qualify her. .Mothera
dreams of college aad "music never
materialize. Is she wholly to blame
it- she" drifts astray?
Son also loeea bla education be
catM, with the added expense of tour
grown people-fo'clothe and feed, and
father growing weaker from the loag
hoars of toll and struggle, ie'wust
go to work aad help'at nomeaad ao,
Instead of addjng'a keen, bright boy
to the fanka of professionals or busl
nets,( another home of poverty Is
added to the "city.' '
Afre maklag this fight for stub
hornets or for ourselves alone? No,
oj,lt la being made for our child
ren and four children aad the com
nnl'ty' which wT stand for. 'And. yet
iajo'uVt'lme of rfecd, the -ones whom
wa 'nida right to expect support
kav failed us. Have refused to take
nltha flaht for the better labor and
i vii-r-i-:?- - - i - '
FOR 11KNT .1 room furnished
upartmont. Inqulro l.awrenvu
Clgnr Storo, 13-18
moral conditions. Why talk of com
petition and poor business? Why not
glr0 common decency and human
ity It's rights? With tho c1h of peo
ple now In Klamath Falls no wonder
we load the slnto In Immorality nml
Tlio'o who would turn down llio
ranks or laborers, righting for a Just
cause, would certainly not uphold
what Is right and honorable If It In
torferol. with, their business.. At last
W( will have to acknowledge that wo
deserve tho publicity that wo rocetvo.
Wo havo a tew staunch people In
our midst who realize that rlgtl Is
might and stand firm for tho right
and we must not forget to give them
About tho common laborer left
hlnv with fl.tiS In tho family troas-
..-. m.i tn hvaiiI malrtrllt' nf this)
,.., .. r- ,, WANTKl) Man to net as permnn
groceries miii io i.urcim-o u.i .... . nl tCH,,cnt reprontatlvo for
tho clolhcK and no pleasures men-1 Klamath County to sell Metal flrnln
Honed.. 11 may solve It If ho can. It "jjus. Metal Tanks, Hog Feeders
FOH 3Al,l-Ono dozen, thorough'
bred while leghorn, laying hens
Phono 322-W, 13-10"
FOK HAM: KtamnUt (iroMi rnli
Iirko plnutHi IGc pur ilozon, 4iH4
Mnln street. At Crjutnl 1S-H
FOK IlKNT 3-room complotely fur
nlshnd houso. Imiulro run nth or
phono 276-W, 12.10
WANTKD Man rook or
nlfe fur smalt ramp.
Klamath Agency.
man nml
llox 4)1.
FOH SA1.K 4 room modern house,
bath, basement, partly furnished
on Lincoln street, $3,000. Inqulrn
room 3, Hvunou llldg. 13-34
H tdo much for mo,
Who will profit by tiro stand we've
Watering Troughs, Water Tanks, and
other Farm Conveniences. Products
best In their class, priced fairly: real
money makers and time savers for
FOIl HAI.i: tCO-iierrs of film Plnn
Timber la) lug it miles east of )
ran Marsh,- In Hummer. I,alo holt, In
Hoctloiis 1G and 33, Township 31,
llango 1G Uast. Kstlmutod nt 3,300,
000 feet. $3.r0 per Ihousnhd. Joe
(Irnham, (Ion. Del. Husauvllle, Calif,
1IKM8TITCI1INU nnd Plcotlng At
tachment. Fits any sowing ma
chine. Prlro $3.00. Kconomy Hales
Company. Hillings. Mont. 9-1 0 "
; MtaaaMiaa.KMMfavavVVV
i The latt touch to the finish toilette
i A pjare, ioft. fine delicately scented
WIIITH I.KOIIOItN baby chicks. Tan-
cred strain. Keduccd to $10.00 pur
100, Henry Farratt, Cornltig, Calif.
Who will profit by these days so, tho farmer. ..Full time work. Per-
Va will reap the profit of the
prlcp wo'vo paid?
Oh don't you know? Your chlia
and my child.
Ity for hustler, tllvo age, exiterlenra
and roterencos. COAST CUIA'KKT
& Kl.UMK COMPANY, Portland, Ore.
IIOOM WITH HATH for steady room
er by the month. 71S Jefferson 8t,
Phone 386. 13-10
The ladles of 8t. Paul's Kplcopal
guild will servo a chicken dinner at
tho chamber ot commercw rooms Fri
day etcnlng (election nlaht). Fifty
cents per plate. Receipts go to tho
church building fund. 15-19
FOR RKNT An apartment. Liberty
rooms., corner 3rd and Main Kts.
WANTKD About June 1. n tlve or
six room modern hwusc, unfur
nished. C, L. Jamison, phone 3GS-W.
- c
The Pie that Made the
Eskimo. Famous
Sold by all Confectioneries and Peel Halls
Klamath Falls Creamery
K. R. CARPENTER, Painter and
Papernangor. Phone 176 J
8IIOK RKPAlRlNa Jack Frost. 110
8. Sixth St. l?tf
Present enrollment 38 pupils.
There Mast tie a Reason
For the fact that our present enroll
ment Is the largest ever hold by a
school In Klamath county. Complete
course on tho piano In 20 lessoni..
Course starts at any time. Enroll now.
Studio 308-309 Winters', llldg, SOtt
Swedish select certified seed oata,
ton lots 3H cts: leas quantity 3 eta.
J. A. llushong, Klamath Falls, Ore
gon. Call at Murphej'a Fetd store.
124 SftbSt.
S. C. Whlla Lnehnrn lUhv riil
for April. May and June delivery
from our own bred-to-lay stock. Our
prices are right. Model Poultry Farm,
W. C. Rmllh. l'ron . L'nrnlnr. I'm I
lltabllahe.l 104. Hit.
ColKatts Talcuni8....25c
Monnen's Talcums.. IJOc
Mention's Kora Ko
nin 40c
J & J Baby.'ftil
cilni , t 25c
Rcxall Baby Tal
cum v.25c
Mavis Talcum .v.....H0c
Pompqian Fra- '
jjiance 30c
Midi Talcum H5c
Bouquet Kamoo
Talcum 00c
Cara Nome Tal
cum $1.00
Bouquet Dnzira
Talcum 75e
Violet Dulcc Tal:
cum !....25c
Floricnt, lb. sizo..-$1.00
Quelque Fleur ....$1.25
Talc for Gontlo
nien ( 25c
Violet (Talcum 25c
Talcum Joiitecl; ,t....
50c Knd 25c
PjotkisH TalcUm ...,'a0c
Squlbb'H TalcitmJ..l25c
Maty Garden , Tal
cum 35c
Garden Glo Tal
cum 35c
Three Flower Tal
cum 50c
Flour d'Amour Tal
cum $1.15
Butterfly Talcum.. 30c
Lov Me Talcum ..
Massatta Talcum
Cuticura Talcum ..
Maid'Or Talcum....
La BohcniQ Talcum
Stli uud Mln Htrvrt
waaaAaw..M.n, iti:us fii.i.kd ritoMiri,Y
When the learns of the conven
iences, she will be satisfied with
nothing but electricity In her
Why do akousand use electricity
When electric cleaners cost 83O.00 and
h'Vum 30c? V
'Klrctrlc IroM cot Sti.OO and fuel heated
Mint 50c','
Automobiles S400.00 Io S4.000.00, hIicb
a hoix- and buggy roota SSOO.OO?
It's the SERVICE she gets; the'
ease in accomplishing 'the every
day tasks of life.
.WHxijr Cm 'fell Wlifli Vu lark1i
limy, I'ikI'-iI Hair Willi Suk
firimdiiiotlier kept lu-r hulr lieuutl
fully darkened, glossy and uttructho
with a hrew of Saso Tea nnd .Sul
phur. Whenever lr hair took on thnt
dull, fuded or streaked "aptesrance,
this slmplo mlxturu nn applied, with
wonderrul ofroct. lljr nskliiR at any
druit store or "Wyeth's Hhko and Hul
pbur Compouml." on will rot n larKo
bottlo or this old'tlnie recipe, linprov
ed by tho addition or other Ingredi
ents, all ready to use, ut very little
rout, "this simple inlxTuro caule ilo""
pended upon to rendu n natural color
nnd beauty to the lialr. ,
A wel.knau iluwiilotwt ilrilKslnl ,
say everybody Uses W)rtli'a H.iRe
nnd Kulphur ('iiinpounil uow becHiimi
It diirkriis so naturally nnd ewnh
that nobody ran tell It tins Ixvii up
piled It's so easy to tiitc, too, Vou .
simply dampen a romh or soft brush
and draw It tKrotiKh tlio luilr, tuklui;
on n Ktr.iud at it time lly iiiorntiiR the
Kruy hulr dlnuppears, after another '
application or tvso, It U malorcil to i
Its natural color, und looks loa), .
soft and beautiful, Adv. I
Ilend Central OreKon Irrlfiutlon
district rolls f 180.000 bonds '
i '
HulMInc fil t'ulilns
All llitruiilna
Otrliv UK1 llroail Kt.
I. O. O. P. BalUUae
Moiitlily .Mrtsaslao
Aiilhorltuttvn Ksponrnt of
KtiKllsh fur 8S years ..
IMIteil and Foundud by
Ji),pliltti Turtk Hnkrr
Famous World Authority on
H'lid tOe for Hamplit Copy
Corrrrl KnulMi lulilMi"a; ".,
Kranton, llllaola
Axeata Want oil Ktrrjttlirrr
. If You happen to see BOB EMMETT
tell him
We are not interested in.
Court Houses
They are too expensive
We do want:
"Less Politics, Less Taxes, qndMore 1$"
in County Affairs
pid Adv. By L G. VAN BELLEN. Pres.
' ' " " r 'rmr i i i w. . n ii aha i
slSaV ( ? 1 . THIS 15 AS. FAR AS 7 -?Tof I 77 r
' tsaH hi is hfoI meT,ug ( , To-vr1 i-hFjIF :l
jHjHWHKJHSavaiBajajBaBMBA jsv.a. aaSBSj Sa t c tPv s a0Hva5 Lav aaBaajsjajajSSv ajSjaHBkA 9 j . HHHa K HHav . "T. KKl. w 3r
- " - .. ! il.iiJ?..g.LL--r.I
'rrn tisr rrrr-i itrwwvwn jmmm
ST - TaWBHHBrjBswi I.1.
MI&mrBh t fftL" y n t
i U ' n
1 'ii"'t -i viH.V. -p j--
-... m ,.- .. i f. i f m . i -- an,,iwM.ias P i "-a fwtf1yWijrw faaajaaaj i s.
V ' J1 I
"V ' ' t aA-tltT ifTIrt J . .Si- f Ik Ji-a i-M(-
1Z4 qoutll SIKU 34TMi , s riWal ,17
.-, -. i (
iCft..!.!.,! MArM.,l 'T