Qlp iuiettfhg Herald WEATHER FORECAST TOMUIIT AND HtJ.NDAV (JCNKIIAI.. . l.V IMIII, f.v t V NEWS OF THE WORLD .y , BY THE ' 'ASSOCIATED PRESS 'i Member of the Afiflocbitert PrcBS. KLAMATH KAM.H.OItMiO.V, rU'H'UDAV, MAV lil, HKkT i'irii''iitii vihi'. n, Miiuu PIIHJH KIVR CKNTH OLCOTT SWATS K. K. K. 4 SECRET ORDER IS DECIMD II me mm Proclamation Calls for Law Enforcement to Prevent Reign of Terror SALEM, May 13. Gov ernor' Olcott today issued a proclamation calling on law enforcement officers to see that all "unlawfully dis guised men are kept from the streets,"' and declared that "dangerous forces are insidiously gaining a foot hold in Oregon," and that these forces, "in guiic of a secret society, parading un der the name of Ku Klux Klan, are endeavoring to usurp the reins of govern ment and arc stirring up fnnnticism, race hatred, re ligious prejudice and all evil influences which tend toward factional strife and civil terror." 'I In- guti'iuor inlleil on nil Ian riifiiMini-nl iifflxTx, liirlii'llng Judgr Mint kin rllfn. In m'i lluil nil iinUtt lull) ill-Kiil-eil m r II In- kept fimii I lie Mrn-U (it pri'trnl "further oulrnui'" mill inniiriiiiilliigH Midi nn lmti mrur ril In miiiio nf niir iiiiiiiiiuiiIiIi'n ntul In a iii'littilHiiliiK xliili. Tlm llino lu - iiiiih In ili'li-riulno nlirflii-r our Mntr Bti-riiiii-nl l nil mnlntnln IU or iC'rly mm), iiMilmlli'il liy lln olrr of I tin M-4iii, or ulirtlirr ll xlin'11 In unn'il i''r muiic fcrttVi iltiin nr i Inn Iu'Im- untile n tool of lnl tlilv fnri'- uorklnu in I In ilnik tlMWl'll lilt ill III llllkllimil III OlIll'IK 1 1 "II llll'llll'lll'K. "I mil iimiii nil In) ill iUVi'iih of t li- lli o n' Mlixirt In it iroiiT lm i-nforiliiK tin- nrlim uf.lliN ' iiiiiiH'iil In tlil inii''iitiil nuiiliinl muki-il ililni'i or ilnukril Mini ills- KuIcmI flume Mini miliiufully skulk mImiiu i M'llllt iivWsIihi for till- kll"WII Mill. "If nmnkril men nro 'iiulltr o I twin iKTiuUiimuxl)' nt largo It will not ln k Itrfoir our 'wltr nml iBiiglitWn Mill know no Mif !!), our t linllH'N "III Mil longer li" olll- iiisICn , iinrt I lie n'lni will In ilm uri'iim of illveuiM fnl i loii, "TliU incllce niliM ivunn If lli''rr l lint In our hind nml true 'Anicr- IoiiiImii li to iii'twll" To War on Bootleggers 2 Armored Cars, 54 Cops IN. I'AHO. Tex., May 13 Two iirmori'il (mib rrto bo broimht bore front WimliliiKluii to conili.it boot li'KKi'm, ftiVonlliiK In II- -' rlteplien. huh, iIIvIhIoiiiiI proltlbltlMi ilhector, ' who toiil olfli'u bitro toiliiy. Tlm uiimbnr of iinniitn In lil I'ami will lm trulileil, M worklllK out of tlm Im-iil off In. Knur llnliter mil ililneii will bo piovlileil In iiililllloii In u pulrol of iiiouiited men. HtuplmiiKuii nuillnml ii iiroKram or ilr.M prohibition enforcement In Now Aluxlen. Ailinim unil West Toxuh (oiintli'H. vi:atiii:u piioiiaiiii.itiks Tlm hliih barometric. iiruHSiiru l Hat huh priivuiieii for tlm piiHt, 3t! I litillru eiillllllllo. tllll cvti jL I I O y e I o - Htorma- II rflCM rMMh at 1,,llU,r' I feirTi wooiI'h Pliiiriimcy 1 1 y ) I I reKlHlurliiK hIIkIU- P- LJ i 1 I lv IiIdIiiii- limn von. turday. Tomorrow gives promlHo of beliiR a benutlful ilny. K o r o c a h t for next 34 heurs: w,A Tulr und warm. Tho TycoH recording thormomotor reglstorud maximum unit minimum leinpcinluroH today, nn follews: High i 71 Low ,...;., , 10 IJ.VMMMMI AI'I'ltOI'lllATIO.V roit i'iiosi:rri'iVfi v.u ni.triM Mi:irrs aitiiovai. WAHIIINOTON, Mny 1:1 lliiiinn npproprlullomi niiiiinll ti iiiirovml today Ilm 9A00, nut) npproprliitlnn fur prosecut- lug wiir friiiid rases, declaring tlm government would recover many times t liti t. amount. LIVESTOCK LOSS HEAVY DURING PAST WINTER IN OREGON Hmoiin Oiin of Iliirtli-Kt mi Cntllr nml NliiTi i:rr KnoMiii limli Imi (lirnt TliU .Silliitt 1'OUTI.ANt), Mny 12 -A winter uliont cotiilllliiii roiinlilcrnlily lower tliiin llin comlltloii of tlm irop n rnr mi.'(i, ntul ii ii u ti it t ty heavy Idnim i . niork, particularly of hlionp uihI In in lm, nru fentuii'M of tlm May lut crop ami llv.i Block report Junt IrmiiM by tlm V. K. Iiureuu of mnrketn nml erop entlmuti'x, I' l. Kent, Oro Kim aRrlvuliiinil nliillnllrlnn Tlm pniit wliitur mm of tlm Imnleiit on llvn iitock eer exper. Ii'iiri'il WTilln tlmrn wero mi lioiivy lonni'h (rum knro nlrrmn, tlm letii: fi'eillni; ncnuoii oxliaiintcil tlm liny mipply In many cinei, ami It wait nrceHBary to turn utock mi the rniiKO, ueiorc tiio KraM nun properly lie M'lopeil Not that the html: was turitrd nut earlier than tmual, but nwliu; to rolil Into uprliiR weather, pant u ron nml rniiRes did not makp i imrm.il early growth. t'ulf Ihmh Uirico OhIiic to the thin rnnilltliiii In which much utock went onto tlm riillK'e, ntul tlm Inlenenn of KroNMli, rows and ewen were Imprnperly Hour Mini nml produced Insufficient milk for their offuprlnc nltlt the result llml tlm riilf Ions has Imcii heavier than umial, particularly In tlm cane of InmliH. The rnndltlnn of raltlo Is plated at JM per rent nml sheep at 91 per rent compared with 100 per rent ntul 9K per cent, respect' Ively, but.) ear. For tlm t'nlleil States cattle rotf ill! Inn on May I, Is placed nt '.'3.2 per rent mid sheep m U2.8 per cent roinpareil with 'J.'.'J and !).! re- spix-lhely last )ear on (tlm same dote. Mnr'iilliy llcjiy Tho les.ies of horses mid mules ilurliiR tlm past winter for OreRon was IIrIiI, as usual, except In thu cam or r.uiRo horses In snnui local ltlen ciitlln luihOH from expostirn hae been estimated at-20 head per llMiu, lompared with K per 1000 last year. Hlieep tosses urn estimated at &0 per I lino cumpaieil with !i per 1 000 biht year Tlm lamb Iiihii vmih ery hiiy, this fiirliic beliiR n I most total III soitin lulsances . For tlm Mate as a whole, the loss has been placed nt IS inkier HIUu whc)i Is belluxed to bo very roliserviiln, Tlm uml.nr iinurUhed condition of sheep has lilid tlm 'effect of reducing the averiiKn welRht. of fleece from 1 li to 2 pounds' per fleece. In the opinion of homo well Informed sheep men, For thu United Klntes im n whole Ihn iitorlc losses havo beeir couslil. ernbly In excess of last year, ill thoiiKh not qulto In prpporllou to the Imrunsu In tho normal Oregon mor tality or ratlin anil sheep, ENDORSE CANDIDATES IjiImit t '111111111 Amioiimi'.s Fnturlli's; IVtlllimcrN Held L'nfiilr" Cuilorseiueiit of political candidates whh'kInoii hy tlm central labor coun cil last nlnlit as follewH: (loveruor, lieu W. Olcott; repre hoiitatlvn to congress, N, J, Slnnett: Htuto treasurer, O, 1 llotf; Justice of Hiipromo court, three to bo nomi nated, George K. Khepheril reuim mended nml (leo. lluruett nilvlsud ngalnst; circuit court Judge. K. I.. Klllutt; cominlasloiiur, Asa l'onlyco; iiBHessor, Archlo Wlshard. Tho council went on record us du clurliiK ull slgnom of tho opun nhop petition unfair to organlrod labor mid "not worthy of tho patronage of or gunUod workmen." It was docldod to print noxt week In tho "Klght Hour Bpoclul," offiolul labor orgnn, completo llstH of tho "unfair" flruiH nml firms, "deservlm; of tho patron pro of tlm.workpra." i . -,- - IT Situation Is Held Critical; France Objects to Soviet Delegates OIJ.S'OA, M.iy I.I. Ait n remilt of n limntlnK ot tlm c:oimmc coMfrrrnrc ! Hiili-coiiimUHloii on Itimiil.iii iirfalmi toilay, tho bltunt loti Iii-rnmo no crl-1 Ilr.il llml ll .,,n,l ,l,,iil,if..l ul,nil r' ti.. iiriiui. ,i i.vri, .i,i., - coiiM be reronclloil. m n..i ..., f n. ,.., , .M.-'lUm. .l'..rlr.,l I'rmim u-niil.t H H BUSS QUESTION never ton-enl to 'lisvliiR ii inlxe.l , '"' "r any -nttompt nt endont ronimt..!.... ,. wi.iri. in,.,!,,,,- .,.. i '" " "M'lraiit for prlnury iiomlna- eil Rive (onuldemtlon to IIiiiibIiiii rri' - illtf. In ilrblN unit treatment of for- cIki. property i.atloi.allte.l In Uiih- nla tlm French Mnte.ni.n. .lecli.re.l ll,.. ll..l,.n. !.. nlr.,..lv .IrK.... .. p.-(iin (! ii'i'W wiiIki'h between tlm (MiuerH nml Imlil they in klit do tlm suiim on tlm pro- iiiiiiiiI rnnimlHalfin ,,, MM01 , m ,,,,,, reach a complete iiRreemeiit before InyltlnR tho Hovlet represcutntlvvi to Join tho commltslon. (as I'lttci: nteiu: W'AHIIINC.TON, May 13. lines tlRatlnn ot a recent Increase In the prlco of Rasollnu was proposed In n resolution today Henator MiKellnr of Tennessee. There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to sow that transcends all other affections of the heart. It is neither to be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted by danger, nor weak ened by worthlessness, nor stifletiT'by ingratitude. She will sac i if ice every comfort to his convenience; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment; she will glory in his fame and exult in his prosperity and" if misfortune overtake him he will be the dearer to her from his misfortune; and if disgrace settle upon his name she will still love andcherish him in spite ofhis dis grace; and if all the world casts him off, she will be all the world to him. , .'.''! '' Wlngton Irving, t - - IMPORTANCE SHOWN ' i OF COMMITTEEMEN ' IN ALL PRECINCTS ollllllKllii Apillll(ri to Confer Willi l'liillliK llriurilir;iiii; llur- ! mini) I'irwilU il .Milling Tlm Inipurlunro of n i election of ri'puliliiiiii county (nntral -otiiui lt I teowti iii fvury prwlilct wa cnipliu- , "I'-eil luiit iilK'it 'it n tucetliii; of rn- piiMl'iilin In tho njw .Ma n ntrent rourtlioiui', nml a qiimnlttca v;nn iippnlnti'il to confer By person nml litter nlth leuillne Mptibllciimi In ery preelnet to run thai central ruininiltecmoii aro elected noxt Krl ilny. I KoIIowIiik tlm election, tlm com liiltleeiimn-elecl will liii callosl to collier nml un attempt iiudu to or- .""" '" ruiiuuiiwiii ririnnui vi . . t, . . !,'"'l ro'inty. IMrtltuniililp v.i not 'In cvl.lcnro lil tlm meetliik'. Tlmro wnt no men- , "'"l "' W""' uf InillVldUal Cntllll j ," ""' ,"lw' ,'"-," u,' " '; w,,,wl1,0,,.,l1,,1t,, nalm '"IU ",1 lr''K'" " lanmtli cwitily. so that I " m"?,,t IlltulllKently fUlirtlOll aH a p.iry unit In state nml national af fairs. It. J. Kheets presided and A. I. Wlslinrd ncled as secretary It. K. Kuimitt was rhotcn to work with tlm secretary and chairman as a pub licity committed to select represent athes In all products und nsk their co-operation in reeliiR that c.tcr) expressed n preference lor central committee members. There Is sparo on thu ballot for smh selection, to bo filled by tho voter by writing In the name of his or her choice. , HONOR HER TOMORROW, MOTHER'S. DAY iaaaaalaaaaaC9aBfaTa aaHaararMaKapaaBW - DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS TO START SOON,! Langell and Horsefly Will Benefit; Contract It Received Here Tho contract or tho United States covcrnment with Lanicell Valley and !lorotly Irrigation districts, approv ed by K. C. Finney, firs', assistant I secretary of tho Interior department for fumlahlnjc Clear Lake water to th0 illstdftts, was received today by directors. Approximately $387,000 wlll( be expended under this contract' In bulldlne a diversion Jam, canals. and Irrigation work to carry water to " e rvv w about 10.000 acres, tho first unit of a project which will eventually em brace some 30,000 acres In the Lan coll Valley and Horsefly districts. Thu contract was approved by res idents of tho districts at elections held March 22. last. The Interior departments approval opens the way for Immediate work and surveying crows aro In tho field establishing permanent locations of tho diversion dam and canal system. As soon as .tho survey work Is done, bids will be asked for construc tion. Directors hope that the diversion dam and a large rart of the canal system will bo completed this year. ). -ie- HON' OF HKMtV IMVIHO.V X. y. AHHKMm,YMAX, M-:tT t'UKTUNK OV l,.VMMm MINNKOLA, N. Y., Mny 13. j Aimemblymnn V. Trutitc . Davlxon of Naitaa county wan left H.r.00,000 by the, will of bis father, Henry P. Davlaon, N'ow York banker and plillun- throplit, which wai filed for I probate here today. Tho futl 4 value of the lestato won not , xiven ANOTHER WAR IS ENDED WITH CLOSE OF NEWSPAPER CASE Jadjre (fane Hand Coatioyemr He- Tore Jolt With DV.doa; Mr. ray la Wianer One of Klamath Falls' miniature wars, the local new.paper contro- . . ... , versy. received a sevcro Jolt yester- a.- . . .w- u..- .. t-.i ' a.L. .. u.j .u -.u. -HV "lv"B " the close of the trial of the caso . . . . .. of E. J. Murray and the Herald ..t.l ll .MA .. ..!. f. T- . ' "fj"'" TO-J-"r "u" "va iwiaiQB. nccoru ruuniuiQK com- ronso p.ny et .1. when the court entered tin fees aro fixed at follews: a decree for Murray of an alternate M,0 ot ,0 j,er d ,-, por Judsment. effective In 10 days, of ftnnum; 20 quarU pef d c, B0 either a $2,000 Judgment against , cr day Jlc. 100 r moro the defendant or that Murray with- quarU ,or dayv 25 Ll n d"r! Vl t0 he feBdMUl The necessity for such regulation f 1.000 and take over all of the wa pointed out by L. S. Leach, rcn common stock of the Klamath Ilec- rMcntlng tho Oregon dairy and food ord Publishing company. The court commission, who visited dairies In ai mo same una aismissea live other cases filed in connection with the controversy. Possession of the common stock carries possession of the plant and property. Ai gleaned from the trial' ot the case the the time ( matter had its orbji t among the counties," Leach said ot the aigalng ot tho!ea-'.A in... mistake Is being made. tract on Oetober.ty U31,.hl4aijJrKjiherint- srHUatUZ.tlU;' ried with it a 0-day option for the counties, in not giving more atten Record to purchase the Herald Pub-iton , quanty. It has been shown llehlng company's plant complete that dairymen who have established for H0.000, in default of which standards ot quality havo left their Murray was to. havo the right to competitors far behind, thus pro purchase the common stock of tho VldlnK a meritorious product for tho Klamath Record Publishing com- consumer and likewise benefiting panr tor $3,000. It was shown themselves." that the Record company had failed J Conditions hero aro not what they to Uke advantage of the option, should bo, Leach pointed out. saying and at tho same time refused to that regulation was essential. If peo- sell to Murray, contending that ho had violated bis part of tho con- for babies to use Impuro milk rcgu tract in not permitting an cxamlna- latlon would bo adopted through tlon ot the books of tho Herald to pop'ulaf demand, ho said. how Its earnings t0 any prospec- inspection of dairies under tho or tlrs buyer that the Record company dlnanco would bo in tho hands' rff a might interest in tho purchase paid Inspector who would derive sal It was further shown that Bo!- ary from tho permit, fees and f 150 ding and other former employees ot per annum from tho city. the record on October 10, after The cost to tho dairymen for por tioning the contract, camo to the ! mtts, It was shown, would bo a use Herald plant, bringing with them tlon of a mill per quart. certain portions of the equipment I m of the Record plant, and that eight Sundey issues of. tho Record wero printed at the Herald plant, during which time tho dally Record was suspended, as agreed in the con tract. Prior to the signing of the con tract Murray bad advanced to tho Record 1800 for tho purpose ot buying out Clark Williams, who at that tlmo controlled tho Record, but who refused to cntor Into tho contract with the Herald to sus pend tho Dally Record. The $800, Murray contended In bis testimony, was to apply on the purchase, of the common stock ot tho Record in case the Record did not purchase tho Herald. Tho defendants argued that' tho $800 wan merely a consld- (Continued to Page 4) BAD MILK CHARGED Complaint Filed AgalnH White Pelican Hotel by Inspector Complaint was filed ycttorday against tho White Pelican hotel by J. L. 8. Leach und K. L. Milton, state dairy and food Inspectors, charging tho uao ot adulterated milk. Tbo complaint wan nerved on J. S. Mcdlnnla manugor. und on his ro quost Is boing in abeyance ponding tho arrival from San Francisco t of AI. Short, general manager. A second complaint was filod this morning against Tuloro and Fuch, butchers, for soiling adulterated sausage without having a display card In their place of business. No I action had' been taken on thlH ease. 'up'to, Into hour today. ! PROPOSE DJURY lit tin I IIS IN '.'NEW ORDINANCE Permit System and Inspec tion Advocated; Need Here Held Great Regulation cf dalrfos selling milk and cream fa this city Is proposed In an ordinance, drafted by Dr. H. D. h. Stownrt, city hoalth officer, which probably will como before t!tS ' ellL oune" MoBdajr n'Rnt- . , ,Tho "" P" ' a 11- ccso system and Inspection of dn r ... . rfl.i.. . t, u . . . " ani1 recjulros a high standard of clcanllncis In dalrle,. Penalty for .,ii, , ,, .,. ,u. ,A, . failure to comply with the ordinance, ,. .,,, ,t lt00 , nn ,,. . ... ---- - - ., n rf or both, and revocation of the II- tho county during the past week. Ho also appeared boforo tho council last Monday when samples of milk were shown to contain sediment. "Oregon Is rapidly taking Its place as a loading dairy state, and Klam ath ranks hleh as a dalrr center P0 W0Uld consider what it means BONDS FOR DRIVERS SUigo anil Tnxl OptMatorw Mutt In sure Aj;slnst Damage, Injury Operators ot taxi and stago lines must give bonds and tako out In 8urnnco against cargo damago ot Injury ot passengers, In accordanco with tho law passed ut tho last lcglslatlvo sossion, according to J. II. Gordon, Inspector In chargo of thu motor transportation depart ment of tho public sorvlco com mission, who Is hero to explain tho law and t,co that It Js obeyed by ull concerns operating undcr Its pro visions. All taxis, trolght and passongor Htagcs operating beyond municipal limits como iindur tho provisions of tho law' Kach must provide, a good faith bond, ranging from $2C0 to $1,000, according to clssn of sorvlco, besides Insuranco against Injury to paucngora of loss of cargo. Gordon arrived last nfght and was busy today interviewing trtuga aud taxi operators. Home havo complied with tho law and otbors wero willing to comply when tbo necessity was explained. "I am hero to onforco tho law," said (lordon. "All nt Its provisions must bo compiled with. Thcro will bo no lonloucy for willful violat ors." PKXIH.KTOV WOMAN 8HOT PENDLKTONj May 10, Mraj.BI slo Halliwas shot four time Intho houd In fa restaurant bore today by her husband, nn ox-nolilor, ond'may Ule, ' " i i' i , su 1 ( A-fi I t K ', . Kifi r ,-