- A TIIUIWDAY, MAY ii, 1MB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' Pagfl Four A r L 4M Aral? HohUiciii Auto vs. Taylor Itolurn of attachment was made thin morning by tho sheriff's office effecting lndg In iccllons 17, 18 anil IB In township 3, Klamath county, In tho attachment milt ot Southern Oregon Auto company ngalnul Anita Taylor (formerly Jktrir. O. fl. Laboren) In which tho company charge that material nml norvlrea amounting to $144.88 werd supplied thn defendant and not paid for. IVtIom I'o. t. Winter Overruling tho ilemurrcr ot thn defendant and allowing 30 day In which lo fllo an nnswor was tho ruling of Judgo Stono thh morn ing In tho raso of reprices Pacific romimiiv of Portland aralmt II. J. Winters el hi, Involving the fore- closiirn or mechanic and material lion. .Indrmn-filover vt. Kolney Uotnrn on garnlihmcnt was made by tho sheriff's office today In tho cano ot AndrOKs-Olovcr stylo ahop against Florcnco Kclscy for $53.60, being wages duo tho defendant at tho Pacific Telephone, company's of flee. Tho attachment suit asks for I80.SC for merchandise purchased. BpaldiBjt t. rew H at. Judgo Stono this morning granted 30 days additional time to defend ants In which to file an answer In tho case of Margaret N. Stsley Rpaldlng against Jesse N. and Hael 8. Drew and the Ewauna Box com pany. The suit Involveg an at tempted restoration ot SO acres of land ' In rectlon 33, township 37, Klamath county, and for $5,000 In damages alleged to have been sus tained by the plaintiff, who resides on the reservation. Duke vs. Wakefield Fred Duke filed suit against II. S. Wakefield this morning In the circuit court, asking a temporary Injunction to restrain Wakefield from taking possession ot a Dodge car which Duko claims be bought from Wakefield on contract, and that the contract has In all things been kept up, but that Wakefield Is now attempting to take posses sion of the oar. Tho complaint asks for a peraanent Injunction upon a hearing of tho cue. ' MAIL SCHEDULE Ashtand-Medford-KJamath Falls stage line began the mall service Stay 10. mils stago connects with trains r.4 and IS, train 64 from the south, train 1C from the north. All first class mall from train IS from south. train 15 from north, and dally papers from Portland will be received on this stage. Later on, we believe. It will wait at Medford for train 13, and bring a pouch from that train. The patrons ,f Klamath Falls P. O. should appreciate the fact that this means a gain In time of several hours at this time and a little later on when the Green Spring Mt. highway is passable this stage will be reach ing Klamath Falls aa soon as 1:30 or 2 p. m. In the afternoon. When this early service begins the P. O. will glvo carrier service. All letter boxes In the city will bo collected between 6: CO a. m. and 7:15 a. m. This will be dispatched by Ashland stago which will leave at 7:00 a. m. The boxes at 4 th and Main, 7tb. and Main, and at the White Pelican hotel will be collected at 9 a. m. This mall will be dispatched on the Klamath Falls Weed train at 10.10 a. m. In order to make connections with tho new schedule of the Chlloquln train (now known as Klrkford train) the boxes nt 4th, and Main and 7th, and Main will bo collected at 6 p. m., this mall being dispatched at 7 p. ru. Mall will closo at the P. O. for dispatch on Ashland stago at 7;30 a. in.; and for dispatch on Weed train at 0:30 a. m.; and for dispatch on Chlloquln train at 8: 15 p. m. Kindly bear In mind that the Cbll oqulu train now leaves In the evening, IS minutes after the Weed train ar rives, also that It (Chlloquln train) arrives at Klamath Falls at 9:55 st. m, 1 POSTMASTEH. MUSEUM IS RAIDED Removal of Bneeiasees Charged to College Stsdenta smnsj COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., May 11, Men believed to be students of Colorado college here last night' en tered Palmer Hall, on the college .property and, carried awayy hundreds of Rpeclata'as ffora tbeffJO.OOO mu seum to 'the campus. According to signs palate on the sidewalks the action was a protest against the ad ministration ot O. A, Dunlway, president of tat college. MANY U.NDOItMt: PKTITION KOIt KNI) OK NTItlKK (Conlnucd from rago 1) D. Peterson, J. Posplelt, O. K. Mack smith Repair Shop, It. T. Ilaldwln. Ore-Callf. Highway Oarage. II. M. Manning, W. II. A. ttenner, Wm. On none, J. 8. Milts A Son, Wm. Cross ley, V, L. 8mlthfJne K. llowlo, W. J Stclnmcts, C. U. (inrcclon,,A. A. Hell man, M. P. Kvnns, O. A. McCarthy, W. H. Steven-. K. A. llcllman. II. J. Wllnters, W 1). Coburn, O. 1). Oris tie, John J. Furber, L. O. Arena, Chas. F. Stcmwcll, Dorothy F Aretn, Ituby Johnson, Houston '& Phelps, by I.eo Houston, Harry Tolfonl, L. II. tollman, Fred HuosInK (!. V. Porkln. Lottie, M. Wll-on, Harry IX Pelt i, Oolilen llulo Store, F. M. l.u oaq, Thn Sunset Grocery, J. K. Knd era & Co., F. V. Soxton. Jack Halei, Hales Market, (!o llamlltip, C. O. Merrill. C. K. Jay. James Ulalr. John W Fnrnell, M. Co-eboom, Gertrudo Cox, Arthur Vllon, tl. V, Lorcnt, Geo. II. Mcrriman, Itnx i:. Boril, Star Drug Co., It. K. Doweee, Whitman Drug Co., A. E Whitman, WV n. Waggoner, Wm. W. MeXealy. J. II. Short, n. P. I.cwl. Clyde Brad ley, F. C. Murphy. Will W Adam. JI. Upton. . A. GMassey, C. II. I'n derwood, Underwood Pharmacy, J A. Houston, F. S. Thompson, Elizabeth E. Sullivan, Helen Nelson. Mrs. Agnes Guest, L. G. Hoagland, R. E. Wright, 11. W; Mason. Weotern Floral Co, Bert Thoma. J. C. Rrockenbrouch. Minnlo Walker, F. R. Hnmblet. W. I). Miller. C. F. Mills. W. Smith. Roy A. Belhn, W. F. Turpln. I. I-. Truax. E. It. Radke. J. J. ,McCann. A D. Lambert, H. C. Borgman, Mrs. G. R. Rarnhart, M. Dabncr. A. N. l.eavltt, E. U Davis, T. C. Campbell. L. Jacobs, Groy & Durbin, Andross Glorer Stylo Shop, Ina Garrett. Rain bow Sweet Shop, Hurry Cash Gro cery. If. D. L. Stewart, E. I). Lamb, H. W. Poole. Western Transfer Co. S. M Skinner. C V. Fisher. W. R. Hyde. W. D. Cofcr. Bulck Sale & Service Co., R. T. Ryan. Perkins Fur- nlturu Co., Lewfs F. Arnold, E. It. Banner, Will W. Wood. E. E. Magee. Drummond Print Shop. Earl Whit lock. Oliver Ltnncy, A II. Hale, D. I.. Jolllff, Wilson Abstract Co., Gertrude Co.. 8'v.o A. WIrtr, Dr. J. O. Goblc. Warren Hunt. G. H. Jester. Klamath Packing Co., C. A. Pauly, Calkins- Donulson Ina. Agency, D. O. Wll- Hams. Chas. I. Robcrjs. G. W. Offleld I C. Spink, O. W. Drummond. Wll lard Peyton. O. O. Fife, It. M. Bagby, Carrie V. Schmltx, Fred Lundbcrg, L. II. Belbn. NEW HIGH WOOL PRICK REACHED FOR THIS YEAR (CoBtinned from Pag 1) willing to gamble on the market as long as a fslr price Is being offered. Lake county wool Is already heavily contracted at from 22 to 30 cents, and Crook county clips have been large ly sold at 28 to 31 cents. Approximately 400,000 pounds re mains unsold In Deschutes county. Shearing Is under way, but only a few ot the smaller bands have as yet been deprived ot their fleeces. LIBRARY CLVD The regular meeting nt the Wom en's Library club will be held to morrow afternoon at 2:30. The offi cers for the ensuing yesr will bo elected. Miss Frlcke will have charge of the program and will speak on first aid. Mrs. Ferguson will ex plain the new school nnlt plan. Every one Is cordially Invited. ?XTSTRAiND lte- -WHERB EVERYBODY GOBS- HOME OP THE HODK1NBON FEATURES Toni'ht Benefit rimberworkers "The Journeys End" with Wynnham Standing Mabel Ballin and Gerge Bancroft What Choice; Could She Make? The man to whom she had been hound by Fate was a laborer roung, rugged, .uncouth. The man she loved her mate in every sense of the word it seemed could never be hers. And then Fate, which had created this strange triangle, stepped in to straighten it out. It's a fascinating picture one which will hold you engrossed from start to finish. Incidentally, it's the first serious drama ever brought to the screen without a single sub-title. Friday "Rip Van Winkle." "Country Store Night" ionl0t20c. By Our Country Editors SHASTA VIEW When w0 awakened Tuesday morn ing wo tlioiiRht wo were n second "Rip Van Wlnklo." When w0 retired' It was suutmertlmo while we found about two Inches of suow on ui ground In tho morning with a cold northwet wind. Tho "Minstrel show" given at Mn- lln Friday evening by the boys of, thn Union high school under the dir ection of otto of the teachers, Mi's Muntoon . n great success and out talent unsuspected In brought many insinnres, u wai trui) "southern" and they kept the crowd- ed hall In an uproar from slurt to finish with their slngliiR .speaking. Instrumental music and original Jukes on local people. There was quite a delegation trout Merrill and a few from other points In attend ance It was said the proceeds from the entertainment and danrn which folio ed netted something over $100. Mrs. J. W. L. Smith and two daughters, Ruby and Vera, who havo been visiting relatives and friends at Roseburg, Salem, Portland and oth er places for about six weeks, havo returned to their home here. Mrs. Smith likes Klamath but rays she almost wish she had stayed In the land of sunshine and flowers until winter was over here. JW The teachers for the Shasta View school havo been hired for the com ing year. They are. Miss Helen Zumpho. principal, and Miss Ada Hunt, primary. They am both local girls from two ot tho best fam ilies In our community. Miss Zumpfh has had four years exper ience teaching In the middle west and Miss Hunt just completed a two year .teacher's training and prac tice conrso at Ashland and success is predicted for both teachers and pupils. CHILOQUIN The "wicked Ulno" of Chlloquln de feated thu Klamath Agency nine Sat urday in n long drawn out gauiu o( 6-lnnlngs. The ncure wus 19 to IT. Tho gauiu was marked with heavy slugging on both sides. Sc'crul times It looked ns If the ball was being lost when Gcorgo Carr ot Chlloquln team connected on two homo runs. on triple and two.doublco. The Chll oquln Iluu up was us follews: R. Var- num !b., E. Cartwrlght If., T. U hiker c. Griffin p.. I. Cartwrlght lb.. J. Goldthwalte cf.. F. Silvers 3b.. O. Carr ss., T. Jackson rf... Tho Agency line-up was: L. Witson c, A. Kirk p.. M. Faithful lb.. I Baker 2b.. It. Hicks 3b., O. Rlddlo as., B. John rf., J. De Moore If., and Davis cf. Fay Mitchell umpire. A preliminary field meet of this district was held at the Klamath Agency Saturday. The Agency pub lic school won the most points. Chllo quln school secend: Agency boarding school third;' Fort Klamath feurth: Modoo Point fifth. Algoma and Cry stal were the two other schools hut failed to appear. Orslee Corbln of Chlloquln spent Saturday night with Mary Silvers of Spring Creek. Mrs. William Skeen and daughter Mona and Meda from Klamath Falls spent the week-end in Chlloquln. Mr. Pedlgo and family accompan ied by Mr. II. V. Griffin were Kla math Falls visitors ono day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steako were Show starts 6:30 Aspgrovo xlsltors timidity. J. O. Goldtlnvnlto arrived homo last wook from San Fruucltco where he bus becu on business. O. Itny mid P. Curtwrlght from Rny llrothcrs milt, Klrkford, were Chlloquln visitors Thursday. R. Turpln and sou motored from Kliimnth Falls Saturday on business. Kovoral car load", of tourists mo tored through hero this morning on their way to Sprlnk Creek, Al flmv.ttiat.ttii ,if lh. Ptiltmitiln j lMmbi,r 0ompa . ,,,,.,, lllrWinilw, ,,,,,., . lMillii Goweti of thn Klamath Sup ply accompanied by n few frlemtn drove through bent Sunday Charley Chastaln ami his friend Harold Wortleyy of this rllyy. re turned honin today from Klamath Kails where he had been on a pleas, urn ami business, trip. Tho Chlloquln town team met de feat by thn Chlloquln "wicked nine," Sunday at Aspgrovn. The scorn was 9 lo i". Thn game was fast and fur ious, good fielding was shown by both teams. Umpire. II. M. Anderson. John Varnum and family. Ella Var num and family left here last week for Borrls whom they expect lo re main a few dayya visiting friends and relatives. , Wllllo Jonah of Modoc Point was a Chlloquln visitor Saturday. Tho Chlloquln high school pupils finished their examinations last week and am waiting patiently for reports from Ihp superintendent ef this coun ty. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Anderson mo tored to Klamath Falls Friday. Word was received from Ashland today of thn death of Miss Nellie lion son. Miss Benson was formerly of Cltlloqnln having moved to Ashland about u year and a half ago. She had many friends hern and they wern all shocked to hear of her death which seems to have been quite I sudden. Sho Is aiirvhcd by a father. mother, a brother and sister ull of Ashland. WARFARE IN CHICAGO JmiIku IlcfUM-M to Helena tabor Iicailcru Now Under Armt CIIICAC.O. May 11. Declaring that ho agreed with thn pollre con tention that "Chicago la In a state ot warfare." Judgo Scanlon today refused to Isauu habeas corpus writs releasing Cornelius 8hoat and John Lfferty, labor leaders, arrested In connection with the murder of two policemen yesterday during tabor bombings. At same time Judgo Da vid refused to release "Dig Tim" Murphy and Fred Mader, postponing thn caso until tomorrow at thn re quest ot tho police. ' !s SOCIAL POSTPONKD Announcement was made today by tho Iter. A. II. Ilrlstow that the bas ket social, scheduled for Friday night, wan postponed for ono week. Wallowa Movo on to convert gravel pit Into swimming pool. Silver take Jlapld progress being mado on Summer lake dam. j' "i El NEW TODAY FOR RENT il-iooiti hous.i partly furnished iilttu Vurnlshi'tl rimiun IH:i Pine, phono CON it. II FOR EXCHANGE lO-uero much, will exchitugu for good ear or truck. Whnt hiixit Jim. P. t). box 404, Klamitth Falls, Oiegon. 11-1'J' FOR SALE CHEAP- Good bicycle or will trade for u boy's slse. Ad dress 42! Comiuerilal SI , or leln pohlii) B4 7-.M 11-12 STRICTLY FRESH local eggs 20c n dot Fresh green vegetables dally. Public Market, Oth and 'Klamitth K.ll tV JBw H H bHBT'Lj' H I I BEB Developing and Printing WE HAVE the best amateur developing sys tem in Southern Oregon. Films are developed correctly, printed properly, returned promptly IF FILMS are left with us before 9 a. m. pic tures will be ready at five o'clock in the afternoon. imdcrwoodiPhariMY 7 CEuflKSD Bankrupt Sale of Lumber BUY NOW and build when you get around to it v Prices Cut I am now selling the bankrupt stock o'f the Peppers Cotton Lum ber Company. This stock is entirely too large for my yard use, . and must be sold. "First come, first served' LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. Comer Center St. and Klamath Ave. M CATAR RH ? USE If jour tuittrlls urn rlomtml, our throat illsliessiMl, or )our liend In stuffed by misty catarrh or n cold, apply a little pure, iiittlHepile, germ destro)lui; drum Into your nostrils It pi'iintiiiti'M t lirtxir.lt nry ulr pas mute,, HliollilIlK lliriMIIH'il, HWOllell nii'iuliranes mid ynu r.ot Instant relief How good It teels, Your nostrils 111 DAK1 With a Kodak it's easy to make the kind of pictures you want when you want them. We'll gladly show you Kodaks and how simple it is to make first class pictures the Kodak way. Jlust stop at our Kodak counter there is plenty to interest you here Autograph Kodaks from $6.50 up Brownies from $2.00 up All the Eastman Accessories KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE UUY THEIW DRUGS to Pieces Into open Ymir head Ifltlntf Nomoiu liawldnit, Hiiuflllm:. tliynrim or id run Itllni; or Ii lun tli, Gut it Hiitall liottlo ot Uly'H Cieum Halm from iiny drui: gist, Colds and catarrh yield lllm mimic. Daii'l May stuffed up. Holler In sum Adv. j' I'oultly Mitlltirn Itltll I Poultry illinium itmilyxuH high In I nitrogen, tho must expensive of tint plant foods In buy hh furlllUer, but I hlii element escapes easily by fei- nieiitiitlon To prevent this lost add a small amount nt uuper-phnt-pluiln to tint inuiiiiro, wlilrli will almi leliiforin It III pliiiipliorus Ntunr mid nslu'H to poultry uiit iiiiik, iii, tliey hasten feriiiuiltutloii) which insulin III thn lots of nllrn 'f.eu us iiiiummla IsMjiuJaixl La "(5' v hf ' K' i.. fcSh ' :?