4 Vt. ' l '4 fyvlS "6- i WEATHER FORECAST TONIGHT, Will AMI WAII.MIIII IN IIAHT I'OIITIO.V, HIIOWCIIH in wicht I'liimoN, iiiiiiav, NIIOWIIUH. mbt itwenmg literald NEWS OF THE WOULD IY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Member of the Afiaocialed Press. i-'irici'iiiii nil-. ii, iiiiuu X KLAMATH I'ALLH, OHCGP.V, TIM'IISHAY, MAY II, IM!i! Mir ENDORSE PETITION FOB PRICK KIVB ONTO i,N(ji:iorH caiit or I'Acuhj highway m:ah iti:ifi.v itv i:i,iMiN,Mi:ii H 10! END OF STRIKE? Approval Given to 9-Hour Day anil American Plan Klamath Mills in I'l'llllnriH ilti'ul.ite.l iy tint nil. tnu'n I'oiiiinllli'n in Hiiiior( nf Hid American tilmi urn Hill helm: Hlgiioil, wild Ili-rt i: Wlllirnw, chairman, tu rf' jlity. Tim lint printed holnw In In V -tuiiilfi. probably I no iiiiiiikh having 1 been iil.t.ilno.l hIiii,. tin riiiiilltillnii wus niiiilii, ( wiiii milil, Till) llltl llf III). petition Wild pllll- IIkIii-iI In TIhj Herat. I yonlonlny. II iloclaroi (or the Atnorlnin plan, it ml wlill.i nplictdlm.' the ilmluiMllly nf h nnhfrmil elght-hnttr day, i.xproimo lint belief of II h siilmorlhorn I lint n iiliKfliuiir ilny I otnoutlal mill reu hiiiiiiIiI,, In l In. luriii iimlir ImliiKlry, In Hi" fiun of lon-limir ((iiiiii'tltl(in liy vlrtuully nil California lumbering plant 'llm cllUxtiM rnmmlltio. through It lenders. ili'diiri'M Hun Hut petition or- IrIiiiiIi'iI through voluntary iirtlnti nf tin' group not directly parly to I lit roiilrmi'tny it ml I titilimlltod a n mi- tlllltlll III tint difference llClWeOII lilt. mill iiimratiirM iiihI ilulr ciiilioos; lli.it merchant mill ntli'iirt who mile ntt i in. to iik ki'iititiiMilii urn appro lii'liahn of lint elfeet on llm mm tii it it It y welfare Hint may lomilt from it mittltiuantn i ktrlku I'oiiilltloiiH In Hip llitntiur tut. I dot Industry mill tiiko till menu toward it n end generally desired n M'ttlonuiiit of llio dispute iiml Imliutrlul tfinitnpiloii. Following In the partial list of signer. Iiitiillliu: upward of Sou Baldwin Hardware Co.. Will lliiltl win, Frank Wnnl, J. T. I'crkltm. K. A. (Jim If. C. I,. Hollltlny, Paul XI. jr-wiitmrit. . nmHit, Jt r. Maguire. Jit's. II. Drlmoll. t. W. Clemen. .1 Warren Crook. II. II. Atulrko, J I. .lolillntniin Furniture Co, K (I literal tor. I'. M Nol. Ih'iiry Crimes, O. I, llrnwiio. (trutil fl. .Velnon, Hay A. Telford, !' I,. Terwllllger. The Woman's More liy Wi W. MrNoiily. I.". H. 'Johnson. II. A. Geary. C W ", ImiIIit. (I. II. M.inguo, Imperial Oar age. Iy C A McCnlluiii. i: J McCol llllii, tlfti I Wright, .W W. Diinraii II. ('. Mrrryiiiuii, Klamath F.tll Cionninry. liy Frank Moorlatul, Chat. II. Ii.il.lnlu. CltiiH. P. il.np, liuii li.tr. tiinl I in ti l.tr. y It. II Dnnliar. J. I'ranl: Ail. huh. Arnnt .Motor Co.. Ii) J II. .Mnrlln. HiTly, 1). II t.'tiimir. H. A Monro. 0 II. Hlnitc, I.. P. II.'iiihcii. J. A. l.iM.liaril, V. A. I.funaril, .lolni C. Cli'Rliorn, J. 1 (lot'llrr. II. J. Slirctn, II I.. Cook, Joint M. I.ouIh, O. V. KplkiT. t'A. llloiiinliiKr.'imp, J. C. UtttonU', It. II, I.Komml, (li'o. Ittfil. J. II. Carter, J. i:. IIoiIkk. T. II. WnltorH, Krnrtk I. (Irolni, T. II. IIiikIIhIi, C. II. KoMcr. II. I.. Colili, IC (I. Klalimi, (1. V. MnlliiT. Mnk Klvcr Daltfry Station. Tim llimliaiii Aunt Conninti)', II. I'OIITI.ANI), May II. Tin. hlcliwny ciimmlHnli.il ili(Mi.i Inilay to hIIiiiIiiiiId a ilmiccroiiii lilt of llm I'acKIr lilr.liway Jilrl noiilli of Din p.ipir imIIIh hi OH'Con City, wIhtii II rutin , iMinvirii inn willatiinlli) rlvor iiml Hid rallro.'nl Tim inw Milllri wyi ronl JIKI.IIOll ' (Contlnttuil to I'aga 4) VINDICATE TREASURY 42 OUT OF TOTAL OF 188 CHILDREN FOUND DEFECTIVE Hmwy I, .Mini,. In I ,,..'1.1 Siliool tlmliiK Apill; IIH (mm'm of Canity Tnlli Hit niiltil 'I'linl nut of I KM ptipllH I'latiiliuil In a loral iflK.ol iliirlm; Hi., tnonlli of April only IS wore fniiint nut In lio il.'f.Tllvi. In N(.mi) manner, wax nno of tin- InlcrcHiliiK fcuiiiri'ii of llio liintitlily ii.pnrt miitlii liy Mls l.ytlla I'rltkn In tin, fjiciitlv.t tnnimlttcn of Hn KI.111111II1 roiiiuy piilillc health tiNDDlratlon at t!.n regular iiici'tlnK Tiicmlny fVfiiliiK. Ill !Hi irinliinci'it (tin tfftli of Hid rlillilrcil wit,, foiiinl to lin faulty. In 11 1 no mum tint vlnlcui wan nunil to hit Impiirffct, whllf n mirprlnlitK niitnliur hail ili'fccthn totmlU. An a purl of her ri'Ktilnr duty Mlrni I'rlrkt. iHmialrliril iiiiten to Hid mr MlU vJirrn lierc!mr. tlm nuiiiliiir lor April tniltiK 107. It iti.vrlopi'tl from Hi.' report Hint Ml I'rlrko liau ha.l iiinlnr tier titlp j cm Mon iliirlm; tlin pniii inontli u total of .10 patltiit, olnvfti of wlilrli wrrti tllBiiilntii'il ilurltiK Ilin mouth, iiml (j tn cairn In li( It llio Ii.itlfiit tllftl I'lftvi'ii of lli.'iti) I'lima wrm tuliorrulotlM. thrcu wcro iiiutunilly. two chlltl welfare ami the other of 11 i;etieral nature Hnmetliliu; of tlm Imny life our health ml mo li-utlit ran lie ileilUrett when It la Iturnril that In ailillllon in tlm above, mulntanco liau been pro tlilotl n nitmltor of c-rrvlco turn lit iici'il of help In vnrloun wa, ami Hun noHlly tiumtier of emerKfticy pawl were litken raro of. Tlm ronpor.il Ion In tlm work of put. Up health hhmx-UHou liy Itin loral Iteil CroHN, whit h iiMx marerlally In 11 (Inain lal way, hint ma.lo pomhII.Io the reiillln ho far olilallieil, Iiml thin ntmiUaiKV In nlncerely appriM laleil li llio aitiorlalinti The Miipply comiiilHeo, of willed Mm. C A llellinaii ami Mm. V II Itnl.erlKoii tiro llio ucllo parllrlpanlH, KuVe tin IntereNlliiK report which tie lalletl llio furnlHliluic of NUpplleH to lliiMleiHltiilomiil III In Klamath Cull. StilpfiliiKton, Kirk 11 ml other parlH of llio coutily In olio Itititinrn rx piii'umoul.i J.ukotH were fiirnlnlietl patlenlH hIio were III with IliU tllu- r.tm. Chairman Arthur Wllnon uppoltilril Mm, Y. II. Itoliertnoii to reprokonl llio nHHorliillou on Hut Community Council In rHK)iiii to mi Invllalloti from Hint im.ly. POIEE REACHED FOR THIS VEflH Buyers Offer 35 cents; 30, 000 Fleeces Sold; De mand Is Slronf; Taller'n Dad! m r when !! .', . turilo. J II fleere.i, rep-) Wool prPeii ioiii In il n new hlrli lovel hero loil.ty wlmn HR renin wn (ilfereil. TIiIh Ik HMorillilL' U, on of flr-lal of Hut Klamath Mvenlork Mnrti:nr;i) Lean riiiiiiany. wlilili liau 1II0.1 11 lari:,, Nhaie of Hi,. ICInniatli roiiuly clip Tint proton! print I1 mr.re than twlrit that nf Intit votir when III! (eli(n wax tlin lop Hi: Approximately .Iti.iioji reicntlui; at the minimum Hf.o.mio poutntH nf wont, !iao hoeu tn.l.l lu thin rooiiuty ilurlur: llm pant 10 davit, II wan milil. I'revlnuM prlren have ram: cil from 27 4 to 32 '.j reum. with NO per runt of the union at 32 contn. Itqcently, It IH ontlmated, 20.000 lamlm time hecn rtutrnrtoil fur. Hip prlcn rniiKltiu nrnuntl 10 with it 10 per cent cut nt S'i nml 8 4 cent. Thin mciim that 11 flat pilio In pnlil for 'JO pur cut while the reuialnlnx 10 per rent I wcIkIiciI nml soltl by tho pounil. A la'rxu eliaro of Hid 1iu- Ini; Ii.-ih liovn hy It I. Illrknull unit K.i m llallaiityno of liolie for Hie east ern markui. I .a mli tlellvork'B will he made ilur Itii; AtiKUit. Heptemlier ami Ocluhor. IlKlity per rent of Hid Mate clip liau Licoti noli. It wiih cBtlmntcil, with a htreni: demand fur the romaliiliig clip. Th0 (lunianil Ih held due In part lo tariff rt'RulutloiiH nml tlio fact that unlike tail year tho wool Ih nut heltiK void uu conilciimuut but direct ly to factories. Trice reported eltcwhoro. raiiRO from 35 cent ut Montnctiu, paid by tlin Hnlnm Woolen mill, -to re 11 is for tho Jcrlrho, Utah, pool nml 22 rent nt lleiid, piirrhasetl hy Charhui II. (iroeii (if Cortland. nwnMMMMMMri. RUSSMIU REPLY HANDED ALLIES T R C 1 j Appointment of Special j Commission to Continue Negotiations Suggested TIIIIKi: AllH KIM.KI), WIDR. HI'IIKAI) DAMAOK WIIK.V HTOItM HTIIIKKS .NKIIHAHKA OMAHA, Neb., .May 11, Ttirci jHirflonsf killed and wldn uprend (lamaKo was tho rMult of wlmlnlonim In varloui parM of N'oliratka tilclit. yesterday and last JAPANESE M con fit Mortimer Vara and "William K. Wlmuitt nro two cntrlc In tho American Forcitry AMoclatW Urdhouio eontctt. William (rlcht) It only li but Mor Uin fix fett UU EXPLAIN UNIT PLAN .Mri-lliiK Held In I'lno fSrote SiIKmiI: SMiikei at Olene Tonight A very Informal but InterentlnK iiiecllnt; wan hcM nt tho I'lno (Jrovo HChool lant night. wlt II H. Hun Imr ni the Icatler of tha (IIucumIoii. Other Interentcd In the rounty unit plan for the nchoola of ihl county wero hreti rotcrson. Mf. Kdna Ark ley anil .Mrs. Twyla Kertuion. Those In nltcmlanco admftted thot they wero not lit favor of tho plan at tho bcRlnnlnr;: uUo that they did not yndertand It fully. When It wan explained that this plan In net 101110 monntrouii plot bchiR lmpoed uhon them, but Ian opportunity for dccreAnInjc thn spe cial taxom of tho rural nchbol, and for nclectlm: .1 board at their on- I riCN'OA. May ll-ForolBn lln , loler Tchltcherln handed lh0 Hu lan reply to tho allied memoran dum today to ForclRn Mlnlatnr j Krhaner of Italy. Tho first part ( of tho nolo waH rcporlod to bo con I Klructlve, maklni; propogil deal- Im; with financial nuoitlon. Many rttmorH wero afloat In con nection with Kuioila' attitude, to ward the national Inolatlon of prop erty which Is tho vital Inauo of thn ncRoilatlons. Thl I a question on which Franco and Delclum havo split with tho otbor power. Tho Hulan note, It I gald, gUf costs tho appointment of a new pe clal commlmlon by the conference ' to continuo negotiations after the cloo of tho Genoa meeting-. Japan was reported to hare ,'olncd forces with France In the latter' determination not to In dulKo In protracted negotiations with tho Hujjlan. NAVAL VESSEL FOR LEGION CONVENTION ASKED BY SINNOTT ItrprrM-nlntlvo Would Ifavo !. httvyrr r Nubmarlnn ut Tho IlnllrN Iurlnj July WA8HIN0T0.V. D. C, .May 11. Itopresontatlro Hlnnott hag re- quciited Bocrotary Oenby to tend onn or more naval vessel to Tbo Dallofi to tako part In. tho fourth annual convontlon of tho Oregon department, American legion, on July 27, 2S and 29. HoproHentatlvo Hlnnolt Informed the secretary or tho navy that Chairman Francl V. Galloway of tho convention committee wa of tho opinion that the legion conven tion at Tho Dalles would be the largest state convention ever held In Oregon. It U hoped that the , nary department wilt Lo abla to aend a destroyer or a submarine to The Dalle, and If this Is not I thought feasible that the navr au- I thorltles will be able to send one or more eaglo boats. PRES. HHI Attitude at Army Parley Held Fair; Hughes Voices Approval LONDON'. May 11. A dispatch to tho Evonlne Standard from Genoa say that If tho French and IlclKlans quit tho conference Lloyd George will remain and try to work tho ship to port with a short-banded crow. PAID AFTER 40 YEARS Got eminent Ilcrumls $a00 Over. rharge on Quarter SecUot admitted they were convinced. A nutilliiK will be held tcntfiht al Olene. with Superlnlendeiit J. 1 ! W'olM at Hut principal spjtkcr. GEORGES HOLDS TITLE l-'i'ciicliliinii liiim-kH Out TiNl Intli In l-'lrst lloiiml of I'lulit lltiuiN Not Hlolen, Hut rlMvLt Iter Heportetl MIhnIuk !. WABIUNGTON, I). (J May 11. Tho report of tlm Hpcclul trennury rommltteo which inndo nn Inventory nf llio hurenii nt printing and on KravltiK I iintlorHtood to bo n mill Htantlal vliidlrullnu of tlm treasury offlclalH' iloclaratlon that no ma terial output of IcK'il bond, nolo or stamp Ihhiioa hud occurred ilurlni rorimt your. IiiventlKtttorrt, how ever, reporttl fliiillui; it discrepan cy of Mouin HO hIiocIh of Hpcclul pa per iihcmI In tliu bureau for pi'liitlne tho liottil and iiotoH.. WKATHKU I'ltOIIAUILlTIKH Tho Cyilo-Stormituruph nt Unilor- wwooilu I'liurmiiey linn ruglNtcrud but lltHo chttiiKo slni'o midnight iiltluniKh ut 2 p, m. tho proH uuru wiih fallliiK ulowly. UondlllotiN a lo favoialilu for ll!ht bIiowuim. KoriiciiRt for uoxt 24 iieiira: Cloudy unsettled weather with mod- oratu lompprnturou. Tho Tycoii ro I'ordltiB llinriiioiniilnr lonlHtorotl mux Ituimm and inliiliiium toiuporuturoH loiluy, nn follewu: HIkIi ...U2 i. Low , r ?7 L i JTll ks 1 1 I Hsv v "t sH-k. jb& i JsK LONDON, May 11 Ooorgo Car- pentler won over Ted Lowl In tho first round of a scheduled 20-round match for thn world's llRht-hoavy- wMght rhnmplonshlit hero tonight, nfler two mlntilen ninl fifteen sec ondti of fighting. Cnrpenller'n knockout blow was on n break-awny. Ho was entitled lo do HiIh but tho spectator rained it clamor, utid them wero many crleH of "foul." Tho Frenchman, mm ho returned In hi ilrossliiR room after kuorkltiK out Lowl wn hoot ed by it suction of tho crowd. IICN'll. Ore. Ma It. Of apprtu- lutalely 270.0110 pniiiiiW of flue wool contracted Cl'ilofly III DoHehtile enuif ty hy Churle II. Croon or Portland, tlm larr.eit clip will bo that of Tom Cronlii. whl. h will run in the nelli- 'MriTIICDC rAV ctlMHAV borhood or lOti.oiin imuiidH. u i-. ivttl jlUl I1CK3UAT 3UINLIAY niiiled. Cronln. who will start sln-.tf- ... .. .... . . I...: uliorili. xold at 32 cents. It waJU'';"' ,W,i ' '"M,'r- ,f '" K ,-l''"-' mi i i,..,.. i i.i. ,.,r,.i.. i.v i. I ""' "I'"" 'f l"'l Jotiori, Creon'M leprekeiitatlvit In Cen tral Oregon. Other fleece lontract ed will run rluso In thl rate. Indication are that tluire will bo lltllo wool left lu Central Oregon for tho annual sale, grow era being tin- SI'OKANK. Wash.. May ll. Something over -10 yearo ago, the ntial school election whom Interest i Vnlled States government overcharge It will bo to eo that every rural ' Jamcs N. Glover I200 when ho rhlld ha the ir.imo advantagivt n l,Jl for a quarter section tho rhlld GORDON LEADS VOTES PretlnVnt of Chamber of Commerce HtandM FirH U Prlmarica ino ir.imo aavantago.i n In tho rlly school, they Ited riouor H tho mother I liv ing, while flowers If she U dead. Tluvm nru the official color,) for Mothers' Day. Sunday, May H. Florist say any flower will do ns of land ho rln Spokane. Tho attorney for hi eutato has Just received a check for that sum to clbco the account. Tho land wn purchased In tho lato seventies for $2.50 an acre, when tho prlco, should have been only 11.2ft. Glover was ono of tho founder of tho city of Spoka.no. which wan built In part on tho pro perty lu question. CHAHGi: IMMOItAMTV, SCHOOLS Si'OKKNi:, May 11. Tho school board and u committee of citizens hero has promised an Immediate ac tion on tho grand Jury report that (Continued on page four) tho carnation, formerly tho official i Immorality oxlstcd In Spokane grade flower, Ii n0 longer necessary. j and high school. BEGINNING TO SPLUTTER MEBBE WE CAN GET50ME REAL work done AFlec CALL Alii ON RED CROSS Attkril for Flood President Clubmen ItcfllgVONJ Action -N AUA- 'Ms WSIHNOTON. May 11 Local chapters of iho lted Cros wero ro (luostcd today by National Chairman I'nytio to solicit contribution for u fund for relief In th0 flooded nreii of tho Mississippi, llllnol mid Ohio rlv of valle'). Atlcast 11500,000 I need ed, said I'tiyno. President Hurtling vndoraoil tho nppcul, MAHKliT IHCPOUT I'OnTLANl), May 11 Catllo and hog idoady, npi-l'iu; lambs r.Oo low er, nt 13 to f 14. Kgga Hloady, Jlullor So lilclior; extra cuboj 33e, linulfi 37c, T I V I 1 J f f I t Sixteen members of the chamber of commerco were nominated In the primary election, which closed Wed nesday night, and eight of the 1 will be selected to fill vacancies on the directorate for the coming year at tho final election, which closes Wednesday evening, May 17. J. A. Gordon, president f. tha chamber of commerce, was high miin", receiving 76 out of a possible 87 vote. Several ballots were thrown out becauso members had voted for more than eight. Tho results were: J. A. Gordon. 76; Frcd'E. Fleet. 60; fc. W. Vannlce. CO; Sf. 8. West, 54; Mr. II. M Ack- ley. 46; A. M. Collier. 41; B. M Ilubb, 21; It C. Groesbeck. 21; It. E, Smith. 20; W. A. Wlest. 19; W. O. Smith. 17; IL N. Moo," 16; W. C. Dalton. 12; W. A. Dolioll. 10; M. P. Evans, 9; J F. Kimball. 9. Tho tnombers, It would seom. gave Gordon a voto of confidence in that ho ran far In tbo lead o'f the others and lacked only a few votes of being a unanimous choice. ' The ballots for the final election will bo mailed today, and must be re turned by May 17. R. R Smith. F. W. Van Duslrk. Clara Calkins, Mrs. E. T. Davis and W. M. McNcaly counted, the votes, TOKIO, May ll.zrho "consider ato and accomodating spirit shown by tho Japanese delegates to the Washington arms conference, was commended by President Harding In a message read today br American Ambassador Warren at a banquet giv en In honor of the delegate by the American-Japan Society, The results of the Washington ne gotiations, Mr. Harding's mesaago declared, were greatly facilitated "by the fairness and moderation" of the Japanese Secretary Hughes also sont a brief message expressing bis own apprecfatloa. The text of tha preeldent's mes sage, which mi Mat la the form of a cablegram algaed by Secretary Hashes follews: "The president of the United States has been pleased to lean of the Justly merited recognition which by this dinner the American Japan Society la giving to the dele gates of Japan, on scconnt of their eminent services at the Washington conference. Highly appreciative of tbo groat interest taken by these gen tlemen In the success of tha confer ence, tbo president would wish that he be permitted to share 1b tha oc casion by making acknowledgement of their sympathetic cooperation and of the conilderaia spirit In which they participated la tha may difficult questions confronting tha conference. Their fairness sad ssod- flcent results obtained." The secretary added the following message for himself: , "I am for my own part hsppy to associate myself with the president's appreciation of the helpful coopera tion of the Japaneso delegates." URGES SUBSIDY BILL Speaker Declares Tallage Essentia! to Future U. S. Shipping FIELD MEET SUCCESS 300 Pcrsong Witness Spectacular Scene; Indians Winners Ono of the roost successful Hold moots of tbo entire county was hoi Saturday at Klamath Agency, tbo schools of Chlloquln, Fort Klamath, Modoc Point, Crystal, public and boarding schools of tho agency par ticipating. Thero was an attendance' of at least 200 persons and tbo scene was spectacular In the extreme. Parents camo for miles and there was the keenest Interest in tho events. Lunch was served by the local schools, tbo agency and tho public school. The Indian boarding school car ried off tbo honors this year but the teachers declare that next year will soo a difference in tho scores, for they arc planning to begin practice early lu tho fall for theso events. Tho score In points were: Board ing school, 81; Chlloquln. 33; Agency public, school, 23; Fort Kla math, 20; Modoc Point, 3. Tho commltteo in chargo of tb) county 'field meet has decided to postpono tbo final meet until tha tlmo of the county fair, thus giving tho contestants moro tlmo for pre paration. Owing to tho fact that the schools in northorn districts have not had tho samo tlmo for practice duo tbo snow, this seemed the fairer plan. PHILADELPHIA, May 11 Prompt passage of the ship subsidy bill now pending In congress and subsequent abolition of the United States shipping board were urged by W ll'am J. Conlen, of Pblla , prortor In admiralty In an address before the national foreign trade convention here today. Conlen alio recommended trm permission be given to railroads t.. again own and operate stearaihp lines in foreign trade and urged that American navigation laws be amend-' ed and clarified. Of the ship subsidy bill be said: "Tho bill requires jprompt action. Further delay of our shipping situa tion spells disaster." Conlen de clared that tho United States ship ping board was now called upon ,to formulato proposals' to.congrass for putting American shipping onc0 and for all upon a sound working basis and at the same time to dispose of tho vast quantity of tonnage on band to the people who want to know what congress Intends to do be fore they buy the shipping bosrd's vessels. In the midst of formulating Its plans for the future, ha ssid, the shipping bosrd finds Kself with s plan on band for Immediate actlou calculated to destroy its own con structive Idea. 1 ROAD FOR DIAMOND L. Improvement Planned to Parte Boundary and to Crescent Lake 8IQXKD IMnG RATION BILL WASHINGTON, May 11. Tho prcsidont has signed a bill extending for two yoara from June 30 tho three per cent immigration restriction act. EUGENE, Ore., May. U. Ira provetnent of tho Union Creek-Diamond lake road near Crater Lake Na- tlonal park and completion of the road from Diamond lake to the, boun dary of the park Is planned this sum mer by the forest sorvlce, according to announcement hero. , ! , Tho road also will ba, extended from Diamond lake to Crescent lake, making Crater lake sccssslhls from the north by way of Bend, or by(wsy of Eugene, This is a psrt af.;th forest service program for.-4fnloB-nient of Diamond lake ss'a taiasaer resort. 1 h 1 '4 t d -v w S'll St V Jt tf s&f 1 yM 1 Ji ll