The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 09, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Pg8 Fmr
TU1WDAV, MAY 0, lMfl
Murphy Breaks All
Recordi for 100-Mile
On Cotati Seedway
8ANTA ItOBA, May 0. Jimmy
Murphy won tho 100-mlle Colatl
Speedway event In world record tlnio
Sunday, 2 mlnulcs under tho former
mark, when ho como homo nhend
of n fast field In r.2 minutes nnd
1,2,1 bocotidn, ii n nvorngo of 114,93
mllio per hour. Franlt Elliott was
nocond, Hurry Harts third.
I'lctro llordlno won tlie 50-mllo
event In 2fl minutes, 13,36 seconds,
An nvorago speed of 1H.2 miles per
hour, with Hnrry Hartz second, Jim
my Murphy third.
Tho old mark for 100 miles on n
speedway was R4 minutes, l,8 sec
onds, mndo hy Kddlo Hcarnc on the
Mum speedway August 14, 1021.
Murphy's first r.O miles In tho 100
mllo event wero clocked In 2f. min
utes, 3.03 seconds, tho fastest BO
jiiIIcs over made on a speedway, of
ficials of tho meet said, though It
will not go as a SO-mllo record. Mur
phy's nvcrago for the first half of tho
illstnnca was 116 miles per hour.
In tho 50-mllo race, Sordino and
llartz, who finished one-two, missed
n serious accident In tho back stretch
when Hartx graied Bordlno'a car.
Neither car stopped. It was the near
est to an, accident of the day.
Earl Cooper, driving 25 miles
ngalnst time, made what was said to
bo a now stock car mark, with nn av
crngo of 9? miles per hour, against
the old mark of 91.09. Ills time was
IS minutes, 29.05 seconds.
Tho fastest previous record for a
stock car for this distance Is ho
llered to be that mado by tUlph Mul
ford of Unlontown. Pa.. May 20, last.
wMen he covered 25 miles In a class
"C" stock Chassis lu 6 minutes,
37.94 seconds.
Elliott and Hartz both finished
within tho former world record In the
100-mile event, Elliott coming In
seven seconds behind tho winner and
Hartz less than a second behind El
liott. Others to finish In the 100
mile event were:
Jtoscoo Sarles, feurth: Art Klein,
Tlfth; Ueatro Paolo, sixth: Ralph de
Palma, screnth, and Joe Thomas,
Sarles also took fourth In the 30
mllo race, with Elliott, fifth; Klein,
sixth; De Palma, seventh, Jerry Won
derllrh, eighth, nnd oJo Thomas
Eddlo Hearne appeared in his last
Pacific coast race before entering
vaudeville. Ho failed to finish In the
50-mllo race, retiring after his 21st
lap with a broken valve, Dordlno was
driven out of tho 100-mile event with
his cnglno afire after his 75th lap.
By Our Country Editors J
Friend of Mrs. Henry Morrison
will bo glad to know that ho I
ahlo to ho up again after several
days of sickness.
Mrs. II. S. Phillips spent several
dayR with her mother, Mrs. Koontt,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hill and
family nnd Hill's father moved to
Klamath Falls to lle. Mr. llvtctten
has moed on tho Hill place.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hunlcutt
and family were visitors at Clyde
Griffith's homo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Koontx, Mr,
and Mrs. J. S. McClcllan nnd Wll-
ma llurko wero among those who
attended the circus last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy L Pralrlo
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Harry llooth.
Mr .and Mrs. Jack McComb of
Malln wero visitor hero last week.
Evert Griffith left for Ashland
Saturday, after a mouth spent hero
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy LaPrarlo and
Mr .and Mrs. Hajry llooth culled
upon Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Griffith
Hugh Clopton was an early busi
ness visitor In Illy on Monday.
Mrs. Follett. who ha been keep
ing houso for Marvin Cross, return
ed to her home InDrew valley on
Edwin Warren came In after sup
plies for his sheep camps on Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Ilasll Hall returned
on Monday's stage. They were
married about a month a to and
have been with Hall's peoplo In the
Roguo river section. Hall expects
no work this summer for the forest
Mrs. Clarence Walllce visited at
tho hotel on Monday.
Friends of Dallas Glvan wilt bo
glad t0 know that be bad hU ton
sils removed on Tuesday. He re
covered rapidly.
Word was received here on Tues
day that little Henry Obenchaln
would begin taking Pasteur treat
ments for a dog blto received recent
Albert Richardson was a Dly vis
itor on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hell made a
baslneM trip to Ucalty and back
on Wednesday.
Dun Parker was visiting his par
ents from the Parker Hamakcr
mill on Wednesday. Ho also was
In Illy for a short business call and
renewing old acquaintances.
Marvin Cross returned from a
rMBS'iSS'AlV ' -1 '
Protection for Growing Feet
ALL the knowledge gained through thirty yean
Jii. study of the human toot is represented in the
lasts of "Little Qjteen" shoes lasts scientifically de
signed to afford protection for the growing foot, allowing
it to develop naturally.
And a sympathetic understanding of every little
girl's love of good-looking footwear ii shown in the
attractive styles which have all the smartness one has
Jearned to associate with the name Queen Quality.
j Perfect-fitting, sturdily built, good-looking, long-wear-ng
sn'oes the "Little Queen" trade mark is an
assurance of footwear satisfaction for both the wise
mother and her daughters.,
al dainty, ftrfttl-fiuiag
lillle pump with tht imart
intttp ttrap jml liht tht
"gton-upt" art wtaring.
The Bootery
CHAS. P. Maguire
Tin MiUn Street
rggt3,''nrn','rrE'"''tiJL'' "T1'1' L '""'"-''""'
business trip to Klamath Falls.
Mrs. Chas. Colllor, who has been
In charge of tho Illy MerrantUo
storo In Cross absence, has rcturax-
ed to the Warren ranch, which is
at present her home. '
Little linn Jean Cross Is visiting
with her aunt nnd uncle, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. W. Warren, at tho tmnch.
and Is having qulto n wonderful
Marvin Cross and two daughters
had supper with Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
W. Warren and family on Wednes
day. Amos Lundy was a boslness vis
itor In Illy on Thursday.
James ltlddln was In Uly on busi
ness on Thursday.
B. W. Whetstone went to Klam
ath Fulls on Suuday .tuklng his
oldest daughter, Hatel, and his
son, Percy, to tio circus. They re
turned homo on Wednesday, and
Mrs. Whetstono nnd Goldlo return
ed homo with Lhciu. Miss Goldlo
has recovered from her operation.
Mrs. La Hlchardson was qulto 111
tho first of tho week, and unablo
to teach. Prot.Koady taught hor
room until Thursday.
Mrs. O. W. Howard had quite, a
painful accident tho first ot the
week. She was working In, her
pantry and In drawing out a neavy
bin, It struck her on tho Instep,
making her quite Umo for a short
Miss Paulino Clltt railed on Mrs,
James Watt on Wednesday even
Mr .and Mrs. J. A. Parker spent
tho day Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
James Dell.
Arthur Hamakep wan kicked by
a horse and quite badly hurt the
latter part of the week.
There was quite a nice little, rain
the middle ot the week, which,
whllo not enough to be of much
benefit, it freshened thing up
wonderfully. Tho wlnkt ha baked
the ground badly In this section.
Merl Knolls made a trip to tho
Bonanza country with a four-horse
team for grain the latter part ot
the week and returned Sunday.
Mrs. Emma Keady and Mrs. Isa
Itlchardson spent tho week end at
the homo ot Mr. and Mrs, Walter
Mrs. Austin Bcchdoldt wa In
Bly on Friday afternoon on bus!
Frankle Obenchaln was visiting
In Bly on Thursday. Ho has left
school on account ot his health.
Pauline Cllft went home with
Barbara Owens on Friday evening
to spend tho week end with her.
Marvin Cross took his daughter
out to -the C. W. Warren, ranch late
Friday evening and left her there
to spend the week-end.
The stage mado the first real
trip from Lakeview to Klamath
Falls, clear through, on Friday.
They will bo able -to run cars now
and discontinue tho horso stago
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey visit'
cd at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs
Waller Campbell for several day
the latter part of the week from
tholr home near Yalnax.
D. M. McLemore has been at
tending to business and looking af
ter his Interests for a few days In
the Bly section.
Jody Owens mado a trip to tho
Bonanza country after grain the
latter part of tho week, returning
Mr .and Mrs. Louis Pankey visit
ed Mr. and Mr. George Boyd Sun
day afternoon, and spent the night
Mrs. Isa Richardson spent Wed
nesday nlgbt with Mrs. W. T. Gar
rett. Mrs. James Bell, accompanied by
her mother, Mr. J. A. Parker, left
on Sunday's stage for Sacramento
to consult a doctor.
Tho Rer .and Mrs. Bellnap of
Bcatty held Sunday services In Bly
on Sunday afternoon. Quite a large
crowd were In attendance. They
spent the night with Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Garrett.
Charles Collier visiter hi wife at
the Warren ranch a few days the
last of the week.
Miss Jessie and Elba Bell are
going to stay with Mrs. Keady and
go to school during their mother's
L. A. Richardson ana Frank
Obenchaln wero among tho Sunday
visitors In Bly.
Mrs. Clarence Wallis spent Sun
day with Mrs. Ern Glvan.
Ha r ley Keady had'-, tho misfor
tune 'to. bo thrown from bis horse
on Sunday, but fortunately was not
hurt. ..i
James Dixon made a business
trip t0 Klamath Falls on Saturday
and returned on Sunday.
Mrs. June Tollman went to
Klamath Falls a few days ago to
attend to business matters and to
visit her daughter, Maggie,
Five Good
why you ought to
come here
1 The Best Styles.
2 Finest Quality
3 Good Value.
4 Personal Service
5 Satisfaction.
at v 'L- vHHHHh
Cop) tight 19M Mill Scluffiirr& Mr
Hart Schaf fner & Marx
Spring Suits
$35.00 tt,,d Upward'
The clothes wo sull take euro of
the first three items mentioned
above; we take care of the rest.
You'll be pleased with all five.
Men's Spring Hats
N $3.50 P
A great many of the new
spring hats are gray and
pearl shades. The light
browns are styljsh, too.
The quality is important,
and you get it all here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stevenson took
their daughter, Mary Ellen, to
Klamath Falls Ust week for an X
ray examination.
Mr. Montcllua baa torn, down oil
of the old buildings on hla place,
tho old Ed Booth place, and Is put
ting up a new bouse.
Miss Dolan took all of her school
to Merrill Friday to the track meet.
Phelps Lowln won In the boys'
foot race and Veata Bueslng In tho
girl's ball-throwing contest.
A largo number attended tho
dance given by the 8torey boys Sat
urday nlgbt.
R. W.f Enman U plowing with
tractor for J. R. Elliott.
WANTED Party to aharo cxpenae of
trip to Pendleton, Ore 1 am. leav
ing Friday by car. 1125 Grant.
HEMSTITCHING and, Plcotlng At
tachment. Fit any sowing ma
chine. Price $2.00, Economy Sales
Company, Billing. Mont., 9-lC
terations a speclalty.rZ2 Klamath
Ave. ,9-lC
FOR SALE Two Holstuln milk
cows, 4 and 5, years old, both fresh,
I'honu 328-M. 9-10
saJj.oo nEWiiltD
Twentr-flve dollars will bo cald for
the arrest 'of the partyjwho stole the
gum machine at the -pop corn stand
last night. j
i. iio. ii. riwnur., '
8TRICTLY FRE8H 4ocal eggs 20c
a dot. Fresh green vegetables daily.
PubllcjMafket. 9th and Klamath.
Strawberries box 2fic
Tomatoes lb 26c
FOR SALE Brunswick graphonola.
1221 Garden Ave. 9-11
payment on disc plow. Planet Jun
ior garden drill with all attach
ments, also Planet Junior hand cul
tivator, like new, Phono 328-M, 910
Kellogg Apts. Terms to suit.
Holland House Small amount
down, balance to suit you.
Five room now bungalow, all fur
nished, 11900. Furnlturo worth, half
money. 11,000 down balance turniH to
suit, '
Homes In all parts of Klamath
Falls at bargain. Ono or two for
Farm on Spraguo River. 160
acres, 100 acres in crop, good house,
barn, milk house, garagn and chicken
house, fenced and, cross-fenced, all
kinds of outsldn pasturo. Only $3500,
terms It desired.
Farms in all parts of Klamath
County. Somo good trades, will trado
for.Klamuth Falls property.
Logging horses nnd oqulpment
Hay nnd grain; will contract del
ivered. ,
Furm machinery, one heador with
2,hoader beds $200; onodoublri disk
7fi; ono hay derrick comploto $100;
ono nearly now wagon $100; ono
nearly, nnwbltidor $135; one Ford
touring car $200; one1 24-Inch Case
thrashing jtimelilno comploto $0SO;
two 2-year old tolls $00; 2 throe-,
year colts $90: one team or mares
with harness, 9 years old $12C.
Sixteen head of flno dairy 'cows
will bo sold ut u bargain, '
Personal Mention
MIhs Bomardlno Hannon left this
morning for San Francisco where
she will upend nix weeks' vacation.
P. L. Fountain has returned
from spending tho winter In South
ern California lo look after busi
ness hero.
CHRISTIAN CIKIHII INCEPTION' bent gained during tlm prn-K.iM.T
fump.ilr.ii was annoiiured today by lint
A reception at tho ChrUtlati church I lluv A II llrlnluw A program will
nt Ii o'clock tonight fur tho 30 utc-ni-1 ho Given, follow nl by refreshments.
m. '
Timberworkers Benefit Tonight
From the great story by MYRTLE REED
featuring Marguerite Snow
Louis Berinison and Seena Owen
On tho day that alio bndo heir lovnr good-liyo, hIio placed n
lamp In hor window to guldi, him back lo livr, And thou, through
tho years idfo waltod, patient, faithful, truo-ifor tho mun wliu
novcr ramo; walled with n heart full of trust mul devotion.
Day und, night tho lamp burned with a clear, unfaltering rinino,
. So, too, burned hor lovo, nereno mid strong, Such faith iih .Mary
Alnsllo's. Is Taro Indeed, II Is tho tlienio ot it book which lias
charmed and'dejlghted thirty million roadcrs.
And tho fascinating plioto-drunin whlrlr bus boon nuiile from
I this world-road novo! will charm mid delight many millions more.
t i
; Extra Adden Attraction
E.',W..Lako in a Novelty Musical Act a real treat
Tomorrow "Keeping Up With Lizzie," featuring
Enid Dennett
Friday Night "Country Store.'"
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
I -
. n
' X . . t r
. J ,rtl ' , r .'I
M H.