", ,- h' 's, ' : . 1 1 J fc '.toA'Wr tl . f ij- '.ft ,r t -. , : '?.,, .Ui v NEWS OF THE WORLD . WEATHER FORECAST lOMUIII' AMI HT.HIIAV, Ot.'O- Y THE fc ASSOCIATED FREM HMNAL IIAI.V, . 'Member of the Associated Press. H. .' rifi'Vmli Vitir. n, H.II7 KLAMATH PALI.K, OREGON, M()M,V. UV H, 102a &hv w i .aw .. . Ka h &- 0 . ' : rtu rnr owrn f'1 DORS STRIKE DECLARED OFF: E Workers Vote to Return on 9-Hour Schedule Follow in Conference Until tint Annurliitcd Lumber llox company mill Associated Lumber & Hot rtimpniiy plant wrrii iiperntliiK llil imirnliiK with, i.'S nii'ii employed In tlm former nml :: In Urn latter. (SMlnl In The IIitiiIiI) IHIHIIIH. Calif. Mny 8 Tlm ntrlko which lim rendered thebo Inititntry entirety Imirt ! hen- uliirn Murili 1 liuit npiurently been hrok rn, iiihI prurilcally nil former em ilo)it of tlm two lorn I factntlii who hIIII iiunulii In Diirrlx luvn de clared their Intention to return In wnrlt loiliiy on tlm nlnti-tiuur nrlird nln not forth hy employer This ilirlrlon mm rinchcd liy tin1 nlrlk i m lulu Saturday ovoiiIiik ufli'r lo da of deliberation ilurliiK whrlh otrirlnU of tha Associated Lumber end llnx rompany ami lorn I liiml ni'K men Joined Into tlii" illHCiinilon, hopliiK t ncKOtlutti liK'illntlon. Wilder H. Jolinmin of I ho Alio rluteil l.ilinlier unil llnx lompaliy iirrheil from Hun J'rancluru rirly In lln cek. mill In on mlilrnut to I tin men on Krlilny tolil thnm Ihut Ilin loiiipmiy Intemluil to opera!" on the iilnit-hnur plan, ami no other, nml Unit If neceilly illcluteil they moiiIiI fill the piulflomi nf loral men from tlm oiiIhIi. lie appeal imI to iliem to return la work, tut ' Iiik their inohlom wan purely local. Mill ihoulil not ho nffitleil hy uny- tliliiK thnt other mlltt unit workrrn In Ori'Kon may ilo. After liU talk thu men votoil unnnlniomily hy ac iluiM.itlim to itiiy out for thu elchl hour it.iy. tf.-i tiinliiy nenliiK. howerer, ii rrct li.illol mu taken nml tlm tutu wan iiliiioul entirely for the propo itltlon nf rulurnltiK to ork In. ac replanco nf Dm employen offer. Tlm HaK ncalf. It U( unilerntonil, Mill ho n roiiiI or hutTcr for nl mi huiirn thnu I hill offerril hi ,iny nth t furiory In Northern' California. Tlio minimum . wage,' f6r roiiunpii labor nlll hn 3:4 rent por hour. Thin npplli'i" to t hp'orUt'it l.um her mill Ili'X i'oinpuny plant, offl ri.iln of tlm DorrH liumrVvrnml llox uiiiipan) huo not tftyvrt 'ou't u wnr.o xoalu for tlio resumption nr:cthlty ' r A vnln hy tlln vmilo)en rtt Dorrln K.iliiiilny rvitulteil In 2." for return to work ami 4 for contluiianrn of thrt Htrlke With the iippriirmici! of u union ilnliiKUtlon from Klmniitli Kiilln. Iiowever, u vornml luillnt losulleil In '.VI Mitlnr; for contlnumuo of the ntrlko urn! - to return. A Keuernl, mertlnr; then follnwnl, iittemleil hy hnlli opernlori ami omployeM, which renulleil In u thlril hnllot nt uhlrh STi voteil to return ami H to continue tlm ntrlko. Vlrtunlly all tlm men wero ut work thin monliiK. It wim lomnuil hy tele "phono. About ISO men urn employ eil In the two plant when openitlnr. ut normal rapacity. The opinion wuk exprctmeil ill DorrlH Hint a iinmlmr of foruiur employeii who hud left' town fnllowlm; tho hlrlli" wonlil return at onre , Ouo humlroil i mi n wuo emptoyml on Mincli I tthou thy ntrlko oc riirreil, liml until Im'ihIih'sh 1 lit princH, I'liinpiiny offlcliilH ulil, only nliout Hint number wlllf he em plti) eil, ?, IKHtlllS. Muy . The Topsy I.umhor company near hero return ed thin morning to a 1 0-hour Kuchdulc, following u weuk'n run on mi olght-hour nchcdulu, during which IIiiio, howovor, thu plant wiih opurutoit nine lioiti' with tin lyl JilKted wugo Hf'ile. Tlm vliuugu u HUlted from u votn tnkou hy tho employe utter a (onfuronco with thn firm momlmiN. About !I0 men tuo employed nt un approximate uvorugo( tviiRD of 1 4, miroiiT kioiit PUTS RE 1 1JOIITI.AND, May 8.-iCnUlu firm, Iiokd no to 7 hlghor, prlmo light, 11, no to 13. Sheep, ogga nml butter dleuily. . ' . . y 7o,im)o ikii:i,i:hh ah ItlXIlr or JMIHHIHSII'I'I mTlli'MIW IV MMIHIA.VA NLUV OIll.UANH, l.ii.. .Mny fi Apprnxliniilely 70,000 urit li(iinrc', on tlm .Ml.ibulppl In I.iiiiIiiIiiiiii ii h ii result nf thu MIhiii river flood. A limit i lo.ono lire Ix'liu: ciml fur by Ilin lied Cms nml other or Kiinlriillon Nn provlalon Ihimi hfcn iiiiulii for :io,ooo not yet In tlio rcfur.eu i.mip. DAN CUPII FIGHTS LOSING BATTLE IN KLAMATH COUNTY Si oil' In -'-i llltom'M liml Ml Mm ihiKii Oiirliii; I'our .Moulin; Apill IIiinIiii' liml Dan Cupht I flKhttiiK n lelni: b.ittU' In Kliiuinth fouuty acconlltix to tlm official reronlh of tnarrliiKin nml illvorcrn In thu rlnrk'n officii Tlm flmt four monlhn IhU year yuwi Han itcore of 10, whlhi "cruol liml Inhuman trentment. ilemirtlon." etc , nlKWeil ii ncoro of 'i'i tiKiiltixl him l.lttlo Han foiiiul iillm plrklni.i ilurlim April, with only ono mar- rinKe. ttllllo nil uppoiiciu viihimvu up n itiire ttf 10 illvorcim. It Ik nMilenl. hownter. that ho realliei fully the ltuutl(in frofn the fact thnt tlm recur) illncltmo two innr rlnKe no fnr thin month. It I further evident that Oan ha fcuml u friend In Judge Htone, who declared from thu bench durlni: n recent trial: "It nhall ho tho pol icy of thin court to' Hr.hteu up the rein ou ilhnrcn mutter I am natlafled that mo lire lohliic In this inntter " MANY AT EXERCISES I'm knl IIiiii' Unit IHuti S Ihm.I (iiniliiiilloii , KxrrvNe, 1'eoplo were unlerlnK tlio I'renh) tcrlmi churcl at .kvi'ii ciclork Krl ilnynfr.ht'nnh.ir4hc riM'ofl'JSS of i tho Klnmath roiluty lill'.b rcIiooI re- ruhc their illploma, nint hy elKhl n'cloili the tlmu fnr the program to heRlll, tlm Iinuio 'i I'uckeil to tho iloor nml many wero heliiR turned awny. A ery pleaidiiK inimlriil proKram wnt Kit en hy the high nrhool iiiiI nil department mlteil Ii) Mr Chnrle Wood Kberleln and MUs Margaret Worilen. nml tlm Kradun Hon nildreo ilelltored hy I'rof IM win I. Itecil ef O A. V wa well re iclTeil. Tlm fcuturi. of the etenlm; wa tlm creut numher of flower" nlvcn to tlio frmlimtr lloiniet of nil ilencrlp tlou ern ntuckrd ulliioat to tho helKht Of tlm pulpit Thimo !li" pnrtldpnteil In the pro i'.rum were rr. Chnrle Wood IJher. lelli, IHo Mill anil I'rof IMwIli I.. Weed. In addition1 to which were heard n high nchtol mixed ihoru nml a high hchool Klrli' thorn. Dlplo nm wer,i prenrnteil hy IMIurlpnl Holi er! (inelr NEW S. P. SCEHDULE Khk I nn I DUeoiiliiiueil nml Wind Uical Conl luuert Noilli lilhcontliiuunco of the Kirk local and rnntlnuniHO of tho Weed local to Kllt wn liiHlltuled hy tho .Southern Pacific today with tho following HChedulu- . Lento Klumnlli Knlls " p lu. Ar ilto Algomn 7.30, Chlloiiiln :-C. Kirk 'J. I.eav,) KlrU S n, m. Arrlto Chlloiiuln S3C, Algoma V 2fi, Kla math Knll .sri, Tlmo lo nml from Weul lio (huuged, The piiHlofflco horo toduy nn iiounet'd that owing to thu change it acliiHltile mull will ho collected from Hm down-town letter boxes nt 0 p. m.i xo Ihut mall deposited before that tlmo lu the hoxe nml by fislft In the poitnfflco will leuvo ou thu 7 o'clock Hutu for Chlloiiuln unci Kirk. NKUito cpitisixfi ii:.iti:i AUHTIN, Tox.. Mny S. aytoinor Neff oiiloiod tho utnle runger Im mediately to Fall field, county (out of FrooHtonn county, to prevent uu up I'lulng t imgroe, which Shoiltf Aluyo dei lined Imminent, to aveugo tho dentil of three uogroom who -were turned ut Klrkln tlaturiluy. -! HANK CAI.I. 1BHUKH WAHIIINOTON, 1)., C, Muy 8. Tho pomptrollor of currency has Is HueiUn mil for tho condition or na tional ImnkR ut tho closo of busl noV.H .Mny 5, , -n' FIGHT R9ED IN CHINA; CRAO Tl ATTACKS 1 General Who Overcame Chanc 'at PekinK Made Object of Hostiliitict HANKOW, Muy llontllltlu hnvn Nturted UKulunt Oeueral Wil I'el I'u hy CIiiio Tl, mlllliiry gover nor rf tho llounii province ThU Indicated that Wit. who overfnmo Cnner.il Cluing. Miinchiirlun lender, Innt week nt I'eklng, Ik In-lug ut tarke.il In the noulli. Klghtlng I reported 400 mile noulli of I'eklng. TIKN THIN, Mny K. (leneral Wil wn ordered hy the nllled mllltnry romtnamler to e,vo Tien Tlu, it hi prexencn wn held it vlolitlon of tho 1001 protocol. Wil refuted to lenvii on tlm ground that hn wu the iirtlng governor or Chlhll prov ince, nml would remain ux long at neceary. SAYS SELL TICKETS i limiliitiiiiiii (iiiariiiiliu LtkimI to I)Lmio of Oiioln of (KMI Tlm 120 Chnutniiqua guarantor, pledgid to Hell 1100 ieaoil ticket, nliould bend every effort to fulfill the idedge, W. K Slough, clialrmnu of the committee, xald today. Hlougli nalil It wot Incorrectly reported that the required numher of ticket liml been old, mid Hint an u result mnny had ended their effort. It will bo nercMnry, ho ald. lo well all thu tic ket in noon a poMlhln. YOUNG PEOPLE WED I'u ii I lliibrrtMin ami IMnit McIJium! Mart led Hiinday CtculiiK Paul Itoliurtaon nml Kdun Mulhaiip. both popular young people of thl city, wero married ut h o'clock Ron day atoning ut, homo of A. I.. Mel liiine on tha Merrill road. About 30 relative ami friend ntteudrd The llev. Arthur I.. Hire porformed tho reromony. . LEWIS IS'BOUND OVER Colon tl Mmi Held for Killing I'nrt (irmiil Jury to Win, Lelli. colored. Jhehl .oh n churgii of killing J. Nlchol on tho night nf May 1, wux arraigned to thu Juntlco tourt till ufternnon, waited hearing ami wn hound oter to thu grand Jury.' HURRAHI all tPe cHBi$TfMs Bills pvmd AT lasT The summbc CLotltEs Oho Fob, "foe LAT INSTALLMENT OH Thij CAB TfclD. . OH BoV! no Mooe meTTina, no Mone J Wocav nod. AWHiLe -iww - laia H-AVfL. 3b'NaB' ' JOM EDGAR I-now That i TTTI T I- r&m WARM Wf AThgR 15 HSR. f) l tr BETTER BeGlN TO PtAN I'S' APPEAL IS MADE TO RUSSIAN DELEGATES BY ALLIED LEADERS Hot lei IteprrienliillreM !'rgrl to Aui pi Meniornniliimt I'romlv Itctonilructlnii lionn J (JKNOA, May 8 I.loyd Ocorgo und Foreign MlnlMer flchanxer of Italy today ndilrcmcd u ntrong ap peal lo tlm Itueilan ropri'ncnt.itlvct nt the (lenoa conferenco, urging them lo ttrccpt tlio nllled memoran dum lu It main point, and prom llng a, llunxlan International loan for IliiMlnn reconxtructlon. Tlnrnllle would claim tho right to make mire, however, thnt tho money leaned wax actually Invented In rixonntructlon work. Tlm ItitHHtnn delegation had pro iloiiHly Imiucd n nlatement denounc ing the effort It alleged Franco and llelgluni had made to wreck tlm conference. FILE BANK PETITION nigiurt of .Note Heck lo llrcume Altxohetl From Untidily Amended petition In an endeavor to aluiolvo them from llabllty on a nolo for $10,017.60 given tho Flmt National Ilnnk, for fund turned over to the Flrnt Htate & Savings Dank, prior to It cloilng. wan filed In tho circuit court tbl morning on behalf of K. 1). Johnson, Robert F Ityan, l.'d lllonmlngcamp. A, F. Salflcky, Ja mb lllrvl, Jr., Fred Duenlng, Fred Houston, II. K. llauger, It. II. Hunncll and J W. Hlcmcni, In which they contend (bat thoy ilgned tho nolo on tho repreteutatlon of a deputy state hank examiner that It would carry the hank through It difficulties, and that Kjamath county warrant, then of tho face taluo of tho note, wore put up hy tho Stato Hank a secur- Hy. It wo further wtltloned that at these wurranti aro now worth $12, 000 that tho Stato Hank caih In the warrants, pay tha note, and apply tho remainder to, the bank naseU. thu absolving them from further liability. WILL MOVE LUMBER I'lihm Agmui to 't'nilertaki! Work fur Uikolde ConiKin- At a meeting of. tho Tlmberwork nr union held last night It was agreed to fo'mo t(io lumber belong ing to the Germain Lumber com pany from the yards of tho Ewau un Lumbur company to tho yards of tho Lakcilde Lumber company, which has .1 contract for surfacing. Jack Slater of tho Lakeside Lumber compauy ttatcd that ho would em ploy only union men, that thoy would work only eight .hours, that the union inalo of wages would be paid ami that tho job would bo Htrlctly "fair' throughout. FATHER IS A LITTLE PREMATURE IN TT W TO LEW FIGHT FOR WATER BILL It Chosen a Chairman of Special Committee to Aid McNary Measure WASHINOTON. D. C, May 8. Keprccntatlvo Sinnott has been ap pointed chairman of a special com mittee of congressmen In boosting; tho McNary-Smlth reclamation bill. Thl committee, which was desig nated by tho chairman of the can- vas committee, was authorized to take up tho matter of an early con sideration' of the reclamation bill with Floor Leader Mondell and tho houto steering committee. Tho committee was also author led to'urgo the committee on rules 'to grant a special rulo by which the bill might be considered by the houno during tho present session of congress. Thoy wero also author led to Interview the president In behalf of the legislation. Tho othr" members Of the cora mlttco aro8mlth of Idaho, Klnkald of Nebraska, Arentx of Nevada, Illddlck of Montana, Summer ..of Washington and French of Idaho. J LABOREE WILL VALID Itullng Malo by Jndjre C. V. BUmc; Petition I, Dismissed . Tho will of O. a. Laboree was do clarc'd to be' valid la an. order fssued by Judge Stone late Saturday, which held that 'tho defeadaaU, AilU La barce, eiecutrlx ad J. W. 8am, as admlnllstrator, should hart tkalr costs paid. In the order Judge Stone dismissed' the second asaeaitd Ml Hon to rpvoko tho probate, aid In all things confirming- the county court's findings. Tho ease' has been standing on ap peal from; the county court for aqme time, and Iras been a mutter or wide spread Interest duo to tho achieve ments of the late O. 0, Labcre as n railroad bu(ldcr. , No announcement has been made ns to whether tho matter will be ap pealed fufthcTln an attempt to 'set aside thO.-wJJl. i , m HARDING STUDIES DONVS WASHINGTON, D. C. May I. Tho president after a conference to day with the scnato finance com mittee of .republicans, withheld his decision on tho soldier bonus loils latlon until ho can study tho TS.fl- ou3 plans, proposed. Q FIHB MKUTKtfANT fH . Hl'HI'KMDKO H nKHVUC OV ATTACK ON YOUftO PORTLAND, ; May 8. Flro Lieutenant A. L. Pullen wan suspended for 30( dayj without pay and reduced to a boseman 4 4 because ho filed charges ogstast Chief Young, of which Voang recently was cleared. Lieut. Frank McFarland nand Capt ' Fred Day) tho other accusers of Young w'e're 'suspended 30 days but not demoted. , LARGE NUMBER OF MALIN RESIDENTS ATTEND MEETING .Voted AgHmltrl AethertHssj A4V drrm ,CiathrrJag C Olv,c DrmosutntieSM I x i i , A targe,,jiuraber of rtwMtata f the Malln' district on Saadny at tended thn( dairy meeting hM a Malln thrAUghdn the day, fhtek was marked by, the addreesea ei B. Ii. Fltts, extension dairy aeciaiyt nf Oregon Agricultural, coHeae, JB. O. McCormlck, vice prevldeat ot the Southern Psclflc;- Eogean - flMkh, noted agricultural authority; C. J. Hurd, leadf'r of county nWUu O. A. C; J. J.' Milter. idtwi, far tho Southern Pacific, aatt'f1. A. -vensoq. executive. scceUry,f taa cbimber of commerce.1 ' v A meeting was also'-lty lajke evening for' w'hlc'hf rinM and, Fltta remained. " 'f f Milk testing damonstralloM if the SaHth-HugKcs'clasfl St tha Ma lta school, underpin direct!" at John W. b.'8mttsf aa4ta MaMai dairy Teeord clubyfnastaae uraa Hon ot Frank Sexm.kw(taaaraa of the meeting. -r Hurd and Fitts'-wll ifti aMaa4 a meeting 'tonight almt tViL wkara further vltk-teatufc HleakanMsM will be held. I i ' ' ' " " ' TEACHERS r,yxX t COT Geaeral pi liatlslailajpjli Jfsjtdk jtaay aeea otaar- KeV: A DUsatUf action wita,"ar'weiBg cut In hlghschaMesajHRiTaal arles is revealed wft ff chtW of tho school year afd atteadal in quiry ,tnto mo teacners' yuaait Whilo it appears that etft one teacher. Miss Craig, English In 'structor. In .leaving on iecouat of the reduced pay, othennf guletly luuKiaa mr -uiuer ifwii are planning to take pos courses, and t their plac to be filled In any went The board's1 retreacht ure was quietly latfcigi a montH ago. llf''' Women Instructor? anrlTflrst ear men were reduced freaiC-$l,70 to ll,50;4 men Instructors from 11.950 to 11.800.. fhe'jartaclpal's salary was ' cut from,!i3,000 to 12.700. ' )fc ' Besides tho actuaHdeoMUa fraai tho present scale, the'taaeaara loae tho scheduled annual eeawrity U- it... i Tho action ot the boafesTtla' caus lug quite a stir In school circlet as It beconjes more wblelyiiecusMd. It la prophesied that tt'.wlU keep as many ot tho faculty faat retnrn Ing as can get other places before next term, and to prevent' the build ing up ot a. permanent teaching or ganisation in tee local school. C MARTIN QPITS RACE Announce Withdrawal hi Favor of upposmjr canotuate Supporters ot thV' candidacy ot Charles J. Murtln vfor county com missioner was otaed Saturday evening when Oliver Martia withdraw bis candidacy and 'wrged the ana port ot bis friends for Charles 3. M,artln. J Martin's statement, was as follews: After serious consldefatloa I hare daclded that my prlfare tuslneM re-' qiilres and should hiVe my ottenon and I will therefofa' withdraw my namo as u canldato for county com mlssoner. ' , ' I apprcclutu the' support of ay friends and trust ihat the will throw their support toMrCbarles J. Mar-I tlu for commissioner. ' Yours Very .Truly, t OLIVER MARTIr? ' EDITOIl HELD FOfl. MURDER - DynANGO, Colo., May 6. Rod t. Day, editor ot the Durango democrat, was .formally charged with tha" awar der ot William L. Wtood! city editor n Ik. nnanik SIaI tm !!,, T. .'""'":"?"' r? r 'rr:Tr. tioa ii.ee, iooay. way anot aaa aima Waod horn Anr I 2U. . .-rf I a Bfnii slgralMtte rejariiMsaTe ft '. nilBbont W i'i- Bit Sill! IN wamvi 1 322 IS SHIN Dirwctor of, Bualvat D Eatiwatasi Realwcttoii f ' ' rr $l,O0.00MOO WA8H1NOTON, May 8-Oaret-oat eapeadltares for tha ttatal year laj will show, a rodaetloa at-mora than I,00,000,000 from tho atttml aaaendltare for the proaediaf Moeal yoar, II1, eongreM woe Informed to day by President Harding la traaa mltUag the report of Director Cawea of tho budget on economies and sav ings in govenmental baaiaess. Director Dawes estimated that tovornmeat expenditure, for, ti car rant fiscal year which ware glvea tho December budget estimates as 3 I C7.lS7,afft will be at least $41 , Ise.ISS less, or approximately $? Ill.a72.030. Geasoarrd With IMt . 4 As compared with 1911, he eon- of l;7, 500,000 In expenditures for tinned, there has been a reduction tha operation of the roata buetaee of the. government subject geaerally to executive control! Of .this snm h attributed 1150,000,000 to the Im poeiUoa of the exeentire plan and arsaoaro. on the routine business or-aii'-r'" of th govsrnrant ander tho aew system Inaugurated by the oadget bureau. , Tho report of Director Dawes wan KhsnKted to tho houai approorla- committee .by the president fh action with a pending resolution ay matroeentatlTe Dyras, Democrat. ImvMaaao, asking tha Braetdsnt t mdarm tha house larwhlek wars dtr- last awtaaa.of ll.t.00 oadT la- dtao tai0i4.fM.!-5fV vioaaty avaoaneed by the arasldeaT as accomplished by the budget bur oaa during Its first six months of operation ,bad beea made. 1 Report la Detail Director Dawes preesntod in detail with accompanying, tables and state ments the comparative expenditures for the past and present fiscal years divided into Items representing those which were charged to executive con trol and otbors such as public deb and 'Similar accounts which wfro con sidered as apart from the subjects eff routine government expenditure. He also submitted exhaustive reports of the governmental savings accomplish ed through Inter-dapartmontA trans fers of surplus supplies andL other economy methods put Into otfect by the budget bureau, Itemising thou sands of transactions Involving ships, shoes, scaling wax and all tha many articles and commodities atlUsed by the government, together wtfa the amount of saVlng realised M each ease. ( Tho budgot dlrddtor, further re ported that tbo savings raservo against curent appropriations ot 113',000,000 set up by the topart ments and establishments Is Aug ust, 1921, in response to executive roauest, had boen Increased, notwith standing reapproprlatloM bf coa gresa ot more than 7,0H,000tot this reserve for other purposes, to the approximate sum of llSI.OOj.OOO. Oaly such part of those reductions as aro really savings and not postpon ed expenditures were included lu tho general estimate of savings he add ed. . Disawpancey Ifi Per As a still reater reduction, Dlreetor Dawaa declared that the present esti mated expenditures for 1932 for tha operation of the routine business pt the government, alter eliminating of 17,600,000 authorised by congress (Continued to raao II m WEATHER PRsUaUnisBl The barometric pressure, as reg istered ay lao wcio Btormagraph at! Ua derwooi'a Pharma cy, shows little aet chaago la tho tost 49 bourt atthough the teadeaey at, a p. tn. was dowanrard.'A contlaaatloa of pro- eat woatasfeoadt tlima sasur' BOr'ax- pectad '"Tef aaaaor - 12 hoata at laaot. trasaat for I next 24 hears: y . wsUHaMtM i. GoaUaaed cloudy aoadttieas: probably, waaaaar,; ', j,2 Tha Tyeoo recoraiag ,taormaateter reaietoro dmaaatamaaUmsfaiMm tamaaratirob today u 1 Bsaaaa; Hlth , . xXM ? i I ...... T-....aa amVtHV J7 1 ni T"i sakKaaaaaBBaaaBsmwommamasi I :v-t;l r i I m V ' 1 If' 'Ah' il f,V a - --w --0 -',- 1 . t aww eeeeeeee" seas aoaomjsaaa ' ft ,'.i . V- .1 , ; ' t ''". " 1 1 A J ixW ' I' t 4