Page Throo THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , .'.. HATUMMr, MAY I, ISM i AT THE CHURCHES ) No ehnniwi will bo made In thti column union (tin copy I at The Krenlng lloralil offlcn by G o'clock F'rldny evening, HACItlll) lll.AUT CHimcil, cnrnor of Klnhth nml lllali, llor. HuKti J. Marnhnll, Chlhlrmi'ti MmiH nt H:00 11, in, AiIiiIIh Mhhn ut I II no ii, in. IIvimiIiik ncrvlccK ut 7:00, livery minimi Hunduy, Kliimnlli Knlln, Ma ut HOI) n, in, Merrill, Ma nt II I ft. ttllllHTIAN HCIKNCK oclnty of Klamath Fall hold service In llio lower room of ihn Library building, Corner of Third anil Mnln Mrcnta, every Hundny morning At tl o'clock Thn flunday ictinol session ti (rom 0:46 to 10:46 nvorjr Hunday morning, Tim mibjrct (or Sunday I "Ailnm nnd Knllrii Mnn." The free rending room nnd free Inmllng library la open (rom 2:30 , to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursday and flaturday. KlltRT IIAI'TIHT CIUMICII Cor hit KIrIiHi mid WibIiIiikIoii trcot. Hen low April 30 Hiiridny school 10 ii in, , Preaching by the panlnr, 11 a. in, II. V ! P. 7 30 p, m, Hnnnnii H p. in l'rn)er meeting 8 i. in nYory Vi. ncndny vinliiK, (loimi mid womblp Itlt u. A. K HIMMONH, Pastor. Ilci, 012 California Arn, IMionn 3(4M. CllltlHTIAN CIIUIIUH Ninth and I'fhe utreet. A II. Hrlstnw', minister, tteildtmca 421 N. loth HI. Tel, 510. Illeven o'clock pen Ire In chnrre of vsohd'Ii'h inlnHliiiicry middy with Mm. M. It Kendall, ntntii prnildniit, pre kIiIIiir. Afternoon nrlcc will bn an mimired Junior C K. rhnnRed to .'30 p. in. Konlor (' IJ. nl 7 p. in. Ktenlug worship cbnnRrd (rom 7:30 to N, livening ncrinoii, "Opening tlin Door o( Knltli." "Attend Church Homewhrru Hundity" SALVATION ARMY 123 Ko. 4th Ht. Turn. Halvatlon meeting K p m Thurnday, Praise meeting H p, in. Saturday, Free and Katy 8 l. in. Hunday, Hunduy school, 2 30 p. in. Hulvntlon mnotlnc R p. m. i:vi-r)ona In cordially Invited to these rvlc. nttlcrr In rharRp, Capt Clurn K, Nielsen. .omiontSTTHVntTI Corner 10th and High trcct, Hut. H. J. Chancy, Mlnlitor. CLASSIFIED ADS VilMWMMNW'WWM'WMMWMMMWWnnMWMWWMRMRI MISCELLANEOUS ItAII.ItOAD ADDITION lot for Mto on HprlnR atreet, prlco f SCO or of. fer lot 19 II. II. 7, alio 25 by 125. Kin. dred. CGOl OroVo ntrcct, Oakland, Cul. C.9 MAN AND WJFK Wanta any kind of work, llox 134,,lUrld office. n-9 FOK HALK Maxwell touring car, good nmnlng condition 1160,00, mid Kord bug, good running condi tion, $160.00, Can cn car at 122 lmkoiit Htreol, any time. 6-6 FOIl HALK A few piece bouaohold furniture, typewriter uud garden tiiola. Clump, 1103 Lincoln tit. 6-0 KOU ItKNT Modern 0 room houao. furnuce, garage. Phono 384W. 6-G LOST iWutorman Fountain pen, No, 62, Kinder notify 0, M. Ituyuiond, court houae, Howard. 4-6 KOU ItKNT 2 nicely furnlabed rooiua, 1136 Pine. $13 und 113. 4-6 KOU ItKNT Cabin furuUhod A-l. Hen Dick, 240 tlrond St. 4-0 FOK HALK Choup. lluo car la (Irnt- cIumh condition ow tiro,, etc Worth $700 will take $426 caah. M. Klunmon nt McDonald' pool' room! 3-8 V KOU ItKNT Ono 3-rootn apt. lit qulro Lawrcnco Cigar utoro. 3-C, FOH ItKNT a room apt. purtly (ur lilabed. Htoam heat, hot nnd cold wntor, bath. Alao ono alaoplug room.' Hwnnson Dldg., 026 Mnln. 3-0 FOU HALK Touloiuo gander, $2.- 60. Wollbred blrda. Wrlto bos 87. Fort Klamutb. 3-8 ' WAKK VV AND lAIXT tl I'ulnt, roudy mixed, $3,00 par gal lon. 30c bottle .Liquid Vonoer froo with every gal. Load and puro "Lin hociI oil $'3,76 por gallon. The kind we up. Hhlngln ntulti $1,10 per gal., und up. Any shndo. lualdo (Ut, white, nny Bliudo or tint. Will make a, black board white nt on0 coat. Tradu with iia',aiid wo both inako inoney. W. K. & J. K. 1'nttoraon, 030 H. 6th. 2-8 U. U. CAnPriNTKR, PalnUr'and Paporbangor, Phont 276J A-8-M-12 FOH BALK Short-horned bull, took .llrnt prlo nt fulr lunt year an u two-year old, .1. K, Knmuti near Htuk- o bridge -Qy LVTHP.IIAN CllUltCH II. J. MKYKIt. Chamber ( rotnmnrcn room. 10:30 a, m, Mormon on thn Diamond Juhllon nl tlm Mlnniiurl Hynod. Tlimnol Our beloved Hynod nt work (nr Hnviinty.flvn ynnrn, Hpnojat iniinlc. Hundny nchool nfler tlm finrmon, KMANUKL llAPTIHT CIIUIICH II III anil IIIrIi ntrcotn. Morning Hervlei'j, nt 11 A, M, with preaching by thn panlor. Church ilehool nt 10 it. m. Mm. lcn Parker, Huporlnlnndent. KrcnliiR anrvlcoK at 7:30, Prayer mcetlnic Thuriday owning at 7:30, J. II. UlCKBON, Pastor. I'llCHMYTCniAN CIIUUC1I Cor. tier Hlxth mid Pine lreel, "Tlm Kond to Fulfillment" will h Ihn theinn of thn pnstor' morning inimiinRn ut eleven o'clock. At M OM p. in. nntit thn cbatiRn of hour, will bn tlm livening service. Thn aermnn topic, will be "Dolnc Thing With Clod." Hundny Nthonl meet nt 10:00 a. m, Thn (J. K mppUnR ot 7:00 p in. will lit pRpcclntly In honor nf Ihn Hidonv nrprx who nrp mpinhpra of the npnlnr rlmi, AHTMt'K I., hlCC. Mltilntcr. Urn. 104 Wu.hliiKton nt. I'honn 429 W "OTIIIill WOMVH CMrTHKM" AT TIIK HTIIAXn "Other WoniPn'ii Clolbp." thn lntpt Hiiro llAlllii'lfodklnmin pro diictlnu, fpnturliiR MaIipI DpIIIii which will bn hIiowii nt thn Htrund tlicalm Sunday lit n conipelllnR bit of iicrrcii pntprtnlnintnt, nnd BPrvpii to pn thronn Mabpl llnllln morn nccurety than ever In the favor of thn theatre ((Iiik public. "Other Wnineii'H IMothm" In n alory of noclety life In New York City, with mnny ncvneit laid In 1'arln, Itoiim nnd lindon aRnlnit n back, urnund of fmhlonnliln restnurnntii, modlitn ahnpii, thentreii, etc. Hut the reverie of tho plctura bun been abown with itartllnR rrallim, mid thn honin of tho n ell-to-do hnvp their counterpart In the roomn of Now York' worklnR ftlrln: chnrtnliiK ly Rownrd node t y women nni offset by tlm little model and worker who fanhlon ttieio diitllnR crc.-itlonn Yet ench of thciio contraatlnR plcturrx In o link In the dramatic chain of the wholu drama, and tbn picture, from f Irnt to lait. baa been done In nuch a lavlah way a to rhnrni both the eye mid th( mind a well Mabel llnllln la caul In tho roln of Jacqueline I .oe. the little model who utraM a puro In nriler to purchaav medical euro for her chum, Itaymond IMoonier play thn part ot Darker I LOST Hetwccn 4tb Ht. and I.luk river brldKO .ono atartlnK crank for Oldamobllo car. Flndor kindly ro turn to Haldwln ardwaro company and rccelvo reward. 1-6 Your grocery order are appreciat ed at J. K. Kndera &. Co. 28-29 SHOE ItEPAIHlNn Jack Froat. 119 8. 8lxth St. 17t( KILZ BCgOOIi OP MCHIO Proaent earollmeat 38 puptla. Thero Muat Mo a Rmukus For the (act that our preaent enroll mint la the largest ever bold by a achool In Klamath county. Complete courio on the piano In 20 leuona. Couraa Ntarts at nny,tlffl. IirolLnow. Studio 306-309 Winter' Dldg. 30t( fiwedlah aoloct certified seed oati. ton lota ti eta; leaa quantity 3 cts. J. A. Iluahong, Klamath Falls. Ore gon. Call at aUrphey'a Food store; 184 fl. th St. Stf . AUTOCARS llulliitng Iota t'nblna All Rargalna Ke DICK Of (let tilO Broad Ht. la the cheapest thing you buy,' pro vided you anake a wUe lelectlon. x GREEN SLAB Wo are getting a fow greon alabs at $3.50' Cord i ', DRY, SLAB $6.00 Cord O. PEYTON A CO. 41$) Mala Mm im nil p.BBasa;;saMa-iaBBeygg mm (JnrrUnn, thn yoilnR inlltlonnlra Wlm decldi lo rIvc Juouollni nit thn mutiny nliu Can ponNlbly nan nnd hiwi If thn poHwmnlon of It wilt hrliiR lu-r ImpplncBH, Juciii(dlnn Ik not nllowcd lo know tho nnurcn of her nlidden wonltli hut It In IikivIIiiIiIh Hint hImi ahould nvniitunlly learn of (Inrrlaou'a pxpnrlmnut whereupon hImi decide to return to her former atatn of llv InB. "Olhnr Wotnnn'a Clothca" will liiiildi Ih aurn appeal to nveryono. flrnnta PnaH Work atnrtoil pnvliiR I'nclflc hlitliwny from thin city to Hex ton mniintnlii. lllRhwny fPTni Pilot Hock to Vln hoii to bo roi kcd. NofltYll W KAI.K OV "lIKAIi IN TIIK COUNTY COUIIT OK TIIK HTATK OK OltKOON KOU KLAM ATH COt'NTY In tbn Mutter of Kntnto ot John W. Ilnutn, Decenaed, Not I en la hereby Riven that pur aunnt to nn order of thn nbovn on titled court, mndn nnd entered on April 22, 1U22, tho undoralRiied ad tnlnlatrator of thn abovn mentioned eiitnte. from and after Juno 1, 1022, will rpII at prlvatn aalo real proper ty InilonRlnK to haIiI natnte, deacrlbcd ua, Rltuatn In Klnmath county, Ore roii, Kouthweat CJunrter of Hnuth weat Quarter of Hectlon Twenty nlnn (2D): Hnuthcnat Quarter of Houlhenat Quarter nf Hectlon Thir ty (30): Northenat Quarter of Northern Quarter of Hectlon Thlr-ty-ono (31); Northweat Quarter of Northweat Quarter of Hectlon Thirty-two (32); alao Weat llnlf of Northe.iHt Quarter and Knat llnlf of Northweat Quarter, of Hectlon Thlrty-ono (31), all In Townahlp Thlrty-vlRhi (3k) Houth. Hnngn Kleven and one-half (HV4) Kaat of Wlllumettn Meridian, Huld aule will bo made to tho hlRh- rat bidder for raah, or part caah nnd bnlnnro terma, aublect to confirma tion by the Court, conveyance to be nudn by admlnlatrator'a deed, con- veyltiR to piirrhaaer nil rlRht, title, nnd Interna, owned or poaneaaed by anld dereaaed. In aald prcmlies at tho time of hla death. Dated April 29, 1922. It C (lltOKHIIKCK. Admlnla trator of thn Kataln of John W Ilnnta, Doccaaed, A 29 M G-13.S0-27 q -! rrrr NOTirn ron pviii.ication IKOiaTUl TKACT (Ihibllahrr) Not Coal l.a nd I'l'HMO l.ANT HAM: DKI'AIlTMll.NT OK TIIK IXTWHOIt, U. H. LAND OmCK. nt UkevlewJ Oregon. March 28, 1922. NOT1CH I hereby ghon that, oa dlrrcicU by tho Conunlaaloucr of the General I-and office, under provlalona of Hec. 2466, It. H.. na amended by tho Act of March 28, 1912, purauant to the apidlcatlon nf Joseph Hmlth nf Dairy. Oregon, Serial No. 011 136, w will offer ut public aale, to the hlgh eat bidder, but at not lea than f3.00 per ii ere, at 2 o'clock 1'. M., on tho 2nd day of May, neit, at this office, tho following tract of land. HK SW11. KH8WH. Section S. Town ahlp 38 aoulb, ItunRO 11 eaat, Willam ette Meridian. Thin tract la ordered Into the market on a ahowlnR that the greater portion thereof la loo mount talnnua or too roiiRh for cultivation'. Thn anln will not bn kept open, but. will be declared cloned when REMOVM. NOTICE We wish to inform our customers and the public in general that we have moved our auto repair shop from the Buick Garage to the Oregon-California Highway Garage, where we will be better equipped to serve your needs CONKLIN & MANN South Sixth 1 ASPlftlM T . aMaxBaaT' Vlllll x fJltrl mill WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin1. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache ' Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions, llauJy "Hirer" box. of 13 'tableUr-APw battle ot 2ull)-l)ruggUts. Aiplrlu U l'j. (ra.U- m.ut ut Ujf Uauurarlurt of UwiVlTfaVjilr'f 8jllc;llvcl4 thonc prPiicnt ni tho hour named havo cniiHPd blddliiR. Tho p'irion making tho hllihi'fll bid will bn roiiilred to litiniadlateljr pay to the Itecolvcr tho iiiiiount thnrcof, Any iieraomi ilnlinlne ndvcracly thn nbovfi'ilcacrllind Innd nro adrland to file tholr rlntini, or obJectlonN, on or huforo tho tltnn daalRnntud for nolo. K. 1. MOIIT, IlcRlRtor, A-1.8, 15, 22, 29 M-0 CBseaeancaRjeoaa MITIC'K TOR I'CIII.KUTION (I'ublUhcr) Not Coal I, and IMII'AUTMKNT OP TIIH I.NTKIUOIt, U. H. LAND OKKICK, nt J,ukorlow. Oregon, March 28, l'J22 NOTICK la hereby Riven that Hoao M I'ooln, of Klmnnth Knlln, Oregon, who, nn November 10th, 1021, mndo Additlonnl llomealeud Kntry, No. 011737, for l.ota 21, 24, 26, 30 and 32, Hectlon 19, and Lot .'1 In thu N'K'iNWli of Hectlon 30. Townahlp 30 aoiith, HuriRu 7 Knat, U'lllametlii Meridian, ban filed notice of Intention to make final three-year Proof, to ca tabllah claim to thn land nbova de acrlhed, before C. 11, Dulip, Clork of the County Court, nt Klamath Kail, Oregon, on thn 29th day of April, I9ZZ: Claimant nanioa na wllneaaeai I.ynn Kulkerapn of Klamath Knlla; I'nul Wnmpler of Kirk, Oregen: C. If. Ilnrpat nf Odcaan, Oregon; II C. Cal kins, of Klamnth Fnll, Oregon. K. P. MOIIT. Iteglatcr,,,22.29 M-Q XOTICH KOU ItrilMCATION (I'ubllalirr) Not Cool Land DIIP.UtTMKNT OK TIIK INTKItlOlt, 17. H, LAND OKKICK, nt l.akevlow, Oregon, March 28, 1922, NOTICK la hereby given that Hen ry Douglaaa lluaaey, of Mulln, Oregon, who, on October 22, 1917, made Homeatentt Kntry, Act of Juno 17, 1902, No. 010642. for HHKWU'. be ing Iota 17 nnd 18, Hectlon 17, Town ahlp 41 aouth, Hnnge 12 eaat, Wllln-' metto Meridian, hn filed notice of Intention to mnke final thrc-ycar Proof, to ratabllah claim to tho land above deacrlbed, before (' It. DcLnp, Clerk of County Court, at Klamath Kail, Oregon, on tho 2nd day of May, 1922 Claimant name na wltncaaea: Tbomna II. Lynch and J. It, Hatllff, both of Merrill, Oregon; Kd Knox nnd J. It. (!. Ilayne, both of Malln, Ore gon, K. I'. LIOIIT, Itefilatcr. A-l, 8,16,22.29 M-C DR. C A. RAMBO Dentut l o. o. r. BalldlM PHOXE 91 Fly Time is Here We arn now prepared to give you ItKAL aervlro oil Window nnd Door Screens, Saalics and Dnorif, Cabinet nnd Carpenter Work and II co Hlreit. lloadquarters for glais of t kind. E.C.STUCKEY Phono 477-W Street f- - m Rex Cafe Sunday Dinner $1.00 Oyter Cocktail Itlpe Olive Dill Pickle He.irln of Lctluco French Drcaslng Chicken With Rlc0 Houp llollcd White Klah Kgg Hauco Steamed Potntoe CHOICK OK Chicken Potple, With Dumpling Ilrcadcd Veil Cutlcta Paprika Hnuci, Chhken In Cream u la King Hiring (lean Lyondlae CHOICK OK Krcsh Strawberry Pints Apple Marahmallow Sundae Amorted Pic Tea Coffee Mualc by Harry llorrcll' MAKE OREGON SAFE FOR REPUBLICAN PARTY LLLLam i r"JattiLLLfl The Only WrMiiier i:rr Khxtod VJcr-C'liab-raaa of the HcpubUcaa Nulional Committee Keep the West in Power The Republican National Committee consists of ono member (rom each state In 'tho Union, and Is the political organisation of the party. In June, 1921, at tbeC qmmlttce'a flrat meeting after the Inauguration of IVrnldont M'Hirrn ii. Hurtling, every state cast It vote (or Ralph :. WilllaniM of, Orrgon for vice-chairman of the committee, recognlilng by their unanlmou voto his fitneas and ability as a leader to (111 tblj re sponsible position. A vote for Ralph K. Wll!lams for Republican National Committeeman will confirm tho action of the forty-elajht state In electing him vice chairman ot tho Republican National Committee, a position never before held by a Western man Ralph G. Williams of Oregon, a vice-chairman of the Republican National Committee. I directly In line to become. National chairman, tho highest position attainable In tho Republican organization. A Nntlonal Committeeman on the National Committee doe not make or execute tho law, but carries out the policies nnd platform ot the party adopted by tho delegates at each previous National Convention. Mr. William I senior member of the National Committee. Seniority In this committee, gives ono tho same power es sonority in the U. S. Senate. VOTE TO KEEP HIM THERE BUY HOME PRODUCTS KLAMATH CHEESE IS MADE FOR KLAMATH PEOPLE Do not stand for a substitute. Support Home Industry. See that the name "Klamath Cheese" is stamped in the cloth wrapped about every package. ASK YOUR GROCER HE KNOWS . "IT'S THE BEST EVER" NONE BETTER MADE Manufactured by MAUN CHEESE & PRODUCE CO. MALIN, OREGON MASON-EHRMAN & CO. Wholesale Distributors Klamath FalU rVUtlford- 'v- Mashed Potuloc Chocolate Chocolate Milk OrchuKlrj from C to 8 RE-ELECT RALPH L Republican National Committeeman WILLIAMS Your Health!! Depend upori the condition of your Spine ClTmOPnACTlC I tho only science that exactly locate the cauRO ot dlseaae and then adjut It by hand. INVKSTIOATE Drs. Mallett & Mallett t Underwood Illdg. 7th nnd Mnln I'hoae SMJ NEW CITY LAUNDRY Flnlnhed Work Flat Work Itoagh Ttrf -Pat Toar Da la Oar PHOK IM Ceratr Maaa aa4 FRED WESTERFELD Dentin Pheaa M4-W X.RAY LABOKATOaaal WOC aUaavMk Val I. p. O. F. PrtMperlty Rctx-kah, 104 j meet Pint and TlUrd Tbaradaya Ewaaaa bcaaspment 40, aaeete cack Tacaday Klaaaath Lodge 137; meeta each VtliMf Kkaaatk FaUt Pbabiaf AHtiMCw U7 Maor ar. non S4w DR. F. R. GODDARD osnroAino namctMM MSB Office LO.o.r. RAINBOW SWEET SHOP ' BKKAKPASTS A2fD LUNCHEONS SERVED SOFT DRIXKS, ICK CREAM AND CANDIES Winters Buildtnf Pkoae 13S-J PniCK, HILTON GARRETT Froerictora 'aA 9 KLAMATH POST No. t, American Legloa ataeta In the basement of tte new courthouse on Mate Street oa the flrat Me third Tuesday ot each moatb. Ex-serrice men are Inrlted to at tend the meeting. Dr Fred Westerfeld, Commander. II. K. Getz, Post Adjutant aad Re lief and Employment committee. DR. H. J. WINTERS Oradaate aad OPTICIAN Nlaeteea yeara here la haalam We grind and fit GIsmm 'Duplicate broken Glajfit Preaaat Serrlee Beet Stained Optica! Stare la Southern Oteejea 714 Main Star a m - f afjlElaaaBlIl sbIIIIIbHIbbbbbbVbbI awJaaaHVQ 3nSSLvjHLaH WlT f&F5S9W9W9k iC-Jj2SwBbBbbbbbbbbI e J. C CLEGHORN CJVTJj BN GINBMI AND SURVEYOR Pfcoae 94 1SS B, Rlniiiai '-1 DR. J. a GOBLE onoMXTRUT ornctAir Tow Mate St Phase iaSV We Jflt aa grUd glaaeee. Dastf. eate brokea leaaea, repair traaaee. ' t ' W. E. aV J. E. Pattorsasi CONTHACTINa ' PAINTERS Palate, OUe aad Varaieh SSO B.v SUth St., aUaatath FaHa ' Phoae SSSa fi-ma S ta HiSti V ' . it 'S v ;. t fIJ '31 r ti 'f f a. SvPr l K A' ' -' JV . ',S