The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 05, 1922, Image 1

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    I -'! -M1
i:.v'i:i"r phoiiaiilv hiioweiih in
north wcht portion i light
it u rut it 5
Member of tho Associated Press.
- ;,i
; ,,sj
. 'i
Hfl'Ylitli Vim: Mi, Oil in
Report Reflects Unfavor
able Opinion of FindinRn; ,
Politics Charged
Timber oporutom iiffetleil by the
local liilmr controversy today Issued
lint following ntiitoiiioul, ri'iircii'iilii
IIvm of tlu lr lollccthn vlnn nn tlm
fllllllllKr. Of lllO Mlllll (KIKllllltllltl
Ixmril mid Hi,. tuMliiK nltiiiilliin '
J For koiiiii limn tlio Intervention ii(
III" state hoard of elimination linn
been lu-torn llin public, mill now Hint '
tlin lioitril Inn hint lU bearing mill '
rendered Ho iiiiiIihi, umt tlm opera '
lorn nf Hi ii pistils affected nri In '
poormloil of Hint opinion. WO feci ',
I lint It I miM Incumbent iipmi im to'
render In our employes iiml Hip puli '
lie ii nUtfiiif lit rclnllvn tn III" hearing '
mill tlm findings ef tlm board mnl tn
nut fort Ii I Iio policy wlilcli tlm opera
turn expect to pursuit In tlm future.
Tli liMril nml Hi Artlvlllr
V worn naturally disappointed,
lull not mirprlni'il, at Him findings ef
tlio board. Wo had, ot rourne, Impril
that they would Im morn fnwirnblc to
I ln I'liiployiir. WM realise, however,
tlint Hie ilm-lhloii wjs urrlwd nt only
nfler ii ery lmly examination nml there U h hmltnury on the purl
of nny roimiilltt'o to Inkit upon Itself
the reuilerlliK of all opinion uterno ti
tho eight hour iluy, especially ii com
lilltli'ii i'oiiiIuk from ii section where
the eight hour ilay It fully oitalillshcd
nml an nplnlon from them mlvrme to
the right-hour day would uiulouhterj
ly ham Itn effect upon their own lo
Denting with a honnl of thin nature
was u new expcrleiitn for ull con
cerned III the hearing, mill wn oiikI'I
er It nur iluly lo outline our nipnrl
oticen no lliut the pulillr whnnn npllf
foil" lliln' ThWiI ncoK to fnfluenro
nhoiilil know the clrrumataurcx of
I luil ilerlnloti
The lnnnl illil not route upon the
Joint pntltlou of emplnyem unit cm
pin) ex, hut ruum III rciponnn lo nn rein hy Itiolimyor of our rlty,
who ilettrmlnei upon thin nrllun uf
ter u rnnferrnco with the newly foriit
eil luhor union, nml perhnp iiome of
the loinl inerrhuntii, hut not with the
rinphorm. unit the emploerN at nn
time iitpfejnoil n ilenlro for the Inter
wiitlnn of the ho.iril. ami therefore
ilo not feel hi any way obllKuteil to
iirt-cpt ltn fluilliiK
We were opprnliomlvu rcgunllni;
the Intervention of u committee which
miiiRht lo hiinllly pent thenmelveH re
KiirilliiK ') htmliieiiH nml render oplu
lilllrt reRlirillllK It Hll lid rimHHinllill-
Ity ri'RurillnK tho outcome, mIioiiIiI o
elect tn follow their iiiamluleii nml
ilinulil wo elect not to follow their
lliiimlnlcH, lo pluc'o Upon uri the milled
hurtled of whatever puhllo nplnlon
Ihey could create uKaluat iu
We woro ilcnlrotiH of nuciirtiiluliiK
tho metliod of procuilura mnl to know
Upon what bniiln nf factu u concluxlnti
would bn rencheil, nml wore led to hie
Move, hy Chairman Woodward and
CommUnloncr Klynii prior to the
ineetliiK that tlm ukhIm for their con
cIiidIoiih .would hit accurdlni: to tlm
houm and whrom In effect In Call
fornlu, uml whotbvr or mil Califor
nia wan our competitive fluid for hull
liiK our output, and It watt upon thin
IiiihIh that wo entered tlm coiiforenco.
Tho hoard hy tholr u.ucNtlonn aliuw
eil ii very evident lack of knowloilRo
reitiirdliiR tlm lutrlcatlcn ot, our hiiK
Iiiiihh which xreully Imudkappcd our
ruHc, iut evidence could not under
thoHti clrcutiiHlaiiccs liu uffoitlvoly
It Iu lo ho rcRratti'd iiImi Hint poll
Him hud to play ltd little part In tho
lumrlmt which terminated In u pro
(Continued to Imko 4)
.VKATIIi:il l'HOIIAItliaTlllS
Tho Cclo-HtormnKruih nl tliuler
wooU'h riiurmucy
lian recortled hut
hIIrIU variation In
t Ii o hiii'oinetVlc
proHHtirn tl u r I n K
tlm lant 1M hour
perloik Thin Ih
favornhlo for u
continuation o f
ploiunnt weather.
Korecast for tioxt
'ii heum:
Knlr, with niodor
nln temporaturett.
-T ' A
Tlio Tycoi recording, thormomoter
'rogUtorod maximum and minimum
temperatures, today, au foUewn:
High : fiR "
. Low , J
Olincse Warrior
mm ' $
tlrnrrnl Cluing Tio-lln, governor
or Manchuria, who I leading hU
fnrrra ajtnlnr.1 hn of Otmrral Wu
IVIfu, chlff of the central Chinese
military forces.
1'iilliuv to Tiike Xejnry HleKi In
CifM fi (ilien ns llenMin;
Mut Merit? Life Tenn
Notice nf of nppeiil In thu
rami of (lllhert I. lnr.etoll wan re
ceived thU mornliiK hy tho circuit
court clerk from the nupretne toilri.
liiKemoll wiik Irleil here llecemher
20, I tSO. hy a Jury mid found Kullty
of the murder tit Dairy of Henry
titoenrhlcr, min of Mr. (!eo. Illehn of
lhl rlty. The ca(. iin tried durliiK
tho ailnilnlntrutlon of Win. Duncan iik
dldtrlrt nttoruey, with Horace M.
MminlnK nn npeclal proroctitor. uml
wan heard hy JutlRo ' ('niupUoll of
OreRon City.
Appeal of tlm ciixe wait inatlo hy
John 1. Hull nf Mnnhfleld, ('. A. A.
Mrtleo of Oakland, California, hut
won tuner perfected, and tho ntiirenio
court In ltn tlecree-ntnlnl that tho
remion for tllnmlnuil wan tho fulluro
lo tnke tho decennary ntepn to per
fect the appeal In Iho Hint' allowed hy
Muluto. Tho miprentn rourl'u ortlor
further remmiiuded that Hie circuit
court enter up Judgment, which
meaiiN that InKernolt in li nt nerve out
tho life term union) nonin Interven
tion In ma do 10 nhorten tho Noiiteiiro.
DiKiidliilloii Wilt 'if l'Miii Owie
t'iilp of Selrtl 1'ioiM'ii'
Hallniin am under way hotwecu tho
United State, nml tlurmnny for tho
Omiuliatlun ot a mixed clalmn
connulnMon to pam upon clalmn
RrowliiR out of thu neliuro of prop
erty In tho United States uml Qor
many uml upon clulinu mado hy
American cltlicns nn n remilt of
Iho Hldklui; of tlm J.unltnnla. Tho
coiiiiiiUiiIoii prohahly will ot
threo momhors, ouo, American, ono
Uormuii nml ouo nuutral.
I'OUTI.ANI). May C Now loll Mc
Coy, local attorney, nml T. M. Iverrl
Kan, nn cx-t-ervke mud, woro choson
ut it Hlormy mootlnt; laut nlRlit nn
ciintlldiitcn for tho puhllc Mirvlco
rommlnnlou. Tho mnotliiK was attend
ed hy l"i() dotuRiilctt nml wan presid
ed over hy Itnbort (1. Duncan, who
Nturled tlm recall movement URnlnst
WllllnniB uml lluclitvl.
DUIII.IN, May T. Tlio barracks nt
CiihIIo I'ollard, went or Month, wuh
blown up hy irrei;ulnr forcea who
destroyed tho MullliiKur barracks
Wednesday. IrreRiilurs woro imr
Htied from MullliiKur to Cuntlo Pol
lard by provisional government forcuH
uml tho barracks blown up to prevent
tholr occupation.
iI'AKIH, May G, Jnck Dompsoy
told tho Associated I'rcnH that ho was
almost certain ho would moot Car
pontlor nguln lit London or I'nrls Into
thin yenr It Carpontlor dofouled Low
In In London rny 11, nml provided
tho iuro Is BnllBfncfory.. j
in fflumni nr
Chang's Army Is Routed;
Japanese Influences Arc
Blamed for Strife
I'KKINO, Mity r.. (lenenil Wu I'ei
I'll wim In tontrol of PiikltiK nt immi
today, (lennriil CIiiiiik Tho I. In, whone
forri'H worn routed yentenlny In n
flvrco hultlti houlli or tho rnpltnl, wan
reported flevlni; lo Mukden CIiuiik'h
army In re treat Inn In dlnnrder toward
Tletilnln uml ohnorviTH helluva
(-'hunc'n collapno umls hontllltlcn.
(Jetiorul Yu ntlrlhutm tniiih of hln
I niitctmn to the Initiative of KenK Yuli
. HIiuiK. tho "Chrlatlnii Cenornl," who
cominiimled tlio oiMTutlonu which re
, nulled In tho retreat of ChanR'H army.
I l.nnt iiIrIi! crowdn of ChaiiK'n not
I tllern Kiithored outnlilo I'ckliir.'n walln
, clamorliiK fnr uiliiilttatirti. They uicd
I n locomolUe In mi uttempt to ram
. thn'sale, hut fa(led. Tho American
junction Junt Inutile tho Rata nan
I Rrnatly excited hy tho rnmiulnR at
' tenipt. tlunnln on top of the wall din
pnmed tlm altackern with machine
. sunn. No foreigner wero hurl.
CIIICA(K), May r.. ev. W T.
Ilohart, dean of tho theoloKlcul school
of I'ekltiR, China, In mi nddreiH hero
etplalncij tho Chltiene ntrlfo hy nay
Inn (IrWrnt ChatiK In hacked hy Jnp
ntiio Influence while General Wu In
' t
WASHINdTON. I). C. May r..
Tho American criilnrr Huron today
landed ISO marines t(l protect tho
Americans nt Tien Tit In. while an
other detail wan nent from I'eklnK
to protect tho Atuorlcuu mlmlonary
chool at Tutu; Cbow.
ILiUM-r KtNfiit In Wiutlilnulou In
Clear I'p fritter TmiRle
WASHINdTON, May 5. l.'rlc V.
llnuber In expected hero Sunday to
confer with officials of tho national
park tiorvlco and other Intcrcnted In
Iho nottleiiiPiit of tho hotel problem
nl Crater tuko park. NoRotlntlonn are
renrtt'd lo ho prorccdltiR In OroRon
wllh A. L. I'arkhurjt, who has been
unwIllliiR lo sell hln properties nt
prices' no far mirrosU'iI, hut who ban
been notified hy tho Interior depart
meiit thai iomo conclusion muni noon
bo reached or hln contract will be
"..''. J N f f f
( ohTh Flowers J jrjiMtlmB1 )k
M-'SI I i V VL if 11 ''
"'--'' ' - i i i
Hllpiilnllon In Knteied (i, Wnlte
llviiiilirinilloM or (Inult
Htlpulatloii hy Iho ottoriieyti wns
etitcred thin morning to wulvo tho
dltt'iiiiilirit'iitlori of JiiiIro ' I. Htonc,
to ilerldt) iho Liihariio will cnie.
which viands on uppcul from tho
county court, uml will bo decided by
him uii iho rceordn. Tho enno witn by llcnjainln It. Lubortxi and
(lliulyn Kelly, children ot 0. (i. Laba
r't, ileccuned, uRalnat Anita Laharco
ns executrix, and J. W. Hlamenn iin
itilinlnlntrntor, Iu which the children
urn t'ontentliiK Iho will Involving up
proilmately J 1 00,000.
, Tho county court found In favor of
tho wilt which left tho creator por
tion' of tho estate to Anita Laharco,
nlopmothor or tho children,
Tho transcript or tho testimony
together with exhibits and tllcx In
Iho cake, conntltulo threo larRo vol
union mid will require nomo lltllo
time for JudRo Ktono to examine.
It wnn nocennnry to havo tho stip
ulation walvliiR tho dliiunllflcatlon
nf JihIro Btono to dceldo tho matter
becausn hthad ut ouo time been In
torentcd Iu tho cane us au attorney.
All .WlRTirtl to Distribution of Mall
l.'nler Tefiln
Iloury J. Neper, analitant chief
clerk, railway mail service, on Tues
day examined tho clerks unsigned to
tlm distribution of mull In (he Klum
nth Kails postofflcn on their know
UmIro of Oregon postofflcvs and tho
urn of distribution nehomes. ,
Formerly nil tho employes or .the
postofflco worn required to tnko this
examination, with tho exception of
tho postmaster, hut n recent ruling
makes It necessary for only thoso as
signed to tho distribution of mall to
tnko It.
There are 903 postofflies In Oro
Ron, each pf which Is -represented by
n card lit tho examination. Tho post
nfflco clerk U expected tn coso the
cards' under labels showing tho re
quired separations that nro mado In
Iho distribution of mall, There arc
40 of such separations In tho distri
bution r Oregon postoftke.
A percentage of not less than 35
correct wllh u speed of at least 16
cards correct per tulnuto In required.
Tho following porccntogo ror cor
rectness worn made:
Lulu H. Ilutchlns, 99.4 4; Horn V.
Ferris, 99.33: Churtc d. Donulson.
99.0 u; John II. flvenson, 9T.89.
Tlm young ladles' club of tho
Catholic church will hold n danro
ami card party at Lycoum hull Sat
urday ovenliiR nt S o'clock.
Six Members Announce
Resignations When Res
olution Fails
MKDKOUD, May 5. Klz members
of tho Mcdford post of tho American
legion publicly announced their res-
Ignatlons from that organlutlon fol
lowing n meeting Tuesday in which
a resolution condemning lawlessness
and violence was dofcatcd'by close
vote. Tho resigning members In a
public statoment declared one of
them had been threatened supposedly
by tho Ku Klux Klan.'for supporting
thrf same resolution at a previous
meeting, and that under the clrcum
stances they felt they could not con'
slstcntly retain membership In an or
ganization which refused to go on
record tor what they regarded as the
fundamentals of good cltlicnshlp and
truo Americanism.
According to somo members of the
legion who opposed the resolution,
they did so not because they approv
ed of the Ku Klux Klan, but because
they believed tb0 organization should
not tnko nny stand on such a contro
versial question.
Colonel 1'. K, Kolley and Colonel
Gordon Voorhles, both ot whom, taw
nctlvo service In Franco, aro among
tho resigning members.
Children' l'Urground Will
Iteatlj. la Xrar Future
Kqulpment for tho children's play
ground has arrived and can be seen
In tho rear of tho Main street court
house. A delegation of high school
boys has been spending a good part
of tho day cleaning off tho grounds,
and tho equipment wilt be Installed,
as soon as possible.
Carpontcrs who aro Interested In
tho playground and will be willing to
donate scrvlco In Installing tho equip
ment aro requested to report to Mrs.
Acklcy or tbo chamber of commerce
Contributions 'havo been received
from tho follewing: Auction bridge
club, leisure Hour club, Bastorn
Star, Knights of I'ythlas, women's
uuxlllary of tho chamber of com
merce, grammar scVTool board, Flora
A. Klllott, Al Crystal and A. Watson.
A benefit to race; tho additional
oipcnso will bo hold as soon as busi
ness conditions haVo been adjusted,
und contributions from organizations
ur0 expected by tbo committee.
His Latest Photo
9 4pisJaTaBBHaav
sVssBiSfllaBB '
r a -i i. KsPlB fm
UsuOsg on a cane and alder by
su) attendant Ex-ITtsldont Wood
row WUson appeared before his
waafcliigtoo homo to acknowledge
fcomag ot 1000 delegates to the
Fsm-4ierrcan Conference ot Wo
NEARLY 15,000,000
Los In Home Fnr North Districts
Kstlmatc-J n High ns 03 I'cr
Cent of Population
SAMARA, Russia, May C. Only a
complete, careful census ot the sur
vivors would reveal tho exact toll In
human, lives of tho Volga famine ot
1921-192!, but, tcrriblo as has been
the death rato during tho ghastly
wlnter Just ending. It is now clear to
tbo observer that tho great majority
ot the population has, soma way or
anothor. managed to live through It. i
Estimates "and predTcUohs' "msTde
last summer, that 5,000,000, 10.000
000 or even 13,000,000 of tho Volga
valloy's population would die before
spring unless fed from abroad, and
that several millions would die re
gardless of tho nsslstanco then being
rushed toward them, ar not borne
out by tho evident facts that con
fronted tho correspondent in a fort
night's trip through somo of tbo
(worst affected districts at tho worst
period of tho famine.
In somo villages tarthest removed
from tbo railways, actual cannibal
ism has In some cases been resortod
to by the hungor-desporato popula
tion and tho general suffering has
been 30, 40 and even us high ns C5
percent ot tho population. Famine
such as this, howover, has been tho
exception, rathor than tho rule, .In
Saniaru province.
Doubtless many thoutands would
havo died Iu every "volost." or coun
ty, had not Amer.ican and other aid
been at hand for tho children. Tho
8ovlct government as well as foreign
organizations ha.i assisted tbo local
peasant authorities and has doled out
Its meager store ot food In the com
munes which needed It most.
Dut It now appears that It was the
very nature physically nnd meutul, of
tbo Volga peasant that enabled him
lo llvo through n your of stomach
gnawing hunger that would linvo tak
en much heavier toll among a popula
tion Iqs.i Inured to hardships from
Hundreds ot thousands ot thorn
havo died In Samara provlnro which.
before tho famine, had a population
ot 2,700,000. Perhaps the death rato
has boen 10 or oven IS percent, but
tho majority of tho peasant stomucliB
havo digested tho clay, grass, woods
ana otner nrcad substitutes.
Even from tho worst-stricken vill
ages, tho peasants who canio to tho
Tullwuy stations driving caiuols,
horses and oxen attached to sleighs to
bo laden with food for their child
ren, as a wholo uppoarod ruddy,
strong and oven fcmfling after a fclx
month's diet or atrocious bread sub
stitutes that would havo put nn Amer
ican city dweller In a hospital In a
week and In tho graveyard in a fort
night, Somo ot thorn, moro canny than
the others, doubtlosa hod saved and
hidden real grain to last the?)
through tho winter, but thu major
ity of those living umlorwcnt tho
age-old test of tho survival of tlio
physically fittest aud wero helped
through it by tholr fatalism that
taught thorn not to worry overthelr
troubles, ,
McCormick, Grubb and
Fitts to Address Chamber
of Commerce Meeting
A mcoting to promote tho dairy In
forests of Klamath county will bo
held In iho chamber ot commorco tor
urn, rooms Saturdny afternoon at 3
o'clock. E. O. McCormick, vlco-prcsl
dent of tho Southern Pacific system,
Eugene Grubb, University of Califor
nia, nnd E. D. Fitts, cxtoruftm dairy
specialist. O. A. 'C...W.I1 bo present-.
and talk on dairy problems and al
lied subjects.
This afternoon a stock Judging And
milk testing progrnm Is being glvon
at tho Daniel's ranch nt Bonanza, and
tonight a meeting will bo held In tho
Ronanza eommun'tr church( whe'e
the threo authorities will talk n
dalrylng, stock Judging nnd po'atn
A meeting was held In
Thursday night which was attended
by a delegation ot Klamath FaIU
business men. Tomorrow's moitln
Is being held especially to Interest
tho business men of Klamath Falls
Thoro will also be a number ot farm
ers present to hear thexo specialists
who camo hero aO tho Invitation of
tho farm bureau, tho chamber of
commerce and tbo Irrigation dis
. . A-
Issun Publication Termed "Eight.
Hour Hpeclal"
Views ot the strikers wero. sot
forth atilength tn a publication 'call
..I .I. Itt-IU. If.... Qh..!.! l....l .
,tada.vby tho Central Labor un- V
cd non-union workers, at present em
ployed In local plants, and much mis
cellaneous matter dealing with varl- '
ous phases of tho situation. It Is un
derstood tho publication will bo Is
sued at Irregular Intervals.
District Attorney to Hnvn Hearing
In Police Court
District Attorney C. C.Drowcr
at 2 o'clock this afternoon accom
panied Chief of Pqllco Wilson to
tho police court whoro Judge Lea-
vltt granted him 24 hours, tho sta
tutory time. In which to enter ploa
on tbo chargo ot not complying
with tho city ordinanco providing
for sower connections'.
A warrant for Drowors' arrest,
Issued on complaint of the city
health officer, was aorved by Wil
son Wednesday.
UalloU Mill bo Mulled Tonight to
Chamber of Commerce Member
IlallotH for tho nomination ot eight y
directors ot tho Klamath county'
chambor ot commorco will bo jnalfuil
out to tbo mombera tonlghu-'
R. K. Smith will bo judgo of tho
elections, with tho following commit
tee, to assist in' counting tho vetes:
D. V. Kuykendall. W. W. McNeuly,
Clara Oulklns and Mrs. K. L. Davis.
Tho votes will havo to bo returned
by Wednosday ovontng, May 10 In -order
to bo counted.
Klamath Lodgn No.' 137, I. O. O.
F., will hold Its regular mooting to
night, and will confer tho degrees
ot Friendship and Truth. A big
dologatlau will ho prosont frAn Do
nanza to witness tbo work, and In
their1 honor a banquet will be
served after tho buslnoss meeting.
YUltlng brothers always welcome.
PORTLAND, May D. Tho State
Taxpayers leagiio today sont to tbo
hecrotary ot stnto tho proposed Ini
tiative Income tax amendment to.
tho state constitution .providing"
that halt ot tho state's annual ex
pensed shall bo met by an iacona
tax and ono-halt from a real aad
personal properly tax. If.fdOf-UU
by voters next fall It would, be ef
fort I vo Iu J9a4, -,
m k
1 IGil'