The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 01, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 1, ltf,
Prtgfl Fouf
i - -
Jitowlliirs," "llonil Kalrni" anil
"DamfooV Among Muggtxtlon
ItPOKANK, Wash., May 1.
1 xcstlons cnroless motorists
I called "spccdlacs," "road kals-
" or ulinply "damfools" nro be-
7 received dally by ttio tnlnnd
. tomobllo ansoclntlon, which Is
it iplcmcntlnR tho American Auto
Mlo association's contcit for a
I ".io for unruly automobile drlr-
Anyono In tbo northwest may
mnpoto In tlio Inland Automobile
f sclatlon'ii rontost. tho prlto for
I'ch In $10. Tho ton best names
elved will bo submitted to tho
V A. A. for tho $2G prlio offered
lv that orpanlatlon. Tho regional
test closes May 5, and tbo na
l ial one May in.
ludRcs In tho I. A. A. contest
'I bo two Justices of tho peace and
n nollco JmlKe before whom law
' nklnB motorists 'arc regularly
t sn.
Among tho 300 nickname and
l I'rs received to date In tho con-
t t ara tho follewing: Gas fool.
1 vamp, nutobat, cartoon, mo-
Miit. gn8 hound, ncarfool, Juggcr-
it (the lady submitting this toro
I. e definition out of tho dictionary
r I pasted It on her letter), wreck.
k. mumytop, carcanter, under
i :r's advance agent, auto-botshc-
, motormanlac, roe-fjjster, Jiy-c-xer,
go-dcvll, road vulture and
c vdcr.
C lifornia, Stanford
To Settle Supremacy
I' Harvard Stadium oval, two Cat-
.nla track teams, one represent-
i,i ; Stanford university and tho
i cr tho University of California,
. t month will settle tbelr fight
euprcmacy, their dual meet at
' kcley last Saturday bavins re
.J1 cd In a tie.
"'ho Harvard meet, which both
i 1 enter, will be th national
' 'nplonshlp affair of tbo Inter-
'1 Riato Association of Amateur
A I IctcR of America. Last year
( fornla won this meet and
'iiiht the national title west. This
It Is expected to remain In .the
' I expect Stanford to win the I.
f . A. A. A. moet." "Dink" Tern-
-ou. Cardinal coacb. aatd recent-
Tcmptcton belloves that the stars, who took ten first
!:!.- 3 In tbo California meet, win
at at tho eastern affair. The
Jicc of second and third place
i prevented Stanford from win
; from California.
'. flvo places count In the hit;
' nplonshlp meot. however, Call-
'i men think that the well-bat-t
I Dear team wilt repeat this
and brine back the bit; title,
i tlio dual mcets only three places
f 'ted for points.
(Conlnoed from race 1)
' Year-Old Boy I.
Making Name for Self
r.N FIUNCI8CO. May 1.
' i Valla, a quiet, smlllnic 19-
old San Francisco boy, slipped
1 i tho llno-up of tbo Pacific Coast
1 no baseball team here a month
i" i without much noise, but today
I i being talked about by all tbo
' and Is described by' some as
greatest prospect In tbo Coast
io In years. And' generally
I . i need to be shown before they
1 o a recruit.
the opening gamo against
Io Valla fanned three times
discouraged, be was given an
i " r chance, and by the first part
( Us week his bitting ability and
I .larvolous speed have given bim
i '.ting percentage of .396,
"k Miller, manager of the
a. says Valla is one of the
:cst boys In baseball, and Jack
rtby, former American leagne
ru, thinks Valla looks better
t t Ty Cobb did when ke broke
1 tho American league In 1905.
' 'd Statz, the fast Los Angeles
':, wag the league sensation
year, but this year local people
.t Vulla will prove the aensa-
llu can play the infield and.
it lilt and can run. In nearly ev-or;-
uino be has beaten oat one or
jii:i j hits, for It the 'ball takes a
(- '. of bops before It reaches an
I' ' 'Jer the boy is cure to beat It
llu was born In 8nta Crut.
(V onila, but was raised in 8an
I . "-icIbco, vbere be learned bis
h utll on the Golden Oate park
ill oiuls. Lust year be was with
i' professional teams. Tbls year
1 -j playing bis first professional
l :mllr
i i t
' 1 tie votes IS5.000 whool bond IS
fcUS. . Holens-Pittsburg road being
widened, :
smalt concerns manufacturing radio
supplies nro estimated by tho rmllo
corporation of America as numbering
thousands. Figures of tho tuimo cor
poration show that whereas two yean
ago 4,000 Vibes a year were In de
mand, this year probably 200,000
tubes n month will bo called for
Reports gathered from it number
of states by tho Associated i'refs
show that many boys and other anm
teurs ara constructing and selling
Boy RucceMhil
Three years ago thrco boys lit
Chicago, 16 and 1? yearn old. began
to make radio outfits .They are now
Incorporated nnd carrying on n large
business. Their success Indicates the
Alluring possibilities in this new In
dustry of adventure. Its nlleged lint
nrds were pointed out In the predic
tion of an official of one of the older
nnd larger electrical supply houses
that If nil the concerns now er.g.g?d
In making radio equipment (should
remain in tho enterprise, before long
parts would become a drur; on trie
market and that by October 1. the
makers of complete sets would ac
tively be soliciting business
That such a situation would bo a
reversal of present conditions is Indi
cated In the report of anothor larjje
supply house that It Is to months
behind In filling its orders and word
from all parts of the country of a
great shortage In apparatus. The
huge demand Is ascribed to the prac
tice of free broadcasting.
000,000 Rcvrivlnj: Set
There are now 600,000 receiving
sets In the United States, according
to tho estimates of several companies.
Of these 100,000 were said to be In
the middle west, and 15,000 to 25,
000. according to varying estimates,
In Chicago.
Dealers declared that the sudden
ness of growth of tbls Infant Industry
and th fact that the number of
planta varies from day to day made
it Impossible accurately to guage Its
proportions. One dealer said that It
was Impossible to estimate with any
certainty the extent of the demand.
Inasmuch as buyers In their eager
ness to get equipment as soon as pos
Ible are placing orders with dozens
of dealers at once, and purchasing
from the first dealer who is ready to
deliver. For that reason. It was stat-
cd. what might seem to be a demand
involving 130,000,900 might resolve
itself Into a demand Involving $2.-
Jtadfct Bootrgar (
"There are more bootleggers In
the radio baslnesa than In tbe whisky
business." one dealer asserted. "Peo
ple get hold of parts and sell them
for exorbitant prices: I bavo known
a single tube which is regularly sold
for $5 to bring $13. Some of these
spurious dealers come in and try to
bribe onr clerks to get them parts "
An electrical supply house at Tol
edo. I., bas begun to Install what It
has announced will be one of the
most complete radio manufacturing
plants In the world. It proposes to
employ 100 workers at tht outset
and more as the department Is en
larged, and plans for a dally outset
and more as tbe department Is en
larsed. and plans for a daily capa
city of 500 complete radio receiving
and transmitting sets. In Toledo and
Lucas county. It waa estimated, sev
eral thousand sets aro receiving dally
weather, market and other reports
broadcast from various cities
throughout tbe country. Six concerns
ara manufacturing radio equipment
In Cincinnati, O.
Eighteen Chicago Firm
There are eighteen regularly es
tablished concerns In Chicago manu
facturing radio equipment, aside
from many boys who assemble parts
and distribute the sets thus construct
ed among their friends.
There are 204 companies In Mis
souri manufacturing radio supplies.
Of these eleven are (n St. Louis. In
St. Louis a twelve-year-old boy,
twenty-five business men, several
automobile mechanics, one plumber,
one butcher, and several high school
pupils are making tbe selling radio
supplies during tbelr spare time.
'About twenty-fivo boyB are con
structing and selling radio equipment
in Milwaukee, Wis. Tbey sometimes
receive ISO or higher for their out
fits, it was said. The large depart
ment stores of Milwaukee aro band
ling sets, and one or them bas a
large window trimmed to represent
a family sitting around a room listen
ing to a radio concert.
Dallas, Texas reported fourteen
dealers In radio equipment, one of
them which sold such supplies exclus
ively, having built np Its trade within
tbe last few months. Madison, Wis.,
reported that a new radio store has
Just been opened there and is al
ready widely patronized.
A few centera reported that JflJ
manufacturers bad established them
selves In tbelr vicinity no Jar, but
that dealers were antioua to handle
equipment "when tbey could get it."
In Louisville, Xy equipment Is sold
by dealers In parts and experts are
required, to assemble It. One automo-
bllo concern thoro tins undertaken to
rissombo parts, ns it sldo line.
Two now factories hnvo Just lioeu
organized In Kiine.n, one nt Wichita
and ono at Topcka,
Hearing tin Petition
Hearing on petition for confirma
tion of the Horsefly Irrigation dis
trict will bo had Juno 7, 1922, nt
the hour of two ft'etock p. m. In ac
cordance with an order signed by
Judge Stone late Saturday. Tho pur
pose of the hearing is for the con
firmation of the proceedings had In
the county court, which n proWslon of
the Oregon statutes on such matters.
Jiitmwonh . Jtiugwonti
Transcript of appeal to the su
preme court wa filed lato Saturday
In the divorce case of Wyinn Jung
worth ngalnst I'. It. Jungworth. The
case mis tried before Judge Stone
nbout three weeks ago.
By Our Country Editors
St) l(i Sliop vs. Ilolileii
Attachment suit for $90.20 was
filed late Saturday by tho Andross
Glover Stylo shop ngalnst S. K. nnd
Trot. J. A. Oliurchlll, stato uiipor-
Ititeudunt nt public Instruction, will
mnkii n I'limnsa of Kltttimtli county
during the first week In Mny, In the
Interest of tho county unit campaign,
lie desires to meet as tunny ot the
parents ns possible nnd for this reas
on Mrs. Ferguson, county superinten
dent has planned to hnvo him stop nt
us many schools en routu to the coun
ty school centers ns can be reached
1'nrf. Churchill Is scheduled 'to
reach Pine nt 10:30 a. m. Mon
day. . May t. All patrons are urged to
tie prcsont, as this In the first time
the state superintendent hni found It
c nveiilent to visit the riirnl schools.
I.. F. (leertson nnd son Itolf moved
to their Tulo l-nke ranch Monday to
put In the crop.
Mr. Piuiltis was out to the Knman
ranch Wednesday to move Ills cattle,
which have been wintered there.
Call Harks Is hauling sand gutting
ready to start the foundation for his
new house.
Hon y. (Imhnm, n farmer of
Anna Holden. covering a merchandise ,U,M0 wns ulncsa visitor
account. Dismissal of tho suit '
tiled In the circuit court this morning.
Ueneflt performances for the tlm
berworkcrs will be given at tho
Strand theatre on Tuesday and Wed
nesday of this week, Ted Whlto has
announced. Mo has booked extra good
attractions for both days, he says,
and patrons arc promised more than
tbe usual big Strand show.
In Dorrlj yesterday.
II 1.. Nelson, mnnager of the
Uutto Valley Land company at Mac
doel, drove to Dorrls yesterday on
Louis llouglnnd nnd K. II. Jeffer
son, business men of Klamath Falls,
were In town yesterday by automo
bllo on business.
Mrs. Margaret Kcrwln bait open
ed her confectionery establishment
to tho public, nnd Is receiving com
pliments from her friends on tho
excellence of her service.
Farming Is In general progress
In llutte valley, nnd from Mirlous
Indications u good crop will be
rnl.ied ihl sciisun prccliullni; frosts
or (Irt(Ug)itH. ltye being the prin
cipal grain crop raised In this val
ley, there Is ampin moisture In the
soil to Insure n good yield. Home
other crops. howeer, will inqulro
additional rain during the grow lug
mouths, Potatoes will thrive and
mature In this locality without ad
ditional moisture.
Mrs. Kate Hope Livingston, prin
cipal of the Dorrl high school, Is
organising a cast for an amateur
theatrical production, which she
hopes to o(fer f"r tm approval of
Dorrls residents at the close of the
term. Several local chitons, m
well ns high hoIiooI stiidentK, have
tieeu nsxed to lend their nullity as
A meeting (if the Parent-Teachers
association at the high school Fri
day evening wii enjujed by a num
ber of local members. A varied
program was olferoil.
PORTLAND, May I Cows 25e
higher, other rattle steady. Hogs,
23c lewer: prime light, $tl to
$ 1 1 GO. Sheep, eggs and butter
LOST Automobile crank between
Chelsea and Klamath Falls. Phone
40It. 1-3'
LOST Dotwcen 4th St. and Link
river brldgo ,ono starting crank
for Oldsmobllo car. Finder kindly re
turn to llaldwln ardwaro company
and receive, reward. 16
FOIt KENT Nicely furnished front
room. Bath and phono. &12 N. 9th
St. l-3
LOST Sack ot dried fruit between
top ot Topsy grade nnd Klamath
Falls. Leavo at Herald office. Ho
ward. 1-3
FOR SALE Short-horned bull, took
first prize at fair last year ns a
two-year old. J. E. Enman near Stuk
el bridge. 1-6
FOR SALE Ono half soctlon good
level land. 80 acres In timber, 1C0
acres fenced, big house and barn,
chicken house and gralncry. South
side of Swan I.ako. $3000. Seo Wro.
Strubel, county hospital. 1
WANTED 3 men to work on ranch.
Phono 33. 1-3
I, O. O. F. BoJIdiac
Graduate Foot
At Your Service
Consultation and; Examination Free
K. K. K. Store
Foot Specialist
'Just the moment you apply Men-tho-Sulphur
to an Itching, burning
or brokon out skin, the Itching stops
and healing begins, says a noted skin
specialist. This sulphur preparation,
made into a pleasant cold cream,
glvee such a quick relief, even to
fiery eczema, that nothing has ever
been found to take Its place.
Because of Its germ destroying pro
perties. It quickly subdues the Itch
ing, cools the Irrltaton and heals the
eczema rant up, leaving a dear,
smooth skla In place of ugly erup
tions, rash, pimples or roughness.
You do not have to wait for Im
provement. It quickly shows. Ton
can get a little Jar ot Mentho-Sul-phur
at any drug store. Adv.
We ml tni much inrnt which rliig
Kidney, then the rtark
Mo( folks forget t hut the kidneys,
llko tho bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a (lushing occasion
ally, else we haro backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, tor
pid liver, add stomarh, sleeplessness
and all sorts nt bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kid
neys active and clean, and tho mom
ent you feel an nche or pain In tho
kidney region, got about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any good drug
store here, lake a tablepoonful In a
glass of water beforo breakfast fur a
few days nnd your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts Is tuado
from tho acid of grnpes und lemon
Juice, combined with llthla, and In
harmless to flush clogged kidneys
and ntlmuUtn them to normal acti
vity. It also neutralized the acids In
the urlno so It no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jud Salts Is harmless. Inexpensive:
makes n delightful effervescent llth
la water drink which everybody
should take now und then In keep
their kidneys clean, thus uvoldlnc
eerinus complications,
A well-known local druggist says
he sells lots of Jad Silts to folks
who hollovo In overcoming kidney
troublo while It is only trouble.
Uuildmg LoU
AH UargalnM
Office 240 Broad
la tbe cheapest thing you buy, pro
tided yon taake a wise selection.
We aro getting a few green
slabs at
$3.50 Cord
$6.00 Cord
410 Mala PImm US
All Retail Clerks are hereby notified to be at
the Labor Temple 'basement of Odd Fellows'
building) at 8 o'clock Monday evening, to
install Clerks' Local and elect permanent
sbbM.' I- 9
Medford Grocery Co.
KUmath FalU, Oregon
wntcitia kviciiyiioiiy ciokm-
in Jnmcs Oliver Curwood'a lory
or "The Trail's End" also
Urban's Movie Chats and Vaudeville Movies
Tomorrow Nighl
Big Benefit Timberworkers
Local No. 188
Entire receipts go to the boys
v Everybody' come
Admission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
Tin' m nut lutural tuoklni; uinl tlio licit pluto work h- M.l.iMI
ZM'nrnt (lulil froun ami llrldRi'Mork . jt.l.mi imtTihiIIi
Turn (iuhl rillliiKt ami I'uro (lolil Inlay. i . U..'Mi n a.yiMi l.Wh
::-('arnl Cold Itit.iy llrlilK-i . ' ' imtTimiiIi
r.ilnloin KUractioiM nt .00 1. r I.m.iIi
All CxtnirlluiiH I'roo ultli I'l.tto Work
Our newly limt.tlli'il Xltiy Outfit nuke livtti-r X-lUy
Pictures uf your Tc'-tli fur ..
lti:.Mi:.MIli:it IIIIS Tlml uvvry ilcc i.f work that l.uwi till
office Ik iouti'iI with 1111 Iron-Clint (itur.uiU'f.
NO m:t.As
WVr.l. California I'liitUf U'.'
yk xmsL
v r- j$sy r-r
jZ$ vyS'lt ?-
W -r ,w, jbw
K. S .11 ifV-HTSfc.
C jrjt l
4S' A
This new
gum delights
young and old.
It "melts in your
mouth" and the gum in the
center remains to aid digestion.
brighten teeth and soothe mouth
and throat.
There are the other WRIGLEY"
fcfciijm atJaa SljrfA fAtM . '
f Hi a
L-fflri'-i. 11
sifrfojj&iV'Oi,' ,11,1,1 ...y-ju.-