v Pimo Siv twiDAY, Arniij 2, itwa THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON for Circus Day Make this Store Your Headquarters Meet Your Friends Here SSFWv1 i CBVBl ' WS WMm$k-. 7 MWfEmmrt j 1 r- p s. fc When tho p.irmlo comes jTA by wp will' he glnil to IV have you use .our More M. II lit an. 41 ft!!' tin. I )l cJilji foro you go out l Iho how to tnkc tho oppor tunity to' get the kiddles and yourself special things a you may wh lo pet for Clrem I'M jr. Wfi UVnL71S5 mBFI 1M f MrU- i Circus Day Events Saturday and Monday Bargains will be obtained by those who make their selections during Circus Day events. We have altogether too many garments in our ready to wear department. We realize that money is scarce this season, and in order to give you tHe benefit of the early season's wear, we are going to prove to you ;' ;. , what our great buying power of 900 stores can do to help you make every dollar jq , ; ; j t do two dollars' duty. Read every item carefully Coats and Wraps v A Greatest Suit Sale Ever Held in Southern Oreg. ill The people of Klamath coun ty never have seen such low prices on high class merchan dise. 'Street Suits of fine Tricotine; plain and herring bone Tweed, fine Jersey cloth and Novelties. Until ' now these same quality suits sold elsewhere at double the price. Saturday and Monday SPECIAL 'glr ;-. $19.75 A price that is only made possible by our immense buying power and our de termined efforts to bring prices back to pre-war levels. The smartness of these Coats and Wraps are em phasized in their large roll colars and deep cuffs Materials' include Mar villa, ' Bolivia, Velours, Tricotincs, ' etc., in full line of spring shades. Every garment is worth double tho price we .offer these at. They are only $19.75 AU That's New and Smart in Sport Skirts styles that ac curately por tray the. trend of fashion for the coming season. Novel ty stripes in various, (color ings; checks, a i d h and J mixtures; also Bolid tones. , Tailored, plait ed and novel ty effects. Priced $4.50 to $1150. BEADED BLOUSES of Crepe de Chine, Canton Crepe and Georgette. Exquisite new models with Jpng, medium and short sleeves. Full range of the new eport shades: $3.50 up to $12.50. New Sport Sweaters Silk, wool and mohair Sweaters in tuxedo and slip on tyles for sport wear. Many beautiful patterns Mid cplors, including Navajo Indian effects. Priced $4,71 up to $15.00. Petticoats Taffeta, Jersey and Pussy Willow Taffeta Petti coats In a full selection of the newest shades to go witji suits and dresses. Some with embroidered or picot edged flouncmgs. Specially low priced, $3.50 up to $10.00. i . i Hosiery at Such Low Prices Holeproof, Luxite Hosiery. Special 98c Every pair perfect, with ribbed jislc tops; col ors black, white, cordovan all sizes. t. , Ladies Everwear Hose ' ' Black Only 03 PAIRS FOR 25c Children Economy Hose black and cordovan Special JQC Jii Jl r Jit Z$ J tVr FT m ffflSi (JHfcff i AiLLx Great Sale ot Dresses $19.75 Finest values we have eer had for Sport, Street iind Afternoon Wear. With a complete disregard for the prices they could command, dozens of these most desirable new Dresses are marked down to an astounding low price. Never in this section a' dreVs sale equal to this one Saturday ami luonday event. Any style, any material, any size you may want we have them. They are Only $19.75 Odd Lots of Lingerie Greatly Reduced Nlffct Gowns, made from fine grade Nainsook, Filipino hand-work, low necks; same with yokes, embroidery and tucks. Pretty trjmmed styles. ' ' $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 Envelope Chemise Soft lingerie cloth, trimmed with lace and insertion. Prices $1.75 $2.00, $2.50 is " The sweetest touch of Mother Love is the hand .stitches she 1 puts in Baby's First Clothes." Copyrlttlii. I'1--. . ' I ; n I One Lot of Muslin Gowns " Special QC Special Complete Layette . FIFTY PIECES $24.75 Just enough hand work to give the mother touch of tho little wearables are semi made or stamped to embroider, including embroidery threads. Buy Now for the Summer Baby BABY WEEK May 1st to 9th Mail Orders Filled Same Day Received lv , f I , ?rf . .M? iJ.n..PHf f.i .3t ,, t-.- ' - .A 'JA.Vl'i.