FKIDAV, AI'KIL 28, 101M THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pturo Two The Evening Herald I'. It. ROL1iK....KII(or ami PabtUher II. It. IIH-Ii. a City Kditor l'ubllihoil dftllr except Sunday, by Tlio HornlU Publlshlns; Company of Klntnntli Knlls, nt 119 Eighth street. Entered nt tho postofflco nt Klam nth rallB, Ore., for transmlsilon throiiRh tho ninllu ns second-clsss matter. MBMMftl OP THtt AS80CIATKD rnRBs Tho Associated Pre Is exclusive ly untitled to tho tmo for publica tion 0f nil nawn illHpateheB credited to tt. or not otherwlno credited In thin paper, nnd also tho local news published herein. t . ritlDAV, AlMtll, 2H, IO.EJ LAW AND ORDER PLEADS FOR JUSTICE TO 1 KI..UM. It.MIMI.ItSTl.tN UAH I hi rait tullx Into Iho Uinr circle, seek IIOM.IN M.VKHI'M'ltl.l.: m.. In s.iiiiuio ilinitin In tho Uuut NiulIti'M i up fiu lent Tho l.inxliir'n loiimi It AMERICANIZE THE ORIGINAL AMERICAN SPKAKINO to n .Cnilfornln audience recentl Iho Hnxoronil Ked Fox, Illncktoot Indlnn, mnde nn eloquent ple.t for ri'CORnttlon of hU inn His xxonl nro snno. hU roonltiK round, nnd he deal with n prohU'iu that Is of serious Importance lo the nation, nnd particularly Important to cllUens of Klnmnth count), nnd the Indian population, whether ettliens of Amerlcn, or natlonnl xnnl. The spo.ikor In part Alui'iicmtUc I ho Indian "Tho Way of a Atald , n Selmilck picture, which mine today lo tho Stinnd theatre, hIxom xrrsutllu (Maine Hnmmernteln ery much of Ihn sumo character role which OIIer Hold smith liumoitnllted In She Stoops lo Conquer " As liewltchliiK Nadla rastlotou, Mli Uummersteln plns dukes nnd driikiM with the nffecVlons of xxcnlthx muiiik Tom l.nwlor. who. meetlni: hei ! romantically In the faur. lull coh j tiinin of n maid, liolletn hen lo he one. Of course, Tom falls despcuitol) In love with Nadla, ni what ovonslxo ly wealthy and nmldtloits son of n self'tniule father would nnl So far ho Reed Hut complications arise, other than thoe to ho found In (It ldsmltlf Mv nArtnt.1 hAln,t,1 In Aimirlcnn In dependence. So Important wni the My miKKostlim N to Amerlcnnlio liidlnns heln that Oencral (SeorKo tho original Americans! Washington declared before the first I.lko In our American cities, wo members of cengress: "If tho Indians should have Amorlcnnttatlou classes, had been enemies Instead of friends we should htivo a commercial rlnh or ihn Involution would not haxe end- cellliiK tocether merlins nt least cd In American Independence " 'twice n month with tho lending In- My people fought In tho civil war tiians or tne reservations, nun too em- ,n inii rrn.. i h nerrn In tho war nloxos and sutierlntenilent to discuss Just ended w0 fought with nil our their welfare nnd future progress, j ehnrmliiK play While Nmll.i Castle llllgni 10 ncip mnho win nun.. ..v, m , uuiii .vmmuu'v "-li'iiij """, ton r..m.,i,s well-to-do 111 lh.. iirotiic when S5 per cent of our men xolun-, commercially ' "'" n '"ll" xxoii.m i m in,, .iron c iii u.YSWJMTi for tho on-1 peo,,j0 ),nd lakei. oxer IGO.000,000 In' jonshlp on tiny person, white, black, j afford to lead her deioted Itomei forccmont of tho law rests upon I Liberty bonds and donated to the jellow or red. until they understand ,lrPuml t,v th nose Hut Nuitl.i Ons ,, ... American lied Cross oxer 12,000.- the principles nnd tun read, write tho men chosen by tho peoplo to exer-J ooO.Wiy can't the American Indian, and speak Kngllsh ,,c,p"' llor ''"'"' '"!. f'",', " "iiro clfo their will In cxecutho and Judl- tho'flrst American, enjoy full cltl- I also belloxe nil Indian children serious problem For It Is nppareut . , ... -,,,.,,. . rcnshlp under the flng for which he should bo compelled to go to s hoot that her own heart 1ms become singed clnl office. Tho Judicial or executive foUKbt and havo a xolco In tho court and kept there from the nge of T ,., MUK , lo ,hn ,V,10 fr oincor upes not mako tno law, it is oi ciaima. " .'."h ..i ........ ......... Condl'tons t.ntraMM """' "" "'" """"""" "'- Consider tho conditions of whiles! And tho Idol thickens I lux lug poscl before Tom mi her own miild. Nadla flndH that lo cm or up hei track's In socleD's exes, she must plu) mahl In the mother of the (imp she loxes, In her nun home What between atten tions of ituother sudor and the func tions of u house pnltx, the fill falls Into Iho rite Hut as It idiould he all ciida well FIERY, ITCHY SKIN a .r iiaddO jr,-i'& MXIN ft I tSMi-i) I'i'iltuiliii: Mils week a linn of . M I'pHolinllx kiiimI xalues In I'lowei I't iiiiiiinil its $5.00 nil thu Hornld Clnoaificd Atls. . a m. saa mm m. B. mm. m - I m vqnnwn llllllllll I lllll l III ll umu mil in ri , WITH QUI PUIIR b " "- V I I I I J J Ml l Ss his solo business to Interpret In the ono Instance, or administer In the other, tho law as It Is written by public scrvnnts In tho leglslatlxe branch. Ho may heartily disapprove of the oxlstlng law, hut his official acts hould not bo sxxa)cd by bis. prlxate feellncB. Tho law U presumed to be on tho stntuto hooks by the will and because, of tho action of tho majority; nnd tho sjino majority has delegated to Judges, governors, mayors, coun cilman, and other officers tho ono common duty to Interpret tho law nnd administer tho law according to tho letter or tho law, and In no do Krco otherwise In a country such as ours, where tho will of tho peoplo Is supreme, whero lawa can bo made and un rcasonablo or discriminatory laws can bo unmade wbencxer tho peoplo de sire, there Is no excuso for secret methods, nor Invisible empire Attempt to enforro tho law by oth er than orderly process Is certain to lead to dlro consequences. California Is suffering now In several communi ties, becauso sxxorn officers of tDe law connived with Interesti having selfish ends to serve, to set asldo the Impartial and exact methods of maintaining law and crdcr. Will Oregon pre fit by tho Califor nia's example? Several Oregon towns haxo already hac minor outrages against good goxaxnmcnt. Do the citi zens of this state wish to seo mob rulo prevail at In tho Lot Angeles tragedy; cr .anarchy reign over a whole county as It virtually relrns In Kern county? Discussing tbo matter, the Modes to Herald lays Its finger upon the very center ' of causation when it says: Outlawry, xvhetier :t be the manifestation of the Ku Klux Klan or bootleggers, cannot be permit ted by uny community to gain the upper hand without final disas trous results not simply to Individ uals who may suffer their violence but tho entire locality affecteu. Kern county, California, la find ing It out. Tho reign of outlawry In Kern had lis beginnings In tho high handed practices of the oil strikers when, through the connivance of constables ot that territory they mado themselves deputies and took control pf the territory In tho pre tutiBO ut upholding law and order. It may bo that the present activi ties of night-riders In Kern county nro merely under gulso of the Ku Klux as a matter or connivance, Itcgnrdless of the organization or purpose back ot tho cowardly thugs thero is but ono means of checking their career tho force of tho law. Organized violenco may gener ally bo counted upon to be coun tered by Its kind Kern county now has both tho group of nlgbt tcrrorlzerg wearing tho garb of tho Ku Klux and another black hooded forco operating against them. Ileset by Hicho two organizations tbo oil fleldB of Kern county can hardly bo considered a safe place in which to llxo, Continuance or these dem onstrations ot lawlessness will oxontually bring disgrace and re gret to Kern county. Law-abiding citizens havo dire need to urgo upon their peace officers the em phatic nocesslty for drastic, organ ized effort to run these cowardly violators of law and decency to oarth. Tho man or sot of mon who havo to mask thomselxes and move un der cover of darkness against the unsuspoclInK ot inferior strength manifest nothing but tho dirtiest ot cowardice. Their very methods of action are sufficient to condemn them boforo all men who respect opon courage. And cowardlco Is genorully'the most fiendish and ruthless tyrant encountered by any victim. The unbridled reign of cowardice In Korn county is of vit al Import to all California the state should demand its prompt and docislvo abatement. If Kern county can't tiuudlo the situation nt once the stato government should. Then Tom's folks wanting to and Indians in contrast. i Many times a white man tells me,, "t wouldn t mind being an inuian mxsolf." When questioned why, the usunl reply Is "W,oll. so I could be cared for. havo land, tribal money, llvo on reservation, hunt, fish nnd haxo a good easy time. Just like tho Indians, and what nature Intended us to get." . , Tho American peoplo don t knoxv tho real situation of tho Indians. The reservation system hns scrx-od a good purpose In trying to get tho Indians to forsake their prlmltlvo wax. Hut Its day Is long since passed. It Is to day a breeding place of Idlers, beg rar. ramblers, and paupers. It Is a prison whero human beings am doomed and among the gncsts oi the dead. Tho sooner the xvhote res- orvatlbn policy Is abolished the soon er we write finis to ono ot m uiacK- est pages of American history. Why nro Indian Ilnckxxnrtr.' "-""- "'' CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS WANTKD Work by first-class color ed maid, chamber xork or day work. Itoom "6, Washington hotel. 27-29 Comparo this American community 'FOl'ND lllack nnd white female with a population of 9224 with tho terrier, without license Owner can Indian community of the same num-. recover by paying ndxertlslng costs, bor. and you will no longer wonder etc. Otherwise dog will bi killed, at tho lack of Indian doxelopmcnt. ! Chief of police, city hall. 27-2S In the American community tno people arc citizens. In the Indian i M'.MIII.It community tho vast majority urn. If you are going to build let mo ngure on roil .nai.i:. thaih: ok i.i.asi: Holland Houso Kellogg Apts Whltlock AptH Houses In nil parts of tho city Farms In all parts ot Klnmnth county. Ono S-Inch centrifugal pump with lo horso gis engine 1(5 head first-class dairy rows. Jer sey, Holstcln, Hrown Swl, Durham. Cheap for cash. Will sell one or any part. One lied Polo hull it......... ....... ...... LUWH .-UKh.U.h Inquire .... ... ....ii ,.,,. ..... --; I.,,... tt.,m,r tlK. J N Hrnmhall, llm. 20 S Winters' Hide Phone M9J 2C-2.S' Metithii Sulphur u pleasant cream, will soothe nnd heal skin that I Ir rltated or broken out with eczema that Is rnxereil with uglj rash or pint pics, or Is rniiuli or dry Nothing suit lines fiery skin minions ho quhkl) saxs a iiii'ed skin speil.illst The moment this sulphur propara turn Is applied the Itching stops and after two or three iipplliatlons, tin I'czemn Is gone mid tho skill Is de lightfully clear nnd smooth Sul phur Is so precloiitt us ii skin reined) In. cause It r o)8 the parasites that ruiiso tho burning. Itching or dlsflg-1 liniment Mentho-Sulphur ulw.iyni heals eczema right up. T smiill Jar of .Meiitho Sulphur ms.) bn had at any good drug store ' I !. U.'CAUI'KNTi:if. Palntir atid, raperiiangcr. mono 27CJ A--S..M-12 FOR 11F.NT I room furnished apt Phono 273J. 27-29 FOIt KENT Nicely furnished room Uath nnd phone 512 N. 5th St I 27-29 DAlllY W. A. Koenlg. 4 4 miles from Klamath Falls, Midland road. 27-29 WII.I. TltADK Auto for work horses Wrlto P 0. Hox 20 , Fort Klamath. On 20-2 hnlnlets sublccts. In tho American community tho officials aro elected by the people. In the Indian commun ity a bureau agent has arbitrary au- thorlty. In the American community there aro banks whero depositors control their own accounts. In the Indian community thero aro no banks and the Indians have no right to control their own money. In the American community the public funds aro reported and audit ed. In the Indian community there Is no Itemized account of Indian money and tho Indians are not told how tbelr money was spent. In the American community the Individual baa his private possessions, to b held against the world. In the Indian community the Individual may be shorn of bis possessions at tne whim of a bureau agent, without redrew. In the American community there are theatres, movies, lectures, recrea tional and educational programs, in tbo Indian community there are no recreation halls and get-together meetings are forbidden. Kallghtentnrnt Humpcr.! In the American community thero are public libraries and open forums for the public discussion. There nre no libraries In the Indian commun ity and open forums are forbidden. In tbo American community thero aro physicians and dentists giving competitlxo service. In the Indian community there aro perhaps two government physicians, who aro paid the samo salary whether they glxo service or not. In tbo American communlt) there are public schools, grade and high, fitting the youth for the duties of life. In tho Indian community thero Is an Indian school to sixth grade only, with teachers for useleu occu pations, unfitting the outh for real American life. In the American community there are courts of justice, xvhere wrongs are dealt with according to law. In tho Indian community there are po llco Judges who aro absolutely undor tho control of tho superintendent nnd whose decisions are without xalldlty until approxed by tbo kuperintendent. In tbo American community no person may bo deprlxed of life, lib erty, or property, without duo pro cess of law. In tho Indian community no Indlnn has any right to life, liber ty or property which bureau agent Is bound to respect Justice is Unequal In American community offenses and crimes are dealt with under ex act laws. In the Indian community tho supreme court has ruled that cer tain heinous crimes If committed by an Indian against an Indian are out side the Jurisdiction of any American court. In tho American community there aro farmers' associations, housekeep er.!' club, parents' ui-soclatlons and other mutual-benefit organizations. In tho Indian community they aro forbidden. Certainly tho taxpayers of Amorlca should Investigate the Indian prob lem in connection with tho Indian bureau. Tho public fund Is used in maintaining many thousands uselosa employes. Also the biggest part of the Indian fund Is used for this, not bocause 'the Indian wishes It, but without his consent. ou money tcrs' Hldg your lumber bill. Can saxu ',?"" lau y J N llramhall. 20S Win. " ", ..,, ''""o ""J- , 834 Mln spi:rii, Pnnsy plants, spcclut, 7." rents a lozun Cabbngo plants, 20 cents n iath ru)vi:it .simp Phono ;s: 2... 29 FOIt KENT Furnished houiekeep-' lng room and 2-room cabin 1 1 13 WANTED Wbmnn lo work In wash Pine Phono SCSIl 20 2S! room Hte.ulv u0rk. X hour day SHOi: IlKPAIHINC-Juck Frost. 1 19 I H. Sixth St. I7tt i Swedlnh select certified seed outs,' ton lols 2-4 cts; less quantity 3 cti J A. Ilushong. Klnmnth Falls, Ore-, gon. Call at Murphey's Feed store. 124 S Cth St. :ilf I'll.. SCHOOL or MUSIC Present enrollment 38 pupils. Ther,. Must I to a Itcnxm For thu fact that our preseut enroll- , ment Is the largest uver held by a school In Klamath county Complete course nn the piano In 20 lemons Courso starts at nny time l.nroll now HtUtllO 306-309 Winters' llldg 20tf FOIt KENT H) acres all In nlfalfa In town of Merrill 13J N loth St i Klamath Fulls. litf LEWIS & STIlOL'n Mnttress mak lug, upholstering, and Job work. Call 397W. C09 8 Cth St. 17-29 I HOARDING MONEY IS DANGEROUS People who hoaul money take tlan uvrons risks! The papers have never beiure contained so many accounts of robberies that have cost the j-'avings of a lifetime, in some cases resulting in personal injuiy, even loss of life! The place for your savings is in the Hank! There only is your money safe loss fiom robbery, fire and We invite you to keep your savings in thiV .strong bank, conducted under Uriel laws of the United States C.nv ernnient. Come in and open your ac ft'ount today ! AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK .French Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4 th S S. C. White Leghorn llaby Cblx.St for April. May L. Juno delivery trom '- our own bred-to lay stock Our prices ' White Leghorn baby chicks, $11 00 aro right. Model Poultry Farm, W. C. per 100. Tancred strain. Hcaxy Smith, Prop., Coralng, Cal. Estnb- .layers; circular. Henry Tarratt, Lorn lithed 1904. C-29 'lng. Cal. -29 Next Tuesday and Wednesday Benefit for Timber Workers Local No. 188 Two Big Nights at the STRAND Don't Forget the Days Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2 and 3, Entire receipts go to the boys. Change of Show each night. Also plenty of Vaudeville Admission 10c and 25c STlCK8HoursSTICK! j STICK 8 Hours Taste is a matter of toluccu quality We i'.j'c it it our honrit ly itfihit the tobacco uird m Chcitc. field jre of finer qiuluy (and hence of u:cj than in any other iiguette at the piKe. hunt li Mjtri Ttldni Ct. "J k 'P1 mU Lower Prices 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10'-tRe) Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccot blended -p iH DOINGS OF THE DUFFS SIGNS OF SPRING FEVER BY ALLMAN YES.lVG DEEM UP Pf&CTICIHG AT AM IMPOOR SCWOOi.- I JUST BOUGHT A HEY DRIVER AHDA OOZEM HEW BALLS- I'M ALL SET-VOL) OUGHT TO SEE MV SWING - I'VE GOT AHENTIRLEV NEW STANCE LET ME SHOW YOU HOV I STAND HOW--r? y Hi i r'('jt -rr urM UaprV r ( ..'.I"..''..'." -" ' IVCbUI IUCjU I ggi-, MA14ICRRAHPX V L, ' W'3 ' i LOOK HERE, THIS IS THE GRIP I'M USING NOW- SEE HOW I HOLD MV THUMBS? 50RRY, HARfcV, I'M LATE MOW SEE VOL AGAIM! r r hello.thepeN V BiuJ J- OH. HELLO TOM'. I WAS JUST OVER. AND Bought some NEW FI$HIM' TACKLti! LET ME SHOW VOUSOME OF THESE FANCY SPOONS I GOT ! JUST TAKE. A SLANT AT THAT OABY-aASBH? BUT WAIT. I'VE GOT A LOT O F OTHERS - GO AND SHOW 'EM TO HARRY -HE'S RIGHT UP THE STREET THERE! m for four GARDEN, LAWN or FIELD murphew ; seed store Phone 87 , -v I