Page Three THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WCDNEARAY, AI'ML M, ISM The Office Gat II V JUNIUH "If mnry lent nimnt wan Mieitl In I lid I'll til III II It 1 1 III Willi ll II WIIK 1'IIMI I'll, Unit iniiitiiiinlty would Im I In lii'il rotii nt it ii llx In Hie world " W'iiii I il l Ih .ihi'itllnu ".Mr I'ninliloiil. vv on lit you inlml iniililliililiiK inn fin Urn uibltitil?" "My kouiI friend, llinrn lire nn iinint li'M In llin uililnnl " "I Ilium Unit, lull It mlr.lii iti't mi) ii IiiihiiIiiiII or inovli' offer " If you J tut r. n liy tlm iiiiivIun. hmiiii niivnr ilo iiii)IIiIiik In llm IiIk nortli mihhI. ntcniit luii lli;liln In (rout of tint r.mirrii. I HcMTn lnlir In tin' AIM In until lo,linii Orhi'M (tin Imam lulu hm nn,, mill It itiiiilitlimH ki'im ninny of tin' , liuri'i IiiIiIm tin. Iiiitil. ' 'i hi: iir.rici: Ijuly Vim miy your fatlwr w.m Injured In im I'Milfolim' How illil II lllllM'll? Child--Well, mother k.iH II wnn loo in ii t- M eail, lint father nayt It totm tun llltlu niiKiir. l.lo)il Dc'l.iip mi)H when tin lirlil" Ih'kIiih In riiitiiiihi uliiiilt llillili)' trm kliiK mini i.r llm run, llm lion 711101111 Im iiMtr . rowi, i'iiiri:i:niu An ntit maid. renlilliiK In .SVidhaiii. Kept In'im. lull ln'Kleeeil In feed'i'in. Tliiy derided tu Hlilka. Wmt off nil 11 lillii'. Ami H'h hum K.tM'ii itan sine.) sho ki'i'il'i'lll 1'. 8. 'rim ri'Smni tin Ioiiiht nlm hears tlii'lr lurk-rliirk. Ii Ihh-.-iiifo they were killed liy n lilR motor I r licit. II. (I. HIllllIlT ll )' MIIIlK llll'll JllHt naturally look inielllKeut. whllii iiIIi nr wear lilnrk ribbon nil tlii'lr i')n Klauie Anil llrfm "Hi nib" IM'uriv "l'n?" "Wi'll, Thomas" "What's 11 bucket, shop?" "A liinki't lu)i. my mm, offers 11 nit,. niiirHi In tho xrliiiol nt i'i'rli'iirn " ' ii Gftafs real YOU'LL say so too when you try Folgcr's Golden Gate. It is the coflcc tlut"hits the right snit"widi those who demand cjuality. Tell yourgroccr you want it. J. A. FOLGER 6i CO. San t'mnciuo Kanuii City Dtillai bhi(oka,JjlJH Emmmmmltt4&mmmW&9mwJ ' MUH, AI.VAII II. MiCRKARV nf l'lillinlfiliii, ului kiijm imiIIiIiik .Im cnulil on)' fur Tim. Iiii Itiitllil lie linlr Kouil riiiiii((li iiriri llm why till I rutin kiililn liirilli Ini' lint hrnimlll limk her fii'iillli. It l J 't 1: orii iu 'ii linu my IiimIiIi bark ului in in) 1 pillion thorn In notliinr. I urn 1.1 iilmiti Tnnliir imjiiM !' Imlf Kiioit I'm 11r.l1. iialil Mm A I villi II MiCrciry. 1131 l.octmt HI . I'hlliidi'lplilii. I'ii - ' I'nr l)o Ji'.irn I I1111I all thn mU rr.ililc nuil iiKouliliiK ciiiiliiiiin that ru Willi 11 rum1 nf mo in. 11 Ii trim liln. AUIioiikIi I IHi'd nn tlin utrlrtcHt kind nf dlt I miffi'ricl tortur.. from IuiIIkpmIuii and finally my whole yn icin ii'i'iiii'il to r.lvn way ' I irrtnlnly ktiti ho In appro I ato tlm otiilor(ul lili'nlnn of Reed Inultli mid I hnvn niicIi roufldincn In Tnnlar that I nli It wan In my powrr to put 11 liotlli' nf It In thn I1.1111I1 nf niry Mirk mini, woman and child no that limy inlulit taki II nnd Ret will 11111I nirntiK . I Ii.imi dnni" Tanlar unit Vi'Kitaliln PIIU nn mild liy ilriiRKlxtH I'Vi-rywhoro -Adv. N'OTII'i: TO (It'll I'ATIIO.NS OhIiik tn pri'ii'iit Imnltii'n romll tlon. nil mid nftor .May Ut, w will ho ciunpidli'd to lmn p.tiIi In mlvanrn fur nil paporn ili'lhi'rnl liy UN. Thomi In urri'.irN will pli'imc rail tit Btoro nn or lu'foro nliovn dato and renew nuIi HrrlptioiiN. or papcm will Im Htoppod. No iri'itlon mi.irs m:vs aokvcv 7:1.1 Miilit Si. I'Iioiio i:.U. 23.21; llorald hmslfli'il nil moan the hit mill tn, iiilrk' ccfiz " eltK -l netici: to crkihtorh i.v thh 4xmintv court ok tiih KTATK OF OltDCO FOR KLAM ATM COUNTV IN TIIM MATTKIl OP TICK KHTATB 01 fllAltl.HH J, I'lIllflUHON, Do- rrasijd. Xotlcn In Ii or ii liy Riven Hint tlin un ilnrnlmirii linn been duly appointed iiiliiiltiliilnilor with tlui will annnscd (if tlm Kntalit of Charles J. Ferguson, iliici'imi'il, liy tint County Court of thn Hlntn of Oii'Kon for Klamath county, mill nil piirHoiiM bavin claims against null) ("Into 11 ro luiroliy notified to present Hit inn to H10 undersigned at my of flu) at Hi 'i American National hank, Kliiinntli Knlls. Onutnii, within hlx uiutitliH from tho (Into hereof. Dated tliln 2Hth iluy of March, A. I). I Ii22 i:. M. I1UIIII, Administrator of tho Kututn of Charles J, I 'or rim on, Deceased, notici; ok ronii hi.ectiov PATTERSON HtltlOATlOV IHK TIIHT N'otlco lit linrnliy Klvon, t hut un I'lnitlou will Im Imld In x.ild Dlttrlrt on Mny 2nd. 1922, nt what Ik known im llm Jerome Whltnry ranch In xald Dlntrlit, to di'tnrmlnn wliuthvr ald I'nttiirKDti Irrlxatlun district nhall In hud liondn In Hid mim of f 40,000 for tlin puriioHii of procpcdlnic with thn tin nimary lonnlrurtlon work ui hero trifnrn iliitnruiluod liy thn lloaTd of Dlroclorn Dalud April Mh, 1022 Hixni'd iir.irritUDi-: mccohmick, Hi'C'y Hoard of DlrccUtm. xetici: ok hiu:hikhh h.w.k. Ily lrtun of an uttachtnont ciucu lion duly IhbikiI hy tbn Clark of tho Circuit Court of tho County of Klatn nth, Htato of OroRou, dated Hid lXth iliiy of April, I&23. In a certain ac tion in thn Circuit Court for nuIiI county and r 1 11 to. whuroln Martin llroft , u rorporatlon, rocoverrd JiiiIk ini'iit uKalnnt C. V. llolmm and I.u 1 Ilo HoluioN for thn mini of fourtrou liundri'd dollarn with lutoront tliiire on at tho riito of IU por cent por an num from Hoptumbor 1C, 1922, attor noy'N foes In tbn nuiii of I ISO and toxin and ilUhurHomontH taxod In tho inim of 11 r. ko, on tin; 17th day of April, IU22 Nolle, liiTuhy Rhon that I will on tho I Mh iluy of May, 1022, at thn front door of tlm County Court llounn at Klamath KaIIn, Klamath County. Htato of OrrRon, nt IU o'clock In tho foronnou of nuld day, noil nt public miction to thn hlRhont hlddor, for rnuli, tho followlnE ilancrlhod real projiorty. to-wlt Lot olRht In hlock 'tthho nf Hot KprliiKN Adilltloit to thn City of Klamath Kails, Klamath County, Ori'Ron, taken and lovlod upon an tho proper ty of tho nald I.ucllo IIoIiuon nnd C. V llolini'i, tmr liiidband. or n much thcroof an may bo nocoimary tn iiatln- fy tho Raid JudRtnont In favor of plaintiff nRalnnt ald dofondanta with Intorent thcroon, tonothor with all conIn nnd dUburnutnenti that havn or may urcruo, 1. I.. LOW. Khorlff Ily HUItT K. HAWKINS. Deputy Datod at Klamath Fall, Oro., April IH, IU22 A 19-20 M 3 10-17 w u CITATION IN Till: COUNTV COURT Ol" Till,' HTATi: OK ORCOON TOR HUM. ATII COUNTV imo(ii:nj: c. iiami'ton, I'luimiff, VR, AHTIIIIll II WII.HON, Kocutor of thn Kntiitc of ThoiuaN lliimpton,! IlccotiHodl V I. Hninpten: Mary ill. WlRiiuum, Anna II, Ackluy; nnd IJIIr.alinlli II. I'cmborton, Dofon- llllt. To Arthur It. W'llxon, Kxi'Ciitor of tho Kuluto of Thomni Hampton, do rnniiodi W ". Hampton; Mnry H WlRetnnn: Anna II Arkley: and KHz nbeth II. I'crnhorton, thn nliuro nnui fd dtifeuilantH. WIIKItKAB, thcro hnn been fllid In tha nbovn entitled Court, 11 I'otltlon nf ImoKonn C Hiiiupton, pniylriK that tin ordnr of tlm iibova entitled Court hrrotoforn untornd. admlttlnK n cer tain InRtrumutit to probatn on tho l,at Will and Toxtamcnt of ThomaH Hampton, deceahed, bo nponod, and thnl thn l.ottorn TcRtnmontnry born toforn IrrupiI to Arthur It. WtlRnn, h r thn nxnetttor of thn l.iut Will unit TcRtnmcnt of Thoinan Hampton, do rraNfd, be revoked and annulled, mid that thn Raid Inatruincnt bo adJudK'il not thn LaRt Will and Tentament of the Raid Thoinaa Hampton, deccaRod, and tho Court havlnR fixed Monday tho I'Jth day of Juno, 1H22, nt the hour of 10 o'clock u, m , 111 the tlmo, nnd thn County Court llootn In the Court llounn of Klamath County, Ore Rim, In tho City of Klamath KiiIIh, OroRon. ai thi place for tho hearing upon Raid petition. You. mid eaih of you, urn thcro font hereby ordered and command! d to appear before tho ubova ontltled Court ut tho tlmo nnd plaro fixed by Raid order, and then and thern Rhow ratten why Raid potltlon nhould not be Kratttod, ThU Citation Ir lirnued In purxu uncn of un order of the Hon It. H. Iluniicll. JiidRu of the above entitled court, dated the 10th day of April, WOOD It the cheapest thlnR you bay, pro vided you make a wlia (election. GREEN SLAB W urr RottlnR a few Rreon alab at $3.50 Cord DRY SLAB 16.00 Cord O. PEYTON & CO. 410 Main Plume MB Keep It Before You HEN Isaac Newton, the opher, was asked how problem, he replied. "I keep it before me." Glance through the advertising columns of this paper and in a few minutes you have before you numerous things you want to buy now or at some future date. Advertising has stabilized prices. The advertiser names his price one for all. You know that in paying it you are getting the same deal as the next one. Keep It Before You. You owe it to your pocketbook. Advertising has helped stabilize qualitly. Only the best wares are spread before you on these printed pages. The men who advertise here are making public certain claims, on the fulfill ment of which depends their commercial success. Keep It Be Before You. ' Advertising gives you news of the latest and best things made with word as to what they cost and what they will do. It puts before" your eyes the pick of the country's market and the selec tion of the particular kind, shape, size and color that best suits your taste and fits yoiu pocketbook. A 1' Keep It Before You Klamath Falls MONDAY AIG BARNES BIG -4-RING WILD ANIMAL A I) 1322, nnd Is published onco a I week for Rlx weeks In the KvenlnK Herald n newspaper printed and pub-i llnhed In Klamath County, Oregon, by order nf thn xald court dated thn lMh day of April. 1922. ' Tho dato of the first publication Is ' Wednesday, tho 191b day of April, 1U22. C. It. DKLAP. Clerk of tho County Court, Klam ath County. OroRon. (Seal) Ily AM.KN BI.OAN. Deputy A l'J-26 M .1.1 1). 17. 2 1, 31 AUTO CARS llulldlna lrfit Oililns All lUrgalnh Hco DICK Offlro SUl llroad St. -VV?fc. - 4-jL s- I "S WT-wmW I S a M -1 ,' .1 - ., &tmmMWi Atr ,A4 great mathematician and philos lie worked out a complicated f MAY 1st 1UrtI 1M JUSKO' a DR. C A. RAMBO Dentiat L O. O. P. DulldiBC PBOXK 1 Herald classified ads pay yo. Graduate Foot Specialist At Your Serric Consultation and Examination Free K. K. K. Store Foot Spcclallrts m 0 ' tit kJ mmm7SJVi5 uyin ' t tLH r(TTAtw?- c V. Chiropractic Removes the Cause Earei Abnormal Kormnl Hplnnl Nerve plncliril nt till opc'ilag Tho above cut bow how eas ily nervn energy to Important or garni may bo cut off. A dlmllar condition In your spina In the can no of your trouble. Chiro practic adjustments will cor rect It. Drs. Mallett & Mallett Undrrwooil Tlldic. EtTcnth and Main Phone 539-J L NEW CITY LAUNDRY FlnWicd Work Flat Work RouRb On "Put Yoar Dad In Oar Huda PHONK 184 Coratr Mat and Cornier FRED WESTERFELD Dentin PbOM 4M-W X-RAY LABORATORIES Loom! Did. Klaamat Palla I. O. O. F. Proapcrlty Rebrknli, 104; meets First n Tlilnl Tliursdaya Ktrnunn Encampment 49, moots enrti Tuc-iiloy Klamath Lodjn 1.17; iucra each Friday KUmmth Falls Tlumbing A Htatinff Co. IKS MAIN ST. niOint S4S-W DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEPOATHIO PHTMCIAN msd wommon Office aad IteeMeae P&oms) SSI L O. a 9. XKMPLB RAINBOW SWEET SHOP BREAKFASTS AMD LUNCHEONS SERVED fiOFT nRINKS. ICR CREAM AXD CANDIES Winters BuUdwff Phone IBeVJ PRICE, HILTON GARRETT Proprietor KLAMATH POST No. t. American Legloa sects la the baseaseat ot the aew courtBOBM oa Mala Street oa tha first and third Tuesdays ot each, atoath. Ex-service men are Invited to at tend the aseetlBie. Dr Fred Westerfeld, Coasiander. H. B. (Jets. Poet Adjutaat and Re lief and Employment committee. DR. H. J. WINTERS Qradaate OPTICIAN Nineteen years hen la hulaeea We grind and fit GImim Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Serrlc Reet Bfataffed OpUeal Stora la Souther Oieajaa 714 Maim StrMC j " J. C. CLEGHORN CIVlTi ENOOnaRBi AND SVRVKYOa Phoae IBaW lat A, Mtaralsa DR. J. G GOBLE OPTOMETRIST OPXICUX 70S Mala St. Phoao 1SS-W Wo fit and srlnd glutae, DuaU cate broken lenses, repair frajaet, J W. E. & J. E. PatUrsois CONTRACTING PAINTERS ' Paints, OUs Md Vanish SSO S. Bteth St., lamh Vatts Phoae BSaW free 9 t SlSS Jt t ' VV V-'V " ' " "1 ' ' VT.'( t.V 't-MtM ' Mil., ii t ) w . 1 u ','! 4. v r ' i. ,4..' ('-. U