The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 26, 1922, Image 1

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h4 ,
THVH.'III' ,l MiniHItW, I'.tlll
I'ltteeiilli eul', ,i. ;(7
Member of tho Associated Press.
KLAMATH FALLS, OltKOO.V, WKPM.HDA V. .Willi, ail, nl!
Behind the Bars
Postcard From Niht-Ridera
Brinira Opinion From
Dintrict Attorney
LOU ANOCI.LH. April 20 -).
Irlrt Allotiie) WVulwlim today Omr
MPlnrUi..! Din Km ,i, KI.iii im a
"hnuiled IiiiimI nf otltlnHn mill cow
unls" In ii nliiiKiiiKiit Inxih'iI nhnrlly
after riTi-hliiK ii iimiti rurd warning
Itlni In it' ulim In tint
fulr. Tlim-iinl was Mgm-il "K l K
I.OB ANHHLKH. April 20 An
'I" fur thi. night rider mlil Hni
unlay nlr.lit him plnrril liy William
B Cobuni. Niiprium attorney unit
grmnl gnhllu ot (In. ICu Klin Klan,
upon the nImIm rnnnlnlde. Meilfi.rd II
Muher. In Miiteiuenl Imlny
C'lilfiiril said (li rulil him plntihe.l
(il ii rliUi'im' meeting Friday tiiitht
III which ii KIi'mkIo blinker m.
iiHxtntutil In Mimhor lii iimrrlfil 'In
kl.lll Hiln not muni' ted Mlh tlii rulil
1 -r til
1 m -
umuv nmuuiprp i
Lfll UH V Hhf ,1
- iw rflnTMniiflir
111 LMIimjUflM.
Million I'lleil liv Km- I'll in Itim-il
I nil Action Ilk Itllllualli lli-u-lini.
mi nt ('ii,, IIiwii Ink M.i) il '
piticB fivb owm
The Winning Hand
Many Liven Lost; Yokoha
ma Also Shaken Volcano
, 'Eruption Reported
. CJinernl Htminuff, Contack Icnilir
' photographed In hli icll ut New
i Ynik where ho wnn lirlil In default
i of u bonO In a tit II lull
I'IiiiiiiImt ul 'immune Srilrliil)
Sii) Uik.iiiIiiIIihi .Nevili'il An.
"If I'HT orgmiltiilttill ,,, iuie,.
II I tii'i-iliii ! ." di lured T A
tliuvoiirmi. miriturr of ihu iIi.iiii
bet of lummi-ne, nt Unlays fur.iiu
luiirlieun, following ii Muteit-ciit ii f
the1 ji'urV arconiplUlnurnln mid
rrntoiu iy nil nii'liilnTN ihnilM
pintiiplly meet uuipbt inlilli p.i-
iiluiilx when kI at In nio nrrmil-
"d ulmut I lie first of next mnnili
HtewiMon flutly mi(riuct tu
mors which, ).i) mi PI Here helm; ir-nil.ili-,1
tluit the American (!,tv (In.
imii him t'i u W mi exorbitant share
llf llm fllliili Kllrf,'il under IN
((iiilriiil fur organizing I In- r'lun
her. llur'uii t.Vi, Onlj .il
l'l liuiiJml iloll.irs In nil inj
tint AliiiTlran City Ihiumu l,,n n.
(ClWll, IlL r.llll, IHIil ,. U (!n
I.UtlllllK llllllf lllllll til., llu'ildf-i
'Pt;iUiih nrlH nro l.iki'ii nt
YIii t'li.iuihi.r Ii.ih rut IIh iiiiiiii .1
hitIhmiI rim I II.mio, ho ilK-lirnl;
U ilelni: t liltif-it. n mil l.y
Hid flrxl uf limn Hill P.. nil of
ili'lit If nil Mniiil liy mm milium! (I.
mill n'.iily fur ,a )i-ar uf cti'ilor
iir'tli'Vi'iui'iii I
Tim AiniTlcin City ImriMii Ii.i.i uf.
Ii-ri'il to ni.i fur r.o per icni uf
llii-lr urlKllKit rlinrm. HIviimi.u
Htilil, hut mi nrllun haH' linen l;-n
uii tlm iif.'iT. Oim tlilnk w ii r
li'ln. Im Hulit, Unit mi piTriitucii
wiiulil i;ii ,, tlm liiiri'iiu mull luc
i null Inn! urtiinlly hni'ii palil on Mile
AniuiiK iicroiuplliiliiiii'iilfi fur
wlilcli Im (lalniKil rri'illt fur tlii
rhiuiiliiT ru: rimmiKi! uf tlu uly
rrfiiuilliiK IiiiiiiU; inuoiiKii uf Hid
tffmi.iiiin roml bnml Imnii-; HccurliiK
plnyKruunil iiulpiiiont niul iiKroo
uii'iit Hitli the cminly rutin fur In
Mtiillntluu In tint rrur of llm court
, houiuij carryliiK Iho I.iiiikuII vnlloy
homl I'liTtlonj bcciirliiK cu-npor.1-Hun
from HUklyuu nullity fur an
iilllliifyiHi''iiiiini hlKliHiiy lu
Wi'oil; Inluri'KlliiK llii'Wi'Mli-ni l.
i rifle In IiiiIIiIIiik u nillwuy into tlilt
city, Hlilrli It uppcurH in y liu u
part uf Iho ruiid'rt mixt onrly ox
imiriluu priiiinini; croiitlng mi nutu
uiuhllii purk, nnil iilillnir In hcIUIiik
tli flro liiriiirmicu mul wiitor ruto
IIICHllull. '
Audi I .ii im IHm'Uhm'iI
It. C. (liot'Hliuolt wiih tlm chluf
Hpoiikiii' ul toiluy'H fnriiiu. Ho illn-
MIKNI'll bUVITIll iniittcrH, niuoiiK utli-
iiih Ihu iffuut iipmi tlm I'uinmiiiilly
uf Ihu rlty'H UKrcuiniMit tu iixlciiil
tlm Hirnliorn rullwuy cuutrnct u
your; tho livnlliiblllty iinilo,. poiul
Inn inncioBnlnnal IokIuIuIIoii of kov
oininont fiiiulrt for IiuIIiIIhk roailx
lliruiiKh tlm Htatu mul ilrlvlnt; hIk
iiiiIh. Ilu vxumlnoil novoral local
ilrhora un hIkiiiiIh, to hIiow that Iho
III-' I ilrlvlm; law wiih not Kcncriilly
Iffltiii Ik ll ;i- ,., Mri-lliiK
In Nin I'liliiri'i ifOiciiiiiii
l Aim of ni.iiiliiiluii I
TOKIO April 20 A hi-avy i-arth.
Mimkii dif.rk ori'iirrt-il Ihth 'HiIk
tnuriiliii;, r''nlilii: In Hut Iukx of
hkvithI llvi'M mul ruiMlili-raliln ilani
iiku to IhiIIiIIiikn. No AiiHTlnitiH or
i:tirrjx'.inK HM.-o vIcUiiin.
Many narrow rump, wrru hail
fn ii rullaprliiK wiiIIh mul chlinpnyir.
, Tlm Aini'Mrati ninliamiy him HllRhtly
" mul inimy oxlillilu at tin'
1'i'iiro i:tlihltloii nri. hrnko'ii.
Yokohama him im acwrnly uliak-
fit nit Toklu, mill tho Clilnon iiiar
, l"r of Vukohauin hiik vlrlunlly ilo-
utruyi-il. Th Hitter workg wan illn-
' .Mount Anamlii Vaina. !M) iiiIIpm
I of Tnlln, i-ruplnl yi-mor-
l.iy. throwing out imln-n. niunca
Miiiil tinioki;.
AlifitliDt tit.r.. urn., wrlll.i. IhIi fli.
iioiirt Iioiihi. r:iHi. Ililti moriiliii' when
Iho law firm of Ilmiii'T, Muunliir
Ctinmif; flliil u niollnn n'iklni: loavo
lo filu tlH'lr Hiroii'l niiipniu,.ital
rompliilm, ImihIiii: their (onlmitlon on
l In- ii'K'iii in Hon of Ilu. Kl.nnnlli lie
vi'lopinnni romp.iny In Ihoir ilinliir.i-
llon to Iho roiinty (ourt in whlrh
title to lllork 10 was il'rlanil for
fi'lli'il. Tho motion will Im iirii". hoforo
Jtnlrii Hklpworth of KiiKi'iio, whr
wax appolutoil hy tho Hiiprmnn 'unit
to hear mattcm porlnlnlni; to th"
court lioiiiui IIHkuUoii.
AccoiupnnylnK tho motion, nml no
tlco of flllru: of tho inotlrn, wak the
Hrcniiil Hiippli. menial romplnliit.
Hhldi Hill not bn flloil until JuiIkq
Sklpnorth Ii:m pnnHcil on l ho motion
to lic
it In presided In tho notlco of tho
Allies' Note Will Be Prac
tically an Ultimatum,
Dispatch Says
LONDON, April 20 fno lllcd
nolo lo lie pnwnlcil lo tho ItUMlunn
nt Omrin tomorrow,Knyi im cxchanRn
I'-lcKrnfih ilUpntcli will ho prnrtlcally
an ultimatum ilnmanillnr. unoiuliro
al ropllpK on thn following four
First I'aympnt of war ilpbt, cllh
i.r i-nlln-ly or with n rnluctlon bnol
on Hip ItiiK.nlaii capnrlty to pay
Bi-coml Payment of prp-war ilebm
wiih tin. Krantlns. If ncceunry. of a
...... . , ,ni me kiuiiiiiik. II 111
motion that II -hall bn urKi.e, before , rcBW)nBblo moratorium.
imii iniiri ill i.ukuiio i" iiujri n ht , , .
' Thlr.lln.tA..,.ft ,n. .1, .i.
....i. .i.iiv.11.111, . uii IIUII1UK11I
ervlcu of tlm notice, which woulil i T"" Inil
inakn It about May C. forelKner.
- Fourth II,
.-mhIitIiiiiiI Dill) 'One lo I:m-am Urn
no lt-iill of l.liintr lllllll
I The , runnel or the ruminnnlly
miim-ll. loiiipoii'il uf ,.,.fi,., repre
cniutlv'-n from .til Km clvlr uml
irailo nrc.inlialloMri In tffe lomiiiiiii-
liy. mul wJilrh him apoiiMireil hy the
MumuUi 4-uimty uf com
inerre. Iiim Ihmii rompleteil. The flmt
mietliiK Hill I'o lirlil within u Hlmrt
lime, win ii tlm orKanlnHun will he
perfeileil by Hie elerllun of n per-1
iiuiuent chairman, ii tlrr-chalrmnii
nml oerretury
Th iinell In holnc lirKmiltoil lo"
fiiler il iui rn-opemtlou helHeen
Il rKmilr.iHiuiN of the lommunliy,
uml to afford ihu marhliier) where
by all of llii'o nry.aiilrnlluiiN (.in Kel
Ik-IiCiiiI u I'heu proKMlu foi the wel
furn of Hid iliiutnuuily wheii hinh
in Hull In ilei'iiieil .mil ail-
I'iiIIehIiu: are llm li.uueH of Hie
urKallltatlniiN nml their official rep-
Ohumlier of cniiiinorro, ,1. A (!ur
don: llol.iry ilub. V. (I Smith;
HpiirlMiiou'H iisHoclallon. J .1. I'nr-
her; r.irm bureau, T. N. I'.me:
American l.-i;lon. II. II. Mill; Irri
gation dUlllil. A. IT. WlNhnnl: City
of Klmiiiilh Fnlln, Mnyur W. . Wll
ev'i Klmnulli county, .lndi;o It. II
IIiiiiiipII; Wiiiuen'rt nuxllliiry of llm
chamber of rninnuTiv, Mrn. CIiiin.
Wood l.hprleln; Klaniath Fulls l.lh
rury club, .Mm. Win. (luuuni;.
It In iirnbable Unit tlm flrnt meet.
Ilii; will lio cnlleil within u eek,
when llm iiui'Kllon of liuxlni; nther
urKillll'atloiiH repreHenteil will he
comtlilereil. Kach of tho roprom-nla-1
1 von will outline Urn proKrum of the
nrKiinlditlnn they repreKeut uml then
u definite proKr.'uu of work will be
nulllni'd fur thu munrll."
Tlm cniiucll In not pntlerneil uflcr
Unit of any particular coiumunliy.
hut wiih ciTuteil to fill u definite pur
pou In Klamntli FiiIIn, ami much In
lerent In IipIiik hIiowii In Its ori;anl.
Follow In K w he.irliiK )cNturil:iyi
before I' S. ('ummlHKluner llert C. I
Thomnii. A IMen. one of Urn four
tnlcii In a rah! on the Hun 8odcr
Itiml ranch .Monday afternoon, win
bou ml ovV li tlm fiileral court.
Hall hah fUeit nt 7M, which Kileu been iiuahlu to rnlre up to n
lalu hour toilay. Me In beliiR held
III Jail to await tralitfer to l'ort
land. Dean Taylor wm fined I2rtn by
JunHco (ai;hnneu mul lunlcuceil In
2f ilaya In nil. HoilPrltinil wan nc
ulllei. Tlm cao of . Ol-on. fourth
member of the parly. Ii.ik not it
been lieniil. i
MIn Vein TliiiuiMin Will KnteHuIn
(,'iiiiluiiUiiK (Iimn Touluht
?l!r.,IMIII D.iuiliuo, N Item.iiulnl b)
I. S. jt(teiui uf Wife' fitlliei-
The unlur cIbhn uf tjio IiIkIi
rcliool thin uvcnlnR will enoy n the
atre party nt tho Uncrty Riven by
Ml un Vera Thompnoiu popular
muinbur of the irratliutlnK tlan of
1922. who Hill afterward entertain
it the Illucblrd cafo.
Thoo Invited lire tlm nieuiberi
of the claan and the clans advlorri.
connlKtliiK of Krllier Culkltm. Anna
Culklmi, Itutli Do Lap, Dorothy Del
sell. Ittith Dixon. Vlrlan Klllott.
Hraco Klllott. Frances Humphrey,
Albertiii Nltwliclm, llnrris Ilced,
.Mary Smldl, Vera Thompson. Kntli-
erlno Fpp, Jo I'pp, (llenn Fouch.
Henry (ierber, Hubert .tlil-tz, Nor
iiipii IJjiinoii. Itobert Mllaln. Victor
Kni, W'llmot Saiidham. Chphier
Shrher. Harold W'ortley, Inez Wll
lett. Helen W'irix, Kva Dlllard. Mar-
I Ilu AiluuiH, I.IomI Cok, .Miss Mary
t'r.ilB. .ML Itulh W'lliiiu ajii I'mnl;
cd properly.
destitution of confiscate
Declnrlni: the) had ludm-ed lil
Wife lo leue him. thereby bVikliiK
up hU home. Jiiklln S;e.Hou late
)eteriln broimlit anion fur t2.'.noit
ilumiiKeN ukuIiinI I lurry Furcli of
M.uuath F.ilN mid I" II I'usey uf!
OreKon (1ty.
Jilhlln allenei lu hU coniplalnt
thai I'mey, hU wlfeV father, and
Furch, workliiK loKether, Induced bin
wlfi, lo leave Ii 1 111 tihniit December
27 when they were IIMuk lu tlm Win
ters' apartment lu this lty.
Itctliitl I.M In Tens
hliutiH Heavy !-. nf
DoitI, Detour on Towy Itond Held
I'nm-cesKiiry by ItetunilnK I'nrty
itoad conditions ovpr Tdpiy iro
fair, reports It. K. I'attcrsou. who.
tOKclhcr with the Ilev. 3. J. Chan
cy, Mr. and Mrs. Join Mnfritr.
JoRcphlnc Upp and .Mr. and Mrs.
Amctt, returned last .iluht frcti
UoiehurB, vrhcro the party atti-rd-ed
tho Methodist Chrlstia.-! I.'ndeav
or convention.
Thu worst portion of tho ."oad Is
a mile, beyond Topy, but It Ii
pasrable In all plac", .Patterson
said. Ho advlscn asalnst tho Dar-
rls dolour, xaylue that road is not
I JafftHLAt I
1 EJl 9Km j J
iissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 9'iissssssssssssssssssssssK V
-"?" ocnuno-a. uauehtcr of
ISertlus Scmlnoff. artist, wai Ik.
clarcd to havo Iho most bcauUfnl
wntcs" CaJ,forntl ta a Angel
CummltteeN .Vameil to llul Huffl.
ck-nt Fund to 'Flounce Cmlcr
tahln; l'Inn Announced
.Many D.mule Senile, lo Aid C. uf
. Auxiliary llo;iu(lf) city
FOItT W'OltTII. TexiM. April 2C-
Furiy-fllx pemons nre dead or iiiUhIiik ,0on fur tlm purpose of making and
lu the Trinity rher Hood here, ur
rnrdliiK lo a revised list. A reiuest
fur 11 Kriiiul Juty Investigation of tho
alleged ilynumltliiK of Icvccn by un
known person was expected today.
An officer uf the leveo board unld
the loveei which broke
were dynamited.
t'oiinly Full Plan mul CI11I1 Wink
hlllijri't uf Allllei- Mill ."Mill
HAI.KM, AprJI ao.Flrn hIiiiUiii:
ul unoii today Hwopt tlm upper flour
ut llm iiui'Ho'ii mid nUrmdaiit'n hiiino
at Hie ntalo MoHpltul. cauhliu; $1U,
"Oil to $C,0tlU lonrt. NlKhl nui-Hiw
mid ntlondiiutu were iiHloop ut tho
time, mm hud to flqo iii tliel,- nlKht
(lothi)H. Dofoullvo wlrltiR WIIH jo-
POl'luJ uu till) CllllBO Of (ho fil'O.
Sie n o Tlm Herald
MIDLAND. AprlJ 2ff, Tiio county
unit plan for mliool mlmlnliiratlun
mid roiinty luh work wero tlm hiiIi.
Jui'Ih of iinJntoroHtliiK meetlm; hold
at llm Miller hcIiooI Monday
evimniK uuiii)!' mo itirociion or rro
tesHor Copland of that dlHtrlct.
AmoiiK the Hpoakuru wero Prof. W.
.11. W'lllcox, ot SuminorH; Wm, Hzell.
prominent Btnckmmi ot Miller lllll;
and J. W. Allen, nuKlNtant Htatn club
l?mler ot CorvalllH.
T.lii:.S HAND .V KTItllvi:
POUTI.AND, April 20. Tim city
took 11 linnd today In tho lonit-
piiiri)iiiotiH' Hlrlku' when Mayor
llakor minniiured after 11 ronforonro
between city and county offleJali,
memlioiH of tlm dock commisHlnn and
fepreaoiilatlvo or tlm watorfrout pin
playum nnlo'n, that operatora of vch
tiula would bo aHHiii'eil of loadlm; uml
uuluadlut; voaaclu hero.
-t SiSlfa
t - H0LC.HQ rw m;-
1 11.1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 a . n..
A decision to Improve tho Klamath
Falls camp ground was reached at a
mcutlnK held In the chamber of com
merce rooms lasi night, and today
two committees appointed at last
nlgut's meeting are Interviewing bus
iness men In an effort to raise suffi
cient money to finance the undertaking-It
Is planned to have two or more
shods built on the grounds, providing
sufficient shade for a maximum of
rt1 fiva ml,.. !....! ..J -.
un good im Hit. iwlv UJL4iz.MrvxtLlU.ixi:Mn.i
mo remainoer win no made up In tho
form of contributions fr6in garages,
restaurants, delicatessens and busi
ness house In general. Plans were
also mado to furnish light, fuel and
otbor conveniences, and to have a
keeper In charge to police the
grounds nml furnUh Information to
Iho tourists. A too ot 21c x probab
ly bo charged for each car per night.
The members of tho committee ap
pointed by the chamber of commerce
to finish this work., and who wero
present at lust night's meeting were:
Chan. I. Itoberts, chairman; J. H.
Martin. Ilub Wakefield, C. A. Dell
man. It. I'. Oroesbeck, O. 1). llurke,
Crtpt. O. C. Applegate and J. A. Gordon.
Fred Houston. K. n. Danner. It. E.
L-Rmltli. Ilert Hall nnd Hay Heed are
also members of the committee to as
sist in ciio work-, tiio two committees
appointed to work" out tho finances
were: K. R. Danner. fi. A. Ilellman.
O. V. Martin, committee N'o 1, and It.
R. Smith, Fred Houston and'ltay
Ilced, committee No. 2.
Planting of 1U0 trees by the worn
en'H auxiliary of the chamber of com
merce along the Irrigation ditch on
each side of the bridge on Ksplanade
avenue has been completed.
Several Hot Springs' citizen don-
ated their xcrWcet Tuesday after-
Placing guard around the trees. J. A.
(lurdon, Dr II. D.Lloyd Stewart. Fred
linker. J. J. Furbor, Harry Poole,
James II, Foster and T. A. Stevenson
were members of this delegation.
F. W. Van Ilusklrk. bend of the
yesterday local carpenters' union, donated a
I day's work In cutting up tho lumber.
Kruo Mill on the 'Swan Ijike Itoad
Lowerx Working Hours
Pending the decision of the con
ciliation board, the Kruno mill on tho
Swan Inko road, seven miles from
here, will operate on a eight-hour
basis, and will abide, by the board's
decision. This Is according to A. C.
Stockton, president of the Timber
W-orkera' local.
Stockton said the mill had been
operating niuo hours for -a week or
so, but changed yesterday to tho
olght-hour basis.
About 24. men uro employed In
both mill, and' camps, Stockton said
Johnson Declnu-s Millions ut Spuri
ous Certificates Printed
WASHINGTON. D.C., April 26.
Representative. Johnson, republican)
South Dakota, declared lu the house
toilay that an Investigation ut the
bureau ot engraving and prlutlug,
would show that, millions ot dollars
of vpurlaiiB certificates had been
printed nnd put Into circulation.
Home of tho dupllcata llhorty bonds,
Johnson declared, ran a hundred
thousand higher In numbor than
thoso legally Issued) Itopresonta
tlvo W'lngo, domoctat, Arkansas,
challenged Johnsdn'a charge, 'de
claring Secrotary Mellon had denied
Steel Now 70 Per Cent of
Capacity; Some Retail
Line Slump
(National Hank of Commerce)
Huilnos activity baa been trans-
fprred to a new field. Important
gain.i aro shown In baste industries
simultaneously 'with a disappoint
ing spring retail trade In raaay
part of tho country.
The rteel Industry of the Ualted
State, the movement of which kaa
been accepted for many year a a
business Index, baa recently shown
marked expansion. The Industry
as a whole U now at 70 Mr cent
of capacity. Demand la well dis
tributed throughout all elaaae of
products, and Is well sustained ons'
tho higher price levels which are
being established Important la
this connection Is the fact that a
largo proportbja of the new orders
reported Is for railroad equipment.
Pig Iron production la at the high
est figure since January, mi. The
monthly rato ot steel Ingots produc
tion approximates that of 11S.
unfilled orders ot the United SUtoa
Steel corporation on March were
4,491,000 tons.
Copper Steady
Copper Is moving steadily and
stocks are being gradually reduced,
while producers are cautloualy In
creasing output. There Is a good
demand for lead and the price baa
advanced slightly. The rata of
consumption ot tin In the plate
trade Is reported to. be aa high as
for any corresponding period ex
Copt during tho abnormal war
-,jHjUilii5iWtViat Uc
smelting operations will be Increas
ed shortly, and sone expansion of
mlrro output will naturally .follow.
The manufacture of, automobllei
and of tires and other automobile
accessories is expanding raoldlr. al
though this Is undoubtedly seasonal
to a considerable degree. Retail
trade In goods not designed for
pertonal and household consump
tion shows Improvement. Tho hard
ware business Is better not only In
builders' hardware but In the many
classes of miscellaneous purchaaea
ot farmers. Agricultural Imple
ment sales havp Increased and tbero
Is a definite expansion In the fer
tilizer business, activity In both '
lines boing In excess of even tho
expected seasonal demand,
Activities May Shift
The return to normal conditions
Is not an orderly process, and ac
tivity may shift unexpectedly from
one point to another. The set-back
In retail trade Is the direct conse-
quence ot two factors. Buying by
farmers, long at a low levpl because
ot unprofitable prlceajor farm pro
ducts, ha not shown much Im
provement', as farmers have very.
little money, and their buying pow
er cannot expand materially before
autumn, even If tho current year'a
crops are good. They are wisely
using ihelr credit to buy fertiliser,
tools nnd other necessarle. ot their
business. Buying by workers In
cities has declined heavily the
cumulative effect of pVolonged un
employment. It now seems likely
that retail trado will continue at
not far from Its present levels or
bettor until the normal mld-ium-ni
er dullness occurs. It gains In
basic Industries proves permanent
tho autumn offera promise of ex
panding rotall operatloni on a sta
ble basis.
Tho progress ot the nation to
ward normal business ha not stop
ped; operations have merelv ahift-
Itd t0 a new field.
tho cyclo-Stormagraph at Under-
.wooa rnarmscy
has registered a
rising barometric
pressure a I n o o
noon today which
indicates a contin
uance ot fair
weather and. brisk
Forecast for next
24 heurs:
Uenerally fair,
probably , cooler,
Thn Tvcos racarriln Ikuanaalu
registered maximum and. alalmusa
temperatures, today, as fellews:
High .'........... 5
Low ........,...49
a a
F1J. .. !..
any duplication.. .