The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 25, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four
1 flM fl J is I ft Wa w I
' I'll (mini t. Ttvlon rl nl
Demurrer was filed this morning
in tho caso of llortha K. rittmnu
ngalnst I). P. and Qortnulo
(on and tlio Western Ilond nnil
Mortgago company, contending tho
romplalnt did not state facta suffl
rlont to eonstltuto n rnuso of action.
Humphrey xi. HpriiRuc It. Mir. Oi.
All order grunting trno to fli
a ntipplemnntal romiilalnt wan sign
ed liy Circuit Judge Stonn jester
day In Dm cnio of Ivan Leo Hum
phrey, n minor, against tho Sprngtii'
River Lumber company.
Slv J'rtM't IllMiiU'Mit
Order, worn signed liy Circuit
Judge Htoiio yesterday iIIihiUsImk
tlio following r.ises:
Man against Joss Mllti't.
William II. against Marie I.arlinn. '
Wtlllliim against Violet Mumny.
Acinn Motor Company against C
A. Mllott.
Jesso L. Sklpworth ngalnst
r.ell Lumber company.
Mary against McKlnley Jackson.
ssV 4H aral -'-i.-ITbTbTbtbT
BB aKtiaLw
Mbt amb
i KBfHfHfHfHfHfHfHfHf
Hcmiinvr Ovorrulnl
Demurrer of tlin defendants Mar
uterit and Fort Klamath Meadow
company vaa overruled by JudRP
Stone yeterday, and tlio defendant
given 10 day In which to-Xllo an
answer. In the case of the State of
Oregon against Alva C. M inter
niul Ida V. Marstcrs and Port Klam
nth McadoMn company. In which
the state seek to recover certain
marsh land. In this county. It Is
expected that tho case will come to
trial the latter part of next month.
Whenever ho give these li-"o hi rIoo. Vet unthlitR seems to
brown hear their porridge, IMil Jre.ik Ml of tjio h.Uilt. so Eddie
T,n.. hM . unm.n, VMMly Inly, ami lICR, new re-
' .la) of gloic. The three tittle
remarK, aren : incy chic; r.uiue,
who is one of the corps of trainers
looking after the 1,200 wild anl-
Lovely new fabrics
for the fashionable
one-piece dress
have, prominent
In .Junglclaml,"
part , In
the bin
nuil actors with the Al a. Uarnes
clrcu. comltiR to Klimath Kails' on
May 1, If fond of Do, Itc and Ml
thesa are their names, y'knuw -unil
he agree that they are cute, but
all thai doesn't detract from the
fairyland fantasy, ,uhlch opens tho
performances. They, with dozens
of I'olur. Russian. RrUxly, cinna
mon and black bruins, perform In
the three steel girded arenas and
on. the tw stages of the big .show.
All of the bears will be seen In the
annoyance ho feels when Ml carli I two-mile street parade, which In'
time Insists on taklitR a bite out of jntiKcrates the circus iluy doing.
Motion OtrrruUil
JudRO Stono denied the motion
of Fred Duke In hi case against C.
C. Drowor and J. F. Morley, asklug
for a new trial. The motion con
tended that tho court was In error
In not allowing Duke's attorney to
cross-examine tho witness Urowcr.
and that a fair trial had not been
given the plaintiff.
Ito vii. Cotrdra et al
Affidavit of publication of sum
mons was tiled yesterday In the
case of N
Cowdcn and A. T. Yamaguchl,
which Involves an action for collec
tion of a balance of 1298.08 on a
noto covering tho purchase of a
ditching machine. Costs and MOO
attorney's fees arc also asked for.
Itoss Js represented by llert C
Koule t. Chancy
An order exempting the wages of
Cv O. Chancy was signed by Judge
Stone, In the cata of A. A. Soulo
against Chancy, pursuant to which
an attachment had been made.
Kwauna Encampment No. 46. I.
O. O. K.. will confer the Royal Pur-
I. Rosa against N. J.tple defree tonight. After the work
there will be a feed. In order that
the patriarchs may recuperate from
their arduous tabors. Visiting
patriarchs cordially Invited.
Personal Mention I
The Bon Ton
D. M. Mcl.emore. prominent stock
man was on arrival on last evening's
train from Oakland. California.
C I. Roberts of Medford Is a city
business lsltor.
CSco. C. Walt Is u city visitor from
Doncr, Colorado.
W. C. Ualtdn and sons were city
visitors 'yesterday from their ranch
near Malln.
J. Frank Adams Is In the city from
his ranch In the Merrill country.
Sam Smith Is leaving In the morn
ing Tor his ranch near Orants Pass,
where ho expects to remain for a
week or ten days. Hu will make the
trip by car.
Mrs. J. X. Olvans of this city Is
tho owner of a new Stuilebaker car,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Ross ar leav.
Ing by auto In the morning for a visit
at Rogue, River volley points.
I. i:. Thayer of llonanza Is con
fined In the Warren Hunrbospltal
Mr. and Mrs. II. F Murdock are
In tho city transacting business to
Mm. Rex McMillan Is visiting In
niinsmulr for a few days.
Return to Medford was made to
day by tho Medford-Klamath com-
f pany truck that arrived hero Sunday
night with a load of apples.
SILKS, crepes, serges, prints
all the fashionable fubr .-s for
this season. .
Delicately colored cotton voiles
and fine cotton crtpes. Printed
silk crtpes, too, in summer colors.
All are charming jmd very fash
ionable. They are especially desir
able for the simple one-piece frocks
which demand so much from the
materials of which they are made.
We are showing.unusual assort
ments of these lovely fabrics and
the new homespuns, ginghams and
organdies. Before buying materials
for your new frocks' come in and see
our showing of the spring novelties.
You can duplicate the dress
shown here just as nn expert
would. With pictures and instruc
tions which apply specifically to
the garment you are working on,
the Deltor make successful home
sewing possible for inexperienced
sewers. Even experienced dress
makers are amazed at their greater .
SEuif Jssssr
ml mm
Br ? rMrefc-n.
success at the time and material
they save when they follow the
Deltor, which comes with every
new Butterick Pattern.
The Deltor shows you with pic
tures and instructions just how to
cut, put together and finish your
garment like a professional. '-M
Come in and sec the new Butter
ick Patterns and let us tell you
about the Deltor which enables
you to make your clothes expertly.
PlfO No. Mil. Very MOon
able Is this channlng flock d
vclopinl Insilkcrrpeoronsortht
Intrmtlng new ruttun. It d
pends on the Jong, wide slrcvtt
for much of Its distinction.
Slrcvrs such at time add not
of youth to the whoU frock. TM
fabric ttliuinlng, loo, U Vfiy
Make youtKlf a drtss essclly
like this on. You can duplicate
even Us lack of Pariit With
llultnick pattrtii No, 3411 and
lit Dltoc you ran do It rasily,
Imply. And you are sure of
aureni, for (he Df Itor tuMrs yuu
IJic a pitfrttiunal dicMtuasar,
rl'.sso.(ji:hma pact
(Conlnued from rago 1)
A Cloudburst of Fun
Laugh ! Laugh ! Laugh !
The Two Black Dots in Beautiful Harmony Singing
The Old Minstrel Man in Old-Time Music, Sing
ing and Dancing
The Three Jazz Kings Musical Act
The Newsboy Tenor and Another Act
as as aaBBBBBaaBBBi as as
With his back to the wall he took one last des
perate chance and
Conway Tearle
By May Tully and Achmed Abdullah. Direct
ed by Henry Kolker.
You'll be surprised, amused and wonderfully
entertained by a photoplay that is different. Also
Two Good Comedies
Wednesday Owen Moore in "The Poor Simp'?
Adnission 1 0c-20c. Show starts 6:30
ablu to dominate Rusulan com
merce,, sIiq may reap a rich re
ward from 'her present move.
Xcvry (iikh! Comrade
Dr. Klein, on tho othor hand, Is
convinced thnt Germany and Russia
never will bo harmonious bcdfel-Iowh,
"Th Oerman Is loud In his pro
testations that he, batter than any-
ono clso, knows Riiksla." Kloln says.
"It Isn't so. Tlio uveraRu Russian
has much nearer tho point of view
of America than of Onnuny. Ilo
likes Americans butter than Ger
mans. "And, on the other hand, Amer
ica understands belter tho needs of
Russia urn! can moro clearly meet
Iter demand. Wo never will let
Germany act as a feeder of Amor
lean products Into Russia When
American products RO into Russia
they uru KoInK to bo told by Amer
ican salesmen und stand on their
oiv n feet as Amcrlcan-madu Pro
ducts." , ,
WANTKD Ford car, roadster pre
ferred. Cash for best bargain of
fered. Cap mtl.f hntln film! ntitllf lw.
Inquire Karra Ilureau office. Phono
smj. 25.26
Postals of airplane
Stlnson's Photo Hoop.
accident at
KOR nENT An apartment. Liberty
rooms. Cor. 3rd a Main 8t. 2fp27
Pansv nlanla. amwlnl. TR n
dozen. Cabbage plants, 20 rents n
ooien. Klamath Flower Shop, K34
Main, phono &D9. 2KC9
WANTED Woman to work in wash
room. Steady work. 8 hour day.
French Hand Laundry. 123 N. ith
St. 2S-28
NEW. MODERN furnlslaed apt. for
rent. Winters' I dr. 74 Man.
Phone lOW. 25-27
Postals of alrplano accident at
Stlnson's Photo Shop. 25
FOR 8AI.KH Rbodn Island Red
hens and rooster $18.00. 441 Con
eer avo. Phono I4J. 2ri-26
WANTKD 1 passcDKor for Portland
or way point. Leave I) a. in. Wed
nesday. New car with camp equip
ment. Phono 370 for appointment.
FOR SALE Liberty Rooming houso
completely furnished, inqulrii cor
3rd k Main. Liberty Rooms. 2.-27
It's a Good
SALEM, April 25. All motor vu;
hides with tho exception of fire ap
paratus, operated by Oregon munici
palities, must carry an Or.cgon,llcoso
plato when operating upoa public
highways, the supremo court bold in
a Multnomah county case.
Highway to be extended C mllet
from ifoldman toward Pendleton.
Nowbcrg River street to be par
ed. Pendleton to purchase site for and
build 105,000 septic tank.
Eugene County road contracts to
taling $70,000 awarded.
Seaside undertakes 1220,000 street.
Coos Ray district giving work to
3,085 loggers and lumbermen.
WANTKD Man for ranch werk:
steady Job; 140 a month and
board. Inqulru Hnlllduy dairy, 7th Ac
Klamath. Phono SOU. 25
Owing to present business condi
tion, on und after May '1st, wo will
bo compelled to havo cash In udvanio
tor all papers delivered by us. Thoso
In arrears will pluaso call ut storo on
or beforo uboyo date and renow sub
scriptions, or papers will be stopped.
41U V.tOllUVili - i I
735 Mala (k. Pfeoae. 1S3J.
' 25-6
Decause of a meeting of tho Odd
Fellows, the regular meeting. of the
Knights of Pythias will be held Tues
day, April 25, Instoad of Wednesday.
LLOYD L. DELAP. K. R. 8. 24-25
MOUm EmtzYmt Ead.
Stwjucls TfwfcU
Almost before you realize the "big brown top" will be with us. Make your
plans now to buy thfit Season Ticket and secure for yourself and family all
the benefits to be derived from a week within the Chautauqua tent.
Eight big concerts Tije Jugo-Slav Tamburicans a delightful novelty or
chestra; Steelman-Marriner-Taylor Tlio, noted group of Eastern Artists;
Batting-Mahler Duo, musical entertainers, and the New York City Concert
Quartet in two big programs on the last day. The music alone is worth the
price of a Season Ticket.
"Turn to the Right," America's Play of Plays with an exceptional cast, will
be given on the fourth night; two scientific-entertainments on the second by
Glen L. Morris Company every man, woman and child should hear one
or both of these programs of great educational worth; Margaret Garrison,
delightful dramatic reader and characterise and A, Mather Hilbum, "wig
and grease paint" artist of remarkable gifts. And again you have the worth
of a Season .Ticket in entertainment features.
Chancellor George H. Bradford in his lecture classic, "This Way Up"; a
fane, scholarly and brilliant lecture by Arthur Walwyn Evans, "Let There
Be Light"; Harold (Private) Peat, noted "warrior," will give a splendid
"peace" talk, "Introducing Your Neighbor," and a lecture by a noted New
York medic, Dr. Lydia Allen De Vilbiss, on "The Business of Living."
Season Tickets on Sale Soon
Adults, $2.50; Student., $1.50; Child., $1.00
Illustrated Programs und Chautauqua Talks 'will bo distributed .soon
Watch for Yours
Kamath Falls, May 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
i. A