THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Two VI r ' TVMDAT, APRIL M, II A The Evening Herald r. R. 0OVLH....EIMor mh! PnMkher M. R. HIMY M City Kdltor Published dally except Sunday, by Tbo Herald Publishing Company of KlamatlTFAlls, at 119 Klghth street. Kntercd aft ho postoffiro at Klam ath Falls, Ore, for transmission through tbo mails ai second-class matter. MBMMSn OP TUB ASSOCIATED PIIESS Tbo Associated Press li exclusive ly entitled, to "the .uio (or publica tion 0f all nowi dispatcher credited to II i or not otherwise credited In thin paper, and alio tbo local cows published horeln. tuksoav, APitiii 23, mas c ARE WE FREE? TIIINKINtl cltltens cannot but Alow with alarm the growing encroachment of tho federal govern ment upon the rights of the state, and the personal rights of tho cltlicn who compose, the states. There Is a ronstant tendency of tho federal courts to set aside the constitutional resttlctlons and Justify the ends at tained, regardless of the authority and legality of the, means. Tho procedure of the federal Judi cial and executive' departments sen an example that Is, belng!fo1loed by officers of the states: and the result Is a tattered constitution and'1 feder alization of the governmental power that fetters tho states and their cltl tens In Increasingly stronger bonds. Tho most vital right for tho pro rervatlon of liberty Is tho guarantee of tho fourth' amendment against search or sclture without formal war rant, Issued upon probable cause, supported by sworn (ettlmonr. desig nating tho place to be starched, the reason for tho search, (the crime charged and tho nature of the Illicit possessions which ar0 expected seized. Ilut not a day passes without viol ation of this provision by zealous agents of the federal government, In vestigating alleged .breaches of the prohibition law, tho narcotic law, the sedition law, or heaven knows wbat federal law. And the police power of tho state, and jhe state courts, lend their aid to federal agents to vindi cate this unconstitutional usurpa tion; this arraying of might against the right that tie constitution guar antecs. " Wo do not argue against law en forcement, but we argue for the en forcement of the law by orderly pro cess. We maintain that the cltltens of the state hive, under the constitu tion, sol power la regulating 'state' affairs; that It was never Intended by the framera of the constitution that tbo federal government. In time of peace, should have the thousandth part or the latitude In direction of In ternal affairs that It Is exercising to day. To analyze the usurpation fully, to thow from every angle, and especial ly in the matter of federal tax-gathering, the ateady loss In state control and tho overwhelming gain In feder al domination of the past ten years. would open a field too w'jde to be dls ruMed In one brief article. Hut the danger Is here. Wo have unreallilngly awung In a few brief years toward unlimited federal auth ority, and away from the constitution al limitations which had .been the bulwark of liberty tor more than IIS years'. Tho change came so gradually that It has attracted little notice; but the effects are now beginning to irk upon u multitude and here and there bring ing forth an outcry from leaders of public thought. The situation Is one that should liavo some attention from every thinking citizen. It Is of transcendent Importance to every citizen to deter mine whether the basic idea of this editorial is true or false; whether the Outbursts of Everett True By Condo fBVVVMAAMIelsasaaMsjW1 AY. MY rr5lGN, X TioN'T U Trttr CtAY ou AT II a JJiBBK. r-3A -sqrooK AT - i , "PONT UK.S -ror4T we THCS UvAV i dqt s&p vau. jJlnL I L e-f?N&sr LM z - 1 vw crtption. or a symbol of respect. The J WILL RAZE MOUNTAIN people who use it nlas do so of. somebody else's sister or daughter' and never of their own. This Is the blindness of egotism. Tor they who use a word are In turn the victims of It front others outside of themselves. Tho danger of such a word Is that It perverts tho natural admiration Operations ItWnic Sucr"fully Tar ried on In California Ml no VOLCANO, Amador county, Cal . April 2.". A mountain washed nway by placer mining operations Is be ing successfully undertaken at the that all healthy people have for that Klonbant Deep mine near here, the winsome period of youth when the I results of which havo been rich In girl Is blossoming Into beautiful J K0d. Hugo boulders and tons of earth womanhood. It would ilegrado Inno- aro melting under tho fornt from cent lightheadedness of girlhood when all tho world Is a romance. Into the sinstcr artificiality of the vam pire. Healthy girlhood, like healthy hoy. hood, has Its dreams. It has Its 'ridi culous periods that are obvious to those who have become worldly wise. It dreams dreams, and the far off horizon of the world with Its glamor of adventure challenges It. Thcso ro mantic Ideas are part of the healthy growth of youth, and are a sign of Its healthiness. It .Is on these dreams that th0 future of tip world Is built. It Is youth that keeps alive the ever lasting Ideals of mankind. If this word Is to be banned It is for decent people to discountenance It. If thero Is reason to bcllevo It Is true In Its connotations, or that young womanhood is taiiinn ueiow aeeeDted standards, then let us uso spilled the boons ho sa language which Is clear and definite much t0 her surprise she had been when speaking of the particular de-iable to effect like changes In her llnquents. Hut let us avoid clanlfylns ' husband's focd portions, and now the charm of girlhood under the gen-'he doesn't have to have his pie and eral condemnation of the terra "flap-! cake all the time. At which meal per." It degrades tho user, as wen uoein i, is noi rcponeu three monitors, which uo an aer ago pressure of 1,200 pounds of wa ter. It Is believed the entire mountain- will be levelled by July. Opratlons on the Klephant Deep property started In October. 1920. and the mountain has since been de molished at'tho rate of 2,000 cuble yards a day. m Men (Set the Habit, Too Here's "ahuibind who doesn't In sist any longer on pie and cake for every meal. He must live some where around Xyssa, Malheur coun ty, for thero Is where tho report comes from. At a follow-up mcet itig thero some time ago one home iteninnfttrMnr rpnnrteil nottrealile Improvement In her child slnco shej The I'matllla rotinty.rourlrll of tin. had Increased the fruit and vegQl-! American Legion has been organlz ables la Its diet. And then she ! e' "t 1'iOidleton. The council is com- aid that posed ot tho seven posts In tho dls- Itanford MncNlder. National com mumlcr of tho Amerlr.m Legion, may be n gucpt of the Oregon department at Its fourth slate cutnentlon In The Dalles next July. The National routmumler oxporti to attend the frontier day celebration In t'hejenno, Wjo. a few days pilor to the opening of the Oregon coin en Hon, and come on to The Dalles Commander MucNIder w.m wound ed at 81. Mlhlcl. and was filed three times In general orders IKS wear the distinguished svrWco cross with oak leaf cluster, legion of honor. Croix Do Otierro with palms and one gold and silver star, and Italian war cross. I'rancls V. Onllowny, elinlrmaii of the contention amusements commit tee has announced the appointment of tliu following ("re.l II. .Me.S'ell. chairman of publicity; Halite St. Itlce. chairman or definition committee; S. Cohen, In charge ot entertainment. J T Henry, chairman or registration and Information committee, and l C Weber, handling the military parade features The committee plans to hne various features at the state I gathering (minding, dancing, enuven- Hon hall, swimming In the Columbia I river, excursion, sight-seeing trljts, "da of 49" exhibition and a big military parade llarrx X Ntlfon. state adjutant, of the legion returning; from The Dalles announced that the coming convention cf the legion and auxili ary and the tlrxt state convention of the La Poclete des 40 Homines et S Chovaux, "the legion sunshine order" will witness the greatest assumbluge or war eterans In Oregon since the signing or the armistice. Delegates from 110 pet of the legion nnd '. unl(i (f the auxiliary will be on hand, Time luiN thinned the tanks or the (1 A It., at St. Cloud, Minn , that the lew remaining members liuvo wil ed to disband and turn over to the American Legion the rospousllilllty n f observing memorial and other Im on which th0 hoya of 'ill hne lionm ed their dead comrades for mote than hair a century. r2. rs a- I i Kuril one I I 5&tltUMD .rf - . . flS7 MAIN !iT New Hnta Jutt Opened ndhldllully, designed by America's foremost makers and priced In accordance; willi our pulley of the very inot for the very lensl t . uuii u rssr rr Don't fail to read the Herald Clauified Ada. S u; MHfflRwfflfflHsjsjiifjfSsjssjjfl Osteo -Tarsal The Supreme Waling Shoe Sytfnvty "i n if lie Y. W. C. A. .v BrcoJ y A. fl...H. hiiSArch 'j& f rjiT,,J bii PUnt Arch GuhJs Ur ll l'ralrle City, Oregon ran boast of n live American Legion post although Us memberships tois only Is. The post has undertaken to provide a new tourist ramp ground for the tit), members now being busy Improving the grounds. ptijng city water and lighting up tho camp. I'lans for the construction or a log cabin home for the post Ik well under J way. This will be the first log home J of the' legion In the state, announced i legion stuto officials. SoM Rybbsr SlroljMM.j.r lnlilin Jrn Oo'tn), DittribwUt UMl KjmIM ' y1ljr . Hr nusstri Correctly Guides the ,7oot THti perfect CORRECTIVE SHOE Nationally Endorsed A Constant Delight and Comfort QUKEN QUALITY "Oitco-Tarjal" iliocs ate spccully ilcngncil to promote the natural, flexible action of the foot and by restoring iti normal function! to nuke the whole body corrcjjwndunjly comfortable and cliicirnt. And withal they arc stylith ho5, conform inp, beautifully to the lines of the foot while aiding wearers to restore and enjoy real com fort in their ever) day activities. Let us show )ou their femurs today tlir fief iblc arch, the patented "Arch Guide" heel of lurd-and-soft rubUr, the broad "tirad," and the "itriiglit inside line" couttiuclion which strrnglliciis and guides the foot correctly the elotrlilr fit at etcry (H)int, jikI the slujxly, stylish Tines of cadi last and pattcniv Chas. P. Maguire riil Main SI. Klamnlli Calls --snsjt stonHm woik by the mem bers ot hu post and with the aid ot teams furnished, tbo Hay Johnson pout of Redmond Is laying Its founda tion for tho swimming tank. Con struction of clubhouse will b started shortly. condones delinquency, the use ot the word. Let us avoid CON'tfAY TKAKLK IX "Ill'CKIXfS THE TIOEIl" AT THE KTIIAM). Herald Tasslflcd ads mean the best results, quick! trlct comprising the cities, of Stan- fluid. Hermlston, Milton, Pendleton, Athena-Weston, Pilot Hock I'lans for a Joint celebration or arnilstlco day and a county convention or the legion men In the district, were made. A naturalization und alien survey Willi be taken and co-operation of posts In all Its activities will bu endeavored'. MMSWSIWSMWMSWMMMWWMMSSSWS,WMSSWWMMSMMMMWMS danger exists or whether we. see a shadow and imagine It Is a groping, terrible octopus seeking to throttle the fundamental freedom of Ameri can institutions. Kternat vlgllanco Is still the price of liberty, nnd wo bellevo wo sens enough of tho dangerous condition that Is fastening Itself upon our gov ernment, to Justify us In declaring that vigilant investigation and studi ous attention to political causes and remedies Is the duty of every good citizen, and tbo' sooner each applies himself or herself, the better for the future welfare ot the nation. c A SLURRING TERM (The CsOlfOrnlaa) v HATHVER bo tho moaning ot the word "flapper" It Is In the w last analysis a atlgma, and not a des Conway Tearle, who is starring In "Bucking the Tiger." the SelznlckJ picture which comes to tbo Strand theatre tonight, Is a great dog lover, ' and It Is very rarely that he appears. In a olcture which has not at least one dog In It. j In the coming production Tearle drives one of the finest teams of malamutes to be found In Alaska,' and worth several thousand dollars. I The dogs, which have a consider-j able strain of woir in tnem no not always take kindly to a new master and ir they are not won over are very dangerous to handle. Tearle, how ever, experienced no difficulty with them and after completing tho scenes In which they appeared was very em phatic In his praise for his "huskies" as they are called In tho northwest. These prize winning malamutes aro owned by Mon. Jacques Suzanne, a trapper and prospector from the Hud son's Hay territory, and are brought down to Lake Placid etcry year for the big Ice carnival, where they uru always tbo center or attraction Alo amateur night tonight. SAVOY CAFE 532 Main Street CHINESE DISHES NOODLES SPECIAL MERCHANTS' LUNCH, 11 TO 2 Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We tuie it 11 our hone it belief that the tobjcroi utcJ in CbciictficM jrc of liner quality (and hence ot'bettcr taite) than in any other ugarctte at the 'rkc. Ultut if Mjin C'. "J lj(W5ssssssW UrS 4xlafll asssTslW W - w Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos bUntUi Lower Prices 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10's 18c) M b&w DOINGS OF THE DUFFS OLIVIA DOES SOME EARLY SHOPPING WHAT ARE YOU POING , OP AT THIS TIME IN THE MORNING, OLIVIA? Ilaker 1108,0110 contract tor grading of 13 miles pout load awarded. Newport $20,000 nutatorlmn planned. I" I READ AN AD IN THE PAPER J.AST NIGHY ABOUT A SALE ON SPRING DRESSES AND I WANT TO SET DOWN EARLVJ i THAT'3 MIME. I HAD MV HAND ON IT FIRST! DON'T FORGET YOU'RE ALADV.'l " DID YOU GET NHAT YOU WANTED, MADAME? BY ALLMAN 332: I DID, BUT IT TOOK All OFMY STRENGTH TO DO IT psnHir ' !--" lr If nn it ciDti-l P . I II u-rs i ' 1 ju. I ZL S- p-rt, ' -.lar s r 'PONTTOO, I L. jr tfmm. ui.i,vuVS DARETAKElHA-il LJ Rr-. Wllhr'W'lW pleAbE ITS mine CWJ J Z '&:' ifli1'!1" get off. i' 7!r3imB mfk ? 1 n my rwj-J ml til III WW A, j". I Seed for Your GARDEN, LAWN or FIELD r -ii rtTr t if . - f t rt-fi irtT " i MURPHEY'S SEED STORE 124 South Sixth Street Phone 87 -; ? C 3 $1jhl tSi fj ,Jiw , j b' 'U h Is