The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 25, 1922, Image 1

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    DHyorsffy fctftrir
4 AIU6KNK, Oltr.
llritt'iilli Viw. -u, iimiiii
e ens '
Pilol nrul Meclinnicinn Es-
enpr; Willi Scrittchce;
Propeller Cuusc
Hhunly nf'Ki I en vine, lint
for :i rilulit In lleiul til to
thin morning Din Vltrn
I 'cluck
riiiiiiMiiy plnim, whlth linn been cur
rylnr. lUMrngnrn here for three itnyn,
rrimlicil to din ground from u height
(if .M) feel niul wu ilcmullilicd A I v.i
ill' llnrnu, tin' pilot, mill Ilia iiiitIiiiiiI
iI.iii iriin'i lilt minor scratches
lln tlurmu attributed the mrlili'iit
In n prupellor which had replmed lln
olln lined during II In flights hrtit. lln
lil Unit ilflrr tukllig "If. tin- plane
neemcd unable in rulno mill started
In m'llln '' though ii rurri'iil were
mirklnr It itiiMiinril
Tin' I'Uiii' It'll mi Klitnr.utn ute.nue
.i block nurlli of Haul Mm I it. narrow
I) enrupod Ihii linen nf overhead
Mlnw niul lodged m few fri'i from
rcnldrnro. Tin' iruunl probably
iiMiil tlii'lr Hie In Ilin furl iliitt II
Innili'tl right side upward. II struck
iioi.. f trail. nma.hlng tli frni n " work
In kindling wood uml badly dummtlng
Ilin motor Out' wing wmi crushed hut
(tin (uulngo escaped nerl" tut damage
Nn Ilr,, resulted iillliotiKli tin- rlty
fltn uiur.itun wan mi liiiinl shottly
nfli-r Ilin iiriiileiil.
Tlio plain- wan it Thompson Stand
nnl wllli 2!U Ii I. I Unp.iiio Hiilcn
motor It liuil hocn used by Hie com
pany In Ilin paiwcnger nerlro I"'
iHrtn l.n Angrlen and Han Francisco
uml was rti roiitc to Moitunn in glto
exhibition flights. I1'" Hnruia U un
Mirrh'iiri'il ""'r' bnvlng been la
Honed lull ymr nt Kugeno In Hip for
out service. ' J Thompson, adan'
agent for the rnmpiuy. had loll for
lli'inl where llio next flight" were In
lo gUcn
Iniimilim In Suit llrunulit
II) Unorne M. U'lilln
Dcrr"' illKKiilvlnr. Hm Injiiiiitloii
mnl jmlKiiK'til f"r Hio ili'fi'iiilmilH
wit. llio fliulliiR of flrnili JiiiIko
lltoiio yi'ntpnlnyln Hm rum' of Imw-ri-iico
M Wlill. nntflMKl IMiurlci W.
KUrli'ln anil llm KnU'riirlun l.aml
ami InviMliiU'nl rompany.
Wlilii' li.ul flli'il n null nklni: for
jr.on ilaiiKiKi'H nmt a icrliiiim'nt In
Jiinillon to rfirnln Hu i:nli'rprlni
l.ainl rompany lnliri'nlH from tli
u hi. of un IrrlKutlnn lltch which
I liny hmt plnri'il thrmmh )irmlnnlon
ol Ibo rotinly court iiIoiir what In
known an HluiMa Way, u part of the
hlxliway n halt mile cant nf ttio
rlty. Tim ronlnntlnn wai innilo tluit
(tin illlrli Mu pliirml HuTi' without
proper mitlinrlly mnl win u ilPtrl
nii'iit lo tha property.
Tim rourt illitolvril tho Injunc
tion mnl riifiuoil to kIvh plaintiff
any ilmimKea.
.Midi on
IIcmiIIn In Tilnl
l,liiliir (luK"
A illmiKi't'Oinciil of tho Jury In tint
Irlul of "Curlcy" Umlurwuoil ro
Kiilinl iiftur Hovurul.lioiirii' lUillhuru
Hon. Tho Jury ntooil Hireu to
thri'i'. Unih'iwooil wiih rhurKi'd wit"
PohiioiihIii of IntoxkutliiK lliiuor, u
quart fluMk of ulluitvil lliiuor huliiK
offcrcil In ovlilonco.
OUlrk't Attorney Ilrowcr mi
niiiini'inl today thai tho nmn would
ho ret r luil ut noiiiu futuro date.
Tho cyclo-StorumKrnnh ut Uudur-
ajJ1jJJ1jJ wooiI'h riiariuucy
Iiuh icKlHtitreil III
Ho not cIiuuko In
buromotrln proa
Hiiro duiiiiK tho
lat 2i lumrii
HIlKht rlw.i and
falln follow ontrn
other iilleriintely.
Tho IndlciilldiiH
iirothut un Iiiiiiio
dluto chmiKo In
weuthnr (oudltloim
will occur.
1'oiocuHt for next 1M Iieiiih: -I'll
I r, wlth.varliililo wIiiiIh.
Tho TycoH rocordlUR thormomoler
roRlsierod maximum and mlulmum
tnmpornturca, toduy, aa (oIIewh:
iiikIi ..... ,. (ia
Low -?'i
i:mh)vmi:m' ciii.icv in
, hi cut nr rciini'
1 .U'l'IIIIVCII uv virn:it,H
WAIIIIINiriON, I) ('. April
2'' 'I'llii ntiitn (Initio., niiiimll
"" ri'iniMlniiiH lolltiy
Mlfl'll'lll'I'M Willi offlllllh. f
tin- vi'lnrniu iiicuiliruiliiiiH on
tin hiIiIIith' Iiiimim 'I'Iio V- I
I'liihx' cinki'iitiiiiii I'lini"., i.(
Miillfiirltiin Willi tin. priiioxiil
Ii hiiIihI 1 1 ill ii two yearn 'ii
ilnwiili'lil ItiHiiiiiiiin piillry for
llio ihIJiihIimI htvIii. ri'rllflniiii
fi'.ituii', wltli ii iiioiiifiniiloii
inikliu: liiiirouliii; rrum Ii.iiiIih 1
rln-x linn mil) Hlnllr; IIi-iiIit An
Iiiiiiiiii' no Hiiiiiioir Itiiliiilloini
. rtrrpl In Aliilinmit
I'lllOAtll). III. April 2S - AVIlli
din roal Kirlko In lln fourth week ii
iirey ot thlrleiin Milieu, IiicIiuIImr
I'piit-n) Ivunlii. Aluhumii, Kentucky.
Ti'tiin uml llioxt of the lillil-weitleril
ntHli'H, linllciitei that roul Htippyen
for tit I emit ninly iluyn me on IiiiihI
Kunerully. while ntockH In uncnil
pl.irm wern enpeclcil ti- lant from
ninety da)n lii four iiiimiIIin
.Many of 'Hid lnrKer fuilnrlrit a nit
pillillr til lilt lex reported tint pnniteii
foil of em IIRll fuel to l.i well Into
Hie mimiiier. hut In mime Ma ten the
inunller ton uml itmin' Inilependctit
fuctorlcN went leu limply privldrd.
iiIHioiirIi relief milflrlniit for finer
ItciiclcH wan expected from non-union
niliiei htlll In operntloii. Many Krn
tutky mine were ulil lo ho wurkliiK
day uud nlr.lit, mid Alahama produc
tion wiin deiicrllicd nn near normal
Coufldeiire rather than anxiety, mi far
nn the fuel Mlpply In ronrcnied. wan
Hio rule In all Main from which re
port were, roclved.
I.lttln iiiUhuuI demand wan Qtldetit
In iiimi' cane ilcalern tleclared that
Ihero "will he no m.irkel." or that
they had moro than enouRh oal on
lianil I'rlci'H Renerully are hlatle
Operatiim and ileahTH annotyicptl,
linwi'HT. that IhiTi. would he no Mini
liier rcdlirlloUK, with III" Mrlklilk' ex-
option of Hie AUI'.iin.i dlrilrlcl.
where II wiw Hiatal that miiumer
prlceH would he thlrly icrcenl lower
than lal )ear.
I'm I,
leitw for lUanniiiil l-'ike
Uallier Titnil V.gK
' .KacliiR IT. mllen of nuow-nhort
travel,' J. M. Ilumidell, Sam IMd
Ki't. I'ltll MolHchenhacher mid an
other man left today for Diamond
Lake, where lliey will Rather about
8, nun, noo trout crhi , tturlnr; the
next HO iluyn. Tho men will walk
from Ivlrk In Ibo lake niMl will
encounler mow rmiRlnK In depth
from four ft! on tho level to 12
fret ut tho Hiimmlt, nrrordltiK to
Henry Stout, "county Raino warden.
TliU ii'iiMon prcmlni'ii to bo a
banner on" for trout i'rr, Stout
nayn. At Spencer" creek 2,800,000
huve been taken, while ciiourIi flih
are In tho pen In furnish 1,000,000
moro 1'rrh. It will bo nert'snury to
build moro trnuKhM to euro for thu
U-iuhuiiI run, lie mild. At Wood
river probably S.OOO.OOO crrh will
he taken.
Tha cgRn are Mhlpped to hutch
erlen In all parU of thu Mate,
while a lurRO Muantlty Is reserved
for the (b-ooked creek hatchery In
IliU county.
s Stout uuld It would bo well for
flnhermeu to remember that Mulling
for ciitflHh rviUlren u IIcuiihu.' A
number huve been gohiK to Lout
river under the linpremilon that, an
with tho mullet, no llceimo wan
nocodHary, Stout Hiild. ,Tio eeaifou
for both flhh Id open thu year
romillaloiN Hoh lo Complete I'lnil
Iiiri liy Hiiluiiluy
It Ih hoped that llio Htatu concilia
tion hoard will complete IIh fludinRx
In tho local Hlrlko tiltuntlon by Sal
nrday of lliUwook, uccordliiK lo u
titlophono mcHtiiiKo recolved today by
(Irani M. Itnymond', circuit court ro
porter, from Win. P. Woodward,
flialrmuii nf tho hoard. Woodward
telephoned to dutermlno whotlu'r tho
eomploto IrmiHcilpt of tho pi'uceed-
Iiirh ut tho heailiu: would ho avail
able by that time.
ituttmg Herald
TliU mny nliown ltula -mil Hermany. which ham intend Into nn economic tronty. Direct land
romiiiuiilcalloii hetween ihenn rniinlrlcii, which wa pairjillilc nloim u lonK frontier before tho wir, In
prevenijd by llio ntaten n-l up by the treaty of Vcr.ialllij.. ilow Ioiik will ihcao tate be ablo to
ujtlmtnnil Hie ltiiino-Unr.ii.iii InteteiiU' Knpfclally I'olmd? Mow kni: will Ituinlu and (l:nnanr ho
lontuiit to trmli- over thn loin; wutcr route, which Ice clone part of tho vrt At tho luft U lUth
iiuii. Ihu Uermmi. mil at Hie rlcht in Tchltclierln. tl- Itunnlan. who iiuKbtlnti-il thin treaty.
I. II He
Imiiieilliili' SlKlilflcniiii
Hiikii W'ii) U Sei'ii
Ii) I'. S. i:rl-
Tlin llutKo-Uermuu treaty renlorlnK
full diplomatic .Hid tra.lo relation
hhlpn bet w oi n Uvrinaiiy and llumla
l.i nf I lit In Immi'dluto hlRtilflranco
In u btmrnenn or trade way, accord
InR lo Uncle Sam'N commercial cx
lwrit. Kg prcnent Importanro U polit
ical, not economic, they maintain.
lloweCT. IIk commercial Import
unci' may bo of Iremeudoun aliio
to tlermany In aiiotln;r r.eueratlou.
Ilr Jllllun Klein, chief of the hit
nan of forelRii mid ikniii'Mlli mm
merce. .doclurcs whatei'r the
effect of tlio treaty may be polit
ically. II I not llk.'l) to weld ef
fectively the eroiiomlc ii'iuurcc- of
tile two countries.
Allen UoliUmllll.
expert on Herman uud ltuliiii
rouimerri', h.i)m that for tho pren
eut at leant ilealliiRx between tho
two rounlrli"! will hac lo Vo pri
marily on a liasl of barter, uud
that tlil.i trade In not likely lo af
fect Kreatl prenent current of
HUsIIii'h XeciN
"Tho hit; of thn treaty
commercially," tay Uoldnmlth, "Ih
that It puU Uermany In u position
to obtain full commercial Informa
tion which hIu may later life to niK
'What trade U developed for them , nU,.niancn from Merrill and
pre.ient will ho largely a matter of
barter, and Huxsln Just now linn lit
tle with which to trade on that
basis. Shn hun a considerable mock
of furs which may be traded for
Herman textiles. Hut, Rcncrally
spoukliiK, she lias neither agricul
tural products nor manufactured
goodii, nor money.
"One proposal which may make
possible smno considerable ex
change between tho two countries,
ho winer, In that Itusslu aupply raw
nmterlals to Uermuuy, Uermauy to
pay for these with finished pro
ducts produced In Herman fuctorlcj.
Pii. (lerinuny'u part In this trans
iicllon' she would huvo have left a
large part of this material for her
own use or for sale and export In
finished form to other countries.
The lllft Advantage
"lluesla needs, moro than any
thing else, structural materials- and
textiles. Germany him those for
sale, Hut until IIiibsIK Is ablo to
pay In ttomuthtat more substantial
than paper rubles, tho problem ot
financing her trade will require
HomothltiK moro than a mere treaty
with (lormauy.
"Tho futility of mere trade con
llacts with Itusslu, until some Ken
oral ImhIh for credit or tttlmuHtlim
of, IIushIii'h ability In product) the
wherewithal with which to pay,
would Hfom to ho Illustrated In lhu
practical failure of ( Iliitalu'H
trade agreement, entered Into a
year ago."
Hut (loldHiulth belle von that If.
L'G yearn from now, Uermauy Is
(Continued on pago four)
Member of the Associated Press.
fffimt sl "T J T v mtt W iiiBiBirJiBiBiBir
( UKRAINE '"; C,
UHNOA. April 25 Korclcn
.Mlnlktur Chltchorln of Soviet
Knnnla, declared to tho AnaocTat
I'd Treni today that Allied rc-Hlntmic-))
to the Itimnluu principle
of iiutlouallzatlon wan blocking
tho economic conference. Ho In
kitted It was tho Alllc efforts
to onfrliiR upon Husilan hov
erelRiity In that connection that
were delaylnK I he conferenco
LONDON. April 2f.. Krcnch
Ilarthou nt Ucnoa received
leleRraphlo InMructlonn today
to tnnliti at thu conference upon
I ho termn contained In I'mulcr
I'olncureH HpeecH Monday, Kiyii
a central uewx illxp.itcli Tho
I'reiich ili'leR.itlin declared It
will press for a IS-hour ultima
tum to Riljwl.i. or break from
the conference ultoRether
OiiHietiiiK Wilt Mink PiiuiidiiiK
Onler In I'ullol Stales
Celebrutlni: the 10 4th aniuvor
nary of tho feundlui: of the ordor
In the I'nlted Slaten. l'rospi'rlty
llebekuh LodRit No. HM. I. O. O. P..
will entertain Odd Follow,, and their
wlven and llebokahn- and thelr hun
bamU and visiting member of the
order with n literary program and
bnniiuet nt I. O. O. P. temnlo to
morrow' nlRht. A deleRatlon of
35 of 40 memboru of the order will
llonanza, and tho affair will prob
ably be one of thu most Interesting
Riven by tbl pcpulnx order In some
time. Thu proRrnm will begin at
Ii o'clock sharp, and tho committee
riHiuestn that nil bo In their places
by that time, no to mold us muchl-
ag possible any Interruptions In
the proceedings.
Plorkx Over Tole Uiko ltcciiilile
Hiirx', Hlack Cloud
ttH'clul In ii e Herald
MIDLAND, Ap.rH 2fi. An unusual
sight was witnessed hero Saturday
when geeso by tho thousands weru
seen over Tulo l.ako. For u mllo or
moro thu sky was literally black with
them, resembling u huge, black cloud,
Tho geesu ar,. making nostti In tho
dry tulu grass whero thoy will lay
their oggs.'From all Indications, this
season will witness more goslings
than over before.
Tulo l.uko has overflown Its dyke
In several placeB.
WASHINGTON. D. V. Apt II 3fl liy
direction of tho Attorney Ueneral. W.
O .Wiitts, special agent of tho depart.
iiiont ot Justice, was removed today
"for disloyally lo tlm department'
utter his admission that ho had furn
ished Representative Johnson, repub
lican, South Dakota, thn Information
on which Johnson bused bin attack on
tho department in recoup speech Ii
thu house.
juirru jfu rnvi
Holds Prance Threatened hy Honli
of ltulaii l, hy (jrrnuins;
roil of l'il;ind U Seen
(CopjriRht. tifi, by SKA Kenlcr)
HV JAMI1S W. (il.HAItl),
Pormer .iub.o.k.ulor lo (icnunny
NKW VOUK. April 33. What I
have for a year or moro predicted In
speeches and nrtlclcs baa happened.
Ocrmany, forctfl Into a corner by
thn demand for sums greater than
can be wrung from the German peo
ple, has chosen to mako an alliance
will) Huula and. la seek froMntffca
economic benefits to bo derived from
such an alliance Un wherewithal to
pay her pressing creditors.
Pew peopl,. roallzo that for years
the common lal language of Iluisla
was German, that thu educated part
of the population of the Haltlc states
Ik Her manic, and that from tho men
of Herman descent In these states
were chosen many of the best gener
al mid administrator of the old
Alliance Will Pol low
And as surely as night follows dai
ther,. will follow ' military alliance
between Uermauy and Itusslu.
Pranco may well fear the day when
the hordes ot Uussla. drilled and dis
ciplined by Hermans, led by Hermans,
with all the vast resources of Itussla
administered by nermann, will pour
across Kurope In that constant drive
to the' west which seems a brute In
stinct ot nil Kuropeans.
The now Poland will disappear,
onco moro partitioned between Ger
many and Itussla.
No more Important and startling
event than this alllanc,. has happen
ed since that armistice day. vhen
the kaiser's empire fell
Terrific Stnim In
Sweeps Port Worth
POUT WORTH. Texas, April 25.
Kleven person,, wero drowned,
t,500 rendered htmcloss, the city
water plant put cut of commission,
other public utilities endangered,
a property damage of $600,000 in
flicted. Interurban traffic suspend
ed, and street car traffic crippled
as a result of thu most terrific,
storm In tho clty'8 history last night
ami wns morning.
..inii'ii-i- in nu iv i ii v ivian Testifies
nt lniiuexl Today
LOS AKQIXHS, Calif.. April 25.
Tho night raiders' raid resulting
In the killing of Constable Moshor
Saturday night was "planned nt a
meeting Friday night, when Hlako
II. Shamheaii was Initiated Into the
Ku kluv l'lmi, Sliumlii'au testified
today at the inquest.
luccKicit Aiti:.i(i.i:i
PORTLAND. April IT., Heckor
faced arraignment tills afternoon In
tho police curt charged with killing
Hnwker, A dozen Albany persons
wero among tho 30 witnesses' .sub
fii)Vi:it.Mr.XT woiiKixfi
OX I'IjAX tOokixo towaiio
i:xi op com. sTitiKi:
WABIII.S'HTO.S', D. C... April
2f-. Tlio KoVernrnvnt 'In work
I hi: on a plan looking to nn did
Ini: of the 'oat Btrlkolwlilcli
will hiiIhiiIi noon to lioth fpera-lorH-anil
unloni, the While
lloimi! alinoiinieil. Tho plan
ili'ex not Incluil,, fcili-ral miper
vUlon roat IniluMry. hut roil
tiinplaten n permanent solution,
If poiilMc, of the lianlr prul)-
i I -ii in of Hio Induntry
Keiolulloii Aibiplril liy Council Pro
Wiles Itmiil Hliall IU- Cimtplrt.
isl In SpniKlie lllver liy 112:1
An extemlnn for one year of tht
contract Ixitween the City cf Klam
nth Falln and the Oregon, Califor
nia and Kant em Hallway company
wax Rrantcd It. K. Strahorn lait
night by tho city council, with the
provision that construction work be
resumed within CO dayn and that
tho road bo completed ,t0 Spraguo
IHver by May 29, 1923, and Mayor
Wiley wan authorized to enter Into
a contract with 8trahorn In accord
ance with tho resolution adopted.
Thlg Is In accordance with tho
offer recently made by Strahorn to
" w
It U'n. nltfym nrnvlflnil that Stlrft
! horn shall post with the city tho
-- --- - --u ,-. .. . ... ....
Incomo bond provided for In the
original contract with tho city. This
bond will bo of $300,000 denomina
tion, and represents tho payment
mado by Strahorn for the railroad.
Tho mayor and city engineer
wore authorized to arrango for
right-of-way for the main trunk of
tho Sixth street sewer unit from
Sixth street to the septic tank.
Tho proposal of the Warren Con
srtuctlon company for maintenance
of streets was accepted. ThU Is In.
connection with the paving to be
done by the"" company' lindcfTn
contract recently granted.
Tho meeting was marked by tho
abn-nce of applications for permits.
Shjs Husband I'lnclieil and Knocked
Her Nearly I'nconsclqu
Charging that her husband pinched
her and knocked her nearly uncon
scious In their apartments In the Win
ters' building, Mrs. Mabel Lageson
took tbo stand this morning In her
divorce ease against Justin Lageson.
She told of hl.s continuous (.hiding
and scolding her through most of
their married ltfo and that ho was
Jealous ot her relatives because of
the money they supplied her for ex
penses and clothing necessary for her
and her two boys, Raymond and Gil
bert. Ho also accused her cf beln;
Intlmato with other men at various
times at dances and other parties, ac
cording to her statements on the wit
ness stand.
Tho court cut short the cross ex
amination ot tho witness when I.age
son's attorney became rather person
al about the kind of shoes, silk stock
ings, llngerlo and other wearing ap
paral that Mrs. Lageson Jias been In
tho habit of buying with tho monoy
supplied her. as she stated, by her
father and aunt. Tho court proclaim
ed that It was not Interested in mat
ters of HngtTio and such like.
Tho plaintiff rested Its case Just
before noon, after having called 11
witnesses,. Including thoijwo boys.
At tho timo of noon adjournment
tho dofendant had put on ono wit
ness who testified that Mrs. Lageson
had been very Intlmato with a man
t0 t,0 cxtent ot 8ltnR out dances
wth nm and being very affectionate
,,, lw)r n,toniinii!i: that sho had seen
this same man In the Lageson apart-
monts, and had frequently seen him
ontor tho building along in tho after
noon and leave about tho tlmo Lage
son would bo coming homo.
Tho caso whs continued this after
noon, ami It waa expected It would
bo finished lato today.
At 3 o'clock tit's afternoon Judgo
Stono cleared tho court loom and,
after a talk with tho principals, dis
missed the case.
"SALEM, April 25. Abolition of
tho prosent legislative B.vstom by sub
stituting u legislative assembly of CO
members, to bo elected upon a basis
of occupation Instead of population
was proposed in an Initiative potltlon
filed today by (ho Peoples' Power
1 lcattuo.
priob nv.
Two Bottles of AllogtW.
' Moonshine Found in
Cue of Milk
Two stills and a quantity -of al
leged mooiishlnV wern ne'Md and
Ous Soderlitnd, Taylor Dmvj, A.
Hden and H. Olson wern arrested In
a raid on Soderluhd's dairy reach
a few mile south of town, tats ya
terday by Chief of Police Wllaoa,
Price Recob, federal officer, aad
Deputy Sheriff Marlon Baraes.
According to the pollec, -Daaa.
Eden and Olson wer Just iMTlaf
the ranch when taken lata easts!?.
A Quantity of alleged mooartlae
was found In their ear. The three
wero returned to. this city by Wil
ton, while Damn and Recob stisH
tho stills, which they had watched
Sodertund hide In, a field, aad
placed Sodorlund under arrest. Two
milk bottlcl containing Baoeasklae
were found In a csje of milk, the
officers said.
Federal cases will be made
against Eden' and Olson, white
Soderlund and Dean will be prose
cuted by tbo state, according to
V. H. Commissioner Oert C. Thom
as. Olson's hearing , wae set for
May S. Eden was given a prelim
inary hearing before Thomas tkia
The four men, remained la Jail
last night and were trylag to ar
range for ball today.
tsre-OtYswTtrlfWeM' War
Conld Hare Sera Pretested
The United States "with adequate
military preparations and under
strong leadership could have pre'
vented tho occurrence of the world
war," General Pershing declared
today. In testifying before the sen
ato military committee on behalf
cf tho war department's plea fo
an Increase of the military estab
lishment' over that propoad by the
Falluro to consider the existence
of "envy, ealousy and hatred"
among nations as among Individ
uals, he said, has Invariably aeat
the United States unprepared lato
a great crisis and caused "naneeea
sary loss ot llfo and left ua stag
gering under financial burdens."
r N
A tule fire yesterday svealng o
the land bordering the went aide o'
l.ako Ewauna brought out 0e fin
department .when some well-mean''
person, under tho Impression that the
Lakeside Lumber company plant was
afire, turned In an alarm. The fire
apparatus returned when the location
ot the blaze was determined.
Old Logger Proud Maa
Son. Fritz. Makes Good
Paul Spubn, grluled veteran of
Klamath logging campe, today la a
proud man. Last Friday his eon,
Fritz, rowing with the University of
Washington crew against the crack
University of California team, helped
to drive the shell over the finish
lino 10 lengths ahead of their rival. '
For 35 years Paul Bpubn baa been
working In tho woods of Klamath
county. "Uh his earnlnga he helped
hls'boy to gain the education ha him
self had been denied. .But he felt well
repaid for his years of labor when
hogazed upon the newspaper story
which told of his son's victory, aad
tho photograph of the U. of W.
"plght" showing Fritz. In rawing
togs, standing Inches taltef' taaa his
companions. '
Paul Spuhu has a small ranch near
Med ford where ho resides during the
winter months. He. came over from
Medtord last ulght seeking a Job In
the camps. When the labor 'tjrenhlna
here have ended, he wlllfhi'd a fob fit
.ttio Pollcan Day Lumber company
camps, where he hae worked for'
years, happy In the knowledge that
his boy has made good.
mid oil wa
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