ev& y t! WEATHER FORECAST ionigiit (i n.vitiidav, fair Wcp lEunmg Herald University Library. xvgkm:, out?. Y'r NEWS OF THE WORLD 1Y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I'lfU'iMilli Vi'iir, ..Nh, (i;o;l END Member of the Associated Press. JILAMTIU'ALLH, OREGON, I'ltllMV, ,lltlf. . I, jlKttf prick riva oKirra CIVIC LEAGUE ENDS MOVE TO SEENCOURT HOUSE ROW I'oni iiammth foiled , . , I niiA...... ..... . 'I . ' ' " - :.,. K. D. Company Declara Right, RUSSIANS ILL PE sj OIMTIIIII RECALL MAirOR KiiHii:rii:i.i, wash , April 21 A burglar nliirin follcil four ImnilltH who irlnl to roll lint I. a ('cuter Main lunik curly IIiIm miiriiliiK. TIim ii In rm iiroiiH- il llin li.mk president, H. 1" Mnvnm, vilio wIlli oilier men ut (nrlii'il llin roMii'M 'I'lii! ImiiilllM p.:i , t -. , 'nipcil In h running buttle. An inmiidatc of Organization ui.nminncd inummnhitn found hum wllli bullet IhiImh III (till limit ll lilt ll been stolon In Woodbind Declares All Off; Slough Concun With McCullom In Block Ten to Be Forfeited' A meeting of business men has been called for Monday night in the chamber of commerce to de cide on a course of action to pursue in bringing to an end the court house issue. Thiiru v i no furlliur ml Inn luKcii In in iriiMiA yt Hi,, Klamath Cotiniy Clvlr UaKiin for the recall of .Mil) or W. S V,i)- ThU I. adonlliig In I he following Btal.tin.iiit of J T McCollum, n which h .alii "Ii . now my under standing Hint Hi.) recall of llin miiyor will mil tin il.'inniiili'il unil t tin t noiti. Imk further vtlll l,n iloii.i In I tin innt. I.t." iin.l llin verbal slntcmeiit to !.! of W. H Hlnui-li. prrnldcnl of , league, who mil.l, In cffccl, Hint iln fjl.i of I In. recall rml.'.l with Mrfol. 1 11 tit . When naked w ttulliiT It might Un liikmi from McCollum statement SHOOTING AFFRAY BRINGS DEATH OF ONE; 2 WOUNDED Mini I'll.- Slml TIiiiiiikIi Window nl Mt.tl-.T.i.,atv unit Gue-t, Till ll Gun mi H.Jf I'OltTI.ANIi, April 21 - Mr J I. Cav In In ncrlou conilliloti in u liorpll.il hern with 11 bullet wotiml In h'r head, Inflict..,! late Innt night at her hoin.i liy J. It. Ch.imne, an nx-.i-rvlro nmn, who shot hliiiiclf In dentil nfler wounding Mm. Cavo nii.l Hurry Tout, n guest nt Mm. Hint thi, recall hart been iuIIii.I off, j Ci,v,'' borne. In. rt.i.'. In tin, iiffiriiiallv.. Unsaid' -Mm ('inn In Did mothur of Ihnl hn a mi iiiilhMiinl wtuilil iiinl.nj(,l",i'i,'l' ". who was recently within 11 day or public 11 statement two MeCnllum'n statement follow : To Ihn IVopIn of Klamath Falls llifniuo I wan Milrcli'.l o I1.1 n ninilliliiti, for Muyor In Ihn prripfl-nd recall of U'IImiii H Wiley, iA. lie iminiiili ah It In now my understand. nig nut in,, recall of ihn maor will mil lio demanded ami Dint nothlni; further will l. ilunn In tlm mutlnr. I I it.'Mrr. 10 utiit. 1 my (million In Just a fnw wiir.ln. While I .11.1 not favor Martini; Ihn l.'.all hI thin limn. hntlnK runt my -!.t.r'Hliil It. yi'l rtllci Iioiiip t-' 'ItiiMtc.l In ho u cniiilliUlp I coni.i-nln.1 to do ro, Kn fur kn I ntn nwnrn Ihnrn w.,r.t in bn no ppmonul mailum In. Ji'itmt Into tlm recall .'lection I nm .(inflclent Hint llin Mmonnt ron.luct 1 ix'pirnli'il from Iht tiiinliaml. Cham, lieim Kent Ihri'iti'iiliiK lellnm, mill Innt nlcht u linear .it In ihn f'nv.. 'home, whtiru hU wft. Ia IIvIub. fir- IliK nt I'o.l whi'ti ho wont to the iloor. nn.l nhallirlni; I'o.I'k rlcht hiiml. Iln flreil throticli Hin win. .low nt Mm. Cm i, Hun nhoi him i.'lf to dentil. STUDENT BODY MEETS .NoiiiI.ihIIoiik .Mih f,r lfri.i, o t ilrn.l OrKitniu.ll.in SpuiTcd to take action by the financial condition of Klamath county and the citv of Klamath Falls, due to the blocking' of tax collections by the inclusion in the tax budget of a .$15,000 levy for construction of a jail in the Hot Springs court house, the Klamath Develop ment company today filed in the circuit court a declara tion of forfeiture on the part of Klamath county of the agreement for placing a court house on the Hot Springs site. The document advocates the completion of the Hot Springs structure for educational purposes. It withdraws the last argument against a settlement of the court house controversy, and while it may be too early to say that Klamath county's long-standing dispute over court house sites is ended, the end it at hand.. It has been the contention of the supporters 'of the Hot Springs site that the Klamath Development com pany would agree to nothing but a coin! house on the site. The declaration of the tympany expresses an ab solutely opposite view. It declares that to the company it seems annarent that the end has been reached, that there is no chance of completing the building as a court house, and flatly states "that the building and grounds are now the property of the Klamath Development com pany, and Klamath county has no further interest in them." Following is the text in full: t m ALL DEBTS IF RECOGNIZED Asks Financial Help in Re turn for Concessions Outlined in Reply (JKNOA. April 21 If tho Jluiulann nro i; ran I od recognition do Jure and udequatn financial help, thny aUtc In n reply xubmltlcd to tho cntocte to day, they nm willing To admit Hui nla'n war and pre-war dditi, walro counter claims and restore tho na tionalized property of foreigner to former owner or xatlufy tho claim. of foreigner In canon where tho prop nrty cannot lie roftlorod a JUtfyIiiK their contention that the Allien could not an n matter of right demand com pcnnatlon for tro property. 4 The. Itim-lanK cltn the abolition of Marcry In the l'nlted State, whero neither the American nor foreign cr wero compensated. They also cite tho adoption of prohibition In Amer ica a a cute when, no romiwnsatlon ai given producer of alcoholic drink. WASHINGTON', T. C, April 21. The supremo court today heard arguments In the cn-o of Charle Olln ngalnst Oregon state officials In which Olln contended thnt Allen had tho right to fish In tho Columbia rlrer In Orcgon.Olln's attorney contended Oil right was ox omptcd from a law passed by Oregon In 1913 requiring Alton to obtain license. NATIONAL MOTHER'S DAY OBSERVANCE BY LEGION AUXILIARY A-Iilnnci Will ! Oltrn Worn' O-anlMtlon by 11,000 I'oit of Country IS COMPLETED SI ROTARIIS Officers and Directors Elec ted; W. O. Smith It Chosen President htati. or oiu:;o.v. nm KLAMATH nU'NTV A iimotliiK of tho Ktinlenl body of Ihn high hcliool wa railed this iiinrn I lik by I'rmldent Mnrtln A. linn, nn.l m .Mr iioy w nm torn, uini,sm.. nomination w,,ro mndo for Mudent iioiwliln! and ng thn nnwupaper re- m-,. ,. ... ... ' Port Hint Mich would bo tho bail, of I ""J.00 for hn fomln 'rar the recall. I Nomination for president wero A. Thn whnln it ml solo detlro on thnilx-rt Moorland uml Frank IVyton; l-iirt of thoin who nro rriniislliln I ror uncrulnry. KlUahetli Mamilric and for thn movement wn and In that1.,,,,.. tr,,,p. ,, .. , .., ,. . w inluht h.l., rlenner enverninei.t . 'l"U Mll,,,r- ,cr IT"' 'r' President. d nnriirn.ini.nt or thn '"" ""iiermon, John li nn.l iikii ( rlgl erlmltinl law wlililn our city ninl Ihiil wn mlt-'ht Iihvi. morn pemlnteut iin.l roiisclriitlouit effdrtH on llin part of Hi.. mu)or and llin pollen toward tlm Mamplug out In Kl.mmtli Full of th traffic In Illicit ll.iuom. or thn gambling tin-veil known to exist hern wllh virtually no restrlcllon, mid of Hi.. Immorality sn pronounced In thn ti.iHdy Iiiiu.on and public dnuce with in cur mldnt , It In ii mailer of common know, le.lgn Hint numerou fiimllle havu r. 'inn, ed from hern anil that other, nfler e.irefiil I tt vhI Ikii t Ion , hiun nt' fiiHi'il in loratn In IIiIk city or county, nil on in count of thn Immorality ami Ihn utiwhnlnnomo omlltloii Hint mint mid Ihn luck or law enforcement In Kliimnlh Fnlln, lutiKitiuili ii thn Merchant' llur- .nu, which nvldimtlv repreneul nil tlm mnrrhnnl mid hunlneti men of Ihn city, hn plucod Itself on record on oppi'.ied In thn recall of Mayor Wile,-, ll U probable that tlm effect If curried forward would not Biicceed. Ami In Ihn fnro of Hint nltlludn "1 pemomilly hliull not folnt Iho recall upon Ihn voter of iho city, llonpecirully, J, T. McCollum. Cnykciiilall ami Martha I'pp; for Kecoud l.e. president, Sarah Kchock, Clifford llogui. mid Klliabelh (Iraliam. NomllieeH for Mililent of tit e must tin Hi run "A" pupil. Those for pro. ilenl ami Hecrelury must bn from thin year- Junior rlawi, ihium for flmt vice president from this or' nopho morn i'Iiikh, mid Hiimii for second vlcn- president from. thn freshmnn ilan Thn third Vice-president will hn elect ed next Scptemlwr from llm entering f rnili man cl.ixi. Hl.ictlon will hn held next WciIiioh-d.iy. i:.i'i,osio.v ixjiMtns twj:i.vi: DODGE IS CONVICTED Son of Mlllloiinlrn Audi Mnniiriic tunv Held on, M.iior (luirgo DOWNIOV, Cal April 21. An ox. 'plosion of unduigroiiud tank of an oil Hlutlou hero today wiih followed by Ihn oxploHlou of an oil tiuck and mirloiiHly Injured 12 pemotiH vml u moid bllKhtly. Wl.ATHKIl I'KOIIAIIIMTIFH Tho Imiomutrle preKHiiro lemulnvd fairly Hteiuly nt ubout 30. -10 dur ing tho Inst 24 hour but nt 10 o'clock I hi morn. Iiik tho Cyclo-Stor-magrnph nt Um derwood' l'linr mucy began to rng Istur u downward lendency mid nt 2 p. in. tho prosHuro wn Htlll railing. (No Immodlnto vhango may bo look ed for although brink wIiiiIh uro prob ublo thl ovnnlng. Forecast for noxt 24 heurs: (lonorally fair. Tlm Tyco rocordlng thorroomotor roglutorod maximum and minimum tomporiiturcH, today, a (oIIewh: High hn L Low :i2 if KALAMAZOO, Mich., April 21. John I hi Mi I Dodge, Detroit million, aire, mid Ilex Karl, mi architect of luilmnazon wero convicted In circuit out l hero estorday on ii charge or Illegally possessing transporting and rurnlshlng liquor. At tonic) a for thu dcfuiiduntH linineillattly filed notice or appeal mid Judge Welmer with held Hciileiicn, Tlm ehurges iikii I nut Dodgn and Karl resulted from u midnight nil to- mlbllo rldo hero on tho night, or .Murcn ii, when thny Invited three young women Into their car and drove them, ugaliut their piotest, into tho country, During tho ride, tho three girls testified, they wero offor od liquor. In llm Matter of (lifer or lllock Ten (10), Hot Springs' Addition to Klimalh Full. for Courthouw purpose.! Tp Thn Honorable County Court- In July, 1911, Thn Klamuth !). velopmi'Ut Co. oxecutud a condUlnnnl deed In Klamath County for lllock Ten (10), Hot Springs Addition To mako tho conveyance effective It was necessary that Klamath County should. In any event before tho ex plratlon or Hvo yoarn from tho dato of Iho deed, construct mid complete upon said land u courthouse, Jail and other necessary structures nultablo tor tho transaction or Iho Judicial and fiscal business of the county, and thereafter to inn such property for the purposes Kpecltled. Tho "county railed to carry out Its part or tho agreement. Thn Klnmatu Develop ment company, did not claim n top felturo but it Kn III placed the deed In esrrow, accompanied by a letter or Instrutloun to thn etfect Hint further Hmn would bn given to complete tho! building. Work on tho building vvincn 'Iho county attempted to construct on tho land ceased lu tho fall of 1111, slum which 1 1 mo there Iiuh been no work of uuy Importance on thn struc ture, which in itboiil fitly per -out completed. Again, In 19 IS. nt n tlmu when thn county had been long In tin fault In thn matter of constructing tho proposed courthouse, Tho Khun- tilh Development company, ng.iltt u a mailer ot favor, gavo the county an other opportunity to complelu thn building, extending the limn two -Tiicro I nothing to It," was tho declaration ot K. I., Kltlott. legal con-ut for tho tenuity court, in commenting thl afternoon on the Klam ath Development company's 4 action. Klllott declared that 4 tho Instrument filed by tho 4 company had no legality, and would bo of no avail unless as 4 a preliminary action followed 0 by other procedure Ho said 4 tho escrow agreement was of- fectlvo for an unlimited time. When It was pointed out that Iho company Is In possession 4 once. ARBOR DAY SATURDAY Cloning of Forrat Protection Week Mark 50th Anniversary INUIANA1-OLI3. Ind.. April 21 Mother' Day, which falls this year J7.-i.ii. on Sunday, May H, will bo observed' ? ' ?,!',., "fT'" nationally s well'as tocallr by every one of Hie 3, GOO units of tho Ameri can legion auxiliary. Assistance will bo given the woman's organization by the 11,000 posts or tho'Amerlcan legion. Announcement or tho plan for observance wero made here today by Mis Paulino McCornlck, secretary of tbo auxiliary. Tho national effort at observance will bo symbolized by an Irapretulvo ceremony over tbo body of tho un known soldier. In tbo national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia. Tribute -will bo paid to tho unknown mother of thl soldier, who was burlod with distinctive hon ors last Armistice day. Ceremonies will be held over tho graves of war dead In other parts of tho country. It is planned to have legion and auxiliary members unlto In comainn 4 of tho 'deed ami escrow agree- 4 ment, hn declared that "some- body will get In bad over that," A meeting of tho mem- 4 and a course or nctlon decided on, Klllott said. iittmupl ol tlm county court to col lect &xty-elght hundredth or u mill to bn used In construct thn proposed Jail In tho partially finished structure on lllock Ten (10), This Is to noMfy )ou thnt tho Klam ath Development company ha been Imposed upon long enough. It bus lie.en lotfr-sufforiug, patient and hopeful. Tho county has no legal or moral clulm to lllock Ten (10) and nonn will again bo recogulred. Should GENOA, April 21 (iermany today, rormally replied to tho Allied pro posal that tho Germans take no fur thcr part In negotiation between tbo Allies and tho Russians. Iiut tho re ply does not modify tho effectiveness of tho rtu-ko-flormnn treaty. Tho cf feet or tbo Itustlan and German re plies Is In brldgo over tho crisis which has thrcntened to disrupt the Mf4fty;rtureh eerlyt lx.tel.t ail towns on tho afternoon of Mother's day. Auxiliary units wilt arrange, con certs In hospitals-In which tnoro ore veterans or tho lato war and pro grams of entertainment atso will bo given In orphan asylums In which there aro children or men of the world war. Tho auxiliary also will promote the observance of established features of tbo day, such as church attendance In tho morning, preaching of approp riate sermons and tho urging of everyone to wrlto or wire his mother on that day or send her flowers. Mother's day was organized by Miss Anna Jarvls, of Philadelphia. Tho Amerlan legion auxiliary Is com poesd ot tho mothers, wives, sisters and daughtor sot legion men Tomorrow, tho closing day of for est protection week, will mark tho fiftieth anniversary of Arbor Day. Former Secrotary of Agriculture J. Storting Morton ot N'obraska origin atod tbo Idea or having a day each year set apart and consocrated for tree-planting. Tomorrow In every bcrs or tho county court will Jstato or tho union, and cvon In many probably bo hold lato today 0, foreign countries, appropriate cere veurn lonirer. diirlni: which Hum no you bo aflln to collect tho item or Fir- work wiih done on iho uncompleted! toon Thousand Dollars (SIG.OOO.OO) structure. For n period of two )enm)ou will not bo permitted to spend it Immediately prior to thl dale the county him again fulled to iiuil.o good Us. contract, through no fault ob thu Klamuth Duvelopment company Klamuth county h courthouVn liti gation mid trouhluM huvo exceeded tho bounds or tho state, mid have as sumed national faimi; for year thl ridiculous mid iinprofltalilti squuhhlo IiiihMiucii a Joku to every Klamuth (ouuty visitor or reader or an Oregon nuwspupur. Hut thu mutter has cimm'iI in jour attempt to tiiilsh tbo Jail In thu htructuro or ror nny other pur pose, on such building. Thu building and grounds urn thn property or thu Klamath Development company, uml Klamuth county bus no further luter est lu Mime. Tho Klamath Development com pany, a oiin of thn lurgest taxnaicrs or tho county bus homo Its tdiuro or tlio tliousunds or dollarK that huvo been expended lit attorneys' reus uml monies mark the observance of this day, which has becomo associated with patriotic and esthetic as well as economic Idea. At 2 o'clock Saturday tho day will bo marked by ceremonies at thn Cen tral school under thn uusplMi or the women' auxiliary of tho chamber or commerce. Addresses w bo imtdo by Mayor Wiley. Will Ilaliluln and oth ers and vines will bo planted by thn children. The Legion will sot out trees In memory or dead comrades. Trees will also bo set out bordcrlrfg tho c.itind near Iho government building by tho chamber or commorco auxiliary as sisted by tho American I.oglon auxiliary. SCRAP OLD WARSHIPS Along New Intlustsy Spring U Del warn Hlver to bu n joku to thu people ef Klamuth costs, and Iiuh iiUo suffered lllock Tun county. Tho furco should mid must l"l to no uselessly tied up ror ten BOWKER BODY FOUND Vict liu of Itiissell Decker M Taken From Ciilapooiii ' AUIANV, April 21. A body lu n Huek wiih round today In tho Cala poolu rlvur, ii mile below tho brldgo from which lliisboll Hecker Tuesday told pollcu ho throw tho body of Frank llowkor Sunday night. A bill lot hud passed through tho heud from tho back of tho nock uml nut through an eye, It wait suld by the bftlcers who examined tho body. Hockor In u reported conftmslon until ho threw Hie body from tho bridge lu.n hop fp"i . . ceusu. Thn attempt of iho county rotut to collect tho sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollar (Sir,()0.00) to In btull a Jail In thn purtlully construct ed courthouse Iiuh culminated In u most deplorable situation. Thn coun ty shuuld liavo commoitced llm col lection ot taxes February l.'tli-. Prop erty owiicru uro awaiting uu oppor tunity to pay tuxoii on Twenty Oun Million Dollarx (S'Jl.Oim.ooo.on) val uation or properly. Thu tux roll hus not yet boon turned over to tho slier lit uml thuru Is no assurance that tho tux collector will bo placed In pes session ot the roll at uu curly dato. Tho county treasury Iiuh long since beun dopleted. Thorn uro no funds nvullublu to pay tho salaries of county officers. Cash can no longer bo sucur od on current wnrruutB. Tho stato's proportion ot taxes la duo, Tho county will bo called upon to pay large suum In Intorest en Its protested warrants. There is no monoy tor school pur pose. Hy roason orthe non-collection or taxes, tho city of Klamath Fulls is without funds ror uuy purpose what ever. It will not bu longer ublo to maintain Its police flro mid struct departments. All (his I duo to the yeurk, inn ii uoe not de-tiro, even now, to make nny profit out ot Klam ath county's woes, and ir tho school uuthorllle or Kl.uu.ith county-bliotild consider that tho uucnmiiloted build. Inn on lllock Ten (10) eoul.l bt. com- WINS DISTINCTION MM Itulli lk-1-ip Goes longest Distance to Attend Conference (K-Hiul u The- Herald) UNlVKItSITV OF OIU.aON, Ku- gonn. April 21. Miss Uutu Dol.ap, or Klamath Fulls high bchool, had tho distinction or coming tho longest tll.tanco or nny delegate to attorn! tho pleled as a modern school building, boconl annual conteronco of tho Oro , '..".! Ii " ,i??l..."!,."r!.,,,,.n.0.",1 C0,,Id Kon High School Pros association PHILADELPHIA, I'.i., April 21.' A now Industry scrapping of old warships has sprung up along tho Delawnro river where, not so lo?g ago, moro than one hundred thous and men wero vvorkjng loverlshly to help build a "bridge or ships" ucroes tho Atlantic to check tho progress ol Germany In tho world war. In otto Dolowaro river shipyard, alone, thcro aro iiwalt.lng dismantling tho battleships Maine, Missouri, and Wisconsin, tha once-proud tlrst-class cruiser Columbia, tho monitors Oz ark. Monterey uml Touopuh, and countless destroyers, eaglo boat mid smullor craft. Powerful oxy-iicutylono torches, wioldod by maskod workmen uro be ing used to cut through thu cloven Inch steel turrot armor of tho Maine, whllo a 125-ton crano wus utied to tako out Uu 12-luch guns. Pcrmanont officer and directors ot the Rotary club of Klsmath rails were elected at meeting held at noon today, when the report ot (he organizing committee was approved and constitution and by-laws were adopted. Officers elee'ted were: W. 0. Smith, president; II. N, Moe, vlco president: Fred Fleet, secretary; J. J. A. Gordon. M. S, West and E. U. Hall, director. Tho application to form a club In Klamath Falls has been approved by tho International headquarters, and upon the forwarding of the charter membership and classification list with tho roqueit for affiliation, ,the charter vtlll bo granted. This charter will probably bo presented to the club In person by District Governor Skeel of Seattle sometime during May. llaa or Mcmber-dUp Tho featuro which hss perhsps caused greatest comment In tho or ganization ot the now Rotary Club In ttla city is tho ualqu0 rule which pro vides that only one representative from each business or porfesslon Id esch town can b a member of aclub. This was one of the Ideas ot tho ori ginators ot the first Rotary club that was esMetoU.deilsncd to HatUfuUh It from "uilUr organization. Then a!- fsowthiey tejleved snetm Blsa wosld serve to sustain interest In, the club, promote attendance, and make a member place a high valuation upon his membership. Lator years proved that there were, many other advantages to such a plan. A membership mado up ot on representative from oach business or profession Is representative ot the community. Such a group bocomes ay Ideal forum for tho discussion ot pub lic questions and tho consideration of matters ot concern both to the pub lic and to tho different trados and professions. United action by t-' club Is much easier than with n largo and cumboraomo membership ot sov cral hundred or soveral thousand and luis impossible for thoso. of any ono occupation or allied occupations to becomo numerically strong enough to domlnato tbo policy of tbo club. Tbo buslaoss man himself Ii benefited for such association tends to lift him out ot tho rut of hi own business routlno giving blm a broader and moro sympathetic understanding of other buslnoss and professions. . Members Must lio Active Rut most Important of all, It hu been tho means of Increasing tho ef ficiency ot tho club Itsolf. Every mem bor know ho must bo an active mem ber. It ho bocomes a laggard, thon bo Is In danger ot losing his member ship to botnoono olso In his sarao lino ot business. That this rule Is rigidly observed Is ono of tbo reasons why membership In Rotary la consldorod at so kJgli a premium. POSTERS EXHIBITED Entries or School Clilklrai lu Coa tent Shown Today m mudu'wlth thn owners ot this prop erty whereby thu school district would bu ublo to profit by tho expen ditures which huvo already been liiado on this structuro. Respectfully submitted. THE KLAMATH DEVELOPMENT CO. .... ti. ,, ,. .., .. . i.y . ii. rarsur, vico-rrea. unit Geni Munuger. Klamath Falls, Oregon, April 21, 1U22. TAKES OVER Dltl'U STOKE Robert V. Kyuu hus announced that 'ho has taken possession of tho Merrill drug store, formerly oporatod by Frank II. Robinson, and suggests hold at Unlvorsliy ot Oregon, April 14 and IS. lu conjunction with tho conroroneo of thu odltors of high school publication tho high school student body prosldonts and becro turlcs ot tho sluto hold conferences here on tho sumo days. Miss Do Lap was u guest at Hon ilrlcks Hall, women's hall ot resid ence, whllo on tho campus. INTERCEDES AT WEED Italian Consul Confers Willi J. M, Wlillo on Wuge, Hour Question MILK PRICE DROPS SPOKANE, Wash., April 21. Two largo distributing companies tndnv thut u meeting of nil creditors bo had annjiunccd a reduction of tbreo routr, to urnngo for a salo of tho business' a quart In the retail price of milk, do ns n golm; concern. llverod, to ton cents a quart, A conference, on tho btriku situu t loir-between V, FITctt Italian consul at San Franclbco, uml J. M, (Tjille, manager of tho Weed Lumber com pany, hold at Wood Tuesday, in which Filetl presented a request that tho Weed Lumber company's wage cut bo made less drastic and the eight-hour day restored, was unpro ductive of results, according to Infor mation received here. The question was discussed for throo hours with out any change resulting In the atti tude- of tho company. A number ot tho entries mado by school chlldron ot tbo county lu the uregon Tuberculosis association health poster contest will bo on ex hibition today lu the window of tho First National bank. Miss CJara Calkins, who was in churie of the Judging, said today, Tbo winning postoru bavo boon sent to Portland by Miss Calkins to partako In the stto contost but thouo wishing to retain their onirics may obtain them at Ms Calkins' offlco in tbo Winters' building. WOULD AID HHtPBVltWXH WASHINGTON, p, 0.,. April Jl.-. Reimbursement ot shipvsH builders who suffered from abadMmeBt ot the governments wositu ftls pro gram was Propose ia'a btll'introjae ed today by Sensor IfNary,'rsPubH. can, Oregon, .') in r-f, ft JLa. - "',