'$' PageTttrW ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON -i THURSDAY, APRIL SO, I Mi 3E ? ' BW' --' RBk. BT BBnb bBbT -k sans sjbuwbss SBB The Office Gat IIV JUNIUS l)ni fiiitiphull Nnyn Hprlnjc In Jum ii rem nit iln turner of I tin wood plln. IIIMP HOT HTt'FI'! IiiiIIiiii liny limp IiIk nir, Quit rt whlnkry, (In down riiiuli llrldgn conin up road Imlluii turn mil lot bridge ro by (In In rrenk, J. A. (Ionian say nny dog known what in Hint hy i wcld flea Ha pursued!. Vnu ran ntwuy frii Ixrurl I, lie, In I'liiliifh-td, Iml. THK TVMT No belter lesi of loVn I know Than I luil young tirarl which I tiro In Willi lovn while hi wcittlie,rt loth rul llwwl rorn from off Kin rnlm. Col Multnoii ay th distance he. twi'cn her skirt and I tin floor either inukt-N thn woman or murk her. Thii ran live sleeper lhan one Finn motte: Dim't give, up, In or nut. HmiUN l a Latin word, and since comparatively few of our ei-soldler nm l.alln utiiili-litx, how rnuld p el pert them In "ilefllnn" It T A friend tnld un thn other day lhat hn Ihouxhl short skirt were Hnti for chap In poor health because It kept them nut In thn open. Hoy Fouch say ounin people urn CLASSIFIED ADS MWWWMWWWMM MISCELLANEOUS LADY WIHIIK8 to net work waiting on lahlii In a ramp or would help In klirheii IsViuIre llox M. II. Her nia oflln. 1933 WANTKD At Fort Klamath, woman for housework. For particular, rail 641 J. Klamath Falls. 20-31 FOU HKNT Furnished 3 room house, Inquire Mra. Ilryan, 917 fine, after Ii o'clock, 19-10 IIAIIY CIIIX White Leghorn (Tan creds), Huff and llrown 1-eghorns, Anronan, llluck Minorca. Huff Or plnKtona It. I. Kadi, llarrcJ and W.hlto llocki. Kvory week. Knoch L'rowa, Heabrlht, California. 11-37 FOIl HALK Olt HKNT Ranch at ready atorked, In Poo Vallr. Infor- mullon call Mill Bona, 6tb 8t. lt-S4 Foil HKNT Fumlthod and unfnrn- Ithed upartmenta cloiu In; alio mull Iiouno. IMiunn 343W. ll-:o Wn wUh to extend a vole of tbankt to tbu Fylllng-tlean orcheitra for their aorvlce at the Cblloquln dance, Friday, April It, given by Timber worker' Union, LOCAL 188, KLAMATH FALLS. 30 FOIl HKNT 40 acre all In alfalfa In town of Merrill. 133 N, 10th 8t. Klamath Falli. 18tt IIOAHD AND ROOM Phono 360R. 703 N. 9th. St. 17-3I LKWI8 ft STROUD Mattreii mak ing, upholtterlv. and job work. Call 397W. 0 S.Ttb St. 17-3I FOIl HKN1V1ALB OR TRADK 160 ncrea at Olene. J, C, CUfBorn, 133 Ho. Htvoraldo. 1731 Swedish select certified teed oata, ton lota 3tt eta; leu quantity 3 eta. J. A. Uusboni, Klamath Falla, Ore gon. CalL at Murpaey's Feed store, 134 8. 6th St. t Stf Whlto Leghorn baby chleka, 111.00 ner 100, Tancred strain. Heavy layers; circular Henry Tarratt, Cora Ins, Cal. , 7-l H. It. OARFKNTKR. Fainter 'and I'aperbanger, Phone I76J A-8-M-13 L. R, C. While Leghorn Baby Chli for April, May Juno delivery from our own bred-to lay stock. Our prices urti right. Modol Poultry Farm, W. O, Hmlth, Prop., Corning, Cal. Estab lished, 1904," 6-39 iviXl HCHOdli Of MVt40 Present enrollment 31 pupils. :TMr MmM Be Reseats For the (act that our present enroll ment 'Is the largest eve beleV by s school In Klamath ceunty: Compute course on ths piano In 30 lessons. no rich tliey ilon'l hum lo pay their bllU at, all. A Htnbln lUhll "Anyonn ran sen Unit driver over thnrn hnti been n lenmiiter " "How no?" "Jly thi! way hit kiMipn slnUIng his truck." Wlilltier Away? Tim neok of thn wall mid thn horn of thn skirt will now join (In mIiik Inn) "Wlmrii Dii Wn'(li) From Here?" Our Idea of a Reed Job In religious editor of tlin Poller fliiriilln. While President HiirdltiK In strug KlInK on thn IIiiIih, William Jennings llrymi In HhIiIIiik mi the inlnnInK llnkii. Tim (tuiiH! won r.i InnlnKN long, lint fnt tirr stuck It thru, And then a runmir pilfered home, Ho father sneaked home, Ion, Jon Alutitt lay many man who might hnvo hern n good hullrr hn fulled In life, owing to hi unwilling ness lit wear nldii whisker When a follow j-ne nut lo thn auto how and hear all thn kooiI polntii ahout thn different automobile hit begin In wonder If there nny b.id OtlCN, Mun without push arc nlwny look' Inn for pull, Miyn Judge l.envltt. Thn pavement of llfn Ii strewn with hanann peels. Harry llorel n.iy morn and morn men are willing lit give WMiien credit thrnn days, hut the llltln dear want cash. What linn heromn of Ihn old-fash- limed nun who Used to het 11 hottlo of Heotrh on thn election? Dne. Carter say penpln and pin re useless when they Iciso their head). (Irami wldownrx, too, celebrated thij hlrthday of Lincoln, the (lre.it Kmun- rlpatnr. I.entnn say he'd llkn to know what Amerfca' policy In toward ItUNila, ouyway. UVH. It Im't an en dowment policy. 0000m0m000m0000m00i00i00Am00m0m00 HIIOi: ItKPAIItINU Jack Frost. 119 H. With 81. 17tf FOU HKNT Nicely furnUhed roam for gentleman. 1135 Pine. 18-31 Course starts at any time. Fa roll now. Studio 300-809 Winters' llldg. 30tf If you want to sell It, buy It, trade It, or (ltd It. try Herald classified sd. Mrs.BWs EnwlttBfciy Braa Muffins Made bjf f hit rrcipt, your bran muffini xrill gtl many tncerei: Take two eggs, two tbsp. bMtsr (or substitute) and i cup sugar; crtsm logsther; add I cup btsn and (If dseired)1 1 cup reistns, l cap watte flow, 3 wp, baking powder, tip, sell. 8tfr well together sad n-ssMsn to sttsT better wkh csp CfmaUen MUk mixed with cup of water. Bake In greased muffin das from Ifteen to twenty-five minutes 7H- TZUM. II a kAi't Aliff BliMtrr.Ud WehM el I OS tMtad mtjss. 'writ ler CwtuUm SeMTrVeeV . ucu O, sea Csrd I Blif,rr9u Or. USE SLOAIfS TO WARD OFF PAIN LITTLE aches grow Into big pelns unlets warded ct by an applica , Hon ol Sloan's, Rheumatlim nturslgisi stiff Joints, temo back won't fight long sgalnst Slosh's Liniment, For more hn forty years Sloan's Llntmeut'bss helped thousands, the world over, ' You won't be an excep tion . It certainly does produce rciuln. 7t;nrafiWfAo.ri.Win. Keen this old family friend alwayt handy for Initant'use. Ask your, neighbor. At oU druggUt-J5c, 70c, 41.40. Sloa Oniment tWLjrTsTl 61J Uitriiirj' 31$ PUhwt - Lay Off Radio, Adi RTOCKHOLM, April 19. The platu-t Mars an old dying world In ri'ifilvlng altogether too much at Inn t Ion from nsrtbly nctrntlstrr tbess' day and nights, while ths uaiattd coming young plsnnt Venus Is Just walling for a chance to know ut bettor. Thin In thn tonclunion of Pro fi'dior Hvanlo Arrhenlu. Nobel prlte wlniKir and orm of Kurope' fore maul KclentlNtN aud astrouoraers, who lectured here ou thn prospect or wht'odllng from (bo heaven the necrniH of no run of our celestial neighbor, and nipcclslly Mars, when that planet swlngg Iota clos--Nt proilmlty to the earth two year hence. If NclentUls and long distance radio fun really want lo communi on Id with Nome celestial neighbor, PrnfpNftOr Arrhenlu said, they will not find Mar very cordial,' for the old fiillow dying or already dead I, covered with bard froxen sand, nnd In no dry that It only rain l mnleorlr ilunt. Perbap a few sea wrp.l, Mill I'JlM, he aald, but It U highly Improbable thai even low animal 1 1 fit could find enough to NUNtaln It. He described m "fan tastic" ihn belief that the so-called rarial obnerved on the planet were the work of engineer and attribut ed them to earthquake fissures. VrnuN, on the other band, offers potential Knnlrjltf, to Iho patient uttronnmer, Professor Arrhenlu declared. Ily "patient" hn roesnt about a billion years, he eiptalned. At thn esplratlon of thin period, hej thought a flourishing colony of In tnlllgent being might be discov ered on tho bright little planet. "Kverythlng on Venu Is dripping wet," hn continued. "Thn planet In covered b constant rain clouds 10 kilometers thick, preventing sny ray from the sun penetrating to the hotto tnof thn alr-etrsto. Llfo on thn planet of love I abort and Intense." Living organisms, ha thought, might be found at the polar re gloiiH, where the temperature wan slightly lower than other parts of the planet. "When tho earth ls eittuguUh cd." ho concluded, "It will, be Venus, queen of the hesvens, that will take over the role a carrier of culture." . i fi) i.i 'If 4 . -r :r " i XOTlCBFOtt FVOLIOATION , . .' . IWLATICD TRACT (PtsbUshef) .. Not Coal Land-. J'Vtlf JO MND HALK '" DKPARTMK.Yr OF THK INTKIUOn, U, H. LAND OFKICK at Lakevlew, OregOn. March 27, 1922, . NOT-CH Is hereby given that, a directed by tbe Commissioner of the Oenofnt Land 'office, under provision Of Bee, 246G, It. 8 pursuant to the application of Charles T. Darlny, Klamath Falls, Ore.,, Herlal No. QUSM, we will offer at public sale, (o tbs highest bidder, but at not lea than 16.85 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., ou tbe 2nd dsyof May, nesf, at this office, thn following tract of land: NWV48EK. Hectlon 17, T. 37 B., II, 11 K W. M. Tbn sale will not be kept open, but will be declared cloned when those present at thn hour named have ceas ed bidding. The person making- the highest bid will hn required to Im mediately pay to tbe Receiver the amount thereof. Any person claiming adversely tbe above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or beforo the tlmn designated for sale. F. P. LKJHT, Hecelver. M 30 A 0,13,20,27 M 4 .-ai-.jiiijjeg"rsB.i.iiiii m m NOTTCK TO CRFJITORN Notice l hereby given that the undersigned, as Superintendent ot tlsnk for the fitato of Oregon, Is In charge of tbe asAeta and sifslrs of the First flute and Havings flank of Klassstb Falls, Oregon, for the pur pose of liquidation All persons who wsy have claim against said bank sre hereby notified to tasks legal proof thereof by filing s duly verified claim, a by Law pro vided, with the Deputy Superinten ds of Dank In charge at tbe office of the First State snd Savings Bank, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or before the 11th day of May, 1922. FRANK C. IIRAMWF.LL. Superintendent of Hanks. Data ot first publication Februsry 9th, 1922. ,- Dale of last publication May 11th, 1923. F 9.16.23 Mar. 2. 9, 10,23,30,0,1 3.J0, 27 Apr. 6.13,20,27 May 4.11 NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION 1HOLATKD TRACT. (Pnbllither) Not Coal Land Pl'Ill.K) LAND HALF- DEPARTMENT OF THK INTERIOR, U. a. LAND OFFICE at Lakevlew. Oregon, March 1C, 1922. NOTICE) Is hereby given that, as directed by thn CommlitslOBer of-tbe General Land office, under provisions of Hec. 24SC, K. 8., pursuant to tbe application of Alfred It. Collier, Ser ial No. 011C4S.,w will. offer st pub lic ale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $7. 8 J per sera, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 27th day of April, nest, at this office, the follow, lag tract of land: NEK8I.U. HW NWK, Section 13, T. 37 8.. K. 9 K WrM. , This tract Is ordered into tho market on showing tbst the greater portion) thereof is mountainous or too rough tor cultivation). Tbe sale will not bs kept open, but wlllibe declared closed when those present at thn hour named have cea. ed bidding. The person making tbe I I The Blazed Trail WORKERS in the woods frequently find the trail blazed by the axea of those who have gone before. Guided by these marks, they easily find their tway. ., Advertisements perform, a similar duty for yen in the important , business of. spending yeurj money. They point out the way to values, of which you would never knew if they were not there t guide you. , Do you read them? Wise shoppers do. They are the econom ical buyers the ,ones who leep themselves strictly .up-to-date on the, best opportunities, for saving money, or spending, it judiciously, which is one end the same thing.. Read' the advertisements in ithis paper. Read them to know what's what in the shopping , district, Read them because they place, before your eyes a moving panorama of business progress. t Read thtm to SAVE MONEYTOSAVE STEPSTo'sAVE DISAPPOINTMENTS. Read them, because, they blaze your, trail to satisfaction in your, everyday buying. (jvr'4.'' s . - - i ( ','..' ' i ' ". -If' ( .'" (! A "&i j. iL . D.jif.; usuuificin istjcuiurij. iwivwinui .-. t -" UPiy highest bid; will be required to Im mediately pay to tbe Receiver tho arridtinl thereo'f. ' Any persons claiming adversely the above-UMcrlbCd land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before thu time designated for sale. (Publish for five; consecutive weeks' In lbs "Klamath Hnrald" Klamath Falls, Oregon.) F. P. LIMIT, Register. M 23,30 A fl, 13,20,27 .VOTfCK OF FJtKCTlON OF A BOARD OF TURKIC HUFKItVIH. ORS OF TUB MKAnOWH DRAIN. AUK DIHTHICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. OKKCON TO THE OWNKRH OF' LAND SITU ATE IN THE MEADOWS DRAIN AOE DIHTHICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. ORKdON: Notice I hereby given that a meet ing of tbe owner of land situate. In tbe Meadow Dralnngn District of Klamath County, Oregon. I callnd for the purpose of electing a Hoard of three aupervlsor a and In the manner provided by law; said meet ing to bo held In tbe County Court room In the Klamath County Court House In the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon on Monday the 24th day of April A. D. 1922, at thn hour of 9 o'clock In the forenoon on said date. C. R. DELAP. Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon. A 0 to 20 Inc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION MOf-ATCD TRACT. (PrsMlsher) Not Cost Land PUBLIC I.A.VD HALK. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. fl. LAND OFFICE st Lakovlew, Oregon; March 15, 1922. NOTICE) I hereby .given that, ss directed by tbe Commissioner of the Oenersl Land office, under provision Hsve you seen tbe Dig ELECTRIC .. i Pair of Eye GLASSES In front of 709 Main Street? a Well, that's Dr. Ooble's, where you bava your eyes ex amined, glatsea fitted, re paired or adusted. Broken lenses duplicated. We surface, edge, drill and bevel tbe lenses, any shape, site or style. Dr. Gable TM Mais) rko, Ofe. 13SW, Res. S3tJ 5- ' J' ,m m ; rnui l; (i:AmmM. of Hec 2 4 ". ." , It H pursuant to the application of JegNo S, Drew, Herlal No. 011493, wn will otfer nt pub1c salo, to thn hlghset bidder, but nt not less than $3,1211 per ncro, nt 2 o'clock p. m on the 27th dny of Ap ril, next, nt this offlcn, the following tract of land NK. Suction 13.' T. 37 H R. 1 1 V, V., W. M This tract Is ordered Into tho market on n showing that tho groator portion thoreof Is moiintnlnoui or too rough for cultivation. Tho nlo will not ha kept open, hut wilt be declared closed when those presant nt the hour named have cens ed bidding. Tho person making thn highest hid will ho required to Im mediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any person claiming adversely the nlinvA.flpnrrfheri dml nrn nilvlitnil tn file their claims, or objections, on or' before the tlmn designated for sale. I (Publish for five consecutlvn weeks' In tbe "Klamath Herald' Klamath Falls, Oregon.) F. P. LIOIIT. Register ,M 23,30 A (3,13.20,27 If You Need Strength and Reserve Power Take TANLAC The WarId's Greatest Tonic Graduate Foot Specialist At Your Service Cnnsultstlon and Examination Free K, K. K. Store Foot Specialists la the cheapest thing you buy, pro vlded you make a wise selection, GREEN SLAB We are getting a few green slabs at $3.50 Cord DRY, SLAB $6.00 Cord O. PEYTON CO. dlf 2701 PfcosM MS 18 ( ,j i . f WOOD HT-) , Chiropractic RemovesUho Caueb Rbfe9&aBfe!9 Abnormal Normal Hplnnl Nerve plnrlird nt till opening Tho nhovo cut shows how eas ily narvn energy to Important or gans may be cut off. A similar condition In your spine, I thn c.iuso of your trouble. Chiro practic ndjustmonts will cor rect It. Drs. Mnllett & Mallett Underwood Rldg. Seventh and Main Phono S39-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY Flnlxtifil Work Flat Work Hough Dry Tat Tons Dais la Oar Suds' PSOXK 154 Covar tfsfs) d Center - ' FRED WESTERFELD Dentiet Pfaowat 4S4-W X-UAX IiABORATOKIBB Imsus Bldf. IQssta VsJss t I. O. U. r. Prosperity Rrbehah, KM- meets Flint aa Third ThurMUys Kwauna F.ncarnpmrmt 4S, meets each Tuemlay Klamath Lodge 137; meet each Friday Klamath Falls Plumbing 4 Heating Ce, 117 HAEf ST. rHOXB aHaVW DR. F. R. GODDARD oersroATino i-sreKiA MXtmmmmaom Office nasi fssstteaea Ptteass SSU Lo.ar. RAINBOW SWEET SHOP BREAKFASTS AND LVNCKBOX8 SERVEB SOFT DRINKS, ICE CREAM AND CANDIES Winters Building Phone 158-J PRICE, HILTON GARRETT Proprietors KLAMATH POST No. S, American Legion meets la tbe basement ot ths -new courthouse on Mala L Street oa the first and third Tuesdays ot each month. Bx-serrtce men are Invited to at tend ths meetings. Dr Fred Westsrfsld. Commaudsr. 11. E. Oets. Post Adjutant sad Re lief snd Employment coamlttee. i " DR H. J. WINTERS Graduate and Mate OPTICIAN Nineteen years hers In business We grind and fit Glaate Duplicate broken Olaaaea Preaspt Service Beat KqalfpsA OpUesl Store an 714 Main Street J. C, CLEGHORN CIVIIi KOraBSaR AND SCRVBYOU Phosw lSsVJ 1M DR. J. a GOBLE OPTOMETRIST OPTJCIAJf 70 Melsv St, , Paeae, ItS-W We tit and, .stfad, glasses, DuefcV cttt broken lsssss. repair trass. W. E. ft J. E. Pattorsea CONTRACTINa PAIKTBR8 " - H b Paints,' Oils had Varalsk ago 8. Sixth St., Klanush Falls , rhons aaW' freas i-te Cite rc .t'l- -I'VTr- i J ' a -, , -j' A . , -j. j