The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 18, 1922, Image 1

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UW..U, yjv,
Member of the Associated Press.
11 kn
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riflivnlli Vi'iir, Nil, ll.'ioo
Plans for Recall of Mayor
Said Uaied on Invest!-
Ration of Detective
"Tim ClVIr lenKim had u iti'.
lrllvo In Klnmuth Fulls from
March 4 l April 3, Instructed In
uncertain what wan (hit altitude
of tlii) law enforcement ufflcrr
Inward Urn vlnlulnr of tlm Inw
"Tim ilcli'i ilvn ri'imrtril Unit
'I wini mining Ihf violator of
tlm nalliiii'il iiriililliltluti law ami
kih ii Mi. to find ihi'iii In great
mi in be r mill In every Inntiince I
tumid Ihem entliely utiuf rill isf
Urn iniiyor unit chief nf police?
Tlmy illacuxril lhc-.ii inulterie with
urn with tlm iilniiixt freedom, und
n.tvt imt lit it mliiti .1 hii.I !.( ti.....
" , ",M" ' ' , ", '""' .'" ' I
Min initio tlm nriitiTilfin nf tli.!
'"llm ruin til I ii k wan ritully
ilrur In reKTil to vlnUtliiiiH uf
IIik Inw aKalimt kimIiIIiik. uml
nRJlimt liiiiikt-M nf primlltntlnn.
"It U trim Hut Ihrrt' linn lirni
xiiii" illlfrrt'iiru of iiplnlnti iu to
tlm nitvliMlilllly of ataKtliK u ri"
rail uKnlimt tlm iiniyiir. but thcro
l no illlfiTi'tiri' n f opinion tu In
)ila ilcnurvliiK In ho riMiiiund from
nflco Hniim luoferrt'il in In
rriMc thu prvKiirn of public
oplnlnn, unit If rlrctiinttunct'ii
"iirruntfil iIoIiik tu proieculo
thu ma or uml crrlitln ntln'r uffl
ht In I ho rouriK
"Hn fjr an I am ulilu to ill) mi
prrminullllcii ahull h krpt nut
nf thi ramiulnn. A rampalKii uf
pcritonnlllli'H Mill i. llli. not hliiK.
tlm tril linn.) n: Hlmll Klnnuth
KulU ln IuwIi'iim nr cli;ill KUiii-
ulh K.ilU hn law uIiIiIIiik""
Th Niaii-mi'iii mjk fur.
liUhnl Tin- II1T.1I1I tmlay liy V. H,
Hlonuli, prciliti.tit nf tlm Klamath
fouiiiy Cllc leacim. In nupporl cf
v tlm ( Ic.iKtm'H muvfincui In call, V 'WllVf TlmMilfininl
hiiil hiTii mihinllli'il in hiiiIi tui'iii'
hi'rii nf tlm liMi;im'ii t'MTiil l com-
lilllli'K n hn hiiil I iihi in
ri'nrli, nihl !!I(ihi:Ii. mnl hail Im'kii
Anki'il If llmrit wcro nny mnrn
ili'flnllo nr npiTlflr rlian:M ucalimt
Dm miDiir, .Sluitnh nal.l thut llicm
hiiil hi'i-n a mam f materlnl lulil
hi'fnrn tlm li'aKim, hut mnrn nf n
pi'rniiiil iiatiirn than nrcimntliiini
UKnlimt tlm ptihlli' nrla nf tlm
mn)i.r. HIourIi milil hU own vliiw
wan Hint tlm iwull (ampulKii nIiouIiI
uvohl juTHOiinlltlim. ami ho ronflni'd
mainly to ptihllc romluct; hnl n
lumt'M prlrntK llfo a Ma hmii nf
fnlr i'copi whpro 11 act u notorl
nualy hml vxuinple.
lip anhl thu cane of thu civic
IrniKiH'. U hl'ii InfluiMiru countiM,
woulil ho pri'U'iitiM fully from the
Ih'kIiimIiik: thut no uiifulr luhant
liKO Hoilhl hn taken hy wl t hlii) tllliR
fiiclH, nr thu aprliiKliiR of iiliivciith
hour rurprha'.
Tlm (lucUloii to launch u rucall
(KniriHl Wllpy wim rraihnl nt u
(omnilttmi mcotlim nt tho Mutho
illt I'hiiMli Humliiy uflurnuoii.
Tlm flmt prnpimal mih to recall
,Mynr Wiley uml I'nllco JiiiIk"
I.i'uvllt, nlilch wjih ilofcatuil t'J tu
17. It aH llit'ii propoiicil to recall
thu puIIck JiiiIko. ilcfoati'd hy u voto
of iihuut 20 to 10.
Tho ballot mi tho mayor'n recull
,wih yi'H, 2.1; no, 11 j niu bluuk IniU
lot uml u fow not votlnR, About
40 nmn uuil women worn prurient.
A ballot (or cnmllilutUK resulted
In tlm choice uf J, T. McCiillom to
oppuau Wlluy, If thu recall niovo
iiieut U HticruiHful. Tho voto Htooil
(I. A. Wlrlr. l; n. It. Duunur, 4;
II. M. Ohllcolo, 4; W. A. Wleitt, 3;
J. T. McCullom, SO.
Mayor Word ThIMiM '
That Mayor Wlloy, on (hn arraRlnn
of a vlnlt of ii party of ilvc leaRiin
nieiiihciB to IiIh office u ion pin of
wnokii a ko, miiilo any Hlatmnont to
tho effect Im "holleveil n city Hlioilld
havo JuhI iihout what Km cltlzeliH do
xlrml In tho iiiitttur of Inw enforce
ment," wiih denied today hyO. 1).
llurldt, u inumuor of tho party, Ilurku
mild ilnit tlm party, which went not
uh'u civic Iciiriiq commlttpo hut to use
friendly of foils to pruvunt a recall,
Hpent' rounlileriihln tliun in iIIhcuhhIiir
(Continued to Papo 2),
".til HON Knit .MIIOSIIV
nv iiiH-iisif-r Arioitvcv
HAN rflANl'MCO, Aptll IK
A letter miklm: him in pardon
TlimmiM .1 Mniiiiiiy mill Wurrnii
l MlllliiKH, nerving life xen
Inn en fiilluwliig Uii'lr uiiivlrllun
nil it murder charge In rrmr
Hull wllh ii IiiiiiiIi itxpltiiiliiu hern
wan Hi'iil to (liivi'imir Xlnplii'iiH
Imlny by HlHlrlil Attorney
llrmly, who piicmki'i Hin niln
Inn Hint tlmy with lonvlited mi
fulun limlliuiiuy '
Fl)rr I'mtn Hun I'mnilmu Will
l.eii.n .Montague Morning,
Hhi Ailtitnii- .Mini
An airplane will mar over tlm
niniin tulntt from Muntugim enrly In
morrow, nr pomilhly mtilcht. mill will
land In tin. field iiiIJiiIiiIiik tlm Htunit -
nnl Oil rnmiuinv jitunt TIiIk hn un
Minimal 1mm tnitay liy (' J Thump
mill. riiiirrmntlnK tlm Wmtcrn Alry
riiniiumy t Hmii riuiirlnco, whn miyx
he dim hi" May mer Tupny ltli tlm
aid uf n Nu S aliucl, und urrltvd
here lot nlKht eatliiK. hreuihlni: mid
perHplrliiK milil.
Tin. plane, n ThoiiipHiin Ktmidard
with a ::o Ii p, lllnpumi-Huliui motur.
la In fllKht from Kan rrundnru tu
Muulmia and will rrmnlii hero three
du)M It hIII mrry pnimenKerH uml he
Hied far ueilal edilhltloua (. A lliil- I
llwrll, In ut inun.iKer fur thu Miami-1
uril Oil rumpiiuy ilocl.irca Im will be
the (lrt puin.fl'iCer
The flmt plane, pltuted liyWhu f
flarmu, whi flew nt Kukiiio In lh
furrat erlre, will lie followed by a
iMond u few tlayn later hlch will
remain hern two 'lays lloth hate
been lined In tlm iaaiieiiKer.rnrr)lnr
hUNlneni lielwi rn I .(m AuKi'li'i ftmd
.'Ian Kraliclni'ii. iiiruiitlur. to Thonip l
ThompKoti ii.i)n the prettiest r.lrl uu
tlm field wilt hn KtW'li u frel rldn
Him will hn (himen, lm'.i)4, h) the
flrnl (He piimieiiKerH
l.ate tliW uflernunn Thump mil
rrrelvrd word Hiat tlm piano wilt
arrive here- lonturrow iiflernnon l.c
tween r, and r, 30.
Cniiipnii) Held i:niHivrt ! to
.Man I'iiiiii lliM'IIInu
JuilKinent In favor uf dm AUouia
Lumber coinpany wna the flndliiR In
(hn JiiHtlce court In a mill nxalnnt ii
former emplu)i, J W, Vernon on nu
ejection milt IiivoIvIiir u hiiiiiII dwell
Iiik bonne ut thu company 'a plant.
It developed durlni; tlm trial that
Vernon hud left hU work on Febru
ary 28, und had not nlncn returned to
hU work, nor hud h paid tho rent
of IS per month for March or April
und nlthoUKh ho had Keno to tho
company about tho rent hn had made
no tender uf thu monnyiur did ho tu
court inukn nny offer of payment
It dovulnpod from tho trial that
thu hmiHo wim rented to Vernon an
wut tho ciiHlom with uinplo)a, hut
thut hu had not llod Iheru for noma
little, time hut wu IIvIiik In Klamath
KulU, und hud loft part of hla portion
ul effcltH in tho humm nTiiucHtlon.
Thu court would not allow any evi
dence on tli Htrlko nueatlou from
either party, IioIiIIiik thut wux nut
thu mutter In Ihhuo.
Tho Htiit Iiiih uttructud hoiiiu at
tention iih It wiih dcomud a teat cuo
under tho recently duvloped strike
Mayor Hty Many Friends
Loyal Send Best Wishes
Thuro In humor nnd neighbor!!
nesa In Iho manner in which un
known friend:! of Mayor Wiley ills
played Iholr appreciation of tho ef
fort being mado to Involvu him In
u political mosH,
Thu mayor wiih Hitrprlsod thin
mo nil in: by u cull frum u Western
Union ineMu'iiger, who born a hUu
bin bonnet of cut flowers. Unwrap
plug tho package. reVealod u curd
which bore. I IiIh legend:
"Wo'rm with you. Hllek. Tho
Sympathetic eluh."
Mayor Wiley In tho last 24 bourn
hati reculyud iisuui'uuceit of lo)iilty
nud belief fihni unexpected quar
tern, but nouu m oio delicately ex-
Etherio Body Declared Ap
parent When Psychic
Phenomena Used
It,. Hilt AltTIII'lt fO.VAN IK)VI,i:
Writ tin INperlitlly fur VIIA
Ho vli v
"oi'jrlglil, JIKiii, Sr.. He-ilin
In llirrr mi) mii uf proving Hint
ii living lilililiin being tin, a Mini?
I'llUUCfttluillllll) mi though I
I knuit nf n, mii) kini' Ii) p)rlil'1
IliliriiiiliH'litt, wlilrli lire tln lunri'
liliiteilal nidi of splrlliinllMU. I
Whul ur mil tin llieile bod)"'
' (iilliil Ii HI. I'hiiI Hie "plrltmil
ImhI" l
iilnil In Hiiulnr mi'Ii
N iti-rrlbctl iih I lie miuI,
ll U n fmlnille uf nur pitm-ii! i
ImhIIi'n, mid It miMhi'N tliein
It I-
the lliluu ulilih Inn Im-cii the
lii i
(if nil lihiiiiluin kturli the thine
men kii nfliii ul I In iiioiiiiiiI uf
ilmlli h) illlniil frlemN ur irhi
ll U Ii liiHimrll) illMi(lnli'il friini i
the ImmI In hlerp, uml under ni-
I lilt liMHIilli il.liltai
,, , . ., ..
ll nuiliiliK ultliln It the Infinite -
I)- iiiiin-i i iherlnl thine (nihil I'm'
Kpllll (he mil lielim i fie Ii iini'l
fUM'll Itltll I'lllll llllllT.
I limit iiiiiuui: Hi) teiiiip(linii I
I Mlile ii phutucriipti uf nu cllierli'
I ImmI) (itr wml) illm'iiKnKlns: llHf ,
I fliilll tlm innlerlal ImmI),
llo miiiIi lme m7 i
Ve, miiiU luue M't, but he)unil
urn mum nf iIiiimi Krmimr lilnlff
tat hum mIiMi iiIiImIii hen, fnr hlrlli
N n thine Mcullar to life.
He iumiiIIi-Mn In kraut), In )iu
putli). In ililli'iii) uf iiiiiIiiiiI uiuler
staiiilliiK III nil lhft." Mihlle mill
fine UH)s In llhllll It inuillfeMi. nil
earlli iMiueeii true luii'iK lin iih
not )et married.
It) .l.i:A.MKlt IIKItMAN
NKW VOIIK, April 18. I'lan
.uml tprclflr itlotin for Imnveu uml
hell, cninplete from lower In upper
Intiiln, iin helm: revealed In Amer
ican i In ii HerleH uf leitureH hy Kin
Arthur I'liuau Doyle
.Sir Arthur Ri'Ih IiIh Information
NtralRht from (Im uplrll of I hone
whu p.ihaed uu mime 23 of
them. Ile'a mil an poetic hut much
morn nperiflr thin Mr Milton, SIr
nor Danlu nml nlherii who hun en
Hayed deicrlptlonn of the bejonil.
There'H not a doubt tint what Sir
Arthur believe In HplrltuallKin a
firmly ai Im belltne,, In eating.
(Continued tu iMgo 4)
GEE! I Hope nobody J kt
vv vM U v--aVV-i lip I'tY' 4hP jy
FALLS, OltKtION, 'I I I.SIM , U'llll, IH, tll'J
Silt ,, (LVOV ihivm:
. Jfoti-d KiiKllxh uullior mid nplrlt-
j ....
iiuiii win im Hiiiiuineiiiii arc
HturilltiK America
on u lecture tour
lie m now
Directors Climb Tables
Mad iIor' Mad iIor
Willi thin fretiYled cry. the iimm
her uf tho chamber of (ummercn
board ut director!, ciuvencd l.i
milemn eoucl.ii. nt noon today. Mood
nut upon their dlKulty hut climbed
i limbed thu liihlo. clinlrn exit tried
In climb tlm wall. An)tlunt; In en-lap.-
Prom their uutaKn points, then
Ihey nunc) cil thu nlllicrj of it luunlt
IIimioii hull pup, which wan kIMiir
eer evlilcnce of not knunn nor car
im; whal it was iibuiil. Tlm pup. It
tipiieured. had tumbled down the
KtaliM from the Mrcet. uiiuumiiiuced
uml jpp.irvntly wllhuul purpujio oilier
I ban tu ill) Junt what It wan doltiR.
Kw'iituully the iimniherx made
their encapp Tho pup remained in the
forum room where, nt Inst repirtu, he
wua uttemptlne In walk uu tlm cell
Iiir. "Acted like thin proponed tccall.
eomlnK on tup of nil his other
trnuhlcH, wan morn than
Im couldj
stiitid," one member remarked later j
us Im wiped beads of persplratlcu I
from u moist brow.
Treaty Held Impossible;
Astonishment Expressed;
Held Blow at Meet
I'AHIH, April Id -A HavnB dlv
puKji from (ienon ayH (he Allien nrn
dr.iftliiK ii note (n tin, CermuriM uml
ItimMarm nutlfyldi; them It will bo
Impiiilhli) fnr tlm (iermatm and IIiih
aliitm to (onllniin to purtlclpatn In tho
KCKxinnM nf tlm IliiPitlnri nffalrx com
mlMimi of the confereiifo If they per
nlt in mnlntalnliiK (Im Itiixno-Certnnn
LONDON, April 18. It would not
hn eimyjo ImuKlne any happenings at
Ocr.oa which would excite greater an
tonUhment or morn mlnRlvlnR thnn
the announcement ( tho ltno-(!cr-nuui
treaty produced In n majority of
thin mornlnK'A London newnpapera,
Tlm pact wur condemned an a deadly
blow alined at thu conference.
I'AltlH, April IX Premier I'uln
corn amtvmbled nt the cabinet today
to roniildcr the attitude to bo tnken
In (am Ituimla and Oermany prcpouc
to maintain u separate arrangement
reBardliiR tho ronturatlon of Itumla
J. -Slelttir Declnii- l'rienl finv
illtlon, .Ire .diere
L'nlcni labor and market conditions
aro adjusted, (ho Slelgcr lumbering
operations will not resume (his year,
said J. J. StelRer today Stelger said
Im planned to m,i tomorrow fur Los
Angelen, uml whether Im came hack
thin )ear to open hli cump und mill
would depend upon dclnpments. If
adjustment In Ipo long postponed, he
naiti, im would probably not return,
an it would make the stnrt tor late to I
market seasoned lumber thU car. j
und In order to finance operations
the smaller lumbermen must find X-
iiifill.uu market for his product.
A nen jiikIo dUeusfed by Sfelger
wua (Im effnri of (Im acquisition of '
thu Salt Lake und Los Angeles rail- I
way by tlm I'nlon l'.wlfic. ThU, ho creasing coastwlte and abroad. Agrl
said, opened a way Into (he Southern cultural activities aro small and tho
California shook market for Idaho ' future Is problematical. Tho ranehcr
uml Washington lumber, nt . rate (
on winch they can lompetv with
northern California nml routhem
Oregon porducern Consequently the
Inland llmplre mills aro turning low-
er grades, that formerly went to the
mlddlu west and east, Into box shook
und shipping It into the orange belt.
AS lti:i'l!ll,l(S CAMHIIATi:
roit fiovcit.voit or oiikoo.v
HAI,l:l. April 18 -Phillip
Wllhyrniulm it V.imhlll today
withdrew nil ii candidate for
Dm republican nomination for
coventor, tttutlni; In a letter
that Im wiih rellinted by .Mil-
be I Wlthynimhi', a iliiURhter
of III I decemreil brother, Jamen
Withromhn, thu lain i;nvernnr, 0
to wlthilraw Wllhyrnmbo In-
Heated thut he had no per ambition, und merely d-
aired lo rIvu publicity to n
plntfurm emhndyiiiK hit broth-
er'd Itliait
llulldliiK Acllilty lncrenlii(t nn
Wiiilhci- Iniproiei; Iron nml
Steel Continue ActUe
HIlKht Improtcmcnt In employment
conditions aloni; (ho Pacific coast Is
noted by J. A. Kolly, San Francisco,
uctlne district director of Iho employ
ment division of tho United States
department of labor In his monthly
report Issued hero today.
AlthnuRh employment In food pro
ducts Indutfrlea nnd Iron and steel
fell off somewhat In March, compar
ed with February, Kolly points out
(hat building. lumbnrlnR and coast
wlx shlpplnc continue ".cry active.
Director Kelly's report, covering
employment conditions In California,
Washington nnd Oregon, follews:
California ,
Four hundred and six manufactur
ing firms In California report the fol
lowing number of persons employed
durlnit December 1S21 70,170:
Januarr 1922 7G.45C, February
1022 76,9$S.
Agricultural pursuits' looking uu.
Inclement weatffer retarding the nor
mal demand for this class of labor.
Ilulldlng activity Increasing ns weath
er clears up with every Indication of
n very busy year in this Industry.
i Iron and rteol contlnuos
Lumber In very Reed.
unemployment atnonR unskilled
Retail trade reported dull.
' Washington
Itulldlng and general construction,
as well as output of some Industrht
plants, have been more than usunllv
postponed because of fcvcre woath-
er. Freight rates continue to dcluv
improved conditions In Inland mills.
Wuter shipments of lumber aro In-
feels his Inability to hire beyond his
actual necessity. Ilusluess In Alaska.
which Is reflected hern, has recently
Increased. Retail trade not )ct satis
factory. Oregon
Activities In building under good
headway. Highway construction will
soon follow. Retail business very
slow. Logging on upgrade. Iron and
steel industry backward. No ship
building. Many projects planned for
early spring nnd summer."
Traffic over Topsy grade may bo
formally declared opened for tho
season, as a truck-load of apples ar
rived here from Medford last night.
Tho road Is reported to be In very
bad condition.
PORTLAND, April IS. Wheat
$1.22 to to $1.26. Livestock, eggs
and butter steady.
Comes From Sunny Italy
Finds HerJVtan Involved
Tercalna Sccreto, married 10 years
ago in llelslu, Italy, to Plctro Secreto,
according to her testimony tduy In
n milt for dhorco found "Pletro" to
bo Interested In other women when
slio arrived In America and that ho
treated her In n brutal manner.
Plutin Secreto hud como to Amer
ica several years lit advance of Tere
filu.i it appeared, and had learned his
way about. Had Teronlnn possessed
tlm niH'usMsry commuml nf Kngllsh,
alio might !ian given attong opinions
of tho great American trlanglo as sh"
found It upon her arrival,
Tereslna wnu glvun lior freodom by
Circuit Judgo Stdtm, und us alio left
tho courtroom tho smile ot upparon,
relief uml gratitude that swept lior
couutcnunco gavo reason for tho oft
repeated expression, "From sunny
imicu nvH onm
One Man Disappears After
Auto Trip; Had $1,400
in His Possession
PORTLAND. April 18. nusioll
Meeker, 24, (oday wai formally
charged with tho murder of Frank
Ilowkcr. 40, u Portland musician,
whom decker confessed (o killing,
according In a statement by Meek
er's father It. J. Meeker after a three
hour session with the bay In
Ilowkcr disappeared Sunday night
after he and young Keeker had
started In an Automobile to get
liquor which Meeker wan to sell to
Ilowkcr, who was reported to have
$1400 on his person. The elder
Meeker offered to lead officers to
tho spot where the body was bidden
but the expedition planned by the
police was abandoned at noon today
owing to the falluro of tbs alder
Meeker to appear In parson to lead
the search.
Meeker's attorney. Thomas O.
Ryan, zald atNnoon that the etder
Meeker was not feeling well today,
saying he would appear later whin
The police this afternoon gave Rus
sell Meeker tho third degree.
Contract Awarded Aftcy Long; Die
russlon and Hrrcral VoU
After voluminous legal opinion bad
been submitted by counsel for thu
opposing bidders and after long dis
cussion and several rotes, tho cltv
council last night awarded tho paving
contract for seven units to h? Wnr
ren ConstrueUon company, orer W.
D. Miller, whoso bid was approxi
mately $5,000 lower.
Tho Warren company's bid waa fin
ally accepted on motion of Council
man McCollum. The first voto en thli
motloncs'ultej In a tie, Vollme'f not
voting. Tho roil was called and Smith
McCollum and Vollmer Toted ye
Hawkins and West, no.
Prior to tho final rota there ""
skirmishing, opening with n motion
for tho rejection of both bids, o
wblch Smith, McCollum and Haw
kins voted no. The next proposal wn
Smith's motion that tho Warren hM
bo accepted, lost for want of a second
Hawkins then moved that tl!l'
bid bo accepted. This waa seeonrY
by McCollum and defeatod by tr-e
votes of 8mlth, West and Vollmer
Then came th'e final voto.
Mayor Opposes Delay
Councilman Vollmer'a proposal to
reject both bids was met by a strong
plea from Mayor Wiley for definite
action by the council. The mayor
pointed out tho benefit to the city un
der present economic conditions, with
many men out of employment, of r
public Improvement program that
would ease tho situation and put Idle
men to work.
Tho rejoction ot Mlller'a bid waa
based on tho ground that the Warren
Construction company was a morn
certain bidder; could handle the big
bond Issue roqulred 'and tho city
would escapo tho uncertainty of sell
ing tho securities In the open market,
In which It might lose more In prem
ium than they would gain In the dif
ference between bids.
Miller, on tho other hand, declar
ed ho was actually able to carry
through and finance the contract If
h obtained It. and submitted evi
dence and legal decisions to show that
ho wag entitled to the award.
(Contlnned to Fags 4)
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under
wood a rnarmsjcr
registered a baro
metric pressure ot
30,70 this moralag
but at I p, m. the
tendenoy waa
The slight fall,
however, la prob
ably Indicative of
higher tempera
tures rather taaa
the forecast of a
Forecast for next 14 heurs:
Fair and warmer,' with moderate
Tho Tycos recording tharuoauUr
registered maximum i" mlatauai
temperatures, today, as follews: -
nign 07
- 4.
.-.. -. 4
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